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Carbon dioxide enters a plant from the atmosphere through pores called

dolphin, bat, primate

Click on all of the examples of placental mammals.

polyp; medusa

Cnidarian bodies are one of two forms. A(n) ______ consists of a sessile stalk with tentacles on one end. A(n) ______ is a free-swimming, bell-shaped, "tentacles-down" body form with a single opening forming the mouth.


Cnidarians are animals found in ______ environments.

pollen grain, haploid


sperm cell, haploid, egg cell



DNA that is circular and apart from the chromosome in a prokaryote is a(n)


Develops into fruit

active transport; osmosis

During photosynthesis in a leaf, sugars are loaded into the sieve tube by _____ followed by _____ of water to increase the pressure.

more-developed countries and will most likely decrease in size.

A human population with a large percentage of post-reproductive individuals is common in


A preparation that "teaches" the immune system to recognize a disease-causing agent without actually causing disease is termed a(n)

has a backbone.

A vertebrate is an animal that

autotroph and primary producer.

An organism that can use solar energy and inorganic substances to produce all the organic material it requires is a(n)

It allows fertilization in the absence of water

Angiosperms owe their widespread distribution to their production of pollen, seeds, and flowers. What is the greatest advantage to the production of pollen?


Elongated cells that provide elastic support in ground tissue

theory and consist


the lower the species biodiversity. Correct

Extinctions affect biodiversity. The more extinctions,

all of the answers are correct

Fever is considered a defense mechanism because it

available for consumers.

"Net primary productivity" is the amount of energy


At the beach, you find an animal with a two-part shell, a muscular foot, and a radula. You conclude that you have found a mollusk.


Autotrophs must acquire carbon from organic molecules produced from other organisms.


B cells and T cells are

are not readily degraded and dissolve in fat.

Biomagnification occurs with chemicals that

the diploid zygote develops into the sporophyte.

in plants

cell division, fruit ripening, growth

internal stimuli

stomata and cuticle

minimize water loss from plants

moss and hornwarts


pollen grains, bee, bird


pigments and reddish

red algae

monkeys, squirrel, parachute

seed dispersal


Flowers and fruits are unique to

are heterotrophs.

Fungi and animals are similar because they both

have cell walls

Fungi and plants are similar because they both


Gametophytes are haploid.


Gives rise to embryo sac by mitosis

stems grow up, may involve shifting


heat from escaping Earth's atmosphere.

Greenhouse gases block

produce pollen and do not require water to reproduce.

Gymnosperms have an advantage over ferns in that gymnosperms

as pollinators and seed dispersers

How are animals involved in the life cycle of plants?

All answers are correct.

How have plants transformed the world?


If asked to place a label in the pollen-producing part of a flower, you would put the label on the

have only a few offspring.

In regards to a species' life history, equilibrium species

abscisic acid

Induces bud dormancy during winter.


Leeches and earthworms belong to the phylum


Male gametophytes are made in each


Mosses are an example of which of the following?


Obtain minerals and water from environment

increases, grow towards light



Pinworms and hookworms belong to the phylum

anther; stigma

Pollination is the transfer of pollen from a(n) _____ to a receptive _____.

density-dependent limit.

Predation of deer by wolves is an example of a


Prokaryotes lack which feature?


Protein was the first molecule carrying genetic information.

exotic species.

Purple loosestrife are a(n)

found throughout the body.

Receptors for the general senses are


Reproductive structure in angiosperms


Ripens fruits.

everything but maintain

Select all of the ways that prokaryotes are important for humans and ecosystems.


The diagram shows a

1.2 billion years ago.

The first multicellular organisms probably arose about

naked seed

The term "gymnosperm" means

a tap on the shoulder

What is detected with the general senses?

all answers

What might an ectotherm do to conserve or obtain body heat?


What was likely the first informational molecule of life?

liverworts, hornworts, and mosses

Which group of plants lack true leaves and roots?

They are multicellular eukaryotes.

Which of the following characteristics do all animals share?


Which of the following does not have a true coelom?


Which of the following is a jawless fish?


Which of the following is an amphibian?

They have cell walls.

Which of the following is found in a group other than animals?

increase of pH in lakes

Which of the following is not an effect of acid deposition?


Which tissue within skin is responsible for producing sweat?

vascular tissue, pollen, seeds, flowers, fruits





dead cells that provide inelastic support in ground tissue

phototropism, gravitropism, thigmotropism

external stimuli

one or more and std



This vascular plant produces seeds but lacks flowers and fruits.

human activities

What areas are most susceptible to loss of biodiversity?

occupy top level of food webs

What is NOT an ecological role of plants?


Which is not a member of the gymnosperms?


You are examining samples from a site in a dry pond that alternates between freezing cold winters and hot dry summers. When you find dormant thick-walled structures, you suspect that these are from bacteria and are


all land plants have cuticle

cytoplasmic and forams

amoeboid protozoa

parasites and malaria


complex protist and kelp

brown algae

swimming sperm



clams are

pollen grain

deliver sperm cells to female flower parts

Which is not controlled by the nervous system?

diffusion of water into cells



iron, small amounts


protein assembly


swimming sperm, tissue

seedless vascular plants


what domain do diatoms belong in

microspores, haploid



A Y-shaped protein that is produced in response to a specific antigen and recognizes these antigens is a(n)


A bony or cartilaginous structure that surrounds and protects the brain of chordates is a(n)


A prokaryote that occupies a habitat consisting of a low pH is a(n)


A sweet substance used by many angiosperms to lure pollinators is


A type of symbiosis in which one member of the relationship benefits with no effect on the other is

all of the answers are correct

An action potential is generated when the general senses detect

negative feedback

An action that counters an existing condition is called

the greenhouse effect.

An increase in the surface temperature of the Earth caused by heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere is known as


Arthropoda means "jointed foot."

No answer is correct.

Based upon the age structure diagram, you expect the Chinese population to


Birds are classified as

grow tall

Bryophytes lack vascular tissue and lignin and therefore cannot

multicellularity, embryos with blastula stages, heterotrophic

Click on the characteristics that are common to all animals. Select all that apply.


Cytoplasmic extensions by which some protozoa move are

Serotonin levels would increase in the synapse. Correct

Drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) block reuptake of serotonin and are used to treat depression. Which of the following would occur in a patient given a SSRI?


During an action potential, sodium ions enter the cell.


Feathers, whether on an ancient dinosaur or a modern bird, can help in thermoregulation by holding onto body heat.

The antibody complexes become trapped in the kidney.

In many autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, antibody complexes form in the blood. Kidney failure is a common consequence of these diseases for which reason?


Increase surface area for photosynthesis


Microscopic reproductive cells produced by most fungi are

all answers are correct

Plants need nitrogen to make

Segmentation evolved multiple times.

Segmentation occurs in annelids, arthropods, and chordates. What can therefore be concluded about segmentation?

everything but unicellular and diseases

Select all of the following that are true about protists.

everything but some species and archaea

Select all of the statements that are true concerning the ecological significance of prokaryotes.


Shoots bend toward light.


Some animals are autotrophs.


Sporophytes are haploid.


The area where the fresh water of a river meets the salt water of the ocean is a(n)


The closest living relatives to humans on the evolutionary tree are


The cohesion-tension theory explains how water moves within a plant.


The concentration of the pesticide DDT is likely highest in which organism?


The cones of gymnosperms play the same role as ______ in angiosperms.


The flower whorl that produces female gametophytes contains at least one

both protecting and dispersing seeds.

The fruits of plants function in

both protect the nerve cord and provide attachment points for muscles.

The function of vertebrae is to

tissue damage skin compression hari movement temperature change

The general sensory receptors in the skin can respond to what types of stimuli? Select all that apply.


The major types of ecosystems are termed


The most common way that living organisms maintain homeostasis is by positive feedback mechanisms.


The most successful phylum with regards to diversity and numbers is


The overall human population growth rate is steadily increasing each year.


The part of the brain that controls the qualities of what we consider the "mind" is the


The parts of the plant that allow for gas exchange are the


The pores through which leaves exchange gases with the atmosphere are


The portion of a flower that receives the pollen is the


"K" is the chemical symbol for


"P" is the chemical symbol for


The rounded part of a neuron containing the nucleus and mitochondria is the


The shoot of a plant is the aboveground part of a plant.


The size of the opening for light coming into the eye is regulated by the


The sodium-potassium pump moves sodium ions into the neuron and potassium ions out of the neuron.


The source of a plant's new cells is a type of plant tissue called its

diploid, haploid

The sporophyte generation of a plant is _____ and produces _____ spores.


The structure of the angiosperm that supplies nutrients to the germinating seedling is the


The study of the function of all of the body's parts is

complement protein.

The substance that when activated triggers a chain reaction that punctures bacterial cell membranes is

nervous and endocrine

The systems that coordinate communication are

digestive, respiratory, and circulatory.

The systems that work together to acquire and use energy are


The tendency of water molecules to "cling" together is

xylem and phloem

The two types of vascular tissue in most plants are

true moss

These nonvascular plants can often survive on bare rock.

loss of food.

Canvasback ducks and bog turtles are likely impacted by purple loosestrife by


Carbon dioxide gas is not a major contributor to the greenhouse effect.

All answers are correct.

Carbon returns to the atmosphere


Characteristics shared by primates include

a green alga

Chlamydomonas is unicellular and photosynthetic. Chlamydomonas is which of the following?

photosynthetic bacterium.

Chloroplasts arose by endosymbiosis of a(an)

They can form templates by binding organic building blocks.

Clays often have positively charged surfaces. How may this have been important in the formation of organic macromolecules?

four billion years ago.

Clues from geology and paleontology suggest that simple cells or their precursors arose about

Loss of habitat has occurred.

Conservation biologists breed some endangered species like the panda bear in captivity. Which is the most likely reason that panda populations in the wild are still threatened?


Cooperation between or among cells could have been a key step in the evolution of multicellularity.


Corals and jellyfish belong to the phylum


Develops into seed

all answers

Different types of animal tissue include

They would be immunocompromised.

Each year there are an estimated 250,000 people who could benefit from a bone marrow transplant. What would happen to a patient who no longer had active bone marrow?


Echinoderms have symmetry involving five parts arranged concentrically around a central axis. What organism is most closely related to the sand dollar?

Both are photosynthetic and motile.

Euglena and dinoflagellates have chloroplasts and flagella. This means they have what characteristic(s)?

because the viruses can mutate into new strains

Every year the flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. Why do scientists typically have to make a new vaccine every year?

All answers are correct.

Evidence supporting the idea that mitochondria and chloroplasts in present-day cells originated as independent organisms includes

all answers are correct

Evidence that green algae are the closest relatives to plants is that they both

have a vascular system, which allow them to grow taller.

Ferns have advantage over bryophytes in that ferns


Forests are expanding and deserts are shrinking worldwide.


Fruit develops from the

protect and disperse seeds.

Fruits are used to


Fungi that live between the cells of plant tissue without causing disease is called


Groups of cells that interact and provide a specific function are defined as a(n)

pollen grains and seeds

Gymnosperms and angiosperms evolved ______ allowing them to live and reproduce in drier habitats than bryophytes and seedless vascular plants.


Habitat destruction is the primary threat to biodiversity.

both increased number of white blood cells and their migration to site of infection.

Histamine triggers vasodilation and leakiness in blood vessels during inflammation. This would be beneficial in fighting an infection by a pathogen because it would lead to

all answers

Hominids include

by blocking the sun and inhibiting photosynthesis

How do scientists believe that an asteroid impact in the Yucatán peninsula of Central America caused a worldwide mass extinction?

All answers are correct.

How is biodiversity measured in a given area?

Membranes are used by cells to isolate their contents from the environment.

How is the ability of phospholipids to spontaneously form membranes when placed in water important in the origin of life on Earth?

Burning the forests releases carbon dioxide and transpiration by trees is diminished.

How is tropical deforestation linked to climate change?


Hydra, a type of cnidarian, have equal survival rates through life because they are equally fit at all stages. Hydra are an example of an organism with a type ______ survivorship curve.


If a friend gave you a culinary herb that, season after season, produced no woody growth, you could call it an herbaceous plant.


If a neuron is at rest, the concentration of potassium ions is greatest outside the cell and the concentration of sodium ions is greatest inside the cell.

stops growing when the plant reaches its mature size.

If a plant exhibits determinate growth, the plant

light weight with external fluff

If a plant were to spread its seeds by the wind, what adaptations would you expect the seeds to have?

because the lymphatic system collects fluids and cells from tissues

If a tumor metastasizes, this means that it has moved to another part of the body. Doctors often look in lymph nodes near a tumor for signs of metastasis. Why might cancer cells be found in lymph nodes?


If asked how nitrogen becomes available to plants, you would point downward, since nitrogen enters plants through their


If asked to extract DNA from the megaspores of an apple flower, what part would you select?


If asked to point in a photograph to the part of a fruit fly embryo that develops into the muscles and reproductive system, you would point to the

medulla oblongata.

If asked to point to the place on a model of the brain where essential functions such as breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and swallowing are regulated, you would point to the


If asked to point to the place on a model of the brain where subconscious muscular movements are coordinated, you would point to the


If water were being pushed from below, air bubbles in the xylem stream would not pose a problem. However, the observation that air bubbles can interrupt xylem function provides important evidence supporting the _____ theory of water movement.


If you cut a stalk of celery and put it in a glass of water containing red food coloring overnight, the next morning the celery will be red. Through what was the food coloring taken up?


If you dug up a plant and found it to have fibrous roots, you would suspect it to be a monocot.


If you found a dinosaur fossil in which the nasal cavity cross section was proportionally as large as in a dog, you would probably have found an endothermal dinosaur.


If you sample prokaryotes from a kitchen faucet, there are likely to be bacteria, not archaea.


If you wanted to stop transmission from one neuron to another, you would want to destroy all


If you wanted to study the part of a neuron that carries electrical signals away from the cell body, you would look for what part?

a lack of light

If you went diving in a freshwater lake, you would see very few rooted aquatic plants after a certain depth. What limits plant growth in deeper water?

integumentary, immune, and urinary.

If you were asked to list systems that are most critical for protecting the body from external threats, you would list


If you were eating sea urchin and starfish soup, you would be eating echinoderms.

offspring that are produced asexually and are genetically identical to their parent.

If you were given two plants and told that they were clones of another plant, you would know that they were


If you were looking at a model of a sphere of animal cells with a hollow, fluid-filled center, you would identify it as a

potassium ions are more concentrated inside the cell than outside.

If you were using electrodes and chemical tests to find a resting neuron, you would look for a neuron in which


If you were working with a patient with brain damage who had serious problems with homeostasis, you would suspect that the brain damage included the


If, for a study, you wanted to cause blood vessel dilation and swelling to mimic effects of innate immunity, you would want to inject

resource partitioning

In ______, multiple species use the same resource in a slightly different way or at a different time.

the highest probability of dying as it reaches its maximum life span.

In a survivorship curve, a type I species, like a human or elephant, is a species that has

an equal probability of dying at any age.

In a survivorship curve, a type II species, like a song bird, is a species that has

the highest probability of dying at a very young age.

In a survivorship curve, a type III species, like most insects and plants, is a species that has

the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico

In addition to eutrophication in lakes, which process is caused by excess nutrients in rivers?

toads, salamanders

In addition to the frog, what other organisms are classified as modern amphibians?

meiosis, fertilization

In all major groups of multicellular organisms, _____ produces the cells that begin the haploid generation, and _____ unites the gametes to begin the diploid generation.


In alternation of generations, a diploid sporophyte goes through meiosis to form _____ spores.


In alternation of generations, a haploid gametophyte goes through mitosis to form a ____ gamete.

much smaller than

In flowering plants, the gametophyte is ______ the sporophyte.


In fungi, a mass of aggregated hyphae is called a(n)


In humans, if you wanted to eliminate the ability to smell dung, which type of receptor should be changed?

photoreceptor Correct

In humans, which type of receptor is used primarily to detect light?


In plants that have two haploid gametes fuse during fertilization, the zygote is


In plants, molecules that detect the wavelength and intensity of light are


In prokayotes, the structure that assembles proteins by using information in RNA a(an)

produce many offspring.

In regards to a species' life history, opportunistic species

four billion years ago

In setting up a lab for a general biology course, you are asked to match labels with a timeline on the wall. For "First Cells," you need to find a point on the timeline


In the diagram, the squares which are transported from a neuron, through the synaptic cleft, and received by the receptors of another cell are called


In the ecosystems of the world, fungi act primarily as

A hormone must be carrying the response from the tip to the site of bending.

In the late 1870s, Charles Darwin and his son Francis discovered that if the tip of the grass was covered, phototropism did not occur, even though the rest of the grass was exposed to light. However, if the rest of the plant was covered and only the tip exposed to light, the grass bent a few centimeters below the tip. How could light striking the tip of the grass cause bending a few centimeters from the tip?

first: the earliest animals arose most recently: vertebrates began to appear on land

In the list below, choose which event happened first in evolutionary history, and which event happened most recently. (Drag only one label to each answer dock.)


In the moss life cycle, sperm cells must swim through water to reach egg cells.

primary consumers.

In the pyramid of energy, organisms that obtain their energy from only eating primary producers are called

photosynthesis during the previous summer

In the spring before the leaves come out, maple trees are often tapped to collect sap to make syrup. The sugars were stored in the wood of the tree as starch and then released as temperatures rise above freezing in late winter. Which of the following best describes the original source of the sugars found in the sap?

the walleye pike fish.

In this system, mercury released from coal-burning power plants would be at the highest concentration in


In what phylum is the sea urchin classified?

pollen, ovaries

In which plant structures would you find gametes? Select all that apply.

pollen grain

Like all plants, angiosperms have an alternation of generations. What structure is a gametophyte in the angiosperm life cycle?


Like all plants, bryophytes have an alternation of generations. What is the name of the multicellular haploid structure?


Many prokaryotes play vital roles in global nutrient cycles.

petals, ovary

Meanwhile, the flower sheds its ______, and the ________-(among other flower parts) begins developing into a fruit.

aerobic bacterium.

Mitochondria arose by endosymbiosis of a(an)

All eukaryotes have mitochondria, but not chloroplasts.

Mitochondria evolved before chloroplasts based on which observation?


Molecular evidence places fungi closer to plants than animals.


Monocots have taproots while eudicots have fibrous roots.


Most bacteria inside and on the human body cause disease.


Most burn victims who have substantial damage to their skin are prescribed powerful antibiotics because the intact skin is the first defense against bacterial infections.


Most carnivorous plants use their prey as a primary source of


Multicellular eukaryotes might have originated when unicellular protists failed to separate after reproducing.


Multicellular organisms generally consist of a large number of identical cells.


Muscle tissue that is controlled involuntarily and has no striations is


Mycorrhizal fungi contribute to nutrient cycles by aiding in the absorption of minerals, which they share with plants in return for carbohydrates. This shows that nutrient cycling can be an example of


Nematodes are protected from environmental hazards in part by their cuticle.


Neurotransmitters released from a "sending" cell must travel across a tiny space called a synaptic cleft.


Nutrients that an organism needs in fairly large amounts are referred to as


Octopuses and squids are cephalopods and are members of which group?

both cuticle and stomata

On a hot, sunny day, which of the following would help protect a plant from water loss?

everything but presence of adaptations and method



One important conservation tool used to restore native populations is to set aside an area and protect it from overexploitation, invasive species, and habitat destruction.


Overexploitation is harvesting a species faster than it can reproduce.

skeletal muscle only

Patients with muscular dystrophy have decreased voluntary motion, while involuntary motions remain normal. Which tissues are affected by muscular dystrophy?

all answers are correct

Physical and chemical barriers that form the first line of innate defense include

prokaryotes multi cellular organisms terrestrial plants terrestrial vertebrates t rex homo sapiens

Place the organisms in chronological order by their first appearance in the fossil record. t rex multi-cellular organisms prokaryote terrestrial vertebrates terrestrial plants homo sapiens


Platyhelminthes include which of the following organisms?

double fertilization

Produces zygote and endosperm


Protists can be autotrophs.


Protists can be heterotrophs.


RNA was the first molecule carrying genetic information.

Not the line graph

Researchers are interested in why some people with self-reported gluten sensitivity feel better on a gluten-free diet. The research team already knew that gluten is a mixture of proteins produced in the endosperm of wheat and other grains. One hundred participants who had self-reported gluten sensitivity were fed only gluten-free foods for three weeks. After each meal on weeks 1 and 3, each participant received one of two pills: a capsule containing gluten or a capsule containing a placebo powder. Each participant received one treatment for a week, took one week off, and then received the other treatment for a week. The order of the treatments was randomized and neither the participants nor the researchers knew the order. Throughout the experimental period, the participants noted digestive symptoms and answered questions about their mental state. While the research team found no significant differences in digestive symptoms between gluten and placebo, they did note a significant increase in depressive symptoms and a significant decrease in concentration during the gluten trial.

Lawn fertilizer that washes into neighborhood ponds likely causes algae to become more abundant.

Researchers are investigating the incidence of algal blooms in neighborhood ponds. In summer, they collect water samples from over 100 neighborhood ponds in Dallas, Texas and surrounding cities. They also surveyed residents in each neighborhood to collect data such as average lot size, average home value, average resident income, and lawn care methods. The researchers found that neighborhoods with large lots, high home values, and high income levels were likely to use automatic sprinklers and synthetic fertilizers on their lawns. These same neighborhoods were very likely to have abundant algae in their ponds. Based on this research, which conclusion below provides the best explanation for why algae proliferate in neighborhood ponds?

About 80% of plant species were herbs (grasses and nonwoody plants).

Review Investigating Life 16.1. According to DNA samples in ice cores, what was the plant community of Beringia like 300,000 years ago?

prevent damage on plants with tramp ants

Review Investigating Life 21.1. Then, select all of the statements that are accurate interpretations of this graph.


Root hairs greatly increase the absorptive surface area of a root.


Roots are long and thin to make them good at absorbing.


Sea cucumbers and sea urchins belong to the phylum

walked upright used tools includes only surviving species of humans

Select all of the characteristics that are present in Homo.

embryo sac—female gametophyte embryo—sporophyte tissue ovule—contained in ovary

Select all of the following that are correctly matched.

An action potential occurs if the membrane potential exceeds the threshold potential. During the peak of an action potential, more sodium ions are found inside the axon than when it is at resting potential. During an action potential in one section of an axon, sodium channels first open, then delayed potassium channels open and sodium channels close.

Select all of the following that are true about a neuron's function.

notochord, dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, postanal tail

Select all the features that all chordates have at some point in their life.

Homo sapiens evolved in Africa and subsequently migrated to all the continents, with the farthest continents east from Africa being colonized last.

Select the statement that correctly describes the evolution and spread of Homo sapiens.


Sexual spores are formed by the fusion of two haploid nuclei. They then go through meiosis to form spores. Spores are which of the following?


Since the 1950s, ______ of the ocean's large predatory fishes have disappeared.


Since the settling of North America by Europeans, only about _____ of the original temperate forest area survives.


Snails and squids belong to the phylum

Plants consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis.

Some scientists predict that as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase, plant growth will also increase. What is the best explanation for this hypothesis?

Carbon dioxide combines with water to form an acid.

Some scientists predict that as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase, the pH of the oceans will drop, threatening coral and organisms with shells. What is the best explanation for this hypothesis?

plasma cells.

Special cells produced by the immune system that are progeny of stimulated B cells and are antibody-producing factories are


Species that are the first to colonize an area are termed _____ species.


Spiders and scorpions belong to the phylum


Stimulates stem elongation and fruit growth.


Stimulates the growth of lateral buds.

origination of most major phyla of animals.

The "Cambrian explosion" refers to the

helper T cells.

The "master cells" of the immune system that initiate and coordinate the adaptive immune response are

23.5 degrees

The Earth has a constant tilt of ______ on its axis from its plane of orbit.


The Miller experiment was the first in history that attempted to recreate chemical conditions on Earth before life arose.


The Russian chemist Oparin suggested that for organic molecules to form on Earth, the atmosphere was probably rich in all of these except

ecological footprint

The _____ measures the amount of land needed to support a country's overall lifestyle.


The _____ transport(s) water and dissolved minerals from the roots of the plant to the shoots of the plant.

ozone layer

The ______ in the stratosphere above Earth's surface absorbs much of the harmful UV wavelengths of light.


The ______ provide(s) a waxy coating that minimizes water loss from leaves of the plant.


The _______ begins developing into a seed.

pollen tube, sperm nuclei

The __________ grows toward the ovule, and __________fertilize the egg and the two nuclei of the central cell.

intact skin

The body's first line of defense against disease-causing microorganisms is the

spread pollen

The bright colors and sweet smell of flowers attract animals that help the plant to


The cross-sectional area of the nasal cavity can be an important indicator of whether an animal is an endotherm or an ectotherm.

100 to 1000

The current extinction rate of vertebrates is some ______ times the historical background. This is primarily due to habitat destruction.


The dendrite is the receiving end of a synapse.

tilt of the Earth's axis as the Earth travels around the Sun.

The different seasons of the year are caused by the

central nervous system.

The division of the nervous system that integrates sensory information and coordinates the body's response is the

somatic system.

The division of the peripheral nervous system that carries signals to voluntary muscles is the

both Archaea and Bacteria

The domain (domains) that contain prokaryotes is (are)


The embryonic germ layer of tissue in animals that develops into the digestive tract and organs derived from the digestive tract is the


The embryonic germ layer of tissue in animals that develops into the skin and nervous system is the


The endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, and other membranous organelles of cells might have formed by numerous infoldings of the cell's outer membrane.


The evaporation of water from the leaf of a plant is


The first life on Earth was


The first life on Earth was probably most similar to modern-day


The junctions between one neuron and another neuron are called


The main function of phloem is to transport nutrients produced in photosynthesis to the roots and other nongreen parts of the plant.


The main storage carbohydrate in fungi is

roots leaves and steams

The main vegetative parts of plants include


The maximum number of individuals of a population that a habitat can support indefinitely is its carrying capacity.

carrying capacity.

The maximum number of individuals that a habitat can support indefinitely is the habitat's

auditory nerve.

The nerve that conducts impulses to the area of the brain that determines sound is the

all the answers are correct

The nervous system controls

white matter

The nervous tissue that consists of myelinated axons transmitting information throughout the central nervous system is the

population density.

The number of individuals of a species per unit area or volume of habitat is

death rate

The number of individuals that die in a population per unit time is its

birth rate

The number of new individuals produced per unit time in a population is its


The only type of connective tissue in which collagen is not secreted is


The opening for light to enter into the eye is the


The ozone layer absorbs much of the harmful UV wavelengths of light that would otherwise reach Earth.

spinal cord.

The part of the central nervous system that conducts information to and from the brain is the


The part of the neuron that is usually a single long extension that conducts an impulse to a muscle or another neuron is the


The part of the neuron that is usually highly branched and receives input from other neurons is the


The parts of the plant that absorb water and minerals are the


The parts of the plant that conduct water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves are the


The physical location where an organism lives is termed its


The physical place where members of a population live is termed a


The point at which one or more leaves attach to the stem of a plant is a(n)

habitat destruction.

The primary cause for loss of biodiversity is

create immunological memory without causing disease.

The primary function of a vaccine is to


The primary function of muscle tissue is


The primary immune response produces memory cells that stimulate a faster immune response on a subsequent exposure to the same foreign antigen.


The primary organ of photosynthesis in a plant is the


The products of photosynthesis move from the leaf to other parts of the plant via


The reason that we can tell light from sound is because different neurons transmit these different stimuli.


The reason why one bad apple can lead to a bushel of bad apples is that the bad apple produces lots of


The red box in the image below encloses arrows leading from small organic molecules that are monomers to larger organic molecules that are polymers. According to research, what word best describes the catalyst that made the transition indicated by the arrows possible? (Click on the correct answer.)


The region of a prokaryotic cell where the bacterial chromosome (DNA) is located is the


The resumption of growth and development after a period of seed dormancy is

cell wall

The rigid barrier that surrounds most prokaryotes is the

sex pili

The structures of prokaryotes that are used to transfer DNA from one cell to another are


The study of an organism's structure is


The study of the relationships among organisms and the environment is

The sundew lives in soils where nutrients are scarce, and it can obtain minerals such as nitrogen from its prey.

The sundew is a carnivorous plant that traps invertebrates with modified leaves that produce sticky secretions. What benefit does the plant gain from carnivory?


The three main types of tissue formed by plant cells are ground tissue, dermal tissue, and vascular tissue.

sensory input, sensory integration, and motor response.

The three major components of the human nervous system are

bacillus, spirillum, and coccus.

The three most common shapes of bacteria are

sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons.

The three types of neurons in the nervous system of humans are


The tissue that gives the skull its shape is shared with plants.

neurons and neuroglia

The tissue that makes up the spinal cord and brain consists of

lateral meristem

The tissue that produces cells to thicken a root or stem is the


The tissue type that acts as a lining of organs, serves in absorption and secretion, and also conducts gas diffusion is


The tissue type that provides contractions that power movement is


The tissue type that provides support, transport, and insulation is


The tissue type that receives, processes, and transmits information by providing a communication network among cells is


The total of all the resources, both biotic and abiotic, that a species exploits for its survival, growth, and reproduction is its


The type of connective tissue with a mineralized extracellular matrix is

simple cuboidal

The type of epithelial tissue that forms a single layer of cube-shaped cells is

simple columnar.

The type of epithelial tissue that forms a single layer of elongated cells is

simple squamous.

The type of epithelial tissue that forms a single layer of flattened cells is

stratified squamous.

The type of epithelial tissue that forms multiple layers of flattened cells is

sensory neuron.

The type of neuron that brings information toward the central nervous system is the

motor neuron.

The type of neuron that conducts its message from the central nervous system toward an effector is the


The type of neuron that connects one neuron to another within the central nervous system is the


The type of succession that occurs in an area where no community previously existed is ______ succession.


This vascular plant produces flowers that, when pollinated, develop into fruits.

true fern

This vascular plant produces swimming sperm.

Animals are unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes.

Though animals are very diverse, some features are only found in nonanimals. Which of the following is not a feature of animals?

contain seeds from a flowering plant.

Tomatoes, squash, and beans are considered fruits because they


Water covers about ______ of the Earth's surface.

leeches have simple brains composed of many segments may be aquatic or terrestrial

What are characteristics or examples of phylum Annelida? (Select all that apply.)

visceral mass, foot, mantle

What are the three body parts of a mollusk?

Na+ ions cross the plasma membrane initiating a wave that travels down the axon.

What best describes how a neuron fires?

cactus mice, pack rats, thrashers

What conclusions can you draw from this graph? Select all that apply.

amino acids

What did Stanley Miller's simulation of Earth's early conditions produce?


What evolved in terrestrial plants to allow the exchange of gases with air?

vascular tissues

What evolved in terrestrial plants to provide support and transport for water and minerals?

produce energy that the plant can use to carry out metabolism

What is NOT a function of plant roots?

absorption of water from soil

What is NOT a function of plant stems?

generate heat via metabolism

What is a principal mechanism by which endotherms obtain body heat?

Seeds are diploid, and can grow directly into a sporophyte.

What is the advantage of a gymnosperm producing a seed over a fern producing a spore?

all answers are correct

What is the purpose of flowers?

Sensory pathways carry information toward the central nervous system, which sends responses down motor pathways to a muscle or gland.

What is the relationship between sensory pathways and motor pathways?

Olfactory receptors are chemoreceptors that detect odor molecules, and taste buds are chemoreceptors that allow the sense of taste in the mouth.

What is true of olfactory cells and taste buds?


What must be present for fertilization to occur in bryophytes?

fruits, seeds,

What plant structures contain or surround plant embryos? Select all that apply.

everything but thick

What qualities of a typical leaf's structure make photosynthesis possible? Select all that apply.


What reproductive adaptation did plants evolve on dry land?


What symbiotic partnerships form between plant roots and fungi, and increase water and mineral absorption by the plant?


What term describes the process by which plants produce food and oxygen using the sun's energy?


What traits are possessed by amphibians but are not present in fish?

All tissues are composed of cells in an extracellular matrix and make up organs.

What two features do all tissues share?

both lungs and limbs

What was most key in the transition of fish into amphibians?


When a baby receives antibodies in breast milk, this is an example of passive immunity.


When a blood clot begins to form, the enzyme thrombin is formed. Thrombin then activates the enzymes that produce more thrombin. This is an example of _____ feedback.


When a tapeworm steals nutrients from the gut of a mammalian host, that symbiosis is called

bilateral symmetry

When examining a picture of a butterfly, you notice that there is one position in which a mirror, running from one end of the butterfly to the other, completes the image as a whole butterfly. You conclude that the butterfly has


When exponential growth is plotted over time a J-shaped curve emerges.

apical meristems

When preparing slides to look at mitosis, the tips of onion roots are a good source of cells because they contain _____ where mitosis is taking place consistently.

fruit, embryo

When the seeds are fully developed, the ________might become appetizing to animals. If an animal eats it, then the seed (and the ________ it contains) is dispersed far from the parent plant.


When two or more species vie for the same limited resource, ______ occurs.


When you feel the sun on your skin, what is being activated?


When you hear the waves, what is being activated?


When you look at the water, what is being activated?


When you smell the salty air and seaweed, what is being activated?

in ovules

Where does fertilization occur in angiosperms?

through the style to the ovule

Where does the pollen tube grow?


Where is the energy stored in a fertilized angiosperm?


Where pollen lands during pollination

all answers

Which correctly describes B cells and T cells?

Innate defenses—able to defend against any pathogen

Which description is correctly matched with its term?

ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and whisk ferns

Which group of plants have phloem and xylem but lack seeds, flowers, and fruit?

They are ectotherms with lungs.

Which is a characteristic of reptiles?

antibodies produced from a vaccine, antibodies produced when the flu strikes

Which is an example of active immunity?

fishes, snails, crabs, water, and salinity

Which is an example of an aquatic ecosystem?

a fetus acquiring antibodies through the placenta, or a person receiving an injection of antibodies

Which is an example of passive immunity?

The autotroph provides food and the heterotroph provides water and minerals.

Which is the best description of the mutual benefit to both species found in a lichen?

cells can exchange gases directly with the environment hydrostatic skeletons lack circulatory and respiratory system simple brains tapeworms are a group of species in a phylum

Which of the following are characteristics or examples of members of the phylum Platyhelminthes? (Select all that apply.)

filter feed each animal produces both male and female sex cells true tissues are absent

Which of the following are characteristics or examples of sponges? (Select all that apply.)

the development of agriculture

Which of the following enabled Homo sapiens to develop complex cultures unlike other members of the Homo genus?


Which of the following is NOT one of the general senses?


Which of the following is a cartilaginous fish?


Which of the following is a characteristic of annelids?


Which of the following is not a "greenhouse gas"?


Which of the following is not a reptile?


Which of the following is not an animal?


Which of the following is not classified as a mammal?

Prokaryotes are single-celled

Which of the following is true of prokaryotes?

earliest earth lacked millers prebiotic

Which of the following statements about Stanley Miller's experiment and early Earth are true? (Select all that apply.)


Which of these plant groups has a haploid gametophyte generation? Select all that apply.


Which protists produce much of the Earth's oxygen?

the endosymbiont theory

Which theory explains the origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria?

temperature and precipitation

Which two parameters most influence the location of biomes?

high humidity

Which will not increase the rate of transpiration in a plant?

from bone marrow stem cells.

White blood cells are produced

female reproductive parts of a flower.

Whorl four of a flower is made up of the


Whorl one, the outermost whorl of a flower, is made up of the

male reproductive parts of a flower.

Whorl three of a flower is made up of the

They cannot excrete absorbed toxins.

Why are lichens a good indicator of environmental quality?

Macrophages move to lymph nodes after engulfing pathogens.

Why do lymph nodes often become swollen during an infection?

All answers are correct

Why do scientists hypothesize that RNA was the first form of genetic material?

Death rates have fallen faster than birth rates.

Why have human growth rates increased the most in developing countries in the past 50 years?

All answers are correct.

Why is it important to maintain biodiversity?

pollen, stigma

Wind or animals carry __________, which lands on the ______________of a flower.

single-celled heterotrophs.

Yeasts are


You are analyzing samples under a microscope, and one sample comes from what you suspect is a fungus. You find tiny filaments, which, in your report, you call


You are asked to place descriptive labels on a plant model which all students in an introductory laboratory will examine. ________ would receive a label saying "transports sugars around the plant."


You are asked to research what the eye is. You read that it contains nerves, muscles, and blood cells. Therefore, you decide that it is a(n)

apical meristem

You are examining a newly discovered plant when you find a dome of cells at the end of its stem. You have found the new plant's

guard cells

You are examining a plant that has recently been discovered. You notice that its leaves have small openings, and that when these openings close, photosynthesis stops. The cells on either side of these pores are


You are given a plant tissue sample made from seeds. When tested, the sample proves to have three copies of each chromosome per cell. You have been given


You are given a tissue sample in culture and are asked to identify it. Chemical tests show that it secretes collagen and stores fat, so you label it


You are helping to prepare images for a textbook when you see a caption saying "first land vertebrates," so you look for pictures of


You are observing a test subject move his arm. You notice that the subject can move the arm on command, and a tissue biopsy shows that the relevant muscle tissue has cells with many nuclei. You decide that the movement is due to muscle that is


You are working in a diagnostic lab, and you receive a skin biopsy sample. The sample shows several groups of cancerous cells in the epithelium, so you say in your report that you found several

the apical meristem only.

You drive a nail into a tree that is 10 feet tall, and come back 10 years later. The tree is now 30 feet tall, but the nail is the same distance from the ground. This is because the tree grows up from


You observe a situation in which a worm and a species of mustard grow better when both are present in an ecosystem, helping one another exploit resources. You are observing


You plant a seed in a pot containing soil, and then add water and place the pot under a light. After the seedling emerged, complete with two green leaves, the carbon dioxide levels decreased in the closed chamber. The developing seedling was using which of the following as a source of energy while the carbon dioxide levels were decreasing?


You plant a seed in a pot containing soil, and then add water and place the pot under a light. After the seedling emerged, complete with two green leaves, the carbon dioxide levels decreased in the closed chamber. This indicated that _____ was occurring.

starch from the seed

You plant a seed in a pot containing soil, and then add water and place the pot under a light. In the first week, before the seedling even emerged from the soil, carbon dioxide levels increased in the closed chamber. The developing plant was using which of the following as a source of energy during this first week?


You would know that a viral infection is ongoing in a body if you detect high levels of



three domains and O2


encloses cytoplasm and cell contents

cell membrane

gives shape to cells

cell walls


cells that store starch and carry out photosynthesis and respiration

free living and movement


sieve tube elements

conducting cells of phloem tissue

vessel elements and tracheids

conducting cells of xylem tissue

all answers are correct


silica cell walls and reflective paint


presence of adaptations and methods of gamete


cell walls and deadly toxins


sporangium, roots, fronds, zygotes


unicellular and ancestors

green algae

vascular tissue, pollen, seeds


spore, young gametophytes,, sperm-producing structure, egg cell


A food chain is a series of organisms that

transfer energy through feeding relationships.

everything but moss and hornwarts


cohesion tension, relies


phosphorus, hydrogen, large amount, ingredients


this is produced, diploid


diploid, stem and leaves



A chemical that travels from a sending neuron to a receiving neuron is called a(n)


A collective term for all plant tissues outside the vascular cambium is

Its population is increasing.

A country's ecological footprint can be calculated by multiplying its population size by the footprint of each individual. Why are some ecologists concerned about the ecological footprint of a country like India?


A directional response to touch exhibited by plants is called

opportunistic pathogen.

A disease-causing agent that does not usually infect and cause disease in a person with a healthy immune system is termed a(n)


A flowering plant and a bird which occasionally perches on its branches are not likely to coevolve.


A fluid-filled body cavity that forms completely within the mesoderm of animals is a


A genetic change in one species that selects for a subsequent change in a different species is termed


A gradual change in a community's species composition, occurring as competing organisms respond to and modify the physical environment, is referred to as ecological


A group of organisms of one species occupying a geographical location at the same time is a

less-developed countries and will most likely increase in size.

A human population with a large percentage of pre-reproductive individuals is common in

a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium

A lichen is made up of which two types of organisms?

If they don't match, the recipient's immune system will see the donor's bone marrow as foreign.

A major challenge is finding an acceptable bone marrow donor with the matching complex of Major Histocompatibility (MHC) proteins a person needs. Why is it important that the MHC proteins match between the donor and recipient?


A molecule that stimulates an immune-system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a(n)

are actively pumped against their concentration gradient.

A neuron recharges when Na+ ions

The virus mutates rapidly, changing its outer coat.

A patient can have antibodies against many strains of HIV. Which is the main reason that an effective vaccine has not been produced for the HIV virus that causes AIDS?

engulfs other cells and debris.

A phagocyte is a cell that

sensory adaptation

A phenomenon in which sensations become less noticeable with prolonged exposure is called


A primary "antigen presenting cell," a cell that presents an antigen to a helper T cell, is a

Sweeter fruit enhances reproductive success in this species of fig.

A rainforest fig species has two varieties, which differ in the sweetness of their fruit. One variety has a very sweet fruit, while the other produces a fruit that is not as sweet. A forest survey shows that the tree producing the very sweet variety of fruit appears more frequently in the forest. What can you conclude about this species of fig tree?


A relationship between different species in which one species lives in or on another is


A seed's directional response to gravity is called


A sodium-potassium pump uses one ATP during each cycle. Imagine that 12 times per second a pump goes through a cycle of exporting three sodium ions and importing two potassium ions. How many glucose molecules does the cell break down by aerobic respiration to power this one pump for a minute? (Recall that aerobic respiration of one glucose molecule theoretically yields 36 ATP.)

keystone species.

A species that is so important to its community that its removal can dismantle a food web is termed a


A type of air pollution that forms a visible haze in the lower atmosphere is


A waxy layer secreted by the epidermal cells of a plant is the


A(n) _____ is a chemical synthesized in small quantities in one part of an organism and transported to another, where a target cell is affected.

essential nutrients

micronutrients and macronutrients

nonliving components only.

Abiotic components of an ecosystem include

male gametophytes; zygote; sporophyte; spores

After pollinators bring ___________ (pollen grains) to a flower, sperm and egg meet, forming a ___________. This cell develops into a mature ___________, which produces ___________ by meiosis.

sting predators and prey

All cnidarians share the ability to do which of the following?


All of the organisms in a given location or area are termed a

are eukaryotes.

All protists


All the organisms plus the nonliving components of a defined area is a(n)

collect bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other large particles from body tissues

Although the lymphatic system has many similarities to the circulatory system, what can the lymphatic system accomplish that the circulatory system cannot?


An animal that maintains its body temperature by using heat generated from its own metabolism is a(n)


An atom or molecule with an electrical charge is a(n)


An exaggerated attack on a harmless antigen by an overly sensitive immune system is termed a(n)a

frost killing all of your tomato plants.

An example of a density-independent factor that affects a population's growth is

does not have a backbone.

An invertebrate is an animal that


An organ is defined as consisting of two or more interacting tissues.

trophic level

An organism's ______ is its position in the food chain relative to the ecosystem's energy source.

It promotes pollination.

Angiosperms owe their widespread distribution to their production of pollen, seeds and flowers. What is the greatest advantage to the production of flowers?

It protects and nourishes the embryo.

Angiosperms owe their widespread distribution to their production of pollen, seeds and flowers. What is the greatest advantage to the production of seeds?

vascular tissue

nutrient and fluid transport

living cells, pressure flow


contains sap

phloem and xylem

protein extension used in DNA transfer and adhesion


all the answers are correct

plants are

extra-chromosomal material that encodes proteins



Antibiotics usually are not dangerous to humans when treating bacterial infections because most antibiotics exploit structures and functions in bacteria that are not present in host cells.


Any chemical, physical, or biological change in the environment that harms living organisms is

375 million years ago

Approximately when did amphibians begin colonizing land?

Largest Category Domain Eukarya kingdom animalia mollusks bivalves scallops Smallest category

Arrange the labels in order from largest category (including the most species) to smallest category (including the fewest species).


As an overall average, about ______ of the energy at one trophic level is generally available to the next highest rank in the food chain.

It is colder.

As you climb the mountain, why are the biomes changing?


Associations of fungi and plant roots are called

cochlea Correct

At the snail-shaped ______ of the inner ear, sound is transduced into nerve impulses.


B cells and T cells are

Spiders lay egg sacks and do not return to care for their young.

Based on the information provided, which of these would not be considered a species with an equilibrium life history?

No answer is correct.

Based upon the age structure diagram, you expect the American population to

grow because a large proportion of the population will be entering the reproductive years.

Based upon the age structure diagram, you expect the Indian population to


Blood flow is increased by vasodilation, or widening of the blood vessel. Which tissue is responsible for vasodilation?

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