biology CHAPTER 5

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What statement best describes motor proteins?

A category of proteins that use ATP as a source of energy to move.


A flattened membrane sac inside the chloroplast, used to convert light energy into chemical energy.

endomembrane system

A network of membranes inside and around a eukaryotic cell, related either through direct physical contact or by the transfer of membranous vesicles.

Which of the following anchoring junctions bind to actin filaments in the cytoskeleton?

Adherens junctions Focal adhesions

A typical mitochondrion is surrounded by _______ membranes

Blank 1: 2, two, double, inner and outer, or outer and inner

__________ proteins are a category of proteins that use ATP as a source of energy to promote various types of movements.

Blank 1: Motor

A key component of anchoring junctions are proteins called CAMs, which stands for ________ _______ ______

Blank 1: cell Blank 2: adhesion Blank 3: molecules or molecule

The main polysaccharide found in the plant cell wall is ______

Blank 1: cellulose

The four types of anchoring junctions in humans are adherens junctions, desmosomes, ________, and ________ adhesions

Blank 1: hemidesmosomes or hemi-desmosomes Blank 2: focal

The nucleus is enclosed by a double membrane structure called the ________ ______

Blank 1: nuclear or nucleus Blank 2: envelope

A(n) ________ is an aggregate of prebiotically produced molecules and macromolecules with a boundary to separate its internal chemical environment from its surroundings.

Blank 1: protobiont

In the third stage of the origin of life, living cells may have evolved from cell-like structures called

Blank 1: protobionts

In order for proteins made in the cytosol to be directed to the appropriate organelle, they must have the proper ________ signal within their amino acid sequence.

Blank 1: sorting or traffic

What is the function of the lysosome?

Breakdown of macromolecules


Cell organelle that stores materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates

Reducing Atmosphere Hypothesis

Water vapor, hydrogen gas, methane, and ammonia interact in the absence of oxygen to produce organic molecules.

What organisms can be found in biological communities in the vicinity of deep-sea vents?

Worms Shrimp Bacteria

An unknown cell type contains a nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes. Given only this information, this cell could be from:

a plant or animal

Although they both provide tensile strength and resistance to compression, the extracellular matrix of animals and cell walls of plants differ because the cell walls of plants:

are more rigid are thicker are able to prevent osmotic lysis

It is during the third stage in the origin of life that an outer ______ formed to separate the internal polymers from the environment.


In multicellular animals, cells are linked to one another by

cell junctions.

The different chemical properties of amino acids have given proteins ______ catalytic ability than RNA molecules.


In addition to chemicals like hydrogen sulfide, iron, and ammonia, deep-sea vents are also a source of ______, which may have been important for producing organic molecules.



membrane-enclosed sacs that are usually smaller than lysosomes detoxification and beta oxidation production of hydrogen peroxide

The points where the inner and outer nuclear membranes meet form:

nuclear pores

Which of the following characteristics would protobionts need to have to be considered as likely precursors of living cells?

polymers storing information polymers having catalytic functions a boundary separating its internal versus external environment

The central vacuole in plants is primarily involved in the

storage of water, ions, and pigments.

Which of the following cell junctions prevent material from passing between adjacent cells of animals?

tight junctions


weight-bearing, column-like matrix tubes composed mainly of collagen


Infoldings of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion that houses the electon transport chain and the enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of ATP.

What may have formed in the temperature gradient between the extremely hot deep-sea vent water and the cold water that surrounds the vent?

Organic molecules

Which of the following types of organisms have cells that are surrounded by a cell wall that provides structure and support?

Plants Archaea Fungi Bacteria

Which of the following organisms are eukaryotes?

Plants Fungi Animals

Which macromolecule forms the foundation for the structure and activities of living cells?


The interaction of which of the following macromolecules plays an important role in the formation of living cells?

RNA proteins DNA

What is the primary function of peroxisomes?

Synthesis and breakdown of organic molecules

What are key functions of RNA?

The capacity for self-replication The ability to store information in its nucleotide sequence The ability to function as ribozymes

In adherens junctions, proteins called ________ connect cells to each other. In the cytosol, adherens junctions bind to ______ filaments

Blank 1: cadherins Blank 2: actin

Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) include the two integral membrane proteins ______ and ______

Blank 1: cadherins or cadherin Blank 2: integrins or integrin

In plants, photosynthesis occurs in semiautonomous organelles called ________

Blank 1: chloroplasts or chloroplast

The ________ _______ of animals contains adhesive and structural proteins, polysaccharides, and may have cells attached only on one side or embedded completely within it.

Blank 1: extracellular Blank 2: matrix

The two types of anchoring junctions that connect cells to the extracellular matrix are ______ and _____ ______

Blank 1: hemidesmosomes or hemi-desmosomes Blank 2: focal Blank 3: adhesions

Cell ______ are specialized structures within multicellular animals that physically adhere cells to each other.

Blank 1: junctions

In bacteria, the genetic material is located in a region of the cytoplasm called the ________

Blank 1: nucleoid or nucleoid region

The cell wall of plants is composed of two parts: a flexible layer called the _______ cell wall that is synthesized first, and a thicker layer called the __________ cell wall that consists of successive layers.

Blank 1: primary Blank 2: secondary

The two most prevalent types of macromolecules in the extracellular matrix of animals are ______ and _______

Blank 1: proteins or polypeptides Blank 2: polysaccharides or carbohydrates

A(n ______ biology approach refers to a way of looking at organisms in terms of the complex interactions of its components rather than the properties of each component separately.

Blank 1: systems or system

Select all the functions of anchoring junctions.

Bond cells to the extracellular matrix Attach cells to each other


Innermost compartment of the mitochondrion

What are the functions of the plant cell wall?

It helps to determine the direction of cell growth. It provides mechanical support. It maintains cell shape. It prevents cells from bursting when water enters them.

Which of the following proteins are adhesive proteins of the extracellular matrix that bind components of the ECM to each other and/or to cell surfaces?

Laminin Fibronectin

components of the nucleus

Nuclear envelope, Nucleoplasm, Nucleolus, Chromatin

Extraterrestrial Hypothesis

Organic molecules traveled to the Earth from meteorites.

What are the functions of the central vacuole in plants?

Storage of pigments Water storage Maintenance of turgor pressure

What structure functions in polypeptide synthesis?


Which of the following are found in bacteria, animal cells AND plant cells?

Ribosomes Cytoplasm Plasma membrane

What are the major components of the primary cell wall of plants?

cellulose glycans pectins

Which of the following statements regarding adherens junctions are true?

contain cadherins bind to actin filaments in the cytosol

Select the types of anchoring junctions found in animals.

desmosomes adherens junctions focal adhesions hemidesmosomes

True or false: The extracellular matrix of animals tends to be thicker, stronger, and more rigid than the cell walls of plants.


Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

flattened membrane (rough has ribosomes on the surface), the synthesis and chemical modification of proteins for export (also synthesis of lipids)


fluid portion of the chloroplast; outside of the thylakoids

What functions exhibited by RNA may have led to it being the first macromolecule?

function as ribozymes self-replicate store information

Unlike prokaryotic, plant and fungal cells, the cells of animals are not surrounded by a rigid cell wall. Instead, animal cells secrete materials that form an extracellular ______ that supports and organizes cells.


From a systems biology approach, a system can be which of the following?

organ cell metabolic pathway


organelle found in cells of plants and some other organisms that captures the energy from sunlight and converts it into chemical energy

Oparin and Haldane proposed that living cells rose out of a primordial soup containing _____ molecules


Proteins are a major component of the extracellular matrix in animals. What is the other major molecular component?


What component of a plant cell wall is synthesized first?

primary cell wall

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)

the region of the endoplasmic reticulum that is studded with ribosomes and engages in protein modification


the stacks of thylakoids embedded in the stroma of a chloroplast.

The function of a chloroplast is to capture the light energy necessary for the synthesis of which of the following organic molecules in the process of photosynthesis.


Deep-Sea Vent Hypothesis

Extreme temperatures, metal ions, and H2S and NH3 interact, leading to organic molecules.

What term best describes a relationship between two different species in which the smaller species lives inside the larger one?


What are the two types of life forms?

Eukaryotes Prokaryotes

Slowly forming organic molecules accumulated because there was little free _______ gas so they were not spontaneously oxidized, and there were no ______ organisms so they were not metabolized.

Blank 1: oxygen, O2, or O Blank 2: living, live, or alive

In mammals, large numbers of _______ are found in liver cells, where toxic molecules accumulate and are broken down.

Blank 1: peroxisomes

The accumulation of organic molecules in the early oceans formed the _____ ______

Blank 1: prebiotic or primordial Blank 2: soup

Coacervates are composed primarily of polymers such as ______, ________, , or nucleic acids surrounded by water.

Blank 1: proteins, polypeptides, or protiens Blank 2: carbohydrates or sugars

The three key functions of RNA are its ability to _________ information in its nucleotide sequence, its capacity for ________, and its ability to perform a variety of ________ functions.

Blank 1: store, retain, preserve, collect, or hold Blank 2: self-replication, replication, or self-replicate Blank 3: enzymatic, catalytic, or enzyme

Based largely on geological data, many scientists in the 1950s proposed that components such as water vapor, hydrogen gas, methane and ammonia, produced a(n) ______ atmosphere on early Earth.


What term describes the region of a eukaryotic cell that is outside the membrane-bound organelles but inside the plasma membrane?


Which of the following are structural proteins in the extracellular matrix?

Collagen Elastin

Nuclear pore complexes provide a passageway for molecules to enter and exit the _______

Blank 1: nucleus or nucleoplasm

Where is the DNA housed in a bacterial cell?

Nucleoid region


A group of membrane‐bound organelles commonly found in photosynthetic organisms and mainly responsible for the synthesis and storage of food.

Which of the following statements best describes the structure of the Golgi apparatus?

A stack of flattened membranes, each enclosing a single compartment


A system of membranes that modifies and packages proteins for export by the cell

Golgi apparatus

A system of membranes that modifies and packages proteins for export by the cell

Which of the following components can be present in a reducing atmosphere?

Ammonia Water vapor Methane Hydrogen gas

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)

An endomembrane system where lipids are synthesized, calcium levels are regulated, and toxic substances are broken down.

________ is defined as the sum of the chemical reactions by which cells produce the materials and utilize the energy that is necessary to sustain life.

Blank 1: Metabolism

Carbonaceous chondrites contain a substantial amount of organic carbon including ________ acids and ________ acid

Blank 1: amino Blank 2: nucleic

Prokaryotes consists of two categories of organisms: _______ and _______

Blank 1: bacteria Blank 2: archaea

The field of ______ _______ involves the study of cells and how they interact with other cells.

Blank 1: cell, cellular, or Microscopic Blank 2: biology or physiology

The semiautonomous organelles are the _________ and _______

Blank 1: chloroplasts or chloroplast Blank 2: mitochondria or mitochondrion

The flattened, fluid-filled tubules that make up the endoplasmic reticulum are called _______

Blank 1: cisternae

The invaginations of the mitochondria, which increase the surface area of the inner membrane, are called _______

Blank 1: cristae

In a prokaryotic cell, the ______ is the region of the cell contained within the plasma membrane.

Blank 1: cytoplasm

Scientists have proposed that chloroplasts and mitochondria arose by a process called _________, in which a smaller cell comes to live inside a larger cell.

Blank 1: endosymbiosis or endosymbiotic

Animal cells secrete a(n) _______ ________ , which provides organization and support, whereas plant cells possess ________ ______, which provide a similar function

Blank 1: extracellular or extra-cellular Blank 2: matrix or matrices Blank 3: cell Blank 4: walls or wall

The two types of cell appendages that use microtubules and motor proteins to facilitate movement are ________ and _______

Blank 1: flagella or flagellum Blank 2: cilia or cilium

The endomembrane system contains small organelles that are involved in the intracellular digestion of macromolecules. These organelles are called _________

Blank 1: lysosomes

The cytoskeleton is a network of three different types of protein filaments: ___________, ___________ filament and actin filaments

Blank 1: microtubules Blank 2: intermediate

The ______ is an organelle in eukaryotic cells that contains most of the cell's genetic material.

Blank 1: nucleus

Prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes because they lack a membrane-enclosed _________ , which houses the DNA.

Blank 1: nucleus or nuclei

Which of the following terms describes droplets that form spontaneously from charged polymers surrounded by water?


Which of the following were formed during the second stage in the origin of life?

Complex organic polymers


Contain digestive enzymes, removes waste and foreign material from the cell

What term describes the chemical processes that occur within living cells in order to maintain life?


What make organelle semi-autonomous?

Mitochondria and Chloroplast are called semiautonomous cell organelle. Because, they have their own DNA and Ribosomes. Hence, they can synthesize some of their proteins. For other proteins they depend on nucleus.


Mitochondrial DNA. Evolve rapidly. Maternally inherited only so trace the maternal line of inheritance through time


Powerhouse of the cell, organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production

The formation of which of the following was a key event that preceded the origin of life?

Prebiotic soup

How would early cells benefit from DNA replacing RNA as the information storage molecule?

RNA would have more flexibility in its catalytic functions. Information would be stored in a more stable molecule.

The class of meteorites known as carbonaceous chondrites carry a large quantity of molecules containing the element


Biological communities found in the vicinity of deep-sea vents receive their energy from

chemicals in the vent.

The area of the cell that is surrounded by the plasma membrane is called the


In eukaryotes, the _______ is the region of a eukaryotic cell that is outside the membrane-bound organelles but inside the plasma membrane.


True or false: Most bacteria are able to cause disease.


The plasma _____is a phospholipid bilayer that forms a barrier between a cell and its external environment.


The reducing atmosphere of early Earth was produced by ______ and ______ readily giving up their electrons to other molecules.

methane and ammonia

The spontaneous appearance of which of the following molecules on early Earth led to the formation of a "primordial soup"?

nucleotides amino acids

Which of the following may have formed spontaneously on early Earth?

organic molecules macromolecules

Conditions on early Earth may have been more conducive to the spontaneous formation of

organic molecules.

Simple organic molecules polymerized to form complex organic polymers during the ______ stage in the origin of life.



small membrane sacs that specialize in moving products into, out of, and within a cell

components of mitochondria

their own circular DNA and ribosomes, double layered membrane

endosymbiotic theory

theory that eukaryotic cells formed from a symbiosis among several different prokaryotic organisms

Animal cells differ from bacteria, fungus, and plant cells because:

they secrete an extracellular matrix for support and organization they do not have cell walls for support and organization

True or false: In eukaryotic cells, the proteins synthesized in the cytosol and which function in the organelles, must be directed to the correct cellular location with proper signals located in their amino acid sequence.


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