Biology BSC 1005 SSC Ch. 4-5

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Recreate the order of the flow of electrons through oxidative phosphorylation from the electron donor to the terminal acceptor.

1. Electron-carry proteins accept electrons from NADH 2. Protein complexes accept electrons and also pump protons across the mitochondrial membrane 3. Electrons are donated to oxygen

1. Water diffuses from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell because the concentration of salt outside the cell is higher. 2. A transport vesicle inside the cell fuses with the plasma membrane and releases its contents to the outside of the cell. 3. A vesicle containing liquid from outside the cell bulges inward, pinches off, and enters the cell.

1. Osmosis 2. Exocytosis 3. Pinocytosis

Follow the flow of electrons through the electron transport chain from each electron donor to the terminal acceptor.

1. PS II releases light-energized electrons to the chain 2. A proton pump accepts electrons 3. PS I accepts Electrons 4. PS I donates electrons to NADP+

1. bacterium is engulfed by a macrophage. 2. LDL receptors bind and transport low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles to the inside of the cell. 3. Cells lining blood vessels take in fluid-filled vesicles.

1. Phagocytosis 2. Receptor-mediated endocytosis 3. Pinocytosis

Passive Transport

1. does not require energy 2. can occur in the absence of transport proteins 3. moves material from high concentration to low concentration

Active Transport

1. requires energy 2. always requires a transport protein 3. moves material from low concentration to high concentration

Acetic acid has the formula CH3COOH. At low pH this protonated, uncharged form is the most abundant form in solution. As the pH increases, more of the molecule becomes negatively charged acetate: CH3COO-. At which pH will more of the molecule cross the membrane?


Oxidative phosphorylation produces more of which high energy product than any other reaction in the cell?


Which elements of this image represent enzymes?

ATP Synthase, Electron carrier, NADH dehydrogenase, and transport

Organisms that live at low pH (acidophiles) have to maintain a homeostasis of a pH-neutral cytoplasm by moving protons from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell. Which of the following types of transport are these acidophilic organisms likely to use?

Active Transport

The energy currency of life is ___________________.

Adenosine triphosphate

Which of the following concepts are included in cell theory?

All cells came from a preexisting cell. Every living organism is composed of one or more cells.

One of the products of the pentose phosphate pathway is ribose, the sugar in the backbone of DNA. This pathway is an example of _______________ because it builds macromolecules.


Based on this information, consider what cellular machinery and which types of cells would be affected if treated with the compound. Which of the following statements correctly predict what may happen in this scenario and correctly explain why?

Animal cells would be affected because they contain mitochondria. Bacterial cells would not be affected because they are not eukaryotic. Plant cells would be affected because they contain mitochondria.

Indicate whether the organelles listed below are found in plant cells, animal cells, or both

Animal: Lysosome Plants: Cell Wall, large central vacuole, and Chloroplast Both: mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, & nucleus

The enzyme rubisco is involved in which of the following?

Calvin cycle carbon fixation

Electrons from the high energy electron donor NADPH get donated to which compound?

Carbon dioxide

Beta-galactosidase is an enzyme that cleaves lactose into glucose and galactose. This is one of the many enzymes involved in the breakdown, or _______________, of lactose.


Life is organized into increasingly smaller levels—populations are made of organisms, organisms of organ systems, organ systems of organs, and so on. Organize the cellular terms from largest (carrying the most information) down to smallest (with the least information).

Cell Genome Gene Nucleotide

To mechanically wilt kale, chefs sometimes make a massaged kale salad. The process of massaging the kale most likely breaks down which of the following plant cell structures?

Cell Wall

Which of the following cell structures are primarily involved in maintaining cell shape and structure?

Cell Wall & Cytoskeleton

Which organelle carries out photosynthesis?


Which part of the plant cell contains chlorophyll and carries out the light reactions?


Which plant organelle contains molecules that capture energy from sunlight and use it to manufacture food molecules?



Conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy. Ex. Producer and convert solar energy 6CO2, 12H2O and light Anabolism synthesis Sugar


DNA contained in a nucleoid region Bacteria Smaller, evolutionarily older, and less complex

Many cellular processes rely on an electron donor and/or acceptor. Rock breathers, for example, can expel electrons onto a mineral or electrode. To synthesize your knowledge and understanding of respiration, photosynthesis, and the rock eaters that Dr. Annie Rowe studies, match the following processes with their electron donors.

Electrons are donated from water: photosynthesis Electrons come from reduced NADH or FADH2 produced during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle: respiration Electrons are sucked from electrodes or mineral surfaces in the environment: rock eating

The following image shows a white blood cell engulfing a yeast cell through phagocytosis, a nonspecific form of which of the following?


Cell Wall

External cell structure

What are the high energy products of this cycle?


Some viruses, such as measles, bind to receptors on the cell and are then engulfed by the cell in a vesicle. In this manner, the virus has hijacked the cellular process of phagocytosis as a mechanism to enter the host cell.

False: Because the measles virus is binding to specific receptor proteins, it is hijacking the cellular process of receptor-mediated endocytosis. If the virus were being engulfed by a white blood cell of the immune system (without the specific receptor binding), it would be undergoing phagocytosis.

Put the reactants and products in order from first utilized to last.

Light and Water CO2, ATP, and Glucose

Which statement describes the formation of a liposome?

Liposomes form in the lab when phospholipids are added to water.

Which of the following is the major location for breaking down food to build ATP?



Molecule storage and breakdown

Which of these high energy molecules helps fuel the Calvin cycle?


Craig Venter's group chose to create a synthetic life-form using a bacterium as their test subject. They inserted synthetic DNA from the bacterium Mycoplasma mycoides into a Mycoplasma capricolum cell whose own DNA had been removed. The new cell accepted the synthetic DNA and was able to replicate, representing the first synthetic life-form. If they were to try the same experiment in an animal cell, what organelle would they need to replace?


What is the prominent, spherical, purple organelle shown here?


Congo red is a dye that cells will actively transport out of the cell. The dye can be used to assess whether cells observed under the microscope are alive or dead. Which option correctly describes how live and dead cells are differentiated using Congo red?

Only live cells can produce the energy needed to perform active transport. Dead cells will be stained red.

Soreness in muscles after a heavy workout may be partially due to a buildup of lactic acid during fermentation. This occurs when the mitochondria in muscles run out of _____________.


Which of the following are products of the light reaction?


Which type of transport does this image demonstrate?


Electrons are donated from water



Plant and animal cells Larger, evolutionarily newer, and more complex DNA contained in a nucleus Contain organelles

Which of the following cell structures is the permeability layer that lets only a selective number and type of molecules into the cell?

Plasma membrane

Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic

Plasma membrane Cytoplasm Ribosomes Cell wall Flagella Can be unicellular

During flu season, influenza virus infects many members of the population. During infection, the virus binds to the outside of a cell and tricks that cell into "eating" the virus. Once inside, the virus infects the cell and forces the cell to make more viruses that can then go on to infect more cells. What type of cell transport is the virus using to get into the cell?

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Biosphere II is a self-contained ecological system that was sealed with researchers inside. Unfortunately, the microbes in the soil consumed rich organic matter and produced carbon dioxide. Oxygen levels plummeted and, subsequently, the mission failed. This depletion of oxygen was caused by small microorganisms carrying out the process of cellular ____________________ .


A cell contains a solution of 25% salt. The cell floats in a solution with 5% salt. What will happen to this cell?

Salt will move out of the cell. The cell will swell as water moves into the cell.

The JCVI is challenging which part of cell theory?

The JCVI challenges the idea that all cells come from preexisting cells.

oxidative phosphorylation

The production of ATP using energy derived from the redox reactions of an electron transport chain; the third major stage of cellular respiration. Ex. inner mitochondrial martix

Much like solar panels, chloroplasts in plants absorb the sun's rays and convert that energy into usable food and energy for the cell.

True-A plant cell can contain from 20 to 100 chloroplasts for capturing the sun's energy and converting it to ATP, NADPH, and glucose.

If the phospholipid layer were reversed and the fatty acid tails were on the outside of the cell membrane, then the cells would be insoluble in water.

True: Because the phosphate head groups are polar or hydrophilic, they help the cell survive in an aqueous environment.

The main constituents of a cell's membrane bilayer are phospholipids.

True: Most cell membranes have a phospholipid bilayer.

Plant cells can make their own food, but animal cells cannot.

True: Plant0.0s contain chloroplasts and can generate glucose from CO2 using the sun's energy.

As part of an experiment, you decide to add table sugar (sucrose) and table salt (NaCl) to a test tube filled with liposomes in a solution of water. Which of the following molecules would you expect to find on the inside of a liposome?


Photosynthetic algae would likely produce the most oxygen under which of the following conditions?

a hot summer day at high noon

Dr. Annie Rowe studies rock-eating microbes that can suck electrons from electrodes. Many of them can also do which of the following?

accept electrons from reduced sulfur accept electrons from reduced iron transport electrons

Although algae produce oxygen, algal blooms typically lead to hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions in water. This hypoxia is probably due to microorganisms feeding on dying algae and carrying out which of the following reactions?

aerobic respiration

A "rock breather," which donates electrons to the anode end of an electrode, usually carries out the typical respiratory pathways of glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and some form of an electron transport chain that donates electrons to one of several possible electron acceptors. One such acceptor is oxygen, via oxidative phosphorylation, if oxygen is present. Oxygen is the most energetically favorable electron acceptor for the cell, as it produces the most ATP. However, a rock-breathing microbe can also donate electrons to an oxidized form of iron or sulfur when oxygen is absent, or to an anode that will then shuttle the electrons ultimately to the preferred electron acceptor, oxygen. Such a "rock breather" will likely require which of the following in order to expel electrons onto an anode?

an abundant electron donor such as glucose anaerobic conditions (the absence of oxygen)

Synthetic biology is a field that aims to design and construct new biological entities with novel and useful functions. Which of the following are applications of synthetic biology?

artificial photosynthesis: using an engineered bacterium with nanowire to convert carbon dioxide to multiple different products smart vaccines: human-made microbes that can induce immune development without illness

Enzymes bind to a substrate and ___________________ a chemical reaction, resulting in a desirable product. Enzymes increase the rate of nearly all chemical reactions in living cells.


What theory encompasses the idea that living organisms today are made of cells and arose from preexisting cells?

cell theory


internal cellular scaffolding

Smooth ER

lipid synthesis

Soreness in muscles after a heavy workout may be partially due to a buildup of lactic acid during fermentation. When fermentation occurs in the muscles which of the following do not occur?

oxidative phosphorylation the electron transport chain the Krebs cycle

Which of the following are types of endocytosis?

phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor-mediated transport

Early Earth was largely anoxic with very little oxygen present in the atmosphere. However, approximately 2 billion years ago, a rise in atmospheric oxygen concentration was recorded in the geological record. This event, known as the great oxygenation event (GOE), was caused by small microorganisms (cyanobacteria) that likely carried out the process of ____________________ . Type an answer


Which of the following reactions require(s) light?

photosynthesis photorespiration


photosynthesis & Daytime


protein synthesis

Most enzymes are made of ___________.


In the newly engineered cell created by the researchers at the JCVI, which of the following was derived from a previous cell, partially supporting one aspect of cell theory?

proteins lipid bilayer

Electrons come from reduced NADH or FADH2 produced during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle.


One reason indoor environments are sometimes perceived to be less healthy than outdoor environments is that the level of carbon dioxide is slightly elevated indoors. The atmospheric composition indoors is likely due to the animal (and human) process of cellular -----. One way people sometimes combat this trend is by having indoor plants. These organisms increase the concentration of ----- in the atmosphere by carrying out the metabolic process of ------.

respiration oxygen photosynthesis

The atmospheric composition indoors is likely due to the animal (and human) process of cellular ---. One way people sometimes combat this trend is by having indoor plants. These organisms increase the concentration of ------ in the atmosphere by carrying out the metabolic process of ------.

respiration oxygen photosynthesis


respiration & nighttime

Which of the following are present in bacteria?

ribosomes DNA cytoplasm membrane

Electrons are sucked from electrodes or mineral surfaces in the environment.

rock eating

A centrifuge can be used to separate substances based on their size/weight. You place a mixture of viruses, bacteria, and yeast cells in a test tube and centrifuge it. The smallest/lightest structures will end up toward the top of the tube, and the largest/heaviest structures will be toward the bottom. From top to bottom in your tube, what will you expect to find?

virus, bacteria, yeast

In a mammary gland, milk-producing cells release milk into ducts that lead to the nipple. DNA in the nucleus codes for the proteins contained in milk. Starting with the organelle that assembles the milk protein, put the organelles in the order that the milk protein passes through them (from left to right).

1. Rough ER 2. Golgi apparatus 3. Plasma membrane

Prior to cell theory and germ theory, in the 1600s-1800s, some scientists supported the theory of spontaneous generation. The theory proposed that living (cellular) organisms could form from inanimate objects, or from other unrelated organisms. For example, it was thought that cheese or grain could facilitate the formation of mice. Which of the following tenets of cell theory refute, or contradict, the theory of spontaneous generation?

All living cells came from another living cell. Cells arise from preexisting cells.

The self-assembling membrane engineered by Neal Devaraj helps prove the cell theory.

False: Devaraj's engineered structure was not derived from preexisting cells and was not comprised of one or more cells.

After carrying out a chemical reaction, the enzyme is permanently altered and must be broken down and recycled.

False: Enzymes are not permanently altered during the chemical reactions they catalyze, and they can be used multiple times.

Which of the following are products of the Calvin cycle?

Glucose NADP+ ADP

Which product of the light reactions leads to ATP generation by ATP synthase?

H+: The gradient of protons results in the proton motive force, which can do work, like how water against a hydroelectric dam produces energy from the force of water spreading from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

Which of the following will most easily cross a plasma membrane?

H2O (water)

Which region of a phospholipid—the head or the tail—can be described by the following terms?

Head: Polar and Hydrophilic Tails: Nonpolar and Hydrophobic

Which of the following functions of living organisms can be carried out by viruses, and which require the help of the host?

Host: reproduce, maintain internal homeostasis, Metabolize and use Energy Virus: Use nucleic acid (like DNA) as the genetic material

cellular respiration

Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen. Ex. Convert Plants tissue and Consumer C6H12O6 and 6O2 Break down sugar catabolism

It is still debated whether or not viruses are alive.

True: Viruses display some, but not all, of the characteristics of living organisms.

You are performing experiments on viruses. You have a variety of enzymes in your lab that target different organelles or macromolecules. Which enzyme will be most effective in destroying viruses?

nuclease (destroys DNA and RNA)

Which of the following cell structures deal with the synthesis and/or packaging of proteins as a primary function?

rough ER Golgi apparatus ribosomes

Krebs cycle

second stage of cellular respiration, in which pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy-extracting reactions ex. mitochondrial Martix


storage of water and other molecules


the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid. ex. cytoplasm

The Mycobacterium used by Craig Venter's group is a bacterium. Although this organism is -, it still used - produce proteins. Larger, -cells also contain these protein-making machines on an organelle called the -A -on the other hand, does not have any way of making its own protein and must rely on host cells to make protein.

1. Prokaryotic 2. ribosomes 3. Eukaryotic 4. Rough ER 5. Virus

Think about the flow of electrons for both rock breathers and rock eaters, such as those that Dr. Annie Rowe studies, and consider which one would be better for building a microbial fuel cell that could supply a flow of electrons to a circuit in order to power a device such as a cell phone. Now determine if this statement is true or false: Rock breathers would be better for building a microbial fuel cell.

True: Rock breathers supply electrons to a mineral or an anode, and those electrons can then flow to a circuit to power a device.

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