Biology Heart

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Which of the following vessels are the most elastic


Aerobic training has an impact on oxygen deficit. Specifically, such training leads to

more rapid steady rate and smaller oxygen deficit

Which of these carries oxygen-poor blood

pulmonary arteries

which term and events apply to a chamber of the heart that is in diastole

relaxing: filling with blood

the basic rhythm of the heartbeat is set by the

SA node

What are the three methods to increase stroke volume?

Skeletal and respiratory pump Sympathetic stimulation

A patient is exhibiting tachycardia but cardiac output is below normal. Why might this occur?

Stoke volume too low

The EKG in B represents

Tachycardia, really fast

A heart attack is often associated with what EKG feature

An elevated S-T segment

From the left ventricle, blood next flows to the



Are receptors that monitor blood pressure and sends this information to the cardiovascular region of the brain

An alpha blocker, blocks the effects of the sympathetic system on blood vessels. Application of this drug would

Decrease blood pressure

A person has a blood pressure of 130/100

The patient is hypertensive

the second heart sound is cause by

closing of the semilunar valves

we increase parasympathetic stimulation to the heart; heart rate should


Place these structures in the order that blood returning to the heart from the body would passthrough them. 1. right ventricle 2. left atrium 3. right atrium 4. pulmonary artery 5. left ventricle 6. pulmonary vein

3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5

All veins carry

Blood toward the heart

The point at which you stop hearing Karotkoff sounds corresponds to

Diastolic pressure

The EKG in C represents

Heart block, really slow

The figure represents a test for


you listen to the heart and hear Lub..whistle...dub. This is most likely

a stenotic pulmonary valve

. If we are exercising we would expect

a. Increased activity of the muscular pump b. Increased venous return c. Increased stroke volume d. Increase Cardiac output e. All of the above-right answer

the QRS complex of a ECG represent

electrical signaling through the ventricles

we decrease sympathetic stimulation to the heart; heart rate should


. Put these autorhythmic cells into the correct order for conveying electrical signals through a normal heart. 1. bundle of His 2. internodal pathway 3. Purkinje fibers 4. atrioventricular node 5. sinoatrial nodes 6. left and right bundle branches

5, 2, 4, 1, 6, 3

All of the following are true except

Aerobic training decreases the amount of time the heart is in diastole

. The appropriate treatment to correct this would be

Beta blockers

Which term and events apply to a chamber of the heart that is in systole

Contracting:pumping out blood

The drug atropine inhibits the action of the parasympathetic system on the heart We would therefore expect that atropine would

Increase HR

From the right ventricle, blood next flows to the

pulmonary artery

Which of these carries the most highly oxygenated blood

pulmonary vein

. A person jumps up from a prone position and becomes dizzy because their BP has dropped...Describe in detail the barorecptor response that will occur to return to homeostasis


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