Bonus army, The New Deal And Great Depression

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Franklin D Roosevelt

Elected to four terms in office, he served from 1933 to 1945, and is the only U.S. president to have served more than two terms of office. He was a central figure of the 20th century during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war.

Civilian Corporation Corp

gave young men jobs planting trees and cleaning up parks.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp

insured banks so people would not lose any savings in the events of bank failures (We are insured up to 250,000 dollars)

Prime the Pump

is to stimulate the economy by supplying it with money

National Industrial Recovery Act

it allowed workers to form unions and employers could not refuse to hire a union member.

Emergency Banking Relief Act was

it authorized government inspection of banks and allowed sound banks to reopen. (Bank Holidays)

Social Security Act

it provided a safety net insurance for workers who are unemployed, old-age pension

Security Exchange Commission

it regulate the stock market. It prevented fraud and a stock market crash. Companies had to be truth about their stocks to investors

Agriculture Adjustment Act

it will PAY farmers for their inventory. It will pay farmers to plant less or destroy crops.

To explain his programs and plans, FDR used...

..."fireside chats".

The amendment passed in 1933 which repealed prohibition was the...

...21st Amendment.

The bill which was designed to primarily protect larger banks from being dragged down by the weakness of the smaller banks was the...

...Emergency Banking Act.

The corporation established in the Glass-Steagall Act which guaranteed all bank deposits up to $2500 was the...

...Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

The president to serve for the longest time of twelve years was...

...Franklin Roosevelt.

Roosevelt's program in the 1930s which created many of the broad outlines of our modern political word was...

...The New Deal.

The Great Depression ended around 1940-1941 from the advent of...

...World War II.

Great Depression

1929 stock market crash; people had no jobs, money, food, etc.

Frances Perkins

1st female Cabinet member. She head the Department of Labor

Works Progress Administration

designed to create as many jobs dealing with art, writing, music, theater, and pubic art work

Great Depression

economic hard times that lasted from 1929-1940s

migrant workers

farmers that traveled during the different seasons to get work picking fruit

Bonus army

A group of almost 20,000 World War I veterans who were hard-hit victims of the depression, who wanted what the government owed them for their services and "saving" democracy. They marched to Washington and set up public camps and erected shacks on vacant lots. They tried to intimidate Congress into paying them, but Hoover had them removed by the army, which shed a negative light on Hoover.

New Deal

A plan by President Franklin Roosevelt intended to bring economic relief, recovery, and reforms to the country after the Great Depression.

Father coughlin

Anti-New Deal Catholic Priest; began broadcasting in 1930; called the "microphone messiah"; slogan was "Social Justice"; silenced in 1942 when his broadcasts became too radical.


Farmers that moved from the Great Plains to California looking for better lives

Federal Emergency Relief

It gave 500 million dollar for emergency relief to the state's needy (people in poverty)

Wagner Act

It supported union and it gave union the right for collective bargaining

Schechter vs Poultry

It was a Supreme Court that ruled that NRA was unconstitutional because Congress could not give the President more power than those granted in the Constitutional

US vs. Butler

It was a US Supreme Court ruling that power to regulate the agriculture belong to the State Not the federal government. It made the AAA unconstitutional.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

New Deal program that hired unemployed men to work on natural conservation projects

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929; the day the stock market crashed

The New Deal

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Domestic Policy (It increased the power of the Federal government

Fireside Chats

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's technique to use the Radio to speak to the American people

Herbert Hoover's Plan

President at the start of the Great Depression. Trickle Down. Believe government should not get involved in economy should be businesses fixing the problem

Brain Trust

President's Franklin Delano Roosevelt's advisors

22nd Amendment

Put term limits on the Presidency

What Outlined the New Deal (The 3 R's)

Relief, Recovery, and Reform


Republican candidate who assumed the presidency in March 1929 promising the American people prosperity and attempted to first deal with the Depression by trying to restore public faith in the community.

Court packaging plan

Roosevelt's proposal in 1937 to "reform" the Supreme Court by appointing an additional justice for every justice over age of 70; following the Court's actions in striking down major New Deal laws, FDR came to believe that some justices were out of touch with the nation's needs. Congress believed Roosevelt's proposal endangered the Court's independence and said no.


Shanty towns that the unemployed built in the cities during the early years of the Depression; the name given to them shows that the people blamed Hoover directly for the Depression.

Eleanor Roosevelt

She was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's wife and First Lady

Social security

created a federal insurance program based on the automatic collection of taxes from employees and employers throughout people's working careers. They would receive this money in a monthly pension when they reached the age of 65. The unemployed, disabled, and mothers with dependent children would also receive this money.

Public Works Administration

created jobs building schools, roads, and bridges

Huey long

[FULL NAME REQUIRED] Louisianna Senator who opposed FDR's New Deal and came up with a "Share the Wealth" plan, which planned to give $5000 to all families. He was later assassinated.

laissez faire

criticism of the New Deal program because it is the belief that the government should not get involved

Farm Security Administration

loaned 1 billion dollars to migrant farm workers

Causes of the Depression

overproduction, underconsumption, poor banking system, unwise loans

New deal

programs to combat economic depression enacted a number of social insureance measures and used government spending to stimulate the economy; increased power of the state and the state's intervention in U.S. social and economic life.

21st Amendment

repealed Prohibition

National Recovery Administration

set business codes regulating wages, pricing and practices to ensure competition.

Dust Bowl

severe drought that worsened the Depression for people in the midwest


the acts implemented in the area of aid to the unemployment

Tennessee Valley Authority

was created to provide jobs and cheap electricity to rural America (Government electricity)


when the great depression ended

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