BIO Exam #4

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"Sister chromatids" are genetically ____.


A cell spends most of its time in _________


Chromosomes are duplicated during _______


The two main stages of the cell cycle are_____ and _____

interphase and mitosis

What is the function of tRNA?

it carries an amino acid to the mRNA and ribosome by using its anticodon to find a matching mRNA codon

Describe a ribosome:

it is a spherical-shaped structure within the cytoplasm of the cell, ribosome moves along the mRNA, "reading" it in groups of three nucleotides (codons),

Codons are found in ______; anticodons are found in _______.


Chemotherapy is used in the battle against.

malignant cancer.

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the nucleus during


In_________________, chromosomes align in the middle of the cell, tugged there by spindle fibers.


The phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes are aligned along the equator of the cell is _________________


After a visit to a specialist, John was diagnosed with liver cancer. Six months later additional tumors were found in his stomach and small intestine. This is an example of __.


All proteins begin with what amino acid?


You create a hybrid transgene containing DNA from a human and a mouse. Which of the following factors would most strongly affect when, where, and how much protein is expressed from that gene?

the regulatory part of the gene

When DNA is copied to make mRNA, this process is called ______.


Chemotherapeutics act on all _______ cells.

fast replicating

DNA replication occurs during which phase of the cell cycle?_________________________

Interphase- S

The phase of mitosis in which the nuclear envelope reforms is ____________________________


A piece of mRNA that is 300 bases long can make a protein that has _____ amino acids.


How many different amino acids are responsible for making up the thousands of different proteins found in a eukaryotic cell?

20 different types

700 amino acids = _____nucleotides


A DNA gene coding sequence that is 90 nucleotides long could ultimately result in a protein of how many amino acids?


If a DNA coding region has 12 nucleotides, how many amino acids could it encode?


1200 nucleotides=_______amino acids


RNA is made from 4 different nucleotides, which are read by the ribosomes three at a time. What is the total number of possible combinations?


What are amino acids?

Building blocks of proteins

Which of the following occur during interphase? A) cytoplasm division B)separation of sister chromatids C) cells carried out basic functions

C) cells carried out basic functions

A mutation in a gene results in a defective protein that is smaller than the normal, functional one. The mutation is probably a result of.

A stop codon in the coding region

Which of the following occurs during interphase? A) replication of chromosomes B) sister chromatids line up in the middle of the cell C) two nuclei are created D) sister chromatids migrate to opposite sides of the cell

A) replication of chromosomes

What is the first codon on every mRNA?


What are the nucleotides for RNA?

Adenine and Uracil, guanine and cytosine

What is the correct base pairing of RNA nucleotides?

Adenine and Uracil, guanine and cytosine

Cancer may be caused by: a cell cycle checkpoint problem. failure in apoptosis. unregulated cell division. failure in DNA repair mechanisms

All of them

Proteins are linear chains made out of.

Amino acid

At what stage of mitosis do the spindle fibers shorten thereby pulling apart sister chromatids?


The phase in which chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles is____


The phase of mitosis in which the centromeres split and sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles of the cell is __________________________________.


The sister chromatids separate during __ of mitosis.


Cancer is unregulated

Cell division

A gene is a section of a(n) __________ molecule.


Which molecules contain thymine?

DNA molecules, not RNA

What is the correct flow of genetic material?

DNA, nucleus, mRNA, tRNA, protein

Which of the following is NOT a stage of mitosis?


True or False: Chemotherapy has the same effects on adults as it does on unborn fetus.


True or False: Chemotherapy treatments only kill the cancer cells and don't affect normal, healthy cells.


What is the correct order of the subphases of interphase?_______-> _________-> _________

G1 -> S -> G2

The cell cycle is regulated by checkpoints during the _, _, and _ phases.

G1, S, G2

What RNA molecule would be made from the DNA template CGTTACG?


A mutation in the gene for insulin results in a protein with a drastically distorted three-dimensional shape. What is the most likely outcome?

Insulin will not function properly

Describe the function of RNA polymerase:

Make mRNA a polymer

Define RNA Polymerase:

Makes messenger RNA

Transcription builds ____, whereas translation builds _____.

Messenger RNA, protein

Is the enzyme DNA polymerase needed for gene expression?

No, RNA polymerase

Chromosomes condense during ______________________________ of mitosis.


DNA and nuclear proteins first become visible as distinct chromosomes during---


During _______ chromosomes condense and become visible.


The nuclear envelope breaks up, allowing spindle fibers to attach to chromosomes during


The phase of mitosis in which the nuclear envelope breaks into small pieces is _______________


What is the correct order of phases in mitosis?

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

In the human body, what kind of molecule acts as an enzyme, helps to transport other molecules, and gives structural support in many cells?


If a gene is activated, what is being produced?


What carries out most tasks in a cell?


Cancer treatments include or may in the future include:

Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy Gene therapy, and Surgical removal

The cellular machines that make proteins are called


To make more proteins, a cell will need an increased number of.


Interphase is divided into three main phases. In which of the phases does the DNA replicate?

S phase

Describe a codon:

Specifies a particular amino acid

How is the overall three-dimensional shape of a protein is determined?

The amino acid in the sequence

What determines the amount of protein made by a cell?

The sequence of the DNA

What is the function of rRNA?

To decode a mRNA sequence to a protein and to transfer the protein to the ribosomes

Define translation:

Translation occurs on ribosomes in the cytoplasm

True or False. During the cell cycle, there are several checkpoints that ensure that the cell cycle is proceeding correctly.


True or False: The sequence of its amino acids determines the shape of a protein.


(DNA) ATTGTCC =_______________(RNA)


The codon for the amino acid methionine is AUG. What anticodon on a tRNA molecule will match the methionine codon?


Lactose intolerance results when a person inherits two defective alleles for the lactase gene. Normally, this gene produces the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose during digestion. What would most likely happen if a person had one defective allele and the other allele was functional?

You would will be able to digest some lactose and not other

Define GMO:

a genetically modified organism

What is the function of mRNA?

a molecule in cells that carries codes from the DNA in the nucleus to the sites of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm

Define a protein:

a polymer made of 20 amino acids

Describe a gene:

a unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring.

By what stage in mitosis are sister chromatids completely separated into what will become two new daughter nuclei?___________


Chromosomes pull apart because the spindle gets shorter during this stage.__


The phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes condense and centrosomes move to opposite poles of the cell is__________________


Define a transgenic organism:

animals that have been genetically altered

How does the space between our fingers arise?_________


The type of programmed cell death that is a part is normal development is called


The medical condition of cells growing out of control is called ______


Apoptosis is also called programmed ___ _____.

cell death

The first sign of cytokinesis in a plant cell is the formation of a

cell plate

Why don't plant cells form a cleavage furrow during cytokinesis?

cell wall

A part of a chromosome that attaches sister chromatids to each other is the ____.


Sister chromatids are held together by __________


The first sign of cytokinesis in an animal cell is the formation of a _____ ____.

cleavage furrow

A functioning allele on one chromosome can prevent_____________


Colchicine is a drug that interferes with microtubule formation. Microtubules are the structures that help separate sister chromatids. Which stage of the cell cycle would colchicine affect?


Define transcription:

occurs in the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell, and in the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells

The "S" phase of the cell cycle occurs during which of the stages?

preparatory phase (Interphase)

In which stage(s) of mitosis would sister chromatids be connected by one centromere?

prophase and metaphase

To produce a human gene in goat milk you would fuse

regulatory element from the goat milk and the coding part from the human

The replication of DNA during the cell cycle occurs during: __ of ______

s, interphase

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