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In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8 what percent of the population will be heterozygous?


If E. coli bacteria are grown in the absence of lactose, then the repressor will

bind the operator preventing transcription of the lac operon genes.

A prokaryotic cell

does not have a nucleus.

Movement of molecules down a concentration gradient is an example of

kinetic energy

Scientists have a very complete fossil record showing the evolution of horses over millions of years, with the legs becoming longer and the teeth larger, as ancestors of the modern horse adapted from living in forest to grasslands. This is an example of


The idea that evolution proceeds in small, incremental changes over many generations is


If any of the traits that Mendel worked with had been due to linked genes, his dihybrid crosses would have

had different results.

The proportion of oxygen in our atmosphere today

has increased to 20%, including rapid increase since water-splitting photosynthesis and eukaryotes.

Enzymes speed chemical reactions by

lowering the energy required to start a chemical reaction.

In the 1700s, a French scientist, Antoine Lavoisier gained new experimental information about how chemistry works. He isolated chemicals that were reacting, including a metal and an acid. His observation of the results seemed to show that much of the metal had been lost in the chemical reaction. Yet, upon weighing the system, the total amounts of materials had not changed during the reaction. His resulting law of Conservation of Mass also applies to biology, because the materials we are made of are _________ that change forms, but aren't truly lost as we conduct life chemical reactions.


Mitotic cell division creates identical copies by replicating a cell's DNA __________ and then dividing ____________

once; once.

Meiotic cell division replicates a cell's DNA ____________ and then divides ______________

once; twice.

When DNA replicates

one strand of the original DNA ends up in each of the new DNA molecules.

The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable (biological) membrane is


If a cell has a 95% concentration of water in its cytoplasm and the environment surrounding the cell has a 90% concentration of water, water will flow

out of the cell by osmosis.

Ernst Mayr defined a biological species as a

population or group of populations that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

The enzyme that builds a short complementary piece of RNA at the start of each DNA segment to be replicated is


Genes A and B are on the same chromosome. What gametes could an AABB individual produce, if no crossing over, nondisjunction or other abnormalities in meiosis occur?


The enzyme that forms a transport channel in the inner membrane of the mitochondria and phosphorylates ADP is

ATP synthase

The Krebs cycle produces


What would be the first codon translated in the mRNA sequence 5'-GGAAUGAAACAGGAACCC-3'?


In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, what percent of the population will be homozygous dominant?


If one strand of a DNA molecule has the base sequence of 5'-ATGTGCC-3' the complementary strand of DNA will read


The DNA sequence 5'-ATCGTACG-3' will pair with which of the following DNA strands?


The DNA sequence 5'-ATCGATCG-3' will pair with which of the following RNA strands?


If the DNA in a cell consists of 20% A, it will be ___ G.


Mendel's monohybrid cross of Tt parents resulted in a tall to short ratio of


The electrons that are transferred during cellular respiration are carried in the electron carrier molecules


In which of these mitosis phases is the replication of DNA accomplished?

None of these answer options are correct, because replication does not happen during mitosis.

Animals are net

O2 consumers and CO2 producers.

Plants are net

O2 producers and CO2 consumers.

The four kingdoms included in the domain Eukarya are

Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

Conservation biologists are often concerned that when the population size of an endangered species becomes too small, it is at risk of extinction for which reason?

They may be more susceptible to changes in the environment or disease.

From the data shown in the table, what can be concluded about the flower preferences of bumblebees?

They prefer pink flowers in both species of monkeyflower.

From the data shown in the table, what can be concluded about the flower preferences of hummingbirds?

They strongly prefer M. cardinalis, no matter the color of the flowers.

The method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to make enough exact copies of DNA for researchers to use in analysis.


The small unit of self-replicating DNA used as a cloning vector in genetic engineering is a bacterial plasmid.


When the genetic material of multiple organisms has been combined, it is called recombinant DNA.


The scientist (scientists) who was (were) given credit for first determining the molecule structure of DNA by building a ball-and-stick model is (are)

Watson and Crick

DNA is packaged to protect and manage the genetic information of the cell. What is the correct comparison between the packaging units of DNA?

While chromatin is the collective term for the substance of DNA and associated proteins, chromosomes are the distinct units that are compact and visible during cell division.

The main organelles and structures involved by distinct function with milk production and secretion in their correct sequence are

nucleus, nuclear pore, rough ER, smooth ER, transport vesicle, Golgi apparatus, vesicle for secretion.

The primary structural molecule composing a cell membrane is a(n)

phospholipid molecule.

Discrete packets of kinetic energy in light are called


Polyploidy is common in _____ species.


You are working on a forensics team and collect some cells from a crime scene. The cells are angular, rigid, and have a cell wall made up of cellulose. This sample most likely came from a(n)


When researchers Rumpho and Manhart looked at the genomes of sea slugs and chloroplasts, what hypothesis were they testing?

that some chloroplast genes were present in the sea slug chromosomes

Strong evidence of semiconservative replication of DNA comes from the DNA molecule structure, in that

the DNA molecule is double-stranded, allowing one original strand to be conserved while its replicate forms one strand.

In figure (b), what was the independent variable?

the age of the fish

Which of the following is an (are) independent variable(s) in this experiment?

the amount of ammonium nitrate and light

You perform an experiment in which you take 16 pots of strawberry plants and give half of them 1 gram of ammonium nitrate per liter of water and the other half just get water. Each group is then split in half again, and exposed to either 8 or 16 hours of light each day. You monitor the height of the plants for four weeks. You observe that increasing ammonium nitrate and light both increase plant height.Which of the following is an (are) independent variable(s) in this experiment?

the amount of ammonium nitrate and light

An ecosystem would include all of the following except

the biosphere, with its resources and functioning systems.

Accessory pigments include molecules that reflect reds, oranges and yellows. Leaves of many plants show these colors in the fall because

the chlorophyll in the leaves degrades as winter approaches.

Genotype means

the combination of alleles in an individual.

Which of the following is not an example of kinetic energy?

the energy in chemical bonds

What did Charles Darwin propose after observing the 11-inch long nectaries of the Angraecum sesquipedale orchid in Madagascar?

the existence of a pollinator moth with a proboscis of 10-11 inches

The "Central Dogma" refers to

the flow of genetic information in cells, from DNA genes to specific proteins.

Reduction means

the gain of electrons by a molecule.

At chemical equilibrium

there are no more reactants for the cell to utilize. the amount of reactants is equal to the amount of products. ----reaction rates are in balance. no reactions are occurring in either direction. there are no more products being formed.

The unique properties of water, including its strength as a solvent, its three environmental stages of solid, liquid, and gas, and its temperature regulation, are a result of

unbalanced electronegativity of the hydrogens and oxygens as they share electrons.

The femur in a snake and pelvis in a whale are examples of _____ structures.


If a structure has no apparent function in one species, yet is homologous to a functional organ in another species, this structure is termed


The molecular reactants for photosynthesis are

water and carbon dioxide

The reactant (reactants) of photosynthesis is (are)

water and carbon dioxide.

Photosystem I initiates the electron transport chain that produces

water. glucose. ATP. ---NADPH. NADH.

When Mendel crossed tall (Tt) plants with tall plants of the same genotype, the offspring

were a variable mix of tall and short.

Noncompetitive inhibition of enzymes occurs

when a substance binds to an enzyme at a site away from the active site.

Competitive inhibition of enzymes occurs

when a substance other than the substrate binds at the active site of an enzyme.

After a cell has been removed from an embryo for preimplantation genetic diagnosis, the embryo

will continue to grow and develop.

Which of these groups represents organisms that are heterotrophs?

all organisms that developed after photosynthesis microorganisms that harness solar energy, converting it to chemical energy ---non-photosynthesizing bacteria, fungi, earthworms photosynthesizing bacteria, algae, ferns, pine trees

If you, like Mendel, grow plants in the lab, and cross short (tt) pea plants with short pea plants, the offspring will be

all short.

At Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,

allele frequencies remain constant from one generation to the next so evolution does not occur.

Alternate forms (the DNA sequences indicated by alphabetic abbreviations) of the same gene are called


In a small percentage of cells, you see chromosomes as distinct strands just as cell division begins, and as it progresses, because the chromatin

becomes more tightly wound, to protect DNA, and to more easily manage cell division.

In a cell dividing by meiosis, DNA is replicated

before meiosis I.

In context of the information they present, phylogenies are

both evolutionary trees, depicting species' relationships, and visual proposals based on examination of traits.

A major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that prokaryotes

do not have a nucleus in their cells, though eukaryotes do.

The correct sequence of taxonomic categories beginning with domain in descending order are

domain - kingdom - phylum - class - order - family - genus - species.

Mendel kept detailed records of the genetic traits of parent plants and their offspring plants. Among observations, he found that some traits would be expressed, whenever one particular allele was present, and called this allele


When NADP+ _____ in the light cycle it is ______ forming NADPH.

donates electrons; reduced ---accepts electrons; reduced donates electrons; oxidized accepts electrons; oxidized

Purine bases have a _________ ___________ structure.

double ring

If many human genes differ in about 10% of their bases from another species' same genes and substitutions occur at an estimated rate of 2% per one million years, then about _____ years have passed since the two species diverged.

five million

A diploid cell with 4 chromosomes would produce which of the following after meiosis, assuming variability occurred due to crossing over or other abnormalities in the process?

four genetically distinct types of haploid gametes

In meiosis II, cytokinesis results in the production of

four haploid daughter cells.

In the ABO blood type system the alleles IA, IB, and i produce

four phenotypes.

In any living organism, emergent properties must

functionally arise from among components and interactions at smaller scales.

Identify which of these places the steps of cellular aerobic respiration in the correct sequence.

glycolysis - formation of Acetyl CoA - Krebs cycle - electron transport chain - ADP phosphorylation

The three main biochemical pathways of cellular respiration are

glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport.

The sole source of ATP production in cells using fermentation only is


The type of reproductive isolation in which offspring are infertile because their chromosomes cannot align correctly during meiosis due to a different number of chromosomes being inherited from each parent is

hybrid infertility.

Sugars (CH2O)n dissolve well in water because sugars form ____ bonds with water.


The DNA subunits that form the "rungs" joining the two sides of the DNA molecule are formed by

hydrogen bonds between nitrogen base pairs.

Complementary DNA strands are held together by

hydrogen bonds.

In living cells, a process by which cells break polymers down into monomers by breaking covalent bonds is


When phospholipids are mixed with water their ____ interact with water and their ____ are repelled, forming a lipid bilayer.

hydrophilic heads; hydrophobic tails

If an isotope's half-life is 100 years,

in 100 years, only half of the atoms in a sample of that isotope will remain.

You collect and measure samples of ice and surrounding ice water from a stream in the Winter. You find that you collected the same number of water molecules in each form. Water in the ice (solid) form floats in water of the liquid form because

in the ice form, the same number of water molecules are found in a crystal form, yet total larger volume than the liquid water.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is one form of biotechnology associated with the fertility technology of

in vitro fertilization.

If the heterozygous phenotype is intermediate between those of the two different homozygotes, this is called

incomplete dominance.

The proteins to which the mitotic spindle attaches on a chromosome are


Organisms require energy to stay organized. What is the energy source for the plants in your experiment?


You have macrophage white blood cells that can respond to injury and infection by moving to the site of the wound. They can ingest infectious bacteria or virus, and digest the organic molecules of what they take in. The digestion organelle they have is the


Which of the following organelles are cellular digestion centers?

lysosomes and peroxisomes

The types of living organisms on Earth have changed over time, new species have originated, and existing species have disappeared. These are examples of


In humans, alleles for each gene are inherited from

males and females (one allele from each parent).

The bottleneck effect occurs when

many members of a population die, resulting in a great loss of genetic diversity.

A diploid germ cell reduces its chromosome number by half to generate four haploid nuclei in


"The most restrictive taxon" and "the ability to breed only among themselves" reference

members of the same species.

The relatively short-term changes in allele frequencies within a population is


Petrification occurs when

minerals replace the organic material left by a decaying organism.

In a eukaryotic cell, the Krebs cycle occurs in the


In animal, plant, fungal, and algal cells, the primary organelle that generates molecules of ATP is the


In a sexual life cycle, a zygote grows to an adult by


In an asexual life cycle, cells reproduce by


The portion of the cytoskeleton that attaches, pulls, and guides the chromosomes as they are separated equally into two sets is the

mitotic spindle

The ring structure of glucose indicates that it is a(an)


A wild duck needs a steady supply of energy to be able to fly for hours. Domesticated chickens rarely fly. As a result you would expect to find _____ in the breast muscles of wild ducks than domesticated chickens.

more mitochondria

Based on this figure, T. miscellus has arisen

more than once with T. pratensis and T. dubius both providing female parents in the lineage.

Organisms that make their own organic compounds from inorganic substances are called


The breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and water is an

exergonic reaction in cellular respiration.

Crossing over is more likely to separate genes on a chromatid if they are

far apart.

The twisted ladder shape of DNA is a result of the covalently bonded building blocks called


The group of organic molecule polymers with the most complex and diverse three-dimensional structure are


During glycolysis, ________ molecules of ____________ are required to "activate" glucose

two; ATP

Based on the figure, T. mirus would normally produce gametes with __ chromosomes.


During glycolysis molecules of glucose are

broken down by enzymes to form two molecules of pyruvate.

Mitochondria do not

carry out photosynthesis.

Amphibians, birds, and mammals look the most similar as


The method used to produce the cloned sheep, Dolly, was

somatic cell nuclear transfer.

A cell membrane is not

----a rigid structure. a bilayered structure. a mosaic structure. composed of phospholipid molecules. a fluid structure.

Simple diffusion

----does not require energy. moves molecules against a concentration gradient. requires energy. cannot occur without a membrane present. utilizes proteins to move molecules across a membrane.

Meiosis is a process that produces

---All of the answer choices are correct. haploid cells. egg cells. gametes. sperm cells.

Photosystem II produces

---both oxygen and high-energy electrons. water. NADPH. high-energy electrons. oxygen.

Cilia in eukaryote cells

---can be used in eukaryotes to do any of these functions. can beat in unison to help a single cell, such as a protist, to swim. can assist digestive tract cells in absorbing food molecules. can move in unison to establish a current to move objects, as with human eggs through the reproductive tract. can add surface area for senses such as taste, smell, balance, hearing.

Which of these organisms can carry out photosynthesis?

---plants, algae, and cyanobacteria plants algae a coral cyanobacteria

Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder. If a normal man marries a woman who is a carrier, what fraction of their daughters will have hemophilia?


In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, what percent of the population will be homozygous recessive?


The rate of background extinctions is calculated to be _____ species per year per million species.

0.1 to 1.0

Tragopogon mirus is a hybrid of T. dubius and T. porrifolius. Based on the figure, T. mirus has

12 chromosomes from T. dubius and 12 chromosomes from T. porrifolius.

The half life of 14C is 5,730 years. 11,460 years after an organism dies, what percent of the initial 14C will still be present in the organism's bones?


During fermentation, ___ ATP can be produced per glucose, compared with ____ by aerobic respiration.


If the cell was a cube and you doubled the height, width, and length of the cell, how much would the surface area increase?


The half life of 14C is 5,730 years. If you test a fossilized bone and find that it has 1/8th the 14C as a modern bone, you could conclude that it is approximately __ years old.

5,730 × 8 = 42,960

Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder. If a normal man marries a woman who is a carrier, what fraction of their sons will have hemophilia?


If you conduct a monohybrid cross of two heterozygous Yy pea plants, what percentage of the offspring will be heterozygous?


If you cross RrYy and RRyy pea plants, what fraction of the offspring will have yellow peas? R = round, r = wrinkled, Y = yellow, y = green.


If you cross RrYy and RRyy pea plants, what percentage of the offspring will have round yellow peas? R = round, r = wrinkled, Y = yellow, y = green.


A species has 6 chromosome pairs in each diploid cell. How many genetically unique gametes could be produced from sexual reproduction in this species, accounting only for independent assortment?


In pea plants, Y confers yellow peas, and y confers green peas. If you cross two heterozygous Yy pea plants, what fraction of the offspring will be yellow?


If the cell was a cube and you doubled the height, width, and length of the cell, how much would the volume increase?


The phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes condense and centrosomes move to opposite poles of the cell is

A, which is prophase.

Determine which of these cells has the largest problems due to surface area limitations.

An amoeba cell in a lake may be 0.50 millimeters, variable in shape with many long, narrow extensions of the cell. ---A human egg cell is often 0.13 millimeters, and is spherical in shape. An epithelial cell lining any mammal arteries may be 0.03 millimeters, and has a very flat shape. A normal E. coli fecal cell in the digestive tract of animals may be 0.003 millimeters, in a rounded rod or cylinder shape.

Which statement is not part of the first law of thermodynamics?

Any energy transformation loses some energy to its surroundings as heat.

The three domains in the Woese system of classification are

Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.

The enzyme telomerase adds DNA to the ends of chromosomes. Why would cancer cells express high levels of telomerase?

As telomeres get shorter, a cell loses the ability to divide.

You discover a new life-form, and study it under an electron microscope. You find that its cells have no organelles, a peptidoglycan cell wall, and fatty acids in its plasma membrane. You conclude that the new life-form is in which domain?


Bacteria cannot be classified using the biological definition of a species for which reason?

Bacteria are asexual.

The phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes are aligned along the equator of the cell is

C, which is metaphase.

Which plants keep their stomata open only at night?

C3 ---CAM C4

The chemical formula for glucose is:


Having the typical ratio of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen of carbohydrates, the chemical formula for glucose is


The scientist given credit for devising the two-word naming system is

Carolus Linnaeus.

The scientist (scientists) who showed that DNA contained equal amounts of certain nitrogen bases is (are)


The scientist who published "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" in 1859 was

Charles Darwin.

The phase of mitosis in which the centromeres split and sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles of the cell is

D, which is anaphase.

The enzyme that adds nucleotides to the 3' end of a growing DNA strand is called

DNA polymerase.

After identifying a specific protein associated with a medical problem, the corresponding gene can identified with a ___, which is radioactively or fluorescently tagged.

DNA probe

In order for a milk protein to be secreted in mammals, these events must happen in the correct organelle function sequence.

DNA transcription in the nucleus-passage of mRNA out of nucleus; translation of mRNA by the ribosome-packaging of proteins by the endoplasmic reticulum

The molecule that contains the information for making a cell's proteins and copies itself for the next generation of cells is


The scientist (scientists) who confirmed DNA was the genetic information by working with bacteria that infect viruses is (are)

Hershey and Chase.

Identify the correct comparison in the genetic characteristics between embryonic and adult stem cells.

Embryonic stem cells can produce any of the differentiated cells, while adult stem cells can't.

In the study of genetics, the offspring of the parental generation is referred to as the

F1 generation.

If a pea plant is heterozygous for yellow seeds (Gg), which gametes could it produce?

G or g

The scientist, ___, proposed catastrophism and the principle of superposition after observing ___

Georges Cuvier; interruptions and fossil similaries in the fossil record.

The French naturalist, who in 1749 became one of the first scientists to suggest that closely related species arose from a common ancestor and were changing, was

Georges-Louis Buffon.

What did the researchers conclude based on the data shown in figure (b)?

Harvesting larger fish led to a decrease in average size over time.

The chapter concept map links covalent and ionic bonds as chemical bonds that attract atoms or molecules. What is the chemical bond characteristic that contributes to the numerous important properties of water molecules for living organisms?

Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules, not requiring gain, loss, or sharing of electrons.

A man with type A blood and a woman with type B blood have a child with type O blood. What are the genotypes of the man and woman?

IA i , and IB i

Researchers noted that only few aphids changed color to green from their original red. This is an unusual observation among any animals. What research question came out of the observations?

Is the color shift of certain aphids due to genetics or some other factor?

Which of the following is not true about a hypothesis?

It can be proven to be true.

What is the advantage to the sphinx moth Xanthopan morgani by having an 8-inch long tongue?

It can reach nectar that no other pollinator can reach

What is the selective advantage of a mature red blood cell being flat rather than a sphere?

It maximizes the relative surface area available to exchange gasses.

In 1785, the theory of uniformitarianism was proposed by

James Hutton.

The French taxonomist, who in 1809, proposed the first testable evolutionary theory, that organisms using body parts repeatedly would increase their abilities, was

Jean Baptiste Lamarck.

The scientist(s) given credit for disproving the theory of spontaneous generation is (are)

Louis Pasteur.

Examine this diagram of short tandem repeats found in DNA profiling of three suspects in a crime. Man 1 shares the same number of STRs as 1 in 5,000 people. Man 2 shares the same number of STRs as 1 in 10,000 people. Man 3 shares the same number of STRs as 1 in 3,500 people. DNA extracted from samples at the crime scene found 6 STR repeats, giving the interpretation that

Man 2 is likely guilty, considering that he has a rare STR profile that matches crime scene samples.

The scientist(s) given credit for formulating the "cell theory" is (are)

Mathias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann.

Determine which of these statements best summarizes the cellular regulation of concentration gradients.

Membrane phospholipids and proteins regulate transport functions to establish concentration gradients or equilibria.

Darwin read which of the following in the Essay on the Principle of Population by Malthus?

More individuals of a population are born than survive to reproduce.

When biologists Bradshaw and Schemske studied the genetic makeup of Mimulus lewisii and Mimulus cardinalis, what hypothesis were they testing?

Mutation in a single gene could cause a change in flower color and thus pollinator.

Eukaryotic cells are 10-100 times the size of prokaryotic cells. How do eukaryotic cells resolve the surface area to volume limitations that favor smaller cells?

Organelles keep reactions compartmentalized and concentrated.

Darwin made which large set of observations while on his four-year voyage on the Beagle?

Organisms are varied and some variations are inherited.

Why is photorespiration more of a problem for a plant when their stomata are closed?

Oxygen, from water in photosystem I, can't leave the leaf, and competes with carbon dioxide for rubisco's active site.

According to Plate Tectonics Theory, Earth once consisted of a single, large landmass named


Bollworms raised for decades in a lab without exposure to Bt were ___ while those fed Bt were ___

RR; rr.

Which gametes can a RrYy plant produce?

RY, Ry, rY, or ry

The scientist(s) given credit for first using the term "cell" to describe the basic unit of life is (are)

Robert Hooke.

Identify the largest distinction between the theory of spontaneous generation and the cell theory.

Spontaneous generation proposes life can form from available molecule components, while cell theory explains cell reproduction functions.

The carbon atoms in cellulose found in a log originally came from _____ absorbed by the plant.

carbon dioxide in the air,

How do CAM plants minimize photorespiration?

Stomata are only opened at night, storing carbon dioxide in malate. During the day the carbon dioxide is released for photosynthesis.

What is the link between colored pigment molecules and other organic molecules?

The DNA molecule genetic sequence regulates protein molecule function, which can specifically modify pigment structure that affects color.

The products of cellular respiration are

carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.

The heritability of body size is 0.2 in Atlantic silversides. What would happen in figure (b) if this heritability was 0.8?

The changes in average size would occur more rapidly.

Which statement summarizes the distinction between nonpolar and polar covalent bonds?

The electrons are more evenly and symmetrically distributed in orbit among atoms in a polar covalent bond. The difference in electronegativity of the atoms in a nonpolar covalent bond is very large. Polar covalent bonds are formed when the atoms gain or lose electrons to bond, and become oppositely charged ions. --The electrons are more evenly and symmetrically distributed in orbit among atoms in a nonpolar covalent bond.

A male peacock has enormous tail feathers that it uses in mating displays to attract females. While the tail feathers are an advantage in mating, what is the potential disadvantage of these feathers to the male?

The feathers require a lot of energy to produce.

How do C4 plants minimize photorespiration?

The light reactions and carbon reactions occur in different cells, so oxygen does not come into contact with rubisco.

In the graph, interpret the data that are shown regarding the response of a large number of infants to vaccination from dangerous rotavirus infection. Which of the hypotheses is NOT supported by these data results?

The new vaccine is ineffective in protecting infants from any rotavirus infection.

In an experiment, which of the following is not generally a true statement?

The smaller the sample size the more meaningful the results.

The Caribbean islands are home to more than 150 species of anole lizards. How might so many species have evolved from a single common ancestor?

They adapted to fill unoccupied niches.

Why do different mutations accumulate in two species once they diverge?

They can no longer mate and swap the mutation.

What first happens to the carbon atoms that enter the Krebs cycle as acetyl CoA?

They combine with a four-carbon sugar to form a six-carbon sugar.

Given the data of pollinator responses to the hybrid colors of monkeyflowers, which of the following is the most likely result, if researchers accidentally allowed M. cardinalis hybrids (or real mutants of the YUP gene) to be transplanted in the wild, in the same areas as M. lewisii and M. cardinalis are found.

Wild bumblebees may pollinate the hybrids (or mutants) M. cardinalis nearly as much as they do M. lewisii.

The scientist (scientists) who used X-ray diffraction to help reveal the geometric structure of DNA is (are)

Wilkins and Franklin.

In order for a girl to inherit hemophilia A, her parents would have which genotypes?

XHXh, and XhY

The chromosomal combination for a human female is


The chromosomal combination for a human male is


The reactions in glycolysis are reversible, however, the conversion of pyruvate into acetyl CoA is irreversible in animal cells. Can fatty acids be converted back into carbohydrates?

Yes, because they enter metabolism in the Krebs cycle. ---No, because they enter metabolism as acetyl CoA. No, because they enter metabolism as pyruvate. Yes, because they enter metabolism as pyruvate. Yes, because they enter metabolism as acetyl CoA.

Our normal blood pH should be in a fairly narrow range. Imagine you sit down to eat a large meal with cola, tomato-based sauce, and a salad with many citrus fruit slices. Identify the one statement that does not apply as one of the likely outcomes of your meal.

Your blood and body fluids will likely become more basic, with higher pH than the normal range.

Much medical advice towards heart health indicates that you should eat less sodium (table salt). Notable higher risks of high sodium may include high blood pressure and damage to arteries or organs in your body. If you eat a single meal with large amounts of salt to suit your taste, which of these may result within minutes, as the sodium enters your bloodstream?

Your blood will become hypertonic, and water in your body tissues will flow into your arteries, inflating them.

In our diets, this molecule is often covalently bonded with others in the polymer form of

a complex carbohydrate.

The bond that builds amino acid monomers into protein polymers is

a covalent bond also known as a peptide bond.

A cytoskeleton is

a system of tracks used for intracellular transport. found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. ----All of the answer choices are correct. a structure that aids in the process of cell division. composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments.

Rubisco combines ribulose bisphosphate with carbon from

carbon dioxide.

Charles Darwin observed an orchid flower with very long, thin tubes that prevent many species from feeding on flower nectar and pollinating the flower. He offered a prediction that some species of pollinator would eventually be found that can feed and pollinate through the small tube. You decide to test Charles Darwin's proposal by placing nets over some orchids that allow small pollinators to enter, but prevent the large sphinx moth from entering. You then compare the number of seeds produced by plants with and without the nets. The seed production is

a dependent variable.

Hunting magazines, hunting show hosts, and avid hunters often weave stories of letting smaller white-tailed deer pass by, waiting for the larger "prize bucks." Given what you know about possible changes in allele frequencies of populations, and assuming these reported hunting behaviors are true,

a directional selection for smaller white-tailed deer will result in fewer "prize bucks."

If a carbohydrate polymer is limited to two monomer units, such as sucrose made from glucose and fructose, it is called

a disaccharide

The correct functions of your lungs contribute to the normal pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45. If your lungs do not exchange and remove carbon dioxide from your blood, the blood pH will change. A pH 6.4 reading of your blood indicates

a health problem due to the pH value being 10X higher H+ concentrations than normal in your body.

A phospholipid molecule has

a hydrophilic head that is attracted to water.

At high tide a coastal plant or animal cell will be in

a hypertonic solution.

Compared to the air a person inhales, the air that they exhale has

a lower concentration of O2 and a higher concentration of CO2

Which mutation in DNA would lead to the change of a single amino acid in a protein?

a missense mutation

A change in a cell's DNA sequence is

a mutation

An ion is an atom that has

a net negative or positive charge, with number of electrons different from number of protons.

The three major components in a nucleotide are

a nitrogen base, a five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate group.

The primary building block (monomer) of nucleic acids is

a nucleotide.

An inert substance (such as sugar, water or saline solution) that resembles the dosage treatments (is injected or drank or given in pills the same way) given to experimental groups for testing a new medicine is

a placebo.

Consider that you have access to use fluorescent tagging of specific proteins and view cells in a confocal microscope. You isolate a cell with the fluorescent dyes, showing that a very tiny, single-celled organism has not only a cell membrane, but internally folded membranes. You determine also that the membranes do not completely surround internal specialized compartments of the cell. You identify this as

a prokaryote.

Which organism depends on photosynthesis for its life?

a sea slug -----All of the answer choices are correct. a coral a human an oak tree

Which is not a lipid?

a starch

The molecule that fits into the active site of an enzyme and reacts with the enzyme is

a substrate.

The compound that enters the Krebs cycle as a reactant is

acetyl CoA.

In order for a cell to become cancerous, oncogenes must be ___, or tumor suppressors are ___.

activated; inactivated

The region of an enzyme that catalyzes reactions is called a(n)

active site.

The name for heritable traits that provide benefit and advantage for each individual in a population to survive and reproduce are


A single common ancestor evolving into the current 28 species of silversword plants found among the Hawaiian islands is an example of

adaptive radiation.

The first steps in glycolysis involve

adding two phosphates from ATP to glucose.

The four nitrogen bases found in RNA are

adenine, cytosine, guanine, and uracil.

The four nitrogen bases that are found in the different nucleotides of DNA are

adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine.

Trees are able to transport water from the roots to the top branches because

adhesion bonds water molecules to the insides of the plant cells.

The original three tenets of the cell theory are

all organisms are made of one or more cells, the cell is the fundamental unit of life, and all cells come from preexisting cells.

In the Grand Canyon, in the southwestern U.S., there are many species of squirrels, including the Albert Squirrel and a "subspecies," the Kaibab Squirrel (isolation is not complete, according to the biological species definition by Ernst Mayr). The two populations of squirrels can interbreed to produce fertile offspring, but the populations exist on different portions of the rim of the Grand Canyon, separated by the canyon and the Colorado River. This is an example of

allopatric speciation.

How do vesicles carrying proteins destined for secretion move to the plasma membrane?

along microtubules

The primary building block (monomer) of proteins is

an amino acid

Which of the following would not be a "control" in an experimental procedure?

an experimental group

The leaf of a plant is

an organ.

An enzyme is

an organic molecule that catalyzes a cellular reaction.

On a class field trip, students swabbed, dug, and dipped samples of life from numerous places around campus. Back in lab, one of the organisms found was unknown to the professor, or any reference books available. It came from the edge of a marsh, and the sample smelled of hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs). The single cells were found to survive only in a container that had sulfate in it, but also had the oxygen removed by burning a candle. This is likely an organism that uses _____ for cellular respiration.

anaerobic respiration

The wing of a bat and an insect are examples of _____ structures.


If similarities between two structures in different organisms reflect independent evolution, these structures are


In meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate during

anaphase I.

Organisms included in the diverse domain Eukarya include

animals, plants, fungi, and protists.

A three-base sequence (loop) in tRNA that is complementary to a sequence of three bases in mRNA is a(n)


In pedigree charts, autosomal dominant disorders typically

appear in every generation.

Alternate forms of the same gene

are alleles

Linked genes, by definition, are genes that

are found on the same chromosome.

Farmers and horticulturalists have bred broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage from the wild mustard plant through

artificial selection.

Plants require a lot of water for hydration, metabolism, homeostasis, and photosynthesis. How is water used in photosynthesis?

as an electron donor in the photosystems

The function of the nucleolus is

assembly of components of ribosomes.

From smallest to largest scale of complexity, which is the correct sequence for levels of biological organization within an organism?

atom - molecule - organelle - cell - tissue

The correct sequence going from smallest to largest is

atom - molecule - organelle - cell - tissue.

In an ionic bond,

atoms, having gained or lost electrons, attract one another with opposite charges.

In cystic fibrosis, two unaffected carriers can have a child with the disease. It is as common in boys as in girls. This disease is

autosomal recessive.

A college student has a new job, and must balance classes and commute times to work. The student takes two weeks to drive from campus to the workplace by several routes, including a direct route through town, a highway route, and a route through a city park. Comparing the drive times, affected by the route, speed limits and intersections is possible. The dependent variable is the

average time in minutes it takes to drive from campus to workplace.

The first organism (organisms) to have been produced as transgenic organisms was (were)


The primary elements making up living organisms are

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

When membrane-bound receptors like HER2 bind to molecules outside of a human cell, they must move laterally within the bilayer and also bind to a second HER2 receptor, forming a dimer (2-part molecule), in order for the signal to be further tranferred inside the cell through the membrane. This is possible because the cell membrane is

both selectively permeable and a fluid mosaic.

One way to produce a vaccine is to heat a virus or bacteria and then inject the inactive pathogen as a vaccination. How would the heat inactivate a virus?

by inhibiting its metabolism by blocking facilitated diffusion ----by denaturing proteins All of the answer choices are correct. by destroying the membrane

Once ATP donates its phosphate to a coupled reaction it becomes ADP. The ADP

can be recharged in an endergonic reaction to form ATP

The main organic molecule product of the carbon reactions is


The four major groups of organic compounds are

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

The 5' and 3' designations used in reference to DNA and RNA sequences are assigned to the

carbon atoms of deoxyribose and ribose.

Combustion is an inorganic chemical reaction, with the net result of burning a log being a reverse reaction from photosynthesis. What products would be formed in burning a log?

carbon dioxide and water

Fossils may be

casts from footprints that have filled with mud and then turned to stone. from impressions left after an organism decays. ----All of the answer choices are correct. formed when plant resin or tar preserves the specimen. formed as organic matter is replaced by minerals, turning to stone.

During low tide a plant cell will have an advantage over an animal cell because of its

cell wall

Before photosynthetic cells became abundant, _____ would not be widespread.

cells using anaerobic respiration chemoautotrophs heterotrophs ---cells using aerobic respiration

Which are recycling centers for the cell?

central vacuole and lysosome

A part of a chromosome, that attaches sister chromatids to each other, defines the term


An example (or examples) of potential energy is (are)

chemical bonds and concentration gradients.

An element is found to have atoms with eight electrons in its valence shell. The atoms will be ____

chemically stable.

The primary pigment molecule needed for photosynthesis is

chlorophyll a.

The sea slug Elysia chlorotica is green because it contains


An organelle found in plant cells and some members of the kingdom Protista but not in animal cells is a


The organelle that carries out photosynthesis in plants is the


A discrete continuous molecule of DNA, wrapped with its associated proteins, defines the term


A group consisting of a common ancestor and all of its descendants is a


Before a desired gene can be spliced into a bacterial plasmid cloning vector, the gene must first be ___ from the original DNA.

cloned from the mix of recipient DNA, and

Many plants, fungi, and even animals can asexually reproduce new genetic copies of themselves because fragments survive. This is a natural version of


In the biology lab, you observed that your lab partner's blood type is AB. The placement of the A and B molecules on each cell is controlled by proteins, coded by different versions of the same gene. Having both is an example of

codominant inheritance.

The mode of natural selection in which two or more extreme phenotypes are fitter than the intermediate phenotype is

disruptive selection.

In a "silent" mutation the

codon that mutates does not cause a change in the amino acid specified.

A tRNA molecule is "bilingual" because it binds to

codons of mRNA and to amino acids.

You can painlessly wade into a pool, but doing a belly flop off of the high diving board hurts because of

cohesion in water.

The statement that does not correctly associate an RNA type, and its function, is

complementary RNA reorders the amino acids to insure their correct sequence.

Homeostasis means that

conditions inside a cell or organism remain within a constant range.

Organisms that obtain energy by eating nutrients that make up other organisms are called


The observation that most aquatic vertebrates (e.g. fish, penguins, and whales) have streamlined bodies and fins or flippers for steering are a result of

convergent evolution.

Within a single molecule of water, as shown, ____ bonds are formed between oxygen and hydrogen.


The impact of a large meteorite with Earth would have most likely caused mass extinctions by

creating large clouds of dust that blocked out sunlight and destroying plant life.

Genes A and B are on the same chromosome. The genes have alleles A and B on one homologous chromosome, and the alleles a and b on its paired homolog. How could an individual with this allele arrangement produce a gamete with a chromosome containing the alleles Ab or aB?

crossing over

Gametes may carry different combinations of alleles because of

crossing over and random alignment of chromosomes.

Glycolysis occurs in the


The "twisted ladder" shape of a DNA molecule results from

cytosine pairing with thymine. adenine pairing with uracil. ----adenine pairing with thymine. thymine pairing with uracil. cytosine pairing with adenine.

A population declines when

death rate exceeds reproductive rate.

Historically fishermen kept larger fish and left smaller juvenile fish. Over time the average size of the fish would

decrease by natural selection.

During high tide a plant or animal would be at risk of

dehydration by osmosis of water

In this diagram, the Y-axis of the graph shows values of "Incidence of Illness" in infants. The varying numbers of infants getting sick with rotavirus represents the

dependent variable of this medical study.

In an experimental procedure, the researcher measures changes, such as cell growth rates, numbers of patients with a disease, etc. in response to factors manipulated at the beginning of the experiment. This measure of change in response to the initial conditions is the

dependent variable.

A gradual change in an organism, from an ancestral type was referred to by Darwin as

descent with modification.

Based on the cladogram, birds are most closely related to


A cell with two full sets of chromosomes would be termed a _______________ cell.


If a sperm cell combines with an egg cell, then the result is a

diploid cell.

Three types of natural selection are

directional selection, disruptive selection, and stabilizing selection.

The mode of natural selection in which one extreme phenotype is fittest and the environment selects against the others is

directional selection.

Entropy is a measure of


Ancestors of the Galàpagos finches had two different types of seeds to eat on some islands. Some seeds were very small, and required small beaks to handle, other seeds were very large and required large strong beaks to crack. This led to ____ among the Galàpagos finches.

disruptive selection

If an individual is heterozygous for a particular trait,

each parent contributed a different allele for that trait.

The type of reproductive isolation in which the two populations are separated due to their habitat is

ecological isolation

Which of the following are examples of potential energy associated with our food consumption and metabolism?

electrons in chemical bonds of food molecules, proton gradients, and ATP molecules

Which of the following are examples of kinetic energy?

electrons in chemical bonds of the food molecules, proton gradients established, ATP molecules protons moving through ATPase by facilitated diffusion, ATP molecules ----electrons from food molecules moving through the electron transport chain, and protons moving through ATPase electrons from food molecules moving through electron transport chain, proton gradients established

For DNA sequencing, the technological process called ___ separates DNA fragments that have already been isolated and cut into different lengths.


Plants require energy to perform photosynthesis, in which glucose is formed from carbon dioxide and water, and stores energy. This is a(n) _____ reaction.


Which of these membrane transport processes does not require membrane proteins?


If the environment surrounding a cell has a lower concentration of solute than the cell, the

environment is hypotonic to the cell.

Genetic change in a population from generation to generation defines which of the following?


Firewood is made up of cellulose, which is a polymer of glucose molecules. When burning, heat and light are given off, indicating that a(n) ________ reaction is occurring.


Coupled reactions are reactions in which a

exergonic reaction drives an endergonic reaction.

A germline mutation occurs in cells that give rise to


The type of reproductive isolation in which two populations are separated due to the sperm cells of one not being able to fertilize the egg cells of the other is

gametic isolation.

A junction that is a protein channel linking the cytoplasms of adjacent animal cells is called a(n)

gap junction.

The entire collection of genes and their alleles is a population's

gene pool.

A portion (location) of DNA that encodes a specific protein is a


Muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation to

generate NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue in the absence of oxygen.

Postzygotic reproductive isolation prevents

genetic exchange between populations by selecting against hybrid offspring.

The genome of an organism is all of its

genetic material.

What is the major advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

genetic variability during an ecological disaster

Sister chromatids are

genetically identical and attached to each other at the centromere.

In humans, specialized cells that produce gametes are

germ cells.

For animals and other organisms consuming food, the molecular reactants to cellular respiration are

glucose and oxygen

The reactants for cellular respiration are

glucose and oxygen.

The main organic product of photosynthesis is


The most ancient of the energy pathways among organisms is probably


A cell with one set of chromosomes would be termed a ________________ cell.


The abbreviation n indicates that a cell is


A eukaryotic cell

has membrane-bounded organelles.

If you mate a donkey (2n = 62) with a horse (2n = 64) you get a mule. Mules are sterile and cannot produce gametes by meiosis because they

have an odd number of chromosomes.

The ways by which a cell avoids surface limitations to needed diffusion of materials include

having microscopic extensions of the cell membrane. having a flattened shape. being long and thin. having specialized structures for labor, termed organelles. ---All of these answer options are correct.

The enzyme that unwinds and separates the paired DNA strands is


Organisms that consume preexisting organic molecules are called


In Africa and other parts of the world, malaria parasites can cause deadly illness. Sickle cell anemia, and other varied alleles in the production of hemoglobin, can produce a resistance to parasite growth. In these cases, individuals whose red blood cells break down more rapidly have a better chance of reaching reproductive age, in a form of balanced polymorphism. This is known as

heterozygote advantage.

In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1: 2pq represents the frequency of

heterozygous individuals.

A plant takes up nutrients like ammonium nitrate to maintain


You are feeling ill, so you visit a physician. Your wish is that the physician will quickly cure your fatigue, headache, runny nose and other ailments. Instead, the physician measures your temperature, blood pressure, pulse and orders blood tests and urine analysis to determine more about your condition. The results of all of these observations and tests will help the physician assess why your body is temporarily out of 'normal' conditions, or


The forelimb of a bat and the forelimb of a bird are examples of ______ structures.


Chromosomes that look alike and carry the same sequence of genes for the same traits, such as these shown from two parents, are

homologous chromosomes.

If similarities between two structures in different organisms reflect common ancestry, these structures are


In a testcross, if all the offspring show the dominant phenotype, then the individual with the unknown genotype was

homozygous dominant.

If you cross two pea plants, one with green peas and the other with yellow peas, you find all of the offspring have yellow peas. You conclude the yellow parent was

homozygous for the dominant allele.

Raising small beetles for several generations, a distinctive phenotype in the wing shape appears, skipping generations. This trait most likely appears only in the ___ genotype, and can help determine the ___ Hardy-Weinberg probability of inheritance in the population.

homozygous recessive, q2

If the two alleles for a particular gene are identical the gene pair is


Which of the following is not a type of prezygotic reproductive isolation?

hybrid infertility

In an inherited form of high cholesterol, rr individuals have a blood cholesterol level greater than 500 mg/dL, Rr individuals are near 300 mg/dL, while normal (RR) cholesterol levels should be less than 200 mg/dL. The R allele is ___ to the r allele.

incompletely dominant

Among humans, you can observe that there is variability in shape (size), skin color, and other traits. The variety in a small population results from ___ in sexual reproduction and meiosis.

independent assortment crossing over ---All of the answer choices are correct. random fertilization

The fact that during gamete formation, the segregation of alleles for a gene on one chromosome does not influence the segregation of alleles for a gene on another chromosome is Mendel's law of

independent assortment.

In an experimental procedure, the researcher has established multiple levels of a chemical, or amounts of light, or some other factor at the beginning of the experiment, in order to determine if and how much the biological system responds. The manipulated factor at varying levels is the

independent variable.

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will not occur in a population in which

individuals immigrate or emigrate.

The step of translation in which an mRNA, a small ribosomal subunit, and the initiator tRNA are aligned together is


In eukaryotic cells, the electrons donated by NADH and FADH2 are transported along electron transport proteins in the

inner mitochondrial membrane.

Sexually dimorphic features do not include


Transcription and replication occur during ____________________ of the cell cycle.


The correct sequence for the phases of the cell cycle, starting with a newly divided cell, is

interphase - mitosis - cytokinesis.

The two main stages of the eukaryote cell cycle, in which the cell spends most of its time and metabolic energy, are

interphase and mitosis.

In eukaryotic cells, sequences of mRNA that are removed from an mRNA molecule before being translated are


A base

is a chemical that absorbs hydrogen ions from a solution.

An acid

is a chemical that adds hydrogen ions to a solution.

The Calvin cycle

is a cyclic reactive pathway that produces three-carbon molecules from CO2.

A theory differs from a hypothesis in that a theory

is broader in scope than a hypothesis. has more supportive research evidence than a hypothesis. has predictive power for similar phenomena that haven't been observed yet. All of the answer choices are correct. ties together many existing observations.

Alcoholic fermentation

is carried out by yeasts. produces ethanol. produces far less ATP than aerobic respiration. ----All of the answer choices are correct. produces carbon dioxide.

The process by which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material

is crossing over.

The process by which species cease to exist

is extinction.

A testcross is a mating of an individual with an unknown genotype and an individual that

is homozygous recessive.

Alleles conferring red plumage to male cardinals are common because red plumage

is preferred by female cardinals in choosing a mate.

The process by which new species originate

is speciation.

If a person has a recessive allele for a disorder and that allele is masked by presence of a normal dominant allele, this person

is termed a carrier.

Saturated fats have long straight tails of fatty acids, and can pack or clump tightly together in cells and animal bodies. Unsaturated fats have kinks in their tails due to double bonds, which prevents them from packing together as tightly. Animals that are ectothermic (their body temperature fluctuates with the environment) need to keep their membranes fluid at cooler temperature and thus use ______ in their membranes.

mostly unsaturated fats

Which of these is not a required characteristic of life?


Active transport is different from simple diffusion in that active transport

moves molecules from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. requires energy. requires proteins embedded within the cell membrane. -----All of the answer choices are correct. moves molecules against a concentration gradient.

When a farmer grows cotton containing the gene for Bt toxin, insects that are resistant (rr) survive and reproduce. This is an example of

natural selection.

Turgor pressure in plant cells is

necessary to keep plants from wilting. a result of the walled cell being in a hypotonic environment. due in part to osmosis. -----All of the answer choices are correct. the force of water against the inside of the cell wall.

All ecosystems

need a continuous outside energy source.

Your liver produces 90% of the cholesterol found in your body. When cholesterol levels get too high, the first enzyme in the pathway of cholesterol synthesis is inhibited. This is an example of

negative feedback

Photosynthesis is

not an oxidation-reduction reaction. ----an energy transfer process that produces glucose and oxygen. None of the answer choices are correct. a set of reactions that produces water and carbon dioxide. a chemical process not dependent on chlorophyll.

A desert plant called Kalanchoe can reproduce, either with sexual reproduction through flowers, or asexually by budding off miniature leaf and root clusters from its leaves. When buds are produced, they land on the ground, take root, and grow, genetically identical to the original. If budding is used for several years, a large area may be covered with these descendents from the same original plant. The resulting population of plants will

not be as strongly able to adapt to environmental change, compared to the Kalanchoe that are reproducing sexually.

If E. coli bacteria are grown in the presence of lactose, then the repressor will

not bind the operator allowing transcription of the lac operon genes.

Which is the correct sequence of steps in the scientific method?

observation - form hypothesis - design an experiment - collect data - analyze results

An endergonic reaction is a reaction that is characterized by

often having higher energy in product molecules than the reactants, and yielding larger product molecules.

In this experiment, the molecule ammonium nitrate is acting

on the molecules, but also producing responses at the cell, tissue and organism scales of the strawberries.

A structure, such as a flower in plants, or a liver in animals, consisting of tissues organized to carry out a specific function is a(an)


Convergent evolution means that

organisms living in similar habitats may develop similar traits even though they are not closely related.

The main byproduct molecule of photosynthesis that is released into the environment is


The "spent" electrons from electron transport in aerobic respiration are transferred to

oxygen, reducing it with with hydrogen to form water.

Glycolysis does not require


The electrons flowing through the electron transport chains in photosynthesis come from ____ and end up being carried by _____.

oxygen; NADPH

A plant performing photosynthesis will produce ____ and consume _____.

oxygen; water water; carbon dioxide carbon dioxide; water carbon dioxide; oxygen ---oxygen; carbon dioxide

In human male cells, the only pair of unmatched homologous chromosomes

pair up during prophase I. are the X and Y chromosomes. contain different genes. ---All of the answer choices are correct. are sex chromosomes.

The name of the specialized field of studies that examines fossils and other clues to past life or environmental conditions is


The sea snail, Littorina saxatilis, is found on the coast of northern Spain. The snails further upshore are large with heavily ridged and banded shells, and share a border with the snails further downshore that are smaller with smooth, unbanded shells. If the upshore and downshore snails were to become separate species, this would be an example of _____ speciation.


The "P" in P generation refers to


Liver cells help clean your blood with a wide range of digestive enzymes that hydrolyze toxic molecules. The liver cells would have ____, which are organelles specialized to do this.


Of these membrane transport processes, which do (does) not make use of a vesicle?

phagocytosis ----neither osmosis nor facilitated diffusion osmosis pinocytosis facilitated diffusion

A gene that produces a protein that is important in more than one biochemical pathway, or other trait, is a ___ gene.


Which is the correct sequence for levels of biological organization occurring beyond the individual?

population - community - ecosystem - biosphere

Natural selection acts on


A sterile mule is produced by mating a horse and a donkey. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


If a sheep and goat are mated, their offspring dies as an embryo. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


A couple, both carriers of Cystic Fibrosis alleles, can prepare for a child being born with the disease, by testing with

preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

Malthus' ideas on population resource limits, was incorporated by Darwin as the summary that natural selection

preserves favorable variations and rejects harmful variations in a population.

The role of water in photosystem I is in contributing electrons, hydrogens, and oxygen. The resulting electrons in photosystem I

prevent chlorophylls from losing all electrons and breaking apart as they capture light energy.

Birds use specific songs, coloring, and mating dances to attract mates of their species (sexual selection). This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


Hawthorn maggot flies that breed on native hawthorns or introduced European apples can mate in the lab, but rarely mate in the wild. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


Some flowers bloom in the spring, while others bloom in the summer. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


Bumblebees pollinate M. lewisii, whereas hummingbirds prefer the M. cardinalis. If, by chance, a hummingbird carries M. cardinalis pollen to M. lewisii, the resulting hybrid offspring are viable. M. lewisii and M. cardinalis are different species due to

prezygotic barriers to reproduction.

Key reproductive isolating mechanisms are distinguished in that

prezygotic isolation acts upon parents of two species, and postzygotic isolation acts on the offspring from two species.

Between their specialized functions, the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum do not

produce mRNA.

A plant is a


Organisms that make their own nutrients by capturing energy from nonliving resources (solar energy) are called


Glycolysis of a glucose molecule

produces a net gain of two molecules of ATP

A central vacuole of a mature plant cell

produces turgor pressure.

Apoptosis is a name for the process of

programmed cell death

A DNA sequence that signals a gene's start is a(n)


The correct sequence for the phases of mitosis, shown in correct sequence in this diagram, is

prophase - prometaphase - metaphase - anaphase - telophase.

In meiosis, homologous chromosomes align next to one another during

prophase I.

The sequence of membrane proteins of the electron transport chain includes three transport proteins and other electron transport proteins. As the electrons from original glucose molecules move through the proteins, work is done. The electron transport chain produces a(n) _____________ concentration gradient.


The mass number is defined as the total number of __________ of an atom.

protons and neutrons

The atomic number of an element is the number of

protons in the nucleus.

The idea that evolution proceeds with long periods of stasis with relatively brief bursts of fast evolutionary change is

punctuated equilibrium.

The research by Bradshaw and Schemske supports the hypothesis that a change in just one gene locus may have jump-started speciation in Mimulus. If so, this would be an example of

punctuated equilibrium.

Only a small amount of ATP is produced during glycolysis because most of the energy stored in a glucose molecule remains in the bonds of


Absolute dating uses ______ to estimate how old a fossil is.

radioactive isotopes

The rate of carbon dioxide production by Cyclocephala colasi beetles was used to measure their

rate of respiration.

The genetic molecular material that has been spliced together from multiple organisms is

recombinant DNA

The sea slug Elysia chlorotica absorbs chloroplasts from the alga Vaucheria litorea as it digests the cells. Thousands of structure and transport proteins involved in photosynthesis require thousands of genes in DNA. The algal chloroplast contains only 10% of the genes, while the algal nucleus contains the rest. Chloroplasts function inside the sea slug, allowing it to live on sunlight and carbon dioxide, suggesting that

regions of DNA containing necessary genes for photosynthesis must be present in sea slug cells to retain functioning chloroplasts.

The process by which DNA is reproduced, with the use of associated enzymes, is


Species such as mice have a better chance of surviving sudden environmental change than elephants because elephants

reproduce much more slowly than mice.

Chloroplasts are not

responsible for cellular respiration

The number of differences between human cytochrome c and cytochrome c of some other organisms is as follows: rhesus monkey - 1 difference; pigeon - 12 differences; fruit fly - 24 differences. The order in which these species are most similar to humans is

rhesus monkey, pigeon, fruit fly.

A structure found in cells of all three domains, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, is the


In this figure, the genotype of the resistant parental bollworms is ___ while the susceptible parental bollworms have a ___ genotype

rr; RR

Members of Archaea are often referred to as extremophiles because many live in conditions of extreme

salinity. ----All of the answer choices are correct. temperature. acidity. heat.

In pedigree charts, autosomal recessive disorders typically

seem to disappear in one generation, only to reappear in the next generation.

The fact that the two alleles of each gene are packaged into separate gametes because they move apart from each other during gamete formation is Mendel's law of


In this experiment, you are working with available planter pots from the laboratory. You have choices of clay pots of different sizes, as well as biodegradable peat pots and others within lab equipment provided. To establish a standardized variable, you would

select all sixteen pots to be of the same material and size for the experiment.

DNA replication is


Sexual reproduction is important to the survival of a species in a changing environment because

sexual reproduction produces genetically variable individuals in the population.

As part of observation in your scientific method, you discover that your strawberry plants reproduce by growing fruits that distribute seeds. This demonstrates that they reproduce by

sexual reproduction.

In a covalent bond, atoms

share electrons.

After replication, in eukaryotes, both the original and its replicated copy chromosome are each called a

sister chromatid.

The wide variation in skin color in humans is best explained by

skin color is a polygenic trait.

The founder effect occurs when

small groups of individuals leave their home population and establish new settlements, mating only among themselves.

Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle do not capture all of the energy in a glucose molecule because

some energy is always lost as heat during chemical reactions

The observations and research on aphid color changes can most directly be summarized in that

species of organisms can be chemically diverse and affect each other, even among similar groups of aphids and bacteria.

An example of a haploid cell is a

sperm cell.

Babies that are at a low birth weight are more likely to have health problems, while women will have difficulty delivering babies with high birth weight. Together this leads to ______ for babies of average birth weight.

stabilizing selection

The mode of natural selection in which extreme phenotypes are less fit than the optimal intermediate phenotype is

stabilizing selection.

The type of reproductive isolation in which two populations live in the same habitat but remain isolated from one another due to one being active during the daytime only and the other being active only during the night is

temporal isolation.

The step of translation in which release factors bind to a stop codon is


An ill or injured patient may have suffered from damaged tissues that the cell cycle, including mitosis, won't naturally repair or replace. This may include damaged nerves, or skin, or muscle. A form of biotechnology that attempts to stimulate new cell divisions with application of cells that are genetically unspecialized, is

stem cell research

When a plant encounters hot, dry conditions of stress, the

stomata open, decreasing gas exchange. stomata close, increasing gas exchange. ----stomata close, decreasing gas exchange. stomata open, increasing gas exchange.

The energy source that powers the process of photosynthesis is


Formation of a tetraploid plant from two different diploid parental species of plants is an example of ____ speciation.


The evidence that one species of finch migrated to a Galàpagos island, and evolved into two species now found on the same island, feeding on different food sources, is an example of ____ speciation.


A flowering vine plant, Gelsemium spp., includes two separate species that formerly occupied a large, common habitat area, and currently occupy overlapping areas in the southeastern United States. Gelsemium sempervirens and Gelsemium rankinii have reproductive isolation, which has allowed them to exist as separate species due to

sympatric speciation.

The spatial arrangements that may help cause speciation are

sympatric, parapatric, and allopatric.

A group of species at any taxonomic rank in a phylogeny is a


The large, rigid layers of Earth's surface that are moving in response to forces deep within Earth, are called

tectonic plates

A vine plant in Georgia, U.S.A, is known as Gelsemium spp., and has been used as an herbal medicine. Only three species are known. Two of them, in Georgia, are found in the same overlapping areas of habitat. Two species of Gelsemium have similar insect pollinators, but pollination occurs for Gelsemium sempervirens from mid January to late March, and for Gelsemium rankinii from late March to mid April. This represents

temporal isolation.

A sterile mule is produced by mating a horse and a donkey. From this observation you could conclude

that horses and donkeys are different species.

Which of the following is a (are) dependent variable(s) in this experiment?

the height of the plants

In the graph, the X-axis is showing different doses of vaccine, including "placebo," "low," "medium" and "high." These levels of vaccine were applied to different groups of babies to test if and how much the vaccination helped reduce the incidence of rotavirus, an illness that can quickly dehydrate infants to critical or fatal levels. These doses represent

the independent variable in this medical study.

Photosystem I and photosystem II are respectively part of

the light reactions and the carbon reactions. ----the light reactions only. the carbon reaction and the light reactions. the carbon reactions only. respiration.

Oxidation means

the loss of electrons from a molecule.

In figure (a), what was the dependent variable?

the mean weight of harvested fish

A common hypothesis and casual assumption is that dogs originated from wolves. Because of the wide range of body sizes and shapes, other hypotheses include dog ancestry of jackals, coyotes, dingos or other wild dog species. In recent years, several studies have been done to clear up the lineage. One study tested the Y chromosome DNA that can only be passed down from male to male, and the other other study tested the mitochondrial DNA because _____.

the mitochondrial DNA is only passed down through females to each new generation.

Phenotype means

the observable expression of the genes in an individual.

The theory of endosymbiosis is based on

the observations that chloroplasts and mitochondria resemble bacteria.

Many diseases, cancers and even normal human variations can be caused by mutations and variations in the DNA nucleotide sequence. The most likely immediate result of DNA having a different nucleotide sequence is that

the primary structure of R group sequence in a protein would be altered.

In the Lac operon, the protein that binds to the operator to prevent transcription is

the repressor

At a given position, homologous chromosomes have

the same genes but can have different alleles.

Since the Krebs cycle is a cyclic pathway, the original acceptor needed to start the Krebs cycle and the end product of the Krebs cycle are

the same molecule.

If you drop a rubber ball it doesn't bounce back to the height you dropped it from. This is consistent with

the second law of thermodynamics.

Starting from the root of a phylogenetic tree, any node that is shown further from the root, than other nodes, means

the species (or groups represented) diverged most recently from a common ancestor.

The initial experiment of Koga and Fugatsu, in testing for any bacterial cause of aphid color change, involved all of these except

the specific amounts of red and green pigment molecules were initially measured as dependent variables.

Algal phytoplankton are single-celled water organisms that can do photosynthesis like plants. In a lake, summer growth of phytoplankton can change the water pH from pH 7.2 to 6.2. This change indicates all of these EXCEPT

the water at pH 6.2 has twice the hydrogen (H+) concentration as before the phytoplankton growth.

Polyploidy means having

three or more sets of chromosomes.

In plant cells, a membrane studded with photosynthetic pigments in plant cells is the


In a human, the intestines need to form a barrier to prevent bacteria and other microbes from moving into the bloodstream from the gut. Which of the following would prevent bacteria from moving between intestinal cells?

tight junction

When a farmer grows cotton containing the gene for Bt toxin, they often leave a strip of non-Bt cotton around the outside of the field for what reason?

to allow some RR bollworm caterpillars to survive and limit selection pressure for resistance

Which proteins initiate transcription in eukaryotes by recognizing sequences within the promoter region of a gene and attracting RNA polymerase?

transcription factors

Oxidation-reduction reactions

transfer electrons from one molecule to another.

The process used by cells to convert the mRNA "message" into a sequence of amino acids is


The net ATP production in glycolysis is only two because

two ATPs are used to "activate" glucose, while 4 ATPs are produced in remaining glycolysis steps.

The topics of focus, within systematics, address the

two main areas of describing and classifying organisms, and studying their evolutionary relationships.

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