Bio Ch 42 terms, questions and notes for study

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During most daily activities, the human respiration rate is most closely linked to the blood levels of _____. A) nitrogen B) oxygen C) carbon dioxide D) carbon monoxide

C) carbon dioxide

In which of the following organisms does blood flow from the pulmocutaneous circulation to the heart before circulating through the rest of the body? A) annelids B) fishes C) frogs D) insects

C) frogs

__________diseases are disorders of the heart and the blood vessels



Carry blood away from the heart to organs


Carry blood back to the heart


Chambers in the heart which receive returning blood


Chambers that pump blood out of the heart

____________, a steroid, helps maintain membrane fluidity


________and_________ line the epithelium of the air ducts and move particles up to the pharynx

Cilia and mucus


Contraction of the heart

Binding of one O2 molecule increases the affinity for the other three O2 binding sites is called ______________


__________ contraction is possible because cardiac muscle cells are directly connected to each other through cell-to-cell channels called _____________

Coordinated; gap junctions

___________arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle, and are small in diameter making them highly susceptible to____________

Coronary; blockage

_____________ is proportional to the square of the distance

Diffusion time

True or False? Open systems are more efficient at transporting circulatory fluids to tissues and cells

False, CLOSED systems are more efficient

True or False? Diffusion is efficient over all distances

False, Diffusion is only efficient over small distances

True or False? Reptilians need to deliver ten times the fuel and O2 to their tissues, and remove ten times as much waste and CO2

False, mammals and birds need to deliver.... bc 4-chambered heart?

True or False? Arteries and veins are distinguished by O2 content

False, they are distinguished by direction of blood flow

_______________ scavenges cholesterol for return to the liver

High-density lipoprotein (HDL)

___________, or high blood pressure, promotes atherosclerosis and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke


___________ CO2 levels lowers the pH CO2 + H2O to HCO3- + H+


___________is also a factor in cardiovascular disease


_____________delivers cholesterol to cells for membrane production

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

___________are an infolding of the body surface

Lungs (dude weird its your body turned inward)

___________and__________ have a four-chambered heart with two atria and two ventricles

Mammals and birds me n dem birds


Microscopic vessels with thin, porous walls that reside in tissue.

___________ pressure is the pressure exerted by a particular gas in a mixture of gases



Relaxation of the heart between contractions

_____________, proteins that transport oxygen, greatly increase the amount of oxygen that blood can carry

Respiratory pigments


Single layer of flattened cells that provides a smooth surface that reduces friction on flowing blood.

____________tips the epiglottis over the glottis in the pharynx to prevent food from entering the trachea


Open circulatory system

System in which blood bathes organs directly, and blood and interstitial fluid are one and the same.

Closed circulatory system

System in which blood is confined to vessels and distinct from interstitial fluid. The heart(s) pump blood into vessels that branch into smaller ones that course through organs.

Lymphatic system

System that returns fluid and proteins lost from capillaries into interstitial fluid to the blood.


Test by which electrodes detect electrical currents from the pacemaker that travel through body fluids to the skin.

True or False? Every organism must exchange materials with its environment


True or False? In insects, other arthropods, and most molluscs, blood bathes the organs directly in an open circulatory system


True or False? Binding of one O2 molecule increases the affinity for the other three O2 binding sites


True or False? Blood flow goes one way in vessels

True duh blood doesnt flow backwards thats weird shit

___________converge into__________ and return blood from capillaries to the heart

Venules; veins

___________hearts contain two or more chambers


(5) What is the best explanation for the fact that the two histograms overlap as much as they do? a) Many factors in addition to PCSK9 enzyme activity affect plasma LDL levels. b) PCSK9 enzyme activity varies widely among individuals with an inactivating mutation in only one copy of the PCSK9 gene. c) The sample size of the study group is much smaller than the sample size of the control group. d) Plasma LDL levels are hard to measure precisely, so the histograms show the spread around the true value.

a) Many factors in addition to PCSK9 enzyme activity affect plasma LDL levels.

As in Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Tell-Tale Heart," a heart can continue to beat after it is removed from the body, because a) pacemaker cells contract without input. b) nerves in the heart fire without input. c) hormones controlling heartbeat are released spontaneously. d) powerful ventricular contractions induce rebound contractions. e) pulsing of blood in the heart maintains the heartbeat.

a) pacemaker cells contract without input.

Blood leaving lungs in the pulmonary veins has an O2 and CO2 level similar to that in the _____________

alveolar space

Gas exchange takes place in___________, air sacs at the tips of bronchioles


gas exchange occurs in ___________


The three main types of blood vessels are:

arteries, veins, and capillaries

Arteries branch into _____________ to carry the blood away from the heart


Inflammation plays a role in____________


One type of cardiovascular disease, ___________, is caused by the buildup of plaque deposits within arteries


The ____________ valves separate each atrium and ventricle (Filling of the ventricles)

atrioventricular (AV)

Control of heart rate: (2) During atrial contraction, signals read the the ________________. Cells of this node delay the signal for about 0.1 seconds, allowing the atria to empty.

atrioventricular (AV) node

Control of heart rate: (1) Signals from the _________________ spread through the atria mediating coordinated atrial contraction

autonomous sinoatrial (SA) node

(3) Based on these two histograms, what conclusion can you draw? a) On average, individuals with increased PCSK9 enzyme activity have higher plasma LDL levels than wild-type individuals. b) On average, individuals with an inactivating mutation in the PCSK9 gene have lower plasma LDL levels than wild-type individuals. c) On average, individuals with an inactivating mutation in the PCSK9 gene have higher plasma LDL levels than wild-type individuals. d) The plasma LDL levels of individuals with an inactivating mutation in the PCSK9 gene are about the same as those of wild-type individuals

b) On average, individuals with an inactivating mutation in the PCSK9 gene have lower plasma LDL levels than wild-type individuals.

(2) What percentage of individuals in the control group had an LDL level below 100 mg/dL? a) about 5% b) about 17% c) about 40% d) about 58%

b) about 17%

Cooperativity changes the__________ characteristics for hemoglobin


CO2 diffuses from____________

blood into the water

As a result of the opposite partial pressures, O2 diffuses into the________ and CO2 diffuses into the________

blood; air

In mammals, a system of____________ conveys air to the lungs

branching ducts

Control of heart rate: (3) Signals from the AV node travel through the ___________ to the heart_______.

bundle branches (and purkinje fibers); apex

(4) How would you compare the risk for cardiovascular disease between the study group and the control group? a) It is impossible to tell from the data. b) The study group has the same risk as the control group. c) The study group has a lower risk than the control group. d) The study group has a higher risk than the control group

c) The study group has a lower risk than the control group.

(1) What percentage of individuals in the PCSK9 study group had an LDL level below 100 mg/dL? a) about 17% b) about 35% c) about 58% d) about 79%

c) about 58%

Carbon dioxide diffuses from the______________ across the_____________ and into the _____________

capillaries; epithelium; air space

Networks of capillaries called ______________ are the sites of chemical exchange between the blood and interstitial fluid

capillary beds

The heart contracts and relaxes in a rhythmic cycle called the __________ cycle


The ____________ is the volume of blood pumped into the systemic circulation per minute

cardiac output

A high LDL to HDL ratio increases the risk of ______________

cardiovascular disease

Exchanges ultimately occur at the_________ level by crossing the __________

cellular; plasma membrane

The medulla regulates the rate and depth of breathing in response to pH changes in the __________________

cerebrospinal fluid

In a___________ circulatory system, blood is confined to vessels and is distinct from the interstitial fluid


(6) Now consider two individuals with a plasma LDL level of 160 mg/dL, one from the study group and one from the control group. What do you predict regarding their relative risk for cardiovascular disease? a) The risk of the wild-type individual is lower because wild-type individuals had a lower average LDL level than individuals with an inactivating mutation in one copy of the PCSK9 gene. b) The risk of the individual from the study group is lower because individuals with an inactivating mutation in one copy of the PCSK9 gene had a lower average LDL level than wildtype individuals. c) It is impossible to tell because the histograms overlap so much. d) Their risk is equal because their LDL levels are the same.

d) Their risk is equal because their LDL levels are the same.

The hemoglobin dissociation curve shows that a small change in the partial pressure of oxygen can result in a large change in ______________ of O2


The relaxation, or filling, phase is called___________


Gases diffuse down pressure gradients in the lungs and other organs as a result of________________

differences in partial pressure

Amphibian, reptiles, and mammals have___________ circulation


Blood pressure_______ as blood flows through the narrow vessels in the capillary beds


The electrical impulses of coordinated contraction of many cardiac muscle cells lead to small ____________through the interstitial fluid that can be recorded from electrodes at the skin by an ______________

electrical signals; electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

As___________, mammals and birds use about ten times as much energy as that of reptilian___________

endotherms; ectotherms

Oxygen diffuses through the moist film of the___________ and into_____________

epithelium; capillaries

In vertebrates, hemoglobin is contained within ___________

erythrocytes (red blood cells)

Faster flow through the system, permits faster _________ of __________

exchange of gasses

Circulatory systems link _______________ with cells throughout the body

exchange surfaces

In most animals, cells exchange materials with the environment via a _______________

fluid-filled circulatory system

What is the function of these hair-like extensions on the gills of the axolotl salamander?

gas exchange

The circulatory system transports_________ between the lungs and the rest of the body


A _______________ is the death of cardiac muscle tissue resulting from blockage of one or more_________ arteries

heart attack (myocardial infarction); coronary

The __________, also called the pulse, is the number of beats per minute

heart rate

List the respiratory pigments:

hemocyanin (molluscs, insects) hemoglobin (humans and most vertebrates)

Most vertebrates and some invertebrates use____________


Risk for heart disease increases with a ___________ ratio

high LDL to HDL

A gas diffuses from a region of___________ partial pressure to a region of ___________ partial pressure

higher ------> lower

The pacemaker is also regulated by__________ and___________.

hormones temperature

During____________ fresh air mixes with the remaining air in the lungs, resulting in a partial pressure of O2 lower than that of the inhaled air (and a higher CO2 level)


the fluid filling the spaces between cells

interstitial fluid

In tissue capillaries, partial pressure gradients favor diffusion of O2 into the _____________ and CO2 into_____________

interstitial fluids; the blood

In humans, breathing is usually regulated by_____________ mechanisms


Why is double circulation more advantageous?

it maintains higher blood pressure in the organs than does single circulation

Exhaled air passes over the vocal cords in the_________ to create sounds


The_______ side of the heart pumps and receives only oxygen-rich blood, while the_______ side receives and pumps only oxygen-poor blood

left; right

Blood arriving in the lungs has a________ partial pressure of O2 and a________ partial pressure of CO2 relative to air in the alveoli

low; high

Blood leaving the capillary beds has___________ O2 and a__________ CO2

lower; higher

The main breathing control centers are in a part of the brain called the the ________________

medulla oblongata

Birds and mammals evolved the completely separated circuits and larger hearts in order to...?

meet this increased need for gas exchange

The medulla senses changes in the pH of the cerebral spinal fluid and adjusts breathing rate and depth to match______________ demands


The size and complexity of lungs correlate with an animal's ____________

metabolic rate

Cardiovascular diseases account for ____________ the deaths in the United States

more than half

Backflow of blood through a defective valve causes a heart __________


Mammals ventilate their lungs by ____________breathing, which pulls air into the lungs

negative pressure

cardiac output depends on...?

on both the heart rate and stroke volume

In a(n)______ circulatory system, there is no distinction between blood and interstitial fluid, and this general body fluid is called_____________

open; hemolymph

A more linear relationship of O2 binding would make it hard to release all of the__________ at the tissues


Instead of alveoli, birds have ______________ where gasses are exchanged


The__________ directs air to the lungs and food to the stomach


Blood arriving back at the lungs then __________ O2 and __________ CO2

picks up; drops off

High LDL levels and inflammation (by immune cells) both contribute to the formation of____________


An Amphibian ventilates its lungs by ____________, inflating the lungs with forced airflow

positive pressure breathing

In amphibians, oxygen-poor blood flows through a_____________ circuit to pick up oxygen through the lungs and skin


The ventricle pumps blood into a forked artery that splits the ventricle's output into the___________ circuit and the___________ circuit

pulmocutaneous; systemic

In reptiles and mammals, oxygen-poor blood flows through the __________circuit to pick up oxygen through the lungs


This "mucus escalator" cleans the _____________ and allows particles to be swallowed into the_____________

respiratory system; esophagus

Lung volume increases as the _____________and_____________ contract

rib muscles and diaphragm

Some cardiac muscle cells are _____________, meaning they contract without any signal from the nervous system


The ___________ control blood flow to the aorta and the pulmonary artery (semilunar valves)

semilunar valves

In__________ circulation, blood leaving the heart passes through two capillary beds before returning


The ____________ sets the rate and timing at which cardiac muscle cells contract

sinoatrial (SA) node (or pacemaker)

In ___________ and/or _________ animals, cells can exchange materials directly with the surrounding medium • • • • • •

small and/or thin

Gills are an example of a ___________________ system in animals

specialized exchange

Drugs called________ reduce LDL levels and risk of heart attacks


A__________ is the death of nervous tissue in the brain, usually resulting from rupture or blockage of arteries in the head


The ___________ is the amount of blood pumped in a single contraction

stroke volume

The mixture of proteins and phospholipids produced by alveoli coating it to reduce surface tension


The contraction, or pumping, phase is called__________


The "lub-dup" sound of a heart beat is caused by...?

the recoil of blood against the AV valves (lub) then against the semilunar (dup) valves

Frogs and other amphibians have a_________ chambered heart


True or False? Circulation and gas exchange are functionally related in most animals


True or False? Oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich blood are pumped SEPERATELY from the right and left sides of the heart


True or False? The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system can regulate the pace of heart contractions.


True or false? For most cells making up multicellular organisms, direct exchange with the environment is not possible


Amphibians and other organisms have the ability to?

turn off circulation to the lungs while submerged (COOL)

In__________ organisms, material exchanges occur directly with the environment


Control of heart rate: (4) Signals spread though the bundled branches lead to coordinated contraction of the ___________.


Air inhaled through the nostrils is.....?

warmed, humidified, and sampled for odors

O2 diffuses from ____________

water into blood vessels

label the cardiac cycle

1.Atrial and ventricular diastole (relax) allows the heart to refill with blood 2. Atrial systole (contract) and ventricular diastole (relax) refills the ventricles with blood 3. Ventricular systole (contract) pumps blood, and atrial diastole (relax) allows blood to return

Beginning with the right ventricle pumping blood to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries, what is the correct order of subsequent events? (1) Blood flows through superior vena cava and inferior vena cava flow into the right atrium (2) Blood loads O2 in lungs (3) Blood returns to the heart through the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava (4) Aorta splits blood to the head/forelimbs and the abdomen/hindlimbs (5) Oxygen-rich blood from the lungs returns via the pulmonary veins and enters the heart at the left atrium (6) Oxygen rich blood is then pumped through the aorta to the body tissues by the left ventricle

2 - 5 - 6 - 3 - 1

______ valves prevent backflow of blood in the heart


A single hemoglobin molecule can carry ____ molecules of O2, one molecule for each ________________ group

4; iron containing heme group

In particular, hemoglobin releases ____% of its oxygen during exercise


Compared with the interstitial fluid that bathes active muscle cells, blood reaching these muscle cells in arteries has a _____. A) higher partial pressure of O2 B) greater bicarbonate concentration C) lower pH D) lower osmotic pressure

A) higher partial pressure of O2


Accumulation of plaque, resulting in narrower artery bores.

____________ is chest pain caused by partial blockage of the coronary arteries

Angina pectoris

List the three groups that have closed circulatory systems:

Annelids cephalopods vertebrates

____________carry blood away from the heart to capillaries


___________and many___________ have hemocyanin with copper as the oxygen-binding component

Arthropods; molluscs

___________inhibits inflammation and reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke



At the downstream end, capillaries converge into these, which converge into veins

An anthropologist discovers the fossilized heart of an extinct animal. The evidence indicates that the organism's heart was large, was well-formed, and had four chambers, with no connection between the right and left sides. A reasonable conclusion supported by these observations is that the _____. A) animal had evolved from birds B) animal was endothermic and had a high metabolic rate C) animal was most closely related to alligators and crocodiles D) species had little to no need to regulate blood pressure

B) animal was endothermic and had a high metabolic rate

list the parts of the 3 chambered heart of amphibians:

-2 atria -1 (single, at the bottom) ventricle

_____________ have single circulation with a two-chambered heart

-Bony fishes -rays -sharks

Hypertension can be reduced by...?

-dietary changes -exercise -medication

The proportion of LDL relative to HDL can be decreased by...?

-exercise -not smoking -avoiding foods with trans fats

label the angioplasty

1. A stent and a balloon are inserted into an obstructed artery. 2. Inflating the balloon expands the stent, widening the artery. 2. The balloon is removed, leaving the stent in place.

Label the blood flow cycle

(1) Blood begins its flow with the right ventricle pumping blood to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries (2) (3) In the lungs, the blood loads O2 and unloads CO2 (4) Oxygen-rich blood from the lungs returns via the pulmonary veins and enters the heart at the left atrium (5 and 6) This oxygen rich blood is then pumped through the aorta to the body tissues by the left ventricle (7 and 8) Aorta splits blood to the head/forelimbs and the abdomen/hindlimbs Blood returns to the heart through the (9)superior vena cava (blood from head, neck, and forelimbs) and (10) inferior vena cava (blood from trunk and hind limbs) (11) The superior vena cava and inferior vena cava flow into the right atrium Cycle starts again

5. Endothelium (a) Uses electrodes to record currents produced by cardiac muscle cells (b) A single layer of flattened epithelial cells lining blood vessels (c) Necessary for the recovery of fluid and blood proteins leaked at the capillaries (d) Hardening of the arteries by accumulation of fatty deposits

(b) A single layer of flattened epithelial cells lining blood vessels

2. Diastole (a) Contraction (b) Relaxation

(b) Relaxation

3. Lymphatic System (a) Uses electrodes to record currents produced by cardiac muscle cells (b) A single layer of flattened epithelial cells lining blood vessels (c) Necessary for the recovery of fluid and blood proteins leaked at the capillaries (d) Hardening of the arteries by accumulation of fatty deposits

(c) Necessary for the recovery of fluid and blood proteins leaked at the capillaries

1. Veins: (a) Blood vessels that carry oxygen rich blood (b) Blood vessels that carry oxygen poor blood (c) Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart (d) Blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart

(d) Blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart

4. Atherosclerosis (a) Uses electrodes to record currents produced by cardiac muscle cells (b) A single layer of flattened epithelial cells lining blood vessels (c) Necessary for the recovery of fluid and blood proteins leaked at the capillaries (d) Hardening of the arteries by accumulation of fatty deposits

(d) Hardening of the arteries by accumulation of fatty deposits

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