Biology 181: Chapter 11

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Gametes are haploid. Haploid means that the cells contain how many sets of chromosomes?


Meiosis has how many rounds of DNA replication?


How many rounds of cell division are required for meiosis?


A human gamete contains ________ chromosomes.


A human gamete contains how many chromosomes?


After crossing over is complete, the homologous chromosomes remain attached at the chiasmata. How many chromatids are attached at this point?


At the end of anaphase I in meiosis, each pole of the cell contains which of the following?

A haploid set of duplicated chromosomes

When meiosis occurs without recombination, which of the following has occurred?

Achiasmate segregation

When meiosis proceeds without recombination, this is referred to as ____________ segregation.

Achiasmate segregation

The events of metaphase II include which of the following?

Alignment of individual chromosomes along the metaphase plate

DNA replication should occur (choose all that apply)?

Before meiosis I Before mitosis

In meiosis, when does DNA replication occur?

Before meiosis I only

Gametes produced by meiosis contain which of the following?

Both paternal and maternal chromosomes which have been subject to crossing over

How can the maintenance of low levels of cyclin B between meiosis I and II potentially suppress DNA replication?

By preventing the formation of replication initiation complexes

What is the name for the sites of crossing over in a chromosome?


When used to characterize the first meiotic division, the term "reductive division" refers to the reduction of which of the following?


Shugoshin proteins are involved with which of the following?

Cohesion protection during anaphase I

The sister chromatids found in the daughter nuclei at the end of telophase I are not identical to each other due to which of the following?

Crossing over

Meiosis produces cells that are not identical to each other because of which of the following events (choose all that apply)?

Crossing over Random orientation of chromosomes in metaphase I

DNA replication is suppressed between meiosis I and II by which of the following?

Cyclin B

Select the true statements about the life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms.

Depending on the organism, either the haploid or the diploid stage can be dominant. In all sexually reproducing organisms, meiosis is required for the production of haploid cells. The life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms involves alternation between the haploid and diploid stage.

Which of the statements below are true for chromosomes in eukaryotic cells?

Diploid cells have a maternal homologue and a paternal homologue. Diploid cells have two versions of each chromosome.

The reason for the monopolar arrangement of sister chromatids in meiosis I is that it allows for which of the following?

Each joined pair of homologues to align on the metaphase plate

When are germ line cells set aside from somatic cells?

Early in development

Four daughter cells that are haploid

Formation of new spindle fibers Break down of each nuclear envelope

After meiosis is complete which of the following are produced?

Four daughter cells that are haploid

The number of chromosomes in the parent cell

Four daughter cells that are haploid

A zygote is created when two haploid cells, called _________, fuse.


Sperm and egg cells are known as which of the following?


Which of the following are true statements regarding sexual reproduction?

Haploid cells are produced through meiosis. The offspring receives genetic material from two parents.

Which is not a characteristic of meiosis II?

Homologous chromosome pairs are separated

During anaphase I which of the following occurs?

Homologues are pulled apart

Which of the following is one of the significant results of meiosis?

It creates haploid gametes for sexual reproduction.

Synapsis (or pairing) of homologous chromosomes occurs during which process?


Which type(s) of cellular division produce(s) cells that are not genetically identical to the mother cell?


Sister chromatid cohesion is maintained during which process?

Meiosis I

Which of the following is sometimes referred to as a reductive division?

Meiosis I

DNA replication is suppressed prior to which cellular event?

Meiosis II

Which of the following is a distinctive feature of meiosis?

Meiosis includes a cell division that is not preceded by DNA duplication.

Which of the following must occur during anaphase I?

Meiosis specific cohesins must be removed from chromosome arms, but not from sister centromeres.

Which process is responsible for the production of the adult body of an animal from a zygote?


Aneuploid gametes are produced by which of the following?

Nondisjunction during meiosis

During which stage of meiosis do synapsis and crossing over occur?

Prophase I

One reason that it is likely that no two human gametes will have the same combination of homologous chromosomes is due to which of the following?

Random assortment of chromosomes

Which of the following is a meiosis specific cohesin protein in yeast?


When the alleles of genes that were formerly on separate homologues can be found on the same homologue which of the following has occurred?

Recombination has occurred

The destruction of the Rec8 protein on chromosome arms allows for which of the following to occur?

Separation of homologues in anaphase I

Meiosis II resembles mitosis because it involves the movement of which of the following?

Single chromatids towards the poles of the cell

The process that brings all four chromatids in a pair of homologues together in close association is called which of the following?

Sister chromatid cohesion

Which of the following accurately pairs animal somatic and germline cells with the number of chromosomes in them.

Somatic cells:diploid; Germline cells:diploid

The association of homologous pairs guided by heterochromatin sequences is called which of the following?


The structure consisting of paired homologues along a lattice of proteins between them is called what?

Synaptonemal complex

At this stage of meiosis I, the sister chromatids have reached their respective poles, and they then decondense.


Identify the difference between metaphase of mitosis and metaphase of meiosis I.

The chromosomes align singly in mitosis and in pairs in meiosis I.

Of the following choices, which is a similarity between mitosis and meiosis?

The number of chromosomes in the parent cell

Choose the reasons why the two homologous chromosomes do not separate from each other during the first meiotic division.

They are held together by cohesin proteins. They held together via sites of crossing over.

During anaphase I of meiosis I, which of the following describes the homologues?

They are segregated.

In yeast, the Rec8 protein replaces the Scc1 protein in the cohesin complex during meiosis. Why is this important?

This allows the sister chromatids to stay together during meiosis I

Typically, how many cells contribute genetic material during sexual reproduction?


An organism is diploid when its cells carry which of the following?

Two sets of chromosomes

During meiosis I, the kinetochores of sister chromatids act as _______.

a unit, to which polar microtubules attach.

During ________ I of meiosis, the homologues are pulled toward opposite poles of the cell.

anaphase I

Errors in meiosis can lead to gametes with the wrong number of chromosomes which are referred to as ________ gametes.


Errors in meiosis can lead to gametes with the wrong number of chromosomes which are referred to as __________ gametes.


The process of recombination begins with the introduction of a double strand break into one of the homologs. This has led scientists to believe that the enzymatic machinery responsible for recombination first evolved

as a mechanism for the repair of dsDNA breaks

The points where chromatids are held together following crossing over are called _________.

chiasmata or chiasma

he sites of crossing over are called

chiasmata or chiasma

Recombination nodules are structures that contain the enzymes needed for ___________.

crossing over

In most animals, the ______ state of the life cycle is much larger than the ______ state of the life cycle.

diploid; haploid

In animals, the cells that will eventually perform meiosis to produce gametes are called _________ _________ cells.

germ line

Meiosis includes a cell division that is not preceded by DNA duplication.


When a cell undergoes meiosis, 4 daughter cells are produced. In terms of the number of chromosomes, each daughter cell contains a ___________ nucleus.


A unique event in meiosis I is

homologous pairing

In meiosis, the random orientation of homologous chromosomes on the metaphase plate leads to

independent assortment of maternal and paternal chromosomes in the gametes

During meiosis I, the ____________ of sister chromatids function as a unit, attaching to the same microtubule.

kinetochores or centromeres

The _____ of sister chromatids are attached to the same pole during meiosis I and to opposite poles during meiosis II.

kinetochores or centromeres

The importance of the recombination machinery for proper disjunction of chromosomes is supported by the observation that

loss of recombination function leads to higher levels of meiotic nondisjunction

In sexually reproducing organisms, which type(s) of cell division requires two sequential rounds of division?


The pulling apart of homologues occurs during anaphase of

meiosis I

What type of division (meiosis or mitosis) does the diploid zygote of an animal have to go through (usually many times) in order to give rise to all of the cells in the adult body?

mitosis, mitotic, or mitotic division

A recombination ___________ contains the enzymatic machinery necessary to break and rejoin chromatids of the homologous chromosomes.


When chromosomes do not sort properly during cell division this is referred to as


The term __________ refers to an event in which the chromosomes do not sort properly during cell division.

nondisjunction, non-disjunction, or non disjunction

The four daughter cells produced by meiosis are

not genetically identical to each other

In sexual reproduction in eukaryotes, each parent contributes

one set of chromosomes to the offspring.

In ____________ I of meiosis, the replicated chromosomes condense, the homologous chromosomes form bivalents, and crossing over occurs.

prophase I

In anaphase I a pole may receive either the maternal or paternal homologue from each chromosome pair. This means that the genes on different chromosomes assort ________.


A result of crossing over is genetic _______; this leads to increased genetic variation in the offspring.


Eukaryotes that reproduce through Blank 1Blank 1 sexual , Correct Unavailable reproduction require two cells to contribute genetic material for the production of the next generation.


When reproduction is achieved through meiosis and subsequent fertilization, it is called ________ reproduction.


Anaphase of mitosis separates ______ while anaphase I of meiosis separates ______.

sister chromatids; homologues

Both somatic and germline cells are diploid. However,

somatic cells undergo mitosis, while germline cells can undergo meiosis.

The two types of gametes typically produced by multicellular eukaryotic organisms are

sperm cells egg cells

During meiosis, homologous chromosomes become closely associated in the process of pairing, or


During prophase I, all four chromatids of the two homologues become closely associated as a result of pairing, also known as ____________.


The process of _______ (or pairing) is the association of homologous pairs which leads to crossing over.


During meiosis I the sister kinetochores are attached to

the same pole

When two haploid gametes unite, they create a diploid cell called a(n)


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