BIOL 1322 4 Homework/Assignment

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The digestive system not only processes the foods we eat, but it is also the site of some nutrient production. Which of the following nutrients are produced by bacteria that live in the large intestine? Check all that apply.

Stomach Pyloric Sphincter Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

The treatment of __________ is likely to involve an elimination diet.

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

The digestive system not only processes the foods we eat, but it is also the site of some nutrient production. Which of the following nutrients are produced by bacteria that live in the large intestine? Check all that apply.

Biotin and Vitamin K

A serious consequence of uncontrolled diabetes is kidney damage. When a person's kidneys aren't functioning properly, what would you expect to happen to his or her body?

Certain wastes accumulate in the bloodstream. The main function of the kidneys is to filter blood to remove certain wastes from the body.

________ are associated with high risk of dehydration.

Vomiting and diarrhea

True or False? Healthy people have very small numbers of bacteria living in their large intestine.


What organ produces bile?


Involuntary muscle contractions that move swallowed material through the gastrointestinal tract are called _______.


Most nutrient absorption occurs in the _______.

small intestine

Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the _______.


Your friend suffers from a disorder in which stomach acid damages the lining of her esophagus. What signs or symptoms is your friend probably experiencing?

Frequent heartburn When stomach acid damages the lining of the esophagus, it causes the pain and burning sensations associated with heartburn.

The secretion of gastric fluids is controlled both locally and through the central nervous system. The stomach is prepared in advance for the food that will arrive after swallowing. Once the food arrives in the stomach, the amount of gastric fluid can be increased proportionately to the amount of food. Gastrin travels through the blood stream and stimulates the secretion of _______. Check all that apply.

HCI and pepsin

The presence of ______ stimulates a reflex that facilitates the elimination of solid wastes from the body.

feces in the rectum

Farah has a history of peptic ulcers. To prevent having a recurrence of such ulcers, she should take all of the following steps EXCEPT _______.

increase consumption of milk and cream to coat the stomach lining For people who have a history of peptic ulcers, limiting the consumption of alcohol, avoiding cigarettes, and limiting use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce the risk of recurrences.

The secretion of gastric fluids is controlled both locally and through the central nervous system. The stomach is prepared in advance for the food that will arrive after swallowing. Once the food arrives in the stomach, the amount of gastric fluid can be increased proportionately to the amount of food. All of the following stimulate the secretion of HCI in the stomach EXCEPT _______.

the presence of iron in food

Many common health-related conditions affect the functioning of the digestive system. Match each of the possible outcomes on the right with the condition that is most likely to be the cause of the outcome.

- Gallstone formation = poor fat digestion - Lack of hydrochloric acid production = Survival of disease-causing microbes in the stomach - Liver cancer = inability to store many nutrients - Loss of teeth = frequent choking on food

Chemists measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in a watery solution by using the pH scale. Put the items on the left in order of most acidic (1) to least acidic/most basic (4).

1. Lemon Juice 2. Tomatoes 3. Milk 4. Baking Soda The pH of lemon juice is 2.3; tomatoes are 4.0; milk is 6.3-6.6; and baking soda is 9.5.

Your friend, Adrian, tells you that he has been experiencing deep, dull pain in his upper abdomen and a feeling of fullness a few hours after eating. Despite the abdominal discomfort, he has normal bowel movements and his weight hasn't changed. 1. Based on this information, Adrian probably has __________. 2. In question above, you determined what is wrong with Adrian's intestinal tract. What is the most likely cause of his medical condition? 3. As part of Adrian's treatment for the intestinal problem, his doctor recommends that Adrian __________.

1. a peptic ulcer Correct 2. Stomach infection (H. pylori) 3. avoid consuming alcohol

Connect the gastrointestinal problem to the symptoms and/or definition by which it can be identified.

Constipation = Infrequent or difficult to eliminate bowel movements Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease = Burning pain in the upper chest area Peptic Ulcers = Deep, dull upper abdominal pain Irritable Bowel Syndrome = Bouts of diarrhea, constipation, or alternative episodes of both diarrhea and constipation

Melanie has chronic constipation. Which of the following recommendations is NOT an effective way of alleviating constipation?

Ignoring normal urges to defecate, which "trains" the bowel to eliminate feces when it is most convenient Ignoring normal bowel urges can increase constipation risk.

How often can a sucrase enzyme be used to hydrolyze sucrose?

Many times

Most kinds of human cells have a variety of organelles, including ______. Check all that apply.

Mitochondria, a nucleus, ribosomes

The digestive system relies on many organs to digest food, absorb nutrients from food, and eliminate solid wastes. Arrange the primary organs of the digestive system in the order that they function for digestion, absorption, and elimination.

Mouth and salivary glands Stomach Small Intestine Colon Rectum

Where is sucrase found in the human body?

On the microvilli of the small intestine

Lance is experimenting in the kitchen and decides to make a gelatin salad. In a food science class, he learned that certain fresh and frozen fruits should not be used in gelatin recipes because they contain an enzyme that breaks down gelatin. Which of the following fresh fruits can he use to make the gelatin salad?

Strawberries Pineapple, papaya, kiwifruit, and guava naturally contain enzymes that break down gelatin. Therefore, when using gelatin in recipes, don't add fresh or frozen forms of these fruits, because the enzymes will break down the gelatin and the mixture won't gel.

Which of the following medical conditions is an inflammatory bowel disease? Check all the apply.

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

In simple terms, sucrase _______.

breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose

The secretion of gastric fluids is controlled both locally and through the central nervous system. The stomach is prepared in advance for the food that will arrive after swallowing. Once the food arrives in the stomach, the amount of gastric fluid can be increased proportionately to the amount of food. Gastrin secretion is no longer needed once chyme enters the _______.


True or false? The heart is an organ of the respiratory system.


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