BJU Ch. 5

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First citizen

47. Where did the emperor Constantine move the capital of the Roman Empire?


36. What were the underground burial places of Christians called?


15. What "games" did the Romans flock to the arenas to see?

chariot races, gladiator fights, beast fights

16. What is probably the most recognizable example of Roman architecture? (See box on ST p. 106.)

circus maximus

34. Which Roman emperor made Christianity legal within the Roman Empire? 35. Through what decree was this accomplished? In what year?

constantine; edict of milsn AD 313

30. List three reasons why the Romans persecuted the Christians.

didnt worship emporers, didnt worship other gods, didnt participate in roman culture

32. Under which emperor did the last and most violent Roman persecution occur?


45. What emperor sought to solve the political problems of the empire by dividing the empire into four administrative divisions called prefectures?


44. What two powerful emperors introduced strong reforms to stop the decline of the empire?

diocletion, constantinople

22. What practice did the Romans get from the religious practices of the East?

emperor worship

42. List one example of economic troubles in the Roman Empire.

high cost of army; cost of government bureaucracy

18. Who was the greatest follower and promoter of Epicureanism in the Roman world? What did he write?

lucratiuas; on the nature of things

21. Who was the Roman emperor who embraced Stoicism and wrote down his Stoic ideals in what book ?

marcus aurelius; Meditations

39. What practice did men and women turn to who wanted to escape from the turmoil and evil of the world by living apart from society?


31. Under which emperor did the first Roman persecution occur?


wast he Colosseum and the Circus Maximus were the locations of brutal gladiator fights.


40. What were the pastor/bishops of the most important cities called? List these five cities.

patriarchs; Jerusalem, Alexandria, Rome, Antioch, Constantinople

29. What two events aided the spread of Christianity beyond its Jewish cradle?

persecution of Christians; destruction of jerusalem


physician; wrote medical encyclopedia


poet of Augustan age; satirical; warned of danger of luxury


poet; metamorphasis; popular w/ wealthy b/c love and mythology; banned by augustus


poet; satire on romes current state on loose morals and social problems

33. What faithful pastor/bishop of the church at Smyrna was martyred for his unwavering faith in Christ?


13. What city was covered by the volcanic ash and not rediscovered until the mid-eighteenth century?


What major accomplishment of each of the following civilizations did God use to prepare the world for the coming of His Son? Jews: Greeks: Romans:

preserved knowledge of god and hope for messiah, language, roads to travel

46. List three examples of Diocletian's reforms to combat Rome's economic problems.

price ceilings, new coins,reform taxes

20. What does Stoicism teach is the highest good?

pursuits if virtue: courage, dignity, duty, service, simplicity

43. List one example of moral decay in the Roman Empire.


19. Who was a leading stoic philosopher of the Roman Empire who served as tutor to an emperor? Who was his famous pupil?

seneca; nero

25. What is the name of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament?


27. Who was the first Christian martyr?


24. What centers of worship did the Jews build as a result of their separation from the temple in Jerusalem?



historian; 143 roman history book; trad. virtues

4. List three titles by which Octavian was called.

Princeps, Caesar, Augustus


poet; Aeneid; Homer or Rome

2. Give the dates for the period of peace in the Mediterranean world established by Octavian. 3. What was the period of peace called?

31 BC-180 AD Pax Romana

55. In what year did a non-Roman take the imperial throne, signifying the collapse of the Roman Empire?


28. In what year was Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans? What Jewish historian recorded this conflict between the Jews and Romans?

70 AD; josephus

6. What did Octavian institute within the empire in order to provide for fairer taxing of provinces? How often did he order this to take place?

A census every 4 years

52. Who was called the "Scourge of God"? What tribe did he lead?

Attila; huns

54. Who was the outstanding bishop, writer, and preacher in the early church from North Africa who wrote The City of God?

Augustine of Hippo


Author, scholar, lawyer, statesman, orator; Dominated 1st half of literature age

10. What culture greatly influenced Roman culture?


What three languages did Pilate use to inscribe the sign on the cross which read "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"?

Hebrew, Latin, Greek

7. What did Augustus try to do to strengthen the moral character of the Roman people?

Imposed laws punishing immorality/extravagance and offered incentives for large families

9. How did many of the self-seeking, corrupt emperors of the late empire win the favor of the people?

Offering "free" grain and amusements

37. What heresy challenged the deity of Christ? At what council in 325 was the truth of Christ's deity affirmed?

arianism; council of nicea

11. What was one of the most valuable and enduring of Rome's achievements?

Roman law

5. List reforms that Octavian brought to the Roman government.

Tax, moral, gov't, social


astronomer; geocentric theory

26. Under what emperor's reign was Jesus Christ born into the world?

augustus; crucified under tiberius

8. What really held the Roman Empire together in spite of the "incompetent" leadership following Augustus' death?

The army


author; annals and germania; said barbarians were better than romans

49. What did the Romans call the Germanic peoples who began to settle along the borders of the empire and threatened the security of the empire?



biographer; shows important roman and greek people; compared greeks and romans

17. How did Epicurus believe that men could achieve happiness?

by avoiding fear/pain

14. What remarkable architectural structures did the Romans build in order to supply many of their cities with water?


41. List one example of political disorder in the Roman Empire.

the army controlled the emporer

50. What fierce nomadic tribe which had menaced the Chinese threatened Rome in the late fourth century?

the huns

48. What emperor divided the empire between his two sons, leading to the division of the Roman Empire into two separate empires? In what year did this take place?

theodosius I; 395

38. Which emperor made Christianity the official religion of the empire?

theodosus I

53. What tribe's name came to mean "a destroyer of property"?


51. What "barbarian" people defeated the Roman army at Adrianople? In what year did this take place?

visigoths; 378

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