Book of exodus 29-34

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3) When was Aaron to burn incense? (Exodus 30:7-8)

Morning and evening

Exodus Chapter 30 1) What was the size of the altar of incense? (Exodus 30:2)

1 cubit by 1 cubit and 4 square by 2 square

16) How long were the sacred garments to be worn? (Exodus 29:30)

7 days

16) Where was this incense put and in what form? (Exodus 30:36)

Beaten very small before the testimony of the tabernacle

2) Where was the altar to be put? (Exodus 30:6)

Before the vail by the ark of the testimony

What other "food items" were to be used? (Exodus 29:2)

Bread, cakes, unleavened temper with oil , wheaten flour

13) What wave offering was taken as the priests' share? (Exodus 29:26)

Breast of the lamb

21) What was to be sacrificed each day and for what reason? (Exodus 29:36)

Bullock , sin offering

19) If any meat or bread was left till morning, what was to be done to it? (Exodus 29:34)


What was done with the fat, inner parts, covering of the liver, and kidneys with their fat from the bull? (Exodus 29:13)

Burn it on the altar

10) What was done with the meat of the first ram and what was it? (Exodus 29:17-18)

Burn the meat, it's a burnt offering to the lord

12) What was done with the wave offering after it was waved? (Exodus 29:25)

Burn them on the altar

17) Where were Aaron and his sons to eat the ram of ordination? (Exodus 29:32)

By the door of the tAbernacle

9) What was burned outside the camp and what was it? (Exodus 29:14)

Flesh, skin and blood, it was a sin offering

7) How much was to be paid and by whom? (Exodus 30:13)

Half a shekel by everyone

10) What parts of the body were to be washed at this basin? (Exodus 30:19)

Hands and feet

15) Aaron and his sons received their shares from what Israelite offering? (Exodus 29:28)

Heave offering

24) What was the purpose of all these things? (Exodus 29:46)

I am the Lord thy God that brought them out of the land of Egypt

20) Why was the altar to have atonement made for it and be consecrated? (Exodus 29:37)

It is Holy

18) Why would no one else eat this meal? (Exodus 29:33)

It is holy

12) What ingredients were in the anointing oil? (Exodus 30:23-24)

Myrrh, sweet cinnamon, sweet calamus, cassia and olive oil

4) What was not to be offered on this altar? (Exodus 30:9)

No strange incense, no burnt sacrifice, no meat offering and no pour drink offering

5) How often was this altar to be atoned and how? (Exodus 30:10)

Once a year with blood of sin offering

4) How was Aaron anointed in verse seven? (Exodus 29:7)

Pour oil on his head

5) What was done with the bull's blood? (Exodus 29:12)

Put it on the horn of the altar with thy finger and pour the rest beside the bottom of the altar

7) What was done with the second ram's blood? (Exodus 29:20) 8)

Put it on the right air of Aaron

8) What was this money used for? (Exodus 30:16)

Service of the tabernacle

14) What would happen to anyone who broke these regulations? (Exodus 30:33)

Shall be cut off from his people

14) What else did Aaron and his sons receive as their share? (Exodus 29:27)

Shoulder and breast

6) What was done with the first ram's blood? (Exodus 29:16)

Sprinkle it upon the altar

15) What were the ingredients in the incense? (Exodus 30:34)

Sweet spices, started, onycha, galbadum, pure frankincense

3) Where did this ceremony take place? (Exodus 29:4)


11) What was used as a wave offering? (Exodus 29:22—24)

The fat of the ram, the liver, the kidney, a loaf of bread, cake and oil

13) What was the anointing oil used to anoint? (Exodus 30:26)

The tabernacle of the congregation and the ark of the testimony

23) What was offered with the lambs? (Exodus 29:40)

Two lambs of the first year

9) What was the bronze basin for? Who was to use it? (Exodus 30:18-19)

Washing, Aaron and his sons

11) When were they to wash, according to verse twenty? (Exodus 30:20)

When they go into the tabernacle of the congregation

6) When was a ransom to be paid and for what? (Exodus 30:12)

When thou tamest the sum of the children of Israel, for his soul

1) What animals were to be used in the consecration? (Exodus 29:1)

Young bullock and two rams without blemish

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