BOLD Guy Final Exam

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What are the 7 "must know" facts about prophets?

(1) - Some trained in schools, some not (2) - some prophecy words, others by actions (3) - most are creative and odd, outcasts in society. (4) - All of them embody their message. (5) - All of them have been convicted by God. (6) - Some predict the future most offer possible futures. (7) - All of them have a message for their day.

What are the 4 functions of a Prophet?

(1) Intercedes for God and man (2) call the people back to God (3) offers people a second chance (4) Demonstrate Judgement/Grace

Know the facts about "the Life of the Prophet"

- 40 to 60 years of service. - no one returned back to God - Court prophet concerned with foreign policy

Why was Jonah angry with God?

- Assyria's atrocities could no longer be used against them. - Jonah's only wants to live in a world he rules.

What factors led God to reject Israel's sacrifices?

- God reject manipulative worship - Rejects syncretistic worship - God seeks transformed lives & worship

Know the facts about "Isaiah the Man"

- Husband and Father - Resident of Jerusalem - Royal - Called to prophecy - Sawn in two under Manasseh

What was Hosea called to do that embodied his message?

- Marry a Woman of Prositution - Have children with her

In what 3 ways did Israel commit spiritual prostitution?

- Misdirected praise to Baal - International Entanglement - Materialsim & wealth

What 3-4 things makes Jonah an "a-typical" prophet?

- Rejects his call - Angry at God - Angry at Nineveh - setup and waits for destruction

What are 4 issues that dominate the focus of the prophet?

- Worship - Covenant faithfulness - Social Justice - Repentance

How did Amos' geographical origin affect the response by his audience?

- from Southern kingdom - Went to prophesy in North. . . they rejected him

What 3 ways does Jonah prefigure Jesus' death and resurrection?

- in a fish for 3 days - separated from God's presence - God delivered both of them from shehol (the grave)

What are 3 ways in which the rich forced the poor into slavery?

- sold them shaft of weeds as food - raise prices - reduce product

the meaning of the opening slide on the date, 2 locations, vision-travel, two audiences & the debate about the remnant, and the function of the glory cloud in Ezekiel.

-592 bc -located in Babylon, vision of Judah -God's glory cloud (presence) would leave Judah for Babylon -more destruction to befall Judah -complacent in Babylon -which is saved remnant???

What are the purposes of the book of Daniel?

-Daniel revered as hero -be faithful unto martyrdom -don't assimilate -God is sovereign -Pride is evil

Who are the bad and good shepherds in ch 34?

-bad: current leaders -good: Yahweh w/ messiah

the 9 sign-acts of Ezekiel and their individual meaning

-bound & silent -Engraved brick (besieged city) -lying on side (exile will suck) -dung fire -beard shavings -exile's baggage -eating & quaking -altering proverbs & prophecies (overturn fakes) -2 sticks (reunify Judah Israel)

Where was the idolatry taking place and by whom in Ezekiel 6-9?

-elder's chambers -women worshiping -leaders of Israel in Temple

Where is the glory of the Lord at the beginning of chapter 10? Where is it at the end? Significance?

-starts in Jerusalem -ends in Babylon God will be with His exiles

4 facts and sub-points about the Book of Jeremiah

. Longest book in the OT (larger than book of 12 combined) 2. Loose collection of oracles -- poetic with some prose 3. Jeremiah dictated chs. 1-25 to scribe Baruch 4. There are multiple books by Jeremiah today: a. First edition burned by Jehoiakim b. Hebrew Jeremiah: longer than 35 chapters c. Greek Jeremiah: 1/7th shorter than Hebrew + the OAN are in a different order and location d. The DSS confirm at least 2 Jeremiahs

Know the 3 descriptions of Ezekiel's role as a prophet

1. "Son of Man" = between heaven and earth 2. "Navi" (spokesman) & "Roeh" (seer) = a representative for the divine 3. "Watchman" = warns of doom

When were the 3 exiles of Judah and which three Davidic kings were ruling at the time?

1. 605 BC - Jehoiakim 2. 597 BC - Jehoiachin 3. 586 BC - Zedekiah

What are the two meanings of the abomination that desolates from Dan 9?

1. Antiochus Epihpanes desecrates 2nd temple 2. Rome destroys 2nd temple

What do the four parts of the image represent in ch 2? What does the stone represent?

1. Babylon 2. Persia 3. Greeks 4. Rome Stone represents the Kingdom of God

What 3 ways did Nebuchadnezzar attempt to change Daniel's identity in ch 1?

1. Babylonian diet 2. Babylonian 3 year education 3. Babylonian theophoric names

the last 4 out of 7 Sign-Acts of Jeremiah and their significances

1. Buys a field = exile will be temporary 2. Throws a scroll in sea = Babylon will sink 3. Buries stones in Egypt = Babylon throne 4. No funeral or feast = no time b/c of exile

The 3 major themes of Ezekiel and their sub-points

1. Don't be complacent - exile is your fault -covenanted with the nations and idolatry with other gods -false reassuring prophets -absent shepherds and stubborn people 2. Exile will be longer and worse than you think -70 years, more war, deportations, and the destruction of the Temple 3. Restoration will follow for a remnant with a new heart, covenant, and temple -Yahweh is with the exiles

Concerning what 4 topics did Zechariah motivate the people?

1. Finish temple 2. Repent and renew covenant 3. Social justice 4. Imesiance hope

What 4 qualities of the 2nd covenant made it "new" (Jer 31)?

1. Internal law written by God 2. Equal relationship with God 3. Totalizing forgiveness 4. New Jerusalem

What do each of the words on Belshazzar's wall mean?

1. Mene (x2) = God's numbered days of kingdom 2. Tekel = You have been weighed in the balance & are found lacking 3. Parsin- Your kingdom will be divided by the Medes and Persians

Under what 3 kingdoms did Daniel & his friends rise in power?

1. Neb. and Belshazzar of Babylon 2. Darius the Mede 3. Cyrus of Persia

What are possible meanings of the latter glory being greater than the former glory of the temple?

1. Persian Gifts 2. Jesus

the 3 meanings of "Hevel"

1. Pessimist - life is empty, but God is filling 2. Realist - life is absurd, but God is not. 3. Optimist - life is short, but enjoyable for the one who lives for God

the human perspectives of the 5 chapters (e.g. soldier, reporter, etc.) (Lamentations)

1. The city (Jerusalem) - Outside view 2. Wrath of God (Reporter) - Inside view 3. The compassion of God (Soldier) - Upward 4. All are sinners (Elite) - Overall view 5. Prayer (Chorus) - Future

the 4 theological concerns and their answers

1. Who is the remnant?- Babylonian exiles or Palestinian survivors 2. Whose God is stronger?- Babylon's or Israel's a. God's ability to act by curses shows power b. Recognition formula: "They will know that I am Yahweh" (by my curses) 3. Yahweh's omnipresence- (Oracles Against Nations) 4. Yahweh's holiness - (visions)

the "discussing and applying Jeremiah" points.

1. ch 15: God's pity can be exhausting. 2. ch 7;1 Jn 5: You should not pray for some people. 3. chs 18-19; Rom 9: God shapes some futures by folding & others by breaking. 4. chs 27, 29; Rom 13: how can you embrace your exile & your leaders as God's choice? 5. ch 36: What in the Bible would you try to burn ? 6. ch 7: How does a temple become a den of robbers? 7. ch 31: What is so new about the 2nd covenant?

7 facts about Jeremiah

1.) Born to a priestly family and town who later oppose him. 2.) Called to prophecy "to young." He "could not speak we." 3.) Prophesied the fall of his own city Jerusalem from Josiah to Zedekiah. 4.) The "weeping prophet" Loved people & country. 5.) called to celibacy as a sign of yahweh's innevocable decision to punish his people. 6.) Persecated 7.) He speaks impreceatery - like "jeremical."

7 facts about the World of Jeremiah

1.) Josiah was 21 years old (657 BC) 2.) Josiah discover "the Book of the Law" (622 BC) 3.) Joniah reformed Jerusalem before his premature death (609 BC) 4.) Egypt, Assyria, & Babylon, fight over Palestine 5.) Jeremiah said Babylon was God's agent, but Zedekiah sided with Egypt anyway (594 BC). 6.) Jerusalrem was besieged in 586, bu Zedekiah did not give up the fight as Jeremiah advised (21: 1-14) 7.) When Gov. Gedaliah was killed, Jeremiah & Baruch were taken by the murderers to Egypt (43:5-7).

In Hosea, what two promises define faithfulness?

1.) Monogamy 2.) Unconditional Love

How long after the book of Jonah was the book of Nahum written?

100 years

Know that "Zechariah" the most common name in the Bible. (How many times)

129 times

How many years was this after they returned to the land?

50 years

When was the temple finally rebuilt?

536 BC

What is and what is not a characteristic of apocalyptic literature.

6 Characteristics: 1. Narrow eschatology 2. Mediated revelation 3. Unusual imagery 4. Setting of oppression 5. Deterministic view of history and attendant optimism 6. Named after a prophet &/or contains prophecies

How long did Jeremiah say the exile would last (ch 25)?

70 years

Be able to recognize a definition or example of an acrostic.

Acrostic- first letter of the statement follows with the pattern of the other first letters of other statements

Descended from Lot, Abraham's nephew, and its chief gods were El and Milcom.


Israel's ancestor Jacob was "a wandering [nation's name]" (Deut 26:5).


Also called "Syria" and its capital was Damascus.


Main god was Hadad (notice: most famous king Ben-Hadad, "son of the god Hadad").


Capital was Nineveh and chief deity was Ashur.


Located in N. Mesopotamia. Most powerful in the 8th c. Exiled Israel's N. Kingdom in 722 BC.


What is Habakkuk's second complaint? What is God's answer?

Babylon is worse than Judah. How can we be judged by them?

Abraham was from "Ur" of [this nation] where the biblical "Tower of Babel" was built.


Its most famous king was Nebuchadnezzar and chief deity was Marduk.


Located in S. Mesopotamia ("between the rivers"). Sometimes called "the Chaldeans."


What does God promise to restore if Israel repents (Joel 2:25)?

Because the Locusts had taken away their crops, God will restore those years

According to Jer 7, what repeated prophetic saying gave Israel a false sense of security?

Because we have the temple of the Lord, nothing bad will happen

What does Daniel's deliverance from the lions signify about Daniel?

Blameless before God & king

Why does God restore Job's fortunes in the end?

By grace

Chief god was Baal and his wife/sister Asherah.


Comprised of 7 nations (Hittites, Jebusites, etc.) who dwelled in Israel's "promised land."


the 2 different structures of the 5 chapters of lamentations and their 2 significances.

Chs. 1-4: Alphabetized Acrostic Ch. 5: Not Acrostic - has 22 lines

What chapters and topics divide the structure of Daniel in half?

Chs. 1-6 and Chs. 7-12

Know the facts about Lamentations' content, date, genre, author, & purpose.

Content: Emotional poem about the fall of Jerusalem Date: after the fall of Jerusalem Genre: congregational lament Author: Hebrew Bible - among the writings Greek Bible associated with Jeremiah Purpose: Theodicy and Healing

Early history

Creation Fall Flood Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) Job (the person) Moses & the exodus from Egypt The Law at Mount Sinai Wilderness Wandering Conquest of Canaan Judges

Who are 7 men named in the headings of the Psalms?

David, Asaph, Korah, Heman, Ethan, Moses, Solomon

What action does God say he "hates"?


Descended from Esau, brother of Jacob, and Job was possibly from here.


Plundered Israel during the Babylonian Exile (Obadiah condemns them).


Located in N.E. Africa. Known as the "the breadbasket" because the Nile River provides it with agricultural consistency.


Subjugated Israel for 400 years. Its chief deity was Amun-Ra.


What are the three basic arguments of Job's 3 friends?

Eliphaz: God follows Retribution. Bildad: God is Just. Zophar: God is Fair.





Know that Haggai encouraged Israel to prioritize the rebuilding of Yahweh's house to their own houses.

He told them to reprioritize and put the temple first over their own houses.

The book of Daniel is written in what two languages?

Hebrew and Aramaic

Why does God want Hesed instead of sacrifice?

Hesed is convenant love - monogamy & unconditional love

the overall theme of the book of Lamentations: ______ through despair.


Who is depicted as resurrected in Ezek 37?


Descended from Jacob, comprised of 12 tribes, observed the Sabbath day, and avoided pork.


What is a "court narrative" and which stories in the Old Testament & Intertestamental Literature are similar to the court narratives in Daniel?

Jews engaging Gentiles in royal court -Joseph -Esther -Bell & dragon -Suzanna

When God appears, what is Job's response?

Job acknowledges his insignificance, his arguments fade away, repents & God vindicates

What are the 4 wisdom books of the Old Testament?

Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon

Pre-Exilic Period (7th c)

Joel Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah

Malachi prophesied the "Elijah to come" before the Messiah. Who was the Elijah to come?

John the Baptist

What did Edom do and no do with regard to Israel that caused Yahweh/Obadiah to condemn them?

Joined Babylon, refused aid, gloated, cut off refugees

Pre-Exilic Period (8th c)

Jonah Amos Hosea Isaiah Micah North Israel Exiled (722 BC)

What attributes of God do the books of Jonah and Nahum display?

Jonah shows patience & forgiveness. Nahum shows wrath & justice.

What are three qualities of "the Fear of Yahweh"?

Knowing of and Trusting in Yahweh, Loving what is good, hating what is evil, Accepting Correction

What does the fourth being in the fiery furnace look like to Nebuchadnezzar?

Like a "son of Elohim"



the features of Isaiah's call in chapter 6.

Lord asks, "Whom should I send? And who will go for us?" Isaiah answers, "Here am I. Send me!" Henini--symbolic of Christ & Isaiah

What more could and does God require of us (the 3 acts and 2 divisions)?

Love both God and man. Do justice, love Hesed, and walk humbly with God.

Who did Yahweh say that he loved and who did he say he hated?

Loved Jacob Hated Esau

According to Tremper Longman, what are 3 steps for "Studying Proverbs"?

Meanings are not always apparent at first, requires meditation and thought, read 1-2, apply them to your situation & ask "which choice best demonstrates the fear of the Lord?" or store them away in your mind for proper use later.

Nomadic cattle herders. Conquered by Persia. The ID of "Darius the [this nation]" (Dan 6) is unknown outside the Bible.


What part of God's nature does not change?

Merciful judgement

What key spiritual problem was at the root of Israel's lost sense of ministry in Malachi's day?

Messiah's Imminent

The 7 New Testament allusions and that they are found in Zechariah.

Messianic Prophetic References: - A branch from David - A humble king - Betrayal - Mourning in Jerusalem b/c they crucify the Messiah - Cleansing Fountain (Jesus' sacrifice) - The Shepherd slain - Conclusion = Lord's return

Which book, chapter, and verse told Herod where the Messiah would be born?

Micah 5:2

Who are the two angels that assist Daniel?

Michael and Gabriel

Ruth was from this nation.


Descended from Lot, Abraham's nephew, and its chief god was Chemosh.


In chapter 4, who turns into a beast for being prideful about his kingdom?



New Covenant


New Creation


New Kingdom


New Life


Nineveh (destruction of)

What does this Gentile origin reveal about faith in Yahweh in the Old Testament?

Non-Israelite setting (faith in other nations)


O bad Edom!

What is the shortest book of the Old Testament?


Post-Exilic Period (5th-4th c)

Obadiah Cyrus's Decree of Release (539 BC) 🡪 3 waves of returnees: Zerubbabel (520/15 BC) - rebuilds temple Haggai Zechariah Esther (480 BC) Ezra (458 BC) - restores law Nehemiah (445 BC) - rebuilds wall Malachi

What is the Sages' greatest fear for a child (5:23)?

One without self restraint

What are the five sources of evil? (and know how they can interrelate)

Ourselves, other humans, demons, God, accident.

Why does the book of Job not end in chapter 2?

Period of misery

Esther married Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) who was king of this nation.


Ezra and Nehemiah were commissioned by the king of this nation to reform Jerusalem.


Most famous ruler was Cyrus.


This nation's chief religion was Zoroastrianism and chief deity was Ahura Mazda.


Nomadic cattle herders settled in modern Iran. Official written language was "Aramaic."


the significance of the following terms/locations: Petra, Mt. Seir, the Sik Canyon, Edom/Red.

Petra-Capital Mt. Sir-main mountain Sik Canyon edom/red-rocks were red

The word "Palestine" derives from the same root as this nation's name.


A pirate-like group of mercenaries often called the "Sea Peoples" in the literature.


Most famous citizen was Goliath and best known god was Dagon.


Settled 5 cities on the Mediterranean coast (Gaza, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath, & Ashdod).


Known for its gypsies, traders of wares, and craftsmen of pottery, cedar, cyprus, dyes, & ships.

Phoenicians (Tyre, Sidon)

For what purpose did God intend his temple? How was it abused in Jesus's day?

Place of worship for all the nations, stands, were setup in the gentile courtyards


Poetry, Worship


Poetry, hope through sorrow

the 9 types and sub-types of praise/lament psalms, their definition & 1 example of each.

Praise: Wisdom: built into creation and accessible to humans (Ps 1); Covenant/Torah: goodness of the law (Ps 119); Royal/Enthronement: celebrates Yahweh's rule over all creation even in absence of the Davidic dynasty (Ps 24); Ascent: sung during pilgrimage to Mt. Zion (Pss 120-134); Confidence: maintain trust in God despite circumstances (Ps 23; 73) Lament: Penitential (one's own sin; Ps 51); Imprecatory (oppression of an enemy; Ps 35); Communal (shared suffering of entire group; Ps 13)



Know the 1 sentence "brief intros" to Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job.

Proverbs: a collection of short, universal sayings about God, his world and how to make the right decision. Ecclesiastes: classroom discussion about where meaning is found. Job: an example of the exception to the observable rules of the world and even God.

What OT book is cited in the NT more than any other?


What is the theme of Haggai?






What are the trials and outcomes of rounds 1 and 2 of the wager?

Round 1: Trial- 4 messengers relate 4 tragedies that rob Job of all he holds dear. Outcome: Job responds in grief, acceptance & worship. Round 2: Trial-Job's loathsome sores & wife's foolish advice. Outcome- Job didn't sin with his lips. Satan loses.

The Exilic Period (6th c)

S. Israel (Judah) Exiled in 3 waves: Daniel (605 BC) Ezekiel (597 BC) Jeremiah (586 BC) Lamentations

What is the theme image associated with Zephaniah?

Searching for the Wicked - Yahweh carrying a lamp going through the city of Jerusalem looking for the wicked

Jezebel was the daughter of this nation's king.



Social Justice

Who represents "Qoheleth" and why?

Solomon - wise and worldly

Who are the 4 contributors to Proverbs?

Solomon, The Words of the Wise, Agur, King Lemuel

According to Haggai, what two factors caused the work of rebuilding the temple to cease for 16 years?

Spirit of indifference and selfishness

the meaning of chapter one's vision

The Glory of the Lord appears in Babylon


The Just shall live by faith


The day of the Lord

"Wisdom is the __________ to navigate through life because one's _______ ________ is strong."

The expertise to navigate through life because one's moral character is strong

In Dan 7, what is given to the Son of Man?

The saints; given rule of God's kingdom forever

Be sure to know that the two famous verses - "the just shall live by faith" and "the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him"—come from Habakkuk.

"the just shall live by faith" and "the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him"—come from Habakkuk.

What are the 4 promises of restoration Amos offered the exiled Israelites?

(1) - Davidic king (2) - Independent Kingdom (3) - Abundant Produce (4) - Re-Possesses the land

What are the two possible structures for Isaiah?

(1) - Old Testament, New Testament (2) - Pre-exilic (1st), exilic (2nd), Post-exilic (3rd)

As an analogy, Haggai teaches which is contagious - holiness or un-holiness?


11th/10th cent BC

United Monarchy: Saul (1050) David (1010) Psalms Solomon (970) Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Kingdom of Israel Divides (930)


Walking with God

What is Habakkuk's first complaint? What is God's answer?

Why does God sit by and watch the violence in Judah?

What is the message of Job? In what verses of Job can this message be found?

Will a Person Serve God for Nothing in Return? (Job 1:9-11)


Wisdom, Endurance


Wisdom, Seize the Day


Wisdom, Wisdom and Folly

How was Israel robbing God?

Withholding their quality sacrifices from God and using it for themselves

What are 4 benefits to knowing the range of sources of evil?

Won't blame God for everything, won't give Satan more power than he has, won't forget to take responsibility when necessary, won't hold self or others responsible for accidents

What is the overall message/theme of Ecclesiastes?

You only have one life

Who prophesied alongside Haggai?


In Haggai, who is the bearer of the Messianic promise?


Is the fool a blundering and lovable person or a wicked person whose end is self-destruction?

a wicked person

In what 2 places was Jeremiah imprisoned (Jer 37-38)?

courtyard and cistern


covenant lawsuit

How was SOS interpreted in the early and Medieval church? How is SOS interpreted by most scholars today?

early and medieval: allegory for God's love for Israel, for Christ's love for the church, for the HS's love for the soul today: see romance and no spiritual message

What are the 4 final reflections on love from Song of Solomon?

extraordinary everyday love, fulfillment in a good world, if human love is this good imagine divine, God is the beloved but he has also given you a beloved to love


justice of God.

What does the name Malachi mean?

my messenger

What does proverbs mean by "the simple" person (Prov 1:4)?

naive child

What is unique about SOS among all the Old Testament books?

play-like: only book consisting of dialogue

Song of Solomon

poetry, Love

Lex Talionis

punishment should fit the crime


righteousness > blessing. wickedness > cursing

Regardless of what has caused your hardship, what is the appropriate response?

turn to God in faith

Exilic (605-539 BC)

∙Daniel ∙Ezekiel ∙Jeremiah

Pre-Exilic (7th Century BC)

∙Joel ∙Nahum ∙Habakkuk ∙Zephaniah

Pre-Exilic (8th Century BC)

∙Jonah ∙Amos ∙Hosea ∙Isaiah ∙Micah

Post-Exilic (BC 539-?)

∙Obadiah ∙Haggai ∙Zechariah ∙Malachi

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