bio final

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Which of the following statements is NOT true, based on this phylogeny of animals?

all animals with specialized tissues are also triploblasts

A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. It could be

a plant cell but not an animal cell.

The Hawaiian Islands are home to many super cool species, including a group known as the 'Happy Face' spiders. One place they occur is in the forests along the slopes of the Mauna Kea volcano on the island of Hawai'i. By observing these spiders for many years, UC Berkeley Professor Rosie Gillespie noticed one year that a group of spiders had moved to higher elevations following a year in which there was a drought and food resources dwindled. Over the subsequent years, this higher elevation population started to exhibit different morphology and behavior than the lower elevation population. There are no obvious differences in habitat or barriers to spider movement between the higher and lower elevations. Given this description, these spiders are most likely an example of:

sympatric speciation

Upon re-exposure to a pathogen, a memory B cell can differentiate to which cell type?

plasma cell

In a population of 500 plants, 300 plants are genotype RR, 200 plants are genotype Rr, and 100 plants are genotype rr. Assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for this gene, what is the value of q for this population? Note: All answers were accepted as correct as the prompt stated that there were "500 plants," but the number of individuals adds up to "600 plants."


At the end of meiosis how many alleles per gene are in a single gamete if a parent cell originally contained two sets of homologous chromosomes?


A cross is made between a pea plant that is pp and one that is Pp, where P is a dominant allele for purple flowers and p is the recessive allele that cause white flowers. What percentage of offspring would you expect to have purple flowers?


Use the image below to correctly describe population growth. Populations that live in an area with unlimited resources typically exhibit growth that matches the line marked B, dotted green , which corresponds to exponential growth.

B, dotted green exponential

According to the most recent estimates of biodiversity in different groups (i.e., Larsen et al. (2017)), which taxonomic group is predicted to have the most extant (living) species on Earth?


Rattlesnakes are venomous snakes that shake a rattle at the end of their tails to provide an auditory warning to potential predators. Rattlesnake mimics are not venomous but physically resemble rattlesnakes and most also vibrate or "rattle" their tails when they feel threatened. This is an example of:

Batesian mimicry

The northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) was hunted in the 1890s for oil made from their blubber. At one point, the population had fallen down to as low as 20 to 40 individuals. As a result of conservation efforts, the species has rebounded in numbers to over 100,000, but its genetic variation remains low. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?

Bottleneck effect

Which cells of the immune system can directly kill a virus-infected cell?


Which animal tissue type is not correctly matched with its function(s)?

Connective tissues - line and cover organs for secretion, absorption, and protection

Which of the following statements is true, based on the animal phylogeny?

Eumetazoans have specialized tissues and Parazoans do not

A scientist isolates a single-celled organism from the bottom of a sulfur hot spring. When examined under the microscope, it is clear that the cell is very small and contains no nucleus. Based on this evidence alone, in what domain of life is this organism?

Either Bacteria or Archaea

[ Select ] ["Eutrophication", "Acid rain", "Anthropogenic global warming"] occurs when nutrient runoff of [ Select ] ["carbon and nitrogen", "nitrogen and phosphorous", "water and phosphorous"] causes the excess growth of microorganisms, depleting dissolved oxygen levels, killing ecosystem fauna, and often resulting in a dead zone .

Eutrophication nitrogen and phosphorous dead zone

Which of the following statements describes aspects of Earth's weather? Check all that apply.

Even though La Niña winters typically have lower-than-average rainfall, there was a day this past winter with a super strong storm that caused widespread flooding! I checked the forecast for my trip to Seattle tomorrow. Looks like I'll need to pack an umbrella. I was so surprised when I left my house on Sunday and it was raining!

_______ is defined as genetic changes through time, from one generation to the next, in a population of organisms.


What is true about this phylogenetic tree?

Fish are equally related to frogs, lizards, chimps and humans.

What does NOT happen in the cytokinesis of plant cells?

Formation of the cleavage furrow separates the cells.

A speciose group of flowers live in the Sierra Nevada called monkeyflowers, or Mimulus. Two particular species are very closely related, and live in similar habitats within Yosemite National Park. It's been shown that pollen from one species can fertilize the ovules found in plants from the other species. However, when the resulting offspring develop into adult plants, they do not produce their own pollen or ovules. Given this, which of the following reproductive isolating mechanisms is likely maintaining the differences between these species?

Hybrid sterility, which is a postzygotic barrier.

Which of the following statements describes aspects of Earth's climate? Check all that apply.

I'm headed to Spain for summer break - I expect I'll need to pack clothes that are similar to what I wear in California since both are located in Mediterranean regions. I can't wait for summer to return - it's typically so hot in the Central Valley that you don't need to wear a sweatshirt for months!

Which of the following events during meiosis contributes to genetic diversity to a population? Check all that apply,

Independent assortment of homologous chromosomes during Metaphase 1 Crossing over between non-sister chromatids within a homologous pair during Anaphase II

Why might an oil-water mixture work as an insecticidal spray again mosquitoes?

It blocks their spiracles.

Lake Yosemite in Merced, California is only two minutes away from UC Merced. Which of the following descriptions of the physical environment is most accurate?

It consists of still water and the surrounding land dicates what nutrients are collected there.

When grouping organisms, which classification is the most general for a particular type of organism?


Based on this phylogeny from research by King et al. 2008, which species is the sister group to animals (Metazoa)?

M. brevicollis, a choanoflagellate protist

Which of the following are considered "natural" factors that cause Earth's climate to change (in other words, factors that do not involve human actions)? Check all that apply.

Milankovitch cycles Volcanic eruptions Changes in solar intensity

Hemophilia stems from a particular allele associated with a gene on the X chromosome (XH). If a woman who was a carrier for this trait (meaning, she is heterozygous for hemophilia but does not have hemophilia herself) had children with a man who also does not have hemophilia, what proportion of their offspring would be expected to have hemophilia?

One quarter of their offspring

Homologous chromosomes exchange DNA during which stage of meiosis?

Prophase I

Chromosomes are duplicated during what stage of the cell cycle?

S phase

A marine biologist catches a fish she has never seen before. Upon examination, she determines that the animal has jaws, a predominantly ossified (bony) skeleton and a swim bladder, and fins that are fleshy and lobed. To which category of fish does the specimen belong?


Which of the following is NOT a hypothesis explaining the Cambrian explosion?

The Ediacaran mass extinction event, which opened up new niche space in which Cambrian animals could diversify and fill

Carbon cycles through ecosystems at multiple different levels: the biological carbon cycle that tracks carbon exchange among living organisms and the biogeochemical carbon cycle that tracks carbon through geologic processes. Which statement about the relative speeds of the two cycles is accurate? Correct!

The biological carbon cycle occurs relatively fast whereas the biogeochemical cycle is relatively slow.

The heart chamber that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs of animals with double circulation is

The left atrium

Which of the following is NOT a key assumption of mark-recapture techniques?

The organisms being measured are immobile, meaning they do not move around after being marked

Which of the following best defines Net Primary Productivity (NPP)?

The rate at which energy remains in the primary producers after accounting for respiration and heat loss.

Which would not be characteristic of organisms that live in the tundra of Iceland?

There are frequent wildfires, with some plants producing seeds that only germinate after a hot fire.

Why do mosses grow well in the Arctic tundra?

They do not have true roots and can grow on hard surfaces.

What is the role of plasma cells?

They release free antibodies into the blood

When stomata open, what occurs?

Water vapor is lost to the external environment, increasing the rate of transpiration.

A monophyletic group contains ___.

a common ancestor and all of its descendants

A biologist is studying parrots in a tropical rainforest in Costa Rica. She is studying _____. Note: Both "a population" and "a community" were accepted as correct answers as the question prompt was unclear. A population is a group of parrots of the same species that occupy the same environment, while a community would be a group of different species of parrots.

a community

All of the students in this class, compose which level of biological organization?

a community

Based on the following figure, which panels illustrate an ecosystem with at least some amount of resistance to disturbance?

a, d

The major unintended outcome of releasing large quantities of sulfur into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels is:

acid rain

During the end-Cretaceous extinction event, most of the dinosaurs, the dominant vertebrate group for millions of years, disappeared. Which of the following causes are hypothesized to have contributed to this mass extinction?

all of these answers are correct

Which of the following is not an example of a standing-water habitat?

all of these answers are correct

Although hummingbirds and house flies both use wings to fly, this similarity is not based upon closely shared ancestry but rather on evolution and adaptation as a result of survival and reproduction in a given environment. The term best describing such a phenomenon is ___.


Separation of the sister chromatids is a characteristic of which stage of mitosis?


In a plant's male reproductive organs, development of pollen takes place in a structure known as the ________.


Which of the following panels show evidence of density-dependent factors that may regulate population growth? Check all that apply.

b c

Based on the following figure, which panels illustrate an ecosystem with at least some amount of resilience to disturbance?

b, e

The majority of oxygen in the blood is transported by ________.

binding to hemoglobin in red blood cells

There is a population of frogs living in a pond that includes 3 phenotypes: yellow, dark green, and striped. A drought occurred and 75% of the frogs died. The remaining frogs were yellow and striped, after 25 generations the frogs still were yellow and striped, but the green frogs never appeared in the population again. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?

bottleneck effect

Organisms that are able to make their own food using inorganic molecules are called chemoautotrophs , whereas those that use sunlight as the energy source are called photoautotrophs .

chemoautotrophs photoautotrophs

All of the following are plant adaptations to life on land except


The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii requires water temperatures above 12 degrees Celsius to reproduce successfully. However, ocean waters have risen above this critical temperature, and therefore, urchin have been able to expand its geographic range and destroy kelp beds as it moves into new regions. This is an example of which human activity that has lead to dramatic changes in ecological communities?

climate change

Fill in the blanks. Arctic tundras are characterized by _______ temperature, by _______ precipitation, and by ______ species diversity.

cold, very low, low

What should be added to soil to prevent minerals from leaching away?

compost or humus

Which of the following represents cell-mediated immunity?

cytotoxic cells that defend against infection in body cells

Which letter on the graph below represents a secondary immune response


Which of these characteristics or traits is unique to flowering plants?

double fertilization

Biodiversity hotspots have more than 1500 ______ and have lost more than 70% of the ______.

endemic plant species; original habitat

Which microevolutionary mechanism leads to changes in allele frequencies over time due to random chance?

genetic drift

The land plants are probably descendants of which of these groups?

green algae

The main reservoirs for long-term (e.g., greater than a decade) storage of freshwater are:

groundwater, and permafrost and glaciers

Imagine that you just exercised vigorously and your body produces heat, which increases your body temperature. Your nervous system detects this increase and triggers sweating. The evaporation of sweat from your skin then cools your body, helping your body temperature return to its set point. This is an example of ______.

homeostasis and negative feedback loop

___ is a term that refers to similarities among various species that occur because the species are derived from a common ancestor.


In many mammals, coat color is controlled by the action of at least 5 major genes. At one of those genes (the D gene), horse coat color demonstrates the following coat color pattern. Based on the phenotype and genotype data below, this gene appears most likely to be an example of:

incomplete dominance

Genetic material composed of DNA provides a blueprint for the organization, development, and function of all living things. During reproduction, a copy of this blueprint is transmitted from parents to offspring. This is an example of which core concept of biology?

information flow, exchange, and storage

Once reaching reproductive age, the tiger Panthera tigris may attempt to reproduce at any point during their reproductive years and can do so repeatedly. What is this type of reproductive behavior called?


What is one feature that distinguishes amphibians from all other tetrapods?

lack of an amniotic egg

Fill in the blanks. ______ and ______ are the most important abiotic factors impacting marine aquatic biomes.

light, ocean currents

Use the image below to describe population growth. Populations that exhibit exponential growth often cannot grow to a larger size than their [ Select ] ["carrying capacity", "biotic potential"] , noted as [ Select ] ["C, dashed red", "A, solid blue", "B, dotted green"] , which is the

logistic carrying capacity C, dashed red

Most of the water taken up by a plant is

lost during transpiration.

Which of the following is NOT a key innovation that allowed movement of animals onto land?

mammary glands

___ is a reliable method of building and evaluating trees that involves grouping taxa together in ways that minimize the number of evolutionary changes that had to have occurred in the characters.

maximum parsimony

Plants grow throughout their entire lives because of __________ that continues to divide.

meristem tissue

How species allocate energy is a primary determinant of their overall life history strategy. Typically, energy budgets involve allocations of energy between (choose the best answer):

metabolism/maintenance, growth, reproduction

Which of the following structures will be found in nearly all eukaryotic cells?


Some of the most important ecosystem services on earth, such as pollination and human microbiomes, result from species interactions where both of the partners in the interaction benefit. This type of species interaction is called ________. Correct Answer


What is the term for the mutualistic association between a plant and a soil fungus?


It's your birthday and you splurge with a big slice of chocolate cake, heavy on the icing. Shortly afterwards, your blood glucose levels rise, triggering the release of insulin which causes your glucose levels to fall. This is an example of ______.

negative feedback loop

In an animal cell, DNA may be found in which of the following organelles?

only in the nucleus and mitochondria

Which two major threats to biodiversity may be a direct result of the pet trade?

overharvesting and exotic species introduction

What is the correct sequence of structures through which air passes through on the way into the mammalian lung?

pharynx → larynx → trachea → bronchi → bronchioles → alveoli

A true-breeding Mimulus plant with yellow flowers is crossed to a true-breeding Mimulus plant with pink flowers. The offspring of this cross all have yellow flowers. This indicates that (choose all correct answers):

pink is recessive and yellow is dominant. pink and yellow are variants of the same gene.

In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, the genotype frequency of homozygous recessive individuals is represented by ____.


Choose the best life history strategy for each of the following [characteristics]. mature early decreased parental care greater longevity fewer offspring smaller offspring

r-selected species r-selected species k-selceted species k-selected species r-selected species

Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins destined for export from the cell?

rough ER

Which of the following is the correct order of floral organs from the outside to the inside of a complete flower?


Which of the following is NOT a purpose or role of mitosis or cell division?

sexual reproduction

Some animals use diffusion instead of a circulatory system. Examples include:

sponges and flatworms

Which of the following is the correct sequence during the alternation of generations life cycle in a vascular plant?

sporophyte → meiosis → spores → gametophyte → gametes → fertilization → diploid zygote

When you eat a celery stalk, what plant organ are you eating and which type of cells get stuck in your teeth from the celery strands which are supporting the growing celery?

stem; collenchyma

Which abiotic factor has the greatest impact on the worldwide distribution of coral reefs?


Using Figure 14 above, what abiotic factor(s) separate a tropical dry forest from a temperature grassland biome?

temperature and precipitation

Using Figure 14 above, what abiotic factor(s) separate a savanna from a taiga biome? Note: The correct answer is "temperature only" as average temperatures for savanna and taiga do not overlap. However, points were awarded for "temperature and precipitation" as well as the range of annual precipitation for savanna is about 100 to 150 cm, while range for taiga is 0 to 200 cm.

temperature only

In the context of biodiversity, genetic diversity consists of ______.

the amount of genetic variation that occurs within and between populations

Which structure or compartment is not part of the plant's apoplast?

the cytoplasm of a root cell

A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rain forest. After observing its anatomy and life cycle, the following characteristics are noted: flagellated sperm, xylem, separate gametophyte and sporophyte generations with the sporophyte dominant, and no seeds. This plant is probably most closely related to

the ferns

Which is not an abiotic factor that impacts the distribution and abundance of organisms?

tree canopy cover

Gas exchange for animals with gills living in water is more difficult than for animals with lungs living on land because:

water contains lower concentrations of oxygen than air

Animals and plants of intertidal zones adhere to the ocean's rocky shore with a combination of holdfast and flexible structures to withstand the effects of ocean wave action. These structures were adapted to deal with the impact of which abiotic factor?


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