Bio exam 2- Level 2

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What is the difference between an infection and an autoimmune disorder?

An infection (foreign invader) can be cured. Auto-immune disorder is when the body attacks itself resulting in tissue/organ damage damage/death.

List examples for infections and autoimmune disorders.

Autoimmune- diabetes Infection- HIV

Which specific defense mechanism defends primarily against antigens in body fluids?

B-cells, antibodies, humoral immunity

What occurs in a victim of Type 1 diabetes?

Beta cells attack your own body. pancreatic cells are attacked by cytotonic cells. Auto-immune disease

The Sabin vaccine is a liquid containing weakened polio viruses. Why do vaccinated individuals become protected against polio?

Memory cells

A molecule that induces a specific immune response is known as what?


What are the risks and the benefits of fever?

inflammatory response, may cause fatal seizures or death

Which type of cell is most likely to ingest pathogens and "present" fragments of these pathogens to other immune cells on their cell surface?


Which immune system protects the body from its own cancerous cells?

natural killer cells, interferon, internal innate (non specific)

Why doesn't passive immunity last very long?

no antibodies are transmitted in a certain amount of time

Immune cells recognize "self" from "non-self" by recognizing what?

recognize proteins

Why does secondary immune response occur much more quickly than the primary response?

secondary response knows the pathogens, you have memory cells and recognition while primary is still trying to figure out the pathogen you have

What is the role of the stomach with regards to immunity?

stomach acid is used to kill microorganisms, first line of defense

One difference between the innate and adaptive immune system is when you first encounter a new foreign invader, the adaptive is slower than the innate. Why?

the adaptive immune system has to synthesize larger number of proteins and innate is always ready to go

Why don't people develop immunity to the common cold?

there are over 200 different viruses that cause a common cold and they keep changing over time

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