Biology Ch. 23 Test

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What are carbohydrates' functions?

~Energy source ~Energy storage

What are fats' functions?

~Energy source ~Energy storage

What are proteins' functions?

~Energy source ~Energy storage ~Growth and repair

What are minerals' functions?


What are water's functions?

~Inorganic ~Solvent

What are vitamins' functions?

~Organic ~Coenzymes

Where does peristalsis happen?

In the esophagus

What is the function of the large intestine?

Absorbs water and some remaining nutrients including important vitamins; the undigested material passes through the rectum, the last section of the large intestine and is expelled through the anus as feces

The body can use fats and proteins in cellular respiration by turning them into what?

Acetyl CoA

What cellular waste is excreted by the lungs?

Carbon dioxide

What is the function of the liver?

Filters toxins and waste from the blood; produces bile, a greenish fluid that helps digest fats in the small intestine

What is the function of the oral cavity?

Food enters the alimentary canal through the mouth; has large incisors for cutting food and pointed cuspids for tearing it before the pre-molar and moral teeth grind it; variety of teeth allows us to eat both meat and vegetables

What is the function of the stomach?

Food is digested in it with a combination of mechanical grinding and chemical action of enzymes and hydraulic acid; the digestive food leaves the stomach through the pyloric sphincter as a thick semi liquid paste called comb

Which organ stores and concentrates bile?


Explain how the action of the stomach is an example of both mechanical and chemical digestion.

In mechanical digestion, the stomach churns the food to break it down. In chemical digestion, the stomach uses acids and enzymes to break the food down.

How does the liver function as part of the excretory system and why is the function necessary?

It creates urea from the breakdown of amino acids. It filters toxins and waste from the blood.

What is the urethra?

It is what urine exits the urinary bladder through. It conducts the urine outside of the body. It has two sphincters. One opens involuntarily and the other is voluntary.

If a person donates a left kidney what is useless?

Left ureter

Which organ transforms highly toxic ammonia into less toxic urea for disposal?


What are you performing when you chew food with your teeth?

Mechanical digestion

What is the function of the small intestine?

Most of the digestive enzymes are found in it; tiny finger like villi lining the inside of the small intestine use diffusion and active transport to absorb most of the nutrients that the body needs

What are the steps in the path of water as it enters and exits the body?

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

What are the steps in the path of sugar entering and where it goes after that?

Mouth, stomach, small intestine, bloodstream, sugar is dissolved through the capillaries, cells, mitochondria

Are minerals and vitamins organic molecules that the body needs but can't make?

No, minerals are inorganic.

What organs produce the digestive enzymes amylase and lipase?

Pancreas and small intestine

What is the large intestine?

Part of the digestive system. The large intestine absorbs water and some remaining nutrients, including important vitamins. The undigested material passes through the rectum, the last section of the large intestine, and is expelled through the anus as feces.

What is the liver?

Part of the digestive system. The liver is the largest internal organ in the body. It filters toxins and waste from the blood. It produces bile that helps digest fats in the small intestine.

What is the small intestine?

Part of the digestive system. The small intestine is where most of the digestive enzymes in the body are found. Villi lining the inside of the small intestine use diffusion and active transport to absorb most of the nutrients the body needs.

What is the stomach?

Part of the digestive system. The stomach is where food is digested with a combination of mechanical and chemical digestion. The digestive food leaves the stomach through the pyloric sphincter as chyme.

What is the pancreas?

Part of the digestive system. TtttThe pancreas is the primary producer of digestive enzymes. It also helps neutralize the pH of the extremely acidic chyme entering the small intestine from the stomach.

What is the ureter?

Part of the urinary system. It is a tube that each kidney connects to. It uses peristalsis to conduct the urine away from the kidney.

What is the urinary bladder?

Part of the urinary system. It is where the urine goes after exiting the ureters. It collects the urine until it can be excreted.

What are kidneys?

Part of the urinary system. They look like large kidney beans. They filter urea from the blood to be excreted as urine.

Explain why the pH of chyme must be raised as it enters the small intestine.

Pepsin can function only in the extremely acidic environment of the stomach, while lipase would not work there at all.

What is the function of the pancreas?

Primary producer of digestive enzymes; helps neutralize the pH of the extremely acidic chyme entering the small intestine from the stomach

What is the function of salivary glands?

Saliva from the salivary glands mixes with food during chewing; it lubricates the food for swallowing and also contains some digestive enzymes

While most urea is filtered from the blood and released through the urinary system, what other organ also releases a small amount of urea?


Most digestive enzymes are released into which organ in the alimentary canal?

Small intestine

What is the function of the gallbladder?

Stores bile until it is needed in the small intestine; removes some of the water from bile which concentrates the bile

How does the body regulate the amount of water in the body?

The urinary system regulates the balance between too much and too little.

What is the job of enzymes in the digestive system?

They help break down food

Most nutrients are absorbed from food by what?

Tiny, finger-like villi lining the inside of the small intestine use diffusion and active transport to absorb most of the nutrients that the body needs

What is the function of the esophagus?

Tongue pushes food through the pharynx into the esophagus as a ball like bolus; as food travels down it it is propelled by peristalsis, muscular contractions that continue throughout the alimentary canal

What would happen if the amount of water in your body with too high or too low?

Too much water in the blood plasma causes water to enter your cells by osmosis resulting in swollen cells, and could start bursting. Too little water in the blood plasma causes water to leave your cells via osmosis causing the cells to shrivel.

Which nutrient does the large intestine primarily absorb?

Water and some remaining nutrients, including important vitamins

Does the daily recommended 64 to 100 ounces of fluid include all beverages, not just water?

Yes, water just has the added benefit that it has no calories.

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