Bus comp Ch 12
They are interested in creating scripts that are compatible with many types of databases; therefore, they decided to use the __ language .
___ are made up of related records.
The employees of JL Group who use the database of the company for their daily work, without having knowledge of how the underlying database is structured, interact with the database ____.
using the user interface
The key characteristics for an OODBMS (including objects, attributes, methods,___and inheritance) are similar to the object-oriented programming principles.
The key characteristics for an OODBMS (including objects, attributes, methods___, and inheritance) are similar to the object-oriented programming principles.
T/F Cloud databases allow Web pages to be static Web pages; that is, Web pages in which the appearance or content of the pages change based on the user's input. _________________________
T/F Many-to-many entity relationships exist when one entity can be related to more than one other entity, and those entities can be related to multiple entities of the same type as the original entity.
T/F Software that connects two otherwise separate applications (such as a web server and a DBMS) is referred to as interware.
T/F The data dictionary includes data located in the database tables
T/F Typically, in hierarchical database management systems, a one-to-one relationship exists between data entities.
Data definition involves describing the properties of the data that go into each database table, specifically the __ that makeup the database
DBMS's are used primarily for modeling data
Microsoft Access
The process of evaluating and correcting the structures of the tables in data base to minimize data redundancy is called ___.
One of the simplest hashing algorithms involves dividing the primary key field by a particular ____.
Prime number
The __ is the most widely used database model today.
Relational database management system (RDBMS)
A record is also called a ____.
T/F A file management system is a program that allows the creation of individual database tables, each of which is stored in its own physical and is not related to any other file.
T/F After all the tables in a database application have been created and their primary keys designated, the tables can be related to one another via their primary keys so that a primary key for one table can be used to extract data from other tables as needed.
T/F Arranging data for efficient retrieval is called data organization,
T/F Data integrity refers to the accuracy of data.
T/F One advantage of the n-tier architecture is that it allows the program code used to access the database to be separate from the data base, and the code can be divided into any number of logical components
T/F One of the most common types of software used in conjunction with a multi-dimensional database is Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
T/F Some client-server database systems just have two parts (the clients and the server), others have at least one middle component between the client and the server; these systems are referred to as n-tier database systems.
T/F To protect against data loss caused by a database failure, an accidental deletion, or another problem that renders the main copy of a database unusable, stringent backup procedures should be implemented.
T/F NoSQL databases are organized differently than relational databases are organized are therefore, they do not usually use tables and SQL
T/F One of the most common types of software used in conjunction with a multi-dimensional database is Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
The field in a table that is used to relate that table to other tables is called the ___.
primary key
A ____ extracts specific information from a database by specifying particular conditions (called criteria) about the data you would like to retrieve.
A ___ is a collection of related fields.
Middleware for cloud database applications is commonly written as ____—short sections of code written in a programming or scripting language that are executed by another program.