Biology- Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

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what is 3 steps of the lytic cycle of virus'?

1 virus injects DNA into host cell 2. host cell starts to copy viral DNA and making parts of it 3. once done copying, the cell explodes which releases the new viruses

what is the function of the mitochondira?

ATP production

what is the glycoclayx?

a coating of layer of molecules extermnal to the cell way on a prokaryotic cell

what is a eukaryotic cell mean?

a complex cell that has a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

what is the pilus?

a hollow appendage that tranfers dna to other cells in a prokaryotic cell

what is a prokaryotic cell?

a simple cell that has no nucleus (free floating DNA) and is the original form of cell and has no membrane bound organelles and is smaller than a eukaryotic cell

what is a flagellum?

a tail like structure that helps the cell move

what is the outer membrane?

an extra membrane in prokaryotic cells that controls the flow of materials

what do animal/ plant cells have exclusively each?

animal- lysosomes and centrosomes plant- chloroplasts and cell wall

what does a capsule do?

another layer around bacterial cells and helps it to stick to surfaces and further protects the cell

What two types of cells have a cell wall?

bacterial and plant

what does the name prokaryotic cell mean?

before nucleus (kernel)

what do all cells have in common?

cell membrane, ribosomes, DNA and cytoplasm

what is the enveloped phage structure

circular with spikes for attaching to surfaces with envelope and protein coat on inside and nucleic acid on very inside

what are the 3 types of bacteria and what do they look like?

coccus- circle, bacillus-rod, and spirillum- S shape

what are the 2 functions of the lysosomes?

digestion and recycling

what is the endospore?

dormant body formed within some bacteria which helps with harsh conditions

what is the plasmid?

double stranded DNA circle in a prokaryotic cell rhat contains extra genes

how is DNA described in bacterial cells and what does this mean?

free-floating and it means it has no nucleus to contain it

what is a centrioles structure and function?

function- forms spindle fibers to separate chromosomes during cell division structure- nine triplets of microtubules form one centriole and two centrioles form one centrosome

what are the 3 functions of the NUCLEUS?

genetic information and assembly of ribosome and structural support

what is the bacteriopages structure?

head with DNA and internal proteins based by neck and tail sheath ending with the end plate and pins with tail fibers sticking out

what is ATP production?

high energy election making

what is the function of the smooth er?

making lipids

what is the structural component and membrane of the Golgi apparatus?

membrane is single and contains receptors for the products of the rough er components- stacks of flattened cisternae

what is the 2 structural components and membrane of the chloroplasts?

membrane- double wiht membrane bound sacs in interior components- pigments for green coloring on plants and enzymes that catalyze oxidation- reduction reactions

what is the 3 enzyme purposeful structural component s and membrane of the mitochondria?

membrane- double- inner countains enzymes for ATP production component- has enzymes that catalyze oxidation, reduction reactions, and ATP syntehsis

what are the 3 structural components and membrane of the NUCLEUS?

membrane- is double enveloped which has pores components- chromosomes/ nucleolus/ nuclear lamina

what is the structural component and membrane of the cell wall?

membrane- none components- carb fibers running through carb or protein matrix

what is the 3 structural components and membrane of the cytoskeleton?

membrane- none components- actin filaments and intermediate filaments and micro tubules

what is the 2 structural components and membrane of the smooth er?

membrane- single and contains enzymes for making phospholipids components-network of branching sacs and enzymes for making lipids

what is the structural components and membrane of the lysosomes?

membrane- single and contains proton pumps which move protons from the cytosol across the membrane components- acid hydrolyses which catalyze reactions)

what are the 2 structural components and membrane of the rough ER?

membrane- single and contains receptors for entry of selected proteins components- network of branching sacs and ribosomes attached

what is the structural component and membrane of the cell membrane?

membrane- single and contains transport and receptor proteins components- phospholipid bilayer with the same proteins

what are the 2 structural components and membranes of the peroxisomes?

membrane- single and contains transporters for some macromolecules components- enzymes that catalyze oxidation (one atom or compound will steal electrons from another atom or compound) reactions and processes peroxide

what is the 5 structural component and membranes of the vacuoles?

membrane- single and contains transporters for some molecules components- varies from pigments, oils, carbs, water, or toxins

what do both animal and plant cells have in common? 7

mitochondria, nucleolus, nucleus, vacuole,nuclear membrane, ER, golgi apparatus

what are the 2 structural components and membrane of the ribosomes?

no membrane for ribosomes components- RNA and proteins

what is the function of the peroxisomes?

oxidation of fatty acids, ethanol and other compounds

what are examples of pro and eu karyotic cells?

pro- bacterial cells eu- animal and plant cells

what are some differences between a prokaryotic and eukarotic cell?

pro- no nucleus/ free floating DNA/ less organelles eu- more complex

what is the 2 functions of chloroplasts?

production of ATP and sugars for photosynthesis

2 functions of the cell wall

protection and structure

what is the funcion of the golgi apparatus?

protein processing

what is the function of the rough er?

protein synthesis and processing

what is the function of the ribosomes?

protein sythesis

what is the actin cytoskeleton?

proteins tha encircle the cell just inside the cell membrane and help wiht the shape of the cell in prokaryotic cell

what 4 organelles are part of the endomembrane system?

rough er smooth er lysosomes golgi apparatus

what is the function of the plasma membrane?

selective permeability which chooses what enters and leaves the cell

what does pili/fimpriae do?

short hair like projections on bacterial cells which helps it to attach to surfaces

what is the granule or inclusion?

stored nutrients such as fat in dense crystals or particles ready when needed in PROKaryotic cells

what are the two functions of the cytoskeleton?

structural support and movement of materials

what does the name eukaryote mean?

true nucleus

what is the 2 varied functions of the vacuoles?

varies- coloration, storagebof oils, carbs water or toxinsn

what are three structural differences between an animal and plant cell?

- cell wall - vacuole cell -no chloroplasts on animal cell

what are the 3 steps of the lysogenic cycle of virus'?

1. virus inserts DNA into host cell 2. the virus integrates its DNA into the host cell's DNA 3. cells grows and replicates normally with viral DNA hidden inside of it

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