Blood lecture ch 18

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What 3 primary classes are in plasma proteins?

Albumin, globulins, & fibrinogens

A person with type A blood has ______ on the RBC


gama globulins

Antibodies belong to a class of plama proteins called

Process of coagulation

Factor X starts, ends w/ thrombin, converts fibrinogen to fibrin

red bone marrow

In adults, the only site of red blood cell production, and the primary site of white blood cell formation, is the

Dehydration would cause an _____in the hematocrit


Erythropoietin directly stimulates RBC formation by

Increasing rates of mitotic divisions in erythroblasts, speeding up maturation of RBC, accelerating the rate of hemoglobin synthesis


It is impossible for a type O+ baby to have a type ______ mother.

What contribution from the intrinsic and extruinsic pathways is necessary for the common pathway to begin?

Must combine Ca2+ and PF-3 to activate factor 10


Production of all the formed elements of blood is called ____________.

How would the extended use of antibiotics affect blood clotting?

Release of heparin and histamine by basophils would be spread

Hemolytic disease on the newborn may result if an ____mother carries an Rh positive fetus

Rh negative

thymus and red bone marrow

Stem cells responsible for lymphopoiesis are located in the


The complex sequence of steps leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is


The differential count of a person who has an allergy would indicate a high number of


The extrinsic pathway of coagulation is activated by __________ from damaged perivascular tissues.

factor X

The first clotting factor that the instrinsic and extrinsic pathways have in common is

vascular spasm

The first step in hemostasis is

WBCs, RBCs, platelets

The formed elements of the blood include:


The kidney hormone __________ stimulates RBC production.


The overall cessation of bleeding involving several mechanisms, is called ______________.


The percentage of blood volume composed of RBCs is called the ___________.

How do RBC differ from typical cells in the body?

They are 99.9% of total elements, they have no nucleus, ribosomes, or mitochondria

How do platelets help the clotting process

They form a temperature patch in the walls of damaged blood vessels to slow the rate of blood loss.Filaments shrink and the clot reduces size of the brake in the vessel wall

What 5 major fuctions are performed by blood?

Transportation, regulation of pH & ion concentrations , reduce fluid loss from injuries,defense, stabilize body temp


True or False? A man with blood type A+ and a woman with blood type B+ could have a baby with type O-.


True or False? By volume, the blood usually contains more plasma than blood cells.


True or False? Calcium ions are required for blood clotting.


When the clotting proteins are removed from plasma, __________ remains.


Which is not a component of hemostasis?

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