Botany Exam 2

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A molecule of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere combines with a 5-carbon sugar in the stroma. What major metabolic step is occurring? - Citric acid (Krebs) cycle - Light-dependent reactions - Light-independent reactions - Oxidative phosphorylation

- Light-independent reactions

Put the steps of a plant development signal transduction pathway in order, starting at the top with the first step. A. A change in the environment prompts the release of a signaling molecule in the plant B. An enzyme is produced or activated C. A signaling molecule binds to a receptor in the plasma membrane of a plant cell D. The interaction of the signal and the receptor causes a messenger molecule to be released into the cell cytoplasm.

1. A. A change in the environment prompts the release of a signaling molecule in the plant 2. C. A signaling molecule binds to a receptor in the plasma membrane of a plant cell 3. D. The interaction of the signal and the receptor causes a messenger molecule to be released into the cell cytoplasm. 4. B. An enzyme is produced or activated

Order the steps that lead to early morning guttation, beginning with the first step at the top. A. Root xylem accumulates high concentrations of ions B. Droplets of water are observed on leaves C. Water follows the ions into the interior of the root D. Water is pushed upward in the xylem

1. A. Root xylem accumulates high concentrations of ions 2. C. Water follows the ions into the interior of the root 3. D. Water is pushed upward in the xylem 4. B. Droplets of water are observed on leaves

Put in order the steps of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, starting with the first one at the top. A. Some hydrogen from split water reduces NADP to NADPH B. H20 is split, releasing electrons, H+ ions and O2 gas C. Electrons from split water are passed along the electron transport chain. D. ATP molecules are produced

1. B. H20 is split, releasing electrons, H+ ions and O2 gas 2. C. Electrons from split water are passed along the electron transport chain. 3. D. ATP molecules are produced 4. A. Some hydrogen from split water reduces NADP to NADPH

Put in order the sequence of events as water moves through a plant. Start with water entering the plant at the top of the list. A. Water crosses a semipermeable membrane at the endodermis as it enters the central root system of the plant. B. Water evaporates from the leaves, leaving through the stomata C. Water enters the roots from the soil via osmosis D. Water is transported up the stem and into the leaves through xylem.

1. C. Water enters the roots from the soil via osmosis 2. A. Water crosses a semipermeable membrane at the endodermis as it enters the central root system of the plant. 3. D. Water is transported up the stem and into the leaves through xylem. 4. B. Water evaporates from the leaves, leaving through the stomata

Use the word bank below to fill in the following sentences. A. semipermeable B. higher C. Imbibition D. Diffusion E. Active Transport F. Is G. tissues H. lower I. is not J. osmosis K. water L. Turgor 1. __________ is the adsorption of water and subsequent swelling of _________ because of the adhesion of the water molecules to the internal surfaces 2. _________ is the pressure that develops against a cell's wall in response to water entering its vacuole 3. _______ is the movement of _________ through a _________ membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration without the use of energy. 4. ________ is the movement of molecules or ions from a region of __________ concentration to a region of _________ concentration. Energy ______ required for this process. 5. ________ is the movement of a substances across a plasma membrane against a diffusion gradient. Energy _______ required for this process.

1. Imbibition is the adsorption of water and subsequent swelling of tissues because of the adhesion of the water molecules to the internal surfaces. 2. Turgor is the pressure that develops against a cell's wall in response to water entering its vacuole. 3. Osmosis is the movement of water through a semipermeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration without the use of energy. 4. Diffusion is the movement of molecules or ions from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. Energy is not required for this process 5. Active Transport is the movement of a substance across a plasma membrane against a diffusion gradient. Energy is required for this process.

Explain the pressure-flow hypothesis by first completing the statements with the terms provided, and then rearranging the statements so that they appear in chronological order. active transport source diffusion sink parenchyma phloem photosynthesis turgor pressure xylem 1. Leaf cells (the ________) produce sugar molecules through _________. 2. Water from the _______ enters the phloem and causes increases in __________. 3. Sugar molecules move into the sieve tubes of the ________ by _________. 4. The water and sugar solution flows along the pressure gradient toward a ________. 5. Sugar molecules are moved by active transport from the phloem to storage _________ cells in the root. 6. Lowered turgor pressure causes water to return to the xylem by ________.

1. Leaf cells (the source) produce sugar molecules through photosynthesis. 2. Water from the xylem enters the phloem and causes increases in turgor pressure. 3. Sugar molecules move into the sieve tubes of the phloem by active transport. 4. The water and sugar solution flows along the pressure gradient toward a sink. 5. Sugar molecules are moved by active transport from the phloem to storage parenchyma cells in the root. 6. Lowered turgor pressure causes water to return to the xylem by diffusion_.

Match the lesser-known plant hormones to their effect on plants 1. Oligosaccharines 2. Brassinosteroids A. Released from the cell wall, these compounds influence cell differentiation, reproduction, and growth B. Bind to receptors on cell surfaces, affecting apical dominance, gravitropism, and germination.

1. Oligosaccharines --> A. Released from the cell wall, these compounds influence cell differentiation, reproduction, and growth 2. Brassinosteroids --> B. Bind to receptors on cell surfaces, affecting apical dominance, gravitropism, and germination.

Match each plant response with the scenario that best exemplifies it. -Twinning Movement -Taxic Movement -Contraction Movement -Negative Gravitropism -Turgor Movement -Circadian Rhythms -Positive Phototropism -Positive Gravitropism 1. ____________: A tulip plant, which has received light from only one side for weeks, bends all its parts towards the light source. 2. ____________: The leaves of a prayer plant open at noon and fold up at 10 p.m. each day 3. ____________: Female reproductive structures in a fern produce a chemical that the male sperm swim toward 4. ____________: When placed on its side for 24 hours, a Coleus plant's stems begin to bend upward. 5. ____________: A sensitive plant folds both its leaflets and entire leaves in response to touch, heat, or wind. 6. _____________: A lily bulb pulls itself deeper into the ground in response to daytime and nighttime temperature differences. 7. ______________: The roots of a tobacco plant grow downward 8. ______________: A tendril of a cucumber vine coils around the wire cage of a nearby garden plant.

1. Positive Phototropism: A tulip plant, which has received light from only one side for weeks, bends all its parts towards the light source. 2. Circadian Rhythms: The leaves of a prayer plant open at noon and fold up at 10 p.m. each day 3. Taxic Movement: Female reproductive structures in a fern produce a chemical that the male sperm swim toward 4. Negative Gravitropism: When placed on its side for 24 hours, a Coleus plant's stems begin to bend upward. 5. Turgor Movement: A sensitive plant folds both its leaflets and entire leaves in response to touch, heat, or wind. 6. Contraction movement: A lily bulb pulls itself deeper into the ground in response to daytime and nighttime temperature differences. 7. Positive Gravitropism: The roots of a tobacco plant grow downward 8. Twinning movement: A tendril of a cucumber vine coils around the wire cage of a nearby garden plant.

Complete the following paragraphs to describe how stoma are opened and closed by the stomatal apparatus. transpiration turgor pressure cell walls turgid water potential epidermis epidermal cells chloroplasts potassium osmosis 1. Stomata, which are small pores found in the _________, are responsible for regulating gas exchange and __________. Surrounding each stoma are two guard cells. These structures have relatively elastic __________ that are thickened near the stoma opening. Changes in their ________ determine when the stoma will be opened and closed. 2. Since guard cells contain ________, they are capable of conducting photosynthesis. First, however, they must actively transport in ________ ions from adjacent _________. However, increased ion concentrations, and thus lowered __________, leads to an influx of water into the guard cells by __________. The additional water makes the guard cells _________, causing the stoma to open. When photosynthesis ceases, the ion concentration declines and water exits the guard cell. As turgor pressure drops, the stoma closes.

1. Stomata, which are small pores found in the epidermis, are responsible for regulating gas exchange and transpiration. Surrounding each stoma are two guard cells. These structures have relatively elastic cell walls that are thickened near the stoma opening. Changes in their turgor pressure determine when the stoma will be opened and closed. 2. Since guard cells contain chloroplasts, they are capable of conducting photosynthesis. First, however, they must actively transport in potassium ions from adjacent epidermal cells. However, increased ion concentrations, and thus lowered water potential, leads to an influx of water into the guard cells by osmosis. The additional water makes the guard cells turgid, causing the stoma to open. When photosynthesis ceases, the ion concentration declines and water exits the guard cell. As turgor pressure drops, the stoma closes.

Complete the following paragraphs on cellular respiration and then arrange them in chronological order. mitochondrial matrix pyruvic acid citric acid cycle oxygen electron transport system carbon dioxide inner mitochondrial membrane cytoplasm FADH2 NADH A. During the __________, which occurs in the _______, energy from NADH and FADH2 is harvested and used to convert ADP to ATP. Water is also formed through the combination of hydrogen and _________. B. In the __________, which occurs in the __________, energy from the further breakdown of pyruvic acid is used to convert ADP to ATP, NAD to NADH, and FAD to FADH2. Further, _________ is released. C. Through glycolysis, which occurs in the _________, glucose is broken down to produce two _________ molecules. Additionally, two ATP and two __________ are produced.

1. Through glycolysis, which occurs in the cytoplasm, glucose is broken down to produce two pyruvic acid molecules. Additionally, two ATP and two NADH are produced. 2. In the citric acid cycle, which occurs in the mitochondrial matrix, energy from the further breakdown of pyruvic acid is used to convert ADP to ATP, NAD to NADH, and FAD to FADH2. Further, carbon dioxide is released. 3. During the electron transport system, which occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane, energy from NADH and FADH2 is harvested and used to convert ADP to ATP. Water is also formed through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen.

Label the following diagram with the major inputs and outputs of the light-dependent and light-independent reactions. oxygen ADP ATP Glucose Water Carbon Dioxide

1. Water 2. Oxygen 3. Carbon Dioxide 4. Glucose 5. ATP 6. ADP

Describe the path water takes through a plant by placing the following steps in the proper order. -evaporates into the leaf spaces -passes through the endodermis -flows through the epidermis or root hairs -exits through a stomatal pore -Flows through the xylem -Flows through leaf mesophyll cells

6. Exits through a stomatal pore 5. Evaporates into the leaf spaces 4. Flows through leaf mesophyll cells 3. Flows through the xylem 2. Passes through the endodermis 1. Flows through the epidermis or root hairs

Match parts of the stomatal apparatus with the letter pointing to it on the image. 1. Stomatal Opening 2. Subsidiary Cell 3. Guard Cells

A. --> 3. Guard Cells B. --> 1. Stomatal Opening C. --> 2. Subsidiary Cell

The Calvin cycle is also called the A. 3-carbon pathway B. 4-carbon pathway C. 5-carbon pathway D. 6-carbon pathway E. 7-carbon pathway

A. 3-carbon pathway

How do auxins move through a plant? A. ATP is expended to move auxin from cell to cell B. Auxin moves through the xylem C. Auxin passively diffuses from cell to cell.

A. ATP is expended to move auxin from cell to cell

What plant hormone (natural or synthesized) can promote uniform flowering on fruit trees, prevent premature fruit drop, and prevent the production of too many small fruits when applied to fruit trees? A. Auxin B. Ethylene C. Gibberellin

A. Auxin

What did Frits Went learn by putting coleoptiles on agar? Select all that apply. A. Blocks of agar that had growth factor in it caused a plant growth response when they were put on decapitated coleoptiles B. No matter how many coleoptiles he put on the agar, the response to putting agar blocks on decapitated coleoptiles was the same. C. There was a growth factor in the coleoptiles, that moved into the agar.

A. Blocks of agar that had growth factor in it caused a plant growth response when they were put on decapitated coleoptiles C. There was a growth factor in the coleoptiles, that moved into the agar.

Which of these are major types of plant hormones? Choose all that apply. A. Ethylene B. Gibberellins C. Auxins D. Progesterone E. Plant growth hormone (PGH)

A. Ethylene B. Gibberellins C. Auxins

What plant hormone, if applied to a plant, will speed the conversion of juvenile plants into adult plants that are capable of flowering? A. Gibberellin B. Ethylene C. Abscisic acid

A. Gibberellin

Match the type of naturally occurring auxin to what is known about it. A. IAA B. PAA C. IBA D. 4-chlorolAA 1. More abundant but less active than IAA 2. Occurs in the leaves of corn and various dicots 3. Found in germinating seeds of legumes 4. Until recently, believed to be the only naturally occurring active auxin

A. IAA --> 4. Until recently, believed to be the only naturally occurring active auxin B. PAA --> 1. More abundant but less active than IAA C. IBA --> 2. Occurs in the leaves of corn and various dicots D. 4-chlorolAA --> 3. Found in germinating seeds of legumes

Which of these are industrial uses for synthesized GA? Select all that apply. A. Increasing the length of celery petioles B. Increasing the size of seedless grapes C. Killing a variety of monocot weeds in agricultural settings D. Tightening the clusters on grape vines, so that air does not get between the fruit and cause problems E. Increasing yield of sugarcane

A. Increasing the length of celery petioles B. Increasing the size of seedless grapes problems E. Increasing yield of sugarcane

After a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, which direction water is going to go? A. Into the cell B. Out of the cell C. Equally in and out of the cell

A. Into the cell - solute will be going out but water will be going into the cell

Select all true statements about transpiration. Select all that apply. A. It creates tension in the xylem B. It results from ion transport into xylem vessels C. It requires energy input from the plant D. It is driven by evaporation

A. It creates tension in the xylem D. It is driven by evaporation

What happened to a plant cell when it is placed in a hypertonic solution? A. It will undergo plasmolysis B. It will become turgid C. It will become flaccid

A. It will undergo plasmolysis

Match these scientists with their contribution to the discovery and description of the photosynthetic process: A. Joseph Priestly B. Jean Senebier C. Nicholas Saussure 1. Showed that water was involved in photosynthesis 2. Discovered that vegetation can "restore air" 3. Discovered that photosynthesis requires CO2

A. Joseph Priestly --> 2. Discovered that vegetation can "restore air" B. Jean Senebier --> 3. Discovered that photosynthesis requires CO2 C. Nicholas Saussur --> 1. Showed that water was involved in photosynthesis

While ethylene is used widely for fruit ripening, it is also industrially used to do which of the following?Select all that apply. A. Keeping nursery grown trees from developing spindly trunks B. Promoting flowering in pineapples C. Increasing the space between grapes so that hand thinning is not necessary D. Increasing the number of flowers in members of the Pumpkin family

A. Keeping nursery grown trees from developing spindly trunks B. Promoting flowering in pineapples D. Increasing the number of flowers in members of the Pumpkin family

Which of these were discoveries that were important to the isolation of cytokinin and learning about its effect on cell division? Select all that apply. A. Kinetin was isolated from heat-treated herring sperm. B. Johannes van Overbeek discovered that coconut milk contained a compound that stimulated cell division. C. Gottlieb Haberlandt discovered a compound in leaf mesophyll cells that stimulated cell division. D. A substance similar to kinetin was isolated from corn kernels.

A. Kinetin was isolated from heat-treated herring sperm. B. Johannes van Overbeek discovered that coconut milk contained a compound that stimulated cell division. D. A substance similar to kinetin was isolated from corn kernels.

Which of these is true about the light-independent reactions in photosynthesis, once called the "dark reactions?" Select all that apply. A. Light is not directly required for the chemical reactions in the part of photosynthesis. B. This part of photosynthesis requires products produced by the light-dependent reactions C. These reactions only happen at night after the stomata close D. This part of photosynthesis normally happens in the presence of light.

A. Light is not directly required for the chemical reactions in the part of photosynthesis. B. This part of photosynthesis requires products produced by the light-dependent reactions D. This part of photosynthesis normally happens in the presence of light.

The carbon that is fixed into sugars during photosynthesis comes from A. The atmosphere B. The Soil C. Dissolved organic matter

A. The atmosphere

Which of these steps occur during the Calvin Cycle? Select all that apply. A. The first stable substance produced is a 3 Carbon compound B. Chemical bonds in sugars are broken, and energy stored in those bonds is harvested for use in cellular processes. C. Oxygen is produced from splitting water D. Through several steps, glucose is synthesized. E. NADPH and ATP produced during the light-dependent reactions supply electrons and energy. F. The first stable substance produced is the 6-carbon sugar, glucose. G. CO2 from the air and RuBP are combined.

A. The first stable substance produced is a 3 Carbon compound D. Through several steps, glucose is synthesized. E. NADPH and ATP produced during the light-dependent reactions supply electrons and energy. G. CO2 from the air and RuBP are combined.

An application of GA will stimulate growth in many types of plants. What else needs to be present to maximize the results? A. Sunlight B. Abcisic Acid C. Auxin D. Ethylene


Which of these statements is true about osmotic potential? Select all that apply. A. The pressure potential needed to offset it is called osmotic pressure. B. It is a function of solute concentration. C. The higher the osmotic potential in a cell, the more water will move out of the cell D. It is a component of the water potential

A. The pressure potential needed to offset it is called osmotic pressure. B. It is a function of solute concentration. D. It is a component of the water potential

The energy that flows through biological systems on earth ultimately comes from which source? A. The sun B. Heat from the Earth's core C. The Ocean D. Earth's daily rotations

A. The sun

The oxygen liberated by green plants during photosynthesis comes from A. Water molecules B. The breakdown of food in living cells C. ATP D. The glucose formed during the dark reactions. E. Carbon dioxide

A. Water molecules

Which of these can cause in increase in ethylene productions (choose all that apply)? Select all that apply. A. When tissues are bruised or cut B. When leaves experience excessive water loss C. When auxin is applied D. When leaves are exposed to bright sunlight E. When seedlings have trouble pushing through the soil.

A. When tissues are bruised or cut C. When auxin is applied E. When seedlings have trouble pushing through the soil.

photophosphorylation produces ___________, which stores chemical energy that can be used for the Calvin cycle. Carbon fixation also requires reducing power, which is provided by _________ produced by photosystem I.


Classify the following features as characteristic of aerobic respiration or fermentation. -Net gain of 2 ATP -Does not require oxygen -Consists of glycolysis followed by transfer of hydrogen back to pyruvic acid -Requires oxygen -Net gain of 36 ATP -Consists of glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and the electron transport system -End product is usually ethyl alcohol or lactic acid

Aerobic Respiration: -Requires oxygen -Net gain of 36 ATP -Consists of glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and the electron transport system Fermentation: -Net gain of 2 ATP -Does not require oxygen -Consists of glycolysis followed by transfer of hydrogen back to pyruvic acid -End product is usually ethyl alcohol or lactic acid


All solutions have two major components: solvent and solute. The concentration of solvent is always opposite to the concentration of solute in the same solution

The first plant hormone discovered, _________, has been shown to stimulate stem growth and cell elongation, inhibit lateral branching, and delay leaf abscission.


Classify each description based upon the plant growth hormone described (Auxin, Gibberellin, Cytokinin, Abscisic Acid, or Ethylene). - its production from methionine requires oxygen - Inhibits growth and can block the effects of other hormones - Synthesized in plastids and is particularly common in fleshy fruits - Stimulates cell enlargement by increasing cell wall plasticity - Inhibits plant growth and promotes the ripening of fruit - Synthesized from tryptophan in apical meristems, buds, and young leaves -Stimulates cell division -Synthesized in roots tips and germinating seeds -Majority is produced in its inactive form -Promotes elongation of stems

Auxin: - Synthesized from tryptophan in apical meristems, buds, and young leaves - Stimulates cell enlargement by increasing cell wall plasticity Gibberellin: -Promotes elongation of stems -Majority is produced in its inactive form Cytokinin: -Stimulates cell division -Synthesized in roots tips and germinating seeds Abscisic Acid: - Synthesized in plastids and is particularly common in fleshy fruits - Inhibits growth and can block the effects of other hormones Ethylene: - Inhibits plant growth and promotes the ripening of fruit - its production from methionine requires oxygen

Which solution (A or B) is hypertonic?


In the pressure-flow hypothesis, what is the main factor driving the movement of dissolved organic solutes? A. The movement of water from roots to leaves. B. A concentration gradient between source and sink C. Squeezing action of surrounding tissues pushing the dissolved sugars around

B. A concentration gradient between source and sink

Which of the following are used to synthesize carbohydrates in photosynthesis? Select all that apply. A. NADH B. ATP C. CO2 D. NADPH


Metabolism refers to ___________. A. How rapidly your body converts food calories to kinetic energy B. All the metabolic activities that take place in cells and entire organisms as a whole C. The rate of a chemical reaction D. Enzyme catalysts E. Processing genetic information

B. All the metabolic activities that take place in cells and entire organisms as a whole

Which of these is a site in plants where auxin is produced? Choose all that apply. A. Chloroplasts B. Apical Meristems C. Young Leaves D. Woody Tissue

B. Apical Meristems C. Young Leaves

Turgor pressure requires A. Cell walls to allow for expansion (sometimes almost doubling) of cells as they take up water B. Cell walls to constrain the expansion of cells as they take up water C. Cell membranes to constrain the expansion of cells as they take up water

B. Cell walls to constrain the expansion of cells as they take up water

In 1941, Johannes van Overbeek isolated a substance from coconut milk that promoted cell division. That substance was later shown to be A. Gibberellin B. Cytokinin C. Ethylene

B. Cytokinin

During the breakdown of small organic molecules, oxidation occurs when A. Protons are added to an atom or molecule B. Electrons are removed from an atom or molecule C. Electrons are added to an atom or molecule D. Protons are removed from an atom or molecule

B. Electrons are removed from an atom or molecule

Explain the "active" in active transport. A. Transporting things around the cells keeps the parts of the plant in good working order, ready for action B. Energy is required to move things across a membrane. C. Large quantities of a few substances need to move around, so they keep the membranes active.

B. Energy is required to move things across a membrane.

What process causes a wooden door to swell during the hot, humid days of summer? A. Active transport B. Imbibition C. Osmosis D. Turgor

B. Imbibition

What effect does ABA have on seeds in a ripening fruit? A. It promotes cell division B. It prevents germination C. It promotes germination D. It stimulates storage of extra resources as the seed is formed

B. It prevents germination

In the diagram, fluid is rising in the neck of the tube as water moves across the membrane, down a concentration gradient. Which component of the water potential is driving the water across the membrane? A. Pressure potential B. Osmotic potential

B. Osmotic potential

Sometimes, high light intensities cause chlorophyll to enter an excited state. This, in turn, can pass energy to oxygen making it so reactive it can bleach the chlorophyll? What is this called? A. Photorespiration B. Photooxidation C. Photosynthesis D. Respiration

B. Photooxidation

Light intensities and temperatures can get too high for optimal photosynthesis. Under these conditions, plants will switch from photosynthesis to which "wasteful" process that does not fix carbon into sugar. A. Cellular Respiration B. Photorespiration

B. Photorespiration

Which of these are industrial uses of cytokinins? Select all that apply. A. Lengthening the straw length in wheat B. Prolonging the shelf life of harvested vegetables C. Lengthening the life of cut flowers. D. Producing larger seedless grapes

B. Prolonging the shelf life of harvested vegetables C. Lengthening the life of cut flowers.

What is diffusion? A. The movement of molecules from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration B. The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration C. The movement of molecules through a permeable barrier, regardless of their concentration on either side of the barrier

B. The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration

What is the function of the lipid tail in a chlorophyll molecule that absorbs the sun's energy? A. The tail allows the molecule to propel itself inside the plant cell B. The tail anchors chlorophyll in the thylakoid membrane C. The tail contains the pigment that absorbs the sun's energy

B. The tail anchors chlorophyll in the thylakoid membrane

How do gibberellins move through a plant? A. Their movement is polar, moving away from their source using signal transduction B. They move through xylem and phloem

B. They move through xylem and phloem

What is it called when a few cells are combined in a growth medium with the correct concentrations of auxin and cytokinin to create an entire new plant? A. Gas Chromatography B. Tissue Culture C. A bioassay

B. Tissue Culture

Why might you apply synthetic auxin to your lawn? A. To stimulate growth of the lawn B. To kill broad-leaved weeds C. To stimulate flowering of the grass

B. To kill broad-leaved weeds

Why might a farmer apply cytokinin to wheat as its growing? A. To lengthen the straw length to make it easier to harvest. B. To shorten the straw length, making it sturdier in the wind. C. To elongate the inflorescence so that there is more air flow around the maturing seeds.

B. To shorten the straw length, making it sturdier in the wind.

Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum provides the right kind of energy for photosynthesis to occur? A. Microwaves B. Visible Light C. Infared D. Radio Waves

B. Visible Light

Which of these are features of CAM photosynthesis? A. This specialized mode of photosynthesis is common in wet areas. B. Water loss is kept to a bare minimum. C. Plants convert CO2 into sugars directly. D. Plants convert CO2 to organic acids. E. Stomata are open at night

B. Water loss is kept to a bare minimum. D. Plants convert CO2 to organic acids. E. Stomata are open at night

What type of gradient enables transport from roots to shoots in the xylem? A. Ion potential B. Water potential

B. Water potential

Evaporation of water in a leaf creates negative pressure in the xylem. This causes: A. Water to slowly diffuse up the stem from the roots B. Water to be pulled up the stem from the roots C. Water to be pushed from the stem down to the roots

B. Water to be pulled up the stem from the roots

What energy-storing molecule supplies energy for most cellular processes? A. ADP B. CO2 C. ATP


What is it called when plants expend energy to move substances across a membrane? A. Osmosis B. Bulk flow C. Active transport D. Energetic transport

C. Active transport

Photosynthesis is an example of a/an ____________ set of chemical reactions in plants. A. Catabolic B. Energy releasing reactions in plant cells C. Anabolic D. Light-releasing E. Mitochondrial-based

C. Anabolic

If an avocado is placed in a sealed paper bag, it will ripen due to the increased concentration of which hormone? A. Auxin B. Cytokinins C. Ethylene D. Gibberellin

C. Ethylene

Which of the following occurs within a plant root? A. Growth B. Differentiation C. Growth and Differentiation D. None of the choices are correct

C. Growth and Differentiation

What is the main effect of auxin on plant growth? A. It regulates growth B. It inhibits growth C. It promotes growth

C. It promotes growth

Which of these statements is true about photorespiration? Select all that apply. A. It uses carbon dioxide and produces oxygen B. It bleaches spots on the leaves C. It uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide D. It may help some plants survive under adverse conditions E. The rate goes up as temperature Increases.

C. It uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide D. It may help some plants survive under adverse conditions E. The rate goes up as temperature Increases.

Which list gives the products of the light reactions of photosynthesis? A. Glucose and Oxygen B. Carbon dioxide and water C. NADPH, ATP, and oxygen molecule D. Ethanol and carbon dioxide E. Glucose only

C. NADPH, ATP, and oxygen molecule

Most energy transfers in cells involve a linked set of oxidation and reduction reactions. This means that ___________. A. One molecule gains an electron while retaining its original set of electrons B. One of the reacting molecule loses an electron while the second molecule picks it up and passes it to a third molecule C. One molecule is oxidized and one is reduced in a set of coupled reactions D. The reduced molecule loses an electron and becomes smaller E. All of the answer choices are correct.

C. One molecule is oxidized and one is reduced in a set of coupled reactions

Which of these are characteristics of C4 photosynthesis? Select all that apply. A. Rates of photorespiration are very high in C4 plants at high temperature. B. By using C4 photosynthesis, plants completely circumvent the Calvin cycle. C. PEP carboxylase is the first carbon fixing enzyme in the process. D. A 4-carbon compound is the first stable product. E. It happens in plants with Kranz anatomy

C. PEP carboxylase is the first carbon fixing enzyme in the process. D. A 4-carbon compound is the first stable product. E. It happens in plants with Kranz anatomy

what do you call the process of water being split in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis? A. Photophosphorylation B. Photooxidation C. Photolysis D. Photorespiration

C. Photolysis

While ethylene is well known for its ability to ripen fruit, it is also capable of doing what for nursery grown trees? A. Increasing growth rates B. Synchronizing flowering C. Preventing spindly trunks

C. Preventing spindly trunks

In what part of photosynthesis does RuBP combine with CO2 to make 3 phosphoglygercic acid? A. Electron Transport B. The Krebs cycle C. The Calvin Cycle

C. The Calvin Cycle

Green leaves absorb about 80% of the visible light that they intercept. the light in the violet to blue and orange to red ranges are especially useful for photosynthesis. Which wavelengths are reflected? A. The yellow range B. The infrared range C. The green range D. The ultraviolet range

C. The green range

What will stomata do when plants are experiencing water stress? A. They will open only at night B. They will do nothing C. They will close D. They will open wide

C. They will close

What can make up 90% of the content of living cells? A. Enzymes B. DNA C. Water D. Proteins

C. Water

During the light reactions of photosynthesis A. Carbon dioxide is combined with certain organic compounds to produce glucose B. The hydrogen removed from water molecules is combined with carbon dioxide, forming glucose C. Water is split through photon energy into hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen D. Water is split by ATP into hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen E. Carbon dioxide is split into oxygen and carbon atoms

C. Water is split through photon energy into hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen

The Calvin Cycle is also known as __________ photosynthesis because the first molecule produced as a molecule for CO2 is fixed, is a compound with ________ carbon atoms.

C3 3

According to the generalized equation for photosynthesis, 6CO2 + 12H2O + light energy and chlorophyll yields which of the following? 2CH2O+ATP 2 CH2O + O2 C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O CH2O + O2 + H2O

C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

_________ strips in root endodermal cells contain Suberin to limit the movement of minerals and water.


The energy "currency" of the cell is A. NAD+ B. Water C. FADH2 D. ATP E. Glucose


Which lesser-known hormone (not one of the Classic Five) is known to affect apical dominance? A. Jasmonates B. Oligosaccharins C. Polyamines D. Brassinosterolds

D. Brassinosterolds

Which of these shows a coleoptile whose tip has been removed, but vertical growth has been induced by the application of an agar block containing the growth factor from cut coleoptile tips? A. A B. D C. B D. C

D. C

Which plant hormone can cause a positive feedback loop, in which it can trigger more and more production of itself? A. Abscisic Acid B. Gibberellin C. Auxin D. Ethylene

D. Ethylene

Where is ABA synthesized in a plant? A. In embryonic shoots B. In the vascular tissue C. In root tips D. In plastids

D. In plastids

Oxidation is the A. Gaining of electrons B. Sharing of electrons C. Loss of protons D. Loss of electrons

D. Loss of electrons

What happens during the reduction of an atom or molecule. A. One or more protons are added to the atom or the molecule B. One or more protons are removed from the atom or the molecule. C. One or more electrons are removed from the atom or molecule D. One or more electrons are added to the atom or molecule

D. One or more electrons are added to the atom or molecule

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement concerning the Calvin Cycle (photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle)? A. Phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) is the first stable compound produced in the Calvin cycle B. ATP and NADPH produced in the light reactions are utilized in the Calvin cycle. C. Some of the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GA3P) formed in the Calvin cycle can be used to make glucose while the remaining regenerate the compound that initiated the cycle. D. The Calvin cycle is located on the thylakoid membranes within the chloroplasts. E. Light is NOT DIRECTLY required to run the Calvin cycle.

D. The Calvin cycle is located on the thylakoid membranes within the chloroplasts.

Match each term with the scenario that best describes it. Growth Differentiation Development ____________: Relatively unspecialized squash plant cells develop into more specialized ones that are capable of performing specific functions. ____________: A squash plant changes in form as a result of growth and differentiation of its cells into tissues and organs. _____________: A squash plant exhibits an irreversible increase in mass due to the division and enlargement of its cells.

Differentiation: Relatively unspecialized squash plant cells develop into more specialized ones that are capable of performing specific functions. Development: A squash plant changes in form as a result of growth and differentiation of its cells into tissues and organs. Growth: A squash plant exhibits an irreversible increase in mass due to the division and enlargement of its cells.

Classify each feature according to the term it describes (either nutrients, vitamins, or hormones). - Minute amounts are transported to a part of the plant where it controls or affects growth and development - Serve as coenzymes or parts of coenzymes - Provide the elements and energy necessary for plant growth and maintenance - Obtained from the air and soil - Synthesized in the membranes and cytoplasm of cells - Produced in actively growing regions of plants

Nutrients: - Provide the elements and energy necessary for plant growth and maintenance - Obtained from the air and soil Vitamins: - Serve as coenzymes or parts of coenzymes - Synthesized in the membranes and cytoplasm of cells Hormones: - Produced in actively growing regions of plants - Minute amounts are transported to a part of the plant where it controls or affects growth and development

Classify the following features as descriptive of photosynthesis or respiration -Occurs only in cells containing chlorophyll -Occurs in either light or darkness -Releases carbon dioxide and water -Produces oxygen in green organisms -Releases energy from sugar molecules -Stores energy in sugar molecules -Produces ATP with energy released from sugar -Uses carbon dioxide and water -Uses oxygen -Some reactions directly require light -Occurs in both plant and animal cells -Produces ATP from light energy -Decreases weight -Increases weight

Photosynthesis: -Stores energy in sugar molecules -Increases weight -Occurs only in cells containing chlorophyll -Produces ATP from light energy -Uses carbon dioxide and water -Some reactions directly require light -Produces oxygen in green organisms Aerobic Respiration: -Releases energy from sugar molecules -Decreases weight -Occurs in both plant and animal cells -Produces ATP with energy released from sugar -Releases carbon dioxide and water -Occurs in either light or darkness -Uses oxygen

Classify the descriptions and examples based on the photoperiod described (Short-Day, Long-Day, Intermediate-Day, Day-Neutral) . - Examples: carnations, cotton, roses, sunflowers, tomatoes, and dandelions - A plant that has two critical photoperiods (it will not flower if the days are either too short or too long). - A plant that is not dependent on specific day lengths for the initiation of flowering. - A plant in which flowering is not initiated until the days are longer than its critical photoperiod. -A plant in which flowering is initiated when the days are shorter than its critical photoperiod -Examples: asters, goldenrods, poinsettias, sorghums, strawberries, and violets - Examples: garden beets, lettuce, potatoes, wheat, larkspur and spinach -Examples: Indian grass and several other grasses

Short-Day: -A plant in which flowering is initiated when the days are shorter than its critical photoperiod -Examples: asters, goldenrods, poinsettias, sorghums, strawberries, and violets Long-Day: - A plant in which flowering is not initiated until the days are longer than its critical photoperiod. - Examples: garden beets, lettuce, potatoes, wheat, larkspur and spinach Intermediate-Day: - A plant that has two critical photoperiods (it will not flower if the days are either too short or too long). -Examples: Indian grass and several other grasses Day-Neutral: - A plant that is not dependent on specific day lengths for the initiation of flowering. - Examples: carnations, cotton, roses, sunflowers, tomatoes, and dandelions

When plants cannot access water to keep up with the demands of transpiration, they experience water stress. If this happens, ___________ will close in response.



The medium in which substances are dissolved. In living cells, water is the solvent.

Complete the following paragraph to explain the cohesion tension theory. transpiration tension lower osmosis stomata xylem higher polar hydrogen bonds The movement of water up a plant can be explained through the combination of two principles: 1) Water molecules can establish weak __________ with one another because they are ________ (have a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end). Further, water is able to adhere to _________ tracheids and vessels 2) Water is known to move by ________ from cells with _________ water potential to cells with __________ water potential. During ____________, water evaporates from spongy mesophyll cells and exits the leaf through _________, leaving the mesophyll cells with lower water potential than their adjacent cells. Water then moves from the adjacent cells into the first set of cells and a chain reaction is begun with water being pulled through and between cells. This puts an enormous amount of ________ on the water column.

The movement of water up a plant can be explained through the combination of two principles: 1) Water molecules can establish weak hydrogen bonds with one another because they are polar (have a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end). Further, water is able to adhere to xylem tracheids and vessels 2) Water is known to move by osmosis from cells with higher water potential to cells with lower water potential. During transpiration, water evaporates from spongy mesophyll cells and exits the leaf through stomata, leaving the mesophyll cells with lower water potential than their adjacent cells. Water then moves from the adjacent cells into the first set of cells and a chain reaction is begun with water being pulled through and between cells. This puts an enormous amount of tension on the water column.

True or false: Germinating seeds swelling to many times their size via the imbibition of water can generate forces powerful enough to split rock.



When a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, it will lose water, their cell volume and weight are expected to decrease. At the cellular level, the central vacuole of the cell will start to shrink, and the protoplasm will pull away from the cell wall.


When a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, water moves from the solution into the cell. When plant cell gains water, their cell volume and weight are expected to increase. At the cellular level, the central vacuole of the cell expands and pushes the cytoplasm against the cell wall. The cells become stiff or turgid


When a plant cell is placed in an isotonic solution, there is no net movement of water in or out of the cell. Plant cell in this state is called flaccid.

Strangely, _______ acid is a plant hormone that has almost nothing to do with leaf abscission in plants.


Unlike auxin, which is synthesized in embryonic tissues and moves in a polar fashion, the plant hormone _______ ________ is synthesized in plastids, and its movement through the plant is non polar (for credit, you must spell the name of the hormone in the two blanks; do not use abbreviations).

abscisic acid

Photons are pumped across the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast during the electron transport stage of the light-dependent reactions, setting up a proton gradient. As protons move down the gradient by _________, ATP molecules are formed.


Green plants utilize _________ a and b to absorb light energy in photosynthesis


During the day, when their stomata are _________, CAM plants decarboxylate the organic acids stored at night, and release _________ _________.

closed Carbon Dioxide

While plant hormones can have dramatic effects on their own, they can stimulate even more outcomes when acting in combination. For example, _________ needs to have a small amount of auxin around to speed up the G2 phase of cell division.


the two main stages in photosynthesis include the light-_________ reactions, followed by the light independent reaction


Cellulose develops ________ charges when wet, which attract water molecules. The water molecules are said to adhere to the charged cellulose.


When molecules are distributed evenly through random movement, they are said to be in a state of _________.


Apples are available in supermarkets all year long, because they are harvested before they are ripe, and put in a sealed warehouse that is refrigerated and oxygen-free. Just before going to market, distributors can expose the apples to ________ and they will ripen up as they are put onto store shelves.


Before electric lights were widely available, gas lamps were used to light and heat many buildings. Because these lamps produced _________ as a by-product, they likely sped the discovery that this simple hydrocarbon could act as a plant hormone.


There are only a few types of plant hormones, but some types are made up of several specific chemicals. For example _____________ is a group of more than 110 known compounds.


In C4 plants, _________ cells perform C4 photosynthesis while ________-_______ cells perform C3 photosynthesis.

mesophyll bundle-sheath

Click and drag each of the labels to their corresponding place on the dicot stoma diagrams. mesophyll cell nucleus guard cell's thickened inner wall chloroplast subsidiary cell stoma guard cell vacuole

order from top of diagram to the bottom of diagram. 1. Chloroplast 2. Guard cell 3. Nucleus 4. Stoma 5. Mesophyll cell 6. Vacuole 7. Subsidiary cell 8. Guard cell's thickened inner wall

redox reaction is a term used to describe an ________ - _________ reaction


The enzyme rubisco has more than one activity. Because of this, most plants also perform ________, which consumes oxygen and liberates carbon dioxide. This process can lower the net benefit from photosynthesis.


If a cell loses water, the cell membrane pulls away from the wall in a process called __________.


During the process of cellular _________, the chemical bonds in sugar molecules are broken, and energy is released



the substance that dissolved in a solution

When plants are subject to mechanical stress such as high winds or repeated trampling, they can respond by developing a shorter, thicker stem than they would have. this response is called __________.


cytokinins are synthesized in areas with a lot of cell division occurring, such as root _________ and germinating seeds.


Water helps to move dissolved sugars during a process called _________ carried out by the phloem.


For photosynthesis to proceed, a green plant requires CO2 from the atmosphere, __________, and light energy to produce sugars


The oxygen produced by plants during photosynthesis comes from the splitting of ________ molecules


_________ is important in cell functioning as a medium in which enzymatic reactions can take place. When water content gets low in a cell, important process like respiration happen at a drastically reduced rate.


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