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1) Alpha particles have a good deal __ energy or energy of motion. * they do not travel very far, only cm 2) Alpha particles ionize atoms very strong but they are the __ penetrating of radiation types. 3) Alpha DECAY occurs in very __ elements such as uranium,thorium, and radium. (neutron rich) 4)Alpha particle stopped by

* (Alpha Radiation) 1) kinetic 2) least 3) heavy 4) Clothing, dead skin, paper

*MEDICAL USE SOURCES" 1)low energy x ray machies are diagnostic purpose in medical and dental, fixed, short pulse duration procedure. also fluoroscopy, where exposure duation is controlled realy time (x ray portable, used to photograph patient during surgery)

*Diagnostic and therapeutic 1) Diagnostic

*IONIZING RADIATION SOURCES* 1) Medical x rays, dental x rays, and RAM are types of radiation which are typically used in ___ application. __ is mixed with expolosives, such as dynamite, considered RDD known as DIRTY BOMB 2) __ are FACILITIES which release energy by the FISSION process and conver it into electrical energy (faded giant) 3) __ is the code used for identify a NUCLEAR weapons accident

*X RAYS and RAM, NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS , and NUCLEAR WEAPONS 1) industrial , RAM 2) nuclear power plant 3) broken arrow

*RADIATION SAFETY REVIEW* 1) the presence and proper use of radiation warning signs and signals, and proper use and storage of personal radiation exposure measuring devices and PPE (review of written safety procedures to follow, inspector investigates safety practices) 2) __ are designed with SAFETY FEATURE to prevent unnecessary exposure. medical technicians are afforded a SHIELDED booth to stand behind. exposures are enclosed in controlled area, or an UNSHIELDED OPERATION, x ray suites should be designed with principles in mind that keep risk from x-ray (ALARA)

*safety practicies,facility design and equipment, quality assurance* 1) safety practice 2) facility design and equipment

ALARA TRAINING PURPOSE: 1) all personnel who have the potential to be occupationally exposed to __ % of the annual dose limit require ___. They must receive initial and annual training that is approprite in breadth and depth to the radiation hazards present in the workplace. (RSO is responsible for training) 2) The purpose of radiation safety __ is to make them AWARE of the hazards and of the use of proper controls

1) 10, radiation safety training 2) training

1) simmilar 1499-1 , includes exposure data from the BEGINNING of the calander year to the date 2) Dosimetry Laboratory prepares this ONCE per calander year for each individual registerd in the program ( SUMMARIZE internal and external dose during the year to in lnclude of ALL AF provided monitoring) 3) include all exposure HISTORY for each monitoring period since first registering into USAF personnnel ionizing radiaion dosimetry program

1) 1499-2 2) 1527-1 3)1527-2

1) The dose in any unrestricted area resulting from USAF controlled radiation sources will not exceed __ mrem in any hour or __ mrem in a year with occupancy 2) USAFSAM radiation surveillance guidances cites the Victoreen __ B, ___ and Eberline RO-20 as optimal instruments for STORAGE and USE AREA SURVEYS 3) ___ may be used to measure annual total equivalent dose estimates, not method choice ( cannot be used to measure hourly total equivalnet dose estimates)

1) 2, 100 2) 451, 450 3) TLDs(thermoluminescent dosimeters)

1) Organ sensitivity from MOST to LEASE senseitve is as follow -> ( ) reproductive and gastrointestinal tract organ, ()skin, ()blood forming organs, ()muscle and brain *FACTOR THAT AFFECT BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO IONIZING RADIATION 2)basic principle of toxicology,the DOSE determines the poision, applies to the toxicology of ionizing radiation.DOSE RATE can be thought of as HOW MUCH radiation energy is absorbed in total time (helps determine wheter exposures and the effects of exposure will be chronic or acute)

1) 2,3,1,4 *Dose and dose rate, Chronic exposure, Acute exposure, Type of radiation, part of body exposed, Type of cell exposed, Sensitivity of the affected individiual 2)Dose and Dose Rate

1) In accordance with AFI __,__, management of radioactive material in Air Force BM must conduct annual surveys : 2)TWO PURPOSES for survey RAM storage and use areas: 3) The purpose of the ___ area is to ensure exposures are within applicable standards ; alighn with ALARA

1) 40-201 (Be must conduct annual surveys wheere RAMs are received, used or stored) 2) determine the classfication of the area, analyze radiation exposures to workers and the general public 3) classification

1) The blast makes up __%, thermal is __% , __ % residual radiation ,and __ initial% 4 MAIN TYPES OF NUCLEAR DETONATIONS 2) __ occurs at at altitude greater than 100.000 feet. (designed to cause EMP effects) 3) __ less than 100,000 feets in air. expanding fireball does not touch the earts surface (clean nuke) 4) on or slightly above the surface of land or water (mushroom ) 5) below the earth's or water's surface. primary used for testing purposes.

1) 50,35,10,5 2) high altitude blast 2) air burst 3)surface burst 4) subsurface burst

ACUTE RADIATION SYNDROME 1)radiation sickness, known as __ , is seen only after whole body exposures to relatively high doses (after serious nuclear accident) 2) As the dosage increase, three main areas of the body are affected. these are? 3) __ refers to effect on blood-forming organs, mainly bone marrow (most radiosensitive, lower doses than the the other and most common form of radiation sickness seen) 200-1000 rad

1) ARS (acute radiation syndrome) 2) hematopoietic organ, gastrointestinal tract, and the central nervous system 3) hematopoietic syndrome

1) ___ are the basic building blocks of all elements 2) An atom consists of one __, made of __ and neutrons, and many smaller particles called ___ 3) form of energy, include particles and ray given off by radioactive material

1) Atom 2) nucleus, protons, electron 3) Ioizing radiation

BETA REDIATION 1) __ are high energy electrons that some radioactive materials emit from the nucleus when they transform 2) Beta particles are made in __ of __ ways-- conversion of a protons to a neturon or conversion of a neutron to a proton (depending on radioactive matrial that produces them) 3) most beta particles are mostly ___ charged (called either beta radiation or particles) (can be positive or negative)

1) Beta particles 2) one,two 3) negative

UNIT FOR EXPRESSING ACTIVITY 1) SI unit for the ACTIVITY is the __, where 1 Bq is equal to one ___ per second 2) The historical unit for ACTIVITY is the __. one CI is equals to __ Bq

1) Bq becquerel, disintegration 2) CI (curie), 3.7X10 power of 10

1)X RAY TUBE consists essentially of the following four components: 2)__ is a filament that releases electrons when heated sufficiently. (strongly attracted to the anode target) 3) positively charged, ATTRACTS the electrons from the cathod. commonly made from tungsten(high melting point) 4) glass envelope that is made of leaded glass to filter out some of the lower energy photons 5) called the tube head. main pupose is SHIELDING to limit the exit of x rays to the window.

1) Cathode, Anode, Sealed glass envelope, protective housing 2) cathode 3) anode 4)sealed glass envelope 5) protective housing

1) __ CONTINUOUS or intermittent exposure to low doses of radiation over a LONG PERIOD of time 2) __ exposure to a large, single dose of radiation, or a series of moderate doses received during a SHORT period of time

1) Chronic 2) Acute

1) __ contains ALL of the the living substances of the cell. (clear,watery fluid that alive with celluar activity) (all the function for cell expansion,growth are carried out) 2) __outermost layer of the cell, serves to separate and protect a cell from its surrounding environment. 3) __ is the PROCESS by which new cells are formed for growth, repair, and replacement in the body (division of the nuclear material)

1) Cytoplasm 2)Cell membrane 3) cell division

IONIZING RADIATION EFFECTS ON CELLS 1) If radiation interacts with the atoms of the DNA molecule, or some other celluar component critical to the survival of the cell it is referred to as a___ (can be damaged enough to destory the reproduction and cause mutation) 2) higher probability of radiation interacting with the WATER that makes up most of the cell's volume. these effects are___. 3) Biological effects of radiation on living cells may result in THREE outcomes for the exposed cell: ___repair, ___ of the cell, or __ repair

1) Direct effects (Direct action) 2) Indirect effects (Indirect action) 3)complete(injured or damaged),death(millions of body cell dies), defective(cells incorrect repair themselves)

UNIT FOR EXPRESSING RADIATION DOSE 1) __ refers to energy deposited in matter. 2) The amount of energy absorbed per unit weight of the organ or tissue is called ___ dose 3) Absorbed dose is expressend using the convential unit ___ or SI unit ___. The unit is applicable to ALL types of radiation. 4)One roentgen of gamma or x ray exposure produces __rad tissue dose. One Gy equals to __ rad

1) Does 2) Absorbed 3) rad (radiation absorbed dose) , Gy (gray) 4) one, 100

1) __ is designed to MONITOR when necessary, occupational radiation exposure(includes exposure for sources external to the body not include naturally occuring background radiation) 2) __ determines WHO requires radiation exposure monitoring (who is AFFORDED monitoring?) 3) Radiation workers who have potential to exceed __ % of the annual EXTERNAL dose limit 4) Radiation workers who have potential to exceed__ %of the annual LIMITS of intake

1) Dosimetry Program 2) Installation RSO 3) 10 4) 10

1) ___ waves can travel through space while carry energy at the speed on light( it transfers energy from point to point as it moves) 2) EM waves extend from the very lowest frequence (___) to light waves, x- ray and ___ . This broad energy range is known as the electromagnetic ___ 3) GAMMA RAY and X-RAY ___ and occupy a common range in the EM spectrum( they are at the short wavelength end of the spectrum,where wavelength are down to a fraction of the size of an atom (more energy) )

1) EM radiation 2) radio, Gamma rays 3) overlap

1) ___ is monitored with portable ion chamber instrument such as the Victoreen.Readings will be obtained 10 cm from the surface of the package and on the surface of the package itself. 2) RAM shipments must be swiped tested for ___ on the package surface with __-cm Whatman 41 round filters. swipe an area of __cm^2 on the surface of the package. send swipe papers in an AF Form 495. 3) BE will ensure the package meets all __ requirements for activity and removable surface contamination

1) EM radiation (Monitoring External Radiation) 2) external particulate contamination , 4.25, 300 3) DOT

1) __ occurs when the body is irradiated directly from sources located outside the body, such as radiation from radionuclides on ground surfaces. (gamma emitting) 2) __ occurs when radionuclides that have entered the body through inhalation, ingetion, or dermal pathways undergo radioactive decay,resulting in the deposition of energy to atoms

1) External exposure 2) Internal exposure

1) Reports can include some or all of the following radiation dose values: 2)The Dosimetry Laboratoy prepares Listing __ for each monitoring period within __ days following the monitoring period. EXTERNAL and INTERNAL dose equivalnets for each worker enrolled in the program

1) Eye, Head Extremity, Shallow, Deep Dose and All source total equivalent 2) 1499-1, 30 (occupational radiation exposure report)

1) caused by DEATH of the cells in the lining of the GI tract. (1000-5000rad) intestinal dysfunction 2) only with very high acute dose of radiation. damage to the nerve cells in the body. (greather than 5000 rad) 3) four phases of ARS?

1) GI(Gastrointestinal) syndrome 2) central nervous system syndrome 3) prodrome, latent, manifest illness, recovery or death stages

1) The "window" of the dosimeter must face out. remove their dosimeter upon LEAVING designated work area; should not be removed from the workplace 2) Any dosimeter,when not being worn are __ to be stored in any other place such as an individual's desk,cloething pocket, or purse. the area where TLD are stored must be as free from radiation sources and away from __ or __ 3)__ are used to measure BACKGROUND radiation accumulated during transit or storage of dosimeters (never used for monitoring an indiviual)

1) General Guideline For Wearing Dosimeters 2) NOT, excessive heat, moisture 3) Area Control Dosimeters

1) __ is the major factor that limits the life of the x ray tube. X RAY MACHINE PARAMETRS THAT AFFECT X RAY PRODUCTION: 2) __ setting on an x-ray machine CONTROLS the number of electrons FIRED from the filament. 3) __ setting controls the voltage between the cathod and anode and, thus the SPEED (or energy) of the electron. (may produce more high energy x ray for greater penetration)

1) Heat 2) MA (milliamperes) 3) kVp (Kilovolt peak)

BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS 1)__ SPREAD out over long periods of time DONT cause an immediate problem to any body organ. level of the cell, and the result may be observed for many years. (cancer, tumors, cataract) 2) kills so many cells that tissues and organs are damaged immediately. Acute exposure to the whole body, can cause what is called acute radiation syndrome

1) Low doses 2) High doses

1) The number of protons in the atom's center, __ determines which element it is 2) The number of protons in an atom of a particular element is always the __, but the number of neutrons may ___ 3) The number of protons in an atom is expressed as the ___ number or the atomic number

1) Nucleus 2)same, vary 3) Z

UNIT FOR EXPRESSING RADIATION EXPOSURE (IN AIR) 1)Gamma ray and x ray exposure is expressed in unit of ___ 2) The roentgen unit refers to the amount of ionizations occuring in the ___ at any given time(applies ONLY to gamma and x-ray radiation) 3) The exposure rate unit for alpha and beta particle radition is __, which is simply the number of particle detected by a radiation ( (no SI unit defined for expressing radiation exposure (in AIR) )

1) R(roentgen) 2) air 3) cpm ( counts per minute)

1)__ is surveyed prior to shipment to ensure transport personnel, emergency services personnel, and the general public is safe from radiactive material. ___ packaging and __ safety standards and two main way this is achieved 2)___ RAM shipments must be moniotred for radioactive contamination unless the shipment contains only radioactive material in the form of __ or a special form

1) RAM, proper, transportaion (pupose for surveying RAM shipments) 2) Labled,gas

1) whenever possible, measurements should be collected in a REMOTE manner. (integrate exposure, this is EASILY accomplished) for measurement during long exposures, instruments can be placed in selected measurement location and set to integrate mode. 2) survey personnel should wear protective aprons and gloves to REDUCE exposure 3) it is acceptable to collect survey data during routine radiographic examination. (will not be practical)


1) __ is energy in transit in either in particulates or electromagnetic waves. when particulates approach each other closed enought to interact, ___ or __ may occur 2) __ is an addition of energy to an atom in which it goes from a GROUND state to and EXCITED state. 3) ___ is the process whereby one or more electrons are given enough energy to be removed from an atom 4) Ionization produces an i __--- a negative charged electron and a positive charged atom

1) Radiation, excitation, ionization 2) Excitation 3) Ionization 4) Ion pair

RADIOACTIVITY 1) __ is the SPONTANEOUS transformation of an unstable atom that often results int the emission of radiation. This process is referred to as a transformation or decay 2) Mode of ___ refers to the way the PARENT radionuclide undergoes __ 3) The mode of transformation, or modes of decay, that are most significant to HUMAN HEALTH are __ and __ decay with the subsquent emission of gamma radiation

1) Radioactivity 2) transformation,decay 3) alpha, beta

UNIT OF MEASURE 1) Internnational community: _, a uniform system of weight and measure that evolved fromthe metric system. in US, however the ___ system is widely used 2) __ is merely the rate of decay of a RADIOACTIVE source-the number of nuclear disintegration events ocuccring over a period time(higher the activity more disintegration, thus greater the amount of radiation)

1) SI (from metric system) , conventional 2) Activity

1) what ELEMENTS should be considered when controlling ionizing radiation? 2)Ionizing radiation is controlled by three principle METHODS: 3) __ is the first method used to control ionizing radiation exposures. Radiation dose is directly proportional to the time spend in the radiation field

1) TYPE or radiation, its ENERGY level, and the Route of exposure 2) time, distance, shielding 3) time

1) __ are used to treat patients with certain disease, such as some forms of cancer. (more plentiful and powerfull). designed to KILL certain types of cells INDUSTRIAL USE SOURCES 2)X ray machines used in __ are the most common type of x ray machine in the AF. The AF uses x ray generators in a number of other applications, such as __ in laboratory environments, __ and baggage ___ in Air mobility Command terminal

1) Therapeutic 2) NDI (nundestructive inspection) ,research, EOD(expolosive ordnance disposal), inspection

CONTINGENCY SOURCES 1) __ is composed of compressed air traveling at supersonic speeds 2) __ radiation travels at the speed of light ( in straight line and has little penetration) 3) the MOST hazardous RESIDUAL RADIATION___ is visible (within first 24 hours) 4) another type of residual radiations, falls to large areas of earths surface very slowly (after 24 hours) 5) __ radiation, five percent occurs within the first minute of detoniation

1) blast wave 2) thermal radiation 3)early fallout 4) delayed fallout 5) initial radiation

1) The attraction by the nucleus bends the path of the beta particle, slowing it down and causing the beta particle to release energy. This energy is released in the form of a ___ x ray 2) The less common ___ charged beta particles ATTRACTs orbital electrons as it pasess, causing ionization and excitation events as well

1) bremsstrahlung 2) positive

1) The basic unit of the human body is the __ (smallest function unit of life that is capable of independent existence) 2) __ determines how the cell will function, as well as the basic structure cell. within each nucleus are protein structure called ___ 3) Nucleic acid in the chromosomes, called __ conetains codes for hereditary characteristic (controls cell functioning)

1) cell 2) Nucleus,chromosomes 3) DNA

CELLUAR SENSITIVITY TO RADIATION 1) properties that makes a cell radiosensitive include: 2) living cells can be classified according to their rate of ___ which indicates their relative sensitivity to radiation 3) Nerve and muscle cells are the slowest to __ and are the least sensitive cells

1) cell that are -young and growing-, reproduce, active, undifferentiated 2) reproduction 3) regenerate

1)These MODES of __ (transformation) can involve the EJECTION of an alpha particle directly from the nucleus or the conversion within the ( neutron TO a proton) or a (proton TO a neutron) with the emission of a beta particle and gamma rays 2)Result of transformation 3) An unstable atom does not always decay directly to a stable state immediately; it may undergo a series of radioactive decay called a ___

1) decay 2)Radioactive atom is transformed into a stable atom of a different atom 3)decay chain

1) __ is the EASIEST control to apply because you can easily walk, drive, fly away from a source of radiation 2) engineering control. physical barried to absorb the energy from the radiation. only effective when it is thick enough. 3)(shielding) alpha-paper, beta-__, gamma__, neutron- water

1) distance 2) shielding 3) plastic, lead

THREE MAIN CONTROL METHODS USED TO REDUCE EXPOSURES TO RADIATION: 1)lead shields, concrete barrier, interlock, emergency shutoff buttons, visible lights 2) cones,ropes,written procedures,controlled area 3) lead aprons, gloves, clothing,suits, shoes(reduce 90-95% contamination when worn properly)

1) engineering 2) administrative 3) PPE

1) An atom can be naturally radioactive, it can be made radioactive natural processes in the __ , or it can be made radioactive by __ 2) The elements heavier than ___ are nautally radioactive because they were orginally formed with too many neutrons 3) The amount of energy that the radiation TRANSFER per unit path of LENGTH is called?

1) environment, human 2) Lead 3) LET ( linear energy transfer)

1) __ are bundles of energy that have NO charge or mass (very long distances through air, travel so much farther than either alpha or beta radiation ) 2) Gammy rays are the most __ but the least IONIZING type of radiation 3) Gamma emissions originate in the __, while x-rays originate in the ___ cloud 4) The x rays that orginate in the ORBITAL structure are called ___ while BRAKING or SLOWING high speed elctrons are called__

1) gamma ray 2) penetrating 3) nucleus, electron cloud 4) characteristic x ray , bremsstrahlung

1) Any individual except when that indiviual is receiving an occupation dose is considered by AFI 48-148 a member of the __ 2) annual dose limit for the general public is __mrem/year 3)__ and radiological response dose limits are more strigent based on critical tasks and life saving missions. The total accumulated dose not to be exceed should be set to __ rad

1) general public 2) 100 3) wartime,150

1) Radiation is CLASSIFED as either having __ LET or __ LET, based on the amount of energy it transfers ALPHA RADIATION INTERACTION: 2) Alpha RADIATION has __ LET. the two protons in the particle give an alpha particles a positive charge of __ . 3) Alpha particles are very heavy and energetic compared to other types of radiation. These characteristic ___ them to move relatively slowly and interact with atoms of any material they pass through.

1) high, low 2) high, two 3) cause

1)The short exposure durations require an instrument that can ___ multiple exposures into one 2) The Victoreen __B and __P pressurized ion chamber meters have that capability and are the recommended instruments for MEDICAL x ray surveys 3)The victoreen __P and __P are the optimal instruments for industrial X RAY survey

1) integrate (add) 2) 451,451 3) 451, 450

X RAY PRODUCTION 1) As the electron __ the cathode, they are __ by the both the repulsion of the cathode's negative chrage and attraction of the anode's positive charge. A __ cup in the cathode directs the stream of electrom. (The voltage applied BETWEEN the cathod and anode is called the x ray __ )and the surface of the anode that is (STRUCK by electrons is called ___.) When the electrons are SLOWED or STOPPED by the interaction with of atoms, x rays are PRODUCED

1) leave- accelerated-focusing-tube voltage-target

1)Beta particles are much __ and MORE penetrating than alpha article but ( low ionization, not as ionizing as alpha particles) 2) Beta particles will travel up to several __ in air and are stopped by thin layers of __ or plastic GAMMA AND X RAY RADIATION 3) __ is not a particle but a RAY. type of EM radiation you cannot see, much like radio waves and x-rays

1) lighter 2) meter, metal 3) gamma radiation

BETA RADIATION INTERACTION: 1) Beta particle, which are energetic electrons, are classified as __ LET radiation. 2) their smaller +1 or -1 charge and smaller mass result in a distance between ionizing collision, thus a __ rate of energy transfer 3) A NEGATIVELY charged beta particle is___ by the electron cloud as it approaches other atoms along its PATH (cause many deflection during travel resulting large number of ionization) ( ejected during ionization go on to produce secondary ionization..lose its kinetic and captured)

1) low 2) lower 3) repelled

GAMMA RADITION INTERACTIONS 1) Like beta radiation, gamma radiation has __ LET. may pass through matter without hitting anything or may hit an atom and give that atom all of part of its energy(ionize other atoms by knocking electrons out of them as well) 2) gamma ray is __ energy, once it loses all its energy it no longer exist 3) Gamma rays interact with material by __ with the electrons in the shells of atoms. (highly energetic electon)(travel significan distances before stopping

1) low 2) pure 3)colliding

1) ___ of radiation fields are made to provide a BASIS for estimating the dose equivalents that persons may receive or establishing hazard areas. 2) __ influence measurements locations and the number of measurements required 3) measurements are collected about __ feet above floor level. generally, measurements collected for radiation field penetrating should be __ from the SURFACE

1) measurements 2) operating conditions 3) 3, 12inches

1) describe the disposition of the AF Form 1527 series once signed ( disposition of reports)

1) monitored worker's health record, flight filing system

1) The Air Force has four categories of annual peacetime dose limits: 2) the definitional of ___ dose is: received by an indiviual in the course of employment in which the indiviudals assigned duties involve exposure to radiation (AF48- __, Ionizing radiation protection) 3) annual dose limit for an occupational worker is __rem in a sigle year or __ rem to any tissue, EXCEPT the lens of the eye

1) occupation, declared pregnant femailes, minors (16-18) and the general public 2) occupational ,148 3) 5, 50

1) Electrons circle in the electron cloud ___ the positive nucleus. Electrons have a ___ charge 2) The ___ contains 7 major electrons shells each containing diffrent levels of energy 3) Proton --> __ charge ---> __ (location). Neutron--> ___ charge --> __ (location) Electron(0.0054 mass)-->__ charge-->___(location)

1) outside, -1 2) electron cloud 3) <+1, nucleus> , < neutral, nucleus>, <-1, electron cloud>

1) The LOCATION of the radiation exposure can determine the OUTCOME of the dose. (whole body or localized to only part of the body) 2) SENSITIVITY to radiation differs among cell types. Cells that are rapidly growing and dividing are more SESNSITVE to the effects 3) depends upon a number of additional FACTORS. sensitivity due to such things as age,health and natural variability

1) part of the body exposed 2) type of cell exposed 3) sensitivity of the affected individual

1) The large __ charge of alpha particles pulls hard at the electrons of other atoms it passese near. When the alpha particles passes near an __, it excites electron and can PULL an electron from the atom. 2) Each time the alpha particle pulls an electron from an atom in it its path, the process of ionization ___(eventually become a complete helium atom)

1) positive, atom 2) occur

1) A result that EXCEEDS the applicable dose limits specified in 10 CFR 20, standards for protection against radiation, and AFI 48-148, ioizing radiation protection 2) An exposure RECEIVED in any monitoring period that is ACCPETABLE for the period but which would be an overexposure if continued at the same rate (rare) 3) an investigation action levels set by the RSO that simply indicate a fluctuation from normal exposure levels for the given monitored area that may indicate a problem in order to promptly identify and correct adverse tred

1) potential overexposure 2) abnormal exposure 3) investigation action level

1)A declared __ is defiend as: a woman who has volutarily informed her employer, in writing, of her pregnancy 2)Declared pregnant females have a does limit of __ mrem to the embryo 3) No person under the age of __ years shall be subjected to occupational exposure and no person under the age of __ shall be allow unless supervised and only for purpose of training 4) the annual dose limits for minor is __mrem/yr and __ rem to any tissue

1) pregnant females 2) 500 3) 16, 18, 4) 500, 5

1) initial phase of early syndrome is chracterized by the relavtively rapid onset of nausea,vomiting. response to acute radiation exposure. (occurs within MINUTES to day) 2) relatively symptom free. the individual may look and feel healthy. hours to a FEW weeks 3) clinical symptoms with MAJOR organ system injured. (hours to MONTHS) 4) a person will either die or recover from exposure. recovery will range from a week to YEARS (delayed effects may occur many years later)

1) prodrome stage 2) latent stage 3)manifest illness stage 4) recovery or death

1) This area are FOCUSES on ensuring the x ray machines operate propery to produce high quality images. benefit is reducing the number of retakes, BE does not evaluate the direct output of x ray machines but can verify that these tests have been performed 2) All medical and dental x ray equipment manufactured or sold in the US must meet the technical performance requirements of __ CFR __ 3) direct beam output of all medical x ray equipment must be measured __ and for dental equipment, every __ years

1) quality assurance 2) 21,1020 3) annually, four

1) Each radionculide has a characteristic rate of decay called ___half life, which is the time it takes for 50% of its atoms of decay 2) The ration of __ to __ within the nucleus determine wheher an atom is stable. 3) For light element, meaning those on the lower end of the periodic table, the ratio is about _: _ 4) For heavy element the, n:p ratio for stability increase to approimate __: 1

1) radiological 2)neutrons ,proton 3) 1:1 4)1.5 : 1

UNIT FOR EXPRESSING DOSE EQUIVALENT 1) A person's biological risk is measured using the convental unit __ or the SI unit __ 2) __ are used to determine the dose equivalent from the absorbed dose 3) When a person is exposed to radiation, an equivalent dose can be determined multiplying the dose in ___ by __ to estimate a person's biological risk in rem

1) rem (roentgen equivalent man), Sv(sievert) 2) Weighting factor 3) rad, QF (quality factor)

1) measurements are taken near the __ container , at ___ station in the vicinity of the container, and in work area _____ to the storage to assess the POTENTIAL for radiation exposure in excess of standards 2)survey documents should diagram the RAM storage/use area with details:

1) storage, work, adjacent 2)adjacent area, information on the RAM, instruments, individual conducting the survey, AF permit number, measurements, conclusion

WHOS RESPONSIBILITIES OF RADIATION: 1)ENSURE badges are worn, BE/RSO, review and maintain exposure reports 2) Provide exposure history, reviews exposure reports, BIOASSAY, properly USE dosimeters 3)CONDUCT the base dosimetry program,need for monitoring, determine the type of dosimeter NEEDED, records of indiviudal, workplace evaluation, approve dosimeter storage location, Brief personnel

1) supervisor 2) worker 3) BE

TRAINING CONTENT 1) topics that must be covered during ALARA training? A writtien training program must be developed by the unit.. 2) training program presented, course curricula, and attendance be maintained for a period of __ years unless specified. Training is documented on personnel's AF form __, __ and health record

1) types and characteristc, radioactivity, modes of exposure, health risks, general radiation protection principles, use of instruments, emergency procedures, reporting requirements, radioactive material permit requirements 2) 5, 55,employee safety

1) general purpose dosimeter used to measure radiation exposures to the whole body ,regardless of other type its clipped on the outer clothing in the front part of the body below the shoulders and above the hip 2) evaluate exposure to the HEAD and lens of the EYE 3) evaluate HAND and FOREARM of an individual 4) may be required where indiviual work around medical or industrial accelerators, work with radioactive materials that emit neutrons, or work around operating nuclear reactors

1) whole body dosimeter 2)collar dosimeter 3) extermity dosimeter 4) neutron dosimeter

1) The objective of an effective ___ is to provide safe diagnostic tools while at the same time protecting workers, the general public, and paitents. 2) The x ray surveys performed by BE focus on three general areas: 3) lists SPECIFIC information about the emitter, such as type, model, and serial numbers; location; and maximum rated mA nad kVP.

1) x ray survey program 2) soruce inventory, radiation safey review, radiation measurements 3) source inventory

EXPOSURE RISK 1) Sources which expose everyone to radiation ? 2)Processes which cause radioactive material to be released

1)Soil, cosmic rays, x-rays 2)Natural forces, industry, medicine, science, accidents, or terror incidents

1)the three main kinds of ionizing radiation include __ particles, __ particles, and __ radiation( these radiation particles knock out electrons from molecules) 2) An atom that gives off ionizing radiation is said to be___ TYPES OF IONIZING RADIATION AND THEIR CHARACTERISTIC: ALPHA RADIATION : 3) __ is a radioactive process in which a particle with two neutrons and two protons is ejected from the nucleus of a radioactive arom. 4) The two protons and two neutrons MAKE an __ identical to a helium atom but without the electron ( too small to be seen, larger than beta particle)

1)alpha, beta, photon(x ray and gamma rays) 2) radioactive 3)Alpha decay 4) alpha particle

1) Neutrons ___ the repelling action of the protons and help hold the protons together in nucleus 2) Neutrons and __ add to the weight of the atom 3) __ are atoms with the same number of protons but differ in number of neutons within the nucleus 4) Neutrons have a __ charge

1)neutralize 2) proton 3) Isotopes 4) neutral

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