Biology 1212-101 Exam 4

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Because energy transfer is not 100% efficient across trophic levels, an average of about _____ of energy and biomass available at one trophic level is available at the next.


Most climate models predict that during the 21st century mean global temperature will increase by:

2-5 °C

Approximately what percentage of our planet's land area is covered by crop and pasture lands?


What is the approximate size of the human population today?

7 billion people

Which of the statements is an accurate reflection of photosynthesis and chemical weathering?

Both processes use CO2 as a reactant; that is, they decrease atmospheric CO2 levels.

Which of the equations is the chemical reaction for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

What can Antarctic ice core samples tell us about atmospheric CO2 levels? Select all that apply.

CO2 ice core data confirm CO2 measurements taken directly from the atmosphere, and Ice cores can help scientists estimate atmospheric CO2 levels from hundreds of thousands of years ago.

_____ is the process by which experience leads to a change in behavior.


Which of the statements about ocean acidification is false?

Ocean acidification increases the availability of carbonate ions in seawater.

Recall that during the Paleozoic Era, atmospheric CO2 levels decreased. Why?

Photosynthetic, woody plants first appeared during this period.

Which statement about honeybee communication is true?

Returning foragers use the waggle dance to provide information about the direction of the food source in relationship to the sun

How can scientists distinguish among different sources of CO2 in the atmosphere?

The amount of different carbon isotopes in the CO2 differs based on the source.

What is the evidence that human activity is causing increased atmospheric CO2 levels?

The isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 can be measured and shows that CO2 being added to the air now comes from combustion of fossil fuels.

Over the last several decades, what have researchers discovered about atmospheric CO2 levels?

They have increased.

Which of these organisms is considered a primary consumer?

a grasshopper

Resource partitioning results in:

a move from the fundamental niche to the realized niche for both species

If bird song promotes an individual's ability to attract a mate and reproduce, then the song has a(n) _____ function.


Male Australian bowerbirds build and decorate elaborate structures, called bowers, out of grasses and other vegetation. If we want to understand how this behavior promotes a male bowerbird's ability to survive and reproduce, we want to understand its:

adaptive function

Individual behavior that includes sacrifices made for the good of others is called:


A habitat patch is synonymous with:

an ecological island

Refer to VS Map: Succession Ecology—Stages of Succession Tour. Agricultural runoff into a pond can result in additional nutrient input. Which scenario is likely to happen in response to additional nutrient input?

an explosion of algal growth that leads to explosive bacterial growth

Many species are introduced into new areas every day through ballast water and international shipping; however, not all of these species become established or invasive. Which of the characteristics would be the most likely in a species that would establish itself and become invasive?

an r-strategist

Displays are patterns of behavior that:

are species specific, are highly repeatable, and function as signals.

At which stage in their lifecycle are Lime Swallowtails most vulnerable?

as pupae

Why are biologists interested in age structures of populations?

because age structures provide information that allows the estimation of a population's potential for future growth

when would a researcher be most likely to observe resource partitioning?

between two sympatric species that eat similar-sized seeds

An environment can only support a certain number of individuals of a given species at any one time. This number is referred to as the _____ of that environment.

carrying capacity

The maximum number of individuals in a population that the environment can support is the environment's _____ for that population.

carrying capacity

If a stimulus that leads to a behavior is paired with a stimulus that is neutral and does not evoke a particular behavior, and the animal is repeatedly exposed to the two paired stimuli, the animal's behavior will be evoked by the neutral stimulus alone. This is called _____ conditioning.


Which of the choices are problems that future scientists, engineers, and doctors will have to address?

climate change, species extinction, drug-resistant pathogens, and invasive species

A mature collection of species, called a _____, is said to be the final stage of succession.

climax community

Many species of fish are found in schools, large groups of conspecifics all swimming with one another. Which of the terms best describes the distribution of schooling fish?


Measuring its costs and benefits in terms of energy spent and/or gained, which interaction involves one individual neither gaining nor losing?


The sum total of populations of different species that live in a given area is called a(n):


_____ is an interaction in which individuals exploit the same resource and, therefore, the availability of that resource is reduced for all individuals.


The figures shown represent three hypothetical populations; each circle is an individual. Which figure depicts a pattern that illustrates a scenario in which food is most abundant near waterholes in the desert?

diagram H (clumped together)

According to MacArthur and Wilson's theory of island biogeography, both the land area of an island and the _____________________ contribute to species diversity.

distance of the island from neighboring land masses

Severe physical impacts on a habitat are called:


The role played by a species in its environment is called its:

ecological niche

A community of organisms and the physical environment it occupies are known together as a(n):


Nitrogen runoff leads to large increases in the populations of algae and cyanobacteria in lakes and oceans in a process known as:


Many female birds establish a pair bond with a single male with whom they build a nest and rear young. Many of those females, however, also copulate with other males outside the pair bond; the young they raise are fathered by more than one male. If we want to understand how this behavior originated and how it may have changed over time, we want to understand its:

evolutionary history

When lichens grow on bare rock, they may eventually accumulate enough organic material around them to supply a foothold for rooted vegetation. These early pioneering lichens can be said to do what for species arriving in a later successional stage?


Human impact on the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles happens primarily through our use of:


A _____ takes into account the diverse interactions between primary producers, consumers, and decomposers. It depicts the flow of carbon through an environment as interdependent of primary producers, consumers, and decomposers.

food web

A _____ depicts the flow of carbon through an ecosystem, whereas a _____ depicts the transfer of energy.

food web; trophic pyramid

Diversity can be described at many different levels. All of the choices are a level of diversity considered by conservation biologists except:

genetic diversity within an individual

To some extent, Earth's surface reflects solar radiation (in the form of heat), which is subsequently absorbed by certain _____ gases in the atmosphere, such as methane and CO2.


Which of the choices is responsible for the loss of amphibian populations around the world?

habitat loss, pesticides, herbicides, and fungal diseases

Reduction or elimination of a behavioral response due to a repeatedly presented stimulus is called:


Consider the diagram of three generalized age pyramid structures. Males are on the left in blue, females are on the right of the central line in red.Which histogram most likely represents a country with a declining population growth rate?

histogram c (big in the middle, smaller at the top and bottom)

_____ is a form of learning typically seen in young animals and involves acquiring specific behaviors in response to key experiences during critical times called sensitive periods.


Instinctive behaviors that are carried out regardless of earlier experience are called _____ behaviors and are a product of an individual's genotype.


The example of the honeybee dance given in the chapter text is an example of a(n) ________ behavior.


The per capita growth rate (r) is synonymous with:

intrinsic growth rate

The ability to process information from the environment:

is characteristic of all types of organisms.

The "Anthropocene Period":

is so named to reflect the impact of humans on the planet

G. Evelyn Hutchinson's definition of a niche is unique in that:

it describes the niche as a combination of an organism's habitat and how that organism functions in its environment.

A species that has a disproportionately large effect on a community is called a(n)_____ species


A form of natural selection favoring the spread of alleles that promote behaviors that help close relatives is called _____ selection.


A town has several lakes connected by small streams or creeks. All the trout within a single lake are considered a(n) _____. The trout in all of the lakes constitutes a(n) ______.

local population; metapopulation

Tropical leafcutter ants collect leaf cuttings which they transport to special underground chambers. There, the ants chew the leaves to create nursery beds on which the ants grow a species of fungus they use for food. When ant queens disperse to establish new colonies, they carry the fungus with them, dispersing it as well (this benefits the fungus). In the ants' new nests, the fungus is at risk of being destroyed by another fungal species that is able to grow in the habitat, using the same limited resources. On their bodies, the ants carry and provide a home for bacteria that produces antibiotics the ants use to kill the newly encountered fungus and thereby protect their food supply. In this system, the relationship between the leafcutter ants and their fungal food species is:


_____ allows populations to adapt to the abiotic and biotic conditions where they live.

natural selection

Which of the answer choices is most likely to lead to resource partitioning?

niche overlap

The source of nitrogen in nitrogen fertilizer manufacture is:

nitrogen gas

Learning that occurs in the absence of any particular outcome such as reward or punishment is called _____ learning.


A mutualism in which the survival of one or both participants is dependent on the other is:


What are some factors that keep a population under its carrying capacity?

parasitism and predation

Recall that in the northern hemisphere, atmospheric CO2 levels are highest in early spring and lowest in early fall. What accounts for this seasonal fluctuation in atmospheric CO2 levels?


The movement of Earth's crust, plate tectonics, contributes to the long-term carbon cycle through all of the answer choices except:


Which of these is a good predictor of biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems?

plant species in a community

A _____ consists of all the individuals of a given species that live and reproduce in a particular place.


The _____ of box turtles in the United States includes all of the individual box turtles that could mate and reproduce within the 50 states.


Habitat fragmentation occurs frequently with current logging practices. The figure shown represents a fragmented set of patches in a logged area. At equilibrium, which forest fragment is likely to hold the largest number of species?

population J (biggest forest fragment)

Prairie dogs are rodents that live in colonies. Black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies typically have around 12 adult animals per hectare. What aspect of the population ecology of the black-tailed prairie dog does this statement describe?

population density

Which of the choices is not one of the defining features of a population?

population sex-ratio

Mark-and-recapture methods are used to determine which data?

population size (N)

Greenhouse gases:

prevent average surface temperatures from dropping below freezing, absorb heat energy and emit it in all directions, include carbon dioxide and methane, and make life on Earth's surface possible

Cyanobacteria, milkweed plants, and oak trees are all considered:

primary producers

Which of these organisms can incorporate atmospheric carbon directly into C6H12O6, thereby playing a major role in a food web?

primary producers

The _____ of a species is usually the result of predation, competition, and other types of interaction between species.

realized niche

For reciprocal altruism to work, individuals must be able to:

recognize one another and remember previous interactions.

Measuring its costs and benefits in terms of energy spent and/or gained, predation:

results in a gain for one individual and a loss for the other.

Decomposers are vital components of a food web because they:

return carbon (as CO2) to the atmosphere.

On which part of the carbon cycle have humans had the greatest impact?

return of CO2 to the atmosphere by oxidation of ancient organic matter

Male salamanders do a species-specific dance that lures females to follow them. The male then leads the female to walk over a spermatophore (sperm packet) left by the male, resulting in fertilization of the females' eggs. This kind of species-specific mating dance is likely the result of:


Photosynthesis and respiration both play a major role in the _____ carbon cycle and can affect atmospheric CO2 levels on a seasonal or annual basis.


Which of the answer choices are reservoirs of carbon? Select all that apply.

soil, oceans, organisms, and the atmosphere

Energy use by individuals varies among countries primarily because of differences in: Select all that apply.

standard of living, the need to heat buildings in countries at high latitude, amount of travel

_____ describes the number of individuals in a species that survive from one life cycle stage to the next.


Close interactions that have evolved over time between species are called:


Movement in a specific direction in response to a stimulus is called a:


What characteristic associated with male Anolis lizards caused a change in behavior in female Anolis lizards?

testosterone that causes courting behavior in males

An individual's ecological footprint is equivalent to:

the amount of land required to provide all the resources used by that individual.

Which of the processes is responsible for the change scientists observed in atmospheric concentrations of 12C, 13C, and 14C over the last 200 years?

the burning of fossil fuels

In the silkworm moth of the genus Bombyx, pheromones are released by:

the female so a male can follow the trail to find a mate.

A scientist is researching a population of blue jays in her city. In order to completely define this blue jay population, she must determine:

the size, range, and density of the blue jay population.

Which of the answer choices could influence the pattern of succession in a recently disturbed habitat? Select all that apply.

the surviving species in the habitat, the distance to the nearest undisturbed habitats, soil composition, and the existence of fungal symbionts in the soil

Habitat corridors can be useful additions to separated reserves because:

they provide a means to increase the functional size of a reserve.

Only 10% of the nitrogen added to croplands ends up in food


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