Bio Ch 44 Plant Anatomy and Nutrient Transport

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leaf primordia

"developing leaves"


"middle of the leaf"; consists of loosely packed parenchyma cells containing chloroplasts

Apical Meristem

A location of plant growth; located at the tips of roots and shoot and the tips of branches. produces primary growth


An onion bulb is made up of ________ that are specially adapted for food and water storage.


Are the principal site for photosynthesis

break through the cortex and epidermis

Branch roots developement is similar to that of primary root exvept that the branch must

collenchyma cells

Cells that are alive, have thickened cell walls, and support the plant body are

- flowers are in four or fives - leaves are palmate (handlike) or oval with netlike viens - valscular bundles are arranged in a ring - taproot system - seeds have two cotyledons

Characteristics of a Dicots

- Flowers are in threes -leaves are smooth with parallel veins - vascular bundles are scattered - fibrous root system - seeds have one cotyledon

Characteristics of a Monocot

- may reduce evaporation of water - reflect harmful ultraviolet radiation - deter insect predators

Epidermal cells of many leaves bear Trichomes, what type of functions do Trichomes do?


Fills the central part of the stem surrounded by the vascular tissues; helps in Support, Storage, and Photosynthesis

Primary Growth

Growth produced by Apical Meristem; includes an increase in the height or length of a shoot or root as well as the development of specialized parts of the plant, such as leaves and buds. This explains why swing tied to a branch does not get higher as the plant grows.v


Most of the interior of a leaf consists of soft, thin-walled, living ________ cells.

the tips of their branches and roots

Most plants grow longer or taller only at

- Carbon -Oxygen -Hydrogen -Nitrogen - potassium -calcium - Phosphorus - Magnesium - Sulfur

Name some Macronutrients

sieve tube elements and companion cells

Phloem contains

Ground Tissue System

Plant tissue system which includes Parenchyma, Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma Tissues. Most of the body of a young plant consists of cells of this tissue system.

Vascular Cambium

forms a cylinder of lateral meristem cells tht lies between the primary xylem and primary phloem; they contirbute the producing secondary xylema nd secondary phloem

tissue system

functional groups of more than one tissue within a plant are called

Vascular Bundles/ Veins

in leaves, contain xylem and phloem conduct materials between the leaf and the erst of the plant body

Xylem and Phloem

inside the Blade and Petiole, what connects the leaf to the vascular system of the rest of the plant

Root Cap

is located at the very tip of the root and protects the apical meristem, the souce of the roots primary growth. has thick cell walls and secretes a slimy lubricant that helps ease the root between soil particles


is the part of a plant embryo that absorbs and often stores food reserves in the seed then transfers the food to the rest of the embryo when the seed sprouts; become the first green photosynthetic leaves during seed sprouting; called "seed leaves"


is the site of attachment of the petiole of a leaf to the stem


is the source of new branches in roots,


lieas between the epidermis and the vascular tissues; contains chloroplastsa and carry out photosynthesis its helps in Support, Storage, and Photosynthesis

Taproot System

most dicots, such as carrots and dandelions have this type of root system, consisting of a central root with many smaller roots branching out from its sides

fibrous root system

most monocots, such as grass and daffodils have this type of root sytem; consisting of many roots of roughly equal size emerge from the base of the stem

- Iron - Chlorine - Copper - Manganese - Zinc - Boron - Molybdenum

name some Micronutrients


produced by some epidermis cells; projections that can be outgrowths; absorb water form hariy coating on leaves; Example is Cotton

Lateral Bud

small clusters of meristem cells; are left behind at the nodes and develope into branches

Root Hairs

sprouts from the root that increase the roots surface area, and increases the roots ability to absorb water and minerals from the soil


substances an organism need to survive and be healthy

Companion cells

supply sieve tube elements with proteins and high energy compounds such as ATP; the life support of sieve tube elements

Support - water filling the cortex and pith cells push casuing turgor pressure Storage - convert supar into starch and stor the starch Photosynthesis - the Cortex contains chloroplast (for cactus)

the Cortex and Pith consist of parenchyma cells that fill most of the young stem, these cells perfrom what three major functions?

Meristem cells and differentiated cells

the Two fundamentally different types of plant cells

secondary xylem

the cells of ________ with their thick cell walls, from the wood in trees and woody schrubs


the epidermis and cuticle are pierced by openings called _____. that regulate the diffusion of CO2, O2, and water vapor into and out of the leaf

Sieve Plate

the junction between two sieve tube elements;


the principle support structures of the shoot system which bear buds, leaves, and flowers and fruits;; tansport water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves and sugars produced in the leaves to the roots

Apical Meristem

the source of the roots primary growth


thin porous dimples in the cell walls that allow water and minerals to pass among the conducting cells of the xylem and also into adjacent cells of the plant body


thin, elongated cells with tapered overlapping ends connected by pits


transport solutions containing organic molecules, including sugars, amino acids, and hormones, from the structures that synthesize them to the structures that use them. transport fluids up or down the plant; contain sieve tube elements and companion cells


transports soluble organic molecules, carries sugar produced by mature leaves to other parts of the plant to provide energy or to store it for later use; as leaves die, this transorts nutrients to the roots


transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to all parts of the shoot system; contains tracheids and vessel elements

Dermal Tissue System

type of plant tissue system that covers and protects the entire plant body; includes the Epidermis and periderm


type of protective dermal tissue that replaces epidermal tissue on roots and stems with a protective cork layer as they undergo secondary growth;


waterproof wax covering leaves. reduces evaporation

1) Anchor the plant in the Ground 2) absorb water and minerals from teh soil 3) transport water, minerals, sugars, and hormones to and from the shoot 4) store surplus sugars and starches 5) produce hormones 6) interact with soil fungi and bacteria htat help the plant to acquire nutrients

what are the six main functions of the Root system?

Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and Hydrogen

what are the three most important elements to a plant and make up 95% of the plant?

Apical Meristems (primary growth) Lateral Meristems (secondary growth)

what are the two locations in plants that grow?

Sclerenchyma Cells

what type of conducting plant cells are tracheids and vessel elements?

Meristem Cells

Similar to Stem cells in Animals; a plant cell that is not specialized and are capable of mitotic cell division


Stored food and controls mineral absorption in the root

Indeterminate Growth

This type of growth is the reason plants never reach a stable body size and continue to grow their entire life.

Ground Tissue System, Dermal Tissue System, and Vascular Tissue System

Three Tissue Systems within a plant

Parenchyma Tissue

Type of Ground Tissue: Carry out the plants metabolic activites such as photosynthesis, secretion of hormones, and food storage. Contains starch and sugar, inside of a potatoe. House plants wilt if you forget to water them because this type of tissue cell will deflate without water

Differentiated Cells

Type of Plant cell that that lose the ability to divide and have specialized structures and functions; Daughter cell of Meristem Cell

Sclerenchyma Tissue

Type of ground tissue; cells support and strengthen the plant body, cells die after they differentiate, leaving behind their cell walls as a support. forms nut shells and peach pits. and flesh of a pear. contribute to vascular tissue and form an important component of wood

collenchyma Tissue

Type of ground tissue; store nutrients, form a flexible skeleton to support the bodies of young non woody plants against wind and weather. type of cell tissue of celery stalk

Vascular Tissue System

Type of plant tissue system which conducts water and dissolved substances throughout the plant body; consists of xylem and phloem

1. capture sunlight energy and synthesize sugars during photosyntheis 2. transport materials to and from various parts of the plant 3. store surplus sugars and starches 4. reproduce 5. produce hormones

What are the main five functions of the Shoot sytem?

Palisade cells - the upper layer and Spongy Cells - the lower layer

What are the two types of mesophyll cells in the mesophyll layer of the leaf?

- temperature - availability of water and light

What three things determine type of leaf due to natural selection?


What type of cell activity occurs in the meristem regions of plants


When one or more specialized types of cells work together to perfomr a specific function, such as conducting water and minerals they form a

Turgor Pressure

When the Cortex and Pith cells are filled with water and support the plant to stand up right, this is called?

Pith → xylem → vascular cambium → phloem → cortex → epidermis

Which of the following is the correct order of the tissues in a young dicot stem, from the center of the stem outward?

Plants lack the enzymes necessary to convert N2 into NO3−or NH4+

Why can't plants use N2 directly as a nutrient?

Tracheids and vessel elements

Xylem contains

Parenchyma; ground

________ cells that convert sugar to starch in mature roots are part of the ________ tissue system.


a large, flat portion of the leaf


a leaf is connected to the stem by a stalk called

Guard Cells

a stoma consists of two suasage-shaped cells that enclose, and adjust the size of, the pore between them, these cells contain chloroplasts and carry out photosynthesis.


a type of Dermal Tissue cells; form the outermost cell layer covering the leaves, stems, and roots. Regulate the movememnt of water and minerals between the plant and air or soil


an embryonic shoot. different types may produce branches, flowers or additional growth at the top of an existing stem.


are branched portions of a plant body, usually embedded in soil

Lateral Meristems

are concentric cylinders of meristem cells that extend though the roots, stems, and branches of many dicot plants, but are absent in most monocots. produces secondary growth

Sieve Tube Elements

are joined end to end to form pipes called sieve tubes. Help Phloem transport; they lose their nuclei and most other organelles leaving behind a thin layer; they are supported by companion cells

vessel elements

are larger in diameter than tracheids, form pipelines called vessels; are stacked end to end, and their adjoining end walls may be perforated with large holes


are plants reproductive organs, producing seeds enclosed in fruits which protect the developing seeds and often help dispersee them


are symbiotic associations between fungi and plant roots

Terminal Bud

at the tip of a newly developing shoot, consisting of apical meristem cells surrounded by developing leaves or leaf primordia

Mesophyll cells

carry out most of the photosynthesis in a leaf


companion cells are connected to sieve tube elements by pores called

Shoot system

consists of stems, leaves, buds, flowers and fruits and usually above ground


delivers water and minerals to the mesophyll cells of the leaf

flower buds

druing the reproductive season, meristem cells form ______, generally in the same locations in which a terminal or lateral bud would develop.

Secondary Growth

Growth produced by Lateral Meristems; an increase in the diameter and stregth of roots and shoots. occurs in woody plants but not in soft bodied plants with short flexible stems that survive for one growing season ;


Have Two cotyledon; "broad leaf" trees, bushes, vegitables, cacti and flowering plants


Have a single cotyledon; include lilies, daffodils, tuplips, palm trees, grass, wheat, rice, corn, oats and bamboo

as a result of the division of meristem cells

How do plants Grow?

Parenchyma cells in both the cortex and pith

In the stems of plants, where is sugar converted to starch and stored as a food reserve?


Majority of the plants mass is

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