Bio Exam 4.2

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Anaphylactic shock may occur due to

A bee sting

edema results from

Accumulation of tissue fluid

Cowpox is very similar to smallpox, which is more dangerous for humans. Edward Jenner promoted the use of cowpox as a vaccination to provide patients immunity from future smallpox epidemics. Patients given cowpox developed

Active immunity

An antihistamine counters the effects of histamine. Which of the following is an effect of histamine?

All of them

Which of the following is a function of the digestive system?

All of them

Which of the following is a function of the liver?

All of them

Which of the following is an autoimmune disease?

All of them

Which of the following is true regarding monoclonal antibodies?

All of them

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the lymphatic system?

All of them

Which of the following is considered to be an adaptive defense mechanism against infection?

Antibodies in the mothers milk

Which of the following is specifically responsible for antibody-mediated immunity?

B cell

What type of cells are usually activated in a lymph node or the spleen when they become bound to specific antigens?

B cells

As food is processed and moves through the digestive tract it changes form several times. What is the correct order of the stages of food processing?


Which type of lymphocyte is sometimes called a "killer cell" because it brings about destruction of cells bearing a specific non-cell protein?

Cytotoxic T cell

Which of the following can result if the large intestine becomes irritated and peristalsis increases?


Which of the following lacks nutrients?


Which of the following is a coenzyme needed for production of hemoglobin and formation of DNA?

Folic acid

The primary target of the HIV virus is

Helper T cells

Which of the following statements is true about hemolytic disease of the newborn?

Hemolytic disease of the newborn occurs when a Rh- mother and a Rh+ father produce an Rh+ child.

Public health workers look for ways to prevent diseases. Which of the following jaundice-causing diseases has the potential to be reduced by public health measures?

Hepatitis A by sewage control

Which of the following is an infectious cause of jaundice?

Hepatitis B

In the later 1800s, the brilliant French chemist Louis Pasteur worked with chicken cholera, passing the disease agent from sick to healthy chickens. He suspended his research and went on vacation for several weeks. When he returned, the old cholera culture he gave to healthy chickens failed to kill them. He assumed his culture was bad and injected these same chickens with a fresh culture of chicken cholera. These chickens remained healthy while new chickens injected with the fresh culture of chicken cholera rapidly became sick and died. From our current knowledge of immunity, how would these observations be explained?

His first disease culture had weakened over time and stimulated the development of active immunity.

During surgery for breast cancer, surgeons will often remove lymph nodes in the 5) armpit. What is the most likely reason for this?

If any cancer cells have entered the lymph, they will travel to the closest lymph nodes, which are in the armpit

Which antibody class is most responsible for the allergic reaction?


Dietary fiber is important because

It may decrease the risk of colon cancer

Which of the following human digestive enzymes is correctly matched to its substrate?


A cell that produces a rapid antibody response against a foreign protein when it is encountered years after the first encounter is a(n)

Memory B cell

What is the significance of Helicobacter pylori in the digestive system?

Most ulcers are due to stomach infection with this bacteria

If you are bitten by a highly venomous snake, you would need to be given antivenom right away. Antivenom is made from injecting horses with small-to-larger dosages of snake venom, and then harvesting the antibodies from the horse plasma. Antivenom is an example of

Passive immunity

Babies generally appear to be immune to diseases for approximately the first six months of life. What could be responsible for this immunity?

Passive immunity from the mother

Lymph is

Returned to the circulatory system via the subclavian veins

Considering the U.S.D.A. recommended diet, which of the following statements is true?

Salt intake should be low

Name the organ of the digestive tract that contains microvilli and absorbs nutrients

Small intestine

Which of the following statements about proteins in the diet is true?

Two servings of meat per day, about the size of a deck of cards

Which of the following associations is true?

Vitamin D is necessary for proper calcium absorption.

Which eating disorder is characterized by an irrational fear of getting fat, often associated with a perceived body defect?

anorexia nervosa

A vaccine contains

antigens that are no longer virulent.

If we inject three different antigens into a human at the same time

at least three different plasma cells will be involved in antibody production since each plasma cell only produces one specific antibody

Bacteria living in the large intestine

can produce vitamins.

An antibody molecule

contains an antigen-binding site on each arm.

Food is prevented from entering the trachea by the


In the body, glucose is stored in the liver as


You suddenly develop acute diarrhea. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

infection by a protozoan, bacterium, or virus

Water is absorbed primarily by the

large intestine

Which of the following is an example of a mechanical barrier to infection?

mucous membrane

What is the function of sodium bicarbonate in the digestive tract?

neutralization of chyme arriving at the small intestine

Which blood cells are usually the first to arrive at the site of an infection?


Which of the following is considered an accessory gland in the digestive system?


The digestive juices found in the stomach include

pepsin and hydrochloric acid

Which type of cell will produce antibodies that are released into the bloodstream?

plasma cell

Which of the following accurately describes an intestinal disorder?

polyps—small growths on the epithelial lining that can become cancerous

If you vomit and stomach contents move out through the nose, there has been a failure of the

soft palate to move back to close off the nasopharynx.

Heartburn occurs when

some of the stomach contents escape back into the lower esophagus.

Which organ of the digestive tract functions to store food, kill bacteria, and partially digest proteins?


Which of the following lymphoid organs is largest during a person's childhood but shrinks in adulthood?


The clonal selection theory states that

when a B or T cell is activated by binding to/recognizing an antigen, then that cell will be cloned into cells that recognize the same antigen.

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