Bio lab Review

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You are looking at bacterial cells through a compound light microscope. The objective you are using magnifies objects at 40X, and the ocular magnification is 10X. What is the total magnification of the bacteria cells?


What is the oil immersion lens?

A lens that requires you to fill the space between the specimen and the lens with oil, to get rid of the air

Parts of a microscope

Also reference your lab manual!

Which member of Kingdom Protista is characterized by moving using pseudopodia and capturing food via phagocytosis?

Amoeba spp.

What is this organism?

Amoeba; has pseudopodia and Phagocytosis

What type of plant is this and why?

Angiosperm because it produces flowers (shows Spanish moss

What is the difference between plants and Archaeplastida?

- Archaeplastida are protists and plants are not -Plants perform alteration of generations and Archaeplastida do not -Plants have plasmodesmata and Archaeplastida do not

Which of the following statements regarding the diversity and abundance of bacteria is accurate?

-There are more bacterial cells in a human body than human cells. -Bacteria can be found in all environments on Earth. -There are more bacteria species than all animal species combined.

Why are cyanobacteria classified as prokaryotes instead of eukaryotes like other photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and algae?

Because they lack a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Which member of Kingdom Protista is the closest relative to the land plants?


Which organism from Kingdom Protista is most closely related to animals?


What structure(s) does the Stentor sp. use for feeding?


Which gymnosperm is often confused with a palm tree?


Bryophytes lack vascular tissues. This restricts them to what kind of environments?

Damp environments near water

This is a cross section of a stem. This plant is a


Which of the following is NOT a trait of gymnosperms?

Embryo sac

What is the Genus of the land plant commonly known Horsetails or "Scouring Rush"?


Which organism is unicellular and possesses a feeding groove?

Euglena spp.

Which domain of life does not include prokaryotes?


What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles and prokaryotes do not

Which of the following characteristics apply to ALL species in Kingdom Protista?


Which of the following characteristics apply to at least some organisms from Kingdom Protista?

Eukaryotic, unicellular, Heterotrophic, Possess cell walls, Aquatic

To which group does this protist belong?


Fruits are produced by angiosperms to give nutrition to the embryo.


Gymnosperms seeds are typically dispersed by animals.


Members of the Phylum Anthocerotophyta (hornworts) are vascular seed plants.


Members of the Phylum Rhizaria belong to the Supergroup Excavata.


Protists are a group consisting of all eukaryotes that are classified as true animals, plants, or fungi.


Protists are a monophyletic group.


Some land plants have special openings in the leaves called plasmodesmata which are used to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.


T/F: Archaeans are much more common and ubiquitous than Bacteria. They are found pretty much everywhere on Earth.


T/F: Many cyanobacteria exist as single cells and not as filaments or colonies.


The ovary of the flower develops into the seeds while the ovules develop into the fruits.


True/False: You should begin viewing a specimen with the 10X objective lens.


Water and minerals are transported from the roots to the rest of the plant through the phloem.


What are the asexual reproductive structures of Marchantia (Liverworts) called?

Gemmae Cups

Given that penicillin is an antibiotic that inhibits enzymes from catalyzing the synthesis of peptidoglycan, which prokaryotes should be most vulnerable to inhibition by penicillin?

Gram-positive bacteria

Anabaena contain specialized cells called __________________ which all them to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere.


In which pond water sample would you expect to find more plant-like (photosynthetic) protists?

In the sample from the sunny part of the pond

Meiosis occurs within what structure during the pine tree life cycle?

Inside the cones

The two types of gametes ("plus" or "minus") produced by Chlamydomonas under adverse conditions are called________________________.


What is the purpose of iodine in a gram stain?

It binds to Crystal Violet and helps trap it in the peptidoglycan layer

What is the purpose of the Safranin in a gram stain?

It is the counterstain which turns gram negative bacteria pink

What is the purpose of heat-fixing the bacteria onto the slide in a gram stain?

It kills the cells and makes them stick to the slide

When cleaning the oil immersion lens, you should use only the following two items:

Lens cleaning solution and lens paper

What type of plant are these structure from, and what are they used for?

Liverworts- for asexual reproduction

The plant in this photo is ______, because it produces both male and female gametes


Which characteristic is not shared by land plants and at least some species in Kingdom Protista?

Motility in mature individuals

In rice farming, the fields are flooded with Azolla (mosquito fern) between crops. Why do you suppose this is done?

Mutualistic cyanobacteria of Azolla fix nitrogen for future crops.

The cell walls of bacteria are composed of ______________________.


What Phylum(s) belongs to the Supergroup Unikonta?

Phylum Amoebozoa, Phylum Mycetozoa

All angiosperms belong to which phylum?

Phylum Anthophyta

Which of the following groups will not be investigated in this week's lab?

Phylum Anthophyta

Which phylum of plants is the most abundant on Earth today?

Phylum Anthophyta

Which of the following phyla is NOT included in the group gymnosperms?

Phylum Lycophyta

_______ is made of the stigma, the style, and the ovary, and makes up the _________ part of the flower.

Pistil, female

The gametophyte generation ________ gametes.


After completing a Gram Stain, bacteria with a thick peptidoglycan layer will appear _______________and will be considered __________________________-.

Purple, Gram positive

The following are descriptive characteristic forms of bacterial colonies, except:


Bryophytes have root-like structures called ____________________________ that help anchor the plant and have some water and mineral absorptive capabilities.


Which of the following was not present in both pond water samples?


This is a cross-section of a stem. The dark spots in this photo are ______ and ______.

Roots and Shoots

What habitat do these protists occupy?

Salt Water (marine)

The Lychophyte plant Selaginella, is a(n):

Seedless vascular

What is the name of the small brown structures on the underside of the fern frond


You are looking at an adult pine tree. There are no cones present on the tree. Only the dominant generation is present. What generation are you observing for the adult pine tree?


What will this grow into?

Sporophyte Fern

The SAR supergroup contains which 3 main sub-supergroups?

Stramenopila, Alveolata, Rhizaria

__________ is a behavioral, directional response to a stimulus.


Which of the following structures produce pollen in members of Phylum Anthophyta?

The anther

The dominant generation means

The generation that reproduces sexually

The photo shows

The inside of an ovary of a flower

What magnification should you start on when viewing a slide?

The lowest one so you can find the specimen easily

What would be good indicators of plant-like protist in the pond water samples?

They are green and mostly sedentary

What ecological role do nitrogen fixing bacteria play in the environment?

They transform atmospheric nitrogen to a form that other organisms can use

A seed is a dormant embryo embedded into the nutrient tissue of the female gametophyte and is surrounded by a seed coat.


All angiosperms produce flowers and fruits.


An organism can lack roots, stems, and leaves, and still be considered a plant.


Despite their adaptations to land, most species of plant are still aquatic.


Diatoms are unicellular algae that possess a cell wall made of silicon dioxide


Dicots have two cotyledons.


Like Plankton from SpongeBob, Chlamydomonas has one singular eyespot known as the stigma.


Rhizoids and Roots were developed by more advanced land plants in order to be able to absorb minerals and nutrients from the surrounding environments.


Spanish Moss is not actually a moss but an angiosperm (flowering plant).


T/F: Electron microscopes do not permit the viewing of live organisms.


T/F: Pollination is when pollen is transferred from one plant to another while fertilization is when the sperm and egg come together to form an embryo.


A seed has a thick, heavy coating, and several air pockets. It is most likely

Water dispersed

When viewing the Rhodospirillum and cyanobacteria it is necessary to use the ______ _______ technique and avoid trapping air by properly placing the _________.

Wet mount, coverslip

When viewing the liverworts, make sure you identify the sexual structures _________ and __________ and understand the role they have in the life cycle.

antheridia, archegonia

In non-flowering plants, the female reproductive structures are called ____________________ and the male reproductive structures are called __________________________.

archegonia, antheridia

Diatoms are ecologically important because the cycle approximately twenty five percent of _________________________ on Earth.


The smaller spheres inside of the colonial protists Volvox sp. and Pandorina sp. are known as_________________________. They are products of asexual reproduction.

daughter colonies

The gram stain is a ______________________ stain which detects differences in ____________________ composition.

differential, cell wall

When you use the higher magnifications on the microscope, focal adjustments should be made using the _________.

fine focus knob

Select the response that best completes the following statement: Members of Phylum Pteridophyta possess vascular tissue, and as a result are able to...

grow taller than non-tracheophyte plants.

Seed bearing plants are grouped into two clades, namely __________ and ____________.

gymnosperms and angiosperms

A plant that produces two kinds of spores is called _________.


Which of the following would be indicated regarding a bacteria species that is successfully stained purple by a Gram stain?

it is gram positive and Its cell wall contains a thick layer of peptidoglycan

Because they are mostly clear, you may need to lower the __________ when trying to view the amoebae under the microscope.

light intensity

These photos show ______________________ reproductive structures.

male gymnosperm

When viewing protists in this lab, applying a drop of __________ may be necessary to slow the movement of the organisms so they are more easily viewed.


Cyanobacteria are frequently surrounded by a jellylike ______________________________________ which helps protect the cells from drying out and keeps colonies of cells together.

mucliagenous sheath

In the phylum Anthophyta, seeds develop within the ________, which matures and ripens into a _______.

ovary, fruit

The female reproductive parts of a flower are known as the ______________.


Once staining and rinsing are complete, you will dry the slide by _______.

pressing it between sheets of bibulous paper

Some species from the Supergroup Excavata have acquired plastids through the process known as _________________________.

secondary endosymbiosis

Clusters of sporangia located on the underside of a fern leaf are called ____________.


At the end of this lab exercise you should be able to identify the _____________ or the ____________ as the dominant portion of the life cycle among the groups.

sporophyte, gametophyte

A directional behavioral response to a stimulus is known as ____________________.


Non-vascular plants include all the following types of plants EXCEPT _________.

whisk ferns

Plant vascular tissue is composed of xylem and phloem through which water, minerals, and nutrients are transported.


The physical characteristic that is the main difference between the Bryophytes and members of the Lycophytes and Pteridophytes is the presence of ____________.

vascular tissue

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