BMAL-590 Write and Cite

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If a quote is equal to or longer than _____ words, a block format should be used.


When using alternative media such as podcasts or video lectures for research, it is important to establish credibility. Which of the following is NOT a question used to judge credibility?

Does the speaker have a strong presence in several social media outlets?

For a section with two levels of headings, use:

Flush left, Boldfaced, Uppercase and Lowercase text + Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase text

What is purpose of an author note?

Identifies your departmental affiliation, provides acknowledgements, states any disclaimers or perceived conflict of interest, and provides a point of contact for the interested reader.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "After reading the book the students divided into discussion groups."

Introductory phrase lacks a comma.

Once you have defined the research problem with the 4 introductory steps, you will add sections for:

Method Results Discussion

The best way to refer to a table within the body of the manuscript is:

See Table 9

Anonymous Author

Some works specifically list the author as "Anonymous", while others may have an unknown author. If the author is specifically identified as "Anonymous", "Anonymous" will take the place of the author surname in the citation: (Anonymous, 2019). In the reference list, anonymous works are alphabetized by the word anonymous. Multiple anonymous works will be further alphabetized by title of work. When the author is unknown, the title of the work will take the author's place in the citation. The title will be either italicized (for books with no author) or surrounded by quotation marks (for magazine or newspaper articles), followed by a comma and the year of publication: (The Song of Roland, ca. 1165).

In APA style, a separate title page is required for a research paper or an essay.


The key to successful revision is to see the work from a new perspective:

Take a break from the project and seek external feedback. Print out the paper and read it in a new setting. Change the size, spacing, or font of the paper to fool your brain. Whatever method you choose, you want to be able to look at your work as if it were your first time reading it.

When conducting internet research, how can you be sure the information is current?

Target a specific date range in an advanced search.

Which part of a journal article is usually provided free of cost, and can help determine if it is worth it to purchase the whole article?

The abstract

The preferred typeface for APA writing (except for figures) is:

There is no single preferred typeface.

Which of the following is NOT a source of scholarly articles and professional research?



an in-depth book written on a single subject by a specialist in the field. The audience of a monograph is composed of other experts. In essence, a monograph takes an academic article outside the bounds of a journal, and provides an authoritative guide to a particular subject.

When revising your paper, you want to make sure you have included all the elements required for the assignment. One method is to re-read the paper, highlight the main idea of each paragraph, and

match those with the guidelines in the rubric.

Other primary sources for research include

original art, film, recordings of speeches, or archived letters or diaries. Documents such as court opinions, transcripts, or laws also represent firsthand sources, and can be accessed via online database. Many museums and libraries, including the Smithsonian Archives of American Art, house digitized collections of original works of art, correspondence and photographs.

Blog posts

regularly updated websites with content prepared by an individual or small group to provide niche information for their followers. Blog posts are referenced much like any other online article retrieved from a magazine or website. The reference includes: The author's surname and initials Date of publication Title of the blog post in sentence-case, plain text. Source of the blog in italics. URL for retrieval

When quoting, always provide the author name(s), year, complete reference in the reference list, and _______

specific page citation

An informative table

supplements the text. In the text, refer to every table and inform the reader what to look for based on the data in the table. Each table should be integrated into the text, but should also be understandable on its own. Explain all abbreviations. Do not write "see the table above" or "see the table below" or "in the following table." Always call out each table by its respective number. If the table is embedded in the text, refer to it in the preceding paragraph. If the table is inserted at the end of the work, call it out at the appropriate place in the discussion.

Groups as authors:

the names of groups that serve as authors (e.g., think tanks, corporations, government agencies, associations, institutions, etc.) are used in the author location for an in-text citation. For a narrative citation, an abbreviation will appear in parentheses with the year after the spelled-out name. For example, "World Health Organization (WHO, 2019) reports that..." In a first parenthetical citation, an abbreviation will be enclosed in brackets between the name and year. For example, (World Health Organization [WHO], 2019). Subsequent parenthetical citations need only include the abbreviation and the year. For example, (WHO, 2019).

Primary sources

those written from first-hand knowledge. Autobiographies, letters, original speeches, or witness accounts of an historical event would be considered primary sources. In scientific works, primary sources are written by those who conducted the study.

All figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.


journal articles

will have a references or works cited list. These will provide a trail to follow to find additional resources. Be sure to review the bibliography to uncover other articles or books in your field of study.

Secondary sources

written by someone who does not have a direct connection to the event, but who has studied and interpreted the subject. Contemporary analyses of historical events, writings, or works of art would be secondary sources.

Ask questions:

"How can you explain the link here?" "Can you find support for this statement?" "Are there counter-arguments to this?" Questions are less bossy and give the writer something to build on. The idea is to build up the paper, not make the writer defensive.

5. Results:

This section lists the data observed and explains whether or not they are statistically significant, using an appropriate statistical test. This section is fairly dry: it is a list of results, not their interpretation. However, it is important for the validity of the study.

Creating a hanging indent

This slide shows the edit mode for a Word document. It shows every space with a dot and every time the writer hits Enter with a paragraph symbol. The reference list must be double spaced and entries should have a 0.5" hanging indent. Use the paragraph formatting tools in your word processing program to create the hanging indent rather than using a hard return and tabs. With the paragraph formatted to include a hanging indent, you will not have to be concerned about edits that change the line spacing of your reference entry.

Graduate students face challenging academic writing requirements. Which of the following does NOT describe a thesis?

A concise overview of current literature on a specific topic.

Unless specified by the publisher or university, the margins of the manuscript should be _______

1.0 inches top, bottom, left side, and right side.

Use numerals rather than words to express:

All numbers 10 and above (some exceptions) Numbers that precede a unit of measurement Numbers that represent time, dates, ages, scores, points on a scale, exact sums of money, and numerals as numerals Numbers in a numbered series, parts of books and tables, and each number in a list of four or more numbers.

Academic writing will usually follow one of three main documentation styles:

APA Style (American Psychological Association) MLA (Modern Language Association) style Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

Final revisions:

After reviewing, changing, and improving your paper, read the whole thing once again. Since your goal is to see the paper as your intended reader will, it makes sense to print it on paper for a final review. Once you are satisfied with the structure, clarity, and style, you can move to the final stage: proofreading.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three main documentation styles used in academic writing?

Association of American Universities (AAU) style

For a reference entry for an authored book, which of the following is a correct element?

Author last name and initials. The year of publication in parentheses. The book's title in italics.

Imagine you are taking a course that lists a research paper as its final assignment. What is the first step to take?

Brainstorm all possible topics for your paper, coming up with as many ideas as possible.

A well-chosen case will:

Challenge common assumptions. By using a case that contradicts prevailing assumptions, you can develop new knowledge on existing literature. Provide new ways of understanding a research problem. Cases outside the sphere covered in prior investigations can bring new perspectives. Lead to resolution of a problem or incite further research. A useful case study will bring about action: implementation of solutions to emerging problems, or expanded research in a neglected area of study.

Which of the following offers a correct narrative citation according to the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual for a work with three authors?

Cooper et al. (2017) found that almost 87% of teens are sleep-deprived.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "Who doesn't think that pancakes with syrup sounds delicious?"

Faulty subject/verb agreement.

Always include in-text citations for:

Direct quotes Paraphrased information Summarized information

To judge if a book is credible for research, which one of the following questions would NOT apply?

Does the author have an established presence on social media?

For a midsentence quotation:

End the passage with quotation marks and cite the source in parentheses immediately after the quotation marks.

Decimal values within the table:

Express numerical values in the number of decimal places that the precision of measurement justifies. Do not change the unit of measurement or the number of decimal places within a column. Include the zero before the decimals for numbers below one if the value can be 1 or greater. Do not include the zero for values that cannot exceed 1 (e.g., p values). If a cell within a table cannot be filled with data, leave the cell blank. All text within a table should be double-spaced. If a table is being continued, type "Table XX. Title of the Table (continued)" at the top of the table. Include the column headings

Author notes are typed as separate paragraphs:

First paragraph: Provide ORCID iDs for any authors who have changed names or share a name with previously published authors. Second paragraph: Note changes of affiliation if an author has moved. Third paragraph: Offer acknowledgements or disclosures on data sharing, financial backing, related reports, or conflicts of interest. Fourth paragraph: List contact information for further information about the work.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "The Ford GT is sleeker, faster, and more powerful."

Incomplete comparison. Faster and more powerful than what?

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "The students asked questions, and the teacher answers them."

Inconsistency in verb tense.

What is the defining characteristic of a case study?

It provides depth of information rather than breadth, giving extensive detail about a single unit or small number of units.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "Many medical providers (including the local public health clinic) promote four keys to living a healthy life: exercising, healthy diet, a balanced life, and avoid substances like alcohol, drugs, and tobacco."

Lack of uniformity in lists.

Revising for structure:

Look at the structure of your paper. Are the introduction and conclusion well-defined? Are your headings consistent and appropriately labeled? Does the layout make sense to the reader? Depending on the length of your paper, you may have different levels of headings and sub-headings. Take an overall view of the paper to make sure they are in order.

Which of the following reference elements would NOT be types in italics?

Magazine article title.

Revisions and editing

Making revisions and editing a document is a process that begins once the first draft is complete. Revisions are a re-visioning of the paper, seeing it from a different perspective. Editing is taking that new vision and making the necessary corrections. Either by using external feedback or just distancing oneself from the work, the writer can see which areas need to be developed, explained, or stricken entirely. The editing begins by rearranging paragraphs, smoothing awkward sentences, adding explanations, or trimming the excess.

3. Time for Introductions:

Now that you have a feel for the direction of the article, read the introduction. This section will outline the research topic in the context of existing knowledge in the field. In addition to providing background information, it will set forth the objectives of the study and define the research problem or thesis statement, which should be answered in the Conclusion.

What are the two most important adjectives that describe a doctoral dissertation?

Original and Substantial

Manuscript format requirements

Requirements include such details as font consistency, margins, indentation, line spacing, paragraphs, etc. Your left, right, top, and bottom margins should be set at 1" unless stated otherwise for a specific paper or manuscript. The title should be in title case, plain text, centered at the top of the page. Do not use bold, italics, or underline for the title. The manuscript body should be typed in a legible, consistent font. Both serif fonts such as Times New Roman and Georgia or sans serif fonts such as Calibri or Arial are acceptable; just choose one font and use it throughout the paper.

Here are a few types of books we will consider:

Textbooks Monographs Popular books / Trade books


Textbooks provide background and historical knowledge of a topic. They are a great place to gain initial knowledge. However, textbooks are not usually acceptable references, as they are often secondary sources that tend to be out-of-date. A textbook should be seen as a guide, not an authoritative source. Learn from the textbook, but take your explorations further. While the textbook will provide a well-researched, historical perspective, ask yourself what topics may have been neglected or evolved, and seek out those areas.

Any modifiers added to a paper should increase the reader's understanding, not just the sentence's length. Which of the following examples does NOT include a redundant modifier that could be cut?

The bill was approved by a 75% majority.

6. Discussion:

The discussion is the place for interpretation of results, and sometimes it may blur into the conclusion. The initial research problems should be addressed here. The author should also compare his results to similar studies and discuss any surprising findings. The discussion should take the results and decipher them, showing how they add to knowledge in the field, and what areas need further research.

Levels of heading:

The heading styles used in APA consist of five possible formatting arrangements according to the number of levels of subordination. Each level of heading is in bold, title case lettering. Each section begins with a level one heading, then proceeds through the levels as more subsections are added. The introduction to a manuscript does not carry a heading that labels it as the introduction. The first part of a paper is assumed to be the introduction. Do not label headings with numbers or letters. Do not use Roman numbering systems with your headings. The examples show the incorrect version in yellow and the correct version in green.

Citing specific sources

To cite a specific part of a source, indicate the page, chapter, figure, table, or equation at the appropriate point in the text. In general, you only need to indicate a specific part of a source when you use a direct quote from the source. Otherwise, you do not normally need to include the part of the source with the in-text citation. Abbreviate page as "p."; pages as "pp.", chapter as "chap.", volume as "vol.", and paragraph as "para.".

To write a case study, one must first conduct a literature review. Which of the following is NOT a main purpose of the literature review?

To find similar studies, and ensure that your case study confirms them.

Which of the following is (are) correct in terms of APA number style?

Trial 3

When referencing a multi-author work, how many authors' names can you include in the entry before omitting names with an ellipsis?

Twenty. List up to 20 authors without an ellipsis.


Unsupported statements do not belong in academic writing. No argument, however logical, can be taken as a given premise. Include the appropriate reference to back up each stage of your writing, making a clear path to the conclusion.

Tips for giving feedback:

Use "I statements": I got lost in this section. I think you are arguing that... I think an example would help here. "I statements" put the focus on the reader rather than on a criticism of the writer.

A writer's word choices impact the paper's clarity and effectiveness. Each of the following is generally accepted as good advice regarding word choice, EXCEPT:

Use sophisticated language in place of common words whenever possible.

Using peer feedback can greatly improve your writing. Which of the following is NOT true regarding peer feedback?

You should be mindful of having a classmate review your work, since it can be seen as cheating.

heading and text:

You should have a 0.5 inch first line indent for all paragraphs within the body of the manuscript. You can use the tab key or the paragraph format tool to set the indentation. The only exceptions to a first line indent of 0.5 inches are the abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes, and figure captions. Each page is numbered starting with the title page. Some longer manuscripts such as a thesis or dissertation require you to use different numbering systems and different headers/footers for the introductory section and the main body of the manuscript. For example, the main body may be numbered with Arabic numerals while the introductory section (title page, abstract, table of contents, etc.) may be labeled using Roman numerals.

An abstract

a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper. The writer will ensure that the abstract is accurate, without evaluation, coherent, and concise. The abstract should explain the research problem, its context, and summarize the main findings. The length of the abstract depends on the journal requirements, but typically it ranges from 150 to 250 words. The abstract appears on page 2 of the document, below the running head and page number. The label Abstract is in bold font, centered at the top of the page. The abstract itself should be typed as a single paragraph without indentation.

Video resources

can be primary or secondary. In the primary category, we find documentaries and participatory videos. Participatory video approaches are often used in social sciences: participants are given video equipment to document some aspect of their lives for further study. This method is very useful when the researcher may not have access to the phenomenon being recorded, sometimes due to religious or cultural concerns. Video created by the participants gives an outsider a glimpse into an otherwise inaccessible community.

A Table of Contents ________

may be required for longer papers

The abstract should begin on a new page with the word "Abstract" in bold title case, centered at the top of the page, with the abstract itself typed in block format as a single paragraph.


manuscript layout

understanding the purpose of the paper and designing its layout to fulfill that purpose. For example: A research paper's purpose is to explore a thesis statement and arrive at a logical conclusion, advancing knowledge in the subject. The purpose of a narrative essay is to entertain, enlighten, or persuade the reader. Keep the purpose in mind when designing your layout.

Which type of documentation style applies to authors, editors, copyrighters, and publishers?

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

In writing a case study, which of the following is NOT considered an error?

Choosing only a single unit to study, and generalizing across a larger set of units. This is not an error; it is the definition of a case study.


Do not weaken your writing by hedging. The use of qualifiers lends doubt to your writing. Strike any words that do not enhance the understanding of the subject. Explain with examples: Technical terms without explanation confuse the reader. To paint a clear picture, make liberal use of the phrases as in, such as, or for example. If technical terms are unavoidable, use the ones most understandable to the reader.

An ideal discussion board post will include three elements. Which of the following is NOT a key element for a discussion post?

Introductory small talk, to create a friendly mood.

Writing for the intended audience is an important part of writing a reseach paper. Which of the following questions is NOT one that should influence your writing style?

Is the paper appropriately geared toward experts in the field?

An ideal discussion post will have three parts:

State your thought on the discussion topic. Explain why you arrived at that conclusion, and include references, quotations from your source, or links to materials that support your idea. Raise another aspect of the question and ask for feedback. This three-part approach to a discussion post will address the course content, show your understanding, and create a conversation about the topic.

4 steps to writing a research paper: step 1

Step One is to Identify Your Audience. Imagine that instead of writing a paper, you are giving a TED Talk. Who is in the audience? Probably not just your professor. It would likely include a group of non-experts who are interested in your topic. How can you present your information in a way that is engaging and enlightening? What counter-arguments might they have, and how can you address them? Do not write into a void; imagine you are trying to hold the attention of a group of interested people.

Discussion board posts

They are the online equivalent of a classroom discussion or debate, and your arguments should be well researched. Your post should: Be thorough Address the question with supporting information Invite further discussion with the class


This is the section where you describe the procedures used to perform the study. Use clear, informative sentences to set forth the steps taken to conduct your research. Include all relevant elements: participants or models and how they were chosen, the means of collecting and measuring data, and the plan for analysis.


This is the summary, with interpretation of your results and how they may support or contradict other studies. You will discuss the implications of your research and any changes it makes to current knowledge in the field.

A classmate or instructor responds to your discussion board post or asks a question. Must you always reply?

You should always reply to someone who has taken the time to comment on your post.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The validation-seeking approach employed by many social media users can lead to the alienation of others in the social circle.

Zombie nouns. Turning active verbs into awkward adjectives makes ideas more abstract.

literature review

an essential part of any research project. In a case study, the literature review also contributes to the background, understanding, and interpretation of your observations. Be sure to review and reference studies that: Analyze other aspects of the research question and put your case in context. Address your area of study leaving out important factors or considerations. Identify conflicts in the current literature that your case may resolve.

When are case studies most useful?

in social sciences, in which only a small number of units have undergone the phenomenon of interest, for example: the use of nuclear weapons early industrialization Fascism African democratization

Essay writing

requires a writer to analyze and clearly express ideas using little more than the source material and his or her own thoughts. Unlike a research paper, an essay relies on personal knowledge and reflection. It should be concise, well-planned, with a clear purpose and direction.

Graduate students face challenging academic writing requirements. Which of the following does NOT describe a dissertation?

A brief statement of a hypothesis or conjecture which will form the subject of a research paper.

To establish the importance of your research problem, which of the following does NOT contribute to its value as a subject for study?

A paragraph explaining your personal interest in the subject, and its relevance in your life.

To establish the importance of your research problem, which of the following contributes to its value as a subject for study?

A statement on how the research problem can contribute knowledge and build upon what is known in the field. A reflection on holes in the current literature that warrant further investigation. Summaries and critiques of existing studies in the area.

Which is the best method for drafting a research paper?

Create an outline, structuring the paper from thesis statement to conclusion, then fill in the blanks with source-based arguments.

The conclusion of a research paper should do all the following:

Describe how the findings supplement current knowledge in the field. Fully answer the questions raised in the introduction. Suggest areas of further research in the topic.

MLA characteristics

MLA citations contain the core elements shown here, with the corresponding punctuation. The same format for works cited can be used for any source: videos, lectures, books, articles, or tweets. Author, Title of source, Title of container, Other contributor, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location The goal of MLA style writing is to provide error-free writing and trustworthy documentation, so that a reader can focus on the ideas presented, and be able to consult the resources. A works cited list should be logical, consistent and complete.

APA Style writing is used in scientific journals, and has precise requirements for:

Manuscript layout Headings In-text citations Reference lists

descriptive essay

a form of creative writing that uses words to create an emotionally accurate description of a person, place, object, or experience. The task is to bring the subject alive for the reader, to create a vivid mental picture using only language to evoke the feel, sound, scent, and detail of the image. The structure is less important than it is in an expository essay. Rather than statement, support, and conclusion, the writer draws on his senses to try to illustrate the subject of the essay. Brainstorm ideas - what comes to mind when you picture the subject? Choose the ideas that will most clearly paint a picture in the reader's mind. Avoid rambling - each sentence should be carefully crafted and contribute to the description.

APA Style

a standard for scholarly writing primarily used by writers in: Social sciences (economics, political science, psychology, sociology, etc.) Business Nursing The purpose of all documentation styles is to credit the original source of ideas that contributed to your work. APA Style citations require in-text citations each time you borrow an idea, listing the author's last name, date of the work used, and the page number for direct quotations. In addition, APA Style sets guidelines for reference lists, with complete information about the sources consulted.

An APA citation for a paraphrased idea:

must include the author's last name and publication date. Adding the page number is welcome, particularly if you are paraphrasing a short passage in a much longer work. Your reader should be able to verify the statement in the original source.

a thesis

normally required to graduate from a master program a project that marks the end of a master's program. A thesis is a compilation of your research during the program to prove your thorough knowledge of the field of study. A master's thesis is very similar to the type of research paper or case study you would have done as an undergraduate. You have a research topic, gather and analyze data, and comment on what you have discovered and how it relates to the topic at hand. The object of a thesis is to show the learner's ability to think critically about the topic and be knowledgeable enough to discuss the information in-depth. While an undergraduate research paper or case study may be anywhere from 5 to 20 pages, a thesis will be between 80 to 120 pages depending on the institutional requirement.


the act of stealing another's ideas and passing them off as your own, whether intentionally or unconsciously. Proper citation is an ethical requirement, and allows the writer to respectfully borrow the ideas of others and expand them. A form of intellectual fraud Copying the work of another without the use of quotation marks and proper attribution Using another's ideas and passing them off as your own Making minor changes to another's work and passing it off as your own Reusing your own work without proper attribution Piecing together ideas from various sources without attribution and passing them off as your own Misattributing authorship to a source Falsifying or fabricating data Intentional when you willfully steal or copy ideas of others Unintentional when you carelessly or inappropriately use ideas of others

expository essay

the purpose of an expository essay is to explain something. It includes: A thesis statement The development of an argument supporting the statement A conclusion In order to expound on an idea, the writer uses definitions, examples, comparisons, or cause and effect analyses.

A citation for a paraphrased idea in MLA:

the same as for a direct quotation: use the author's last name and the page number of the text you paraphrased. If the author's last name is used in the text, just put the page number in parentheses after the paraphrased idea. The complete source reference will be included on the Works Cited page.

What is the documentation style most commonly used for academic writing in the fields of business, nursing, and social sciences?

APA Style (American Psychological Association)

In the case of using a direct quotation, the solution is clear:

All direct quotations must be contained by quotation marks The source of the quotation is always identified. Use an in-text citation, footnote, or endnote, depending on your documentation style.

4 rules for discussion posts:

Always: Answer when a classmate or professor responds to your post or asks a question. That person has taken time to read your post and engage in conversation; ignoring them on the discussion board is just as rude as ignoring a person addressing you face-to-face. Re-read your discussion posts before submitting. Check your spelling and grammar; this is not the place for social media shorthand. Many discussion forums do not include a spell-check feature, so drafting your response in Word provides a more thorough review before posting. Maintain a professional tone. When disagreeing, be respectful, and add references that support your position. Contribute to the discussion by adding new, interesting comments. Do not simply repeat another person's position or agree with it, without supporting your statement and adding information to the thread.

Parts and requirements of a thesis:

Components of a thesis: Cover/Title Page Table of contents List of tables, figures, and illustrations Body of the paper: Introduction Literature Review Conclusions References/Bibliography A thesis statement requires a main point, idea, or message. It is a sentence that captures your position on the topic. The arguments in the paper should reflect this central topic. A thesis statement can be one or two sentences that present the paper's topic and a comment regarding the author's position. The thesis statement should be early in the paper, however, it does not necessarily have to be the opening sentence of the introduction.

When considering topics for a research paper, which of the following would NOT be considered preliminary research?

Conducting a thorough review of scholarly articles regarding each possible subject.

In which part of a case study will you describe your findings in relation to other studies in the field, and include your study's limitations?


4 steps to writing a research paper: step 3

Drafting. Now the fun begins! You have outlined your paper, defined your research problem, and come to a tentative conclusion. Drafting is where you fill in the blanks. You will unpack your research, documenting each statement with its source. Each paragraph should contribute to the argument as a whole, and serve to reinforce the conclusion. With your outline as a map, you will now guide the reader toward your conclusion. Support your sentences, cite your sources, and stay on point so that no one gets lost.

Step 3-Define what is currently known about the problem:

Include summaries and critiques of existing studies. Help the reader understand the limitations of current knowledge and the possible contribution of your research.

4 steps to writing a research paper: step 2

Outline Your Paper. This is where you prepare the blueprint to build your paper. If your research was done properly, you have the two ends: a thesis statement and a conclusion. Think of your paper as a bridge to take the reader from one side to the other. Fill in the following elements to build the bridge: a. Introduction: Thesis Statement b. Why is the topic important? Apply the topic to a real-world example, and discuss what is missing from current approaches to the problem. c. What is currently known about the topic? Are there any controversies or debates regarding the question? d. Discuss your research methods, and what added knowledge the research will bring to the field. e. Present your findings. f. Discuss current theories or approaches in the topic area, especially those that disagree with your conclusion. Your paper should bring a fresh perspective to the topic, not merely summarize others' findings. g. Conclusion: Show the contribution your research made, how it answered the thesis statement, what remains to be explored in the area.

Which of the following should be accomplished by the introduction of a research paper?

The introduction should introduce the topic, state the research problem, propose a thesis, and point the reader toward the conclusion.


This is the section where you explain the findings. In this section, you take the research notes and share with the reader the outcomes you observed. In addition to reporting the results, you will analyze them and explain them in context of the problem.

In revising a paper for style, sentence length can affect its emphasis. Which of the following examples is the most effective?

"His failure to win the presidency was met by prolonged protest."

In revising a paper for style, sentence length can affect its emphasis. Which of the following examples is the most effective?

"The past few months have reignited the debate on whether the Electoral College continues to be relevant in determining the people's will, or if it should be abolished."

Case Study

"an intensive study of a single unit with an aim to generalize across a larger set of units." A case study highlights a subject, event or phenomenon to promote clearer understanding of a particular research problem. A case study is characterized by depth of knowledge, rather than breadth. It provides extensive detail about a single unit or a small number of units, from which inferences can be made regarding a larger population. Its limited scope gives the case study the advantage of being able to provide rich, complete descriptions of a case and all its contributing factors. the writer must have knowledge about other cases in order to choose the unit for analysis and identify similarities in causation.

For religious works and classical literature referenced from a republished source, which is the last element included in the reference entry?

(Original work published YEAR)

When conducting internet research, which of the following domain extensions will provide the least credible resources?


All of the following are ethical questions to consider when creating audiovisual resources in the social sciences, EXCEPT:

Does the video confirm what is already known in the field?

All of the following are ethical questions to consider when creating audiovisual resources in the social sciences

Does the video include minors whose anonymity should be protected? Would video surveillance have a negative impact on the person being filmed? Does the video expose any confidential information?

Revising for content:

Does your paper cover everything listed in the rubric? One way to check the content is to read each paragraph and highlight the main idea. You can then construct a reverse outline to make sure all required elements are included. Evaluating each paragraph's main idea and topic sentence will also show errors in organization and may lead you to re-order or remove some paragraphs.

There are four types of essays, known as modes of discourse. What is the acronym that names the types of essays?


Fragments and run ons

Each sentence should be structurally correct and clearly identify its point. An incomplete sentence that fails to make its point is a fragment: The studies that were conducted earlier this year. (There is no predicate - what did the studies do?) A sentence that contains several independent clauses that are not properly joined is a run-on: The people interviewed for the study could leave at any time, there were no requirements for them to finish the survey. (These are two sentences incorrectly joined with a comma.) To correct a run-on, separate the sentences with a period, or join them with a semi-colon or conjunction if the ideas go together.

What type of writing style mistake is exemplified in the following sentence: "The fact that he had chosen a somewhat obscure field to pursue during his studies led to greater difficulty in procuring employment after graduation."

Excessive wordiness. Several words could be cut, leaving the meaning intact.

The conclusion of a research paper should do all the following EXCEPT:

Explain how the data was gathered.

There are four types of essays, known as the EDNA Modes of Discourse:

Exposition Description Narration Argument

Which type of essay is meant to explain something, and includes a thesis statement, a supporting argument, and a conclusion.


Three common errors with case studies

Failing to set for the scope and limitations of your analysis. If your topic is terrorism, and your case study deals with ISIS in Iraq, do your conclusions apply to other terrorist groups in the Middle East? Do they apply to separatist movements in Europe? How far can we extrapolate? Assuming your results apply universally. Your case will have particularities that separate it from other instances, so do not overgeneralize in your conclusions. Under-analyzing the observations and their implications. Don't be hasty to support only one conclusion! You should look at the case from several angles and extract all possible interpretations.

Within the text, refer to the figure using its location (e. g., "see the above figure").


Identify the error in the following sentence: The research, including dozens of interviews conducted over the past two years.


What is the intended audience for a trade book?

General readership

When referencing an online newspaper article, which date should be included in parentheses after the author's name?

The year of publication, followed by month and day.

Typos that are not misspelled

These are the spelling errors that spellcheck will not catch! They include homophones, possessive contractions, or close-enough words that were not intended but are still correctly spelled. Their/There and You're/Your are common errors. Be sure you understand the difference. Take a look at the example. Many lawyers have submitted documents in divorce proceedings discussing the "Martial Estate." Although the parties may seem to be at war, this is an embarrassing error to have on record.

1. Start with the Title and Abstract:

This is the logical first step. The abstract is really a "miniature" version of the article, and will provide a short summary of the study. By reading the abstract, you should know if it is worth your time to read the whole article. The abstract is usually provided free of cost, and should tell you what the study was about, how it was conducted, and what the results were. If the article seems relevant, proceed to the next step.

Using feedback:

Three ideal times to seek feedback are: At the beginning. This will clarify your understanding of the assignment and allow you to run ideas by the instructor and make sure you are on the right path. When you have a draft. At this time, you can make sure your ideas are clear and well organized. You can also check to see if statements are supported and conclusions are logical. When you think you are finished. This will allow a new person and point of view to point out unclear areas that need further development. This person will also catch errors in spelling, grammar or usage that escape a writer who has gone 'blind' to mistakes.

A discussion board serves many purposes in a classroom. Which of the following is NOT an intended purpose of the discussion board?

To share personal stories and social media links.

Reference list order of works:

Use the first author's surname to alphabetize entries. If different entries begin with the same author surname, one-author entries come before multiple-author entries. When entries have the same first author but different second, third, or later authors, alphabetize by the surname of the first differing author. If entries have the same authors in the same order, publication date is used. Enter whichever is oldest first, most recent last. If entries have the same author and publication year, refer to the title of the reference to alphabetize the entry. Several works by different authors with the same surname are arranged alphabetically based on the first initial of the author. Alphabetize group authors based on the first significant word of the group using the official name of the group, not an abbreviation.

Which of the following is NOT a form of plagiarism?

Using another's idea word for word, even if the original source is credited.

Works with no author

When a work has no author, cite in text the first few words of the reference entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title of the reference within the narrative portion of the paper. Use italic font style for titles of books, periodicals, and reports. Legal materials are usually cited using The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation and require few changes for APA Style. For both parenthetical and narrative citations, the title of the act, statute, or case decision will take the place of the author, followed by the year. For example: Madison v. Alabama (2019) discusses capital punishment for defendants with dementia.

A Work by Three to Five Authors:

When citing a work by three or more authors, both parenthetical and narrative citations will use only the first author's surname followed by et al., a comma, and the year of publication. For example, a work by Jones, Smith, Baker, Perry, and Martin would be cited as (Jones et al., 2018). If shortening the citation using the et al. abbreviation creates confusion with another work that also shortens to the same form, cite the surnames of the first author and as many subsequent authors as needed to distinguish the two references. If another cited work is authored by Jones, Smith, Miller, Hart, and Robbins, the two works would be cited as (Jones, Smith, Baker, et al., 2018) and (Jones, Smith, Miller, et al., 2018). The abbreviation "et al." is Latin for "and others"

Authored books have a simple reference that includes:

author surname and initials year of publication in parentheses title of book in sentence case italic font, followed by any information on edition, version, or translators in parentheses publisher name but not location, and DOI or URL if available

When writing a case study, which step contributes to the background, understanding, and interpretation of your observations in relation to other studies?

literature review

The CMS style of citing a paraphrased idea:

matches the requirements for a direct quotation. The reworded idea must accurately represent the original author's idea, and will be cited with a superscript number just after the paraphrased idea. A footnote or endnote will give full bibliographic information for the source.

narrative essay

not only does it describe something, it tells a story. Take the reader on a journey! Each element of the story must be presented: Introduction Characters Setting Plot Climax Conclusion A narrative essay must have a clear structure, allowing the reader to follow the path you are describing. Organization is key. Ask yourself the following questions: What is my intent in telling the story? Is it to warn, entertain, or move the reader? How can I lay out my thoughts in a way that will take my reader to the intended destination?

In MLA format, an in-text citation:

notes the author's (or authors') last name and just the page number of the quotation. If the author's last name is used in the text, just put the page number in parentheses after the quotation. The complete source reference will be included on the Works Cited page.


requires citation. If you depend heavily on another's words, you risk charges of plagiarism. A paraphrased idea should support your argument, but not be mistaken for your own work. Be sure to credit the idea in a citation. Then use your own words to express it and build upon those ideas.


should answer questions posed in the introduction, and take them one step further. This is the part where you tie together the information gathered with results of other studies, and describe how they fill the void of current knowledge and what remains to be studied. The conclusion unites all elements of the research problem.

An appendix

should follow the reference list, as well as any tables or figures if such are inserted at the end of the work rather than within the body. Each appendix should have a separate title sheet that gives the name and title of the appendix at the top center of the page. Appendices are identified by letter rather than by number. Your university or publisher may have specific requirements for how to format an appendix and/or the format for the contents of an appendix. If your paper has only one appendix, label it "Appendix". If your paper has more than one appendix, label each one with a capital letter starting with "Appendix A" in the same order as referenced within the main body of the paper. Each appendix must have a title. In the text, refer to appendices by their labels.

research paper

starts with brainstorming and planning the moment you receive the assignment. Although the deadline may seem a long way off, it is easy to be caught off guard as the weeks fly by. If you start early and take the time to follow a few pre-writing steps, you can break up the work, save yourself stress, and turn in a polished final product.


taking an idea, message, or theory from another source and putting it into your own words. Paraphrasing is often shorter than the original and may have come from more than one source. Paraphrases must be citied to the original source. Paraphrasing must be citied within the content of the text.


taking only the main points from another work and putting them into your own words. A summary will be significantly shorter than the original and will cover a broader topic than when paraphrasing. A summary must be cited within the text.

Chicago Manual of Style

the authoritative guide to style and format for: Authors Editors Proofreaders Indexers Copywriters Designers Publishers Chicago Manual of Style uses the following methods to document sources: Direct quotations or paraphrased ideas are referenced either by footnotes or endnotes (not in-text citation) A bibliography at the end of the work designates all cited work and any other relevant sources for further reading.

2. Skip to the end:

the best place to begin reading the actual article is at the end: the Conclusions. The conclusion section will answer the initial research problems, making inferences based on the results of the study. Just as it is a good idea to read an essay question before you begin reading and planning your response, it is wise to read the conclusions and get those ideas in your mind before you explore the whole article.

Peer-reviewed academic journals

the best source for current research in a field. While academic books provide expert research, they can take years to publish. Popular magazines can provide regular, relevant content but are written with the layperson in mind. The academic journal presents the best of both worlds: expert research content delivered on a regular basis, allowing a researcher to stay current on the latest developments in the field.

Scholarly databases

the best sources for the latest research in a field of study, providing access to peer reviewed journals. Look to your university library to see which databases are available DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals EBSCO: Database and eBook provider for libraries and other institutions InfoTrac: Full-text databases of content from academic journals and magazines JSTOR: Shared digital library with more than 2,300 academic journals and over a million images. LexisNexis: Database of legal research and business and news information ProQuest: A collection of academic and business databases

Which part of a journal article introduces the research topic in context of existing knowledge in the field?

the introduction

3 pre-writing steps to a research paper:

1. Brainstorm all possible topics for your paper. Your professor may provide a list of possible topics, or leave it to the student's discretion. Think of as many ideas as you can; one idea can spur on others. You can begin initial research with your list of possible topics in hand. 2. Conduct preliminary research to see what had been written about your possible topics. There is not a need to delve deeply into the topics as this point. An overview of online and traditional print resources can outline current knowledge and theories in your field of interest. 3. Narrow down your topic and begin more in-depth research.You should have a good idea now about the direction you want to take. It is a good idea to run your topic idea by your professor, to make sure it is relevant and to ask for suggestions on resources and methods.

4 common errors with writing styles

1. Imprecise language A good writer avoids vague terms, in favor of concrete, specific language. If you find yourself writing about a person who seemed disappointed or acted overjoyed, use definite examples to show the reader the particular details. 2. Passive voice Using the passive voice is another route to abstraction. To put a clear picture in the reader's mind, state the subject and what it did, rather than what was done to something. Avoid the phrases: Was remembered Was taken Were discussed Use an active subject-verb construct to strengthen your prose. 3. Excessive wordiness Concise writing uses the fewest words possible to convey an idea. The following example shows how lengthening a sentence adds nothing to its meaning. Keep your writing trim! If a word or phrase bloats the sentence and adds no value, strike it. 4. Faulty sentence structure Ambiguous sentence structure leads to multiple interpretations of an idea. This can slow down the reader. At times, it results in unintended humor, as seen in these headlines. Re-read your sentences to make sure the subject, verb, and object align. Ambiguity in legal writing can make a contract unenforceable. It is vital that your writing leave no room for doubt.

To determine if your source is credible, ask these three questions:

1. Is the author an expert in the field? The source should indicate the author's credentials. Do not cite the work of an unqualified journalist. 2. Is the article peer-reviewed? Those found in the scholarly databases have passed review of other experts in the field 3. Is the article well-researched? There should be an extensive reference list, showing the author has done his research and considered more than one perspective.

Feedback on an assignment can come from many sources. Which of the following would NOT be a good feedback source?

A learning center tutor, for topic-level expertise.

What type of publication is a monograph?

A monograph is an in-depth book on a single subject written by an expert in the field.

Which of the following is NOT a primary source of information?

A news broadcast on election results.

How should a textbook be used for academic research?

A textbook should be seen as a general guide that gives background information, but is not an authoritative source.

Which is the least useful time to receive feedback on an assignment?

After the paper has been graded and returned.

argumentative essay structure

Argumentative essays offer you the opportunity to put your topic in context of other opinions and studies. Play the devil's advocate in your research and writing, exploring what has already been said and studied. Your writing will be strengthened by reviewing other treatments of the topic and using them for a more global view of the subject.

Classical and religious works pose a special problem in reference lists since the author or date of publication may be uncertain, and the text is often translated. For reference purposes, treat them as republished works. The reference will include:

Author name, or if unknown, move the title to the author position and include any translator or edition number in parentheses before the date Date of the published version used Title of work, if author is listed in author position. Add editors as part of the title. Source, either publisher or online Original date of publication in parentheses (if estimated, use ca. to indicate "circa")

For articles published in journals, include each element with the information available. List:

Authors with surname and initials, up to 20 authors. The date of publication (year). The title of the article in sentence case, plain text The journal name with volume number in parentheses in italics, issue number in plain text, and page numbers without the label pp. When any part of the information is missing (such as volume number, issue number or page range), omit it. If a DOI is available, give the URL for the digital identifier after the journal information.

imagine you are conducting research, and find only one relevant journal article. What is the simplest way to find additional resources for your topic?

Check the bibliography, and use that list of references.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the use of a direct quotation in academic writing?

Citation is not required if you change the wording of a direct quotation, but keep the idea.

When revising your first draft of a paper, which of the following changes would result in less effective writing?

Combining several main ideas into one paragraph.

parts of a dissertation

Components of a dissertation: Title Page Signature Page Acknowledgments Abstract Table of contents List of tables, figures, and illustrations Body of the paper: Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction, or Statement of the Problem Chapter 2: Review of Literature Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Results Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusions, and Suggestions for Further Research References Appendices

Consider the audience. Good papers are:

Devoid of egocentrism. Written to enlighten and explain the concept to someone unfamiliar with the subject. The reader has not performed your research. Even if a step seems obvious to you, it can be an unfamiliar leap for the audience.

The limited scope of a case study, which focuses on a single unit or small number of units for study,

Gives case studies the advantage of providing rich details of a case and all its contributing factors.

requirements of a dissertation

Good writing is essential in a dissertation. However, good writing cannot compensate for a paucity of ideas or concepts. The two important adjectives used to describe a dissertation are "original" and "substantial". The research performed to support a hypothesis or conjecture and must demonstrate the dissertation is original and substantial. A dissertation highlights original contributions. Each statement in a dissertation must be correct and defensible in a logical and scientific sense. Furthermore, the discussions in a dissertation must satisfy the most stringent rules of logic applied to mathematics and science. Avoid Self-Assessment (both praise and criticism) No one ever learned to write by reading essays. Instead, you need to practice, practice, practice... every day.

A writer should make word choices that contribute to concise and effective writing. Which of the following describes the mistake of "hedging?"

Hedging is the use of qualifiers that diminish the impact of the statement without quantifying anything; e.g. quite, almost, or somewhat.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The results seem to indicate that there could be a minor shift in the way social media is used in organizations.

Hedging. Qualifiers lend doubt to your writing. Strike extra words that do not contribute meaning.Correct! Omit the qualifiers for stronger writing: "The results indicate a shift in the way social media is used in organizations."

Proofreading for spelling and grammar errors:

However, we can all avoid embarrassment if we train ourselves to be thorough proofreaders. Writing involves re-writing. A successful submission generally is the result of several drafts. The last step before handing in a paper is to review for the following common mistakes.

authors with the same surname

If a reference list includes publications by two or more primary authors with the same surname, include the first author's initials in all text citations even if the year of publication is different. For example, (M. Robinson, 2006) and (P. Robinson, 2019) would be cited with initials even though the dates differ. Including initials makes it easier for the reader to grasp the source in the text and locate the reference entry.

While researching the effects of graphic warnings on cigarettes, you come across a journal article titled "The impact of vulnerability to and severity of a health risk on processing and acceptance of fear-arousing communications." In light of the section on writing style, what criticism could you make of this article?

Imprecise language leaves the reader wondering exactly what the author is discussing.

Which of the following offers a correct parenthetical citation according to the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual for a work with one author?

In 2016, only 15% of eligible Democratic voters cast a ballot in the presidential primaries (Robbins, 2016).

"zombie nouns"

In his book The Sense of Style, Steven Pinker describes the existence of "zombie nouns" wandering lifelessly through academic papers. They are ambiguous nouns taking the place of more active verbs, and using them makes an idea more abstract. Instead, use active verbs: Affirming an idea Postponing an event Rather than nominalizations: Effect its affirmation Implement a postponement

A writer can choose to break up longer sentences, or combine many ideas into one. Which of the following examples is the most effective?

In the debate surrounding the Electoral College, there are positions both for and against. Its supporters believe it forces candidates to court all states rather than focus only on areas of high population. However, its detractors point out that individual votes carry different weight from state to state, and a candidate can prevail without winning the popular vote.

One work for one author:

In-text citations include the surname of the author (do not include suffixes) followed by a comma and the year of publication. Within a paragraph, if the name of the author is part of the narrative followed by the year of publication in parentheses, you do not need to include the year in subsequent nonparenthetical references to that author so long as it cannot be confused with other cited works. However, if you use a parenthetical citation to note author's name and year after a reference, follow any additional narrative references to the author with the year in parentheses. Always include the year in each parenthetical citation. Even if the reference includes both the year and the month, only include the year within the citation.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: I agree with your discussion post its alot harder to fix human resource problems when they're aren't any systems in place.

Incorrect grammar or punctuation. All academic writing must adhere to the rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Step 4-Show what your work will add to the field of study on the topic:

Introduce your hypothesis and objectives, but avoid any conclusive statements before presenting the argument. Consider both competing and concurring theories in your field, and the possible contribution of your research. Think of your research as a bridge taking the reader from what is known on the topic to a new area of discovery.

The case study is composed of the following elements:

Introduction and thesis statement: Define the research problem and its importance. Method: Explain the strategy you used to select the event, person, place, or phenomenon to address the research problem. Discussion: Describe your findings in relation to other studies in the field, including your study's limitations. This includes, "defining the topic, including the hypothesis(es) of primary interest, the outcome, and the set of cases that offer relevant information vis-à-vis the hypothesis" (Ragin, 1997). Conclusion: Summarize your findings clearly in context of what is already known in the field, what assumptions your work supports or refutes, how you have added to the field, and what solutions you propose to the research problem.

Reading a book for your research involves a certain investment of time. It is important to ask yourself a few questions:

Is the author an expert in the field? Has their work been cited by other authors? Are other publications by the author available? Is the publisher well-regarded? Does the publisher have any affiliations with organizations that stand to benefit from the publication? Does the author use credible sources? Check the references or bibliography, and do a bit of research to make sure you are relying on a reputable sources.

The process of establishing credibility for alternative sources is identical to that for periodicals, journals or books:

Is the author or speaker an expert in the field? What are their credentials or experience? Has their work been cited by others? The presentation should give the speaker's bio. What institution is providing access to the material, and is there any bias in their presentation? Do you need to consider any commercial or political agenda in the source? If you are using a secondary source, what are the references? You should be able to trace the original sources of information. Primary sources that document firsthand knowledge of the subject have an intrinsic credibility; you must just be sure that you are using authentic primary sources from credible institutions.

The Plain Writing Act of 2010 requires federal publications to be "clear, concise, and well-organized." All of the following are reasons for adopting the Plain Writing Act, EXCEPT:

It ensures uniformity of style between government publications and other legal documents and business contracts.

What is a case study good for?

It highlights a subject, event, or phenomenon to promote clearer understanding of a particular research problem.

What is the primary advantage of using a journal article for academic research?

Journals offer expert content on a regular basis, ensuring information is credible and up-to-date.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "When asked what characteristics they admired in their teachers, the four most common student responses were: honesty, good listener, hard-working, and communication."

Lack of uniformity in lists.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: A rising awareness of the dichotomous nature of the current political paradigm shift manifests itself in a societal entropy that resists efforts to promote bilateral coalescence.

Lacks clarity. Using a pretentious tone confuses the audience; choose words that enlighten the reader. This sentence is an example of academic narcissism. Good academic writing aims to explain, not impress.

Which type of documentation style is most often used in the humanities or liberal arts?

MLA (Modern Language Association) style

trade books

Many popular books are based on scholarly works, but are written in a more accessible tone. This can be a good way for you to wrap your head around an idea, before diving into stacks of technical writing. Popular books will also have a list of references. Many of the references are scholarly sources that can validate your research.

Identify the grammar error in the following sentence: "Although my friend and I both followed the same exercise program, she lost more weight than me."

Misuse of pronoun.


Newspapers and news magazines may provide current content on your research subject. These sources can be particularly useful to help put your topic into context, using real-world examples to bring the subject to life. While material from popular periodicals can provide illustrative examples, it is vital to support your research with scholarly sources. Some assignments do not allow the use of popular periodicals. Be sure you understand the guidelines for the paper.


Now that you have a clear vision of the paper's strengths and weaknesses, you can begin editing to correct any deficiencies. The revision process may have caused you to shuffle paragraphs around or remove sections. Editing will smooth out those transitions. Make sure the ideas flow together and lead to your conclusion.

Components of a table include:

Number Title Headings Body Notes The first component is the table number preceded by the word "Table." The second component is the table title. Use title case with an italic font style. The table must be double-spaced for greater clarity and readability.

A writer's word choices impact the paper's clarity and effectiveness. Each of the following is generally accepted as good advice regarding word choice

Omit needless words. Cut out any excess language that does not add meaning to a sentence. Use the positive form of words; e.g. dissatisfied, instead of not happy. Avoid hedging your statement with the use of adverbs such as almost, quite, or somewhat.

Two or more works within the same parentheses:

Order the citations of two or more works within the same parentheses in the same order in which they appear in the reference list, that is, alphabetically by author. Do not order the works by year of publication. Separate the entries using a semicolon. Before the last item in the list, do not use an "and" or "&". Multiple works by the same author with the same year should use a suffix of "a, b, c, d, etc." after the year. Such references are ordered alphabetically by year including the suffix in the reference list.

A common structure for an expository essay is 5 paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: The introduction. Paragraphs 2-4: The body of the essay, supporting the thesis with evidence for each assertion (based on your own experiences or your reading). Paragraph 5: The conclusion, reviewing the evolution of your argument in light of the evidence. Provide logical transitions between paragraphs, and present only one idea per paragraph

Checking for style:

Part of editing is making sure each sentence delivers the intended message. Read your work aloud to hear which parts need work. Sentences can be improved in several ways: 1) Break up long sentences to create greater impact. The examples here relay the same information. Which is easier to follow? Long sentences with several key points fatigue the reader. Try splitting them into shorter bursts for greater impact. 2) Switch word order to change the tone. Compare the sentences in this example. Natural emphasis is given to the beginning of a sentence. Sometimes an emphatic phrase is buried in the middle. Try changing the word order to catch your reader's attention. 3) Trim excess words and end sentences with emphasis. Another way to strengthen your writing is to end the sentence with a key word. In the first example here, the writer has included unnecessary words and buried the most dramatic term in the middle of the sentence. The second example is brief and concise using the natural stress point at the end of the sentence to leave a stronger impression.

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The delay in the ceremony's commencement was caused by a sudden downpour on the front lawn.

Passive voice. Use the active voice for direct, concise writing.

In general when reporting from the literature, you should use _____ tense verbs.


When conducting academic research, what kind of material can be found in databases such as DOAJ, InfoTrac, and JSTOR?

Peer reviewed journals.

Personal communications

Personal communications include letters, interviews, notes, memos, and some electronic communications (e.g., e-mail). Do not abbreviate the words "personal communication" or the month of the communication. Give the initials as well as the surname of the author and provide as exact date of the communications as possible. You do not include personal communications in the reference list. Personal communications only appear as in-text citations.

Essay writing relies on which of the following?

Personal knowledge and reflection

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is stealing another's ideas and passing them off as your own, whether intentionally or unconsciously.


Podcasts belong to the audiovisual category of references, which should have the type of media provided in brackets after the title of the work. For podcasts and other audiovisual works, list: The artist, host, production company or responsible entity as author The date or date range, depending on if you are referencing one episode or an entire series The title of the work with a description in brackets [Audio podcast] The production company, label, or department responsible as source The URL where the work can be found

Finally, be positive!

Point out the best parts of the paper: a well-written introduction, smooth transitions or logical conclusions. If some aspects of the writing are weaker than others, point out where it could be improved to tie in with stronger areas. Note when an argument is sound, clear, or well-supported.

How can popular periodicals such as magazines be used for academic research?

Popular periodicals can add context to a topic, but should be supported with scholarly sources.

General form for newspapers and magazines

Reference format for newspaper and magazine articles is similar to that of journals, except the date will include the exact day or month of publication. Otherwise, the format should look familiar: Author surname and initials Date of publication (year, month, day) Title of work in sentence case, plain text Source in italics, with any volume number in italics and parentheses, issue number and page range in plain text URL or DOI if available

One way to check the layout of your paper is by re-reading the draft and highlighting the key idea in each paragraph. Those key ideas should do all the following

Reflect the bullet points in your outline. Flow smoothly from one idea to the next with logical transitions. Each shed light on the argument with no notable digressions.

One way to check the layout of your paper is by re-reading the draft and highlighting the key idea in each paragraph. Those key ideas should do all the following EXCEPT:

Represent new and original ideas not included in the rubric.

A well-chosen case for a case study will do all the following EXCEPT:

Represent what is commonly known about the phenomenon of interest.

When conducting internet research, how can you uncover any potential bias in the information presented?

Review the "Mission" or "About Us" tab to learn more about the organization behind the website.

4 steps to writing a research paper: step 4

Review, Revise, Re-Write! Writing a research paper is a process. Writing a first draft does not mean you are done. Review your work with a critical eye. Do your statements all support your conclusion? Do they raise other questions? Have you considered competing theories? Revise any ambiguous areas, delete redundancies, and make sure transitions are smooth and logical from introduction to conclusion. Enlist a friend or classmate to read the paper, and give suggestions. The paper will evolve during subsequent re-writings. Once you are satisfied that your paper accurately represents your research and clearly informs the reader of the results, proofread and correct the finished product.

Subject-verb agreement

Singular subjects need singular verbs. Plural subjects need plural verbs. However, there are a couple of traps in subject-verb agreement that can ensnare the unwary writer: When the subject is a singular pronoun such as "each," the verb must also be singular, no matter the modifier. "Each of the students is taking World History." If you can think of removing the modifier, the verb choice becomes clear. Remember that each, either, not one, everyone, either, and neither are singular, so use a singular verb.

Identify the error in the following sentence: The hotel formally known as The Apple Tree Inn re-opened as The Orchard Inn.

Spelling error

Identify the error in the following sentence: The process was perfected mostly through trail and error.

Spelling error

Four tips to avoid plagiarism:

Takes notes while you are reading to research your topic. Do not just highlight passages or copy and paste into a document - put the ideas in your own words. Put your notes on separate note cards, and include the main idea and its source. You can use these note cards to structure and outline your paper. Close the book (or the browser window)! Write your paper without re-consulting the original source. After you have finished writing, go back to make sure you have not mispresented the idea. Remember that your research papers and dissertations submitted for publication will be checked by services that rate originality. You may want to submit your work to one of these services before turning it in, to ensure you have not committed inadvertent plagiarism.

Which part of a journal article represents a miniature version of the article?

The abstract

Which section(s) of a journal article should you read first, to determine if it is a good source for your paper?

The abstract and conclusion, to see if the study applies to your research problem.

Active voice:

The active voice is more direct and concise than the passive voice. Brevity and clarity lead to more convincing writing.

argumentative essay

an be seen as a hybrid type of writing, halfway between an expository essay and a research paper. Often used as a final project in a course, the argumentative essay forces a writer to: Investigate a key topic Gather resources Prepare an outline Draft a comprehensive analysis of the subject Structure and organization are key to crafting a persuasive argumentative essay. Often longer than an expository essay, it comprises the same elements: Introduction with a defined thesis statement Logical transitions between paragraphs Several body paragraphs giving evidential support A conclusion that reviews the thesis in light of the evidence

Which section of a research paper unites all aspects of the research problem posed in the introduction, tying together the results of the study and with the findings from other literature in the field?

The conclusion

7. End where we began:

The final step in reading a journal article is to re-read the conclusion. Any lingering questions from your first reading should be answered and you should have a solid grasp of the study's significance. A clear understanding of relevant journal articles will strengthen your research and form the background of your paper.

A direct quotation is cited differently in CMS style:

The first time an author is cited, the full name is used. Only the last name is used in subsequent citations by that author. The direct quotation will be enclosed in quotation marks and directly followed with a superscript number, which refers to either a footnote or endnote listing full bibliographic information. Two consecutive notes from the same source will use the word "Ibid." and the page number.

Depending on the kind of feedback you need at each stage, consider the following external opinions:

The instructor or teaching assistant can confirm your understanding of the assignment and provide guidance on subject choice. A classmate or peer can make sure your representations are accurate and fit the content of the class. A friend, who is unfamiliar with the subject, can read the paper and give advice on organization and flow. They will also point out areas that are not explained well.

Which of the following statements indicates correct usage of a running head and header?

The label "Running head" is no longer required; only the abbreviated caption should be listed in the upper left, and the page number in the upper right margin.

For a reference entry for an authored book, which of the following is NOT a correct element?

The location of the publishing house.

4. Methods: The How:

The next section to read is that of methods and materials, which gives the details of the study. How were subjects selected or excluded? Which variables were chosen for study? What methods were used to measure results?

the outline of the paper

The outline will keep your writing on track, making sure no area is neglected. Start with writing your introduction and conclusion. When these end pieces are in place, create sections to fill in the blanks. The body of the paper will cover each element required in the rubric. Design each paragraph as a building block that contributes to the whole structure of the paper.

A professional title page will include 6 elements:

The paper's title An abbreviated running head The author's byline Affiliation of each author An author note The page number

A student title page may include the following elements, or will follow the institution's instructions

The paper's title The author's name Name of university attending Course number and name Instructor name Assignment due date The page number

For a reference list entry of a YouTube video, who should be listed for the author element?

The person or organization that uploaded the video.

Step 2-Explain why the research problem is important:

The problem's importance is not determined by personal interest in the subject; rather, it is a reflection on a specific need not addressed by other studies done on the subject. The research problem must consider current studies and build upon them to contribute to knowledge in the field.

Step 1-State in the introduction of your work what the specific research problem is:

The reader should not have to guess where your thoughts may lead. Your paper is not a mystery novel - point the reader toward the conclusion from the introduction. A convincing research paper will provide a clear, logical path toward the intended destination.

Why should a student use the assignment's rubric to outline a research paper?

The rubric provides logical headings for a paper, and makes sure no key area is neglected.

Name a tool that a student can use to design an outline for a paper to cover all required content.

The rubric.

The only time you use ALL CAPS is with:

The running head

Using the advice in the writing style section, choose the style mistake in the following sentence: "Mrs. Johnson expelled Lexi from the class because she was having a temper tantrum."

The sentence structure is ambiguous; we don't know whether it was Mrs. Johnson or Lexi who had the temper tantrum.


The title will be bold and centered, typed in a legible font. It should summarize the paper's main idea and identify any variables under discussion and the relationship between them.


While tables provide precise data, figures often require the reader to estimate values. Figures can convey at a quick glance an overall pattern of results. Figures are particularly useful in describing an interaction or lack of interaction between nonlinear relations. In general, if you have three or fewer numbers, use a sentence. If you have from four to 20 numbers, use a table. If your table requires more than 20 numbers, you might consider a figure instead of a table. Figures should be simple, clear, and provide continuity with the text. If you are using a figure that is already published, be sure to cite the source with an in-text citation within the figure note. If your paper will be published only in black and white, consider using gray scale patterns rather than colors. For all figures, ensure that images are clear, font is a legible serif or sans serif, and any elements within the figure are labeled or explained.

Same author(s) within a paragraph:

Within a paragraph, you do not need to include the year in subsequent narrative references to the study so long as the study cannot be confused with other studies cited within the paper. However, for parenthetical citations, always include the year. Include the year in each citation if discussing two different works by the same author.

General form for video streaming

YouTube, TED Talks, and other streaming video services are also part of the audiovisual category of references. For YouTube videos, the author spot will be taken by the person or group that uploaded the work, with a username in brackets after the person's surname and initials. For a TED Talk, the speaker is credited as the author. Streaming video references include: The "author", which for YouTube is the person or group that uploaded the content The date content was uploaded The title of the work in italics, followed by a description in brackets [Video] The name of the source and URL for retrieval

Identify the type of writing error in the following sentence: The reduction in hostilities by the rebel forces resulted in the ratification of a peace treaty by the government.

Zombie nouns. Turning active verbs into awkward adjectives makes ideas more abstract A more direct version would read, "Rebel forces reduced hostilities, and in turn the government ratified the peace treaty."

The running head:

a shortened version of the paper's full title, and it is used to help readers identify the titles of published articles. Running heads are necessary for publication, but not required for student papers. The running head cannot exceed 50 characters including spaces and punctuation. The running head's title (here, RIGHT PROJECT RIGHT WAY), is typed in all capital letters. The running head should be flush left and page numbers flush right. The label "Running head" will not be used; only the abbreviated title will appear in the top left of each page.

Proper attribution

an ethical requirement that allows writers to respectfully borrow the ideas of others and expand them.

Abstracts, when used, should _______

be as brief as possible

Academic writing should be characterized by:

clarity, logic, and direction It sets forth its theory, model, and results in non-confusing terms.

Secondary video or audio resources

even more widely used, since a multitude of existing videos or podcasts are readily available online. YouTube,, and television or online news sources all provide content that can be accessed instantly and free of charge. In addition, thousands of educational films in the sciences and humanities are available for purchase of on-demand streaming.

One work for two authors:

for a parenthetical citation with two authors, use the "&" symbol rather than "and". Do not use the "&" symbol within the narrative - always use the word "and" within the narrative of the sentence. Within a paragraph you can substitute "authors" or "researchers" in place of the surnames without a parenthetical citation provided that there is no confusion regarding the work cited.


identical to the original work, match the source exactly, are enclosed in quotation marks, and, again, must be citied with in the text.

Bad academic writing examples:

involves the increasing presence of the informal language and tone of social media and text speak in assignments, resulting in unprofessional submissions. This is a recent phenomenon, as students have become accustomed to leaving out punctuation and capitalization, using technological shorthand for common words ("u" and "ur" in place of "you" and "your") or adding emoticons to their emails, discussion posts, and assignments. Even in less formal discussions, a writer must observe the rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation when addressing the professor or fellow students. The second type of bad writing has become a hallmark of academia: the tendency to use obscure verbiage that clouds the argument and results in papers that are unpleasant to read and difficult to follow. While prevalent in academic journals, this style of writing was the subject of an annual Bad Writing Contest, with "prizes" awarded to the most bloated and incomprehensible research papers published each year.


is required to earn a doctorate. occurs during a doctoral study and is the opportunity for the learner to contribute new knowledge, theories, or practice to a field. In a dissertation, the learner relies on the research of others, known as existing literature, as a guide to proving a unique hypothesis, theory, or concept. The majority of the information in a dissertation is provided by the author. A doctoral dissertation is lengthy, usually 125 to 250 pages, and argues in defense of a particular hypothesis or conjecture.


the requirements are slightly different from referencing a specific article or report on a webpage. Articles and reports will have individual or group authors and dates associated with the content, whereas a webpage itself may have unknown dates of publication and authors only identified from context or through acknowledgments on the site. For a website, reference: The website name as the author, followed by a period The most specific date possible The URL for the website as the source, preceded by a retrieval date only if the content is subject to change If the author is the same as the website name, there is no need to repeat it as the source.

When the same author is referenced for two different works, one of which is co-authored by another person, which work is listed first?

the work in which he is a single author is listed first.


used most commonly in the humanities or liberal arts. English History Philosophy ess rigid than APA Style, MLA style provides guidelines for citing sources. It recognizes that many types of sources are undefinable, and gives guidelines citations that are consistent, clear, and informative to the reader.

Choosing resources

using a search engine such as Google will give you a glimpse of what information is available. Use this overview to target potential literary sources. Do not reference Wikipedia, or any other source that can be edited by the public. Any information you gain from Wikipedia must be independently verified, and the original source cited.


usually display quantitative data. Tables are only effective when the data are arranged so that the meaning is obvious from a glance. In general, if you have three or fewer numbers, use a sentence. If you have from four to 20 numbers, use a table. If your table requires more than 20 numbers, you might consider a figure instead of a table.

An APA in-text citation of a direct quotation:

will include the author's (or authors') last name, publication year, and page number. If the author's name is part of your sentence, the year will be enclosed in parentheses immediately after, with the page number in parentheses at the end of the quotation. Full source information will be listed in References at the end of the paper.

paraphrase or directly quote other authors' work:

you must provide an in-text citation. In addition to crediting the ideas of others that you used, you must provide appropriate documentation for all facts and figures that are not common knowledge. Failure to properly cite your references can lead to charges of plagiarism. Self-plagiarism can occur if you claim your own previously published material as though it were new.

To find credible content:

you will need to avoid commercial websites. To find non-profit (.org), education (.edu), or government (.gov) websites, use Google Advanced search. You can also use this search to target a specific date range, to make sure your information is current. In addition to listing the article's title and author and the date you accessed the site, you should also mention the date the site was last updated, if available, and the organization behind the website, often found in the "Mission" or "Who We Are" tab. Often, finding out more about the website's sponsor will uncover any potential bias in the information.

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