bio final

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According to the Punnett square diagram, what percentage of possible male offspring could have adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) if the father has ALD and the mother is unaffected?


How many membranes surround each chloroplast?


If a diploid cell with 24 chromosomes undergoes meiosis, how many total chromosomes will be in each gamete?


Cystic fibrosis is caused by the recessive allele, f. What percentage of possible offspring would develop cystic fibrosis from a mating of two parents with Ff genotypes?


A eukaryotic cell has DNA with 26% of the bases as T. What percentage of the bases are G?


Congenital hypothyroidism is caused by the dominant allele H. If a man with Hh mates with an unaffected woman with hh, what percentage of possible offspring will develop congenital hypothyroidism?


According to the graph, which wavelengths of light are best absorbed by the chlorophyll pigments found in green leaves?

680 nm

How is codominance expressed in an organism?

A heterozygote expresses a mixture of both traits in the phenotype.

How does the diameter of a prokaryotic cell compare with the diameter of a eukaryotic cell?

A prokaryote has one-tenth the diameter of a eukaryote.

What parental blood type would not be able to produce a child with type O blood?


What energy molecule is produced during the light reactions and helps to power the Calvin cycle?


Which molecule powers the chemical work within cells?


Part complete Which molecules are made during glycolysis?


What is the name of the protein channel where H+ ions escape into the matrix of the mitochondrion?

ATP synthase

Which best describes an artery?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart.

Although children believe that "holding my breath until I die" is possible, why should parents not be concerned by this threat?

As a child holds his or her breath, carbon dioxide levels increase, stimulating breathing by the brain stem.

Which vitamin is water soluble and cannot be synthesized by the body?


Which organelle performs photosynthesis?


Which description is characteristic of DNA?

Complementary nucleotides are held together by hydrogen bonds.

Which feature is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


Which molecule remains in the nucleus during protein synthesis?


Which molecule serves as the template during transcription?


What sequence of molecules are used during protein synthesis?

DNA → RNA → protein

Why is a mammalian eye cell different from a tongue cell?

Different combinations of the available genes are used.

What risk may result from mixing alcohol with energy drinks?

Energy drinks may mask the true intoxicating effects of alcohol.

According to this graph, what can be concluded about immunity in these birds?

Environment still plays a role in these birds' immunity, even though heritability is high.

How would amino acids and calcium ions from the bloodstream move across a plasma membrane?

Facilitated diffusion

What is a possible side effect of having one's gallbladder removed?

Fat digestion is impaired.

Part complete If necessary, our muscles can rely on an anaerobic (fermentative) pathway to metabolize glucose, but this can only last a short period of time. Why can't our cells survive very long under such anaerobic conditions?

Fermentation doesn't extract enough ATP from glucose to sustain our energy-craving cells.

Why is fiber important for a healthy diet?

Fiber helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Part complete Which complementary base pairings occur between DNA and RNA?

G to C and A to U

What is the correct order of events in the cell cycle?

G1, S, G2, mitosis, cytokinesis

What DNA sequence is complementary to CGGTGAACTGTA?


Why is carbon monoxide deadly?

It binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells in place of oxygen.

Why is carbon often involved in chemical bonding?

It can form bonds with four other elements.

Why is NAD+ considered a taxicab?

It picks up electrons and brings them to the electron transport chain.

Why is oxygen considered highly electronegative?

It pulls electrons toward itself.

Which situation demonstrates only the genetic influence on a trait?

Jen has brown hair, just like her mother and father.

Why are minerals necessary micronutrients?

Minerals cannot be made by the body.

How does gene expression differ in muscle and nerve cells?

Muscle cells and nerve cells express different subsets of the same genes.

What does recent research suggest about the relationships between weight and health risks?

People who are slightly overweight have the lowest health risks.

Which structure "unzips" the double helix of DNA during transcription?

RNA polymerase

How might sperm be affected if nondisjunction occurs in a male?

Sperm will contain an X chromosome and a Y chromosome.

How do striated and smooth muscles differ?

Striated muscle has a banding pattern under the microscope, but smooth muscle doesn't.

Part complete Which description applies to typical quantitative traits?

Such traits show continuous variation.

Part complete Consider a strand of DNA with the sequence AGTTCGATT. What is the sequence of the complementary strand?


Why is DNA replication considered semiconservative?

The DNA molecule includes a parental strand and newly created DNA strand.

How does the greenhouse effect work?

The atmosphere re-radiates some sunlight back to Earth while other sunlight goes into space.

How would the permeability of the phospholipid bilayer of plasma membranes be described?

The bilayer is differentially permeable.

Imagine a balloon is made from a membrane that's permeable to water but not sugar molecules. How would the concentration of sugar inside the balloon be affected if the balloon is filled with a 50% sugar solution and then placed in a beaker of water?

The concentration will increase.

How does drinking larger doses of alcohol have negative physiological effects on the body?

The kidneys will reduce urine production.

What happens when the concentration of a solute is equal on both sides of a plasma membrane?

The net movement of particles through the plasma membrane will stop.

Why are people who have suffered a fatal cardiac arrest more likely to be tissue donors?

Their organs may deteriorate due to the lack of oxygen.

Which statement describes human sperm or egg cells?

They have one copy of each chromosome.

What is the purpose of the platelets, an important cell type within human blood?

They help form a clot at the site of a wound.

What description applies to accessory organs?

They secrete enzymes required for digestion.

What happens when a tumor becomes metastatic?

Tumor cells break away to start a new tumor.

When is oxygen produced during the light reactions?

Water is split to provide replacement electrons to chlorophyll.

Part complete What happens first after chlorophyll absorbs light energy?

Water splits into H+ and O2.

In humans, red-green color blindness is a recessive, X-linked disorder. If a mother with red-green color blindness gives birth to a color-blind daughter, what genotype would the father have?


What is the physiological cause of a heart attack?

a blood clot lodging in a blood vessel supplying the heart

What is a centromere?

a central region connecting copied chromosomes

Which components form the structure of the plasma membrane?

a double layer of phospholipids with embedded proteins

A substitution mutation incorporates a different amino acid into a protein. Which structure(s) would most likely result?

a protein with a different shape

Which action is an example of voluntary muscle contraction?

a push-up

What signal, when present at the ribosome, causes protein synthesis to end?

a stop codon

In "American Albino" horses, the albinism allele A resulting in a snow-white coat is dominant over the allele for a darker coat color, a. What genotype is found in a dark-colored horse?


What is the pH of chyme just before entering the small intestine?

acidic (low pH)

What nitrogenous bases are found in ribonucleic acid (RNA)?

adenine, cytosine, guanine, and uracil

Which process creates the most ATP per glucose molecule metabolized?

aerobic cellular respiration

Which process provides the carbon dioxide you exhale?

aerobic respiration

During which process would ethanol and carbon dioxide be released from the cell?

alcohol fermentation

What strategy will encourage a safer engagement with alcohol?

alternating drinking glasses of water with alcoholic drinks

What is the respiratory surface where gas exchange occurs?


Which monomer units combine to form proteins?

amino acids

Which items are not analogous to each other according to this figure?

amino acids; recipe card on counter

During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids separate to opposite poles of the cell?


During which stage of meiosis do homologous chromosomes separate?

anaphase I

What factor(s) typically influence a trait that shows continuous variation?

both genetic and environmental factors

Where can most of the oxygen in the blood be found?

bound to hemoglobin

As air is inhaled, which of these four structures is the last to be encountered?


Part complete What type of eating disorder involves consuming large amounts of food, followed by self-induced vomiting?


In the alveoli and lung capillaries, how are carbon dioxide and oxygen exchanged?

by diffusion

How do geneticists insert a foreign DNA that will be replicated by a recipient bacterial cell?

by using a plasmid

Which example is an element?


Use the figure to answer the following question. Which substance uses a transport protein to pass through a plasma membrane?

calcium ions

Part complete Which region of the circulatory system allows passage of nutrients and other small molecules to service nearby tissues?


What molecule is composed of one or more sugars?


Which group of nutrients includes milk sugar (lactose)?


Which element is the basis for the macromolecules found in living things?


In cellular respiration, which molecule is released after the citric acid cycle?

carbon dioxide

What gas do plants release during photorespiration?

carbon dioxide

Part complete When a recessive allele results in a human genetic disorder, what term applies to heterozygotes?


What type of tissues can be transplanted from one person to another to reconstruct damaged joints?


Which feature is found in prokaryotic cells?

cell wall

What is the correct sequence of bodily organization, from simple to complex?

cells—tissues—organs—organ systems—organism

Part complete Which organelle is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?


Which substance is a fossil fuel?


What type of inheritance results in Type AB blood?


What traits are influenced by more than one gene?


Part complete What term describes nucleotides in opposing strands of DNA that bind to each other?


Which tissue type includes fat and blood?


What material provides the internal, flexible support of the ear?

connective tissue

What is responsible for voluntary movement?

conscious thought and striated muscle

Which nitrogenous base pairs with guanine in a DNA molecule?


What protein fibers help form the framework of structural support for cells?

cytoskeletal elements

Which disease affects the liver and could lead to liver failure?


A human skin cell is ________, whereas a human sperm cell is ________.

diploid; haploid

During diffusion, how do the solute molecules move?

down a concentration gradient of solute molecules

Which organelle is a network of membranes involved in the production of proteins?

endoplasmic reticulum

Part complete Besides polygenic inheritance, what factor may also affect skin color?


Which tissue type in the human body is often exposed to air?


Which tissue type lines the intestines and helps in the absorption of nutrients?


True or false: The blood in veins becomes bluish in color when it has become deoxygenated.


What process will follow glycolysis, if oxygen is not available?


Which food would contain all essential amino acids?


What regulates the rate of production of cellular proteins within each cell?

gene expression

Which sugar is produced by the Calvin cycle in excess amounts and converted to glucose by the plant cells?

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P)

Which trait is a quantitative trait in humans?


What is the ability of living things to maintain a relatively constant internal environment?


Part complete What type of chemical bond connects the complementary strands of a DNA molecule to each other?

hydrogen bonds

What characteristic applies to the interior of a phospholipid bilayer?


What type of inheritance results when the phenotype of a heterozygote is intermediate between both homozygotes?

incomplete dominance

Some athletes use "blood doping," adding additional red blood cells to the blood, to achieve a competitive edge. What will the extra red blood cells do in the body?

increase O2 delivery to muscles

Sodium chloride is composed of molecules that are stable when dry. In water, the atoms of the molecules separate from each other. What type of chemical bond holds the dry substance together?

ionic bonds

During exhalation, when the diaphragm relaxes and the volume of the chest cavity decreases, how is the air pressure inside the lungs affected?

it increases

What body signal, interpreted by the brain stem, will cause the diaphragm to contract?

levels of carbon dioxide in the blood

What is the first step of photosynthesis?

light reactions

Imagine a newly discovered biological molecule that is mostly hydrophobic in its structure. How would this new molecule be classified?


How do the protein fibers compare between loose and fibrous connective tissues?

loosely woven in loose connective tissues, densely packed in fibrous connective tissues

Which organelle contains digestive enzymes that degrade macromolecules?


Which molecule serves as the template during translation?


What are nutrients that the human body requires in large quantities?


What does homeostasis allow an organism to do?

maintain a constant internal environment

Which RNA molecule carries the nucleotide sequence responsible for the amino acid sequence in proteins?

messenger RNA

Which feature is present in all known living things?

metabolic reactions

During which phase of mitosis are the replicated chromosome aligned in the middle of the cell?


Part complete Which molecules are required by the body but are not metabolized to produce ATP?


Which organelle performs cellular respiration?


What is diffusion?

molecules moving from high concentrations to low concentrations

Which problem might result from decreases in a body's normal water level?

muscle cramps

Part complete What process produces new alleles?


What process is responsible for the maintenance of blood glucose levels by the liver?

negative feedback

What cells transmit signals to and from the brain?


What type of mutation produces no significant change in a functional protein?

neutral mutation

Which macromolecule has a sugar-phosphate backbone?

nucleic acid

In which eukaryotic cell structure are ribosomes made?


What building blocks form a DNA molecule?


Which monomer units combine to form nucleic acids?


How many alcoholic drinks can generally be metabolized in one hour?


What would result if a cell underwent mitosis but did not complete cytokinesis?

one cell with two nuclei

What atoms may form a hydrogen bond?

one hydrogen atom and one partially negative atom

Which offspring would receive a Y-linked trait from their affected father?

only his sons

Part complete How are large substances moved during exocytosis?

out of the cell

Part complete At the end of the electron transport chain in cellular respiration, what molecule is the final electron acceptor?


Which process involves the movement of molecules or atoms down a concentration gradient across plasma membranes?

passive transport

What diagram is a family tree showing the inheritance of a genetic trait over many generations?


What is the term used to describe the contraction of smooth muscles that moves material down the esophagus?


What kind of molecule forms the bilayer found in cellular membranes?


What process converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen?


What is the role of NADP+ in photosynthesis?

pick up and drop off electrons

Which cellular component of blood helps in clotting?


Which chemical condition describes the electrons in a water molecule being shared unequally between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms?


What term describes a trait that is controlled by many genes?


Which substance is a micronutrient?


What activity of the liver makes it act as an accessory organ?

production of bile

What activity of the liver makes it an accessory organ of the digestive system?

production of bile

During which part of mitosis does the nuclear envelope break down?


During which meiotic phase does crossing over occur?

prophase I

What molecule would be encoded by a DNA sequence?


What type of molecules, embedded in phospholipid bilayers, transport hydrophilic molecules into or out of the cell?


What structures form the subunits of ribosomes?

rRNA and proteins

What phenomenon occurs in meiosis where homologous chromosomes arbitrarily face different poles of the cell?

random alignment

Refer to the figure to answer the following question: In which of the labeled regions would blood pressure be the highest?

region 5

Where do the collecting ducts in the kidneys terminate?

renal pelvis

What does "hydrophobic" mean?

repelled by water

What are the "highly specific molecular scissors" that cut DNA?

restriction enzymes

Part complete Some antibiotics disrupt bacterial phospholipids. Which cell component would be affected by such antibiotics?


What process results in half of the gametes receiving the T allele and the other half receiving the t allele from a parental genotype of Tt?


A small mass of specialized muscle on the back wall of the right atrium, also known as the pacemaker, is medically known as what?

sinoatrial node

What part of the digestive system has the most surface area for the absorption of nutrients?

small intestine

When genes are copied (in transcription), what form does the resulting copy take?

strand of mRNA

What is the thick fluid found inside chloroplasts?


Where does the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis occur?


Part complete Which monomer units combine to form polysaccharides?


Part complete What would a person born without an epiglottis not be able to do?

swallow food without a high risk of choking

What is the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle?


River water piped through dams rushes past turbines in hydroelectric plants to create electricity. Which metabolic process relates to this analogy?

the passage of hydrogen ions through ATP synthase to make ADP into ATP

A neutral mutation changes the codon CUU to CUC, which still codes for leucine. What characteristic allows more than one codon to encode the same amino acid?

the redundancy of the genetic code

What determines the structure of a protein?

the sequence of the amino acids it contains

What process resulted in a dramatic increase in milk production in modern dairy cows?

the use of recombinant bovine growth hormone

What is the purpose of the respiratory pigments that are specialized proteins in blood?

they contain metal ions

How does a digested nutrient enter the bloodstream?

through tiny blood vessels inside the microvilli

Which chloroplast structure increases the amount of surface area that is available for photosynthesis?


Where do the light reactions of photosynthesis occur?


What is a function of antioxidants?

to decrease damage done to cells by free radicals

If a doctor's spoken instructions are written down by a nurse and converted into an appropriate language for the patient, what step of protein synthesis corresponds to the nurse's written instructions?


Which structure could be incorporated into a protein?


Which structures have valves to prevent blood from flowing backward?


Which structures return blood to the heart?


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