BIOL 121 Axial Skeleton Bones and Bony Landmarks
costal neck
label D
conoid tubercle
Identify the labeled structure
Alveolar process of maxilla
Identify this structure.
mandibular body
Name this area of the mandible.
Ethmoid bone
Name this bone of the skull (superior view).
Frontal bone
Name this bone.
Lacrimal bone
Name this bone.
Name this bone.
Name this bone.
Nasal bones
Name this bone.
Occipital bone
Name this bone.
Palatine bone
Name this bone.
Parietal bone
Name this bone.
Temporal bones
Name this bone.
Vomer bone
Name this bone.
nasal conchae
Name this bone.
Alveolar process of mandible
Name this bony landmark.
Alveolar process of the mandible
Name this bony landmark.
Coronal suture
Name this bony landmark.
Coronoid process of mandible
Name this bony landmark.
Cribriform plate
Name this bony landmark.
Crista galli
Name this bony landmark.
External acoustic meatus
Name this bony landmark.
Mastoid process
Name this bony landmark.
Palatine process of maxilla
Name this bony landmark.
Styloid process of the temporal bone
Name this bony landmark.
Supraorbital margin
Name this bony landmark.
mandibular angle
Name this bony landmark.
mandibular condyle
Name this bony landmark.
Zygomatic arch
Name this entire part.
Foramen magnum
Name this foramen.
Infraorbital foramen
Name this foramen.
Mental foramen
Name this foramen.
Optic foramen
Name this foramen.
Supraorbital notch/ foramen
Name this foramen.
Inferior orbital fissure
Name this opening.
Superior orbital fissure
Name this opening.
Greater wing
Name this part of the sphenoid bone.
Lesser wing
Name this part of the sphenoid bone.
zygomatic process of the temporal bone
Name this part of the temporal bone.
Temporal process zygomatic bone
Name this part of the zygomatic bone.
Sella turcica
Name this region of the sphenoid bone.
costal angle
Name this specific part of the costal bone.
Lambdoid suture
Name this suture.
Sagittal suture
Name this suture.
Squamous suture
Name this suture.
lambdoid suture
Name this suture.
acromial end
identify labeled structure
sternal end
identify labeled structure
ethmoid bone
label bone
hyoid bone
label bone
sphenoid bone
label bone
zygomatic bone
label bone
occipital condyles
label condyles
mandibular foramen
label foramen
lacrimal fossa
label fossa
costal shaft
label highlighted
label part of skull
perpendicular plate ethmoid
label plate
costal angle
label structure
frontal sinus
label structure
label structure
label structure
mandibular ramus
label structure
sphenoid sinus
label structure
mandibular fossa
label the fossa