Business Communications Midterm

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What is the downside of privately texting a team member during a virtual meeting? A. You might learn the answer to a question without involving the whole team. B. You might feel more distant from that particular colleague. C. You might be able to accomplish a task that is not on the agenda. D. You might end up derailing the team discussion. E. You might lose track of the larger team discussion.


When you are trying to read another person's nonverbal clues, what should you focus on the most? A. The nose B. The Chin C. The feet D. The neck E. The eyes


Why is it important to learn about the customs and etiquette of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey in particular? A. They are the closest allies of the United States. B. Their cultures are most similar to the culture of the United States. C. They have the most difficult cultures to learn. D. Their business practices are more advanced than those of other countries. E. They are expected to become important business markets.


Which business custom do the MINT countries of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey all have in common? A. shaking hands B. being punctual for business meetings C. avoiding alcohol while dining D. discussing politics E. following strict agendas for business meetings


Which employee is most likely to be an extrovert? A. Lian meets everyone in the department by his third day on the job. B. Iris is patient and persevering at long, detailed tasks. C. Ali takes time to consider the ramifications of every decision. D. Bai has a small network of colleagues he works with closely. E. Pete prefers to work alone rather than on a team.


Which technique helps virtual teams remain energized while working toward their goals? A. rotating team leaders B. eliminating the leader role C. rotating team facilitators D. eliminating the facilitator role E. creating agendas in real time


Why does emotional hijacking occur? A. People are hard-wired to feel emotions about a situation before they reason it out. B. People spend too much time developing self-awareness, so they become overly emotional. C. People have a high emotional intelligence, which makes them less emotional. D. People experience a great deal of physiological noise that interferes with reasoning. E. People deliberately use their emotions to manipulate the reactions of others.


________ deal with the levels of independence and interdependence that people in a society possess and encourage. A. Individualism and collectivism B. Hierarchy and egalitarianism C. Performance orientation and future orientation D. Gender egalitarianism and humane orientation E. Uncertainty avoidance and emotional intelligence


The cultural dimension that deals with the level of confrontation and directness considered appropriate and productive is called A. Individualism B. Uncertainty Avoidance C. Assertiveness D. Performance Orienation E. Egalitarianism


The rules of conduct or moral principles that guide individual or group behavior are known as A. Transparency B. Accountability C. Values D. Ethics E. Character


Asking yourself how certain emotions alter or distort your thinking helps improve your A. Self-awareness B. sight-reading C. empathy D. relationship management E. Physical Noise


Carrie's team has chosen her to act as facilitator in their meetings. What will Carrie be doing? A. ensure that each agenda item is properly discussed B. discourage expressions of opposing viewpoints C. steer conversations toward the manager's favorite views D. schedule meetings and send out the agendas E. take notes and send out follow-up emails


Foster is having difficulty hearing the point his coworker is making because of a person mowing the lawn outside the window. What type of noise is Foster experiencing? A. Physical B. Physiological C. Semantic D. Psychological E. Cognitive


In terms of stakeholder responsibility, what implies an obligation to meet the needs and wants of others? A. Accountability B. Personal Values C. Business Ethics D. Caring E. Transparency


In the business world, caring can be demonstrated by A. considering the needs of colleagues and subordinates. B. sharing relevant information with stakeholders. C. emphasizing the results of decisions and actions. D. focusing mainly on the tasks that need to be done. E. recognizing and acting on business opportunities.


Marcia is a graphic designer. She took a series of courses on basic coding and used what she learned to solve a big problem for the team. In doing so, she demonstrated A. Competence B. Caring C. Tranparency D. Ethics E. Character


One tip for working with colleagues from different generations is to A. focus on individuals and their goals. B. avoid discussions of politics. C. stick to basic technology for teamwork. D. defer to the oldest team member. E. avoid verbal opposition.


Personal values are A. the values that individuals prioritize and adhere to. B. the values that are practiced only in the workplace. C. unwritten rules by which an industry works. D. the stated and lived values of a company. E. guidelines that the government expects public companies to follow.


What is a characteristic of people from high uncertainty avoidance cultures? A. They often stress orderliness and consistency, even if it means sacrificing experimentation and innovation. B. They develop trust quickly with people from other groups. C. They show less resistance to change and less desire to establish rules that dictate behavior. D. They tend to be extremely informal in their actions. E. They tend to expect informality in most interpersonal business interactions.


What is the term for when group members convince themselves a solution is the best one, even when faced with conflicting information? A. Collective Rationalization B. Groupthink D. Illusion of Unanimity E. Peer Pressure E. Mindguards


When working on group writing projects, teams should use version control software to A. keep track of all members' changes to documents. B. archive meeting agendas and minutes. C. ensure that their technology is up to date. D. make sure everyone is on the same page about key facts. E. compare different collaborative technologies.


Which action demonstrates caring? A. Ashton invites a member of his team to attend a skill-building workshop. B. Mia makes sure to communicate using me-oriented phrases. C. Jerry carefully separates his personal values from corporate values. D. Li makes sure all employees receive a copy of the company's ethics policy. E. Carson sees and takes advantage of a business opportunity.


Akua is an international student doing a business internship in Los Angeles. He has mixed feelings about life in Los Angeles. The people are helpful and friendly, but they sometimes make unflattering and incorrect assumptions about his culture. The behavior of the people of Los Angeles is an example of which concept? A. Individualism B. Stereotyping C. Assertiveness D. Egalitarianism E. Heirarchy


Amir is a team leader. His team needs to problem solve a complicated business transition. What course of action should he recommend? A. The team should schedule a full-day problem solving session. B. The team should meet daily without a preset agenda. C. The team should focus on agenda items one at a time. D. The team should hold a coordination meeting before attempting to problem solve. E. Team members should each create a plan independently before a meeting is scheduled.


Challenging rationalizations is a way to A. educate colleagues about corporate policies. B. empower yourself to speak up about ethics violations. C. improve communication with colleagues. D. demonstrate your competence level. E. encourage cooperation among team members.


During a meeting, Sarah's team decides that because of their research findings, they should change the focus of their group paper. This means that Sarah's original suggestions about the paper will be discarded. How should Sarah respond? A. She should restate the reasons for her ideas. B. She should be flexible because it is a group project. C. She should ask to be taken off the project. D. She should stay on the team but not participate much. E. She should write her part of the project the way she wants.


Elias is creating an agenda for his team's upcoming sales meeting. What should he include in the agenda? A. action items and responsibilities B. expected outcomes C. key decisions taken D. open issues E. deadlines for action items


Mohammed and LaRita grew up in communities that view authority in very different ways, so they have difficulty understanding each other at times. The problem is being caused primarily because of A. psychological noise. B. a filter of lifetime experiences. C. differences in emotional intelligence. D. emotional hijacking. E. differences in self-awareness.


One of the traits associated with competence is "a focus on action." This specifically implies A. establishing an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. B. seizing business opportunities when they present themselves. C. adhering to high moral and ethical standards. D. seeking a low-profile, passive role in your organization. E. being accountable to no one but yourself.


What happens during the storming stage of team development? A. Team members focus on gaining acceptance and avoiding conflict. B. Team members discuss competing ideas about how the team should approach work. C. The team decides on a work plan, including their roles, goals, and accountabilities. D. Teams operate efficiently toward accomplishing their goals. E. Team members spend time getting to know each other.


What is a reason in favor of using virtual teams? A. Working within several time zones is easier than working in one zone. B. Experts in different locations can pool their skills and knowledge. C. People on virtual teams find it easier to build trust and rapport. D. Communication technology eliminates human reliance on nonverbal signals. E. Going through the forming and norming stages are easier to do long distance.


What is a strategy for creating a common sense of purpose on a team? A. shutting down conflicts quickly during meetings B. establishing a tradition with which to open each meeting C. staying within the time limits established for each agenda item D. distributing the agenda ahead of a meeting E. asking team members to help create the agenda


What is the dominant business ethic in corporate communications that involves sharing all relevant information and decision rationale with stakeholders? A. Expertise B. Transparency C. Caring D. Competence E. Heirarchys


What is true of high-performing teams? A. They spend more time discussing social issues. B. They embrace differing viewpoints and conflict. C. They spend little time discussing values and goals. D. They build a work culture around personal hobbies. E. They do not waste time discussing their purposes.


When personal values and corporate values are aligned, employees have more A. Transparency B. Integrity C. Conflict D. Autonomy E. confidence


Which employee is most likely to have a blue motivational value system? A. Ted wants to make sure that decisions have been completely thought out. B. Darwin focuses on encouraging the personal growth of coworkers. C. Michele dislikes it when people do not fight back if they have been wronged. D. Elise wants the team to remain as flexible as possible. E. Therese gets annoyed when she perceives that people do not take work seriously.


Which of these is a funnel question? A. What did you learn in the meeting you had with our colleagues in Baltimore last week? B. Now that we know we want to reduce the company budget, what expense categories should we consider? C. In what way do you think our shipping practices contribute to our high expenses? D. How can we reduce our expenses for office supplies to meet our budget goals? E. Is your suggestion consistent with our goal to reduce our overall budget?


Which situation is most likely to happen in an egalitarian culture? A. The boss will have a large corner office with many amenities. B. The company will award stock to employees so they can share in the ownership. C. The employees will not question the policies that affect them. D. Employees will give more respect to colleagues who wear business suits. E. Employees will automatically accept the manager's views during disagreements.


Which statement indicates that a culture has achieved gender egalitarianism? A. Women who stay home with children receive a salary. B. There are equal numbers of men and women in prestigious professions. C. Teachers are paid as much as doctors. D. The average woman's salary is higher than the average man's. E. Men predominantly hold the culture's lowest-status jobs.


Which term refers to a reputation for adhering to high moral and ethical values? A. Competence B. Character C. Community D. Transparency E. Accountability


________ is a show of respect for the dignity and importance of others. A. Synchronizing B. Civility C. Decoding D. Empathy E. Optimism


A business leader can cultivate a sense of community by A. encouraging employees to work as individuals rather than as a team. B. developing new strategies to sell different products to different markets. C. having a communication style that is we-oriented, not me-oriented. D. refusing to give in to pressure by the stakeholders. E. prioritizing the development of his company at the expense of his employees.


A(n) ______ story involves combining your experiences, perspectives, and goals with those of others to form a common approach to work. A. Edited B. Communal C. Shared D. Objective E. Subjective


Being a "giver" is a trait associated with A. Character B. Transparency C. Caring D. Communication E. Competence


In high-trust relationships A. communication is formal in nature. B. people view each other negatively. C. people are less likely to miscommunicate. D. team members are less willing to cooperate. E. people prefer covering up mistakes rather than admitting them.


In tense and emotionally charged situations, it is important to ________ so that people will feel they can share their ideas and feelings with you. A. maintain your point of view B. speak loudly and assertively C. hold judgment D. be uncompromising E. ask closed-ended questions


In the interpersonal communication process, the messages exchanged are A. sequential and individual. B. simultaneous and individual. C. simultaneous and mutual. D. sequential and mutual. E. simultaneous and exclusionary.


Jason, the CEO of Swift Inc., is a successful business leader with a reputation for caring. Which statement proves this? A. He prioritizes the development of his company over the well-being of his team. B. His communication style is me-oriented, not we-oriented. C. He strives to understand the interests and aspirations of his employees. D. His leadership style is result-oriented and not relationship-oriented. E. He believes he is accountable to nobody but himself.


Kelly's company is selecting a manager to expand operations in China. Kelly's boss says the new manager must display high cultural intelligence. What would most likely help Kelly get the job? A. speaking about the strengths of American culture B. reminding her boss that she studied Chinese in college C. displaying appreciation for diversity D. demonstrating her ability to teach others E. identifying the weaknesses of Chinese workers


One reason women are underrepresented in leadership positions is that they are A. often excluded from important business meetings. B. held to higher standards of ethics than men. C. judged less positively than men for being assertive. D. less willing to work long hours than men. E. likely to get into arguments with colleagues.


What are probing questions? A. Probing questions break the ice and gradually ease people into conversations about shared business interests. B. Probing questions move from general to specific and are intended to increasingly deconstruct a business issue. C. Probing questions are intended to analyze a business problem from every angle in order to uncover its root causes. D. Probing questions focus on what should be done to solve business problems and accomplish business objectives. E. Probing questions are narrow-ended questions that are actually opinions presented in question form.


What is a strength of introverts? A. gaining the support of other colleagues B. acting quickly if they see an advantage C. asking thoughtful, important questions D. making a positive first impression E. meeting people at large social events


What is sight-reading? A. the process of interpreting messages from others into meaning B. understanding and managing emotions to serve goals C. intelligent observation of nonverbal communication D. understanding your emotions as they occur and how they affect you E. having the discipline to hold off emotions in order to meet long-term intentions


What is true of credibility? A. Its importance in the post-trust era has decreased. B. People gain credibility more easily than they lose it. C. It is a person's reputation for being trustworthy. D. Neither words nor actions can damage a reputation for credibility. E. It has no relationship to transparency and accountability.


What results from being honest in the workplace? A. Employees may be fired. B. Competition will be reduced. C. Employee morale will increase. D. The company will suffer poor financial performance. E. Employee competencies will decrease.


What statement is accurate about trust in virtual teams? A. If the team builds trust early on, it will stay throughout each stage. B. Trust will come naturally to the team. C. It is necessary to build trust throughout each stage. D. Building trust does not affect credibility. E. Trust is easier to build in virtual teams than in traditional teams.


What tends to be true of collectivists? A. They pursue their own dreams and goals, even when it means spending less time with family and friends. B. They enter friendships and relationships primarily based on shared interests. C. They view themselves as interdependent, forming an identity based on that of their family and friends. D. They make decisions based upon their own needs, rather than the needs of the community. E. They have loosely tied and temporary social networks that change easily.


When working together on a group writing project, what is the most important stage of the process? A. Reviewing B. Drafting C. Planning D. Researching E. Delegating


Which action is most likely to occur during the norming stage of team development? A. Betsy does not express her opinion because she wants to avoid conflict. B. Cassie and Nahlon share competing ideas about how to assign responsibilities. C. The entire team agrees on goals, individual tasks, and ways to be accountable. D. Betsy, Cassie, and Nahlon each work on individual tasks in preparation for a meeting. E. Betsy, Cassie, and Nahlon each describe how their work history relates to the project.


Which of these is most likely to be true about people who exhibit high self-management? A. They show a sincere interest in others' efforts, ideas, and successes. B. They react defensively and with a me-first attitude when threats are perceived. C. They are able to focus on long-term goals instead of being distracted by short-term desires. D. They frequently vent frustrations without a constructive work purpose. E. They are unable to control their emotional impulses.


Which statement about stereotyping is true? A. Certain cultures can never be stereotyped. B. Positive stereotypes, if rigid, are acceptable. C. Popular culture plays an important role in the formation of negative stereotypes. D. People with high CQs have the hardest time letting go of stereotypes. E. Stereotyping occurs mainly in Western nations and is rarely seen in the East.


Which statement is true of cultural dimensions? A. Cultural dimensions are temporary and change considerably within each generation. B. Cultural dimensions are the impermanent sets of related norms and values of a culture. C. Cultural dimensions are factors that help you understand a culture's underlying goals and motivations. D. Cultural dimensions tend not to distinguish independent cultures from interdependent cultures. E. Cultural dimensions apply to material things but not to abstractions like concepts of time.


________ is a measure of your ability to work with and adapt to people from other backgrounds. A. Intelligence quotient B. Emotional quotient C. Cultural intelligence D. Emotional intelligence E. Cultural quotient


________ is the belief that your own culture is superior to all others. A. Individualism B. Collectivism C. Ethnocentrism D. Egalitarian E. Assertiveness


________ is the degree to which an organization or society encourages and rewards individuals for being fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, and kind. A. Performance orientation B. Future orientation C. Humane orientation D. Individualism E. Egalitarianism


Chin is the leader of a team whose meetings are being disrupted by Lisa, who dominates the discussions with long, irrelevant comments. What is the best way for Chin to address the situation? A. Ask his manager to pull Lisa off the team because she is so difficult. B. Criticize Lisa sharply in the meeting each time she is disruptive. C. Wait to see if it is a temporary behavior that will stop. D. Provide strong leadership in assigning team roles and keeping to the agenda. E. Gossip about Lisa to other team members in the hope that someone will talk to her.


Daoud was already feeling stressed about a deadline he was having trouble meeting. When he went to make photocopies of an important graph, he saw a sign on the copier saying it was out of order. In frustration, he kicked the machine and broke his toe. What did Daoud experience? A. psychological noise B. high self-management C. emotional intelligence D. emotional hijacking E. high self-awareness


Difficult conversations are best handled by A. refusing to compromise your views to get your point across. B. viewing silence as an indication of acceptance. C. agreeing with everything you hear to ease tension. D. embracing conflict as an opportunity to exchange perspectives. E. adopting a judgmental stance to get the results you want.


High future orientation cultures A. use inflexible and firm language. B. often mention short-term rewards and incentives. C. prioritize proven and routine approaches to problems. D. focus more on intrinsic motivation. E. rarely discuss long-term strategies as part of communications.


In societies with low performance orientation, people A. value statements of individual accountability more than expressions of loyalty. B. view feedback as essential to their improvement. C. consider financial incentives crucial to achieving better performance. D. hold relationships to be more important than results. E. prioritize measurable goals and objectives in meetings.


Jerome is a member of Gen X, while his coworker Aleah is a member of Gen Y. Aleah is more likely than Jerome to A. be impressed by titles. B. understand technology. C. seek continuous feedback. D. seek a flexible schedule. E. prefer a more professional environment.


Jessica listens to Jack's explanation and understands what he means. What process has Jessica demonstrated? A. Feedback B. Encoding C. Noise D. Decoding E. Receiver


Ming is visiting her company's headquarters in Germany, which has a highly assertive culture. She is likely to observe her coworkers A. using subtle, indirect language in meetings. B. allowing silence to linger in meetings. C. expressing respect for others but letting issues go unresolved. D. using competitive language when evaluating ideas. E. expressing themselves in controlled, measured ways.


Outgroup homogeneity effect is the assumption that A. communication patterns are identical across all cultures. B. other cultures have the same norms and values as your own. C. cognitive abilities differ between cultures. D. members of other groups are all the same. E. the customs of other cultures are inferior to those of your own.


People from low uncertainty avoidance cultures A. prefer documenting agreements in legal contracts. B. keep meticulous records and document conclusions drawn in meetings. C. refer to formalized policies, procedures, and rules as a basis for decision making. D. prefer informality in most interpersonal business interactions. E. favor tasks with sure outcomes and minimal risk.


The FAIR (Facts, Access, Impacts, Respect) test is intended to evaluate A. the contemporary relevance of your business's ethics. B. the financial state of your company. C. the relationship between stakeholders of different companies. D. ethical business communication. E. the profits made by your company's investors.


The primary value of having diversity on teams is that it helps them A. avoid the storming stage. B. develop team culture more easily. C. learn the skill of disassociation. D. welcome new ideas. E. focus on performance.


Using priming statements to trigger a mindset that affects subsequent behavior is part of which basic principle of team communication? A. Teams go through four natural stages to reach high performance. B. Teams focus on psychological safety and ensure all voices are heard. C. Teams recognize and actively seek to avoid groupthink. D. Teams should focus first and foremost on performance. E. Teams build a work culture around values, norms, and goals.


What is a feature of hierarchical cultures? A. Salary ranges between the top and the bottom of an organization are quite narrow. B. Subordinates do not take responsibility for the mistakes of leaders. C. People of all ranks are encouraged to voice their opinions openly. D. Leaders expect employees to comply with their decisions because of their authority. E. People tend to distribute and share power evenly.


What is a sign of a person paying attention? A. a closed body position B. a slouched and relaxed position C. a cursory glance accompanied by a smile D. a nod to indicate acknowledgement E. a deep breath to relax oneself


What is an advantage of using a cloud-based service like Google Drive to store group documents? A. It has a sophisticated version control system that is useful for teams to use. B. It has a built-in process to guide people through the steps of revision. C. It has a track changes system that shows all edits back to the beginning of the document. D. It allows all group members to edit the document in real time. E. It has a more sophisticated grammar checker than other programs.


Which action demonstrates that Elsa acts with transparency? A. She shares her company's trade secrets with its competitors. B. She accepts only small gifts from clients. C. She keeps conversations with stakeholders confidential. D. She acknowledges the concerns of others. E. She considers herself accountable only to her team.


Which action is least likely to be effective when you are dealing with intense anger? A. Taking a walk B. Breathing Deeply C. Watching TV D. Venting your anger E. reading a book


Which behavior is most likely to occur in a low humane orientation culture? A. Each time people meet, they start by asking how the other person is doing. B. Discussion of feelings is considered a vital part of decision making. C. Coworkers frequently volunteer to help each other finish tasks. D. When people form new acquaintances, they avoid physical gestures of welcome. E. A business has a task force to eliminate subtle forms of discrimination.


Which employee is acting with incivility? A. Rasha displays interest in her coworkers' personal accomplishments. B. Korrine's motto is "Let's agree to disagree" when contentious issues arise. C. Li Ming asks rather than orders her administrative assistant to take care of tasks. D. Sam usually greets female colleagues by saying, "Hello there, girls." E. Helga doesn't multitask when her coworkers are talking to her.


Which employee is most likely to be a hub in the MVS system? A. Before his next project starts, Jerry wants his boss to explain the rewards for a good job. B. Latosha values efficiency and precision in coworkers. C. Magda tries hard to give everyone credit for their contributions. D. Duri urges her team to be flexible and to get along with each other. E. Ryan's coworkers see him as rigid and nit-picky.


Which of these is a solution-oriented question? A. What have your experiences with the new software been? B. Now that we know our absentee rate is high, how can we learn the reasons for that problem? C. Why do you think our personnel policies contribute to employee dissatisfaction? D. How can we change our process to ensure we meet the new deadline? E. Could you explain your suggestion in greater detail?


Which person displays a learner mind-set? A. Natalie walks away when someone says something she disagrees with. B. Steve, a factory worker, declares that executives have no idea what real work is. C. Sharvani declares in a meeting that there is only one correct procedure to follow. D. During a department meeting, Jae-Seong reminds people that disagreements are normal and healthy. E. Sally always agrees with everything her manager and supervisor say.


Which question best helps virtual teams benefit from diversity by capturing the perspectives of all team members? A. "What professional background do you bring to this project?" B. "What are the unfinished items from the last meeting?" C. "What did you do over the weekend?" D. "What do you think about this idea?" E. "What would our stakeholders think about this?"


Which statement about difficult conversations is true? A. The either/or approach is the most effective way to handle difficult conversations. B. Finding common ground while conversing escalates group tension. C. Adopting a judgmental mind-set makes discussions flow more easily. D. Managing difficult conversations with success requires self-awareness. E. Disagreeing diplomatically involves modifying your opinion to mirror that of others.


Which statement accurately describes the role played by character in the establishment of credibility? A. Character has become less important in the post-trust era. B. Character-based traits are the least important determinants of trust in the workplace. C. A decrease in transparency positively influences character. D. Character is especially important in long-term, collaborative relationships. E. An increase in accountability adversely affects character.


Which term refers to the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks, approach business problems, and get a job done? A. Transparency B. Accountability C. Power D. Competence E. Character


________ involves favorable explanations for why others have behaved in a certain way. A. Decoding B. Relationship Management C. Self-management D. Mitigating Information E. Emotional Highjacking


What is the definition of business ethics? A. the skills needed to solve and overcome business problems B. the ability to seize business opportunities when they present themselves C. communication patterns that are me-oriented, not we-oriented D. the extent to which employees care for the needs of the company E. commonly held principles in the business community for acceptable behavior


Corporate values are A. self-formulated values that individuals adhere to. B. personal values practiced only in the workplace. C. unwritten rules by which an industry works. D. laws imposed by the government on corporations. E. the stated and lived values of a company.


In the FAIR test, A refers to access. This means A. giving the public access to the company's trade secrets. B. providing access to your contact information. C. posting your business communications on social media. D. publishing all business reports. E. granting access to your motives, reasoning, and information.


Lila knew that people assumed she worked for the store, when instead she owned it. It was a constant source of frustration for her, so when a salesperson came in and asked to speak to the owner, she blew up and told him to leave. What caused her strong emotional reaction? A. Noise B. Emotional Intelligence C. self-awareness D. Stress E. Trigger


Team ________ refers to a set of shared perceptions and commitment to collective values, norms, roles, responsibilities, and goals. A. Communication B. Development C. Identity D. Ethics E. Culture


The three components that are most important for establishing credibility are competence, caring, and A. Confidence B. Charity C. Communication D. Charisma E. Character


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