Biology for Science Majors I- BIOL 1406 Callie Price, Syllabus quiz

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

No Quiz Make-Up:

***There are no makeups for missed quizzes for any reason, even if for an excused absence.*** I drop your two lowest quiz grades for whatever reason you have. Sick, absence for university events (sports, rodeo, band, etc.); or if you just forgot about the scheduled quiz or missed class when a pop quiz was administered. That way, regardless of the reason you missed a quiz, it will not affect your grade up to two quizzes. If you have a chronic medical condition that causes you to miss class (quizzes) excessively, please contact me.

Learning Outcomes:

Describe the characteristics of life. • Explain the methods of inquiry used by scientists. • Identify the basic requirements of life and the properties of the major molecules needed for life. • Compare and contrast the structures, reproduction, and characteristics of viruses, prokaryotic cells, and eukaryotic cells. • Describe the structure of cell membranes and the movement of molecules across a membrane. • Identify the substrates, products, and important chemical pathways in metabolism. • Identify the principles of inheritance and solve classical genetic problems. • Identify the chemical structures, synthesis, and regulation of nucleic acids and proteins. • Describe the unity and diversity of life and the evidence for evolution through natural selection

Lecture Exam Make-ups:

Except for the final exam for which there is no makeup, you may make up any lecture exam(s) you miss for an EXCUSED ABSENCE. All make-up exams must be approved with the instructor. You must notify me by email within 24-hours after missing an exam, if you wish to take a makeup, letting me know the reason why you missed the exam. Makeup exams must be scheduled online with the TSU testing center and completed within 2 business days of the original test date and start time. Pursuant to the University Catalog, you are responsible for providing evidence to substantiate the reason for any absence. Evidence of a University authorized absence will be required and authenticated prior to my authorizing a make-up exam. Make-up exams are normally more difficult than regular exams and may be in essay format, so be prepared to write! It is highly recommended that you avoid missing any regularly scheduled exams.

Your overall grade in this course is a combination of your grades in lecture and lab, as follows:

Lecture average = 75%: * Lecture Exams = 60% (4 exams @ 15% each) * Quizzes = 10% (No pre-determined amount of quizzes. Lowest 2 quizzes dropped.) * Assignments = 5% Lab Average = 25% (I will not receive until the end-of-the semester. Lab grades will be further discussed by your lab instructor.)


Letter grades correspond to your average score as follows: A = 90 - 100; B = 80 - 89; C = 70 - 79; D = 60 - 69; F = 0 - 59

Instructor Information

Ms. Callie Price Office: Science 408 Phone: 254.968.1645 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon 10:30am-11:30am & Tues 3:00-4:00 or by appointment

Cell Phones:

Please refrain from using cell phones during class for any other purpose that I did not specifically say to use them for that day. It is rude, disrespectful and disruptive. This includes texting, surfing the web, accessing social media, etc.


Assignments will vary in format (i.e. online discussions, researching the web or articles, working problems, potential for service learning, etc.) They will be announced in class and online through blackboard.

Required materials: (see blackboard for pictures of required course materials)

Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections, 9e • Series: Modified Mastering Biology with Pearson E-Text • ISBN: 9780134641683 • Note: This is an e-text with online components. • Please see the online registration instructions in blackboard. • You will also be required to purchase a lab manual for the laboratory portion of this course. The manual can be purchased from the local bookstore. ISBN: 978-1-5339-0445-4 • Turning Technologies "Clickers" will be required to take exams, quizzes, and attendance. You will need to register your clicker in blackboard to receive credit for participation. • We will start using clickers in class on Sept. 4th. You must have your clicker in hand and registered before you come to class that day. Please follow the step-by-step instructions posted in blackboard on how to register you clicker.

Email Etiquette

I decided to add in this section to make students aware of a recurring issue I've noticed over the last few semesters. Do not take this the wrong way. I love getting emails from you, I really do! I want you to feel free to email me with questions regarding lecture material, areas you are struggling with, if you need to meet with me etc., or if you just want to say hey! I am here for YOU and I want YOU to DO WELL. However, I do not want to receive an email about questions over material I have already covered in the syllabus. Also, important announcements I make in class I also post as an announcement in your class blackboard account, copy and send to your email, post to the class Facebook page, and remind. Please reference any of these areas for important announcements. If your question is not answered after reading through the syllabus and/or after accessing any of these listed forums where I post important information, then PLEASE email me with your specific question. I typically have approximately 500+ students I am in charge of each semester and do not have time to answer the same question 50+ times because you failed to read the syllabus or access the information I post online. Thanks in advance! *When emailing me, you must include your class day and time and/or section #, and a relevant title.* Email Response: I will typically respond during a week day within 36 hours (most likely sooner).

Class Facebook Page:

I have created a Facebook group for this class. I will send periodical reminders about important dates and you can also connect with classmates. It is not mandatory that you become a part of the group and does not affect your grade in anyway. Class Facebook = Lab Facebook =

Scheduling a Make-Up Exam:

If you have been approved for a makeup exam, you will need to schedule to take the makeup with the testing center through their website --> Makeup exams must be completed within 2 business days of the original exam date and start time. Failing to schedule your makeup with the testing center in a timely matter will not a lot you extra days to complete the exam. You must bring a GREEN SCANTRON to your makeup exam. Clickers will not be used for makeups.

Student Success Statement - ADA:

It is the policy of Tarleton State University to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act ( and other applicable laws. If you are a student with a disability seeking accommodations for this course, please contact the Center for Access and Academic Testing, at 254.968.9400 or [email protected]. The office is located in Math 201. More information can be found at or in the University Catalog.

As a part of Tarleton, you will be upheld to the University's Core Values in the Classroom:


Academic Dishonesty:

Tarleton State University expects its students to maintain high standards of personal and scholarly conduct. Students guilty of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an exam or other academic work, plagiarism (submitting another person's materials or ideas as one's own), collusion (a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally), doing work for another person who will receive academic credit, the use of unauthorized books, notebooks, or other sources in order to secure or give help during an examination, the unauthorized copying of examinations, assignments, reports, or term papers, and the abuse of resource materials. Disciplinary action may be taken beyond the academic discipline administered by the faculty member who teaches the course in which the cheating took place. Cheating can get you dismissed from the university and is definitely not worth the chance. This dishonesty policy also applies to using the turning technologies software and/or clickers. If a student is caught cheating or using their clicker device in class for any other purposes besides the specific designations outlined by the instructor that class period, will be given a "zero" for the task at hand. If severe enough (including, but not limited to cheating on a quiz or exam), the student will be given an "F" for the entire course (all other coursework will be voided) and turned in to the Dean of Students for further action. This could potentially lead to being dismissed from the University. PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT. IT IS NOT WORTH IT!

Grade of "F":

Tarleton differentiates between a failed grade in a class because a student never attended (F0 grade), stopped attending at some point in the semester (FX grade), or because the student did not pass the course (F) but attended the entire semester. These grades will be noted on the official transcript. Stopping or never attending class is considered an unofficial withdrawal and can result in the student having to return financial aid monies received. For more information see the Tarleton Financial Aid website.

Remind 101

Text @tsu1406 to receive text reminders about class. • Text @tsu1406lab to receive text reminders about lab.

Academic Resource Center: Texans 4 Texans Tutoring (T4T)

The Academic Resource Center offers tutoring at no charge for students desiring extra help. Their schedule fills up quickly, so be sure to schedule your tutoring sessions early on in the semester. T4T is located in the Dick Smith Library (Room155) -- Phone: 254.968.9293

Lecture Exams:

The required Turning Technologies clickers will be used for exams. For lecture exams, your primary study material will be your notes; most exam questions will be written from topics discussed in class. The Final Exam will be roughly 80% new material occurring since the last exam and 20% comprehensive. You are required to take the Final Exam, and there is NO MAKEUP for the Final Exam (no exceptions)!

Lecture Quizzes:

The required Turning Technologies clickers will be used for in-class pop quizzes. The purpose of unannounced quizzes is to keep the student abreast of the material. Brief quizzes, over material covered since the last exam will occur usually at the beginning of some class meetings. Quizzes will consist only of new material presented since the last exam. Attendance quizzes may be given at times that I deem the class attendance is extremely low. Your two lowest quiz scores will be dropped (the "class average" displayed will acknowledge the two lowest drops all semester). The remaining quizzes will contribute toward your lecture grade. Quizzes may be in the form of an in-class pop quiz or a scheduled online quiz through blackboard. Online quiz due dates will be announced and shown in blackboard. Note: Bring your clicker to class every day in case that a pop quiz is administered.

Lecture Schedule

The table below lists important dates for the semester. Please note that I have left room on the schedule for you to write in important announcements as they arise. There may be some scheduled online classes that will require you to complete online work. Any online classes will be announced in class and through blackboard. ***This schedule is only tentative and may be changed at any time. Any changes will be announced in lecture. It is your responsibility to keep up with any announced changes to the schedule.*** Tentative Lecture Schedule with Important Dates *Keep this table to fill in important announcements as they arise* Month Week of Day Subject Notes August 27th Ch. 1-2 Introduction to Bio / Chemistry No Class 8/30th (online work) September 3rd Ch. 3 Molecules of Cells 10th Ch. 4 Tour of the Cell 17th Exam #1 (Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4) 24th Ch. 5 - Cell Energy & Transport October 1st Ch. 6 - Cell Respiration 8th Ch. 7 - Photosynthesis 15th Exam #2 (Ch. 5, 6, 7) 22nd Ch. 8 - Cell Reproduction 29th Ch. 9 - Heredity November 5th Ch. 10 - Genetics/Transcription & Translation 12th Exam #3 (Ch. 8, 9, 10) 19th Ch. 13 - Evolutionary Mechanisms 22nd-23rd Thanksgiving Break No Classes 26th Ch. 13 - Evolutionary Mechanisms December 3rd Ch. 14/15 - Speciation 4th Last Class Day for Tues./Thurs. Classes 11th T Exam #4 (Ch. 13, 14/15) ***Final Exam*** 3:00-5:00pm

Course Description:

This course will discuss the basic attributes of life, including cell structure and function, cell metabolism, and cell division; inheritance of characteristics, the molecular biology of the gene, and gene regulation; the concepts of evolution, including how populations evolve and the origin of species.


You are expected to attend class. You are responsible for all assigned readings, material and announcements presented in lecture. The turning technology clickers will be used to record class attendance, be sure to bring your clickers to class every day. Attendance will not be 'graded' but can play a role in borderline grades.

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