Biology Chapter 11

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54)In 2013, an estimated 160,000 people in the United States will die of lung cancer. If the cancer death rate is expected to increase by 1% per decade, approximately how many people will die of lung cancer in the United States in 2033?


57)During an experiment assessing the development of a fly embryo, a scientist artificially turns on a homeotic gene that controls eye development in somatic cells that develop into the wings. Which of the following is the most likely outcome of this experiment?

A mutant adult fly will develop that has eyes on its wings.

9) A single cell, the zygote, can develop into an entirely new organism with many different specialized cells. Which of the following statements about this process is false?

Additional genetic information for the formation of specialized cells is passed on to the developing embryo via the placenta.

42) Which of the following statements regarding stem cells is false?

Adult, but not embryonic, stem cells can be grown in laboratory culture.

37) Which of the following processes occurs when a salamander regenerates a lost limb?

Certain cells in the limb dedifferentiate, divide, and then redifferentiate to form a new limb.

24) All of the following mechanisms are used to regulate protein production except

DNA Replication.

12) Which of the following statements regarding DNA packing is false?

DNA packing tends to promote gene expression.

17) Enhancers are

DNA sequences to which activator proteins bind.

58)What is the proper order of events in the expression of a eukaryotic protein?

DNA unpacking, mRNA splicing, translation, protein folding

31) Transcription factors attach to


45) Which of the following statements about proto-oncogenes is false?

If a proto-oncogene's gene product is produced in smaller quantities, a cell may become cancerous.

55)Melanoma (skin cancer) can develop after several mutations occur in skin cells. If a woman is diagnosed with melanoma and becomes pregnant, what are the chances that her offspring will inherit melanoma?

It is unlikely that the offspring will be born with melanoma.

28) Which of the following statements about microarrays is false?

Microarrays use tiny portions of double-stranded RNA fragments from a large number of genes.

36) Why can some plants be cloned from a single cell?

Plant cells can dedifferentiate and give rise to all of the specialized cells required to produce an entire plant.

59)Which of the following statements regarding skin cells and muscle cells in your body is true?

Skin cells and muscle cells each contain information about both muscle proteins and skin color.

52) A cell is expressing the mutant form of ras, but one of the downstream relay proteins is not present because of another mutation. How will cell division be affected in this scenario?

The cell will not divide at all unless other proteins that stimulate cell division are present.

26) Which of the following statements about fruit fly development is false?

The location of the head and tail ends of the egg is primarily determined by the location of sperm entry during fertilization.

8) Which of the following is likely to occur in E. coli cells that are grown in skim milk?

The trp repressor is activated and the cells will produce lactose-utilizing enzymes.

60)Two yeast cells, one of type a and the other type α, are in proximity to each other. The a yeast cell has a mutation in the gene for the α factor receptor protein such that the receptor does not translocate to the surface of the a cell. If both cells secrete their respective a and α factors, which of the following outcomes is most likely to occur?

The α cell will grow toward the a cell

18) There is a mutation in the operator of the trp operon in a cell such that the trp repressor is unable to bind to the operator. If tryptophan is added to the cell, what will happen?

Tryptophan will bind to the repressor, and trp enzymes will be produced.

51) There is a mutation in the operator of the trp operon in a cell such that the trp repressor is unable to bind to the operator. If tryptophan is added to the cell, what will happen?

Tryptophan will bind to the repressor, and trp enzymes will be produced.

35) In plants, most differentiated cells retain

a complete set of their genes, and retain the ability to express those genes under certain circumstances.

7) The expression of the tryptophan operon is controlled by

a repressor that is active when it binds to tryptophan.

5) Proteins that bind to DNA and turn on operons by making it easier for RNA polymerase to bind to a promoter are called


6) The lac operon of E. coli is ________ when the repressor is bound to lactose.


21) Which of the following permits a single gene to code for more than one polypeptide?

alternative RNA splicing

3) In a prokaryote, a group of genes with related functions, along with their associated control sequences, defines

an operon.

11) The genes for the enzymes of glycolysis

are active in all metabolizing cells, but the genes for specialized proteins are expressed only in particular cell types.

34) Signal transduction pathways

are mechanisms of communication that probably evolved in ancient prokaryotes.

43) Adult stem cells have limited therapeutic potential

because their developmental potential is limited to certain tissues.

14) In female mammals, the inactive X chromosome in each cell

becomes a Barr body.

50) Mutations in the p53 gene can lead to cancer by

causing the production of a faulty protein that is no longer able to inhibit cell division.

29) In multicellular organisms, the coordination of cellular activities relies on

cell-to-cell signaling and signal transduction pathways.

23) miRNA can be used by

cells to prevent infections from double-stranded RNA viruses.

38) The cloning of Dolly the sheep

demonstrated that the nuclei from differentiated mammalian cells can retain their full genetic potential.

49) Mutations in the proto-oncogene ras and the tumor suppressor gene p53

disrupt normal regulation of the cell cycle.

20) The coding regions of a gene (the portions that are expressed as polypeptide sequences) are called


48) The development of colon cancer occurs slowly, and colon cancer is more frequently seen in the elderly than the young. This is most likely because

four or more somatic mutations must occur to give rise to the cancer, which takes time.

56)In thinking about their role in cell division, oncogenes are like the ________ of a car, while tumor suppressor genes are like the ________ of a car.

gas pedal; brakes

40) Which of the following mammals has not yet been cloned and brought through the complete gestation cycle?


22) Small pieces of RNA that can regulate translation of mRNA are called


53) What is the correct order of structures in a chromosome from smallest to largest?

nucleotide, histone, nucleosome, tight helical fiber, supercoil, chromosome

44) A gene that can cause cancer when present in a single copy in a cell is called a(n)


30) To initiate a signal transduction pathway, a signal binds to a receptor protein usually located in the

plasma membrane.

4) The lac operon in E. coli

prevents lactose-utilizing enzymes from being expressed when lactose is absent from the environment.

1) The term "gene expression" refers to the

process by which genetic information flows from genes to proteins.

16) Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells use ________ to turn certain genes on or off.


19) RNA splicing involves the

removal of introns from the molecule.

15) The tortoiseshell pattern on a cat

results from X chromosome inactivation.

10) The basis of cellular differentiation is

selective gene expression.

27) A homeotic gene

serves as a master control gene that functions during embryonic development by controlling the developmental fate of groups of cells.

47) Cancer of the colon is caused by

several somatic cell mutations.

32) A signal outside a cell triggers changes in the transcription and translation inside the cell through

signal transduction pathways.

46) Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to normal cells becoming cancerous?

the production of more effective tumor-suppressor gene products

41) Which of the following possible uses of reproductive cloning is still considered by most to be an unresolved ethical issue?

the reproductive cloning of humans

39) The use of cloning to produce special embryonic stem cells is called

therapeutic cloning.

13) The relationship between DNA and chromosomes is most like

thread wrapped around a spool.

33) Yeast are able to communicate with each other

through chemical signaling.

2) A gene operon consists of

transcribed genes, an operator, and a promoter.

25) Which of the following mechanisms of controlling gene expression occurs outside of the nucleus?


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