Bisc 102 Final Practice Test

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If you cross two heterozygous ( Yy) pea plants, what proportion of the offspring will be heterozygous?


The condition that develops when acetylcholine levels in the brain are deficient is

Alzheimer's disease

All of the following refer to mitosis, except

formation of gametes

Sister chromatids are

genetically identical and attached to each other at the centromere

1 n is an abbreviation for


You perform an experiment in which you take 16 pots of strawberry plants and give half of them 1 gram of ammonium nitrate per liter of water and the other half receive only water. Each group is then split in half again, and exposed to either 8 or 16 hours of light each day. You monitor the height of the plants for 4 weeks. You observe that plants grown in ammonium nitrate and 16 hours of light grow taller than no ammonium nitrate and 8 hours of light. Which of the following is/are dependent variable(s) in this experiment?

height of plant

Animals that eat only plants are


If, for a study, you wanted to cause blood vessel dilation and swelling to mimic effects of innate immunity, you would want to inject


If you cross two pea plants, one with green peas and the other with yellow peas, and all of the offspring have yellow peas, you conclude

homozygous for the dominant allele

What evidence would cause you to think that a preembryo had split before day 12 of a patient's pregnancy?

identical twins

Beano is a product containing an enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates in beans and other vegetables, thereby reducing gas production when these foods are eaten. Why would humans need to take Beano to avoid gas?

if they don't break down the complex carbohydrates, bacteria in their colon will

A major challenge is finding an acceptable bone marrow donor with the matching complex of Major Histocompatibility (MHC) proteins a person needs. Why is it important that the MHC proteins match between the donor and recipient?

if they don't match, the recipient's immune system will see the donors bone marrow as foreign

If a diploid cell goes through mitosis it will generate

two diploid cells

The correct sequence for the phases of the eukaryotic cell cycle is


The major excretory organ of the human urinary system is the


If a bird can mimic human speech, it can mimic the action of what organ?


The enzyme that breaks down fats is


Which produces bile?


A single chromosome has

multiple genes each with a single allele.

When chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis, this is known as


Animals that eat a broad variety of foods, including plants and animals, are


The structure that secretes a thin, milky, alkaline fluid that activates the sperm to swim is the

prostate gland

The tightly coiled structure/s inside the testes that produce the sperm cells is/are the

seminiferous tubules

The walls of the bronchioles are made up of

smooth muscle

The hormone released by the anterior pituitary that triggers ovulation and transforms the ruptured follicle into the corpus luteum is


You are reading a patient's chart and decide that ovulation has happened. What did the chart show surging to make you think this?


Every year the flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. Why do scientists typically have to make a new vaccine every year?

the virus can mutate into new strains

A patient can have antibodies against many strains of HIV. Which is the main reason that an effective vaccine has not been produced for the HIV virus that causes AIDS?

the virus mutates rapidly, changing its outer coat

The DNA sequence ATGCATGC will pair with which of the following DNA strands?


You are working on a forensics team and collect cells from a crime scene. The cells have a cell wall made of cellulose. This sample most likely came from

a plant

In DNA molecules,

adenine pairs with thymine

A nutrient is a substance that an organism uses for

all answers are correct

Fever is considered a defense mechanism because it

all answers are correct

Which correctly describes B cells and T cells?

all are correct

In Western countries, up to 10% of the population develops gastric ulcers, many due to Helicobacter pylori. One adaptation this bacteria has is to secrete urease that produces the base ammonia from urea. How would this contribute to Helicobacter pylori causing ulcers?

ammonia would neutralize stomach acids allowing bacteria to grow

Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in many plastics. Female rats injected with BPA daily for their first 10 days of life displayed a decrease in LH levels in their blood. BPA would be considered which kind of molecule?

an endocrine disruptor

The simplest animals with a closed circulatory system are


Which is an example of active immunity?

antibodies produced from a vaccine, antibodies produced when the flu strikes

A molecule that stimulates an immune-system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a(n)


A decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood is called anemia.


Colorless urine usually indicates excessive water intake or the ingestion of diuretics.


Genital warts are caused by HPV.


If an individual has their gallbladder removed, they are typically put on a low-fat diet. Which of the following would explain this recommendation?

bile acids cannot be released following a meal

The four major groups of organic compounds are

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

The most important signal that the brain uses to set the breathing rate is the level of blood

carbon dioxide

The most abundant bulk elements that make up the vast majority of living organisms are

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

If a friend says that they have damage to connective tissue with a matrix of fine collagen fibers, you know that they have an issue with


The medulla has receptors that monitor H + concentrations in the blood.


The second time that an immune system sees an antigen, a secondary immune reaction will take place.


The 2 cm. long structure in the human female that stimulates the female to experience orgasm is the


At the snail-shaped ________ of the inner ear, sound is transduced into nerve impulses.


The substance that when activated triggers a chain reaction that punctures bacterial cell membranes is

complement protein

Which is an artery that supplies blood to the heart muscle?

coronary artery

The gland that forms from ruptured follicle cells in the ovary and secretes estrogen and progesterone is the

corpus luteum

The primary function of a vaccine is to

create immunological memory without causing disease.

The part of the neuron that is usually highly branched and receives input from other neurons is the


Animals that consume decaying organic matter as their main source of food are


In mammals, a muscular ________ expands the chest, pulling air into the lungs.


Thalidomide was given to pregnant women from 1957 to 1961 to help relieve the symptoms of morning sickness. Thalidomide binds to and inactivates the protein cereblon, which is important in limb formation. If a woman took thalidomide during the ________ period of her baby's development, it could result in stunted growth of their limbs.


If working on a diagram of the human male reproductive system, you would label the tightly coiled tube that receives and stores sperm from one testis as the


If you see cytotoxic T cells, you know that a humoral response is underway.


The renal vein transports oxygen-rich blood to the kidney.


The smooth muscle of the diaphragm expands the lungs and the skeletal muscle of the lungs regulates airflow to the alveoli.


One of the main reasons that we exhale a higher percentage of carbon dioxide than we inhale is that

we produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct of aerobic respiration

Which of the following questions cannot be answered by science?

what is the meaning of life?

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