BMED 4853 Final Exam Quiz Questions

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A patient receives an intravenous infusion that causes swelling and lysis of his red blood cells. The solution was most likely: __.

A patient receives an intravenous infusion that causes swelling and lysis of his red blood cells. The solution was most likely: __.

The heart valves open and close due to _____________.

A pressure difference on the two sides of the valve.

Secondary transport can best be described as

A type of active transport that moves two different molecules across a cell membrane, one down its concentration gradient and one against its concentration gradient.

Epinephrine binds to _____ receptors on vascular smooth muscle cells in systemic arterioles to ____ vessel radius and ____ total peripheral resistance.

A1-adrenergic, decrease, increase

Angiotensin II increases blood volume by stimulating

ADH production.

What promotes sodium reabsorbtion in the kidneys?


What is the function of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)? (Select all): -The CSF provides a route by which wastes can be removed from the CNS - The CSF provides a protective padding for the brain - The buoyancy of the CSF reduces the weight of the brain

All of the above

What kind of input/s control hormone secretion?

All of the above

A main brain area for integrating and learning due to emotional experiences is the


Which brain structure, besides the hippocampus, is responsible for the link between stress and memory?


If the molecules are being carried in opposite directions, the carrier proteins are called ______.

Antiport transporters

Epinephrine binds to ____ receptors on pacemaker cells and cardiomyocytes (contractile cells) to increase permeability for ____ and ____ ions to ____ heart rate and stoke volume.

B1-adrenergic, Na+, Ca2+, Increase

Epinephrine binds to ____ receptors on bronchiolar smooth muscle cells to ____ bronchiole diameter and ____ ventilation.

B2-adrenergic, increase, increase

In smooth muscle, the Ca2+ for contraction comes from __________.

Both extracellular fluid and sarcoplasmic reticulum

Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is _____.

Bound to hemoglobin

The plasma is most similar in chemical composition to the fluid in the _______.

Bowman's capsule

The ion necessary to initiate the release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft is ______________.


The process of EC coupling in cardiac muscle is called ______.

Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release

Which of the following would be an example of a biogenic stressor? Select all that apply.

Caffeine, Extreme heat

The velocity of blood flow is slowest in the ______.


Mean arterial pressure is determined by (select all):

Cardiac output, Distribution of blood in the systemic circulation, Resistance to the system to blood flow, Total blood volume

The inhibitory neurotransmitters of the CNS, GABA and glycine, act by opening ________ channels, leading to hyperpolarization.


The tissue surrounding organs and between body cavities is

Connective tissue

Meninges are _______.

Connective tissue coverings around the central nervous system.

Hormones act on their target cells by ________ (select all).

Controlling the rates of enzymatic reactions, Controlling the transport of ions or molecules across cell membranes, Controlling gene expression and the synthesis of proteins

Glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed by ______.

Cotransport/symport with sodium

The long-term stress response includes all of the following (select all):

Damaged neurons of the hippocampus, Sleep disruption, Elevated cortisol levels, Suppression of the immune system

Which of the following factors directly trigger angiotensin (ANG II) release?

Decreased blood pressure

Which of the following does NOT occur when epinephrine is released into the bloodstream?

Decreased ventilation rate

For a typical neuron, chloride ions have an equilibrium potential near -75 mV. When channels that pass Cl- open in a neuron that is near the K+ equilibrium (near -90mV), the neuron becomes ________ (select all applicable answers)

Depolarized, and less negative

When stimulated by the parasympathetic nervous system, the threshold potential for the pacemaker cells _____.

Does not change

Which of the following conditions would have the greatest effect on peripheral resistance?

Doubling the diameter of a vessel

The most important stress hormone during fight-or-flight situations, such as being chased by a bear, is ______.


An increased afterload will generally result in increased stroke volume.


Blood in veins is always deoxygenated.


Parasympathetic input to cardiomyocytes in the ventricles will reduce their contractile force.


Skeletal muscle contraction starts when the muscle fiber depolarizes due to entry of calcium into the cell.


Sympathetic output from cardiovascular control center acting on B2 receptors cause vasodilation in the heart and vasoconstriction in skeletal muscles.


The hydrostatic pressure exerted by Bowman's Capsule is typically negligible when calculating the glomerular net filtration pressure.


The onset of action for an endocrine reflex is much faster than a neural response.


Typically, the protein concentration in the blood and filtrate are roughly equal.


Usually, dilation/constriction of the efferent arteriole does not affect the GFR.


Excretion is broadly defined as ________________ (Sterlings Law)

Filtration + Secretion - Reabsorption

The intensity of a SENSORY stimulus is coded by ________.

Frequency of action potentials

Cortisol is a useful therapeutic drug because it ___________(Select all).

Helps prevent rejection of transplanted organs, Suppresses the immune system, Inhibits the inflammatory response

An important structure in both learning and memory is the ______.


The phospholipids of cell membranes are arranged with ______.

Hydrophilic ends facing extracellular and intracellular fluids

Which of the following is NOT neurological effect of chronic stress?

Increased neurogenesis

Two compartments of equal volume are separated by a membrane that is permeable to water but not to NaCl. Compartment A is filled with a 150 mM NaCl solution and compartment B is filled with an equal volume of 100 mM NaCl is added to compartment B. Once the system reaches equilibrium, compartment A will have _______.

Increased volume and decreased osmolarity

When an arteriole dilates, blood flow through it _____.


If a person's ECF K+ concentration decreases from 3.5 mM to 2.8 mM, what happens to the resting membrane potential of her cells?

It becomes more negative.

What happens to the membrane potential of a cell that suddenly becomes more permeable to Na+?

It becomes more positive.

A cell has an internal osmolarity of 300 mOsM and its membrane is permeable only to water. What happens to the cell's volume if the cell is placed in solution of 200 mOsM NaCl?

It swells.

Which of the following statements about the Na+/K+ pump is FALSE?

It transports Na+ and K+ in a 1:1 ratio.

If the Nernst potential for potassium is -92 mV and the resting membrane potential is -70 mV in a normal cell, and potassium channels are opened, potassium ions will ____.

Leave the cell in order to make membrane potential more negative

The parasympathetic nervous system is anatomically characterized by ________________.

Long preganglionic and short postganglionic nerve fibers

The long-term stress response includes all of the following EXCEPT

Low blood pressure

Which of the following regions of the brain stem controls involuntary functions, such as blood pressure, swallowing, and vomiting?

Medulla oblongata

The basal ganglia is primarily responsible for ______.


What causes the rapid depolarization phase of the action potential?

Na+ entering the cell through voltage-gated channels

When voltage-gated Na+ channels of a resting neuron open,

Na+ enters the neuron and the neuron depolarizes.

Groups of neuronal cell bodies in the CNS are ______.


Ions directly regulated by the kidney include all EXCEPT which of the following?


Peripheral chemoreceptors located in the carotid and aortic arteries are most sensitive to which of the following?


Which type of input will be increased by vagal nerve stimulation?


An example of a procedural memory is:

Playing piano. (implicit - skilled behavior)

The most concentrated cation in intracellular fluid (inside cell) is ________.


What is the normal effect of the prefrontal cortex on amygdala activity?

Prefrontal cortex suppresses amygdala activity

Which region of the cerebrum receives and interprets somatic information from receptors for touch, pain, and proprioception?

Primary somatosensory cortex

Which of the following is TRUE for both somatic and visceral sensory function?

Provides feedback that modulates motor output.

With which ECG feature is isovolumetric ventricular contraction most closely associated?

QRS complex

If a person had a partial spinal cord injury on the right side of the spinal cord at thoracic level 8 (T8) what would be the most likely sensory test outcomes?

Reduced sensation to pin prick on the left leg.

Stretching the muscle spindle causes _________.

Reflex contraction of the muscle

The RAAS pathway begins with the secretion of


Mechanosensation afferents travel to the cortex along which pathway?

Sensory receptor to ipsilateral (same side as entry) dorsal spinal cord to medulla, medulla to thalamus, thalamus to cortex.

Which of the following is NOT true of diffusion in the human body?

Smaller molecules take longer to diffuse than larger ones.

The targets of the autonomic nervous system include _________ (Select all).

Smooth and cardiac muscles, Some endocrine and exocrine glands, Some adipose tissue

Why do some normal cells fail to respond to a chemical signal?

Some cells lack the necessary receptors.

Which one is NOT a lobe of the brain?

Spinal lobe.

Which class of hormones is lipid-soluble?


The difference between the end diastolic volume and the end systolic volume is known as the ______

Stroke volume

The division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for intense levels of activity and stress is the ___________.

Sympathetic division

Which of the following allows action potentials to move rapidly from the muscle cell surface into the interior?


Which of the following is a CORRECT example of short-loop negative feedback?

TSH inhibits the release of TRH

Which of the following statements concerning the brainstem is true?

The brainstem is an integrating center for many autonomic functions.

Which is TRUE about typical, resting neurons? - The plasma membrane is completely impermeable to potassium ions. - The plasma membrane is most permeable to chloride ions. - The concentration of sodium ions is equal inside and outside the cell - The permeability of the plasma membrane to potassium ions is much lower than its permeability to sodium ions. - The concentration of sodium ions is greater outside the cell than inside.

The concentration of sodium ion is greater outside the cell than inside.

Resting membrane potential is primarily generated by

The movement of K ions down their electrical gradient through leak channels.

Which of the following statements concerning the occipital lobe is true?

The occipital lobe is the primary visual cortex.

If a particular cell in the body does not have a receptor for a specific hormone, ____________.

This hormone will have no effect on this cell

When does structural plasticity happen in the brain?

Throughout life.

A hormone traveling in the bloodstream ______.

Travels to all cells but elicits responses only in cells with receptors for that hormone

Which of these statements about smooth muscle contraction is FALSE?

Troponin plays the same role as in skeletal muscle.

(True/False) Blood in the two left side chambers of the heart is always oxygenated.


(True/False) Stimulus intensity is directly correlated with the amount of hormone secreted.


A small increase in EDV (with no other changes) will increase the cardiac output.


Increasing/decreasing the surface area of the glomerulus is a method the body can use to alter the GFR.


Parasympathetic input to pacemaker cells will reduce heart rate.


Plasma epinephrine is capable of altering the contractility of the heart and the heart rate.


The "stress hormones" of the adrenal cortex, such as cortisol, are useful in fight-or-flight situations, such as being chased by a bear.


The apical surface of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle is NOT permeable to water.


True or False: The corticospinal tract initiates in the sensorimotor cortex and projects directly to the contralateral spinal cord.


Glucose can be transported up the gradient by ____.

Using Na+ gradient

The hormone that directly controls water reabsorption by the kidneys is


A researcher has a sample of an unknown blood vessel. After performing testing, they find high levels of elastic tissue markers, lower levels of smooth muscle cells, and vessel diameter of 4.5 mm. The sample is MOST likely what type of blood vessel?


What would likely occur if the extracellular fluid (ECF) osmolarity increases as a result of salt intake?

Water will move out of the cells and they will shrink.

Which statement about the flexion-withdrawal and crossed-extensor reflex is FALSE?

When this reflex occurs, you have no perception that it has occurred.

When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell, _____.

a second messenger is activated in the cytoplasm.

The neurotransmitter in the synapse between the pre- and postganglionic autonomic neurons is ______________.


In response to a threat, the amygdala processes fear and sends signals to the hypothalamus which __________.

activates the sympathetic nervous system via the HPA axis

Which of the following correctly orders blood flow through the glomerulus?

afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole

The hormone that most directly influences Na+ balance in the body is __________.


Amplification during a second-messenger cascade is beneficial because amplification ________.

allows small amounts of ligand to produce large responses in target cells.

Gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood takes place in the _____.


Assuming no other changes, dilation of the afferent arteriole would lead to ________ in GFR.

an increase

Which is the correct flow of blood?

arteries --> arterioles --> capillaries --> venules --> veins

Neurotransmitters are released from the _________

axon terminals

The sensory receptor that senses changes in blood pressure is the ____, and the control center that receives the sensory information is located in the ____.

baroreceptors, medulla oblongata

The force for glomerular filtration is the

blood pressure in the glomerular capillaries

A rise in angiotensin II levels would result in increased (select all):

blood pressure, retention of sodium ions at the kidney, water retention, blood volume.

Most oxygen is carried in the blood ______; but most carbon dioxide is ________.

bound to hemoglobin; associated with bicarbonate ions in the plasma

Sodium ions are more concentrated in the extracellular fluid than in the intracellular fluid. This is an example of ___________

chemical disequilibrium.

The osmolarity of the final urine is established in the ________.

collecting duct

Diffusion rate is directly proportional to all of the following with the exception of _______.

compliance of the barrier

In the myocardium, voltage-gated Na+ channels are found in the ___ cells and contribute to the ___ phase of the action potential.

contractile; depolarization

The anatomical arrangement of the kidney that allows transfer of solutes from one blood vessel to another is called the

countercurrent exchange system

The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is ____.

decreased in rapidly metabolizing tissue

Oxygen moving from the alveoli into the blood does so by _______.


Airflow is ____ related to pressure gradient and ___ related to resistance.

directly, inversely

Which part of the nephron listed below is directly involved in forming the juxtaglomerular apparatus?

distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

Cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in ______.

dorsal root ganglia

An explorer has been lost in the desert for two days with very little water. As a result, you would expect to observe ____.

elevated vasopressin levels

The term used to describe the amount of blood in the ventricle after ventricular relaxation is called ______.

end-diastolic volume (EDV)

The purpose of having valves in the cardiovascular system is to ________.

ensure that blood flows in one direction

Which of the following is NOT a component of blood vessels?


Alveolar pressure at the end of inspiration is _____ alveolar pressure at the end of expiration.

equal to

The arterial PO2 in a person with anemia (low Hb) will be _____ the arterial PO2 in a normal person. (All other factors are equal.)

equal to

What class of capillary is found in the glomerulus?


The amount of a substance that is excreted in the urine is equal to the amount that is ________ plus the amount that is ________ minus the amount that is ________.

filtered; secreted; reabsorbed

The process that removes selected molecules from the blood and adds them to the filtrate is called ________.


The oxygen content of the blood in the aorta is ______ the oxygen content in the pulmonary artery.

greater than

An important structure in both learning and memory is the _________.


Which part of the brain forms rapid associations for memories?


Secretion of hormones from the anterior pituitary is stimulated by ________ released from the ________.

hormones; hypothalamus

Are hydrophilic molecules or hydrophobic molecules more permeable to cell membranes?

hydrophobic molecules

Given tubes of equal length and diameter (and the inflow/outflow pressures below), which will have the highest flow?

in = 70mHg and out = 10 mmHg (The one with the greatest difference in pressures/pressure gradient)

An increase in the number of voltage-gated Ca2+ ion channels in the presynaptic terminal would___

increase exocytosis.

Eating salty dry food without drinking will cause (before any response) a(n) ________ in body fluid osmolarity and ________ in the volume of the body fluids.

increase; no change

Which of the following would result in an increased stroke volume?

increased EDV, increased sympathetic nervous system stimulation

Which of the following factors affect the release of atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP)?

increased blood pressure

A positive inotropic agent would directly cause ________

increased stroke volume

As the PO2 of the plasma increases, the amount of oxygen dissolved in plasma _____.


When baroreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies register increased blood pressure, this results in _____.

inhibition of vasopressin secretion

When venous return is increased, stretch receptors in the atria of the heart are activated. This results in

inhibition of vasopressin secretion

The hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system _____________.

is a modified capillary bed that transports hormones directly from the hypothalamus to the pituitary (only location besides the liver)

The conduction of an action potential along an axon (myelinated vs. unmyelinated) ___________.

is faster in myelinated nerve fibers than in unmyelinated nerve fibers

If the volume of a gas mixture doubles, the pressure _____.

is halved (PV=nRT)

Describing a physiological variable as "homeostatic" means that it ____.

is in a state of dynamic constancy that is regulated to remain near a stable set point value.

In the lumen of the proximal tubule, Na+ concentration ________ the Na+ concentration inside the cells of the tubule wall.

is much higher than

In the living body, Na+ in the ECF and ICF_____.

is not in equilibrium

Which is NOT a kidney filtration barrier?

juxtaglomerular apparatus

The maximum oxygen-carrying capacity of 1 L of whole blood in a normal person is ___ the maximum oxygen-carrying capacity in a person with anemia.

less than

Compared to the systemic circulation, the pulmonary circulation has a ____.

lower resistance

In an epithelium, the apical membrane is the membrane that faces the ________.


Which of the following is likely to cause edema?

lymphatic system failure

Paracrine feedback from the ________ in the distal tubule to the granular cells stimulates the release of ________.

macula densa, renin

Which organelles would you expect to be especially numerous in skeletal muscle cells that utilize oxygen to generate a great deal of energy in the form of ATP?


Ventilation refers to to the ____.

movement of air into and out of the lungs.

The receptor found on most parasympathetic target cells is ______________.

muscarinic cholinergic

The receptor in the synapse between pre- and post-ganglionic autonomic neurons is _____________.

nicotinic cholinergic

The action potential of a cardiac contractile cell is _______ to that of a skeletal muscle cell.

not identical

The hormone that regulates water reabsorption by the kidneys

only increases water permeability in the collecting duct portions of the kidney tubules

Atropine causes the pupil of the eye to dilate by blocking the effect of muscarinic receptors. This means atropine is a(n) _____.

parasympathetic blocking agent.

The heart is encased in a membranous sac called the _____.


The most potent stimulus for vasopressin release is ____.

plasma osmolarity

Flow is proportional to _____.

pressure gradient

The adrenal medulla may be considered a modified sympathetic ganglion, but the post-synaptic cells of the adrenal medulla _____________.

primarily release epinephrine, rather than norepinephrine

During ventricular contraction, which two valves of the heart open?

pulmonary and aortic

A sudden elevation in aortic blood pressure ____.

reduces stroke volume

Functions of the kidneys include all but one of the following. Identify the exception.

regulation of blood protein levels

An actively contracting muscle will cause local temperature to rise and will produce acidic molecules. Warmth and lower pH cause the oxygen-hemoglobin saturation curve to shift ______ reflecting that hemoglobin releases ______ oxygen.

right, more

To increase the amount of neurotransmitter released onto a postsynaptic cell, the presynaptic cell would have to

send action potentials with higher frequency.

Which of the following is NOT an effector controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

skeletal muscle

The targets of the autonomic nervous system include _________.

smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and some endocrine glands

Extracellular fluid osmolarity is largely determined by ________ concentration.


The hormone vasopressin _____.

stimulates the kidneys to conserve water

You find a neuron that is secreting acetylcholine onto a muscarinic receptor on its target cell. When you trace the axon back to the spinal cord, you see that is part of the nerve coming from the lumbar region. Based on its anatomy, you should classify this neuron as _______________.

sympathetic (sweat nerve)

The division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for intense levels of activity and stress is the ______________.

sympathetic division

Cells that respond to signals are usually called ______


During the isovolumic phase of ventricular systole, ______

the atrioventricular valves and semilunar valves are closed.

Most body water is located in _____

the cells (intracellular)

The adrenal medulla is considered a modified sympathetic ganglion, because ___________________.

the cells release (primarily) epinephrine directly into the blood

Afterload is best defined as _________

the systemic resistance from the arteries on the heart

If the connection between the AV node and bundle of His becomes blocked,

the ventricles will beat more slowly.

Cells of the sinoatrial (SA) node of the heart act as pacemakers because______.

they depolarize autonomously due to a "funny" channel

The same neurotransmitter may produce different effects on neurons primarily because of differences in the ____________.

type of receptors on the postsynaptic membrane

The same neurotransmitter may produce different effects on neurons because of differences in the _____

type of receptors on the postsynaptic membranes of neurons.

After drinking a large volume of water, compensation is primarily achieved by a decrease in the level of the hormone ________.


Which of the following is NOT a function of the limbic system?

voluntary movement

Passive transport moves a substance ______ the concentration gradient and _______ energy to do work.

with, does not require

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