Biology Quiz 1
How do you write a proper hypothesis
"If..... then...."
The 7 properties of life
1. Order 2. Regulation 3. Growth and development 4. Energy processing 5. Response to the environment 6. Reproduction 7. Evolution
Major steps of scientific method
1. observation 2. formulate a hypothesis 3. Make predictions 4. Design experiments and run tests 5. Revise hypothesis or pose a new hypothesis 6. Analyze results and make conclusions
A living thing can adjust its internal environment (humans sweat to cool off)
What did Theodor Schwann contribute to biology?
All animals are made of cells
growth and development
All living things can grow and develop
What did Matthias Schledien contribute to biology?
All plants are made of cells
Came up with cell theory (cell is the basic unit of life, all living things are made up of cells, all cells come from pre-existing cells)
DNA in nucleus; eukaryotes
saying to remmeber taxotomy of living things
Dear King Philip Came Over For Good Soup
What did Robert Hooke contribute to biology?
Developed the first microscope and introduced the name "cell"
Taxotomy of living things
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, species (goes form broad to specific)
What are the 3 Domains
Eukarya, Bacteria, Archaea
What saying can I use to remmeber scientific method
Odd Hats Perform Every Random Act
Eukaryotes and prokaryote differences
Prokaryotes have no nucleus and no organelle
all living things are organized and have an organzied structure
Darwins' "descent with modification"
all living things come from previous ancestors and through generations change slightly
all living things must reproduce for their species to survive
bacteria/ prokaryotes that live in extreme environments (no nucleus)
Steps of ecological hierachy
biosphere, ecosystems, communities, populations, organisms, organ systems and organs, tissues, cells, organells, molecules and atoms
which is larger eukaryotes or prokaryotes?
heterotrophic organism
get food from outside
Binomial nomeclature
giving two names; Genus and species
response to environment
living things can respond to environmental stimuli (when you touch somehting hot you flinch)
energy processing
living things can take in energy to perform work (food)
living things must change ovetime to survive in new or different environments
make their own food; photosynthesis
plants (eukarya domain)
multicellular autotrophic organims
Animals (eukarya domain)
multicellular heterotrophic organisms; injest food
names and classifies species; groups living things up based on similarites
multicellular organisms + examples
organisms made up of many cells - plants and animals
Unicellular organisms + examples
organisms made up of one cell - amboeba and bacteria
Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes similarities
plasma membrane, cytosol, DNA in chromosomes, ribosomes
principles expaining events in nature that have been observed to happen with consistency
prokaryotes live in normal environments ( no nucleus)
Which is older eukaroytic cells or prokaryotic cells?
prokaryotic cells
what are the 4 kingdoms of Eukarya?
protists, plants, fungi, animals
Artificial selection
purposeful breeding of domesticated plants or animals by humans (ex. dogs being breeded)
natural selection
random (result may be from the weather)
single celled organisms (unicellular)
fungi (eukarya domain)
single or multicellular heterotrophic organisms; absorb food
Darwins "Natural selection"
species that are best adapted will survive to have the most offsprings
the study of life
main difference between hypothesis and theory
theory is broader than hypothesis and widely accepted my many and has alot of evidence to prove it true hypothesis is a single idea you test once