Bontrager Ch. 2 (chest)
The three parts of the aorta are :
(1) Ascending aorta (2) arch of aorta (3) descending aorta
What are the three reasons chest x-rays should be taken erect if possible?
(1) The diaphram is able to move down farther (2) Air/fluid levels in chest easily visualized (3) Engorgement and hyperemia of pulmonary vessels may be prevented
The four important structures of the mediastinum are :
(1) Thymus gland (2) Heart and great blood vessels (3) trachea (4) esophagus
(1)neoplasm (2)hamartoma (3)pulmonary metastases
(1) new growth or tumor (2) noncancerous (benign) pulmonary mass (3) cancerous (malignant) pulmonary mass
What are the four divisions of the respiratory system?
(1) pharynx (2) trachea (3) bronchi (4) lungs
(mechanical obstruction) occurs when foreign objects are swallowed or aspirated into the air passages
How many ribs should be demonstrated above the diaphram on a PA radiograph of an average adult on full inspiration
Chest radiography for an adult patient should utilize a kVp between ___ and ___.
110 and 125
What kVp should be used for chest x-rays?
the diaphram is composed of ____ muscles which are called _____________
2, right and left hemidiaphram
What exposure factors should be used for a chest examination of a young pediatric patient?
70-85 kVp, short exposure time
What SID is typically used for chest X-rays?
72 inches (expect for AP upper airway ~ uses 40inches)
upper rounded portion of lungs that stretches above the level of the clavicles
How can you tell if there is rotation on a PA chest radiograph? How can you tell which direction?
Both right and left sternal ends of the clavicles are the same distance from the center line of the spine. You can tell which way the patient is rotated by noting which sternal end is closest to the spine
central area of lungs where the bronchi and blood vessels enter
Cystic fibrosis
Most commonly inherited disease; secretions of heavy mucus cause progressive clogging of bronchi and bronchioles
Name the three divisions of the larynx
Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
How many lobes does the right lung have? What about the left?
Right lung : 3 Lefts lung : 2
The bony thorax consists of :
Sternum, ribs (12 pairs), and thoracic vertebre (12) clavicles (2), scapulae (2) **not considered part of bony thorax but is related anatomy
How can you tell if there is rotation on a lateral chest radiograph? How can you tell which direction?
The posterior ribs will be more than 1/4-1/2 inch apart. To determine which direction look for gastric bubble in the stomach or the inferior border of the heart shadow which are associated with the left hemidiaphram
What are the two important bony landmarks of the thorax for positioning a AP or PA chest projection?
Vertebre prominens (back of neck) and the jugular notch (top of sternum)
accumulation of air in the pleural space that cause partial or complete collapse of lung
acute (short term) or chronic (long term) condition in which excessive mucus is secreted into the bronchi causing cough and shortness of breath
Small air filled sacs that exchance oxygen and carbon dioxide
Lower concave portion of the lung
blood in the pleural cavity
chronic condition where alveoli become greatly enlarged as a result of alveolar wall destruction and loss of elasticity
collar bone
collapse of all or a portion of the lung
innermost bottom angle of the lung
costocardiac angle
Outermost lower corner of lungs
costophrenic angle
What is the name of the structure that prevents food and foreign objects from entering the respiratory system?
Pulmonary edema
excess fluid within the lungs that is frequently caused by a backup in pulmonary circulation commonly associated with congestive heart failure (CHF)
Pleural effusion
fluid in the pleural cavity
Body type that has a broad and deep thorax from front to back but is shallow in vertical dimension
hypersthenic (IR must be crosswise!)
Slender body type with a narrow thorax width and shallow from front to back but long in vertical dimension
hypoasthenic (IR must be lenghtwise!)
large vein that returns blood from the lower half of the body
inferior vena cava
inflammation of the lungs that leads to fluid accumulating in the lungs
inflammation of the pleura surrounding the lungs
irreversible dilation of the bronchi or bronchioles that is a result of repeated pulmonary infection and obstruction
Adam's apple
laryngeal prominence
voice box
outer layer of the pluera
parietal pluera
the double walled membrane enclosing the heart is called :
pericardial sac
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
persistent obstruction of the airways that usually causes difficulty in emptying the lungs of air
What would be used to immobilize and infant for the erect PA and lateral chest projections?
double walled sac containing the lungs
space between the two layers of the pluera
plueral cavity
air or gas that enters the plueral cavity is a condition called :
Is the esophagus anterior or posterior to the trachea?
Supply blood and return blood to and from all segments of the lungs
pulmonary arteries and veins
pus in the pleural cavity
shoulder blade
To ensure better lung inspiration during chest radiography, exposure should be made on the ______ inspiration.
shortness of breath
large vein that returns blood to the heart from the upper half of the body
superior vena cava
What is the name of the area where the bronchus divides into the left and right bronchi? Where is this prominence located?
the carnia, located at T5
If a person accidentally inhales a food particle which brochi is it most likely to enter and why?
the right bronchus because it is shorter, wider, and more vertical
gland that functions primarily during childhood and puberty
thymus gland
inner layer of the pleura
visceral pluera