BUAD301- Chapter 7
Which of the following is most consistent with the scientific method approach to marketing research discussed in the text?
"Sometimes the answers from the early stages of the research process are good enough so we stop the research and make our decisions."
Which of the following statements does BEST reflect the point of view of the text with respect to marketing research?
"When we work with outside marketing research specialists, we expect them to take the time to really understand the problem we are trying to solve."
A typical cost for a focus group interview of 6 to 10 participants is about:
Which of the following is probably NOT a part of a situation analysis?
A computer company asks ten lawyers to participate in a focus group on how they use computers.
Which of the following statements about a situation analysis is False?
A situation analysis is mainly a study of new information that is not already available.
Which of the following is likely to be part of a situation analysis?
A. A marketing analyst looks up data in Advertising Age magazine about expenditures in the firm's market. B. A marketing researcher asks a trade association for one of its reports. C. A marketing manager searches a library directory resource like ipl2. Answer: All of these are good choices.
Popular Internet search engines for locating secondary data include
A. Google B. Ask C. Yahoo Answer: All of these Internet search engines are likely to be useful.
Marketing managers can search the Internet for secondary data by using
A. a popular Internet subject directory like Yahoo. B. a library Internet subject directory like INFOMINE. C. a powerful Internet search engine like Google. D. a relevant database that is accessed by using software at the website where the database is located. Answer: all of these are ways to search the Internet for secondary data.
Secondary data is often available-at little or no cost-from:
A. both private and government sources. B. the Internet. C. trade associations. D. company files. Answer: All of these are good sources for secondary data
Marketing research is concerned with developing and analyzing new information to help marketing managers do a better job of:
A. executing marketing strategies. B. planning marketing strategies. C. making operational decisions. D. controlling marketing strategies. Answer: All of these alternatives are correct.
Regarding the marketing research process, defining the problem
A. is often confused with identifying the symptoms of the problem. B. can be guided by the marketing strategy planning framework. C. precisely may have to wait until after a situation analysis has been completed. Answer: All of these alternatives are true.
Regarding "marketing research" and "marketing information systems"
A. marketing information systems gather, access, and analyze data from intracompany sources, while marketing research handles all external resources. B. both tend to focus on nonrecurring information needs. C marketing information systems tend to increase the quantity of information available for decision making, but with some decrease in quality. D. most firms have gone "too far" trying to apply modern decision-making techniques. Answer: None of these alternatives is true.
Secondary data
A. may not be specific enough to answer the question under consideration. B. should be considered before primary data is collected. C. is often all that is needed to solve a problem. D. is available both internally and outside the firm. Answer: all of these alternatives are correct.
When getting information for marketing decisions, the marketing manager:
A. may use both internal and external sources of information. B. may need to make some decisions based on incomplete information. C. may need to rely on his or her own instincts to make some decisions. D. should have access to ongoing information about business performance. Answer: all of these alternatives are correct.
A complete marketing information system should
A. provide a good overall view on many types of problems. B. organize incoming information into a data warehouse. C. provide answers to specific questions. D. continually gather data from internal and external sources, and from market research studies. Answer: All of these alternatives are true.
Marketing research:
A. provides new information for use in decision-making. B. must be a joint effort between the researcher and the manager. C. may be handled by outside specialists or by people within the firm. D. may be useful to both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Answer: All of these alternatives are true.
The scientific method
A. rejects the idea that marketing managers can make "educated guesses" about marketing relationships. B. is an orderly way of presenting your point of view. C. assumes that statistical analysis provides the only basis for rejecting a hypothesis. D. is a hit-or-miss approach. Answer: None of these alternatives is correct.
To get problem-specific data, a marketing researcher would use
A. the experimental method. B. a questioning method. C. an observing method. D. consumer panels and focus groups. Answer: Any or all of these could be used.
Quantitative marketing research
A. usually makes it easier and faster for respondents to answer the questions (compared to qualitative research). B. can use a large, representative sample. C. data can be collected by mail, e-mail, online, telephone, or personal interviews. D. makes it easier for the research analyst to summarize answers. Answer: All of these choices are correct.
Which of the following statements about intranets is NOT TRUE?
Access to websites on an intranet is unrestricted.
Regarding a marketing information system (MIS)
Although not every firm has one, MIS use is growing rapidly.
Which of the following observations about the use of a marketing information system (MIS) is FALSE?
An MIS identifies problems that need solving.
What is the first step in the marketing research process
Defining the problem
Which of the following statements about the marketing research process is NOT TRUE?
Defining the problem is important because this decision will remain unchanged throughout the process.
Identify the correct sequence of the marketing research process
Defining the problem, analyzing the situation, getting problem-specific data, interpreting the data, solving the problem
Which of the following is NOT part of the five-step marketing research process discussed in the text?
Developing the marketing information system (MIS)
Which of the following statements about doing a situation analysis is correct?
Doing a good situation analysis is usually much less expensive than collecting primary dat
____ are one widely used form of qualitative questioning in marketing research
Focus group interviews
Which of the following statements about using the Internet to gather secondary information is FALSE?
Information on the Internet is readily available and very reliable
A marketing information system (MIS) includes all of the following except
Internet support systems
Quantitative research
Involves structured responses that can be summarized
Which of the following statements about doing a situation analysis is correct?
It doesn't make sense to start a situation analysis until the problem has begun to surface
Which of the following is a disadvantage of quantitative research (compared to qualitative research)?
It is harder to get in-depth answers
The marketing manager at Massimino and McCarthy, a chain of retail stores that sells men's clothing, is reviewing marketing research data to try to determine if changes in marketing strategy are needed. Which of the following sources of data would be a secondary data source?
Looking for the company's marketing information system to see past sales trends
Which of the following would be a source of primary data?
Market tests.
________________ ________________ utilizes qualitative and quantitative analysis procedures to help marketing managers make more informed decisions.
Marketing Research
_____ refers to an organized way of continually gathering, accessing, and analyzing information that marketing managers need to make ongoing decisions.
Marketing information system
Identify the INCORRECT statement about marketing research
Most small companies have a separate marketing research department.
____ is an example of a primary data source.
Which of the following is NOT likely to be included in a research proposal?
Preliminary recommendations on how to solve the problem
Qualitative research, compared to quantitative research
Relies on open-ended questioning
Which of the following is most consistent with the marketing research process discussed in the text?
Secondary data may be available much faster than primary data
Which of the following statements about secondary data is correct
Secondary data may be available much faster than primary data
Which of the following statements concerning secondary data is correct?
Secondary data was originally collected for some other purpose
____ is an informal study of what information is already available in the problem area.
Situation analysis
A fast-food chain is redesigning its restaurants. One of the main questions facing the chain's management is, "Should the new restaurant design include a salad bar?" A researcher in the company finds an article in a restaurant trade magazine containing the results of a study about salad bars. The results indicate that salad bars are costly to maintain and are not a major attraction to consumers. Based on this information, management decides that it will not have a salad bar as part of the new restaurant design. This example illustrates the point that:
Situation analysis sometimes eliminates the need for conducting further research in a problem area
A good place for a marketing analyst to START looking for published statistical data is the:
Statistical Abstract of the United States.
Which of the following would NOT be a source of primary data
The Wall Street Journal
The Statistical Abstract of the United States is a useful summary reference of the U.S. market prepared by the:
U.S. Census Bureau
Which of the following is NOT part of the five-step marketing research process discussed in the text
Writing the proposal
Focus groups:
Yield results that are largely dependent on the viewpoint of the researcher.
Reshma Ananda, a marketing manager for the Grocery SuperStore retail chain, fired up a computer program that gave her ready access to information about product availability and customer buying. The program helped her immediately set prices for bananas and cherries. This type of computer program is called ______.
a decision support system
Regarding marketing research
a good researcher will understand the marketing problem as well as the technical details of marketing research.
All of the following are examples of secondary data sources EXCEPT
a phone survey this month of past customers.
A situation analysis
can be very informative, but takes little time.
Marketing research:
can get changing information that is not available in the MIS
A situation analysis
can help define the problem.
he first thing a marketing manager should do if one of his firm's products drops in sales volume is
define the problem
Often the most difficult step in the marketing research process is
defining the problem
An interview with 6 to 10 people in an informal group setting is called a(n):
focus group interview
A consumer products manufacturer wants consumer reaction to its existing products. Interaction is considered important to stimulate thinking. The firm should use:
focus group interviews
The scientific method in marketing research
forces an orderly research process
An outside sales force can provide customers with up-to-date inventory levels, product prices, delivery dates, and so forth by accessing information on the firm's own:
The scientific method
is an orderly and objective approach to judging how good an idea really is.
Secondary data
is information that has been collected already.
Marketing research:
is likely to be more effective when guided by the strategy planning framework
Marketing research
is needed to keep marketing managers in touch with their markets
Secondary data from federal government sources
is often very helpful for estimating the size of a market
A complete marketing information system:
is organized to continually gather data from internal and external sources, including market research studies.
One of the major disadvantages of the focus group interview approach is that
it is difficult to measure the results objectively
A decision support system
makes it easy for a marketing manager to get and use information as s/he is making decisions
At Verizon Communications, a marketing manager can view up-to-date marketing data that has been customized to fit his area of responsibility by using a:
marketing dashboard
Juan Quito, marketing manager at Branded Food Co., reviewed his ______, the up-to-the- minute marketing data on his computer screen. It was organized in an easy-to-read format and customized to his area of responsibility
marketing dashboard
A ______________ is an organized way of continually gathering and analyzing data to get information to help marketing managers make ongoing decisions.
marketing information system
Managers at Wayzata Communications, an Internet service provider, want access to a continual flow of information about their market - available whenever they need it. Wayzata managers need a(n)
marketing information system
Regarding "marketing research" and "marketing information systems"
marketing information systems make information more available and more accessible
Procedures that develop and analyze new information to help marketing managers make decisions are called:
marketing research
Regarding the marketing research process, defining the problem
may have to wait until after a situation analysis has been completed.
Setting up a marketing information system can be valuable to marketing managers because
most companies have much useful information, but it often isn't available or accessible when the manager needs it.
A company that sells equipment through independent wholesalers wants to find out why sales are down in one region. An analyst is asked to interview the wholesaler in that region. This seems to be
part of a situation analysis.
Marketing research which seeks structured responses that can be summarized is called
quantitative research
Wizard Toy Company's marketing researcher conducted a survey to find out the percentage of customers who, after receiving a promotional mailing about a new toy, actually went out and purchased the product. This is an example of
quantitative research
The two basic methods for obtaining primary information about customers are
questioning and observing
"Qualitative research" involves
questioning to obtain in-depth open-ended responses
A decision-making approach that focuses on being objective and orderly in testing ideas before accepting them is the
scientific method
The _____ is a decision-making approach that focuses on being objective and orderly in testing ideas before accepting them
scientific method
.Data that has already been collected or published is
secondary data
148.Data which have already been collected in a previous study are called __________ data, while data that are generated by a phone survey this month of key customers are called _______ data.
secondary; primary
When a marketing manager has phone conversations with key wholesalers of the firm's products to try to obtain information about why the firm's product sales are down, this is an example of a(n):
situation analysis
When a marketing manager scans a firm's MIS to try to obtain information about why the firm's product sales are down, this is an example of a(n)
situation analysis
When a marketing manager searches the Internet to find information about a research problem, this is an example of a(n):
situation analysis
A research proposal
specifies what information will be obtained and how
A marketing model is a
statement of relationships among marketing variables
Focus groups
stimulate discussion among participants
During a "situation analysis," a marketing researcher should
study what information is already available
The big advantage of qualitative research in marketing is
the in-depth responses it provides.
With focus group interviews
the objective is to get the group to interact, so that many ideas are generated
When focus group interviews are used in marketing,
the research conclusions will vary depending on who watches the interview whether online or off-line
A marketing manager wants to know why her sales are down. She talks with several sales reps and finds that a competitor has introduced a successful new product. This "research" seems to be part of
the situation analysis.
The research proposal may include information about all of the following except
what the possible solutions are