BIOL 320-Aggie Honor System Rules- Definition

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misconduct in research

-includes falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, reviewing, or reporting research. -It does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data.

graphics, design products, and visual aids

All graphics, design products, and visual aids from another creator used in academic assignments must reference the source of the material.

common knowledge

Common knowledge includes generally known facts such as the names of leaders of prominent nations, basic scientific laws, etc., basic historical information (e.g., George Washington was the first President of the United States.) Common knowledge does not require citation.

direct quotation

Every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks or appropriate indentation and must be properly acknowledged in the text by citation or in a footnote or endnote.

borrowed facts

Information gained in reading or research, which is not common knowledge, must be acknowledged.

style guides

Instructors are responsible for identifying any specific style/format requirement for the course. Examples include, but are not limited to, American Psychological Association (APA) style and Modern Languages Association (MLA) style.


Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.


Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices or materials in any academic exercise.


Making up data or results, and recording or reporting them; submitting fabricated documents.


Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.

work consulted

Materials that add only to a general understanding of a subject may be acknowledged in the bibliography, and need not be footnoted or end-noted. Writers should be certain that they have not used specific information from a general source in preparing their work unless it has been appropriately cited. Writers should not include books, papers, or any other type of source in a bibliography, "works cited" list, or a "works consulted" list unless those materials were actually used in the research. The practice of citing unused works is sometimes referred to as "padding."

footnotes, endnotes, and in-text citation

One footnote, endnote, or in-text citation is usually enough to acknowledge indebtedness when a number of connected sentences are drawn from one source. When direct quotations are used, however, quotation marks must be inserted and acknowledgment made. Similarly, when a passage is paraphrased, acknowledgment is required.


Prompt acknowledgment is required when material from another source is paraphrased or summarized, in whole or in part, in one's own words. To acknowledge a paraphrase properly, one might state: "To paraphrase Locke's comment..." and then conclude with a footnote or endnote identifying the exact reference.

University Rules on Research

Students involved in conducting research and/or scholarly activities at Texas A&M University must also adhere to standards set forth in University Rule 15.99.03.M1 - Responsible Conduct in Research and Scholarship.

Abuse and Misuse of Access and Unauthorized Access

Students may not abuse or misuse computer access or gain unauthorized access to information in any academic exercise. See Student Rule 22.

Violation of Departmental or College Rules

Students may not violate any announced departmental or college rule relating to academic matters.

multiple submissions

Submitting substantial portions of the same work (including oral reports) for credit more than once without authorization from the instructor of the class for which the student submits the work.


The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.

academic dishonesty case

The inability to authenticate one's work, should the instructor request it, is sufficient grounds to initiate an ____________________________.

academic dishonesty

________________________ includes the commission of any of the following acts. This listing is not, however, exclusive of any other acts that may reasonably be called academic dishonesty: -cheating, fabrication, falsification, multiple submissions, plagiarism, complicity, abuse and misuse of authorized/unauthorized access, Violation of Departmental or College Rules, University Rules on Research

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