Bio Final

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Longitudinal Study


Laysan Albatrosses -adaptive behavior?

-31% of the couples are female-female -30% more females in population -Always need to have parent guarding egg -Female couples make just as good of partners as male-female -Lower rate of reproductive success

What do glands protecting sperm from?

-Acidity of urine -increases pH to protect

Germ Cell/spermatogonium

-Act as sperm cell progenitors(stem cell like cells) -Germ cells will differentiate into sperm upon receiving testosterone

True Altruism

-Acting in the interest of others for ... -Chimp experiment

Hormonal Control

-Brain signals for sperm development with Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) -Leydig cell receives these hormonal signals and produces testosterone (In females testosterone is produced in the ovaries)


-Clit longer than penis -Have to give birth through clit -Mating: penis has to slide into clit (difficult to have sex) -Not necessarily evolutionary advantageous

Sexual Arousal

-Constriction of blood vessels in clitoris and penis (Will lead to erection in males) -Sympatric nervous response and hormonal shifts -Increased sensitivity to stimulation -In females lubricant will be secreted, primary from vaginal walls


-Contains head with DNA -Mobile tail -An average ejaculation contains up to 300 million sperm

Labia Minora

-Contains smooth epithelium which helps protect against mechanical irritation, dryness and infection -Shares source with shaft

Female orgasm-evolutionary perspective

-Could help enforce monogamy if sex is enjoyable -Want mating to be a smooth affair-increase chance of pregnancy


-Degradation of function with age -Make room for future generations - population control


-Eggs and sperm fertilized outside of -Implanted as 1-5 days after blastocyte - Given drugs to release large amount of drugs at once. Drugs promote gonadotropin hormone release, stimulates ovulation

De novo mutations per proband

-Female sex cells don't have to keep going through meiosis -Male: sex cells constantly dividing, as men age, more mutations

Sexually Mature

-Females become sexually mature first -Males need higher fitness to mate -Under low fitness conditions, better to be female - males have high threshold for mating

Dung Beetles

-Females generally only mate with 1 male -Male stands outside harem to protect female and young -In theory, lot of males mating with female and many males not being able to mate - Males decide early on if want to develop horn (PAR) -Smaller weaker males try to sneak into burrow to mate with as many females as possible -PAR: Some beatles develop tiny horns to try to sneak into burrow to mate with as many females -Otherwise, large alpha male approach

Follicular Phase

-Follicle stimulates production of estradiol -Positive feedback loop -Spike in LH and FSH hormones and quick release -Only small number of follicles activated at same time -Menstruation and uterus thickens in preparation for ovum -Least fertile stage!

Disparity of reproductive output among males -antelopes

-Good genes, parenting -Not consistent trend throughout life of antelope -Females move in and out of harems to select for males that can defend against young

Collective Child Raising:

-Greater protection for offspring -Good for pray animals -Herd animals (stronger animals go out to periphery and herd young into center)

Spotted Sandpiper

-Harsh lives with high mortality, especially after laying eggs -Female can only lay 4 eggs -Paternal care based system to maximize reproductive output -More males than females - need males for parental care -Why would females mate with multiple males? (To confuse paternity - father more likely to contribute parental care if they think the offspring is theirs )

Kin Selection

-Identical twin - breakeven for 1 Siblings - breakeven for 2 siblings -Share about 50% of genetic material with siblings Children - breakeven for 2 children -Share about 50% of DNA with next generation Cousins - breakeven for 8 cousins Grandchildren - breakeven for 4 Further away relationship, need to save more lives

Luteal Phase

-If fertilization has not occurred, corpus luteum dissolves -Uterine lining detaches, leading to menstruation -Days: 17-28


-In males anal sphincter, the prostate, and the muscles of the penis all contract -In many females vaginal, anal and other pelvic muscles will contract -Sudden relaxation of blood vessels in genitals -Most females experience over a 100% increase in pain tolerance -Males will most commonly pair orgasm and ejaculation

Biological reasons to adopt an infant not related to you

-Kindness a learned trait to be passed down being individual who gives good parental care is advantageous -True altruism sign you have traits needed for reciprocal altruism/kin selection which are very evolutionarily advantageous


-LH and FSH spike causes egg to leave ovary -Ovum released from ovary and travels to fallopian tube Days: 12-16

Puberty timing

-Later - things going well, allows for growth -Early - bad sign from an evolutionary perspective


-Less risky activities during ovulation than during non ovulation

Reproductive Senescence In Males

-Males will have decreased testosterone & sperm production at old age

Day dwelling vs night dwelling

-Many diurnal species(day dwelling) species have short sexual encounters while nocturnal species have been reported to have sexual encounter lasting an hour

Data on mean reproductive success of female P Californicus - Wandering Albatross

-Mate every other year -Takes entire year to raise a chick -Lifelong monogamy -More born with male present, more emerge with male absent

Bison -why

-Mating with females is difficult -Remove older males, young males still mate with other males -Females not consenting to older male -Very rarely younger male that wants to mate with older males -Homosexual - establish dominance -Lots of male-male competition

Twin data

-Monozygotic twins more likely to have similar sexual preference to twin than dizygotic twins -Suggests there might be a genetic aspect to human sexual behavior

Maternal-Fetal Conflict

-Mother and child immune system not identical -Mother's immune system shouldn't be attacking baby -Exposure to paternal semen can limit conflict

Homosexuality and natural selction

-Needs to be heritable to be passed on to next generation and be evolutionary advantageous -Homosexuality may not be advantageous but could share genetics with traits that are

Pupal mating

-Not sexually mature until move from pupal casing -Adults hang out on pupal and stab genitalia through casing and mate


-Observes one of the other mating strategies but some individuals will cheat when able -Advantageous to be cheater in faithful populations but too many cheaters can endanger the population as a whole (advantages of monogamy lost)


-Older male younger male relationship -Mentor young males -Can get higher social standing by consenting to male-male relationship

Chimp experiment

-One chimp in control and one watching it happen First, chimp is recipient (fed or not fed based on other chimps decision). Then, chimp is in the deciding role. First chimp brought in trained to always let partner choose -Chimps would usually share even though there was not bonus in doing so

Boob size /penis size data suggest about humans?

-Penis size and breast size could be indicators of sexual fitness -Chimps - sperm sperm competition (no exclusive mating right). Large testicles and penises -Humans - large testicles and penises - humans not completely monogamous


-Pregnancy rate higher for rape than consensual pregnancy rate (almost double)

Post coital cuddling

-Promotes monogamy -Female driven activity


-Relax and contract to properly regulate heat -Will also contract when erect -Shares source with labia majora -Frequently asymmetrical to limit testicle to testicle impact


-Shares an embryological source -Glans can become engorged when aroused -8,000 nerve endings (double penis)

Blue Whale

-Sperm-sperm competition not a big deal -solitary and rarely see each other. Sequential mating with multiple males is unlikely -Need a lot of sperm -Deep penis, long vagina...testing tract, only male with best penis can fertilize female

Gay Penguins Steal eggs -who profits?

-Straight- can pass on genes and not have to take care of offspring -More protection to egg -Heterosexuals help support population as a whole

Combined hormonal contraceptives

-Suppresses gonadotropin release -Help transition into secretory phase -Block spike in LH and FSH hormones → no eggs release

How does sperm know to go deeper into vagina?

-Take in chemical cues (pH), vaginas acidic, head is haploid and has a tail that can swim in semi oriented direction


-The decline in reproductive hormone fluctuations around the age 40-50 in women -Menopause results from ovarian failure but infertility begins much earlier

Why might labia minora be asymmetrical?

-Trait that is advantageous in males...females share a lot of this genetic code -traits used to build male and female parts not just found on y chromosome -Polygenic trait (Controlled by multiple genes, right and left side might take different genes)

Sex Facts

-Women wanted 19 minutes, spent 11 minutes of foreplay. Wanted 14 min, spent 7 on sex -Men wanted 18 min of foreplay, spent 13. Wanted 19 min of intercourse, actually spent 8

Labia Majora

-contains hair which helps mitigate stress and friction -significant amount of fat

Grandmother Hypothesis

-maternal grandparents can limit the parenting load -Helping daughter out is more important -Only for species with a lot of parenting duties (i.e. not fruit flies)

Seminal vesicles

-secrete fructose, the main nutrient for sperm

White Haired Gibbons/Foxes

88% monogamous/50% monogamous

Symbiotic Relationship

A cross species relationship where both member gain something

Gene hypothesis

A gene that only promotes high survival in the elderly would not be selected for or against since genes will be passed down before it manifests itself

Difference between bonobo and human sex?

Bonobos have short sexual encounter


Boundary between vagina and uterus


Everybody mates and raise the young as a group -E.g. Lion Packs -Benefits for males: increasing chance of reproduction, low barrier to entry -Benefits for females: sperm competition -Everyone gets to have sex, not just the fittest → genetic diversity -Less aggression during male competition

Foreplay from evolutionary perspective

Female-lubrication Male- more fun

Antagonistic pleiotropy

Genes which might be beneficial early have negative consequences later


Getting on top of highest object and screaming - warning call to marmots in area

Pubic Bones

Help protect reproductive area


Heterozygote with D4 receptor gene more likely to cheat

Conditions that favor polygyny

High fitness

Dry Sex

Higher rate of STIs

Sacred Band of Thebes

Homosexuality strengthens male male bond - protects group

Kin Selection

Kin selection postulates that self sacrifice can be beneficial be only if you help a group of individuals if they as a group contain more of your genes than you do

Sexually Dimorphic

Males and females have different appearances beyond reproductive anatomy -Humans not the most sexually dimorphic species

Sperm production


Conditions that favor polyandry

More females than males

Sex frequency and cheating data

More frequent orgasms, higher relationship satisfaction and less likely to cheat -Not reliable data - statisically insignificant data (Trend occurs randomly)

Which of the statement is FALSE?

Most animals form monogamous relationships


Occurs in Fallopian tubes


One female but many males


One male will mate with as many females a possible

Reciprocal Altruism

Performing altruistic behavior with the expectation of receiving a later reward -E.g. bats vomitting into mouth

Prostate Gland

Produce Alkaline mucus to protect sperm -more basic


Set of psychological adaptations that allow otherwise selfish individuals to


Severe deficits or impairments in empathy, intimacy, or other interpersonal interactions, and in personal identity, selfdirection, or other self-functioning behaviors


Where eggs are stored


Where mature sperm cells are stored

Serial Monogamy

Will mate with a single partner for a mating season or long enough to raise the children from that mating


Women more likely to get chlamydia, men more likely to get gonorrhea


Young American Bison will mate with males for their first few years of sexual maturity. As they get older they will transition to heterosexual mating's


genetic and environmental component -wasn't wiped from population from eugenics

Naturalistic fallacy

just because natural, not necessarily good, desirable and way things should be

Bulbourethral glands

produces pre-ejaculate fluid (or "pre-come") that neutralizes and lubricates the urethra


use of forceful tactics to influence copulation to favor one individual's fitness, sometimes at the cost of another's fitness


using artificial selection to breed ideal humans

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