BIOL 2703 Exam 3 (Ch.8-12)

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vitamin B-6

Beef, salmon, potatoes, and sweet red peppers are all good sources of ______.

fatty acids

Beta-oxidation is the chemical pathway that breaks down ______.


Blood contains inactive clotting factors and cell fragments called ____________ that are necessary for blood clotting to occur.

fed; fasted

Metabolic hormonal action can act while the digestive tract is absorbing nutrients, ______, or when the digestive tract is inactive, ______.

catabolic, anabolic

Metabolic reactions may be ______.


Obesity can lead to insulin-___________, which is linked to type 2 diabetes.


One role of lipoic acid in the body is with

muscle pain, soft bones, misshapen bones

What are some signs and symptoms of rickets?


Where does glucose go after it is degraded in the liver?


A group of chronic diseases characterized by cells that have undergone damage is __________.


Alpha-tocopherol is a form of vitamin ______.


Several long-term studies have shown a(n) _______ relationship between vitamin K intake and the risk for osteoporosis.

cellular work

activities in cells requiring energy, such as building and transporting molecules


chemicals produced by nerve cells that enable the cells to communicate with other nerve cells


complex organic compound that regulates certain metabolic processes

citric acid cycle

complex series of chemical reactions that are involved in energy metabolism

cytochrome c

component of the electron transport chain

lactic acid

compound formed from pyruvate during anaerobic metabolism


condition affecting the eyes that results from vitamin A deficiency

pernicious anemia

condition caused by a lack of intrinsic factor and characterized by vitamin B-12 deficiency, nerve damage, and megaloblastic red blood cells


condition that occurs in the absence of insulin when excess acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate in the bloodstream lower the blood's pH


Dark green fruits and vegetables that contain carotenoids are not yellow-orange in color because of the presence of _______________.


Where does glycogenolysis occur?


Which of the following is found only in plants?


Which of the following nutrients provides the greatest energy density?


________________ is a toxic amino acid and vitamin B-6 plays a vital role in keeping it from accumulating in the blood.

retinol-binding protein (RBP)

transports vitamin A in the blood

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

high-energy phosphate compound that serves as energy "currency" of cells

ketogenic diet

high-fat, moderate- to low-protein, and very-low-carbohydrate diet


in living organisms, power derived from sunlight or food to perform cellular work


pathway that breaks down glycogen into glucose molecules


Energy ______________ involves the chemical pathways that enable the human body to obtain and use energy from macronutrients and alcohol.

B and C

Water-soluable vitamins include vitamins ____ and ____.

fatty fish

What are some common foods fortified with vitamin D (not a natural supply)? orange juice fatty fish milk ready-to-eat cereals

blood clotting

What is the primary function of vitamin K?

Vitamin K

What vitamin deficiency will result in blood that does not clot effectively?


What vitamin is found in plant and animal food sources but can also be synthesized by bacteria in the intestinal tract?


When a water-soluble vitamin assists in the chemical reaction involved in the metabolism of the macronutrients, this is known as its ____________ function.

vitamin E

Which fat-soluble vitamin serves as a major antioxidant in the body?

Vitamin B

Which of the following vitamins is often present in the chemical structure of coenzymes?


Which vitamin deficiency would have a potentially limiting effect on protein metabolism?

vitamin B-12

Which vitamin do cells require to make coenzymes that participate in a variety of cellular processes, including the transfer of methylation in the metabolism of folate?


Which vitamin does not reach toxic levels in the body because it is readily excreted in urine?


Which vitamin is a component of the two coenzymes FMN and FAD that play key roles in energy metabolism?

plant consumers

Who is least at risk for developing a vitamin A deficiency?


catabolic hormone made in the adrenal cortex of the adrenal glands


chemical pathway that is involved in the catabolism of a fatty acid


family of compounds commonly called vitamin A (retinol, retinal, retinoic acid)


synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors


A common food additive added to certain foods such as salad dressings and ice cream for its emulsifying properties is called __________.


A diet adequate in _____________ is recommended for preventing neural tube defects.

folic acid

The synthetic form of folate is called _________ ______.


Vitamin K deficiency may develop in individuals on long-term antibiotic therapy because such therapy can _____ the number of bacteria in the colon that synthesize the vitamin naturally.


When excess protein is consumed, the amino acids are stripped of the _________ group and used to make either glucose or fat.


When the body is in need of glucose it can synthesize glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors in a process known as ___________________.

vitamin K

Which fat-soluble vitamin is involved in the production of active blood clotting factors?

sunflower seeds and plant oils

Which foods are good sources of vitamin E?


Which hormone can have catabolic and anabolic actions?


Which hormone increases protein catabolism and stimulates the liver to increase its use of amino acids for gluconeogenesis?


neurotransmitter associated with attention, learning and memory, muscle control, and other nervous system functions

nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)

niacin-containing coenzyme

fat cells; glycogen stores

The human body stores more energy in _________ than in _________.

James Lind

What British physician discovered a cure for Scurvy?


ketone body formation

acetyl coenzyme A

two-carbon molecule formed from pyruvate


vitamin B-1; vitamin component of a coenzyme that is important for energy metabolism as part of thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP)


vitamin B-2; important for energy metabolism as part of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)


vitamin B-3; important for energy metabolism as part of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP)


vitamin K1, found in plant foods


vitamin K2, found in animal and fermented foods


vitamin component of a coenzyme that participates in chemical reactions that add carbon dioxide to other compounds

pantothenic acid

vitamin component of coenzyme A (CoA); formerly known as vitamin B-5

water-soluable vitamins

vitamins that are hydrophilic and found in the watery portion of food; thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, folate, biotin, vitamin B-12, and vitamin C

fat-soluable vitamins

vitamins that are hydrophobic and found in the lipid portions of food; vitamins A, D, E, and K

Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin)

B vitamin that is a component of coenzymes that participate in a variety of cellular processes, including transfer of CH3 groups in the metabolism of folate


B vitamin that is a component of the coenzyme tetrahydrofolate (THF), includes folic acid, and is important for energy metabolism, DNA synthesis, and homocysteine metabolism


Bacterial menaquinone contributes to about ____ to the body's vitamin K supply.


Because it is produced by intestinal bacteria and found in a wide variety of foods, a deficiency of the B vitamin, _________ is rare.

Pantothenic Acid

Burning feet syndrome may be a sign of a deficiency of

have not

Clinical studies _______ provided support for taking vitamin A or beta-carotene supplements to reduce the risk of CVD.


Glucose is stored as ______ through a pathway called glycogenesis.


Heat is released in the ____________ pathway.


How many calories are provided from 60 mg of vitamin C?

a considerable amount

How much of the triglycerides absorbed from a meal get incorporated into very-low-density-lipoprotein?


Human cells obtain energy by releasing chemical energy from ________________.


alcohol form of vitamin A and the most active form of vitamin A in the body


anabolic reactions that attach a phosphate (Pi) group to molecules like ADP

a standard drink

approximately 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 ½ ounces of liquor; contains 13-14g of alcohol

vitamin C

ascorbic acid; cofactor that performs a variety of important cellular functions, primarily by donating electrons to other compounds


breaking larger molecules into smaller ones


first phase of glucose catabolism


form of vitamin E used by the body; found in most foods and vitamin E supplements


four-carbon molecule that is an important intermediate of the citric acid cycle

electron transport chain (ETC)

linked series of enzymes that synthesize water and ATP during aerobic energy metabolism

total parenteral solution

liquid mixture that provides nourishment to those who are unable to eat normally; administered intravenously


riboflavin deficiency disease characterized by fatigue, inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the mouth and throat, and glossitis

flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)

riboflavin-containing coenzyme


simple, two-carbon molecule that is more commonly called "alcohol"

retinyl esters

storage form of vitamin A

myelin sheath

structure that wraps around and insulates a part of certain nerve cells

vitamin-like compounds

substances that maintain normal metabolism but are not essential since the body can synthesize them

energy metabolism

sum of all the chemical pathways in the body that break down molecules to release energy and use energy to build new molecules


synthetic form of vitamin K


the breakdown of proteins or peptides into amino acids by the action of enzymes


three-carbon molecule that results from the breakdown of glucose during glycolysis


yellow-orange pigments in fruits and vegetables


A class of mainly yellow, orange, or red pigments, which give color to fruits and vegetables, are called ______________.

cystic fibrosis

A sweat test that measures the level of salt in sweat is a positive sign for the diagnosis of ______________ ______________.

much less than

ATP production during anaerobic metabolism is __________ during aerobic metabolism.

intestinal bacteria

About 10% of the body's supply of menaquinone (vitamin K2) is supplied by ______.


According to a nationwide survey, approximately ______ of American adults had low blood levels of vitamin D.


Aging, family history, using tobacco, and being exposed to radiation are all risk factors for


Alcohol absorbed in the intestinal tract is processed in the _____.

small intestine; stomach

Alcohol is absorbed in the _________ and ___________.


Although plants do not contain ________, vegetarians do not develop a deficiency of this compound, suggesting that it isn't essential.

vitamin B-6

B vitamin component of the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate (PLP); important for energy metabolism, particularly protein metabolism


Children with leg bones that bow under the weight of carrying the upper part of the body is a sign of ___________, a disease resulting from vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin C

Collagen synthesis, antioxidant activity, and assistance in immune system functioning are all functions of which vitamin?

water-soluble vitamins

Cooking vegetables in small amounts of water, cutting produce into large pieces, and cooking fruits and vegetables with their skins are all effective ways to reduce the loss of _____ that easily leach out of food and dissolve in cooking water.


Dermatitis, anemia, convulsions, depression, and confusion are all signs of a vitamin ______ deficiency.


During _____________ conditions, each molecule of pyruvate converts to lactic acid.


During _____________ metabolism, adequate oxygen is present allowing mitochondria to make lots of ATP.

lactic acid

During anaerobic conditions, pyruvate is converted to _____________.


If oxygen is present, the body can makes lots of ______


In chemical reactions involved in the metabolism of macronutrients, water-soluble vitamins are used as ___________.


Insulin, glucagon, cortisol, epinephrine, and thyroid hormone are key ______ that direct or regulate metabolic activities.


Intestinal enzymes are necessary to remove ___________ from naturally-occurring folate.


Key roles that vitamin ________ perform are forming epithelial cells, cell growth, and cell production.


Liver glycogen becomes depleted in about ____-____ hours.


Liver, legumes, broccoli, and orange juice are all good sources of


Long-term studies ______ in showing that high intakes of vitamin E consistently reduced the risk of chronic disease.


Match the phase of glucose breakdown with the number of ATP produced during that phase: CITRIC ACID CYCLE


Match the phase of glucose breakdown with the number of ATP produced during that phase: ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN


Match the phase of glucose breakdown with the number of ATP produced during that phase: GLYCOLYSIS

overconsuming vitamins

Most people do not need to be concerned about vitamin toxicity unless they are


Over 90% of vitamin A is stored in the __________.


Oxaloacetate is produced during ________ metabolism.


Plant oils, such as sunflower, safflower, canola, and olive oils, as well as margarine and salad dressing, are rich food sources of ______.


Premature infants and people recovering from serious diseases and injuries may have a conditional need for

glucogenic; ketogenic

Pyruvate is __________ while acetyl CoA is _____________.

the specific amino acid

The conversion of amino acids into other molecules such as glucose and fatty acids is dependent on


Several studies have displayed a relationship with vitamin K intake and _______________ risk of osteoporosis.

small intestine

The ________ ____________ is the primary site of vitamin absorption.

nitrogen-containing substance

The amine in vitamin means ______.

where it entered the catabolic pathway

The amount of ATP formed by catabolism of amino acids depends on

protein, lipids, alcohol, carbohydrates

The body can utilize ______________ for energy.

two phosphate groups

The conversion of ATP to ADP results from the cleaving of the bond between the last ___ ___________ ______ of ATP.

vitamin B-12

Vegans need to be concerned about getting an adequate intake of ______ because plant foods are not good food sources of this micronutrient.


Vitamin B-12 absorbs more readily in its _____ form because the vitamin is not attached to an animal protein.


Vitamin D _______ considered an essential nutrient.


Vitamin D comes from both plant and animal food sources, the _____ form of vitamin D is called ergocalciferol.


Vitamin ____ is necessary for the metabolism of the minerals calcium and phosphorus, and the production and maintenance of healthy bones.


Vitamin ____ participates in the development of epithelial cells, the production of white blood cells, and bone growth.


Vitamin is a term created from _________ meaning necessary for life.


Vitamins A, D, E, and K are all _____-soluble vitamins.


Which of the following ketone bodies formed during ketogenesis produces a "fruity" odor similar to nail polish remover?

will often help

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between enzymes and coenzymes? Coenzymes ________________ enzymes catalyze reactions.


Which vitamin plays a role in the chemical reactions involved in the release of energy from carbohydrates?


___-vitamins serve as coenzymes to many metabolic reactions

Green leafy vegetables

________ __________ _____________ are good food sources of Vitamin K.

cystic fibrosis

__________ ______________ is a condition that results in the overproduction of mucus that negatively affects the lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, sinuses, and sexual organs.

Vitamin B-6

__________ plays a vital role in keeping homocysteine from accumulating in the blood by converting it to cysteine.

hormone sensitive lipase

____________ ______________ ________ is an enzyme that cleaves apart a triglyceride molecule leaving 3 fatty acids and a glycerol backbone.


______________ cells are among the first to be affected by vitamin A deficiencies.


_______________ are responsible for catabolizing macronutrients and transfering energy released to ATP.


_______________ are the most energy-dense macronutrient group. The body stores more energy in this form than glycogen.


________________ are "powerhouse" organelles that synthesize most of the ATP that cells need to function.

Vitamin B-6

________________ plays a vital role in keeping homocysteine from accumulating in the blood by converting it to cysteine.


__________________ is the making of glucose from pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and most amino acids.


____________________ is the chemical pathway that is involved in the catabolism of an activated fatty acid.

food-cobalamin malabsorption

malabsorption of vitamin B-12 due to the inability to release the vitamin from animal protein during the digestive process

anaerobic metabolism

metabolic pathways for ATP production that do not require oxygen

aerobic metabolism

metabolic pathways for ATP production that require oxygen


metabolic pathways that break down larger molecules into smaller ones


metabolic pathways that build larger molecules from smaller ones

adenosine diphosphate (ADP)

molecule that forms when ATP loses its last phosphate group during ATP catabolism


molecule that helps fatty acids enter the mitochondria


organelles that synthesize most of the ATP that cells need to function


organic compounds that assist enzymes with chemical reactions


yellowing of the skin that results from excess beta-carotene in the body

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