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Compact bone is also referred to as

cortical bone

Uric acid buildup beyond its normal levels puts one at risk of


Which of the following is NOT a component of the definition of a long bone?

All long bones must be at least 6 cm long

Which of the following is NOT true of the dermis?

All of the above are NOT TRUE

. As I have repeatedly mentioned in class, endocrine glands produce hormones, and hormones bind receptors expressed by cells of target tissues that then cause some physiological change in the cells that make up that target tissue. Given this, and based on what you learned in class about the GH-IGF-1 axis, what would be the physiological consequence of growth hormone being released normally but the GH receptor expressed by liver cells not being properly formed such that it cannot bind GH very well?

An inability to synthesize and secrete enough IGF-1

Skeletal muscle tissue, compared to other nonmuscular tissue is

Both extensible and elastic

From what was discussed in class, what would be the effect of an abnormal narrowing of the lumen of one or both carotid arteries?

Diminishment of blood flow to the head

Within the context of bone growth and development, a(n) example(s) of a widespread theme of "first cartilage then bone"

Driving of the lengthening of long bones via the action of the epiphyseal growth plate Formation of a "cartilage model" or precursor of long bones and most other bones that occurs early in the first trimester in humans formation of the fibrocartilaginous callus during the process of bone healing from a break

If medical students in a gross anatomy lab performed sagittal sections on human brains, what would be the result?

Each brain would be cut into left and right halves

As a physician treating someone with rheumatoid arthritis, you might well prescribe

Either methotrexate or prednisone

Which of the following is NOT true of the classical definition of a hormone?

It NEVER enters the blood stream

Which of the following is NOT true of calcitriol?

It binds receptors on hepatocytes (liver cells) inducing these cells to release somatotropin

Which of the below are characteristic of the troponin complex?

It contains a polypeptide that binds the complex to actin It contains 3 polypeptides, one of which binds calcium ion It contains a polypeptide that binds the complex to tropomyosin

Which is true of the hyaline cartilage coating the epiphyseal ends of articulating long bones?

It serves as a smooth articulating surface It is avascular It undergoes a process of "weeping lubrication" with respect to synovial fluid that coats it

Which of the following is NOT true of thyroid hormone?

Its presence inhibits the activity of the GH-IGF-1 axis It's secreted from the adrenal cortex

A type of cell mentioned in class that is effectively a bone stem cell or precursor cell for osteoblasts

None of the above

All hormones, by definition, have to have one or more target tissues. For the hormone oxytocin the specific target tissue discussed in class is

None of the above

Another name for somatotropin

None of the above

Intermembranous ossification

None of the above

The membrane channel directly responsible for initiating the rapid depolarization that forms the "front half of the action potential wave" down the sarcolemma of the muscle cell

None of the above

Which of the following is normally amphiarthrotic?

None of the above

___________ is a condition in which, after death, slow head cycling occurs that eventually ends in myosin heads fusing to myosin head binding sites. This condition is made possible because ___________ion slowly leaks into the sarcoplasm in muscle cells after death in the presence of a limited pool of ____________that eventually runs out

Rigor mortis; calcium; ATP

Which of the below can be administered to a patient so as to slow the progression of osteoporosis?

SERMs, Parathyroid hormone, Calcitonin, . bis-phosphonates

The defining component(s) of a juvenile long bone

The epiphyseal plate

Which of the below is NOT a true statement?

The patellar region is distal to the tarsal region

Which of the following is NOT true about sarcomeres?

They contain a 1/2 an I-band on each side of the sarcomere, that, in the relaxed position contain only thick filaments and no thin filaments

Though not discussed in class, imagine a toxin that specifically shut down the activateability of voltage gated calcium channels by binding to these channels and preventing them from opening under any circumstances. Which of the below would most likely be the effect of exposure to such a toxin?

This would prevent formation of acetylcholine and the packaging of this acetylcholine into vesicles This would prevent the exocytosis of the vesicles mentioned and therefore the muscle would not be activated to contract

A muscle fiber type that is especially enriched and targeted for training in athletes specializing in 5 K , 10 K and marathon races (e.g. long distance running)

Type IA (slow oxidative)

The joint connecting the radius and the ulna via two ligaments mentioned in class is an example of

a syndesmosis

Components of the motor end plate discussed in class

acetylcholinesterase and acetylcholine gated ion channels

Condition that, even with all of the advances of modern medicine, cannot be treated medically or surgically (with the exception of some degree of artificial limb lengthening which is very rarely performed)


The scapular, patellar, frontal, occipital and sternal regions

are each named after a bone that they each are external to

Terminal hair

are ensheathed and supported by follicles contain a medulla in the center of the hair contain a cortex immediately superficial to the medulla contain a cuticle immediately superficial to the cortex

Cells that specifically express the enzyme that catalyzes the final hydroxylation necessary for vitamin D synthesis to be completed

are found in the kidney are stimulated to catalyze the final hydroxylation that completes vitamin D synthesis by the action of parathyroid hormone

All diarthrotic joints

are freely moveable joints are synovial joints

The pectoral regions, patellar regions, sternal region and umbilical region all have in common that they

are on the anterior or ventral surface of the body

The particularly expansive sutures present at child birth

are referred to as fontanels are somewhat amphiarthrotic so that the skull can undergo a minor compression/shape change to facilitate the passage of the head out of the birth canal

Osteoclasts dissolve woven bone made by osteoblasts

as part of final remodeling of the bony callus as part of remodeling during primary ossification

The hyponechium is

associated with nail anatomy

At the highest point of a muscle twitch recorded on a force/tension myogram, the myosin heads are

at the end of the power stroke, but before crossbridge release

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

boost acetylcholine levels are a large class of compounds, some of which are terrible illegal weapons of war and some of which, administered by a physician at the right dose for a legitimate purpose, can be used as a medicine can be used to treat myasthenia gravis

The uterus contains stretch receptors and also contains the contractile cells responsible for causing the change in the variable (e.g. the force of uterine contraction). Therefore the uterus contains

both the receptor and effector components of the feedback

A hormone that, if secreted at normal physiological levels, has the function of being a relatively weak counterweight to the much stronger effect of PTH.


At 400 X magnification, the osteocytes within their respective lacunae appear physically isolated from one another and yet they are intimately connected with surrounding interstitial fluid and with each other because of the presence of


The dermis is composed of

dense irregular connective tissue and areolar connective tissue

Consider a situation in which the parathyroid glands become compromised temporarily and are unresponsive to lowering levels of calcium in the blood? What might result if this situation is prolonged without any countervailing measures?

development of muscle spasm which could escalate into severe life threatening convulsions

The hardest part of a tooth, and also the hardest layer of material found anywhere in the body


Physiologically speaking, the two "control"systems

endocrine system and nervous system

Tissue type making up most glands

epithelial tissue

Locations discussed within the skeleton that contain stretch receptors that contribute to proprioception.

fibrous portion of joint capsules present in synovial joints

As epithelial cells migrate through the epidermis, they become

firmer, more water impermeable, more oxygen/nutrient starved until undergoing apoptosis so as to form a dead layer protecting everything underneath that is living

Which of the below is the proper order of events regarding endochondral ossification as they are listed from left to right?

formation of cartilaginous precursor ( model), primary ossification in the diaphysis, secondary ossification in the epiphysis

If the periosteum was damaged or destroyed over part of the bone, that particular part of the bone will be compromised in its ability to

get the nourishment, oxygen and innervation it needs thicken its outermost surface serve as an attachment point for ligaments or tendons

A pituitary adenoma involving an overgrowth of growth hormone producing cells in the pituitary could very well lead to

gigantism, acromegaly

Astrocytes and Ependymal cells are

glial cells

The rotator cuff muscles

help stabilize the shoulder joint

The stages of healing that bone undergoes as it moves through the healing process in the order that they occur as listed from left to right

hematoma formation, fibrocartilaginous soft callus formation, bony callus formation made of woven bone , final remodeling

The receptor component and the controller component that govern the homeostatic reestablishment of normal blood calcium levels from previously diminished blood levels are

housed within the cells that comprise the parathyroid glands

Spongy bone is found

in the diaphyses of long bones, in the epiphyses of long bones, in the interior of flat bones


is a monovalent cation

An autoimmune disease

is an immune disease in which the immune system attacks the body that it is supposed to protect.

Consider the overall chemical reaction: "Glucose + Oxygen reacts to form water + carbon dioxide + 34 ATP". It can be said that this reaction

is an overall reaction that is composed of many reaction pathways including glycolysis, citric acid cycle, etc is very efficient and yields the maximal amount of ATP per glucose, but is a relatively slow way to generate ATP for myosin head cycling

Negative feedback

is exerted when a variable increases or decreases significantly away from its setpoint and thus needs to be pushed back toward the setpoint

Creatine phosphate otherwise known as CP

is formed in the sarcoplasm of muscle cells while muscle cells are at rest choice (a) and donates its phosphate to ADP to make ATP that is then available for driving myosin head cycling choice (c) and is the fastest mechanism for reforming ATP from ADP to promote the next head cycling choice (c) and (d) and is the FASTEST way to produce ATP in the sarcomplasm for promoting the next head cycling

The integumentary system

is made up of one organ-the largest organ (cutaneous membrane) of the body- and its associated structures is an essential system that cooperates with the circulatory system to effect temperature homeostasis

The core cause(s) of osteoporosis

is the mismatch of osteoclast activity vs. oseoblast activity in favor of osteoclasts (osteoclast activity is outpacing osteoblast activity)


is the overall holistic sense of how one senses how their body is positioned in space and or moving through space

The epidermis is made up of

keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue

Myofibrils are

made up of sarcomeres attached in tandem, one after the other take up the vast majority of the volume within muscle fibers take up the vast majority of the volume within muscle cells

Reason(s) why sarcomeres can only contract to about 67% of their resting length.

maximal titin compression incompressibility of thick filaments

Glands that produce the vast majority of the sweat that is excreted over the largest surface area of the body with the biggest contribution to evaporative cooling

merocrine glands and choice (b) as they are the correct answer and refer to the same thing eccrine glands

In order for a multiple head cyclings to occur one after the other in order to continue shortening the sarcomere

multiple action potentials rapidly following each other down the controlling neuron must first occur choice (a) and multiple overlapping puffs of acetylcholine must be release in the synaptic cleft of the NMJ Choice (a) and (b) and multiple action potentials mirroring those of the neuron must be induced to occur down the sarcolemma of the muscle cell Choice (a) and (b) and (c) and multiple overlapping puffs of calcium must occur

A physiological phenomenon in muscle physiology that can summate

muscle twitches

A sarcomere in the 100% default position contains within it the following components EXCEPT


A protein you learned about that functions as a dimer of two polypeptides with each polypeptide having the three dimensional shape of a golf club


Though I did not mention it in class, the calcium pumps embedded in the terminal cisterns have ATPase activity. Two other proteins that I did bring up in class that also have ATPase activity are

myosin (specifically the myosin heads of myosin) and the sodium/potassium pump

A medical histopathologist- often just referred to as a pathologist- is a medical doctor who specializes in examining tissue to determine if it is__________ or __________

normal; diseased

An x-ray shows thinning and unevenness of the surface of hyaline cartilage within the joint capsule and the presence of osteophytes, but no indication of uric acid crystallization or inflammation of the synovial membrane and or pannus formation. Based on this and what you have learned in class, this joint is most likely afflicted with


In order for a diaphysis to thicken proportionally, it must undergo a thickening of the diaphyseal wall while simultaneously widening the medullary cavity. This is achieved by

osteoblast activity being greater along the outermost surface of the diaphyseal wall compared to osteoclast activity along the inner surface of the medullary cavity (though there must be some degree of osteoclast activity along the inner surface of the medullary cavity)

A bone cell that does its job by releasing a combination of strong acid and powerful hydrolytic enzymes


Cylindrical -like structures that contain a central or haversian canal called_____________makeup the bulk of the______________

osteons; compact bone of the diaphysis osteons; cortical bone of the diaphysis both (c) and (d) as they are slightly different but equivalent ways of specifying the correct answer

A type of physiological control that increases the signal of a variable at a progressively higher rate until the end physiological goal is achieved

positive feedback control

Which of the following happens throughout the contraction phase of a twitch?

power stroke

A disease in which one's own immune system attacks the joint capsule, specifically the synovial membrane

rheumatoid arthritis

You are a pediatrician and meet a new patient (an 11 year old boy) that is complaining of leg pain. Based on your questioning of the child, you ascertain that the pain he describes is consistent with bone pain coming from the femurs. In your discussion with the parents you also establish that the parents are uneasy about letting their son play outside during the day-they cite a history of violence in their neighborhood- and are also homes-schooling him. An unintended effect of this is that he is not exposed to the safe outdoor play time of recess offered by the nearby public school he would otherwise go to. Furthermore, you glean from the conversation with the parents that they have been food insecure for quite some time and that vitamin D fortified milk, and vitamin D fortified bread are lacking in the child's diet as well as other vitamin D fortified foods. You order an x-ray of the your patient's upper legs and notice a slight bending of both femurs. Of the below, all this would be consistent with the child having developed


Normally the body runs an average temperature over a 24 hour period of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature______________ that is "memorized" by structures within the _____________ that serve as the body's____________________

setpoint; hypothalamus; thermostat

A type of tissue embedded within the walls of many hollow organs that can cause the hollow space to contract or dilate.

smooth muscle tissue

Estrogen and Testosterone

stimulate epiphyseal growth plate activity during the teenage years in both sexes, though more strongly on average in males than in females also testosterone stimulates the diminishment and disappearance of the epiphyseal growth plate in males later in life compared to the same effect stimulated in females by estrogen.

Joint(s), that, if given enough time, could potentially change into a synostosis

sutures and sychondroses

The word interstitial has been used thus far to describe

the fluid in between cells and the lamellae in between osteons

Regarding the activation of a skeletal muscle cell twitch, consider action potential formation and its traveling down the sarcolemma and all t-tubules, followed immediately by the release of calcium ion from the terminal cisterns. All these events would occur during

the lag or latent period of a twitch

Component(s) of serous membrane(s) only found in the peritoneum

the mesenteries

Structure often facilitates function. A histological example or examples of this discussed in class is (are)

the single layer of flattened cells that comprise each alveolar wall so as to facilitate carbon dioxide and oxygen diffusion the single layer of flattened cells that comprise a capillary wall so as to facilitate carbon dioxide and oxygen diffusion

Storage organ system(s) for calcium

the skeleton

Anatomically, functioning as scaffoldings of one form or another

the skeleton, the mesenteries, the periosteum

In the context of surface anatomy, the "frontal" region is defined as

the surface of the body over the frontal bone

The Nernst equation equates the concentration difference (concentration gradient) of a single ion on either side of the cell membrane with

the voltage or electrical potential that will build up and exactly counterbalance the concentration gradient choice (a) and this voltage or electrical potential is called the equilibrium potential

Growth hormone

undergoes pituitary gland synthesis and secretion that is partially controlled by an inhibiting hormone produced by the brain (Growth hormone inhibiting hormone) undergoes pituitary gland synthesis and secretion that is partially controlled by a releasing hormone produced by the brain (Growth hormone releasing hormone)

The proper order of zones that allow the elongation of long bones from the epiphyseal edge of the growth plate toward the new fully formed diaphysis as listed from left to right.

zone of reserve cartilage, zone of hyperplasia, zone of hypertrophy, zone of calcification, zone of ossification

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