Bio Ch 24-27

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cut the stem and if the vascular bundles are scattered in the stem, it is a monocot

You need to identify a plant, but it is winter and the leaves have fallen to the ground and mixed with leaves from other plants. The parts of flowers, fruits, and seed leaves of germinating seeds are not available either. Your best clue to identify the plants as a monocot or a eudicot is to

carbon dioxide; water

The carbon needed to build organic compounds in plants comes from _______, while the hydrogen and oxygen comes from _________.

ground tissue

The cortex found in the center of a dicot stem or a mono cot root is made of what type of tissue?

Soil is eroding faster than it is being formed on about one-third of all cropland.

The degree of erosion in the United States is best described by the following statement.

All of the experiments but for an analysis of nutrients in the soil would account for half the weight of the tree.

The early experiment by Van Helmont (1600s) describes how he grew a tree in a large pot and found that after five years, the amount of soil in the pot had not changed. He concluded that the increase in weight was due to the addition of water. At that time, the compounds in air had not yet been identified. Today, you know that he only discovered half the story. Which additional experiment would provide evidence for the rest of the story?


Vascular tissue that transports organic nutrients and sugars from the leaves to the roots is


Water is forced to enter root endodermal cells by a strip of suberin in the four sides of root endodermal cells called the Casparian strip.


Water moves into the guard cells in response to the movement of K+ into the guard cells.

xylem; phloem and cork

We are very familiar with two things found in large woody plants, wood and bark. The wood is essentially made of ________ and the bark is essentially made of ________.

A lower osmotic pressure in the root tissues than the soil solution

What is the main factor that will determine whether or not water can enter the root cells?


When you have waxed your car, rainfall makes very large droplets that roll around on the hood. This property of the water molecule is known as


Which force is responsible for moving water up to the tops of the trees?

root pressure

Which force pushes water into the xylem as osmosis moves water into the root?

Supports only Hypothesis I

Which hypothesis is supported by the fact that stomates open when exposed to white light, a mixture of all colors of light?

Clay holds water and clumps

Which is a correct relationship between soil particles and soil characteristics?

tracheids & vessel elements

Which of the following conducting cells are associated with xylem?

The plant will contain one cotyledon, have parallel veins in the leaves and the flowers will be in multiples of threes.

Which of the following features are necessary to classify a plant as a monocot?

Supports neither hypothesis.

Which of the following hypothesis is supported by the fact that cells of wilting leaves produce abscisic acid, which causes guard cells to close?

cuticles that protect surfaces

Which of the following is NOT involved in mineral uptake by plant roots?


Which of the following is NOT one of the three most common elements in plants?

calcium & potassium

Which of the following particles are retained by clay soil and exchanged for hydrogen ions when plants take them up?

Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring which stores water and the products of photosynthesis.

Which of the following statements best describes a herbaceous dicot stem?

The star-shaped phloem is located in the center of the vascular cylinder, with xylem arranged between the arms of phloem.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the arrangement of tissues in the eudicot root?


Which of the following structures is a stem adaptation instead of a root adaptation?

None of these are restricted to just the zone of cell division of the root tip.

Which of the following tissue types are found only in the zone of cell division of the root tip?


Which of the following tissue types will produce root hairs within the zone of maturation?

epidermal tissue

Which of the following tissues forms the outer protective covering of the plant?

ground tissue

Which of the following tissues makes up the majority of the interior of the plant?

vascular tissue

Which of the following tissues transports water and nutrients within the plant?

protoderm - vascular tissue and procambrium - epidermal tissue are mismatched.

Which of the meristems and tissues is (are) mismatched?


Which of these plant tissue types is composed of cells with primary walls thickened at the corners that provide support for immature parts of the cell body?


Which of these plant tissue types is composed of hollow nonliving tracheids and vessel elements that transport water and nutrient minerals from the roots to the leaves?


Which of these plant tissue types is composed of sieve-tube elements and companion cells, and transports organic nutrients made in the leaves?


Which of these plant tissue types most closely corresponds to the "typical" unspecialized plant cell?

sieve-tube members

Which of these vascular tissue cells is alive but lacks a nucleus?

In eudicots, the photosynthetic mesophyll is made up of an upper spongy layer and a lower palisade layer.

Which statement about leaves is NOT correct?

Fungal mycorrhizae depend on plants for the fungus's supply of water and minerals.

Which statement is NOT true about root adaptations in plants?

The blue light component of sunlight is a signal that can cause stomata to close.

Which statement is NOT true about stomata?

Water is actively transported into phloem.

Which statement is NOT true about the pressure-flow model of phloem transport?

Phloem cells are hollow and nonliving, and they form a continuous pipeline that transports sugars.

Which statement is NOT true about vascular tissue in plants?

Water enters the cytoplasm of the root hairs by active transport.

Which statement is NOT true about water uptake in a plant root?

Secondary phloem accumulates to form the wood.

Which statement is NOT true about woody stems?

Guard cells are specialized epidermal cells found on root surfaces.

Which statement is NOT true of the epidermis of a plant?


Which term describes the forcing out of water at the surface of a plant's leaves?


Which type of soil is best able to retain calcium and potassium, preventing them from being leached away by runoff?


Which type of soil will supply nutrients to plants while its acidity leaches minerals from rock?


Within a mycorrhizal relationship the fungi provide a greater surface area for mineral and water loss while the plant furnishes the fungi with sugars and amino acids.


Entry of mineral ions into the xylem is regulated by cells of the cortex.


Essential plant nutrients include carbon, potassium, calcium, and nitrogen.


Evaporation of water through the stomata of leaves is

Most homeowners pull the bush out without clearing enough of the soil from around the root system. This causes the lateral roots and root hairs to be torn off.

Many homeowners often attempt to transplant bushes and small trees but with limited success. Which statement best describes why they have difficulties with the transplant process?


Monocot roots have centrally located ground tissue called pith, surrounded by a ring of xylem and phloem bundles.


Mycorrhizae are associations between bacteria and the roots of select plants

Supports only Hypothesis II.

Researchers discover that guard cells of the lady slipper orchid lack chloroplasts; yet the guard cells regularly open and close

fix atmospheric nitrogen to NH4+ to build organic compounds.

Rhizobium bacteria live in root nodules and

tension created by transpiration in the leaves pulls water along the phloem from the roots hairs to the leaves.

All of the following statements about the cohesion-tension model are true EXCEPT

a lateral branch or a flower

An axillary bud may produce

cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - spongy mesophyll- epidermis - cuticle

A typical leaf is composed of multiple layers of specialized cells. What is the correct order of layers starting on the upper surface of the leaf and progressing to the lower surface?

Supports only Hypothesis II.

Air with varying amounts of CO2, within the ranges found in nature, is forced across leaf surfaces and into sub-stomatal cavities; this produces closure of the stomata.


All of the following are specialized epidermal cells except

spongy mesophyll

An insect destroying the ________ layer of tissues in a leaf would lead to a decrease in the ability of gas exchange within the leaf.


Analysis of the nutrient content of phloem is performed on phloem sap that is made available when an aphid is cut away from its stylet.

loam, which is a mixture of all size soil particles, and therefore is able to hold water but drain well.

Because most roots need gaseous oxygen as well as liquid water, the best soil for agricultural plants is

All of these choices pose a problem.

Consider the possibility that we discover a gene that regulates both the amount of root hairs and where root hairs grow on a root tip. Since the surface area provided by root hairs is so critical to their uptake of water and nutrients, expanding their growth area seems a great advantage. However, which of these might be a problem?

A decrease in the plants ability to run photosynthesis or store the sugars produced from photosynthesis.

Damage to the parenchyma cells can lead to which of the following issues:


During the spring and fall each year thousands of maple trees are tapped for their fluids in order to make "real" maple syrup. If you were to tap into a maple tree to extract the syrup (sucrose) which tissue layer do you want to tap into?


Farmers have been able to genetically engineer a wide variety of crops that possess an enormous diversity of traits. If a farmer wanted to increase the ability of his crops to access ground water that is several meters below ground which type of root system would he want?

They can observe the effects of girdling a tree below the level of the majority of leaves.

How can researchers confirm that phloem moves from a source to a sink?

Epidermal tissue - Parenchyma cells

Identify the incorrect pairing of tissue type with cell type.

The terminal bud.

If this structure were nibbled off by browsing deer it would decrease the potential for an increase in height of the plant.

root pressure

If you cut a herbaceous stem and observe fluids continually seeping upward and out of the cut, it is most likely due to


In older, woody plants, the epidermis of the stem is replaced by

the roots.

In the pressure-flow model of phloem transport, the sink is normally


Phytoremediation is the use of a plants ability to uptake minerals in order to remove pollutants from the environment.

a - d - b - e - c

Select the correct sequence for mineral uptake in plants. a. The root cells will initially uptake the minerals. b. The upwards movement of water will carry the minerals towards the leaves. c. Some of the minerals are deposited in the leaf cells. d. The minerals move into the xylem of the vascular tissue. e. Some of the minerals leave the xylem and enter the various tissues that require them.

sieve plates.

Sieve tube members are connected by


Some plants are not photosynthetic and must depend upon bacteria in their root nodules for nutrients.


Stomata allow carbon dioxide into the leaf and water out of the leaf under normal environmental conditions.

Supports only Hypothesis II.

Stomata closure in darkened environment, at time zero, with air (0.03% CO2) or CO2-free airflow through leaf. (Note: A decrease in conductance indicates inactivation of the proton pump.)

Supports both Hypothesis I and II.

Stomata opening after illumination following eight hours in darkness: plant is Xanthium pennsylvanicum.

Supports neither hypothesis.

Stomata rhythm in wheat under continuous light at 25°C.

Supports neither hypothesis.

Stomates do not open when exposed to a narrow band of green light.


The meristems that arise from the apical meristem include all of the following EXCEPT

most of the photosynthesis occurs here.

The mesophyll layer of leaves is important to plants because

forms a boundary between the cortex and inner vascular cylinder of the root and contains impermeable lignin and suberin called a Casparian strip that controls water and nutrient movement between adjacent cell walls is correct.

The root endodermis

near the root tip

To prepare a microscope slide of mitosis, where would one most likely find examples of cell division in a plant?

root cap.

the layers of cells that protect the root apical meristem are the

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