Brave New World

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

9. How many years after it was discovered was hypnopaedia officially used?

214 years

8. How long after the first T-Model was put on the market was hypnopaedia discovered?

23 years

11. How long has Lenina been seeing Henry?

4 months

4. What indicates the change of shifts?

4000 electric clocks and voices calling


A meeting of about a dozen men and women where they pass 'the loving cup' of strawberry ice cream spiked with soma, sing Solidarity anthems, see Ford, and have sex.


A title of authority; named after the great Ford (Freund).

11. Which of the following is not an accurate descriptor for the figures who test the embryos for sex in the embryo store?


5. Which of the following groups of people are not divided into about seventy-two identical embryos?


12. What do the people at the Solidarity Service invite the Greater Being to do?

Annihilate them

11. Which social class does Bernard belong to?


6. The process of an egg's normal growth is checked with X-rays, cold, and alcohol it is called?

Arrested development

Bokanovsky's Process

Basically, this process involves letting the egg 'bud' and creates up to ninety-six embryos from each bud, each of which will grow into a human being. The Director calls the this process 'one of the major instruments of social stability.'

6. Who was Lenina going to the north pole with?


8. Of what caste level was the girl who the director took to the savage reservation?


7. Which of the following is a major instrument of social stability according to the director?

Bokanovsky's process

1. What game are the children playing when he takes his tour group outside?

Centrifugal Bumble-puppy

10. How do Solidarity Services generally end?

Communal sex

6. What do Lenina and Henry do after dinner?


2. What does the abbreviation D.H.C. stand for?

Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning

2. Which of the following is the result of the second lever thrown as the infants touch the materials put out by the nurses?

Electric shock along the floor

12. What did the first reformers offer to deliver them from?


11. How does Bernard feel at the end of chapter five?

Emptier than ever

12. Which of the following is the lowest caste of embryos?


4. What statement did children begin getting at age five according to Bernard?

Everyone is happy now

3. Which room is located on the ground floor?

Fertilizing room

9. How does the Controller say that Our Ford described a world full of fathers?

Full of misery

9. What is soma?

Hallucinogenic drug

7. Why is Bernard permitted to visit the Savage Reservation?

He is an alpha plus psychologist

4. Why is Bernard uncomfortable dealing with the lower castes?

He is not taller than them

2. How do Henry and Lenina travel?


7. Whom does Bernard go to pick up?


5. Our Ford represents who?

Henry Ford

2. What is the purpose of the games according to the Director?

Increase consumption

12. Which of the following is considered a threat to the State?

Individual thought

Social Predestination Room -

It is in this room that the embryos are treated in scientific ways so that they will become members of the caste system.

4. Why are the masses conditioned to hate the country but love all country sports?

It requires them to consume more

3. What type of play does one boy, who will now have to see the Assistant Superintendent of Psychology, refuse to do?

Join in ordinary erotic play

3. What color doe the laborers wear?


Malthusian Belt/Thomas Malthus -

Lenina Crowne and other high-caste women wear these belts. They are fashionable (Lenina's is green and fancy) and on these belts, they carry their contraception at all times. The man was an eighteenth century writer who, put most simply, discussed the problematic nature of unchecked population growth when combined with other factors, such as the inability of food production to keep up with the demand for food.

Slough Crematorium -

Lenina and Henry Foster fly over this building on their way to the concert. In this place, the gases produced are treated and ninety-eight percent of the phosphorous is removed for further use. Phosphorus is then used for fertilizer. Henry comments that it is a fine achievement that people can continue being socially useful even after dead.

Stoke Poges Club -

Lenina and Henry go to this club to dance to synthetic music by Calvin Stokes and His Sixteen Sexophonists.

1. Where does this story take place?


9. What has isolated Helmholtz?

Mental excess

5. What do the sexophonists sound like?

Moaning cats

10. Which type of education does the Director indicate should never be rational?

Moral education

6. Which of the following characters is one of the Ten World Controllers?

Mustapha Mond

1. Where do Lenina and Bernard plan to go?

New Mexico

1. Which word best describes how Lenina views Bernard in chapter six?


Violent Passion Surrogate -

Once a month, people are required to go to the conditioning centre to have their systems flooded with adrenaline, which provides them with their ration of fear and rage, without actually having to act on any of it.

10. What does the Controller say that 'Our Ford' called himself whenever he was speaking of psychology?

Our Freud

6. Which of the following best describes how Bernard feels?


1. What is recovered from every corpse?


2. In what way does Henry say that everyone is equal?


5. What is Mustapha Mond's position?

Resident controller for Western Europe

3. Which of the following was a little boy of Polish speaking parents who lived with "Our Ford" while still on earth?

Reuben Rabinovich

1. What can be found set out by nurses in the infant nurseries?

Rose petals and bright books

8. Why has the doctor suggested a pregnancy substitute for Fanny?

She has been feeling out of sorts lately

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the groups of people?


7. What symbol does the Director make on his stomach when speaking of "Our Ford"?

Sign of a T

Pregnancy Substitute -

Since there is no live birth or pregnancy, only decanting, it is suggested that women take this, which lasts several months. The procedure is not described in detail. It is compulsory at age twenty-one, but some women have it as early as seventeen.

6. Hypnopaedia refers to which principle?

Sleep teaching

7. What does Bernard have every other Thursday?

Solidarity service

3. What is served with the coffee when Lenina and Henry eat in the dining hall?


10. Helmholtz states that he is feeling queer about which of the following?

Something to say, power to say it, doesn't know what to say

10. What is the aim of mass production?

Stabilize the population

8. What is passed around as they say, " I drink to my annihilation" at the Solidarity Service?

Strawberry ice cream soma

5. What is body mass been conditioned to represent?


2. Which of the following did Lenina propose that she and Bernard complete on their first date?


5. What worried Lenina when she was in Bernard's room with him?

That she was too plump

Complete Works of William Shakespeare

The Savage reads this while still at the Reservation, Malpais. He continually makes references, including full quotes, to these famous plays, when feeling strong emotions. For instance, he recites part of Romeo.s speech describing Juliet when he, the Savage, is looking at Lenina, and he recites part of Macbeth.s speech upon deciding to kill his father, when he, the Savage, tries to kill his mother Linda.s lover Popé. The Savage is excited to find out that World Controller Mustapha Mond is also familiar with this man's plays.

Caste System

The people of the World State are all part of this system. It goes, in descending order, Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons.

Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning -

The process of raising a person in the World State includes this procedure, done with young babies while they are being brought up in the Hatchery and Conditioning Centres. Nurses supervise the linking of objects with positive or negative feelings and conditions. For example, in Chapter 2, to keep Deltas away from books and flowers, the babies are exposed to a combination of these two things along with electric shocks and sirens and alarms. The infants therefore associate the unpleasant noises and feelings with the books and flowers, and do not like these objects anymore.

11. What does the quiet voices under every pillow encourage the children in the Elementary Class Consciousness exhort the children to be happy with?

The role they have been given

12. What are the Suggestions from the State?

The suggestions whispered under every pillow


These are the embryos that are created genderless.

Feelies -

These are the popular films. Filmgoers sit in special chairs that allow them to feel, and to interact, with the movie. The plots are simple, and often involve sex. Lenina takes The Savage to one of these events. She enjoys it very much, but he is horrified.

Centrifugal bumble-puppy

This is a game that children play. It involves a steel ring and a ball.


This is a hallucinogenic. Linda, the mother of the Savage, takes it in mass quantities because it takes her away from her life at the Savage Reservation, Malpais, and because it has a similar effect to soma. Popé, her Indian lover, brings it to her in liquid form in a gourd.

Sexual Hormone Chewing Gum -

This is chewed by men, for instance, Bernard, to attract women. Benito Hoover gives him several packs to congratulate him on his achievement with the Savage.

Obstacle Golf -

This is one of the many games which the people of the World State play.

Hypnopaedia -

This is sleep-teaching. We first see this in the Director.s tour. It is a series of repeated sayings used to teach children everything from their place in society to clever little sayings and proverbs. Basically, it is a form of thought control, or the imposing of a mind-script. While the children at the Central London Hatcheries and Conditioning Centre are napping, these 'lessons' are played time and time again, thousands of times between the ages of three and sixteen.


This is the drug that people take in half-gramme tablets to get away from it all. It produces a joyful effect in which all bad things are simply whisked away. It is on hand at all times. For most of their lives, the citizens of the Brave New World are doped up. John, or the Savage, is pretty much the only one in the book who has never taken soma. The creation and introduction of soma is as such: Two thousand pharmocologists and bio-chemists were subsidized in A.F. 178, and six years later, it was being produced commercially.


This is the fourth caste in the system, outranking only the sub-human Epsilon caste. They are used mainly as workers.


This is the scientific process of the breaking up, or budding, of the egg, which is done at the Central London Hatcheries and Conditioning Centre.


This is the second-highest caste in the caste system. They possess human intelligence, though not as much as Alphas or Alpha Plus Intellectuals.


This is the slang term for people who have taken soma.

Alpha Plus Intellectuals

This is the top-ranking social caste in the novel. Bernard Marx is this, as is Helmholtz Watson.

Fordson Community Singery

This is where Bernard goes for the orgy-porgy


This is: 'Community, Identity, Stability' of the World State.

Ivan Pavlov -

This man (1849-1936) was a Russian-born behavioral psychologist who developed the idea of conditioning. He worked with dogs, teaching them to associate the sound of a ringing bell with the appearance of meat. The meat made the dogs salivate. Eventually, the very sound of the bell, even when unaccompanied by the reward of meat, elicited the conditioned response, salivation.


This man was a eighteenth-century writer whose An Essay on the Principle of Population was published in 1798. It has two postulates: that food is necessary for the existence of man, and that passion between the sexes is necessary and will persist. Therefore, an unchecked population is problematic when combined with the inability of food production to keep up with population growth.

Sigmund Freud -

This man was an Austrian-born psychologist. He is considered the father of modern psychology. He is famous and controversial for his psycho-sexual theories, which often involve family dynamics, including the Oedipus Complex.

A.F. -

This refers to After Ford, or the years after the death of the figure of Ford. Ford is the surrogate, and surrogate word, for God in the new civilization. People say things like 'Oh, Ford!' and 'Fordey!' The new sign, replacing the cross, is a T, or a cross with the top chopped off, which alludes to the Model T, the first Ford (as in the motor vehicle company) car. 'Ford' is also a corruption of the word Freud, otherwise known as the last name of the psychologist Sigmund Freud, whose psycho-sexual theories, many of which involve family dynamics, are controversial. Mustapha Mond explains that Ford, or Freud, as he used to call himself when speaking of psychological matters, was the first to reveal the perversion, misery, and dangers of family life.

The Savage Reservation, aka Malpais -

This, is filled with sixty thousand Indians and half-breeds, where things considered abominations, such as marriage, religion, disease, and wild animals still exist. The Reservation is in New Mexico. Malpais means 'bad country' in Spanish.

8. Which of the following does NOT describe Helmholtz Watson?


7. Which of the following is not a descriptive term the Controller uses to describe home?


9. What does Bokanovsky's process create?

Uniform men and women in standard batches

4. What did Lenina hear one night when she awoke as a child which at first shocked her?

Voices under her pillow

3. Where did Lenina and Bernard finally go on their first date?

Women's heavyweight wrestling championship

8. Which of the following is an average range of embryos which develop from one egg?

eight to 96

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