Biodiversity Exam 4 - Unit 4

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What Phyla in this unit are enterocoely?

Phylum Annelida, Arthropoda, Onychophora

The Coelom is degenerate (reduced) in which Phylum?

Phylum Arthropoda

The most abundant animal Phylum is:

Phylum Arthropoda

Phylum Onychophora:

"A Missing Link?" - Terrestrial worms resembling Annelids & Arthropods - Protostome

Phylum Chaetognatha:

"Arrow Worms" - Marine, Planktonic Predator - Deuterostome

Class Osteichthyes:

"Bony Fish" - Notochord may persist - Terminal mouth - 2-chambered heart - Operculum - Swim bladder

Class Chilopoda:

"Centipedes" - Poison gland - Repugnatorial gland

Class Amphibia:

"Dual life" - Notochord replaced - 3-chambered heart - Tetrapods - Smooth, moist skin - Water needed for reproduction - Amplexus - Tadpole larvae - Metamorphosis (thyroid)

Class Oligochaeta:

"Few Setae" & "Earthworms" - Poorly-developed head - Clitellum - Respiration - Diffusion- Which requires moist skin.

Class Agnatha:

"Jawless Fishes" - Ostracoderms (extinct) - Cyclostomes "Lamprey" & "Hagfishes" - Persistent notochord - 2-chambered heart - Gnathostomes - Evolution of jaw: Hyoid (gill) arch -> Jaw

Subphylum Cephalochordata:

"Lancelets" - Streamlined animals - Has notochord that extends to head

Subphylum Uniramia & Class Insecta:

"Largest Animal Group" - Protostome - 3 Tagma - Metamorphosis & Instars - Ametabolous - Metabolous - Hemimetabolous(incomplete) - Holometabolous (complete)

Class Hirundinea:

"Leeches" - Blood-sucking parasites - Some Carnivorous - Coelom filled w/ mesenchyme - Setae usually absent - Open circulation - Clitellum present

Subclass Sarcopterygii:

"Lobe-finned Fishes" - Order Crossopterygii - "Coelocanth" - Order Dipneusti - "Lungfishes"

Class Polychaeta:

"Many Setae" - Well-developed head - Parapodia - Sandworm, Tubeworm, Palalo Worm, Fireworm

Class Diplopoda:

"Millipedes" - Diplosegment

Subclass Actinopterygii:

"Ray-finned Fishes" - Primitive groups - Teleosts - High species diversity - Caudal fin types in fishes: - Heterocercal- Chondrichthyes - Homocercal- Osteichthyes - Diphycercal- Osteichthyes

Class Holothuroidea:

"Sea Cucumbers" - Cylindrical, w/ tertiary bilateral symmetry

Phylum Hemichordata:

- Thought to possess part of a notochord - "Hemi" = does possess gill slits - Burrowing, marine worms - Gill slits present - Deuterostome

Class Reptilia:

- Tough, dry, scaly skin - Internal fertilization - 3-chambered heart in most - 4-chambered heart in some - Lungs & Limbs well developed - Shelled egg

______ are coracious planktonic predators.

Chaetognatha/ Arrow worms

Since some Echinoderms are pentaramously symmetrical as adults they are not considered to have bilateral symmetry (T/F).

False; They are considered bilaterally symmetrical as they are at some form of their lives.

All chordates are vertebrates (T/F).

False: All vertebrates are chordates but not all chordates are vertebrates.

Flying birds have flat sternums (T/F).

False: Non-flying birds have flat sternums.

Amplexus is when the male and female reptiles get close and release their gametes into the water for reproduction (T/F).

False; Amphibians not reptiles.

Carinate birds are also called flightless birds (T/F).

False; Carinate birds can fly.

The eye stalk in crustaceans contains the hormone that triggers molting to begin (T/F).

False; Eye stalk hax X-organ and x means stop.

Since during reproduction both individuals donate and receive sperm in an antiparallel fashion, members of Class Oligochaeta are considered hermaphrodites or diecious (T/F).

False; Monecious not Diecious.

Members of Class Chilopoda are displosegmented with a poison gland (T/F).

False; Not diplosegmented.

For progenesis the germinal tissues slow down relative to the somatic tissues (T/F).

False; The germinal tissues speed up, causes early maturity in humans.

Since members of Class Hirudinea have a coelom that fills with mesenchyme they are technically are not coelomate animals (T/F).

False; They are still coelomates.

Crabs have book lungs (T/F).

False; They have book gills.

Spiders have book gills (T/F).

False; They have book lungs.

Arthropods display homonomous metamerism (T/F).

False; They have heteronomous Metamerism (segmented body).

Sharks use a swim bladder to maintain buoyancy (T/F).

False; They use lipids in the liver.

Most vertebrates are...?

Fish, most chordates are also fish.

Most vertebrate groups are _________, which arose during the Paleozoic era.



Maintaining a relatively constant body temperature; sometimes called "warm blooded"

Which germ tissue is the notochord derived from?



Metamorphosis = Pterygota (possess wings) - Hemimetabolous (incomplete) = Exopterygota w/ Nymphs ex. Grasshoppers - Holometabolous (complete) = Endopterygota w/ Larva, Pupa w/ Cocoon ex. Butterflies

Which type of mammal can lay eggs?


What are the two ways paedomorphosis can occur?

Neoteny & Progenesis

Is the koala in the same order as bears?

No! They are Marsupials.

Are spiders decapoda?

No, they are Araneida. Crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs are decapoda.


Non-reproductive tissues; such as muscle, bone and skin.

What are the two general categories of tissues found in animals?

Somatic & Germinal

Which organisms were the last with persistent notochords?

Sturgeons/ Gar (in Subclass Actinopterygii)

What two subclasses are under Class Osteichthyes?

Subclass Sarcopterygii & Subclass Actinopterygii

Which of the following mainly uses Calcium Phosphate to harden their tissues? -Class Osteichthyes -Subphylum Crustacea -Subphylum Chelicerata

Subphylum Crustacea

The extinct Subphylum of Phylum Arthropoda is:

Subphylum Trilobitomorpha

What are the three Subphylums under Phylum Chordata?

Subphylum Urochordata, Subphylum Cephalochordata & Subphylum Vertebrata

Most vertebrate species are...?


Malpighian tubules are ______ while green glands are mainly ______?

Terrestrial, Aquatic

Class Holothuroidea displays what kind of symmetry?

Tertiary bilateral symmetry

Annelids have what are called homonomous metamerism (T/F).


Class Oligochaeta have a clitellum (T/F).


Class Ophiuroidea can regenerate lost arms (T/F).


Class insects have an open circulatory system (T/F).


Coelacanths are living fossils and are representatives of Order Crossopterygii (T/F).


Coelom in Annelids has reached the greatest level of development (T/F).


Evidence suggest that Class Aves are closely related to reptiles (T/F).


In Class Amphibia, the notochord is replaced by the vertebrae (T/F).


In tetrapods, the limbs replaced fins to aid in the transition to land? (T/F)


Molting is another word for ecdysis (T/F).


Monotremes are mammals who have a single opening for their digestive, reproductive and urinary tracts possess and opening called Cloaca (T/F).


Non-avian reptiles have inflexible shells (T/F).


Snakes are tetrapods (T/F).


For neoteny the somatic tissues slow down relative to germinal tissues (T/F).

True; Causes dwarfism in humans.

Ratite birds are not able to fly due to the fact that they do not have keeled sternums (T/F).

True; Remember rats cant fly.

Vertebrate origins link what two groups? Why?

Urochordates & Cephalochordates because they both possess a notochord.


Using behavioral and environmental conditions to maintain homeothermy.


Using internal, physiological mechanisms (ex: sweating, shivering) to maintain homeothermy

Which of these are NOT a general characteristic of Phylum Chordata? -Notochord -Ventral, Hollow Nerve Cord -Pharyngeal Slits -Postanal Tail -All of these are characteristics of Chordates

Ventral, Hollow Nerve Cord


When a larvae form through mutation possesses the ability to reproduce but does not attain the adult body form.


Which the germinal tissues speed up relative to the somatic tissues during development.


Which the somatic tissues slow down relative to the germinal tissues during development.

Which of the following are not protostomes? -Phylum Mollusca -Phylum Nemertea -Phylum Annelida -Phylum Arthropoda

phylum Nemertea

______ developed from the support material called Hyoid Arches associated with the Pharyngeal Slits.


Which of the following does neoteny?



Phylum Arthropoda = Ecdysis -- Ecdysone (from Y-organ or Prothoracic gland) --> Molt -- Molt-inhibiting hormone (from X-organ) --> No molting - Continuous vs. Discontinuous growth

What is considered the missing link between Annelids and Arthropods?

Phylum Onychophora

Which of the following are not names of ear ossicles in mammals. Hammer, Stapes, Incus (quadrate), Anvil, Stirrup, Ulna, Malleus (articular).

Ulna; Must know both names for each ear ossicle so keep an eye out!

Is a pseudocoelom a true body cavity?

Yes it is

Class Chondrichthyes:

"Sharks, Skates & Rays" - Cartilaginous skeleton - Notochord persistent - Sub-terminal mouth - No gill cover - No swim bladder - Shark teeth, Placoid scales, Stingray, Electric skate, Manta Ray, Ratfish

Subphylum Urochordata:

"Tunicates & Sea Squirts" - Sessile adults w/ 2 tubes (siphons) to transport water - As larvae they have a tadpole-like form - Has notochord

Order Cirripedia:

- "Barnacles" - Marine - Some symbiotic

Class Ophiuroidea:

- "Brittle Stars" & "Basket Stars" - 5 Arms (usually)

Class Crinoidea:

- "Sea Lillies" & "Feather Stars"

Class Pycnogonida:

- "Sea Spiders" - 4 leg pairs (usually) - Ovigerous legs (male) - Organs extend into legs

Class Asteroidea:

- "Sea Stars" - 5 Arms (usually

Arthropod classification:

- Appendages: Biramous vs. Uniramous - Mouth parts: Chelicerae & Pedipalps vs Mandibles - Antennae

Class Merostomata:

- Aquatic - "Horseshoe Crab" - "Giant Water Scorpion (Extinct)"

Subphylum Crustacea:

- Cephalothoracic Segments - Thoracic Segments - Abdominal Segments - Larval Forms: Nauplius, Zoea, Megalops

What are the 8 Classes of Chordata?

- Class Agnatha - Class Placodermi - Class Chondrichthyes - Class Osteichthyes - Class Amphibia - Class Reptilia - Class Aves - Class Mammalia

What are the five classes of Phylum Echinodermata?

- Class Crinoidea - Class Asteroidea - Class Ophiuroidea - Class Echinoidea - Class Holothuroidea

Phylum Echinodermata:

- Deuterostome - Marine, w/ spiny skin & pentamerous radial symmetry - Water vascular system, w/ tube feet (podia)

Phylum Chordata:

- Deuterostome - Nonvertebrate Chordates & Vertebrates

Reptillian Classification:

- Dinosaurs- extinct 65 million years ago - Order Rhynchocephalia- reptiles have pineal glands that are exposed to light, humans are not exposed to light. -Order Crocodilia -Order Squamata- "snakes" & "lizards" -Order Testudines- "turtles"

Three Mammalian reproductive types:

- Egg layers - Marsupials -sugar gliders - Placentals -humans

Subphylum Trilobitomorpha:

- Extinct - Biramous - Antennae (One pair)

Class Placodermi:

- Extinct - The "First" jawed fishes

Class Aves:

- Feathers and Scales - Skeleton w/ air cavities - Beak - Archaepteryx - 4-chambered heart - Keeled sternum (flight birds) or Flat sternum (flightless birds) - Uropygial Gland- oil gland for waterproofing - Lungs partitioned for efficient respiration

Class Mammalia:

- Hair - Integument w/ glands - Mammary glands - Sebaceous & Sweat glands - Dentition specialized - Jaw bones -> Ear ossicles - Homeotherms via Endothermy - 4-chambered heart

What are the 4 chordate features?

- Has postanal tail - Dorsal hollow nerve cord - Notochord - Pharyngeal slits

3 different tail types:

- Heterocercal = Chondrichthyes - Homocercal = Osteichthyes - Diphycercal = Osteichthyes

Order Decapoda:

- Large Group

Metazoan Features:

- Larger size - Increased mobility - Internal homeostasis - Relative independence from environment

Phylum Arthropoda general features:

- Largest Animal Group! - Heteronomous Metamerism - Tagma - Exoskeleton: Cuticle & Epidermis - Musculature: Flexors & Extensors - Articulations - Excretory Systems: Malpighian tubules & Green gland - Respiratory Systems: Gills, Book lungs & Tracheae w/ spiracles - "Open" Circulatory System: Heart w/ Ostia & Hemocoel - Coelom is degenerate (most abundant coelomate animals don't have it in adult form) - Molting = Ecdysis : Hormonal control Compound eye - Protostome

Order Isopoda:

- Marine (except "Pill Bug")

Subclass Theria:

- Metatherians -> "Marsupials" "Opossum" "Kangaroos" & "Koala" - Eutherians -> "Placentals" Numerous orders

Subclass Prototheria:

- Monotremes = Echidna - "Egg layers" - "Duckbill Platypus" & "Spiny Anteater"

Subphylum Chelicerata:

- Mostly terrestrial (some marine) - Body plan: Prosoma, Opisthoma, Telson - Chelicera & Pedipalps - Uniramous: 4 Pairs - Respiration: Book lungs & gills; tracheae

The "Vertebrates" Subphylum Vertebrata:

- Notochord - Heart - Appendicular Girdles - Jaws

What four Orders are under Class Crustacea?

- Order Copepoda - Order Cirripedia - Order Isopoda - Order Decapoda

What are the three orders under Class Amphibia?

- Order Urodela "Salamanders" - Order Anura "Frogs/Toads" - Order Apoda "Caecilians"

Order Copepoda:

- Planktonic - Abundant

Primates & Human Evolution:

- Prosimians "Lemurs" - Anthropoids "Monkeys, Apes & Humans" - Hominoids

Protostomes vs Deuterostomes

- Protostomes develop the mouth first and examples are Annelids, Molluscs, and Arthropods - Deuterostomes develop the anus first and examples are the Chordates and Echinoderms

Class Echinoidea:

- Regular Echinoids - "Sea Urchin" - Irregular Echinoids - "Sand Dollars" - "Heart Urchins" - "Sea Bisquits"

Subclasses under Class Aves:

- Subclass Archaeornithes "Fossil birds" - Subclass Neornithes "Modern birds"

What are the two subclasses under Class mammalia?

- Subclass Prototheria & Subclass Theria

Class Arachnida:

- Terrestrial, Chelicerae w/ fangs - Web building

Phylum Annelida:

- Vermiform- Worm-shaped form. - Metamerism = Segmentation - Homonomous with Metameres = Segments- Essentially repeated morphologically. - Setae = Chaetae - Parapodia - Closed circulation - Metanephridia - Movement: Crawling & Swimming - Trochophore Larva - Protostome

Koala bears are not "bears" instead they are marsupials. Which of the following are also marsupials? -Opossum -Kangaroos -Echidnas -Platypus

-Opossum & Kangaroos

What four Subphylums are under Phylum Arthropoda?

-Subphylum Trilobitomorpha -Subphylum Chelicerata -Subphylum Crustacea -Subphylum Uniramia

Thoracic Segments:

1st, 2nd and 3rd Maxillipeds --> Chelipeds --> Pereiopods (walking legs)

How many heart chambers are in fish?


How many heart chambers does a fish have?

2 chambers

How many heart chambers are in amphibians and most reptiles?


Class Diplopoda have _______ legs per fused segments.


How many heart chambers are in birds and mammals?



= Intermediate stage of Molting


Adult stage - 5-8 instars to get to this point = Apterygota - "Bristletail" & "Silverfish"

Which continent, based on the discovery of the earliest fossils, can human origins be traced to?


Which of the following is found in Class Osteichthyes and not in Class Chondrichthyes? -Terminal mouth -Presence of an operculum -Swim bladder -Both B & C -All of the Above

All of the Above

Which of the following is not an Order from Subphylum Crustacea? -Order Copepoda -Order Cirripedia -Order Decapoda -Order Isopoda -All of these are Orders of Subphylum Crustacea

All of these are orders of Subphylum Crustacea

Silverfish are examples of a ______ group.

Ametabolous/ Apterygota

Parts of the shelled egg:

Amnion, Allantois, Chorion & Yolk Sac

What are the components of a shelled egg?

Amnion, Allantois, Chorion and Yolk Sac

Know the different parts of the amniotic egg (for reptiles).

Amnion, Allantois, Chorion, Yolk Sac

Which lacks teeth?

Amphioxus (Lancelet)

Likely invertebrate that led to the development of vertebrates/ representative from Subphylum Cephalochordata.

Amphioxus, aka. Lancelet.

What was the first bird that had 3 reptile characteristics and 1 avian characteristic?


Evolutionary link between reptiles and birds:

Archosaurs (extinct)

What are the earliest humans?

Ardipithecus ramidus Australopithicus afarensis "lucy"

First human?

Ardipithecus ramidus; Dated to be older than Australopithecus afarensis "Lucy".

Heteronomous Metamerism

Arthropods have combined segments into specialized regions called Tagma. This specialization along with flexible joints has given these animals advantages in locomotion.

The ability for lungfish to burrow in the mud and begin breathing air exclusibley is called...?



Body temperature basically matches that of the external environment; sometimes called "cold blooded"

Class Diplopoda are: -Mostly Herbivores -Centipedes -Millipede -Venomous -Both A & C

Both A & C

The water vascular system is used for all of the following functions except: -Locomotion -Feeding -Respiration -Buoyancy


What were the first jawless vertebrates?

Class Agnatha

Which Class was the first to evolve?

Class Agnatha

Which group is the link between fish transitioning into reptiles?

Class Amphibia

What three Classes are under Subphylum Chelicerata?

Class Arachnida, Class Merostomata & Class Pycnogonida

What is the most successful class?

Class Arthropoda

Which class rarely gets tumors?

Class Chondrichthyes

Which of the following Classes is not a Chordate? -Class Agnatha -Class Crinoidea -Class Placeoderma -Class Chondrichthyes

Class Crinoidea

What class is under Subphylum Crustacea?

Class Crustacea

What three Classes are under Subphylum Uniramia?

Class Insecta, Class Chilopoda & Class Diplopoda

What three classes are under Phylum Annelida?

Class Oligochaeta, Class Hirudinea & Class Polychaeta

The formation of a shelled egg helped which group truly conquer land:

Class Reptilia

The egg storing structure that many representatives of Phylum Annelida contain is called the...?


What order is most closely associated with Amphibians?

Crossopterygii aka. Coelacanths

Representatives of Class Oligochaeta do respiration via...?

Diffusion; requires moist skin.

What is the purpose of the Allantois?

Disposal sac for certain metabolic wastes produced by the embryo.

Malphigian tubules are most related to which of the following:

Excretory System

Cephalothoracic Segments:

Eye --> 1st Antennae (antennules) --> 2nd Antennae --> 1st & 2nd Maxillae

Biramous appendages are the most common amongst Arthropods (T/F).


Class Agnatha evolved from Class Placodermi (Gnathostomes) (T/F).


Class Chondrichthyes has a swim bladder (T/F).


Order Apoda have legs (T/F).


Phylum Echinodermata is classified under Radiata (T/F).


Snakes (from order squamata) are not tetrapods as they do not have legs (T/F).


Appendicular Girdles

Found in most vertebrates consisting of a complex of bones to support the appendages in tetrapods.

Trochophore Larva

Found in some annelids and mollusks. Provides evidence for evolutionary link between the 2 taxa: Annelid vs Mollusk.

How many chambers are in the heart of a bird?


Acorn worms display which chordate feature?

Gill slits; Also thought at one time to possess part of a notochord.

What color is hemolymph in Crustaceans?


Which of these evolved first? -Lizards -Placoderma -Hagfish -Metatherians


Which of the following is not a general characteristic of Class Aves? -Hollow Bones -Have a Cloaca -Have a 3-chambered heart -Consists of two groups: Ratites and Carnates

Have a 3-chambered heart

What are the three segments of Tagma?

Head, Thorax, Abdomen

Which of the following is incomplete metamorphosis? -Hemimetabolous -Ametabolous -Homometabolous -All of the Above


Which Caudal find type would be most related to Class Chondrichthyes? -Homocercal -Heterocercal -Diphycercal


To feed, leeches use an anesthetic and an anticoagulant called...?


What is a humanoid handyman?

Homo habillis

The abdomen of an arthropod is closest to being...?


Which of the following is not a member of class decapoda. Crabs, Shrimp, Horseshoe crabs, Crayfish.

Horseshoe Crabs

What was the evolutionary link between amphibians and fish?

Ichthyostega; Needed lungs and lobed fins.

Most Arthropods are...?


The intermediate molting stages are called...?


What are prosimians?


Which of the following is not a general characteristic of Subphylum Cephalochordata? -Complete digestive system -Only the larvae stage has all four key characteristics of Chordates -Closed circulatory system

Only the larvae stage has all four key characteristics of Chordates

Which order has a "third eye" via the pineal gland which is covered by a translucent membrane?

Order Rhynchocephalia

Which of the following orders are not a part of Class Amphibia? -Order Urodela -Order Squamata -Order Anura -Order Apoda

Order Squamata

What order of extant reptiles contains turtles and tortoises?

Order Testudines

The difference between pedipalps and mandibles is that:

Pedipalps being in the food hole mandibles crush the food.

First vertebrate?


What was the first jawed fish?


What were the first jawed vertebrates?


Abdominal Segments:

Pleopods (swimmerets), Tail (telson/uropods)

Mammalian Classification

Presence in some of shelled eggs, scales and cloaca demonstrate close evolutionary relationship to reptiles and birds. These and developmental differences are used to classify mammals.

Sea urchins are considered regular/irregular Echinoids?

Regular; Radially symmetrical as adults.


Reproductive tissues; Such as ovaries and testes

Which of the following insect groups is completely ametabolous? -Ants -Termites -Butterflies -Silverfish


Crabs mainly walk because...?

The megalops stage; The abdomen is tucked under the Cephalothorax.

Evolutionary link between reptiles and mammals:

Therapsids (extinct)

Why are avian lungs partitioned?

They make respiration more efficient as the old and new O2 wont mix.

What gland is extremely important in development/metamorphosis in many vertebrates and is potentially impacted in paedomorphic scenarios?

Thyroid Gland

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