Biology II Test 2

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Microsporocytes divide by ____ to form ____.

meiosis; microspores

Which structure acts like a motor for the bacterial flagellum?

basal body

Which of the following taxa would be the most inclusive?


Which pair of words is incorrectly matched?

coelom - no body cavity

Homoplastic structures are a result of ____ evolution.


The epidermis of a nematode is derived from the:


What is a prophage?

It is phage DNA that is integrated into bacterial DNA.

Claviceps purpurea produces a(n) __________, which infests grain and has been important in many historical events, as ingestion of infested grain milled into flour can cause hallucinations and even death.


What are the multicellular sex organs in plants?


Salamanders are members of the order:


Birds are most closely related to:


Which of the following diseases is a DNA virus?


The intermediate host for a blood fluke is a:


A study of the genomes of dogs from around the world indicated that:

the dogs' closest relative is the gray wolf.

Mammals descended from a group of reptiles known as:


Which statement about basal angiosperms is FALSE?

they evolved after the core angiosperms.

A cladist would attempt to classify organisms into ____ taxa.


Deuterostomes are characterized by ____ and ____ cleavage.

radial; indeterminate

The anterior end of a tapeworm is known as the:


Most protists are:


How do retroviruses differ from other RNA viruses?

Retroviruses have reverse transcriptase instead of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.

How do some bacteria respond to adverse environmental conditions?

bacteria form endospores

An examples of a plant disease caused by an ascomycete is:

chestnut blight.

Which is a characteristic shared between green algae and plants?

chlorophylls a and b in plastids

Members of phylum ____ are the most primitive of the fungi and were previously classified as protists.


____ is a form of genetic exchange in bacteria that involves contact between two cells.


Which Archaea have the ability to carry out a form of the Calvin cycle, capturing sunlight with bacteriorhodopsin?

extreme halophiles

Which fungal group is coenocytic and reproduce asexually via blastospores?


Which group of protists are unicellular, biflagellate stramenopiles that forms a significant portion of the nanoplankton?

golden algae

One characteristic of the class Holothuroidea is that they:

have a reduced endoskeleton consisting of microscopic plates embedded in the body wall.

Urochordates are odd chordates, as typically only the ____ show(s) the basic chordate characteristics.


Reduction in ____ growth is used as a sensitive indicator of air pollution.


What do the xylem and phloem make up of in a plant?

vascular tissue

Scientists are now grouping reptiles with birds and mammals because they are all vertebrates that have a(n):

amniotic egg.

Which statement about bilateral symmetry is FALSE?

bilateral symmetry evolved in cnidarians.

The most common mode of reproduction in bacteria is:

binary fission.

Which statement about gymnosperms and angiosperms is FALSE?

both groups have free-living gametophytes.

Where would you likely find Euryarchaeota bacteria?

cow digestive tracts

Biramous appendages in arthropods are only present in which organism?


Which algal group contains individuals that are typically unicellular and form siliceous shells?


In flowering plants, the ____ generation is dominant.

diploid sporophyte

____ is an anticoagulant used by leeches.


Pseudopodia are used by Amoeba for ingesting food as well as for:


Of the following, which would be predicted to grow at the slowest rate?


Which of the following characteristics about animals is FALSE?

animals cannot respond to stimuli

Alternation of generations in plants refers to the alternation of:

diploid and haploid stages.

Extinct jawless fish include the:


Viral proteins can damage host cells by which process?

overwhelming the host cell with a large number of viruses.

Mad cow disease is an example of an infection caused by a:


Which arthropod has chelicerae, pedipalps, and silk glands?


In which group did the amniotic egg first evolve?


Because whales breathe via lungs, have a little hair when born, and nurse their young, these ____ characters allow us to classify them as mammals.

shared derived

Peptidoglycan consists of:

sugars crosslinked with proteins

What is the key characteristic that defines the Ecdysozoa clade?

the animal molts.

What is an example of a plant disease caused by a basiodiomycete?

wheat rust

How is the pollen of pine trees primarily disseminated?


An example of homoplastic structures is the wing of a butterfly and:

wing of a bird.

Which statement about radiolarians is FALSE?

They lack silica shells.

The phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences for a group of retroviruses has allowed researchers to discover that there are _____ major types of HIV that originate from one ancestral lentivirus.


Most protists are ____, with each cell forming a complete organism capable of performing all the functions characteristic of life.


Spiny echidnas are unlike other mammals in that they:

do not have nipples.

Which of the following is a vascular plant?


A ____ plane divides the animal body into dorsal and ventral parts.


Which plant has a jointed hollow stem with reduced megaphylls?


Sharks detect motion in the water or waves by their:

lateral lines.

A plant with parallel veins and floral parts in threes or multiples of three would be classified as a:


A ____ is a tangled mass of hyphae.


What is the correct unit of measurement for the size of most viruses?


As adults, ____ are the only sessile crustaceans whose external anatomy is completely different than its fellow crustaceans.


The fungus that causes black stem rust of wheat belongs to which fungal group?


Which is an example of a member of phylum Zygomycota?

black bread mold

What is the protein coat of a virus called?


Most bacterial cells can keep from bursting in a hypotonic environment because of:

a rigid cell wall.

The volume of a typical bacterium is about _____ the volume of a typical eukaryotic cell.

a thousandth

What is the function of the phloem in plants?

to transport dissolved sugars

What is a disadvantage to having an exoskeleton?

Exoskeletons must be shed when the animal grows, exposing the animal to predators.

Deuterostomes evolved during the ____ eon.


The earliest mammals resembled small:


A taxon that diverges earlier than the other taxa being considered in cladistic analysis is a(n):


Which statement about microsporidia is FALSE?

They have mitochondria and Golgi complexes.

Members of the ____ move via pseudopodia.


A fish with a cartilaginous skeleton and paired fins would be in the group:


Brachiopods, phoronids, and bryozoans all have a ring of ciliated tentacles around the mouth. These animals are thus grouped as:


What are the two clades of the protostomes?

lophotrochozoa and ecdysozoa

What type of conversion occurs when a bacterium carrying viral genes takes on new, atypical characteristics?


Which hypothesis asserts that viruses are remnants of cellular organisms and evolved from small cells that were parasites in larger cells?

regressive hypothesis

According to the fossil record, the oldest vascular plants are placed in which phylum?


What is the purpose of sex pili?

To transmit DNA between bacteria

Coralline forms of which group of protists are ecologically important in the formation of coral reefs?

red algae

Which statement about bacteria is FALSE?

Bacteria are not cellular and are sometimes not classified as life forms.

Order ____ includes the snakes.


What molecular evidence have been found in cnidarians, which have radial symmetry, that is evidence to indicate cnidarians share a common ancestor with bilateral animals?

Hox genes

Who is credited with the discovery of prions as a new biological principle of infection?

Stanley Prusiner

Which statement about euglenoids is FALSE?

They are all photosynthetic.

Which statement about viruses is FALSE?

Viruses can manufacture proteins.

Humans, as well as all other mammals, have hair. Hair, then, would be considered to be a(n):

ancestral character.

The most diverse, successful, and familiar group of plants today are the:


The first air-breathing land animals were:


Lichens are most typically formed by the symbiotic association of an alga or cyanobacterium and a(n):


Before an animal cell's membrane fuses with a virus, the virus must first:

attach to a specific receptor on the plasma membrane of the host cell.

What commercial product is derived from the processing of red algae?


You find a protist that has a single flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli. You correctly conclude that this organism is a(n):


A(n) ____ character is a trait that has evolved relatively recently.


Among the protist groups below, which has organisms that typically move with two or more flagella?


Zea mays is the scientific name of the corn plant. Zearepresents the:


Brown algae lack true roots, but have similar structures called ____ that anchor them to the substrate.


What is the most ancient group of plants alive today?


A ____ is a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi.


A marine invertebrate placed into freshwater would have difficulty surviving because:

it would have difficulty with osmoregulation

Which eukaryotic organelles likely arose from symbiotic relationships between larger cells and bacteria?

mitochondria and chloroplasts

The female gametophyte generation in angiosperms is found in the:

ovule of the ovary.

When faced with multiple possible cladograms, the criteria of ____ is employed.


According to the progressive hypothesis, viruses may have originated as mobile geneticelements such as:


Which has an unusual characteristic in that their circular DNA does not have genes for making the proteins needed to replicate and produce new viruses?


Lactic-acid bacteria are used for:

producing sauerkraut.

When a moss spore lands in a suitable spot, it germinates and grows into a filamentof cells called a:


Gram-positive bacteria would stain ____ in a gram stain because of a thick layer of ____ in their cell walls.

purple; peptidoglycan

The five stages of a lytic infection are attachment, penetration, __________, assembly, and release.


Which protist group typically consists of amoeboid cells surrounded by a hard outer shell through which cytoplasmic projections extend?


Which is the most economically important bryophyte?


Viroids cause a variety of plant diseases and are composed only of:

strands of RNA.

The ____ of horsetails and club moss consists of several stalked, umbrella-like structures that produce sporangia.


Which was the primary challenge animals faced in adapting to life on land?

the desiccating effect of the atmosphere

Although bacteria lack membrane-bound organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria, they can still perform the functions of these organelles by localizing certain metabolic enzymes on:

the plasma membrane.

The fertilization process of flowering plants involves ____ nuclear fusion(s).


The most unique feature of the echinoderms is their:

water vascular system.

Which vascular tissue is responsible for conducting water and dissolved minerals in plants?


Most biologists recognize __________ domains.


Which statement about mycorrhizae is FALSE?

Arbuscular mycorrhizae are extracellular.

Lichens reproduce primarily asexually by ____, the fragments of the body of the lichen.


The leafy fern that you might have as a house plant is the ____ generation.

diploid sporophyte

How do protostomes differ from deuterostomes?

Protostomes undergo spiral cleavage during development.

The gametophyte generation of ferns is the:


Phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota are considered ____ because they share a more recent common ancestor with each other than either does with any other group.

sister taxa

After sexual reproduction in a moss, the ____ grows out of the gametophyte.


Mushrooms that we eat are technically referred to as:


Because it is an enclosed compartment of fluid under pressure, the coelom can serve as a_____, which shapes the body of soft animals.

hydrostatic skeleton

The Portuguese man-of-war is a colony of hundreds to thousands of:


Flowering plants appeared in the fossil record in the:

jurassic and lower cretaceous periods.

The ____ gives rise to muscles, bones, and the circulatory system.


Many seedless plants produce spores of one morphological type, which is referred to as:


Which two plants of the Carboniferous period contributed to the formation of today's coal deposits?

horsetails and club mosses

What are the viruses that attack bacteria?


How do bacteria move?

By means of a rotating flagella

What is the purpose of the waxy cuticle in plants?

It prevents desiccation.

Scientific names are typically derived from the root of which language?


Which class of echinoderms has the greatest species diversity?


The common ancestor of all animals is/are the:


In scyphozoans, the ____ is the dominant body form.


The ____ classification system classifies viruses based on the type of nucleic acid the virus contains.


Which of the following identifies a group of RNA viruses?


The first land animals likely moved onto land how long ago?

450 million years ago

Which statement describes a temperate virus?

A temperate virus does not always destroy its host.

A bryophyte having a single large chloroplast in each cell belongs to which phylum?


Color pigments produced by ____ are used to dye woolens and litmus.


Snakes are most closely related to:


The first plants evolved rapidly during which time period?


Most reptiles are ____ and their fertilization is ____.

oviparous; internal

Sharks that are ____ incubate their eggs within the mother's body.


Many of today's biologists have abandoned kingdom _____ since they have now discovered that many of these unicellular organisms did not descend from one common ancestor.


Which structure do numerous mollusks use to scrape algae off rocks?


Within the phylum Cnidaria, corals are most closely related to which organism?

sea anemones

The vertebrae of today's cod fish is a _____ with the prehistoric bony fish who also possessed vertebrae.

shared ancestral character

A monophyletic group is defined by:

shared derived characters.

Which structure is used to help regulate buoyancy of fish?

swim bladder

Echinoderms are unique because:

their larvae are bilaterally symmetrical while the adult is pentaradially symmetrical

How is a pseudocoelom different from a coelom?

A coelom is a cavity fully lined by mesoderm.

Members of the phylum ____ are the simplest organisms with a separate mouth and anus.


An elongate uniramid with many legs as well as poison claws is known as a(n):


Plants are believed to have evolved from which group of algae?


Your abdominal cavity, which contains most of your major organs, is a:

coelom lined by mesoderm.

Recent studies of gene function as it relates to reproductive development suggest that angiosperms evolved most directly from:


The bacterium that causes botulism disease is harmless until it:

contains a certain prophage DNA.

Which is the only prokaryote to carry on photosynthesis that generates oxygen?


Within the chordate classes, the unique characteristic of the class Aves is:


One ancestral characteristic remaining in representatives of the Chytridiomycota is:

flagellated cells.

Members of the alveolates are characterized by the presence of:

flattened vesicles under the plasma membrane.

In a fungus, a complex multicellular reproductive structure is called a(n):

fruiting body.

Cells of the blastula undergo ____, a process that forms and segregates the three germ layers.


What did R. H. Whittaker base his five kingdom classification upon?

Cell structure and how an organism derived its nutrition

Modern botanists think that all plants evolved from a common ancestor that was an ancient green algae. What is the best explanation for this hypothesis?

They share many biochemical and metabolic traits.

The evolutionary history of a group of organisms from a common ancestor is known as:


The larvae of some cnidarians are known as ____ larvae.


Which protist group are characterized by a multinucleate amoeboid-like feeding form?

plasmodial slime molds

Which is a characteristic of ribbon worms and flatworms?

they are acoelomates.

Which is a characteristic of all annelids?

they have a segmented body.

Which statement about an F factor is FALSE?

It is found in recipient cells, not donor cells.

Which is the gametophyte form of most liverworts?

a thallus

lancelets are:

filter feeders.

Small hairlike structures made up of protein on the surface of bacteria are called:


Streptococci, the bacteria responsible for strep throat infections, is classified within which group of Bacteria?

gram-negative bacteria

Consuming even a single mushroom of the genus ____ can be fatal.


Plasmids of bacteria often have genes involved in:

antibiotic resistance.

Which type of protist is responsible for malaria in humans, parasitic to both humans and mosquitoes?


The first function of feathers was most likely:

as color displays in courtship rituals.

How are the sperm of moss transported to the archegonia?

both insects and water

Which disease is caused by an exotoxin released by the gram-positive, endospore-forming bacteria, often because food was not heated sufficiently to kill the endospores?


Some protists consist of a single cell with multiple nuclei. This condition is known as:


The main structural protein in the extracellular matrix and an important shared derived characteristic of animals is:


Production of ____ is a means of rapidly propagating new mycelia when environmental conditions are favorable for ascomycetes.


Which arthropods have mandibles, gills, excretory glands, and statocysts?


Like the cnidarians, flatworms depend on ____ for achieving circulation and gas exchange.


Members of which group are known to form blooms known as red tides?


Which protist groups consists of individuals who often have intracellular shells of interlocking plates?


A flower that has sepals, petals, and stamens, but lacks carpels, is known as:

incomplete and imperfect.

The body wall of cnidarians and ctenophores consist of:

inner and outer cell layers separated by a jelly-like mesoglea.

Which class of animals has the largest number of species?


A true body cavity completely surrounded by ____ is called a coelom.


Shared homologous structures would indicate that two taxa are:


Most fungal spores are ____ reproductive cells that are produced ____.

nonmotile; sexually or asexually

What are the small circles of DNA that exist within the bacterial cytoplasm in addition to the bacterial chromosome?


Viral infections in humans spread via the circulatory system. Viral infections in plants spread from cell to cell via:


Which process marks the start of the dikaryotic stage (n + n) in the fungal reproductive cycle?


Which part of a flowering plant is the immature male gametophyte?

pollen grain

Angiosperms have ____ in their phloem.

sieve tube elements

What does ssDNA stand for?

single stranded DNA

Adult tunicates resemble ____and are ____.

sponges; filter feeders

Which of the following is an economically important basal angiosperm?

star anise

What specialized structure do crustaceans use to sense gravity?


The scientific study of the diversity of organisms and the evolutionary relationships between them is referred to as:


What type of root system is prevalent of eudicots?


What makes up most of the mass of an individual mushroom?

underground mycelium

The coelacanth is found in the class:


Which of the following statements about arthropods is FALSE?

Arthropods have an incomplete digestive tract.

Which protist is responsible for late blight of potatoes, the cause of the Irish potato famine in the mid 19th century?


Which animal phylum has an asymmetrical body plan?


Scientists using evolutionary systematics to construct a phylogenetic tree would use:

a combination of ancestral and derived characters.

The tetrapods include:

amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals

Which group of plants are the most recent to evolve?


One true characteristic of all animals is that they:

are heterotrophs

Ascomycetes reproduce sexually by forming:


Molecular evidence indicating less than 50% shared genes was the basis for:

dividing the prokaryotes into two domains, Bacteria and Archaea.

Which of the following phyla is a deuterostome?


Human viruses can enter human cells by fusion with the cell membrane or by:


The lining of the digestive tube is formed from:


Bacterial ____ cause systemic symptoms such as fever, whereas bacterial ____ cause more specific maladies.

endotoxins; exotoxins

Extracts from the ginkgo tree are sold in over the counter (OTC) medicines purported to increase memory. Extracts from what other gymnosperm were once sold in OTC weight loss supplements?


Which structure places a fish in the class Actinopterygii?

more flexible fins with less bone

Segmentation in arthropods differs from that of annelids because arthropod segments are:

more specialized

sea stars eat:

mostly crustaceans and mollusks.

In most protostomes, the blastopore develops into the:


What type of leaf venation do eudicots possess?


What is the purpose of protonephridia in flatworms?

to regulate fluid balance

What is the purpose of phage therapy?

to target specific bacteria in the body and destroy them

Which are the symbiotic dinoflagellates, which live in the bodies of marine invertebrates such as corals?


What are Koch's postulates?

A set of guidelines to demonstrate that a specific pathogen causes specific disease symptoms

Which was the first bacterium to be clearly identified as the cause of an infectious disease?

Bacillus anthracis, which causes anthrax

Which statement about biofilms is FALSE?

Biofilms are usually less than 2 μm thick.

The Archaea plasma membranes are made up of branched-chain hydrocarbons bounded to glycerol by:

ether linkages.

Due to our increasing ability to analyze DNA sequences and other molecular data of organisms, scientists are more often classifying organisms by their:

evolutionary history

Suppose a gene is transferred naturally by a bacterium from a plant genome to an insect genome within the same generation. What process does this illustrate?

horizontal gene transfer

Which process takes place within the young basidia on the gills of the mushroom?


Progymnosperms had two derived features, which are:

megaphylls and woody tissue.

The oldest definitive trace of flowering plants in the fossil record consists of:

ovules enclosed in podlike fruits.

Which is an anaerobic excavate that is an endosymbiont of animals?


Given the diversity in protist ultrastructure and molecular data, biologists regard the protists as a(n) ____ group, meaning that some are descendants of a common eukaryote ancestor.


If you identify a plant as Magnolia grandiflora, you therefore conclude that this plant is:

a core angiosperm.

Leaf ____ in autumn is an adaptation for flowering plants to survive harsh winters in temperate climates.


I am characterized by having a test and axopods. Who am I?


Which characteristic defines a virus?

viruses cannot metabolize.

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