Bone fractures (definition)
Pathologic Fracture
A break in the bone due to an underlying pathology
Longitudinal Fracture
A break in the bone in line with the long axis of the bone
Greenstick Fracture
A break of the bone, occurring typically in children, in which one side of the bone is broken and the other only bent.
comminuted fracture
A break or splintering of the bone into more than two fragments
simple fracture
A broke bone that does now penetrate through the skin
transverse fracture
A broken bone that is perpindicular to the long axis of the bone
displaced fracture
A broken bone where two broken surfaces are not matched up
compound fracture
A broken bone with an open wound leading to the site of the fracture or.., a boke that protrudes through the skin
oblique fracture
A fracture that is at an angle (oblique) to the long axis of the bone
Spiral Fracture
A spiral fracture (a.k.a. torsion fracture) is a bone fracture occurring when torque (a rotating force) is applied along the axis of a bone.
non displaced fracture
The surfaces of the broken bones are in alignment and next to each other