بيتر ميلاد : شرح وحدات اللغة الأنجليزية 3ث

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

- shall I help you with the cooking? - shall We clean the kitchen for you?

2- Be + going to + inf.

2- It's time + subj. فاعل + ماضي بسيط - It's time he paid the bill. - It is time father arrived.

2- I 'd rather + subj. فاعل + ماضي بسيط -I would rather she helped him. - I'd rather Ali didn't come.

Well, they might have used thousands of workers.

2- Someone asks you why the Pyramids were built.

- explore يستكشف شىء غريب و يعرف شىء عنه - I want to explore that old desert building .

2- help + ( to + inf. / inf. ) يساعد - The teacher helped me (to) understand the lesson.

- die away يزول -The light of the candle died away.

2- imprison يسجن -The criminal was imprisoned for ten years.

1- take pride in : be proud of يفتخر بـ - She takes a great pride in her work.

2- keep

- Ali suggested we go to the club. - Ali suggested we should go to the club.

2- temporary مؤقت - He tries to find a temporary job during the summer holiday.

A jar of jam برطمان مربه A bar of soup قطعة صابون

2- اذا تغير معناها

11 - Other nouns : jewellery مجوهرات - money - laughter ضحك - rubbish- equipment معدات - furniture اثاث - cash نقدية- clothing الملبس- traffic مرور- baggage حقائب - luggage امتعة- machinery

2- الاسماء المفردة التي لا تعد لا تسبق بــ ( a / an ) انما يمكن تسبق بـ ( some - any )

- He has broken his leg. (He can't walk easily)

2- حدث انتهي في وقت غير محدد في الماضي :

1- نستخدم المصدر بعد to إذا كان الفعل الثانى مضارع بسيط أو مستقبل

2- نستخدمhave + p.p. بعد toإذا كان الفعل الثانى ماضى

1 - يعبر الماضي البسيط عن حدث انتهى في الماضي I studied French when I was in secondary school.

2- يعبر عن عادة في الماضي Aya used to play tennis, when she was young.

1. You want your father to permit you to go on a school trip to Alex.

2. A friend says,"Do you mind if I use your camera?". You don't mind.

1. You are telephoning your friend Haithm, but his mother is answering.

2. Someone is telephoning your father. Tell him to wait for some time.

1. Your friend's uncle has had an accident, you show sympathy.

2. You failed the exam your friend is so sorry for you.

1. You broke your friend's watch, you apologise.

2. Your brother has lost your dictionary, he apologises, you don't accept.

1. You warn your brother not to run very fast across the road.

2. Your friend warns you not to fall off the ladder.

- it has rained for two hours. - it began to rain two hours ago.

11 - تستخدم كل من ( recently / lately) بنفس الطريقة في السؤال

- relationship علاقة شخصية أو أسرية - I have a good relationship with my parents.

11- make + someone + inf. يُجبر شخص علي عمل شيء -They made her sign the cheque.

- spin يدور / يدير ( حول نفسه ) - A fan spins to make us feel cooler.

11- start / begin + (to + inf. / V. ing) - He started to play / playing football when he was six.

10- as well as + v. + ing بالإضافة الى - As well as cooking for 20 people, she did all the washing up.

11- البادئات Prefixes

- What on earth did you do that for? - How on earth can the moon block out the sun's light?

11-تستخدم الكلمات northern / southern / eastern / western قبل اسم الدولة أو المنطقة

- begin/ start with+ n. - the speaker started with a description of his journey to China.

12- spend + time +v.ing يقضى -I spent the summer holiday doing some work on my computer.

- use as يستخدم كـ - Wood is used as a fuel.

13- everyday (adj.) تستخدم ككلمة واحدة بمعني يومي وهي في هذه الحالة صفة

- respectful (adj.) يُظهرالاحترام لـ - We should be respectful towards elderly people.

13- would rather + inf. would prefer + to + inf. تفيد التفضيل

- prefer + v+ing. + to + v+ing - he prefers watching football to playing it.

14- It is time to + inf. لقد حان وقت - It is time to go home.

enclose يـرفـق/ يحيـط He enclosed a photo with his letter. My house is enclosed by a high fence

14- affect have an effect onيؤثـرعلـى - Smoking affects health badly.

- I go to school every day.

14- else ( any - every - no - some( تستخدم بعد الكلمات التي تبدأ بـ

- sunny / sunnier / sunniest - rainy / rainier / rainiest

14- lunar eclipse ...... the eclipse of the moon (the Earth is between the moon and the sun) .

decide that + sentence يقـرر - He decided that you should attend.

14- site موقـع أثـرى / بنـاء - Abu Simble is the site of two temples south of Aswan.

- I don't know much about the lives of the Russians?

15 - decide to + inf يقـرر . -The professor decided to enter the tomb.

14- look forward to + n. / V. + ing: - We look forward to a better future for our children.

15 - plane طائرة بمحرك - I don't like travelling by plane.

- What else do you need? - who else attended the meeting?

15- ( be ) connected to something موصل بجهاز - The printer is connected to the computer

rather than أفضــل مــن / بدلا من - You should study your lessons rather than playing with children.

15- find / found / foundيجد - Scientists try hard to find a cure for cancer.

site موقع على شبكة الإنترنت -You can apply for the job on our website.

15- raise ( d ) + مفعـول يـربى حيوانـات / يجمـع مـال / يرفـع

- he effected several changes In the company.

15- remember to + المصـدر يتذكـر ثم يفعـل الشـئ - I remembered to post the letter.

- spaceship سفينة فضاء - A spaceship was sent into the Spacestation.

16 - cause يسبـب - The bad weather caused the fire.

contact communicate with يتصل بـ - Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything.

16- breathe in inhale يستنشـق - Plants breathe in carbon dioxide

- His behaviour aroused the suspicion of the police. - Don't arouse the baby.

16- conquer يغزو ( عدو أو بلد) -The Normans conquered England in 1066.

found / founded / founded يؤسس -The High Dam was founded by President Gamal Abd El-Nasser.

16- provide ...... with ...... يمد بـ ، يزود بـ - My parents provide me with money.

remember + (v + ing) يتذكـر أنه فعـل الشـئ - I remembered posting the letter .

16- retire يحـال للمعـاش ( يتقـاعـد ) - resign يستقيـل من العمـل

- fell يقطع (شجرة) - A lot of trees along the road were felled.

17- human (adj.) بشري / إنساني - The accident was the result of human error

provide ......for ...... يوفر -He is kind because he provides money for his poor neighbours .

17- lie - lied - lied يقــع - Egypt lies in north-east Africa.

breathe out exhale يـزفـر - Plants breathe out oxygen.

17- made in صنـع في -This car is made in Japan .

- belief اعتقاد -she married him In the belief that he Would change.

18- district (n.) حي - منطقة -Yehia Haqqi was born in 1905 in Sayyida Zeinab district of Cairo.

- humane (adj.) عطوف - The refugees اللاجئون receive humane treatment .

18- find + obj. + adj. - I find it easy to study English.

- defend (yourself) يدافع عن نفسه - You should be able to defend yourself in dangerous situations.

19- admit + v. + ing يعترف / يقر / يقبل - They admitted stealing the money.

help with + n. ( with - in )يساعد يأتي بعدها الاسم مسبوقا بـ - He helped me with the job.

19- hold / held / held يقيم / يعقد / يشغل / يتسع لــ / يمسك - He held the chair.

- distort (v.)يشوه -It is a bad recording -The microphone distorted our voices.

19- insist on +n. v.ing يصر علي - I have insisted on getting the first prize.

split - split ينشطــر - Nuclear energy is made by splitting atoms.

19- made in صنـع في - This car is made in Korea.

- Thousands of people watched the match on TV yesterday.

19- realize يدرك - I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was so late.

- anniversary ذكري سنوية - We celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary last week.

19- treatment for علاج لـ - Scientists try hard to find a treatment for cancer.

- If you ask me....... - If you ask me, she should help him do his homework.

2 - Agreeing and disagreeing

- our youth are the power of development. - the police have arrested the thieves.

أسماء الأشياء المكونة من جزأين مثل gloves / scissors / trousers / shoes / socks glasses نستخدم معها كلمة pair وبدون كلمة pair تُعتبر هذه الكلمات جمع

- no one must ever break the law. (the law.....) the law must never be broken.

إذا كانت الجملة تحتوى على مفعولين يمكن أن نبدأ بالمفعول الأول أو الثانى.

- Someone is knocking at the door, I will go And see who they are

الضمائر الغير محددة التالية تأخذ دائما فعل مفرد و عند الإشارة إليها بضمير نستخدم ضمير مفرد أيضا

- She drives the kids to school every morning. - They're building a new school in the village.

الضمائر الغير محددة التالية تأخذ دائما فعل مفرد ولكن عند الإشارة إليها بضمير نستخدم ضمير جمع

4- Nouns which look plural:

العبارات الدالة علي الكمية و المبالغ المالية والزمن و الثمن و المسافة و الوزن ودرجات الحرارة تُعامل معاملة المفرد مع الفعل

( something / nothing / anything/ everything ) - Something has fallen on your head.

العبارات مثل ( as well as / along with / together with ) اذا كانت تربط فاعلين يعامل الفعل بعدها حسب الفاعل الاول

- three one-pound coins are on the desk. ثلاث عملات معدنية من فئة الجنيه

بعض الأسماء المنتهية بحرف s مثل الألعاب الرياضية و المواد الدراسية يُستخدم معها دائما فعل مفرد

ملاحظـــــــــــــــــــــــــــات هامــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة

بعض الكلمات ليس لها مفرد وتعامل معاملة الجمع ومنها

- Did you use to walk to school? - where Did you use to live?

تستخدم no longer بدلا من used to ويأتي بعدها الفعل في زمن الضارع البسيط

- he used to smoke. he no longer smokes.

تستخدمany more / any longer بدلا من used to مع نفى الفعل في المضارع البسيط و تأتى في نهاية الجملة

It is thought that he is making a plan. He is thoughtto be making a plan.

في حالة وجود ماضي مستمر نستخدم to be +V- ing أو to have been +V- ing

- Politics was my best subject at university. - Athletics is my favourite sport.

كلمة school بمعني المكان الذي يتعلم فيه الطلاب لا تُعد أما إذا قصدنا المدرسة كمبني فهي تُعد

- the picture was painted by my friend last year. (you are interested In the picture.)

نستخدم المبنى للمجهول عندما لا تعرف أو ليس من المهم أن تعرف من قام بالحدث:

- two hours is a long time to wait. - Fifty degrees is a very high temperature.

ولكن لاحظ أننا نقول

- Ali said, "Why don't you ask the teacher? " - Ali suggested asking the teacher.

" Could I have a cup of coffee?" Aya said - Aya asked me for a cup of tea .

2 - بعض الكلمات لها نفس التكوين في المفرد والجمع

( sheep / fish / crossroads / means / series / species )

7- تُستخدم الأسماء التي تُعد أيضا مع الكلمات الآتية

( some / any / many / a few / a lot of one / two / three, etc.)

9 - لاحظ استخدام فعل مفرد مع الكلمات الآتية ولكن عند الإشارة إليها بضمير نستخدم ضمير جمع:

( someone / somebody / anyone / anybody / everyone / everybody / no one / nobody (

- I / We shall go shopping this afternoon. - I / We shall spend the weekend In the country.

)ايضا في تكوين الاقتراح shall تستخدم( -2

- Eman (she) studies English for an hour everyday.

+ am / is / are+ p.p. ............. . المفعول Passive Obj

- يأتى بعد If كلا من الفاعل ثم الفعل و يتم حذف علامه الاستفهام ووضع نقطه مكانها (اي يتحول السؤال الي جملة خبرية )

- "Can you answer this question?" Emma asked Noura.

- اذا كانت جملة الحديث المباشر تحتوي علي كلمة وداع مثل(good bye) يكون فعل القول (bade):

- "Good bye, Omer", she said. - She bade Omer good bye.

وفي حالة عدم وجـود حرف جر نستخـدم الصفة

- 3 metres high - 5 inches long - 5 centimetres deep

*- لاحظ استخدام الاسم بعد حرف الجـر in فيما يلي

- 3 metres in height - 5 inches in length - 5 centimetres in depth

- a sheep was grazing In the field. - Some sheep were grazing In the field.

- A car is a means of transport. - Cars are means of transport.

- Omer intends to build a new house. he is going to look for a good place.

- A: What are your plans for the next weekend? - B: I'm going to play computer games.

لاحــظ دور فعل القول فىً ما يلي

- Ahmed said to me, "Will you help me?" - Ahmed asked me to help him.

- نحذف الأقواس ونربط بكلمة "to " في حالة الإثبات وفي حالة النفي نربط ( not to ) ونحذف النفي .

- Ahmed said to us "study physics carefully." - Ahmed advised us to study physics carefully.

Form will + be + v.ing...............

- Ali : I'd like to invite you to my birthday party at five o'clock tomorrow?

- لكن اذا جاءت (must) للتعبير عن الاستنتاج فتحول الي ( must have + pp ):

- Ali said,"this man must be a pilot". - Ali said that that man must have been a pilot.

2 - To express habits: التعبير عن عادات - He always comes late.

- Ali usually eats fruit for dessert .الحلو بعد الأكل : It is Ali's (his) habit to eats fruit for dessert .

ولكن لاحظ أن كلمة priceless معناها لا يُقدر بثمن:

- Ancient Egyptian monuments are priceless.

- In my opinion /view...as... - In my opinion, We should visit him at home as he is ill.

- As far as I'm concerned - As far as I'm concerned, the television wastes our time

-"Could you answer this question, please" Asmaa said to Mai.

- Asmaa asked Mai to answer that question.

atmosphere الغـلاف الجـوي :ـ مـا يحيـط الأرض أو المكـان

- Atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.

backward متخلف عن النمـو الطبيعى ( شخـص ـ دولة ) -

- Backward children learn more slowly than others. - the Un helps Backward countries.

- having heard the news, he told me.

- Before / by the time / When + , + ماضي بسيط + , ماضي تام

- two books have been taken From our classroom. (We do not know who took them.)

- Before roads were built across the desert, few visitors came to this town.

- Before + n. / v.ing + , + ماضي بسيط / ماضي تام

- Before stopping a taxi to take her home,she had done the shopping.

If it were not for + v.ing/n... subj.+ Would + inf. ....

- But for her cleverness, she would get low marks. : If it weren't for her cleverness,..........

- In (a year's / four months' / five weeks' / an hour's / ten minutes' /.......) time

- By next time في المرة القادمة / by next Monday/ by then حينئذ .... etc.)

contain يحتـوى علـى شـئ بداخـله

- CD-ROMs can contain words, music and pictures.

- I imagine

- Certainly

Giving permission Refusing permission

- Certainly. / Sure. / Here you are.

- classical (adj) متعلق بدراسة الحضارة اليونانية أو الرومانية القديمة تقليدي / قديم (كلاسيكي )

- Classical (architecture - symphony - composer.....)

- she studies classical architecture.

- Classics دراسة الحضارة اليونانية و اللاتينية ( كلمة لا تعد ) - We studied Classics at university.

** Congratulations التهاني

- Congratulations. مبروك - Congratulations on your results!

(when you ask someone's opinion of something)

- Do you like (handball / hockey)? - Do you like living in Cairo?

- never mind. لا عليك.

- Don't worry about it. لا تقلق لهذا. - Oh, no! It was new. لا، لقد كان جديداً.

Asking for informationطلب معلومات Giving information تقديم معلومات

- Excuse me, could I ask you Some questions about..? - Yes, of course.

- Ten million pounds is a lot of money. - Fifty litres of petrol fills my car.

- Five kilometres is a long way to walk If you are carrying a heavy bag.

- الكلام الغير مباشر: هو نفس معني الكلام المباشر و لكـن بصورة اوضح

- Hala said that she had passed her.

- I live on a bus route so I can easily get to work.

- Hard work is the best route to success. - There was an accident on Alexandria road.

Can't + inf. can't have + p.p.

- He can't be a teacher. He wears a uniform and stands at a traffic station. - His favourite team lost the match yesterday. He can't have been happy.

- He denied being there when the crime happened.

- He denied that he had been there when the crime happened.

إذا كان الفاعل و المفعول واحد نستخدم ضمير منعكس (myself / himself / herself / yourself / yourselves / themselves / itself / ) ثم be ثم pp.

- He doesn't let others laugh at him. (be) He doesn't let himself be laughed at.

It ( is - has been ) مدة since ماضي بسيط

- He hasn't travelled for ages. (since) - It is ages since he travelled.

- لكن يمكن أن تعبر(( couldhave + P.P. أيضا عن شيء كان من الممكن حدوثه ولكنه لم يحدث:

- He hasn't visited us for a long time. He could have been busy.

- وفي حالة استخدامthatبعد بعض هذه الافعال تحول الجملة بنفس القواعد السابقة:

- He promised that he would give me all the money I needed.

- اذا كانت جملة الحديث المباشر تحتوي علي كلمة شكر يكون فعل القول (thanked):

- He said to Heba," Thank you very much". - He thanked Heba very much.

- وفي حالة استخدامthatبعد بعض هذه الافعال تحول الجملة بنفس القواعد السابقة:

- He said, "I wasn't there when the crime happened."

suggested/admitted أقر /قبل/denied أنكر/ apologised for/objected to اعترض علي/insisted on أصر

- He said, "Let's discuss this question now." - He suggested discussing that question then.

نستخدم مصدر used to + للتعبير عن التناقض بين العادات أو المواقف فى الماضى و الحاضر.

- He used to swim everyday. He doesn't do this now.

- it took me two hours to do my homework. - How long does it take you to do this job?

- He was about to leave the house when the phone rang.تقريباً / على وشك مصدر 24- be about to +

- لاحظ ان المستقبل في هذه الحالة ليس فقط مستقبل قريب ولكن من الممكن ان نقول

- He's coming back in ten years. - We're going back to the states in three years.

- لاحظ ان المناسبات الاجتماعية من حفلات واعياد ميلاد وغيرها تستلزم ترتيبات , لذا يستخدم معها المضارع المستمر

- He's getting married next Friday. - We're going back to the states in three years.

-"Could you live alone ?"Ahmed said. - Ahmed asked me if I could live alone.

- Heba said, "Let's study English." - Heba suggested that they should study English.

- أسلوب التعجب في غير المباشر يتحول إلي جملة عادية تبدأ بـ It was..:

- Heba said, "What nice weather!" Heba said that it was nice weather.

عندما لا تكون متأكداً أنك تتحدث للشخص الصحيح:

- Hello, is that ....... ? أهلاً، هل أنت فلان؟

(When you meet a friend:)عندما تقابل صديق

- Hi! How are things? كيف حالك؟ I'm very well, thanks.أنا بخير، شكراً.

- You should (study hard).............. - Why don't you + inf...................?

- How about ....................ing? - You'd better (take a taxi)..............

- I think they must have (built it to make travelling by sea easier).

- How do you think (they built the Suez Canal)?

- How can We keep fit? - We can walk or cycle more.

- How often do you travel by car? - I travel by car two or three times a week.

- I think

- I believe

الضميرين ( either / neither ) مفردان ويأتي معهم فعل مفرد

- I can join two clubs. Neither club is good enough.

الشخصيات حقيقية جداً.

- I can recommend (this book) to you.

6- الضمير المستخدم بدلا من الاسماء المغردة التي تعد مفرد او جمع و صقة الاشارة مفرد او جمع ( this - that - these - those )

- I can't buy this book as it is exoensive. - I can't buy these cars as they are expensive.

ماضي بسيط (منفي غالبا) + till / until + ماضي تام

- I didn't go to school till/until I had had my breakfast. -They didn't start the game until I had arrived.

ماضي بسيط (منفي غالبا) + till / until + (n.اسـم ) / ( v. ing )

- I didn't go to school till/until having my breakfast.

- recognize يتعرف علي / يعترف بـ (رسمياً)

- I didn't recognize you in your uniform. - British medical qualifications are recognized in Canada.

- I don't think so

- I don't believe

- I'm (terribly / really / awfully) sorry, but I've lost your book.أسف جداً، لكننى .........

- I don't know how to say this, but I've broken your camera .لا أعرف كيف أقول هذا،...

- I don't know might + inf. might have + p.p.

- I don't know why he doesn't look happy. He might feel ill. - I don't think he won the race. He might have lost it.

- الأفعال مثل (like/hate/ love/ dislike) ممكن أن يأتى بعدها ( مصدر (to + أو ( v.ing)فتختلف صيغة المجهول :

- I don't like people cheating me. - I don't like being cheated.

3- اذا تم تجزئتها من قبل

- I drank three coffees While I was studying. - Would you give me a cake , please mum?

Form : Subj. + inf. المصدر + ....... .

- I get up at six o'clock every morning. - They sometimes go for a walk on Fridays.

experience(s) مواقف أو تجارب أو خبرات في الحياة-تُجمع

- I had some interesting experiences while I was travelling. ( things that happened to me)

Form:Subj. الفاعل + had + P.P. ................... .

- I had studied English before I travelled to New York.

فى حالة الأفعال المتبوعة بـ (v.+ ing) نستخدم(being + p.p.) فى المبنى للمجهول.

- I hate people telling me lies. (being) I hate being told lies.

- He has arranged everything. He's spending his holiday in Paris.

- I have booked two tickets. I'm traveling to Spain with my sister tomorrow.

1 - لاحظ أن ever/never/just/ already تأتي بينhave/has والتصريف الثالث : PP.

- I have just written the letter. - He has never done karate.

- عند استخدام since / for بدلا من the last time / last / When / ago نحول الماضي البسيط إلى مضارع تام منفى.

- I last ate fish when I was in Alex. - I haven't eaten fish since I was in Alex.

**Comparing / Expressing preference المقارنة / التفضيل

- I like coffee better / more than tea. أحب القهوة أكثر من الشاى.

- I'm not very fond of (music). - I hate / detest...... أكره

- I loathe / despise يحتقر (violence العنف).

like, dislike, love, think, seem, look, know, feel, understand, want, need, hate, see, remember, forget, prefer, believe, mean, taste, hear, have, possess, own,

- I prefer his way of thinking. - he enjoys reading romantic novels.

- he always comes late. - he is always late.

- I sometimes go fishing. sometimes, I go fishing. I go fishing sometimes.

- definitely

- I suppose

- From where I stand - From where I stand, the computer is the best invention

- I think / believe... because... - I think(believe) he will be late because he missed the bus to school.

في حالة وجود مضارع مستمر نستخدم to be + ing:

- I think he is making a plan. (It...) (He...)

- التنبؤ بما قد يحدث مستقبلا في حالة وجود دليل

- I think it's going to rain because the sky seems very cloudy.

( be ) connect ed with something مرتبط بــ / متورط في

- I think that Ali is connected with this crime - There was nothing to connect him with the crime.

- take off يخلـع ملابس / تقلـع الطائرة

- I took off my shoes and went into the mosque.; -The plane will off at six.

فى حالة الأفعال المتبوعة بـ (to + inf.) نستخدم (to be + p.p.) عند التحويل إلى مبنى للمجهول.

- I want you to tell me the truth. (be) I want to be told the truth.

- كما يستخدم الماضي من هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن نية كانت موجودة لعمل شيء ولكنه لـم يحدث في الماضي:

- I was going to take the six o'clock train, but I got up late.

.- للتعبير عن حدث مستمر في الماضي قطعه حدث آخر

- I was having a shower When the phone rang

انا حزين لسماع أخبار سيئة عنك.

- I was so/terribly Sorry to hear about...

- ياتي في سياق قصـة أو موقف في الماضي

- I was studying Chemistry When I met Jane. - he was doing research When they arrested him.

- wonder يتساءل / يستغرب / يتعجب

- I wonder if I could borrow your car. - Sometimes I wonder about his behaviour.

- Do you think you could move your car, please? هل تعتقد أنه بإمكانك ..؟

- I wonder if you could lend me some money .أتساءل لو بإمكانك أن .

•للتعبير عن الأمر بصورة مهذبة:

- I'd like you to post this letter for me today. أود أنك تضع هذا الخطاب فى البوستة.

- I prefer having tea to eating chocolate. أفضل تناول الشاى على أكل الشيكولاته.

- I'd prefer to have tea rather than chocolate. أفضل أن أتناول الشاى أكثر من القهوة.

- I like the red dress best. أحب الفستان الأحمر أكثر.

- I'd rather live in Cairo than Alexandria. أفضل أن أعيش فى القاهرة أكثر من الاسكندرية.

- provided) that ( بشرط أن - As long asطالما - Whether.......or notسواء ....... أو لا .....

- I'll attend the party provided that he invites me.

- I'm sure

- I'm certain

- I like it. - We like living here. - It's fantastic / great.

- I'm mad / crazy about (football). - I'm a big fan of.... أنا مشجع كبير لـ

- I'm not sure

- I'm not certain

- it is likely may + inf. may have + P.P.

- I'm not sure where Yara is. She may be in the garden.

**Disliking التعبير عن عدم حب شيئ ما

- I'm not very keen on (living here). - I don't like it. / I dislike it.

- How do you do? How do you do?كيف حالك?

- I'm pleased to meet you. I'm pleased to meet you, too.أنا مسرور بلقائك.

Refusing an invitation رفض الدعوة

- I'm sorry I can't because I have to do some work. آسف لا أستطيع لأننى مضطر للقيام ببعض الاعمال.

Sympathy التعاطف / المواساة Replies

- I'm sorry to hear about your bad news.

Making Recommendations Reasons

- I'm sure you'd enjoy / love (this book).

17- الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ed تعبـرغالبا عن أشخـاص

- I'm very tired today. - I'm interested in reading books.

3- الاسماء المفردة التي تعد تسبق بــ ( a / an )

- I've just seen a train. - I've just seen an accident.

Had+ subj. ......., ....... subj. v. + would+inf..........

- If I had a million dollars, I Would buy a big house. : had I a million dollars,.........

- If you had driven more carefully, you Would not have had an accident.

- If We had played a little better, We could have won the game.

Were+ subj. + to+ inf......., subj. + v. + would+inf..........

- If he worked hard, he Would succeed. were he to work hard, he Would succeed.

- If I (was/were) a millionaire, I'd build a big hospital.

- If she (was/were) healthy, she could help her mum.

Giving advice تقديم النصيحة

- If you ask me, you should............ - If I were you, I'd/I wouldn't + inf.....

- تعبر هذه الحالة عن حقيقة ثابتة لا تتغير ولا ترتبط بزمن معين مثل الحقائق العلمية و الحقائق الاخري المسلم بها:

- If you heat ice, it melts. - Streets become wet If it rains.

2- يستخدم مع الحالة الأولى من (if) و يدل علي المستقبل :

- If you play well, you will win.

In case of في حالة + noun/ v. ing......

- In case of getting his passport, he will travel abroad.

- In the last few years / months....... - Egypt has changed a lot in the last few years.

- In recent years - It has not rained in the Western Desert in recent years.

- أولا : يمكن استخدام الكلمات الآتية بدلا من If ) ) ويليها جملة مع مراعاة معني كل اداة:

- In the event (that) في حالة حدوث - provided (that) بشرط ان - In case تحسبا لـ - only If فقط لو

fortunate unfortunate lock unlock usual unusual

- In-

legal illegal logical illogical literate illiterate

- Ir-

التعبير عن الدهشة Expressing interest

- Is that right? - That's very interesting - Really?

16- law (n.) قانون

- It is against the law not to wear a safety belt.

- It's/This is the first (second...) time... - It's the first time I have been to this place.

- It's (This) is the only... - This is the only play I have seen.

- not at all. العفــــــــو.

- It's a pleasure.إن هذا من دواعى سرورى.

- How about + V+ing............................? - I'd go along with that.

- Let's ................................................. - That sounds fine.

وهناك اسماء شاذة لا تجمع باضافة ( s/es/ies ) مثل

- Man men - child children - mouse mice

** Asking for permission طلب الإذن

- May / Could / Can I .....................? - Is it all right to ............................?

5- الفعل مع الاسماء المفردة التي لا تعد مفرد دائما

- Meat costs much mony - Money doesn't always bring happiness.

- Mohamed said, "Will you have lunch with me tomorrow? "

- Mohamed invited (asked) me to have lunch with him the following day.

Big cars aren't allowed into the city centre.

- Mr David doesn't allow smoking in his office. (Smoking....)

- every day (adv.) تستخدم ككلمتان منفصلتان بمعني كل يوم وهي في هذه الحالة حال.

- Mum goes shopping every day.

- Sally suggested going to the cinema that night.

- Mum said, "Why don't you study? " - Mum advised me to study.

- We must buy souvenirs for our friends. (strong reminder)

- Must you listen to this loud music ? Don't you see that I'm studying my lessons (Annoyance)

لتغيير درجة اليقين:- يمكن استخدام (may / might) بدلا من(will)

- My father may have arrived from Aswan by this time tomorrow. I'm not sure.

- my sister has gone to school. (she is still at school now.)

- My sister has been to the cinema. (She isn't there now).

إذا كانت الجملة تبدأ بـ Nobody / No one نحول ever إلى never إن وجدت. و فى حالة عدم و جودها ننفى بـ not

- Nobody has ever beaten me at chess. (I....) I have never been beaten at chess.

- فى بعض الكلمات تضاف بادئة prefix لتعطى معنى عكسي مثل:

- Non- : not

Accepting an apology Not accepting an apology

- Oh, it doesn't matter. ولا يهمك.

2- Response:الرد

- One moment, please. لحظة من فضلك. - Please hold (the line) on . أنتظر.

2- Orders and Instructions: في حالة الأوامر و التعليمات نستخدم فعل أمر

- Open that suitcase. أفتح هذه الحقيبة. - Don't play in the road.لا تلعب فى الطريق.

- eliminate يمحو / يزيل / يستبعد / يهزم

- Our team was eliminated in the first round. - We should try to eliminate illiteracy in Egypt.

- How amazing! - How interesting! That's very surprising

- Really? I didn't know that - Good heavens! - That's unbelievable!

-"What about tea?" Mustafa said - Mustafa suggested tea.

- Sally said "What about going to the cinema tonight?"

- Let's say.............................................. - That's what I think

- Shall we + inf..................................... ? - I'm not sure about that. (Disagreeing)

- Why don't we / you / they.........inf.........?لما لا نفعل / تفعل / يفعلون كذا .......؟

- Shall we............... inf.....................? هل لنا أن ..... ؟ - Let's...........inf................. هيا بنا .......

12-commute from .. to .. / commute between .. and ... يسافر يوميا الي مكان العمل ومنه

- She commutes from Banha to Cairo.

- another ( one more / a different one ) - This T-shirt is nice. I'll buy another one.

- She lost her job. she's trying to find another one.

- He said," I must go now." - He said that he had to go then.

- She said," I needn't buy a camera." - She said that she didn't have to buy a camera.

لا يمكن استخدام الأفعال اللازمة (التى لا تأخذ مفعول به) فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول:

- She walked for three hours. فعل لازم) walk (لايمكن استخدام صيغة المبنى للمجهول للأن الفعل

التعبيرعن الحقائق المستقبلية-1

- She'll be sixteen tomorrow. - My mum will be very old in twenty years.

- Somebody has planted Some trees. has/have +been + pp

- Some Trees have been planted.

( someone / no one / nobody / any one / every one / every body /somebody / person )

- Somebody has cleaned the house. they have also watered the flowers.

am/is/are + v. + ing

- Somebody is mending my car. am/is/are + being +pp

- she had hardly left When her friends arrived.

- Subj. + had + hardly + P.P. .......... + When + ماضي بسيط

- she had no sooner left than her friends arrived.

- Subj. + had + hardly + P.P. .......... + When+ ماضي بسيط

- يأتي الماضي التام والماضي البسيط مع التعبيرات الآتية ومعناها ( لم يكد ........حتى........ )

- Subj. + had + no sooner+ P.P. .......... + than+ ماضي بسيط.

experiment تجربة علمية لإثبات صحة شيء ما أو التوصل لنتائج معينة

- Teachers usually carry out simple experiments In the laboratory.

- climate المنـاخ :ـ حالة الطقس في مكان محـدد ولفترة طويلة

- The climate of Egypt is fine all the year round.

3 - اتخاذ قرارسريع بعمل شيء ما

- The doorbell is ringing. I'll open it. - We are very thirsty. We will stop for a drink.

- another + ( few / number: two, three,.... )

- The guest stayed for another ten days. - I'd like to stay here for another few weeks.

13- include يتضمن : جـزء أو أكثـر مـن الأجـزاء ( المكونات ) و ليس كـل المكـونات.

- The pair of glasses includes two lenses.

إذا كانت الجملة منفية بـ don't / doesn't نستخدم am not / is not / aren't + p.p. أما اذا كانت منفية بـ didn't نستخدم wasn't / weren't + p.p.

- The police don't allow big cars into the city centre. (Big cars.....)

rise - rose - risen يرتفـع / تشـرق / ينهـض ليحيى شخص / يستيقظ ( بـدون مفعـول )

- The sun rises in the east. - I rise at 6.00 in the morning.

25- know have information about something يعرف

- There are instructions telling you everything you need to know. - I have known him for years.

- were There any mistakes In your homework? - Some children are having a picnic In the park.

- There aren't many cars on the road now - There are six CDs and four DVDs on the table.

12- تستخدم الكلمات westerly / southerly / northerly / easterly قبل كلمة direction أو لتدل علي اتجاه الرياح

- They walked in a southerly direction. - A westerly wind comes from the west.

يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكون قد انتهي او تم قبل وقت معين في المستقبل

- They will have finished the English course in two months' time.

**Introducing people تقديم الناس

- This is........هذا فلان. - May I introduce my friend ... هل يمكننى أن أُقدم صديقى ....

6- الضمير المستخدم بدلا من الاسماء المغردة التي لاتعد مفرد دائما و صقة الاشارة مفرد دائما ( this - that )

- This milk is too hot , so I can't drink it.

- Before (next time / four o'clock / tomorrow morning / next Monday.... etc.)

- This time (tomorrow/ next Monday / next week .... etc.)

Smoking isn't allowed in Mr David's office.

- Tom didn't answer exam. (The exam....) - The exam wasn't answered by Tom.

- لاحظ going to تساوي الصيغ التالية في بعض و ليس كل الاحوال

- We are going to play tennis. : We intend to play tennis.

7- تُستخدم الأسماء التي لا تُعد أيضا مع الكلمات الآتية ( some / any / much / a little / a lot of )

- We don't have much time left. - He has got a lot of money.

- I expect she will get married soon. - She'll probably leave early today.

- We don't think they will help us. - I wonder when you will buy the computer.

last .................. the last ..............

- We have owned this house since 1988 - He has known the same friends for three years.

Modal + inf.

- We may find more oil Modal + be + pp

14- other than بخــلاف / غيــر

- We should use several sources of energy other than fossil fuels.

- لاحظ أن when يمكن أن يأتي بعدها ماضي بسيط :

- We were doing the homework When it started to rain.

يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكون مستمرا في المستقبل عندما سيقع حدث آخر

- We will be watching the football match When my father comes home From work.

- Yes, of course. / of course. - Sorry, I need it myself.

- Well, I'd rather you didn't.

16- How + (adjective) يأتى بعدها الصفـة - How old is the tree?

- What + ( noun ) ياتي بعدهاالاسم - What age is the tree?

- We could........................................... - I agree.

- What about + V+ing..............................? - That's a good idea.

- I think it Would be a good idea to....inf........

- What about.......+ v.ing .............? - How about......... + v.ing............? ما رأيك أن نفعل كذا

- How do you usually go to school? - I usually go to school by car.

- What does "..." mean? - It means..

**Asking about Problems

- What is the matter with you? - What's wrong with .....?ما المشكلة ....... ؟

- Well, they might have used (thousands of workers).

- What problems and difficulties do you think there were in (building...)?

: On + n. اسـم/ v.ing + ماضى بسيــط - On my arrival at the station, the train left.

- When + ماضي بسيط + ماضي بسيط - When I arrived, the train left.

- Before she stopped a taxi to take her home,she Did the shopping.

- When + ماضي بسيط + ماضي تام - When I arrived at the station, the train had left.

- كما يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن المستقبل بعد أدوات الربط الزمنية و أدوات الشرط

- When I get up, I'll phone you. - If I meet Ali, I will invite him to my birthday party.

-يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع when في الماضي البسيط اذا كانا متتابعين و لم يقطع احدهما الآخر :

- When he arrived, he found the door locked.

- I was having a shower When the phone rang. - it started to rain as We were doing the homework.

- While she was walking In the street, she met one of her old friends.

Language to deduce information

- Why do you think (they built the Suez Canal)?

- Ahmed : Sorry, I'll be helping my grandpa at the garage.

- Will you be using your dictionary tomorrow? - No, you can borrow it.

1- Requests: (Informal) : - Can / Could / Will / Would you lend me your camera?هل يمكنك....؟

- Would you buy me the newspaper when you're out? هل يمكنك أن..؟

- could you lend me a hand, please? هل يمكنك مساعدتي?

- Would you do me a favour, please? هل تؤدى لي معروفاً?

- Shall / Can I ...... for you? هل يمكننى أن ........ من أجلك؟ - May I be of any help to you?

- Would you like me to ................ ? هل تريد مني أن ...............؟

- I'd like to invite you to.............. أود ان ادعوك الى ....... - Come and + inf. ......( informal )

- Would you like to come to....?هل تود أن تأتى الى ....... - How about + V-ing ......?ما رأيك أن ...........؟

(Formal) : - Could you tell me the way to the pyramids? هل يمكنك أن تخبرنى..؟

- Would you mind helping me with this box? هل تمانع أن .........؟

- Yes, what's the problem? - Yes, of course.

- Yes, what would you like? - Sorry. I can't.

Unless Except if If not + جملة

- You will be late if you don't hurry. You will be late unless you hurry.

Unless Except if If not + جملة

- You would be late if you didn't hurry. You would be late unless you hurried.

23- a storm عاصفـة -There is a storm outside. It's raining heavily and there is thunder and lightening

- a blizzard عاصفـة ثلجيـة - a blizzard is a severe snowstorm.

1 - الأسماء التي تعد يكون لها مفرد و جمع

- a car cars - a dog dogs - an apple apples

attachments - feeling of love or strong connection to someone or something

- a computer file that is sent together with an email message.

- a couple زوجان ( زوج وزوجته ) -Walid and Rania are a happy couple.

- a couple of زوج / اثنان من نوع واحد ( من نفس الشئ يمكن فصلهما - She bought a couple of silk blouses.

14- life ( الحيـاة بوجـه عـام ( اسم لا يعـد ولا يسبقـها أداة; -There is no life on the moon .

- a life - ( lives ) نـوع معيـن من حياة ( اسم يعد ) غالبـا يسبقهـا صفـه - We lead a nice life there.

- broad عريض - Ali has broad shoulders.

- abroad الخارج - my uncle travelled abroad.

19- afraid of (N or (v + ing) خائف من شئ - He is afraid of snakes. - He is afraid of arriving late.

- afraid for (N) خائف على شخـص - she is afraid for her children.

- afraid to +( inf)خائف أن بعدها مصدر - He is afraid to swim in the rough sea.

- afraid that + sentence خائف ان بعدها جملة كامـلة

After / Immediately after / Immediately on/ Just on + n. / v.ing + , + ماضي بسيط

- after doing the shopping, she stopped a taxi to take her home.

3- يستخدم مع الروابط الزمنية و يدل علي المستقبل:

- after he arrives, We will eat. -they will not go until he gives them money.

After/ Immediately after / As soon as / Once / moment / When + ماضي تام + , + ماضي بسيط

- after she had done the shopping, she stopped a taxi to take her home.

- look like يشبه; - She looks like her mother.

- alike like each other (v. to be) تستخدم بعد الأشياء أو الأشخاص الذين نتحدث عنهم ويسبقها

- force قوة ـ قوة عسكرية - the force of the explosion knocked them to the ground.

- an international force is keeping peace In the Darfur.

5- appear + Adj. يبدو - The right colours can make a small room appear much bigger.

- appear + adv. يظهر - a man appeared suddenly From behind a tree.

- arrive at يصـل لمكـان صغيـر - he has just arrived at the cinema.

- arrive بـدون حـرف جـر ( لا ياتي بعدها مفعول ) - When will you arrive?

- astronomer عالم فلك - The person who studies stars and planets.

- astrologer منجــــــــــــم - The person who predicts the future.

- beach البـلاج ( الجـزءالرملي عند حافـة البحـر ) - We sat on the beach And ate ice cream.

- bank ضفـة النهــر أو القنــاة - Trees grow along the bank of rivers.

13- based in مقـره فـى - The main branch of the bank is based in Cairo.

- based on قائـم على - his opinion of life is based on religion.

3- be born in +المكان - السنة - الشهر - My father was born in Cairo in 1949.

- be born on + اليوم - My father was born on 23rd March.

: we have the intention to play tennis.

- be careful!You are going to fall. - be careful!You are about to fall.

- Can you dress the kids for me? يساعد شخص علي ارتداء ملابسه

- be dressed In يكون مرتديا (بعدها مفعول) be wearing

- ولكن عند استخدام start / begin في المضارع المستمر ياتي بعدهما to + inf. - they are starting to have lunch.

- begin / start by + V.ing - The speaker started by describing his journey to China.

17- believe in (v.) يؤمن بـ -We all believe in Allah.

- believer (n)مؤمن - معتقد -He was a very strong believer in the power of mind.

24- Under اسفل بشكل مباشر - The pen is under the book.

- below في مستوي ادني - There are a few huts below the mountain.

5- abroad الخارج ( خارج حدود بلد ما ) ; - I stayed abroad for seven years.

- broad فسيح ـ عريض ـ عام ; - He has a broad vision.

- مع كل وسـائـل المواصلات بـدون فـاصـل ( أداة أو صفة ملكيـة اوصفة اشارة)

- by (plane - train - ship - boat - car - taxi ..........)

- the reason for + n. / v+ ing - the reason for his absence was that he was ill.

- cause + n. يسبب - the fire caused a lot of damage.

- cause + to +inf يجعل - What caused you to change your mind?

- cause of + n. سبب - the cause of the fire is still unknown.

12- a classic (n) عمل أدبي خالد ( تعد ) - Most of Shakespeare's works are classics.

- classic (adj) نموذجي / يحتفظ بقيمته لمدة طويلة

example / mistake / style / design / films- تستخدم مع المسرحيات و الكتب و تأتي ايضا مع

- classic films were more valuable. -I like classic designs In painting.

- complain about يشكومن - he complained about his work.

- complain of + يشكو من مرض - he complained of headache.

- admit that + يعترف / يقر / يقبل جملة - they admitted that they had stolen the money.

- confess (v.) يعترف رسميا - he confessed the murder.

7- connected to مرتبط او متصل بمصدر طاقة - The computer is connected to a printer.

- connected with متعلق بـ - علي صلة بـ - he is connected with Some important persons In Cairo.

- could I / may I / can I speak to...., please?هل يمكننى التحدث مع فلان? - Hello.Is ........ There, please?

- could you put me through to...., please?هل يمكنك ان توصلنى بفلان, من فضلك?

- نستخدم الشكل الاتي للتعبير عن استحالة حدوث الشيء في الماضي :

- couldn't have + p.p. - He couldn't have killed the man. He was in prison.

- damaging (adj.) متلف - the world suffers From the damaging effects of pollution.

- damaged (adj.) تالف - it will cost a fortune to repair the damage to the roof.

1- die (v) يموت - dead (adj.)ميت

- death (n) الموت - deadly (adj.) مميت

- decide on + n.يقـرر / يختار / يحدد - I decided on a name for the shop.

- decide that +جملة يقـرر - He decided that you should attend.

- die of يموت بسبب مرض أو جوع أو عطش -The explorers may have died of thirst in the desert.

- die from (a wound / an injury / a spider bite.....) يموت من ( جرح ـ إصابة ـ لدغة عنكبوت )

-The four robbers died from the spiders' bites.

- die out ينقرض - Dinosaurs died out.

1- invent يخترع شىء جديد لم يكن موجود من قبل - Graham Bill invented the telephone.

- discover يكتشف شىء كان موجـود ولكنة غير معروف - Isaac Newton discovered gravity.

- Can / Could you tell me .........? - Yes, that's fine..

- do you know anything about.......? - Yes, Certainly.

•لاحظ طريقة الاستئذان باستخدام: هل تمانع لو .......؟ Do you mind if..?

- do you mind If I borrow your dictionary?

- you can look it up In the dictionary.

- do you think the price of oil will increase In the future? Why / Why not? - Yes, because it will soon be harder to find.

22- drought الجفاف - All of Africans die of drought.

- draught تيارهواء بارد - There is a terrible draught coming from under the door .

27- sink - sank - sunk/sunken يغوص - يغرق للاشياء - The titanic sank after hitting an iceberg.

- drown يغرق للانسان - the people drowned In a boat accident yesterday.

1- economic اقتصادي - Economic growth in Egypt is slow.

- economical موفر - a small car is more economical than a big one.

- force + Obj. + to + inf. يرغم ـ يجبر - the hot weather forced people to stay In their homes.

- energy طاقة - oil, wind And the sun are sources of energy.

5- shoot يطلق النار من بندقية أو مسدس - A police officer shot the thief.

- erupt يثور ـ ينفجر ( بركان ) - The volcano hasn't erupted since 1229.

8- occasion مناسبة - I gave him a present on the occasion of his marriage.

- event حـدث هــام مميـز - Winning the competition is an important event in my life.

8- expect to + inf. مصدر يتوقـع - I didn't expect to see you here.

- expect ( that ) + Sub + will + inf. - I expect you will get full marks.

16- fall / fell / fallen يسقط - The book fell from his hands.

- fail يفشل / يرسب - He failed the English exam.

17 - famous for مشهـــــــــور بـــ - Italy is famous for its special macaroni and pizza.

- famous as مشهــــور كـ - she is famous as a good psychotherapist.

20- fiction خيال قصصى - Novelsand plays are usually works of fiction.

- fictional (hero/country) خيالى - Abu Zeid Elhelaly is mostly a fictional hero .

- a hurricane إعصار - the hurricane caused destruction.

- flood فيضان - the village was destroyed by the flood.

15- fault خطأ - I'm very sorry. It's my fault.

- foul خطأ في الرياضة - He had committed 3 fouls in the match.

- beat يهـزم ـ يتغـلب على ( شخـص أو فـريق) - Egypt could beat Israel.

- gain يكتسب شىء معنوي مفيد ( خبـرة ـ معـرفة معلـومات ـ شهرة )

- reach + object يصـل بـدون حـرف جـر - I reached the station an hour late.

- get to يصــل إلى ( بشىء من الجهد او الصعوبة ) - They got to the bus stop at 7:30.

9- good atجيد في - He is good at English.

- good to طيب مع - he is good to his friends.

- had you driven more carefully, you Would not have had an accident.

- had you played a little better, We could have won the game.

- نستخدم already فى الأسئلة و الجمل المثبتة.

- have you already written to John? - he has already had dinner.

Having + p.p. ....... + , + ماضى بسـيـط

- having done the shopping, she stopped a taxi to take her home.

blow up ينفخ - يفجر -يغضب

- he blew up the balloon. -the terrorists blew up an office building In the city centre.

ويمكن أن تأتى الصفـة المنتهيـة بــ (ing) مـع العاقل إذا كان الشخص هو الذي يسبب هذه الصفة.

- he is boring. ( it means that he causes boredom )

نحول let إلى allowed to عند التحويل إلى مبنى للمجهول.

- he let me go. (I....) I was allowed to go.

- this city is located In Northern Spain. In the north of

- he lived for a few years In southern France. In the south of

-He said, "I'll give you all the money you need."

- he promised to give me all the Money I needed.

- يأتى بعد باداة استفهام الفاعل أو المفعول ثم الفعل و يتم حذف علامه الاستفهام ووضع نقطه (اي يتحول السؤال الي جملة خبرية )

- he said, " What are you doing now?" he asked What I was doing then.

الأفعال آلاتية make/see/hear/watch يليها مفعول ثم مصدر و عند التحويل إلى مبنى للمجهول نستخدم to قبل المصدر.

- he saw them go out. (They.......) they were seen to go out.

20- damage (n/ v) تلف- يتلف -The storm did a lot of damage.

- he suffered brain damage In the car crash. - Smoking damages health.

- after she Did the shopping, she stopped a taxi to take her home.

- he told me as soon as he heard the news.

just on doing the shopping, she stopped a taxi to take her home.

- he told me immediately on hearing the news. he told me immediately after hearing the news.

6- wear ( + مفعول. ) يلبس / يكون مرتديا ..

- he was wearing his best suit at the party. - Policemen usually wear a uniform.

- He said to me, "Good morning. It is a nice day".

- he wished me good morning And added that it was a fine day

- hear From يتلقى رسالة من - have you heard From your son, Mr. Ali?

- hear of / about يسمع عن - I have never heard of that man.

16- listen to ينصت إلي ( سماع بقصد ) - I like listening to the holy Quran recited by Elmenshawy .

- hear يسمع ( سماع عارض ـ بـدون قصد ) - I heard a baby crying next door.

- Raise your hand If you want to answer. - he raised a lot of Money a broad.

- his uncle raises cattle And sheep.

31- how + adj + be + subject ?سؤال - How good are you at science? - I am quite good.

- how + adj + subject + be! تعجب - How good you are at science !

appear disappear connect disconnect like dislike

- il-

- accident حــادث تصــادم - the accident took place at about six.

- incidentحـدث داخــل قصـة - the incidents of this story are not clear.

- I didn't see Omer at school today. He may have got up late. It's likely.

- it is possible

- perhaps

- it is probable

- it is time for + n. لقد حان وقت - it is time for dinner.

- it is time + فاعل. + past simple كان يفترض ان - it is time she went home.

1 - Expressing opinions with reasons

- it seems to me that - it seems to me that Elahli is the best team

2- lighting الإضاءة - Street lighting will reduce crime.

- lightning البرق - our farm was struck by lightning.

11- like مثل - He is nervous like his mother.

- like يحب - I don't like the way you speak to me.

21- borrow يستعير . يستلف - He borrowed some money from the bank

- loan يسلف /يقرض - This library loans books, CDs and videotapes.

10- alone بمفرده ( شـئ مـادى ) - He carried the stone alone.

- lonely وحيدا ( يشعـر بالوحـدة ) ( شئ معنـوى ) - Despite his friends, he feels lonely.

- كما يأتى بعد since أيضا اسم يدل علي وقت معلوم مثل :

- lunch / lunchtime / his childhood / her wedding / their arrival.......

- make + Obj. + adj. يجعل - he Did everything he could to make us happy.

- make be / become - I don't think he will ever make a good doctor.

- memory ذكـري - They have no clear memory about their accident.

- memorial نُصُب تذكاري - This statue is placed here as a memorial of the leader.

18 - souvenir هدية تذكارية - We bought a lot of souvenirs when we were in Aswan.

- memory ذاكـرة - My computer has 500GB memory.

وفي حالة عدم وجود حرف جر نستخدم الصفة

- metres high - inches long - 3 centimetres deep

3- لاحظ استخدام الاسم بعد حرف الجر in فيما يلي:

- metres in height - inches in length - 3 centimetres in depth

-أحيانا يمكن أن تعبر الجملة عن الاستمرار وفي هذه الحالة نستخدم:

- must / can't / may/ might / could+ be + V+ing

- What is Ali doing in his room? - I'm not sure. He may be studying.

- must / can't / may/ might / could+ have been + V+ing

be going to + inf.

- my boss is going to give us a rise be going to + be + pp

نستخدم المبنى للمجهول لكى تبين ما تكون مهتما به أكثر:

- my friend painted that picture last year. (you are interested In the friend.)

-they will build new house Here next year. will / shall + be + pp

- new houses will be built Here next year.

17- any more لم يعد( يأتى الفعل معها فى النفى ) - He no longer smokes .

- no longer يأتى الفعل معها فى الإثبات ) ) لم يعد - He doesn't smoke any more.

- no sooner + had + Subj. + P.P. .......... + than+ ماضي بسيط

- no sooner had she left than her friends arrived.

- renewable (adj.) متجدد - We should depend on the renewable sources of energy.

- non renewable غير متجدد - Oil and gas are non renewable sources of energy.

shy - nervous and embarrassed about talking to people

- not confident , especially about meeting or talking to new people. خجول

- distinguished : eminent مميز - Shakespeare was a distinguished playwright.

- notorious مشهــــور و معروف بشـيء سـيء - his notorious friends made him addict drugs.

- board لوحة ( إعلانات ) ـ سبورة - The competition results were put up on the board.

- on board علي متن ( سفينة - طائرة) -There are twenty passengers on board.

- once بمجرد أن - Once I get the news, I'll phone you.

- once مرة واحدة - she visits her grandparents once every six months.

- لاحظ كذلك ان الانشطة التي تقوم بها المؤسسات تستلزم ترتيبات , لذا يستخدم معها المضارع المستمر

- our school is taking part In the sports competition next year.

- lend يسلف /يقرض - The bank lent the businessman 500000 pounds.

- owe يدين - I owe you ten pounds.

- double مضاعف / يضاعف - He can double his income if he work harder

- pair زوج من شيء لا ينفصل - I bought a pair of brown shoes.

- total eclipse ......... the sun or the moon disappears completely.

- partial eclipse ....... the sun or the moon disappears In part.

26- costيكلف - How much does a house like that cost in America?

- pay يدفع - Can I pay by credit card?

10- politics السياسة ( الخاصة بالدولة ونظام الحكم ) - She studied politics at university .

- policy مبدأ أو قاعدة يسير عليها الفرد أو العمل - Honesty is the best policy.

21- Harbour ( مرفـأ ( لرسـو السفن - The ship tried to reach the harbour in the storm.

- port مدينـه مينـاء ( مدينـه تصـل إليهـا السفـن للشحـن والتفـريـغ ) - Alexandria is a big port In Egypt.

- wear تستخدم لوصف عـادة أو مظهرالشخص - We wear light clothes In summer.

- put on.. ( + مفعول. ) يقوم بارتداء - Put on your coat . It's cold.

27- put down يضع جانبا - put away يسجن - put onيرتدى

- put up with يتحمل - put off يؤجل- put out يطفئ - put ........away يضع شىء فى مكانه

8- quiet هاديء -You should be quiet so as not to wake the baby.

- quite تماما / الي حد ما -The food you cook is quite good. -That's quite a different situation.

- would rather + inf. +n. ........ than + n. يفضل - I'd rather have coffee than tea.

- rather + adj. / adv. fairly / to some degree إلي حد ما - It's rather hot today, isn't it?

- cause of سبـب - The police found out the cause of the crime.

- reason with يحاول إقـناع /يتجـادل مـع - Don't reason with her, she won't change her mind.

- The Israeli war planes renewed their bombing on Gaza.

- renewal (n.) تجديد - Our educational system needs renewal.

7- reform يقوم بإدخال تعديل أو تحسين علي نظام معين - There are important political reforms in Egypt.

- repair إصلاح ـ ترميم ( شئ أو مبنى ) - old buildings In our street are In need of repair.

12- respected (adj.) يحظي بالإعجاب بسبب عمله أو انجازاته - He is one of the most respectedmanagers

- respectable (adj.) محترم (يتصرف بطريقة مقبولة اجتماعيا وأخلاقيا) - he comes From a respectable family.

- shuttle مكوك فضاء - A shuttle travels into space.

- rocket صاروخ - Astronauts fly into space by rocket.

- rooted (adj.) متأصل - Most crimes are rooted In ignorance.

- root out (v.) يستأصل - it is our aim to root out corruption.

- queue line طابور (يقف فيه الناس واحدا تلو الآخر) -There is a long queue in front of the ticket office

- row صف (ثابت) - Our house is the first row.

- We can't drink tea because we ran out of sugar.

- run on يعمل بـ / ـ يدار بـ - this engine runs on diesel.

26- debate مناظرة - Conference مؤتمر

- seminar ندوة - forum منتدى

- In case of getting his passport, he Would travel abroad.

- she Would pass the test with / by studying hard.

- يمكن استخدام could بدلا من may / might:

- she could be ill. -he could have been a doctor.

hold an opinion / belief / view يؤمـن بـرأي / اعتقـاد / وجهة نـظر

- she holds the opinion that the world will end soon.

أمـا الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ing تعبـرغالبا عـن أشيـاء

- shopping is very tiring. - I watched a very interesting film yesterday.

12- coast ســاحل - Alex. is located on the north coast of Egypt.

- shore شـاطئ البحـر) )البحـيرة - I saw some boats on the shore of the sea.

- should she study hard, she will pass the test.

- should he get his passport, he will travel abroad.

9 - ashamed of خجــــلان من ( شئ مخزي فعله ) -You must be a shamed of what you have done.

- shyخجول بطبعه - She is always shy in front of strangers.

3- sight البصر - He lost his sight when he was 5 years old.

- sight (v) يتمكن من رؤية شيء من بعيد - after four days at sea, We sighted land.

- location موقع - The location of Egypt is important.

- site موقـع أثـرى / بنـاء / موقـع على الانترنت -The site is full of tourists and guides.

18- soak in ينقــــع - To get these stains out of you shirt, you have to soak it in hot water

- soak up absorb In يمتـــص ـ يشـــرب -mother put a cloth on the floor to soak up water.

- spend ينفق ( يصرف ) مال - He spent a lot of money last week.

- spend money on ينفق (يصرف) مال علي - We should spend more money on education and health care

9- spend time + (v + ing) يقضي الوقت في - I spent the summer holiday playing on the beach.

- spend money on ينفق المال على - He spends most of his money on smoking.

10- manage to + المصـدر يتمكـن مـن - He managed to answer the test.

- succeed in + (v + ing) ينجـح فـى - He succeeded in answering the test.

1- suggest + v. + ing يقترح - Ali suggested going to the club.

- suggest + فاعل+ مصدر / should + مصدر يقترح

- take over يتـولي مهمـة - After my father's illness I took over his responsibilities.

- take after يشبـه - she takes after her mother.

- take place : happen : occur يحدث - the accident took place In the afternoon.

- take the place of replace يحـل محـل - Omer took the place of his father When he was on holiday.

عندما نفكر فى أعضاء المجموعة كأفراد نستخدم فعل جمع

- the Egyptian team are going to travel to luxor next week. هنا نقصد الفريق كأفراد

عندما نفكر فى المجموعة ككل أى كوحدة واحدة نستخدم فعل مفرد

- the Egyptian team is going to play In the finals. هنا الكلام عن الفريق كوحدة واحدة

comprise / consist of (يتكـون مـن (كـل المكـونات الأساسيـة

- the United Kingdom consists of / comprises England, Wales, Scotland, And Northern Ireland.

- a car costs a lot of money. - cars cost a lot of money.

- the child is playing In the garden. - the children are playing In the garden.

19-لاحظ استخدام التصريف الثالث بعد as أحيانا وهو هنا اختصار لجملة كانت مبنية للمجهول

- the coronation took place as planned. : the coronation took place as it has been planned.

- marry يتزوج- burn يحرق - beat يهـزم

- the police caught the bank robbers. (got) the bank robbers got caught.

- well-known ( postman / doctor / teacher / hairdresser معـروف و لكـن علي نطـاق محـدود مثل (

- the postman is well-known In our village.

- reason for + اسـم داع / مبـرر / سبب - Can you tell me the reason for shouting?

- the reason why + جمــلة كامــلة - That is the reason why she is worried.

12- power قوة- سلطة ـ نفوذ ـ طاقة ـ قوة محركة - Obama came into power استلم السلطة in the year 2009.

- the ship was destroyed by the power of the storm.

7- nearly approximately about roughly (adv.) تقريبا - حوالي

- the underground carries nearly three million people every day.

- How can people save energy? - they can use cars less.

- they can switch off lights.

13- experience الخبرة (ما يكتسبه الشخص من معرفة ومهارات من خلال عمل معين - لا تُجمع)

- they offered me the job because I had a lot of experience.

-Someone cleans this room every day. am/is/are + pp

- this room iscleaned every day.

suspect (n) (v.) - someone who may have committed a crime

- to think that Someone may have committed a crime. مشتيه فيه - يشتبه في

- custom عـادة شعب - Colouring eggs on Sham El-Nesseem is an Ancient Egyptian custom.

- traditions تقاليد عفا عليها الزمن - Some traditions are out of date .

- she And her mother are alike.

- unlike مختلف عن / علي عكس - Unlike her sister, Aya is lazy.

12- use + object + to + inf يستخـدم لـ - We use wood to make furniture.

- use + object + for + ( v + ing ) يستخـدم لـ - We use wood for making furniture.

17 - wonder يتساءل / يتعجب - I wondered if I could borrow your bike.

- wander يتجول - Wewandered around the city centre.

- they pump water to the surface And heat it to make steam.

- water is pumped to the surface And heated to make steam.

13- يُستخدم المقطع less بمعني without مع الكثير من الكلمات مثل:

- weightless منعدم الوزن / useless غير مفيد/ fruitless غير مجدي / endless بلا نهايةhelplessضعيف / عاجز

13- لاحظ شكل الصفات التالية في المقارنة و التفضيل

- windy / windier / windiest - stormy / stormier / stormiest

- prefer + to + inf. / v+ing. يفضل - he prefers to play tennis. - he prefers playing tennis.

- would prefer to + inf. يفضل - I'd prefer not to discuss this issue.

- I'd rather stay at home. - I'd prefer to stay at home.

- would rather + inf. .............than + inf. يفضل - We'd rather go to the park than watch TV.

فى حالة وجود ظرف (adv.) يوضع قبل التصريف الثالث.

- you must plan your workcarefully. (your work....) your work must be carefully planned.

- you must come And see us at the weekend. (a warm invitation)

- you must wash your hands Before you eat. (strong advice)

effect : influence تأثيـــــــــــــــــــــــر - Smoking has a bad effect on health.

- أحيانا تُستخدم كفعل بمعني يُحدث أو يسبب

- He said, "Yes, it is my coat". - He acknowledged that it was his coat.

- اذا بدأت جملة الكلام المباشر بـ No / sorry / never .......)) فانها تحذف و تتحول الي: refused /denied

- اذا جاءت كلمة اعتذار مثل (I'm sorry ) فهي قد تتحول الي ( He apologized)

- اذا جاءت (must/needn't ) للتعبير عن ضرورة في المضارع فانها تتحول الي (had to)

-She has moved to a new house recently. - He hasn't phoned me lately.

- اذا كان التحويل من (for) الي (since) صعب ( اي المدة لا يمكن تحويلها الي تاريخ) نستخدم التركيبة نستخدم الطريقة التالية:

- She said, "No, I can't swim". - She denied that she could swim.

- اذا كانت جملة الحديث المباشر تحتوي علي كلمة تحية مثل(good morning) يكو ن فعل القول (wished):

-While I was studying, my father was reading.

- اذا لم ياتي بعد while فاعل ياتي بعدها (v .ing ) - While playing, I fell down.

- Heba suggested studying English.

- الجملة الأمرية : هي التي تبدأ بفعل في المصدر و تنتهي بالنقطة .

- she has stayed her since her marriage. - he has known the same friends since hischildhood.

- الجملة التي تأتي بعد since تكون ماضي بسيط

- during the game, he got hurt. he got hurt during the game.

- الفعل بعد and يأخذ نفس شكل الفعل الذي يسبقها: - He was writing a letter and listening to some music.

الكلام الغير مباشر Reported Speach

- الكلام المباشر : هو الكلام اذي يخرج من فم قائله دون تعديل أو حذف أو أضافة

- Without (but for) hurrying, you Would be late.

- تحـــل ( V. ing /n.+( If it were not for محـــل ( But for - without ) فى الحالـة الثانيـة:

- this is the strangest match I have ever watched.

- تستخدم yet فى نهاية الأسئلة و الجمل المنفية. - Has he arrived yet? - They haven't eaten yet.

- it is difficult to breathe If you climb Mount Everest.

- تستخدم الحالة الثانية ايضا للتعبير عن النصيحة:

...........would/might/ could+inf...........+inf............ past simple

- تعبر الحالة الثانية عن موقف غير محتمل أو شيء تخيلي في المضارع:

- I'll lend you the money as long as you promise to pay it back soon.

- ثانيا : يمكن استخدام الكلمات الآتية بدلا من If ) ) ويليها n. / v.ing ) ) :

- I don't like people to cheat me. - I don't like to be cheated.

- عند تحويل السؤال الى مجهول نلاحظ الاتي :

Do / Does / Did / Am / Is / Are / Was / Were / Has / Have / had / Will / Would / shall /Should / Can /

- عند تحويل هذا النوع من الاسئله من الكلام المباشر الي الكلام الغير مباشر يتم تحويل السؤال الي جملة خبرية:

- ونجد هذا النوع من الاسئله باداة استفهام مثل: What / who / How / Why / When / where / When

- عند هذا النوع من الاسئله من الكلام المباشر الي الكلام الغير مباشر يتم تحويل السؤال الي جملة خبرية:

► Speaker المتحدث + asked + مخاطب + if / whether + فاعل + فعل

- عند وجود Does- Do تحذف ويضع الفعل ماضي بسيط وعند وجود Did تحذف والفعل يصبح ماضي تام .

► Speaker المتحدث + asked + مخاطب + أداة استفهام + فاعل + فعل

- عند وجود does-do تحذف ويضع الفعل ماضي بسيط وعند وجود did تحذف والفعل يصبح ماضي تام .

28- make + مفعول + مصدر - The coach made يجعل - يجبر him do the exercise again.

- فى حالة المبنى للمجهول نستخدم (مصدر to + )

- What was Linda doing? - she must have been working on her computer.

- كما مكن اتتستخدم Must للتعبير عن ضرورة عمل شيء من وجهة نظر المتكلم وتستخدم في حالات مثل تقديم نصيحة قوية لشخص أو دعوة أو نذكر أنفسنا بضرورة عمل شيء أو حتي للتعبير عن المضايقة:

- يعبر الماضي التام عن حدث وقع قبل وقت معين في الماضي- Mustafa had done all his homework before midnight.

- كما يستخدم الماضي التام للتعبير عما قاله الشخص أواعتقده في صيغة الغير مباشر

He hasn't studied for along time. ( since ) - It is along time since he studied.

- كما يستخدم المضارع التام اذا وجدنا الجملة بما يلـي

- If water is frozen, it turns into ice. - If We mix red And green, We get orange.

- لابد ان تكون الحقيقة عامة و ليست خاصة واذا كانت الحقيقة خاصة نستخدم الحالة الاولي :

: AD (Anno Domini) بعد الميــــــــــــــــــــــلاد

- لاحظ أن BC تكتب بعد التاريخ لكن AD تكتب قبله :

- Everyone was happy. they enjoyed their time.

- لاحظ استخدام فعل مفرد وضمير مفرد مع الكلمات الآتية : ( ( something / anything / everything / nothing

- If I were you, I'd help poor people. - If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time.

- لاحظ ان الصيغة السابقة تستخدم ايضا للتخيل:

- dress يلبس (I) get dressed (بـدون مفعول ) - she always dresses fashionably.

- لاحظ انه في حالة وجود مفعول بعد dress يختلف المعني:

-If Ali phones, tell him to meet me at the cinema.

- لاحظ انه يمكن استخدام (it is + adj. + to + inf. ) في جملة جواب الشرط:

- Messi has scored a hundred goals. (he can score more)

- لكن اذ ا استخدمنا الماضي البسيط مع حدث متكرر فمعني ذلك أن الحدث توقف:.

- she has polished her shoes. - he has fed the sheep.

- لكن عند تحديد وقت الحدوث نستخدم الماضي البسيط:

on a ( ship - plane - bus - train ....... ) - I went to Alex. on a train.

- مـا عـدا كلمتي ( car - taxi ) مع وجود فـاصـل( أداة أو صفة ملكيـة اوصفة اشارة) فتاخذ ( In )

- they are going to go shopping. they have decided.

- و تستخدم ايضا للتعبير عن أشياء علي وشك الحدوث - Watch out! You are going to fall.

2 - Reported Yes / No Questions

- ونجد هذا النوع من الاسئله اما ان يبدأ بفعل مساعد او فعل ناقص مثل:

-she usually watches TV at night. -she rarely watches TV at night.

- ويستخدم مع الكلمات الآتية في بداية أو نهاية الجملة :

- يضاف للفعل (s) مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب he/ she /it )) : - Kareem (he) likes football very much.

- ويضاف للفعل (es) مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب he/ she /it )) اذا كان المصدر منتهيا بـ ( (ch - sh - ss - o-x:

- Aya (she) watches action films.

- ويضاف للفعل (ies) مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب he/ she /it )) اذا كان المصدر منتهيا بـ ( y) مسبوقا بحرف ساكن ويحذف حرفy ) ):

- We will have built our new house by April next year.

- يستخدم المستقبل التام مع تعبيرات زمنية مثل


- يعبر الماضي التام عن حدث وقع قبل حدث آخر في الماضي- I had cleaned my room before I went to the club .

- you could have bought a computer If you had saved your money.

- يمكن أن تأتي (Had ) بدلا من ( if ) :

- If he liked milk, he Would drink this glass. - If I were a bird, I could fly.

- يمكن أن تعبر الحالة الثانية أحيانا عن شيء مستحيل:

- If dogs had wings, they Would be able to fly.

- يمكن استخدام (was/were) مع المفرد:

- If you heat the ice In this pan, it will melt. - Streets will become wet If it rains tonight.

- يمكن استخدام (when ) بدلا من (if) في الحالة الصفرية:

- I haven't seen him since he left for Cairo.

- يمكن استخدام ever فى الجمل التى تتضمن صفة درجة ثالثة أو رقم ترتيبي

2- - تعبر الحالة االشرطية الاولي امكانية لحدوث شىء في المستقبل تـتوفر شروط حدوثه:

- يمكن ان تكون جملة جواب الشرط في صيغة الامر لاعطاء الامر المشروط :

-She says, "I don't believe this story." - She says she doesn't believe that story.

-2 لا تتغير الأزمنة إذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن حقيقة:

- she said, "If water freezes, it changes into ice. - she said that If water freezes, it changes ....

-3لا تتغير الأزمنة إذا كانت الجملة قيلت منذ فترة وجيزة ويدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل:

4 - لاحظ الاختصارات الآتية :

-BCE : Before Common Era. BC (Before Christ) قبل العصر المسيحي ( قبل الميلاد)

- للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمر أثناء وقت معيـن في الماضي

-Between six And half past six this morning, I was having breakfast.

-Amal said, "Would you like to watch this film?" - Amal suggested watching that film.

-Eman said, "would you like tea?" - Eman offered me tea.

- في حالة الطلب Request: - He said, "Could you open the window, please?" (He asked...)

-He asked me to open the window. أو - He asked if I could open the window.

- 4 في حالة وجود if يتغير الزمن في الحالة الأولى فقط:

-He said, "If it is fine, I'll go for a swim." - He said if it were fine, he would go for a swim.

He may/might have been busy.

-He was able to do the job but he didn't. He could have done the job.

- Heba said to Salma, "would you mind studying English?"

-Heba asked (wanted) Salma to study English.

**Hospitality Expressions تعبيرات الضيافة

-Help yourself to (the coffee). تفضل - Make yourself at home. تصرف كأنه بيتك

- لأحظ الكلمـات السابقة بوجه عام تنفـى بـ never /rarely/ scarcely / seldom :

-I always get up early. - I never get up early.

لاحظ : في حالة ربط فاعلين معهم الفعل يتبع الفاعل الاقرب ( الثاني )

-Neither Ahmed nor I am happy. - Either I or Aya is out of the competition.

- It's Impossible must + inf. must have + p.p.

-She wears a white coat and helps a doctor. She must be a nurse. -Ahmed was unhappy yesterday. He must have lost the match against Ali.

was / were + v. + ing

-Shewas washing the dishes When I arrived. was/were + being + pp

-Thanks a bunch.شكراً جزيلاً.

-Thank you so much.شكراً جزيلاً. - You're welcome. على الرحب والسعة.

Accepting an invitation

-Thank you. I'd love to. شكراً، أنا أحب ذلك. - I'd be pleased to come. سأكون مسروراً ان آتى.

-Thank you.شكراً لك.

-Thanks a lot. شكراً جزيلاً.

Agreeing with suggestionsقبول

-That's a good idea.هذه فكرة جيدة. - I'll go along with that. أتفق مع هذا.

Every (day / night / week / month / year.......etc.

-We watch TV every night. - Every night, he watches TV .

11- weather الطـقس :ـ حالـة الجـو مـن مطـر و ريـاح و ثلـوج في فتـرة معينــة

-What will the weather be like tomorrow ? -What was the weather like yesterday?

had + pp

-When Mr Ali arrived, she found that thieves had broken into her shop. had + been + pp

- يمكن استخدام during بدلا من while و يأتي يعدها noun :

-While he was playing the game, he got hurt.

- I'm not very keen.لست متحمساً لهذا. - Maybe some other time . ربما فى وقت آخر.

-Yes, but I prefer to... نعم, ولكنى أُفضل ان

( now / just now / a moment ago / a minute ago / a short time ago / recently .... )

-he said just now, "I have already done the home work." - he said just now he has already ......

25- It + be + صفة + to + مصدر

-it was easy to answer all the questions. - he was shocked to see the homeless poor people.

-1يستخدم المضارع التام للتعبير عن حدث تم في الماضي وآثرة مازال موجود .

-she has cleaned the kitchen. (the kitchen is clean now)

yesterday the day before the day after tomorrow in two days' time

-she said, "I shall write a letter tomorrow." - she said (that) she Would write a letter the day after.

- يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن المستقبل (بجداول المواعيد الثابتة : بوسائل المواصلات و المسرح و السينما و المدرسة ......الخ: -Your train leaves at 6 am tomorrow morning.

-the night programme of Renaissance cinema starts at12am.

6- hero بطل ( محارب بارز ـ تاريخي ـ في فيلم ـ مسرحية ـ شخص محبوب لإنجازاته )

-the real hero of the war was the Egyptian soldier. - I loved with the hero of the novel.

: ...........would/might/ could+ have + pp....................... past perfect

-تستخدم الحالة الثالثة للتعبير عن احداث وقعت في الماضي و بالتالي فهي شرط مستحيل الحدوث و تستخدم للانتقاد او التعبير عن الندم:

- He said to me, "I can't do it now." - He told me (that) he couldn't do it then.

-يمكن استخدام الأفعال الآتية بدلا من ( said to ) عند نقل الجملة إلى غير المباشر ويأتي بعدها( (v.ing:

What was your journey like? كيف كانت رحلتك؟ It was fantastic.كانت رائعة

.**Meeting a friend you haven't seen for a long time

Second Conditional

.....past simple...... ,..........would/might/ could+inf...........

Third Conditional

.....pastperfect...... ,..........would/might/ could+have + pp...........

fetch يحضر / build يبنى / get يحصل على / find يجد / buy يشترى / save يوفر / leave يترك keep يحتفظ بـ

/ call يدعو / cut يقطع / make يعمل / book يحجز

- When does he drink milk?

1 - He drinks milk. 2 - Milk is drunk(by him). 3 - When is milk drunk (by him)?

Uses of the present simple

1 - To express facts: التعبير عن حقائق -The moon goes round the Earth.

Uncountable Nouns الأسمـاء التي لا تعــد

1 - الأسماء التي لا تعد دائما مفرد و ليس لها جمع

- لا تتغير الأزمنة في الحالات التالية:

1 - لا تتغير الأزمنة إذا كان فعل القول في المضارع أو المستقبل:

استخدامات أخري للمضارع البسيط

1 - يستخدم مع أفعال الشعور والحواس والإدراكوالعاطفة والتفكير بدلا من المضارع المستمر:

**Telephoning العبارات التى تستخدم فى المكالمات التليفونية

1- Asking for a person you want to speak to: للسؤال عن شخص تريد محادثته

5 - يستخدم مع التعبيرا ت الآتية ويعتبر ماضي غير حقيقي يعبر عن المفترض و ليس الواقع :

1- I wish + subj. فاعل + ماضي بسيط - I wish mum wasn't ill. - I wish the Egyptian team played well.

هناك تعبيرات فى المبنى للمجهول تبدأ بـ it أو فاعل الجملة الثانية

1- It + be+ p.p. + that + باقى الجملة 2- فاعل + be + p.p. + to +....................


1- People say that he is a spy. (It / He) It is said that he is a spy.He is said to be a spy.

Fotms of Future

1- Uses of : Will

- I'm sure it can't have been easy. - Surely, it must have cost a lot of money.

1- Your brother asks you how they built the Great Wall of China.


1- catch يمسـك - The cat caught the fish with its mouth.

street شــــــــارع witness شاهـــــد passerby احد المارة

1- habit عـادة شخـص- - Watching video clips is a bad habit.

و لكــــــــــي نحول الجملة من المباشر الي غير المباشر نتبع الخطوات التالية:-

1- تحذف علامات التنصيص و نستخدم (that) و يمكن أن تحذف

2. Your cousin invites you to go with him to the cinema. You accept.

3. You're invited to your friends birthday party, but you are so busy.

1. You want to leave your parents to bed.

2.You want to end a telephone conversation / to leave a friend after school

made from ( صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع تغيرت طبيعتها - The cake is made from flour.

20- melt يصهر ـ ينصهر ( بالحرارة ) - The heat has melted the snow.

- people are afraid that the light From the sun might go out.

20- once في وقت ما في الماضي ـ ذات مرة - Once, people were hunters. Their food came from animals.

- he missed the train as he got up late.

21- proud of (something / someone ) فخــوربـ - Her parents are very proud of her.

proud to do something فخــورأن - I am proud to receive this award.

22- illuminate يضيء / ينير - The streets were illuminated with coloured lights.

21- have fun with - Space travelers can have fun with weightless football.

22- promise to make a promise to

- He promised (made a promise) to help me with my homework.

23 - compared to / with in comparison with / to

23- size حجم - I was amazed at the size of their garden.

24- diameter قُطر - The diameter of the Earth is about 13,000 km.

- In comparison with girls, boys are stronger. : Boys are stronger compared with girls.

24- queue (up)يقف في طابورلأنتظار دور -People will be queuing to book their holidays inspace.

- beneath في الاسفل - she hid the Money beneath the pile of clothes

25- Right : correct صحيح - They are right to think positively.

- row صف (من الناس أو الأشياء جنبا إلى جنب) - I'd like to sit in the second row.

25- such a / an + صفة + اسم مفرد - Ali is such a naughty boy.

- ( have ) the right to + مصدر / (n.) له الحق - the public has the right to know about this.

26- blow - blew - blown (v.) تهب الرياح

- The older you get, the more experienced you become. - The more you train, the fitter you get.

27- a four-week mission مهمة لمدة اربع اسابيع

- لاحظ ان four-week عبارة عن صفة مركبة و الصفة لا تجمع و لذلك لم نجمع كلمة week

28- Verbs and nouns that go together:-

27- charge يفرض أو يطلب ثمنا -The restaurant charged us 40 pounds for the meal.

28- historic هام من الناحية التاريخية Historic / historical monuments آثار تاريخية

go for a holiday / for a walk / shopping / swimming / fishing / sightseeing

29- way of + v. + ing : way to + مصدر -There are many ways of collecting money for charities

- Emma asked Noura If she could answer that question.

3 - Reported ( Wh- ) Questions

1 - Languages اللغات English - Arabic 2 - Activities الأنشطة reading - studying

3- Meals الوجبات breakfast - lunch - dinner - supper

- His trousers are dirty. - A pair of socks doesn't cost much money.

3- Nouns and noun phrases which refer to groups:

To sum up :We use " going to " for decisions taken before

3- The present Continuous for Future Arrangements

- Sorry, his line is engaged. آسف الخط مشغول. - I'll put you through.سأُوصلك به.

3- When you are not sure if you are speaking to the right person:

I think they must have built them as tombs.

3- You suddenly find out that there is no money in your pocket. You make a deduction.

- permanent دائم - Their stay is not temporary, it is permanent.

3- agree to + (inf. - N) يوافق - He agreed to sign the papers. - He agreed to our plan.

- help with / In + n. - the teacher helped me with the lesson.

3- arrive in يصـل لمكـان كبيـر - We arrived in London an hour ago.

prize جائزة ( تمنح لشخص نجح في شيء عمل) - She won the third prize in the competition.

3- biography سيـرة ذاتيـة لشخـص يكتبهـا شخـص آخـر - I want to write a biography of my great grandfather.

allow + ( v + ing ) يسمـح - My father doesn't allow staying up late.

3- keep + object + ( v + ing ) - adj . يحافظ على

- We don't have any butter. - Would you like some more tea?

3- بعض الكلمات التي لا تُعد يمكن أن تسبقها الأداة ( a/an ) إذا جاءت قبلها الصفة:

-she cleaned the kitchen yesterday. - he fed the sheep In the afternoon.

3- يدل المضارع التام علي حدث متكرر(أي أن ذلك الحدث قابل للحدوث مرة أخري) :

5- Would you like a coffee? (a cup of coffee ( فنجان قهوة

Coffee can you stop you sleeping. ( The drink مشروب القهوة )

- historical مرتبط بدراسة التاريخ - قديم أو اثريHistorical research أبحاث في التاريخ

Communication Skills

- float يطفو - a plastic bag floated In the water.


How on earth...? What happens is that..

Could you tell me how/why...? I'll explain that to you.

** Asking the way للسؤال عن الطريق الى مكان ما

Could you tell me the way to ........? هل يمكنك أن تخبرنى الطريق الى ...... ؟

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns الأسمـاء التى تعــد


Cut يقطـع cut down يقلل ـ يختصر ـ يقطع شجرة

- That can't be Kamal. He looks too old. (I'm sure you are not Kamal.)

Meaning Degree Present Deduction Past Deduction

Bio Life Biography / biology Re Again Recycle / rewrite / retry

Mono One Monopoly - monosyllabic Multi Many multinational

The Wall of China is said to be the greatest building on Earth.

More examples:

• Yes, you're right. نعم، أنت محق. • I don't really think so.حقاً، لا أعتقد ذلك.

Not accepting/Declining رفض

space station محطة فضاء astronaut رائد فضاء colleague زميل عمل


- يمكن استخدام on بدلا من When و ياتي يعدها : v. ing

On arriving, he found the door locked.

- I travelled abroad by plane. - he went to work by car.

On مـع كـل وسـائـل المـواصـلات مـع وجـود فـاصـل ( أداة أو صفـة ملكيـة اوصفة اشارة)

- يمكن استخدام (should) بدلا من If ) ) في الحالة الشرطية الاولي كالتالي:

Should + subj. + inf......., subj.+ will+inf..........

- We are going to be given a rise.

Simple modals الأفعال الناقصة

- Why don't we/you/they........................? - Personally, I'd prefer.. (Disagreeing)


Melt يذوب / ينصهر melting انصهار / ذوبان molten منصهر


compete ينافس / يتنافس competition مسابقة / منافسة competitive تنافسي


completeيُكمل completionإسكمال completeكامل / تام


decide يقرر decision قرار decisive حاسم


harm يضر harm ضرر harmful ضار


shorten يقصر shortage نقص short قصير


succeed ينجح successالنجاح successfulناجح


- When you heat ice, it melts. - Streets become wet When it rains.

First Conditional

المستقبل التام6- The Future Perfect

Form will + have + P.P. ..............

- تتكون جملة الماضي المستمر المبني للمعلوم من

Form: was / were + V. ing.......... .

The present perfect tenseالمضـــــــــــــارع التام

Form:Subj. الفاعل + have/has + P.P. ................... .

- When Mrs Ali arrived, she found that her shop had been broken into.

Future simple المستقبل البسيط

Active Passive

Has /have + pp

** Thanking الشكر

Thanking الشكر Repliesالردود

I'd go along with that. I (completely) disagree.

That's true. I don't agree.

2. Your friend Samy introduces you to his uncle.

The Present Simple tense المضارع البسيط

الزينة salesperson بائــــــــــــع customer زبـــــــون


- There are many ways to collect money for charities.

30- astronaut رائد فضاء - The person who travels into outer space.

32- expert (in- on) خبير (متخصص في مجال علمي - experienced ( adj) لديه خبرة

33- sports رياضات - رياضى - In space, tourists can do weightless sports. - I want to join a sports club.

كلمة the public بمعني عامة الناس يأتي معها الفعل جمع أو مفرد

The public has / have the right to know everything.

- If I were tall, I Would play basketball. were I tall, I Would play basketball.

3ـ تحـــل Had محـــل If فـى الحــالــة الثـانيـة ويليـهـا اســم بشرط أن تكون فعلا اساسي للجملة :

3 - وصف أحداث في سرد قصة Ali found a bag ,then he went to the police station.

4 - في الحاله الثانية من اسلوب الشرط (If) If he helped us, we would win.

the same + (noun) - They have the same nationality.

4 -لاحظ استخدام الصفة في هذا التركيب:

He is thought to have killed the woman.

4- It is thought that this building withstands earthquakes.

I think I must have forgotten my wallet at home.

4- Someone asks you "Why do you think the Great Wall of China was built?"

- this company is sending a delegation to the conference next week.

4- The present Simple for the Future

- The new blouse kept Aya's room attractive. - She kept us waiting for half an hours.

4- Use + object + to + inf. يستخـدم - We use wood to make furniture.

- He didn't accept her apology.

4- quite - fairly + إلى حد ما صفة حسنة - He is quite ( fairly ) good at English.

- be born into + العائلة - she was born into a good family.

4- take part in : share in : participate in يشـارك - I'll take part in the competition.

- sights المعالم الهامة التي تستحق الزيارة - If you come to Aswan, I'll show you its sights.

4- the reason why + جملة - The reason why I was late was that I missed the bus.

- autobiography سيـرة ذاتيـة لشخـص يكتبهـا الشخـص لنفسـه - the leader will publish his autobiography soon.

4- win يفـوز ــ يكسب ( كأس ـ مبـاراة ـ انتخابات ) - Egypt won the match against Australia.

Communication Sklls

Making Suggestions Responding to Suggestions

- We had a delicious breakfast. - I spent a nice time on the beach.

4- الاسماء المفردة التي لا تعد نسأل عنها بــ ( How much ) - How much meat did you eatfor lunch.

- He wrote 46 novels. (He stopped writing)

4- يعبر المضارع التام عن أحداث تمت حديثا.

- Ali (he) was reading a story.- Aya and Heba (They) were cooking lunch.


-I have tidied my bedroom. -Ali (he) has played tennis for an hour.



Verb Noun Adjective

2- وإذا كانت were ) ) فعل أساسي في الجملة تأتي مكان( (if:

Were+ subj. + adj. ......., subj. +v. + would+inf..........

What do you think I ought to do next? Remember (not) to ........

What should I do if .............................? You should make (be) sure that.......

You will be late except if you hurry.

Without ( But for ) + noun/ v. ing.............

You would be late except if you hurried.

Without / But for / If it weren't for + noun/ v. ing.............

Will (n.) a legal document in which you say who you want to give your money and property to after you die وصية

Words & antonyms

know nothing of/ about لا يعرف شيئا عن say goodbye to يودع

Words & antonyms

southern in or from the south part of a country or area جنوبي

Words & antonyms

transmitter - equipment that sends radio messages.(transmit) (v.) جهاز ارسال

Words & antonyms

turpentine a strong-smelling liquid used for removing paint- سائل لإزالة الطلاء

Words & antonyms

unthinkable - impossible to imagine or accept غير معقول

Words & antonyms

3-The window's made of unbreakable glass. (الزجاج - لا يعد)

Would you like a glass كوب of water?

•لاحظ الرد على هذا السؤال:

Would you mind shutting the window? - No, not at all. (Agreeing) -Yes, I do. (Disagreeing)

Asking for Instructions Giving Instructions

Would you tell me ..............................? Be careful (not) to.........

Athletics ألعاب القوى / politics السياسة / gymnastics ألعاب الجمباز / news الأخبار

Mathematics الرياضيات / maths الرياضيات / economics علم الاقتصاد/ physics الفيزياء

6 - يستخدم الماضي البسيط مع التعبيرات الآتية

Yesterday - ago - last - once - in the past .....etc.

You should have + pp كان يجب أن ... I wish + ماضى تام

You shouldn't have + ppما كان يجب أن... You weren't supposed to + مصدر

9- graduate from يتخـرج مـن- - He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine.

a graduate of خـريـج - He is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine.

watch tower برج مراقبة airport controller pilot طيـــــار

a jail - a cell السجن officer ضابط prisoner سجين


a journey on the underground رحلة بالمترو in the same position في نفس المكان

balance تــــــــوازن fuel وقـــــــــــود wooden stick عصا خشبية

absorb : take in يمتـــــص furniture أثُُُُُُُُُــــــــــــاث drill into يحفــــــــــر في


absorb if something absorbs liquid, heat, etc., it takes in the liquid, heat, etc., through its surface يمتص

Verb Noun Adj.

absorb يمتص absorption امتصاص absorbent ماص - مادة ماصة

common عام / شائع / منتشر volcano بركـــــــــــان clouds سحابـــــــــة

absorb يمتــــــــــص inhale يستنشق strength قـــــــــــــــوة

geyser نبع ماء ساخن phenomenon ظاهــــــــرة infrared rays أشعة تحت حمراء

absorbed in منهمـــــــــك فى phenomena ظواهـــــــــر predictions تنبـــــــــؤات

respect احترام disrespect عدم احترام

abundance وفرة lack نقص

agree that (sentence يوافق ) - It was agreed that he was the thief.

accept ( invitation / apology / condolences / bribes) يقبــل ( دعوة ـ اعتذار ـ تعازي ـ رشوة)

proud متكبر humble / modest متواضع

accept يقبل reject يرفض

works of engineering أعمال هندسية dominate the headlines تتصدر عناوين الأخبار

accessible to متاح لـ investment opportunities فرص الاستثمار

achieve prosperity يحقق الرخاء branches of knowledge فروع المعرفة

achieve safety for citizens يحقق الأمن للمواطنين achieve self-sufficiency يحقق الاكتفاء الذاتي

clockwise في اتجاه عقارب الساعة anticlockwise عكس اتجاه عقارب الساعة

active نشيط inactive خامــــــــــــل

coronation تتويج / حفل تتويج hero بطــــــــل public opinion الرأي العام

activities أنشطـــــــة confidence ثقــــــــــــة right حـــــــق

busy with مشغول بـ spy - spy on جاسوس/ يتجسس medical طبــــــــــــــي

actress ممثلــــة invade يغــــــــــــــــزو substance مـــــــــــــادة

breathe يتنفــــــس spread awareness ينشر الوعي incredible لا يصدق

add to يضيف إلى elastic مـــــــــرن recharge يعيد شحن

admit يعترف deny ينكر

adequate ملائم inadequate غير ملائم

- By 2050, people might have built houses on the moon.

adventure stories قصص مغامرات self confidence ثقة بالنفس surprise مفاجأة - يفاجئ

Verb Noun Adjective

affect يؤثر علي effect : impact تأثير/ أثر effective مؤثر - فعال

abroad خارج الوطن midday : noon منتصف النهار short stories قصص قصيرة

affect يؤثر علي heart transplant عملية زراعة قلب social justice عدالة اجتماعية

actor ممثــــل invasion غـــــــــــــــــزو sure about متأكـــــــد من

aged 60 بالغ من العمر60 mouse / mice فأر / فئران suspect يشك فى - المشتبه فيه

- Dis-

agree disagree approve disapprove honest dishonest

agree with someone يتفق مع - I'm afraid I don't agree with you.

agree on (something) مجموعة تتفق علي شيء - We agreed on a price for the car.

2- let + مفعــول+ يسمـح المصــدر - I let him go out.

allow ( permit ) + مفعــول + to +مصـــدر يسمـح - I allowed him to go out.

rays أشعــــــــــة eventually أخيــــــــــرا the middle east الشرق الأوسط

amazing مذهـــــــــــل raise يرفـــــــــــــع stop attackers يمنع المهاجمين

15- mend يقوم بإصلاح (شيء تالف أو لا يعمل) The plumber came to mend the burst pipe.

amend يقوم بإجراء تعديل أو تغيير في نص أوقانون The constitution was amended some time ago.


amnesia - not being able to remember , a medical condition that makes you forget things فقدان الذاكرة

alternative بديـــــــــــل electric bulb مصباح كهربي oil rig حقل بترول مائي

amount : quantity كميـــــــــــة environmentalists خبراء البيئة oil refinery معمل تكريـــــــر

railway system شبكة سكة حديد flood يفيض - فيضان reconstruction إعادة البناء

ancient قديـــــــــــــم giant عمـــــــــلاق re-open يعيد افتتاح

اذا بدأت جملة الكلام المباشر بـ Yes / sure / of course / certainly / okay ....)) فانها تحذف و تتحول الي:

answered in affirmative / agreed / admitted


appear يظهـــــــــــــر character شخصيـــــــة supernatural خارق للطبيعة

admit agree or say that something is true, although you do not want to يقر / يقبل

appearance the way that someone or something looks or seems to other people مظهر

be based on قائم / مؤسس على identity card بطاقة شخصية radio signals إشارات لا سلكية

archaeologist عالم آثار include يشمل / يتضمن recommendation توصيــــــــــة

ambitious (adj.) طموح couple الزوجان pharaoh فرعون

architecture هندسة معمارية hold a debate يعقد مناظرة plenty of كثير من

pioneer رائــــــــد insist on يصر على journalist صحفـــــــي

area مساحة / منطقة excellent ممتـــــــاز produce ج/production ينتـــــــــــج

- When the visitor entered, all students rose. - Taxis fare have risen

arise arose arisen يـزيد عن الحـد / ينشـأ ( بـدون مفعـول )

- a lot of problems arise because of misunderstanding.

arouse (مفعـول ) aroused يثيـر/ يوقـظ

تتتتتات weightless بلا وزن

arrangements ترتيبـــــــــات authority سلطـــــــــــة weightlessness انعدام الوزن

shy خجول bold جريء

arrest يقبض علي release يطلق سراح

2- capture يأسر ـ يقبض على - The town was captured by enemy troops.

arrest يلقى القبض على - He was arrested for shoplifting.

capture يأسر/ يقبض على -The army captured about twenty enemy soldiers.

arrest يلقى القبض على - He was arrested for troublemaking.

area منطقــــــــــــة moral أخلاقــــي politics السياسة

as planned كما هو مخطط له sign إشــــارة immediately فـــــــورا

deafness صمــــــــــم repair يصلح / إصلاح spinning wheel العجلة الدوارة

astronaut رائــــد فضاء orbit مدار / تدور stand still يظل ساكنا- شلل مروري

factory مصنع director مدير secretary سكرتيـــــر

at home في المنزل father - mother host

enquire : inquire يستفسر tolerant of / towards متسامح تجاه

at midday في منتصف اليوم type.. sth... onto a computer يكتب شيء علي الكمبيوتر

fair عادل unfair عالمي

at most علي الأكثر at least علي الأقل

consequences عواقــــب definitely بالتأكيــــــــد rays أشعــــــــــــة

atmosphere الغلاف الجوى eclipse كسوف / خسوف recent years السنوات الأخيرة

recycling إعادة الاستخدام

atom atom ذرَّة impressed منبهر / متأثر pressure ضغط

corner stone حجر الزاوية - أهم شيء flexible : elastic مـــــــــرن

attach : tie : fasten يربط sectarian طائفي

combination خليط ـ مزيج investment استثمــــــار site موقـــــــــــع

attack يهاجم / هجوم investor مستثمــــــــر certain times أوقات معينة

discover يكتشـــــــف throne عــــرش pretend يدعــــــــــي

attacker مهاجـــــــم formal رسمــــي intend ينــــــــوي

double efforts يُضاعف الجهود side by side جنبا إلي جنب

attempt: endeavor يحاول take into consideration يأخذ في الاعتبار

alike متشابـــــــه walk through يمشي خلال crown تـــــاج - يتوج

attend : go to يحضـــــــر tour جولــــة prisoner سجيـــــــــــن

verb noun adj.

attractيجذب attractionجذب attractiveجذاب

confession اعتـــــــــراف human beings البشريـــــة playwright كاتب مسرحى

author مؤلــــــــــــف recuperate يستشفـــى strife يناضــــــــل

attachments ملحقات/ مرفـقات experience خبـــــــرة production إنتــــــــــاج

average of متوسط - معدل expert (on) خبيـــــــر في publisher الناشــــــــر

bribe رشـــــــــــوة health الصحـــــــة post operation فترة النقاهة

badly بطريقة سيئة healthy صحــــــــي respected متميز

strong - smelling ذو رائحـــــة نفاذة reduce noise pollution يقلل التلوث الضوضائي

badly- maintained سيئ الصيانة resolve / solve a crisis يحل أزمة

arrest : catch يقبض على innocence بـــــــــــــــراءة secret agent عميل سرى

bang يضرب بقوة innocent بـــــــــــــــــرئ welcome to مرحبا بك فى

bank بنك bank clerk موظف بنك investor مستثمر

bank بنك accountant محاسب cashier صراف


bark - the material that forms the surface of the wood of a tree لحاء الشجر

11- based in مقـره فـى - His work is based in Egypt.

based on قائـم علـى - It is a revision based on unit 1.

basis (n.) bases (pl.) اساس - There is no legal basis for his claims.

basic (adj.) اساسي- ريئسي -The basic problem is very simple.

attractive to جذاب لـ keep the attackers out يُبعد المهاجمين

be attached to متصل بـ light up illuinate ينير / يضيء

attend a conference يَحضر مؤتمر hostage رهينـــــــــــــــــة

be aware of يكون على وعــــي بـ backwardness التخلف

at the same time في نفس الوقت have health problems لديه مشكلات صحية

be committed to ملتزم بـ have interest in لديه اهتمام بـ

energy saving electric bulbs لمبات موفرة للطاقة in this way وبهذه الطريقة

be connected to موصل بـ last for يستمر لمدة

break in يقتحم (بدون مفعول) lock ......sb......... in يحبس شخص في (مكان)

be crowned with success يُتَوج بالنجاح look in astonishment ينظر في دهشة واستغراب

atomic : nuclear ذري / نووي finite محدود elevator: مصعـــــــــــــد

beans الفول / البقول fine غرامة / يُغرم straighten يسوي / يمهد

commit suicide ينتحر / يُقدم علي الانتحار worn out مرهــــــــــــــق

behave towards others يتصرف تجاه الآخرين human race الجنس البشري

behave يتصـــــــرف penname اسم مستعار community مجتمع - جالية

behavior سلـــــــــوك playwright كاتب مسرحي sailor بحَّـــــــــار

check مراجعة / يفحص full of ملـــــــئ بـ style طريقة /أسلوب

believe in يؤمــــــــــن deliver يسلم / يوصل the poor الفقـــــــراء

retire يتقاعد retirement التقاعد retired متقاعد

believe يعتقد belief اعتقاد believable يمكن تصديقه

autobiography سيرة بواسطة الكاتب frustrated محبــــــــط present يقدم / هدية /حاضر

bestseller الأكثر مبيعا frustration إحبــــــــاط presentation تقديم / عرض

capture يأســـــــــــر shy خجـــــــول بطبعه the Orient الشرق

betray his home يخون وطنه signals إشــــارات theatre plays مسرحيات المسرح

admit يقر بـ / يسمح بدخول admittance سماح بدخول admission اقرار / اعتراف

biography سيرة ذاتية biographicalخاص بالسيرة الذاتية

appearance مظهر / ظهـــــور personality شخصيـــــــة personnel شئون عاملين

biography سيرة ذاتية frightening مخيـــــــف science العلـــــــــــــم

biography a book about a person's life سيرة ذاتية

blackmail to make someone pay you money or do what you want by threatening to tell secrets about them يبتز

admit يعتــــــــرف بــ campaign حملــــــــة comment on يعلق على

blackmail ابتزاز / يبتز own up يعتـــــــــــرف human nature طبيعة بشرية

extinct منقرض forms of energy أشكال الطاقة push يدفع / يضغط

blade ريشة المروحة harness يُسخر / يستخدم

oculist's عيادة طبيب عيون oculist طبيب عيون patient مريض

block of flats عمارة سكنية doorman بـــــــواب visitor زائـــــــــر

flash of lightning وميض البرق take in liquid يمتص السائل

block out / off the light يحجب الضوء there's nothing wrong with ليست هناك مشكلة في

- my father blew up at me When I told him What had happened.

blow down تقتلع - The wind blew the trees down.

blow out يطفئ - Emma blew out the candle .

blow over stop - end - The storm has blown over .

cut down يقطــــــــــع paint remover مزيل طلاء violin آلـــة الكمـــــان

branches فــــــروع turpentine سائل لإزالة الطلاء stake دعامة - وند

innocent بريء guilty مذنب

brave شجاع cowardly (adj.) جبان

fly by rocket يطير مستقلا صاروخ there's a problem with هناك مشكلة في ..

break down يتعطل treatment for علاج لـ

enquiry : inquiry استفســـــــــــــار establish the cause of يحــــــدد سبب

break the law يخالف القانون the father of the modern novel رائد الرواية الحديثة

deciduous trees أشجار نفضيـــــــــــة keep .. away from يُبعد .. عن

break the rules يُخالف القواعد make paper out of wood يصنع الورق من الخشب

biography ســــــــــــيرة delivery توصيـــــــل traditional تقليـــــــدي

break يكسر / راحة قصيرة midnight منتصف traditions التقاليـــــــد

rings حلقات - دوائر extract يستخرج /يستخلص roots جـــــــــذور

breathing تنفــــــس excrete يفــــــــــرز rain forests الغابات المطيرة

deep-rooted open- minded absent-minded

brightly-coloured widely - used strong-minded

مستخدم النت

broker's مكتب السمسار broker سمسار customer زبـــــــــون

ultraviolet rays الأشعة فوق البنفسجية provide water for agriculture يوفر الماء للزراعة

building materials مواد بناء reach a length of يصل طوله الي

office مكتب تصميمات هندسية engineer مهندس customer زبـــــــون

building site موقع بناء architect مهندس معماري contractor مقاول

motorway طريق سريع passenger راكب driver سائـــــــــق

bus stop محطة أتوبيس conductor محصل تذاكر passanger راكـــــــب

Place Speaker A Speaker B

bus أتوبيــــــــــس conductor محصل passenger راكب

supermarket سوبر ماركت salesman بائع customer زبون

butcher's محل جِزَارة butcher جزار customer زبون

by - on - in 7- لاحظ استخدام حروف الجر التاليةمـع وسائـل المواصـلات


2- count يعــد علـي أصابعه - Scientists are able to calculate the speed of sound.

calculate يحسـب بالآلـة - Some tribes can't count up to nine.

may ............... might

can ............... could

realize : realise يــــــــدرك fictional خيالــــي look alike يبدوا متشابه

candidates مرشحون literature الأدب married متــــــــــزوج

get rid of يتخلص من geothermal حراري أرضى pipe أنبوبة / ينقل بالأنابيب

capture يستحوذ على hydroelectric كهرومائي liquid سائل

4- Abstract nouns:- honesty أمانة- hope - beauty - help- love - hatred كراهية- confidence ثقة - courage شجاعة - progress تقدم- evidence دليل - patience صبر- peace سلام - povertyفقر- ..... etc.

5 - Materials أسمـاء المـواد عنـدما تستخـدم بوجـه عـام

4- عند عرض عمل شيء او تقديم خدمة - I'll wash the dishes. - I'll fix the car for you.

5 - عندما نطلب من شخص عمل شيء

- I work in a bank . 4- يعبر عن الحقائق التي تدوم لفترة

5- - يستخدم مع جداول المواعيد - The train arrives at 10:15 pm. - We have English at ten every Sunday.

I think they must have built it to keep attackers out.

5- You ask a friend about how he thinks they built the Pyramids.

- rather + صفة غير حسنة إلى حد مـا - he is rather bad at English.

5- complain to + يشكو لـ - She complained to her father about her money.

murderer (n.) مجرم / قاتل - He was aprofessional murderer.

5- crime (n.) جريمة -Violent crime is on the increase.

- This mummy dates back to 3500 BC. - The roman invasion took place in AD 340.

5- mass (n.) كتلة- حجم - شامل - يتجمع-قداس - One litre of water has a mass of one kilogram.

use + object + for + ( v + ing ) يستخـدم - We use wood for making furniture.

5- pressure (n.) ضغط - موقف صعب - Teachers are under increasing pressure to work longer hours

- earn يكسب ( قوت أو رزق ) مقابل عمل - Most people don't earn enough money.

5- routine روتين ( عمل نفس الشئ في نفس الوقت كل يوم ) - My daily routine has become more boring.

4- الاسماء المفردة التي تعد نسأل عنها بــ ( How many ) - How many desks can you see?

5- الفعل مع الاسماء المفردة التي تعد مفرد او جمع

- I've just finished reading this book.

5- يستخدم المضارع التام للسؤال عن خبرات سابقة دون تحديد وقت حدوثها .

-It is kind of you to help me. -It was careless of Jack not to lock the door.

5- يُضاف المقطع th الي بعض الكلمات لتكوين الاسم:

calculate - to find out something or measure something by using numbers يحسب

cardboard - very stiff thick paper, used especially for making boxes ورق مقوي

carbon dioxide ثانى أكسيد كربون make medicines يصنع الدواء strength قــــــــــــــوة

cardboard ورق مقوى chemicals مواد كيميائية strengthen يقــــــــــــوي

be published : come out تُنْشَــر fixed ثابـــــــت reports تقاريـــــــر

career الحياة المهنية headache صـــــــداع respect يحترم/ احترام

base - a low hard surface on which other things can be built/the lowest part or surface of something قاعدة / أساس

carve - to cut something, especially stone or wood, into a particular shape ينحت

base قاعدة / سفح position (v.) يضع في مكان محدد massive ضخـــــــــــم

carve ينحــــــــت line خـــــــــط massiveness ضخامـــــــة

11- carved into منحـــوت فـى - The temple was carved into cliff.

carved out of منحـــوت مـن -The statue is carved out of wood.

alike - almost exactly, the same or similar. متشابهان

castle - a very large strong building built in the past to protect the people inside from attack قلعـــــــة

athletics العاب القوي rescue ينقـــــــــذ anxiety قلَــــق

castle قلعـــــــــــــة fiction خيــــال publisher ناشر- شركة نشر

ancient قديم modern حديث

catch (the train) يلحق بـ miss (the train) يفوته

bring about يتسبب فــي / يُحدث on the coast علي الساحل

catch up with يساير / يواكب to everyone's surprise لدهشة الجميع

catch يصـاب بـ - It's easy to catch Bird Flu if you are not careful.

catch يعـلق بـ ـيشبـك في - I caught my new T-shirt in a nail.

يمكن أن نستخدم الفعل get بدلا من verb to be عند التحويل إلى مبنى للمجهول خاصة مع التصريف الثالث من الأفعال الآتية:

catch يقبض على - arrest يقبض على - damage يدمر destroy يدمر - kill يقتل

catch يقبض علي / يصطـاد حيـوان - Cats like to catch mice. - The police caught the thief.

catch يلحـق بـ - We have to get up early to catch the first bus.

ultraviolet rays light which can make people's skin become darker آشعة فوق بنفسجية

cause (v) to make something happen يسبب

catch sight of يلمح lift ... off their feet ترفع .. من علي الأرض

cause / do damage يسبب ضرر look straight at ينظر مباشرة إلي


cause يسبب /سبب southern جنوبي safely بأمــــــــــــان

available متاح - متوفر central مركــــزي neighbour جــــــــار

ceremony مراسم finance مالية - يمول pay a visit يقوم بزيارة

broad واسع broaden يوسع threat تهديد threaten يهدد

cheap رخيص cheapen يخفض السعر weak ضعيف weaken يُضعف

race سبـــــــاق spotlight يلقي الضوء علي bleed ينـــــزف

cheat يغش - يخدع time consuming مُضيِّع للوقت extract يستخلـــــص

absorption امتصاص global warming احتباس حراري palm tree نخلـــــــــــة

chlorophyll الكلوروفيل gloves قفـــــــــازات products منتجـــــــــات

(be) thought of as يُنْظَـــــــــــر اليه كـــ (be) acquainted with ملم بــ - على علم بــ

civilized society مجتمع متحضر shanty towns : poor slums العشوائيات

disappear beneath the sea يختفي تحت البحر rough sea بحر هائج

clap of thunder قصف ( صوت ) الرعد absorbed in atmosphere يُمتص في الغلاف الجوي

attendance حضــــــور popular محبوب /شعبي innocent بــــــــــــريء

classics الأدب اليوناني astonishment دهشـــة دهشــــة kidnap يختطف شخص

damage تلف /خسارة/ يتلف harmful ضـــــــــار rainfall سقوط الأمطار

clear night ليلة صافية lightning البــــــــرق sight منظر / البصر

city centre وسط المدينـــــة improve يحســـــــــن weight الـــــــــوزن

cliff منحدر صخري invest يستثمـــــــر structure بنــــــــــــاء

surface سطــــــــــح northern شمالــــــــي sand storm عاصفة رملية

clips مشبـــــــك depend on يعتمد على skin جلــــــــــــد

exceed يفوق - يتجاوز mousetrap مصيــــدة فئران take place يحـــــــدث

close to قريب من murder جريمة قتل/ يقتل responsibility مسئولية

depend on يعتمد على sap عصـــــــــارة surprise مفاجأة - يفاجئ

close together بالقرب من بعض syrup شراب - دواء list قائمـــــــــة

the underground مترو الأنفاق booking clerk موظف الحجز traveller مسافـــــر

club نــــــــــــادي referee الحكم player لاعب

drive machines يُشغل الآلات incredible لا يُصدًق sail يبحر - يوجـــه

coal فحــــــــم nuclear waste نفايات نووية save energy يوفر الطاقة

Verb Noun Adj.

collect يجمع collection ofمجموعة من collective جماعي

- an extra piece of equipment. مودة - ارتباط/ ملف يرسل بالاميل / جهاز اضافي

collection - group of objects of the same type that have been collected by one person in one place. مجموعة

colleague Someone you work with. زميل

commit a crime do something illegal يرتكب جريمة

amnesia فقدان الذاكرة identify يتعرف على / يحدد queen ملكــــــــــــــة

commit a crime يرتكب جريمة identity هوية شخص set free يطلق سراح

climate change تغير المنــــاخ magical feeling شعور سحري sat-navالملاحة عن طريق القمرالصناعي

communications اتصــــــــالات benefit فائــــدة weakness ضَعـْـــــــــــف

great عظيـــــــــم sound like يبدو و كأنه ride يركب / يمتطى

commute يسافر بانتظام rise يرتفــــــــع save money يوفر مـــــال

معظم الأسماء التي تُشير إلي مجموعات يمكن أن يُستخدم معها فعل مفرد أو جمع مثل:

company شركة army جيش class فصل team فريق

ضيف البرنامج

company شركة interviewer مذيع محاور job applicant متقدم لوظيفة

personal شخصــــــــــــى recuperation النقاهــــــة temporary مؤقــــــــــت

complain يشكـــــــــو colleague زميــــــــــل guest ضيـــــــف

harmful ضـــــــــار manage : run يديــــــــــر tidal powerطاقة المد و الجذر

conclude يستنتج / يختم immortality الخلــــــــود curative علاجي

commit يرتكــــــــــــــب well بئــــــــــــر respectable جدير بالاحترام

confess يعتـــــــــرف will وصيــــة - يوصي sales مبيعات -اوكازيون

recruit take on hire يوظف - يعين plastic operation جراحة تجميل

conflict of interests تعارض المصالح do terrible things يفعل أشياء فظيعة

be wrong about مخطئي بشأن personal appearance المظهر الشخصي

conflicting results نتائج متضاربة personality traits سمات الشخصية

customary تقليدي / معتاد unusual غير معتاد

considerate : thoughtful مراع لمشاعر الآخرين inconsiderate غير مراع لمشاعر الآخرين

addيُضيف addition إضافة additionalإضافي

constructيبني constructionبِناء constructiveبَنَاء

complete incomplete effective ineffective expensive inexpensive

convenient inconvenient efficient inefficient sensitive insensitive

cook / cooks .................. cooked

cooked .................. cooked/had cooked

company firm شركـة introduce يُقدم resourcefulnessدهاء / سعة حيلة

corn حبوب / ذُرَة urgent عاجـــــــــل resourceful واسع الحيلة

classics - study of the language and history of the ancient Greeks and Romans أدب الإغريق و الرومان

coronation - a ceremony when someone becomes a king or a queen. تتويج

enormous damage أضرار هائلة have priority over له الأولوية علي

cost of living تكلفة المعيشة source of relief مصدر ارتياح

construction بناء - تشييــــــد progress تقدم ـ تطـــــــور deduction استنتــــــاج

cost يتكلف/تكلفة project مشـــــــــــــروع engineering هندســـــــة

able قادر enable يمكن hard صلب harden يجعله صلبا

courage شجاعة encourage يشجع length طول lengthen يطول

computer centre مركز كمبيوتر programmer مبرمج customer زبون

court محكمــــــــــة judge قاضي witness شاهد

molten منصهــــــر boiling point نقطة الغليان springs ينابيع مياه

create pollution يسبب تلوث solution to حـــــل لــــ barrier عائـــــــــق

- hardly had she left When her friends arrived. - scarcely had she left When her friends arrived.

crime fiction أدب الجريمة headquarters مركز القيادة qualities صفات / سمات

confusing مربك / محيــــــر power قـــــــوة stylish على الموضة / أنيق

culture ثقافـــــــة interviewer مذيع / محاور summary ملخص

conflict صـــــــــراع disappointed خائب الأمل/ محبط fortnight أسبوعــــــان

cure العـــــــــلاج disappointment خيبة الأمل violence العنـــــــــف

gravity جاذبية / خطورة instant فــــــوري replacements بدائل

currently حاليـــــــــــــــا intention نية / قصد representative مندوب / ممثل

coffee - glass - gold - iron - lime - paper - stone - sand -soil - sugar- tea - wood ........ etc.

6 - School subjects history - physics 7 - Fluids السوائل water - coffee - oil

- will you help me carry this bag, please? - I hope you will look after the baby.

6 - الترتيب لعمل شيء وقت الحديث دون تخطيط مسبق:

How do you think they built the Pyramids?

6- Someone asks you "What problems and difficulties do you think there were in building the Pyramids? "I'm sure it can't have been easy. Surely, it must have cost a lot of money.

mess (n.) فوضي - Don't make a mess in the kitchen.

6- base (n.) قاعدة - مكان اقامة - It is easy to fasten the monitor onto the base.

- revolt يثور على وضع أو نظام -the Egyptians used to revolt against English occupation.

6- destination مكان الوصول ( المكان المقصود ) -The United States is my next destination.

- complain that + يشكو من جمـلة كامـلة - He complained that he didn't get his salary.

6- foreigner أجنبـى (شخـص من دولة أخـرى) - He isn't from Egypt, he is a foreigner.

criminal (n.) (adj.) مجرم- اجرامي -He has a criminal record. - He is a dangerous criminal.

6- poison (n /v ) سم - يسمم - She poisoned the mice.

- pressure (v.) يجبر- يرغم - يضغط - the president was pressured to resign.

6- renew (v.) يجدد - يستأنف مرة اخري - I have decided not to renew my driving licence this year.

- red tape / روتين حكومي تعقيدات حكومية - I had a lot of red tape to get my passport.

6- retire يحـال للمعـاش ( يتقـاعـد ) - When an employee is 60, he retires and lives on his pension.

competition - a situation in which people or organisations compete with each other منافسة / مسابقة

custom - something that people do in a society because it is traditional عادة

passport office مصلحة الجوازات passport official موظف applicant متقدم بطلب

customs house جمرك customs official موظف جمرك passanger مسافــــــر

custom عادة / جمرك poem قصيـــــــدة papers جرائد - وثائق

cut down يقــــــــــــلل poet شــــــاعر reinforce يقِّــــوى - يعــــزز

environmental pollution التلوث البيئي take pride in يفخر بـ

cut into a particular shape يقطع في شكل معين save them a lot of money يوفر لهم كثير من المال

vast majority الغالبية العظمي reach an agreement بصل إلى اتفاقيه

daily needs احتياجات يومية serious consequences عواقب وخيمة

compare يقـــــــــــارن beneficial مفيـــــــد wheel عَجَلــَـــــــــة

deaf أصـــــــــــم put.... right : fix يُصلـِّــــح spokes أسلاك العََجَلـَـــة

couple - two people, two periods of times.................... زوج

debate - formal, organized discussion on an important subject. مناظرة

13- decide to + inf يقـرر - She decided to go out.

decide on + noun يقـررـ يحدد - You have to decide on your goal in life.

- و تستخدم ايضا للتعبير عما سيحدث في المستقبل اذا كان هناك قرار مسبق ويدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل:

decided / have decided / made a decision / made up ... mind

wide width long length strong strength

deep depth grow growth heal health

bark لحاء الشجر equipment معـــــــــدات reclaim يستصلـــــــــح الصحراء

deep عميـــــــــق soil تربـــــــــة rely on يعتمد على

guilty مُذنِــــب enemy عــــدو solution to حــــــــــل لـ

deliberate متعمــــد enmity عداوة - خصومة solve يحــــــــتل

merits مميـــــــزات length طــــــــــول reason for سبـــــــــب

demerits عيـــــــــوب lengthen يطول - يطيـــــل manage to يتمكـــــــــن من

pharmacy صيدلية chemist صيدلي patient مريض

dentist's عيادة طبيب أسنان dentist طبيب اسنان patient مريض

clothes /cloth shop محل ملابس/ قماش salesperson بائع customer زبون

department store محل تجارى salesman بائع customer زبون

at a young age في سن صغير make a plan يعد خطة

deprive........ of يحرم .....من make changes to يُجري تغييرات علي

deepen يعمــــــــــق fertilizers أسمــــــــدة remove يزيـــــــــل

depth عمــــــــق turn into يتحــــول إلى brush teeth ينظف الأسنان

destination جهة الوصول natural gas غاز الطبيعي thermal : heat حرارة

developed country دول متقدمة natural resources موارد طبيعية thunder الرعــــــد

develop يطــــــور literature الأدب handle يعامل - يعالج

development تطــــــور massive ضخم typical managerمدير فندق نموزجى

cyclist راكب دراجة nuclear weapons أسلحة نووية pollute يلــــــوث

device جهاز / أداة palm trees أشجار النخيل press agency وكالة أنباء

commuter - someone who regularly travels to work, especially a long distance مسافر يومي للعمل

diameter - a line that goes from one side of a circle to the other and passes through the centre قُُطْــــــــــــــر

make a plan يضع خطــــــة campaign حملــــــــــــــة conflict صـــــــراع

diameter قُطْــــــــر prosper يزدهـــــر lift يرفــــــــــع

at any time في أي وقت over a hundred أكثر من مائة

different from / than / to مختلف عن pass on information ينقل معلومات

temptation إغـــــــراء pollute يلوث

directions اتجاهات / تعليمات rock صخرة - يهتز press agency وكالة أنباء

diplomat (n.) الدبلوماسي issue قضية - مسألة work for يعمل لـــــــدي

disabled معـــــــاق support تأييد / يؤيد earthquake زلـــــــزال

almost تقريبـــــــــــا location موقــــــــع rescue mission مهمة إنقاذ

disadvantage عيـــــــــــــب look down ينظر لأسفل route طريق

kidnappers مختطفون deny ينكـــــــــر crisis أزمـــــــــــة

disapprove of لا يوافق denial انكـــــــــــار crises أزمـــــــــات

conclusion استنتاج / خاتمة tempt يغــــــــــــــري eco-tourism سياحة البيئة

disarmament نزع السلاح

look right for the part يبدو مناسبا للدور on the sides of hills علي جوانب التلال

discover ..sth.. about يكتشف شيء عن with the help of بمساعدة

develop - to make a new product or idea successful يطور / ينمي

district - an area of a city or country اقليم / مقاطعة

genetically- modified معدل وراثيا comprehensive شامــــــــــــل

do / cause damage to يضُر / يُلحق ضررا بـ renaissance نهضــــــة

develop new techniques يُطَور أساليب جديدة make up يُشكِل / يخترع قصة

do a favour يقدم خدمة أو معروف put down roots يستقر (في مكان معين)

develop new forms of يطور أشكالاَ جديدة من supply.............. with يُزود ..بـ

do a survey into يقوم بدراسة أو استطلاع رأي في at a high speed بسرعة عالية

do experiments on يجري تجارب علي under control تحت السيطرة

do research on / into يجري أبحاث علي willful murder جريمة قتل عمد


do weightless sports يؤدي رياضات انعدام الوزن have fun with يجد متعة في..

the whole thing الشيء بأكملـــه open (v / adj.) يفتح ـ مفتوح whether ....... or سواء .... أو

draw up a plan يرسم خطــــــة restore يستعيــــــد monuments آثــــــــــــــار

- Un-

dress undress happy unhappy lucky unlucky

dig يحفـــــــــــــر prosperity ازدهــــــار synergy تعــــــــاون

drilling machine آلة حفـــــــــــر underground مترو الأنفــــــــاق deduce يستنتــــــج

along the motorway علي طول الطريق السريع pump ... to the surface يضخ ..... الي السطح

drive on the road يقود السيارة علي الطريق in molten form في شكل منصهر

distance مسافــــــــة nature الطبيعــــة thunder الرعــــــــــد


double efforts يُضاعف الجهود wealthy غنى / ثري be a fan of يشجع - يؤيد

early life حياة مبكرة well - to - do غنى / ثري the public الجمهور

educate يتعلـــــــم well - educated ذو تعليم جيد successful ناجــــــــح

educated متعلـــــــم cell زنزانــــة novelist روائـــــي

district منطقة / مقاطعة widen horizons يوسِّع الآفاق lecturer محاضــــــر

education تربيـــــــة awareness وعـــــــــــي optimise يحسِّن - يجَوِّد


effect تأثيـــــــــر establish يؤسس / يرسخ journalism صحافـــــــة

look down on ينظر من أعلي الي suffer from يعاني من

effective means وسائل فعالة since : ever since منذ

ice age العصر الجليدي occur يحدث / يقع forecast يتنبأ بالطقس

electric storm عاصفة كهربية occurence ظهور - حدوث ultraviolet rays أشعة فوق بنفسجية

either أيضا ( نفى ) keep in touch with يواكب - يساير

else أيضا ( سؤال ) catch up with : cope with يساير : يواكب

emperor إمبراطـــــــــور unthinkable لا يخطر ببال fabulous رائع - خلاب

empire إمبراطوريــــــة Nile valley وادي النيــــــــل pick يلتقــــــــــط

develop يُطور / ينمي development تطور / تنمية developed متطور / متقدم

enable يُمَكِن ability قدرة / استطاعة able قادر

depend يعتمد dependence اعتماد dependent معتمد / عالة / تابع

endanger يُعرض للخطر danger خطر dangerous خطير

dry cleaner 's مغسله laundrer عامل المغسلة customer زبـــــــون

engineering design

air-conditioning تكييف هــــــواء questionnaire استبيان deteriorate يتدهــــــور

equipment معـــــــــــدات well-trained مدرب جيدا deterioration انهيار / تدهور

entertainment تسلية - ترفية remain يظل - يبقى morally أخلاقيـــــــــا

escape يهـــــــرب tiny ضئيــــــل organised منظــــــــــم

disaster كارثــــــــــــة military action عمل عسكرى dedication اخلاص - تفان

especially وبخاصــــة military force قوه عسكريه provoke يستفز - يغيظ

against the law ضد القانون human resources الموارد البشرية

establish himself as يحقق لنفسه مكانة كـ multicultural society مجتمع متعدد الثقافات

stain : smear يلطِّــــخ - يبقــــــع in this way بهذه الطريقة

evergreen trees أشجار دائمة الخضرة expose ....... to يُعَــــــرِّض .......لــــ

- I meet a lot of people In my everyday life.

every day (adj.) تستخدم ككلمتان منفصلتان بمعني كل يوم وهي في هذه الحالة حال

good خيــــــــر profession مهنــــــــــة permanent دائــــــــــــــــــم

evil شـــــــــر eventually أخيـــــــــــرا permanently بشكل دائــــــــم

currently - (happening) at the present time. حاليا / في الوقت الحالي

examine (v) - to look at something carefully in order to find out something. يفحص

rocket صاروخ mission : task مهمـــــــــة spin / spun / spun يدور

examine يفحـــــــــــص emissions انبعــــــــاثات

embarrassed مُحْـــــــــــرَج perform يجــرى / يــؤدى conspire يتآمـــــــر

excavate ينقــــــب overlook يطل على conspiracy مؤامــــــــرة

below أسفـــــــــل trivial تافـــــــــــه atrophy ضمـــــــــــور

exciting مثيــــــــــر spaceship سفينة فضاء schedule جدول مواعيد

slogan : motto شعــــار (be) subjected to: (be) liable to عرضـــــة لــ

exert great efforts يبذل جهودا عظيمة treaty معاهدة

cost يكلف cost تكلفة costly: sky high مكلف / غالي الثمن

expect يتوقع expectation توقع expected متوقع

verb noun adj.

express يعبر عن expression تعبير expressive معبر

disrupt traffic يُعطل المرور mass media وسائل الإعلام conference مؤتمــــــر

extinction الانقراض materials مـــــــــواد plant مصنـــــــع

rare نادر common شائع

extreme متطرف mild / moderate معتدل

belong to يخص / ينتمي إلي make friends يُكون أصدقاء

fall off his horse يسقط من علي حصانه make / pay regular visits يقوم بزيارات منتظمة

exploration استكشـــــاف marble رخــــــام treatment عـــــــــــــلاج

far away بعيــــــــــــد predict يتنبــــــــأ vowel sounds أصوات متحركة

fall to the ground يسقط علي الأرض do / go on a space walk يقوم بالمشي في الفضاء

feel excited about يشعر بالإثارة تجاه do gymnastics يقوم بأداء ألعاب الجمباز

escapism - entertainment that helps people to forget about their worries هروب من الواقع

fictional - not real, invented by a writer . خيالى

Words & antonyms

flexible مرن inflexible غير مرن

voyage رحلـة بحريـة - We went on a voyage by ship.

flight رحلـة جويـة - The flight to Saudi Arabia took two hours.

خبيـــــــــــــر waves أمـــــــــــواج

force قوة - يجبــــــر planet كوكـــــب tide المد و الجزر

deduceيستنتج deductionاستنتاج deductiveاستنتاجي

forgetينسي forgetfulnessالنسيان forgetfulكثير النسيان

atom the smallest unit that an element can be divided into. ذرة

fossil fuel fuel such as coal or oil that is obtained from under the ground وقود حفري

use up يستهلك power station محطة طاقة pressure ضغط

fossil fuels وقود حفري wind turbine محرك يعمل بالرياح renewable متجدد

dig up يحفــــــــر murderer قاتــــــــــــل feed on يتغذى على

freedom of pressحرية الصحافة national duty واجب وطني correspond يراســــــل

customs الجمــــــــــرك customs official موظف الجمرك passenger راكب

fruitseller's محل فكهاني fruitseller فكهاني customer زبون

generate to produce energy or to cause something to exist. يولد

geothermal energy the heat produced inside the earth طاقة منبعثة من باطن الارض

make mistake / promise / prediction / suggestion / decision / money

get a leak In tap / gas tube / cup / tank / hose / pipe

(be) deeply affected by متأثر تأثرا عميقا بـ on (his) way to في طريقه إلي

get off يغادر أو ينزل من وسيلة مواصلات on his first journey في رحلته الأولي

show : manifest يوضح - يبين make contributions to يقدم إسهامات لـ

get together يتقابل reveal a secret يُفشي سر

ball كرة / حفلة راقصة area منطقـــــــــــة rivers نهـــــــــر

giant عمـــــــــــلاق freeze يجمد / يتجمد roughly

do good to يعود بالفائدة علي strip........ off ينزع - يجَـــــــرِّد

give out يُخرج / يُطلق by the way على فكرة

fuel pump مضخة وقود predictions تنبؤات blood cells خلايا الـــــــدم

global warming احتباس حراري disaster كارثـــــــة vast area مساحة شاسعة

go on space holidays يقوم بأجازة في الفضاء at a height of علي ارتفاع

go shopping يذهب للتسوق be attached to مرتبط بـ / مرفق مع

seeds بــــــــذور musical instrument آلة موسيقية toothpaste معجون الأسنان

goats ماعـــــــــــــــز noise pollution تلوث ضوضائي tube أنبوبـــــة

fictional خيالي real حقيقي / واقعي

guilty مُذنب innocent بريء

gravity (n) - the force that makes objects fall to the ground. الجاذبية الأرضية

gymnastics - a sport in which skilful physical exercises and movements are performed. رياضة بدنية - جمباز

extract - to remove something يستخرج

harden - to become firm or stiff. يصبح أشد صلابة

hammer مطرقــــــــــــــة exert efforts يبذل الجهود value قيمـــــــــة ـ يقيم

harden يصبح أشد صلابة glue غــــراء - يلصق serious جاد - خطير

destroyيُدمر destructionتدمير destructiveمُدَمِر / هدام

hardenيجعله صلبا hardnessالصلابة hardصلب

eclipse (n) when the sun or the moon seems to disappear, because one of them is passing between the other one and the Earth خسوف / كسوف

harmful causing harm ضار

is / are cooking ................. was/were cooking

have / has cooked .............. had cooked

come into sight يظهر warn of / about يحذر من

have problems with لديه مشاكل في put their lives in danger تضع حياتهم في خطر

- Before she stopped a taxi to take her home,she had done the shopping.

he had heard the newsby the timehe told me.

- he told me as soon as he had heard the news.

he told me immediately after he had heard the news.

18- help to + inf. ( to ) يساعد يأتى بعدهاالمصدرمسبوقا بـ - He helped me to do the job.

help + inf. ( to )يساعد يأتي بعدهاالمصدر بـدون - He helped me do the job.

these those yet by then

here there tomorrow the day after

have much success in يلاقي نجاحا كبيرا take preventive measures يتخذ إجراءات وقائية

heroic deeds أعمال بطولية in defence of دفاعا عن

strong wind رياح عاتية southern : in the south of جنوب

high waves أمواج عالية weapons of mass destruction أسلحة الدمار الشامل

18- kidnap : abduct يخطف شخصا -The gang kidnapped the child and asked for much money.

hijack يختطف (طائرة- سيارة) snatch يخطف شيء من شخص

hold a meeting / a conference يعقد hold a position / a post يشغل

hold (500) people يتسع لـ hold the line hold on خليك معايا علي الخط

hold backيمنـع / يعـوق - The police couldn't hold back the crowds.

hold up يعطل - Sorry, I didn't mean to hold everybody up.

anniversary ذكري سنويــــة unexpected غير متوقع vomitting قيــــــــــــــئ

horrible : terrible رهيــــــب mystery سر غامض immunity مناعــــــــــة

الحيوانات الأليفة) salesperson بائــــــــــــع customer زبـــــــون

house plant shop محل بيع نباتات

take medicine يأخذ دواء struggle يكافــح - كفاح violent عنيــــــــــف

humanity البشرية literature الأدب host مضيــــــف

publish ينشـــــــر guilty مُذنــــب propaganda دعايــــــــــــــة

identical متطابق / متماثل escapism هروب من الواقع locked in محتجـــــــز في

headquarters the place from where an organization or a company is controlled. e.g. police headquarters, المركز الرئيسى

identity - who someone is e.g. they promised to keep her identity secret.

cliff - a high steep rock or piece of land جرف صخري

illuminate - to make light shine on something ينير / يضيء

hesitant متردد confident واثق

illuminate يضيء darken يُظلم

cover / meet our needs يغطي احتياجاتنا go along with : support يتفق مع - يساند

improve living conditions يُحسن ظروف المعيشة physical بدني

في حالة وجود كلمة time بعد الكلمات السابقة نستخدم 's)) في حالة المفرد و (s') في حالة الجمع

in a week's time in two years' time

condemn : convict يديـــــن enrich يُثْـــــــــــري

in all : altogether اجمالى interests مصالح - اهنمامات

human nature behaviour, faults qualities. etc. that are typical of ordinary people الطبيعة البشرية

in conflict a situation of disagreement or fighting between people or groups or ideas في صراع

work on excavation يعمل في التنقيب work on a crime يعمل علي حل الجريمة

in terms of بمدي cultural identity الهـــوية الثقافية

deep عميق shallow ضحل

include يشمل exclude يستبعد

Active Passive

inf. مصدر / inf. مصدر +s/es

booking office مكتب حجز booking clerk موظف حجز traveller مسافــــر

information office مكتب استعلامات receptionist موظف استقبال passanger راكـــــــــب

be made out of مصنوع من come to an agreement on يصل الي اتفاق

infrared rays الأشعة تحت الحمراء massive efforts جهود هائلة

amaze يُدهش amazement دهشة amazing مدهش

injure يصيب injury إصابة injured مصاب

- the things that make one person or group of people different From others e.g. identity card. cultural identity. شخصية- هوية

innocent (adj.) - not guilty of committing a crime- not having experience of life.

tax authority مصلحة الضرائب accountant محاسب tax-payer دافع ضرائب

internet café net café cyber مركز نت

get on يركب (وسيلة مواصلات) clear....sb..... out يثبت براءة شخص

keep up with يساير / يواكب the longest-running play مسرحية تُعرض لأطول فترة

approve of يوافــــــــــــــق living things الكائنات الحية hostess مضيفـــــــة

kidnapped مخطوف morality الاخــــــــلاق fight يقاتــــــــــــل

deep عميق deepen يُعمق wide متسع widen يوسع

large كبير enlarge يكبر ـ يضخم short قصير shorten يقصر

(two days) ago (two days)before next week the following week

last week the week before / the previous week yesterday the day before

do sport / favour / work / job / operation / homework / post graduate studies

launch a rocket / a spaceship / a shuttle / a campaign / a fashion

zoo حديقة حيوان visitor زائـــــر zoo keeper حارس الحديقة

laundry : launderer's

establish - to achieve or give someone a respected position in society or in an organisation يحقق / ينجز

law - the system of rules that people in a country or place must obey قانون

lawful (adj.) شرعي - قانوني - He is going to start his lawful job as a journalist.

lawyer (n.) محامي -His first job was a lawyer.

law قانـــــــون eliminate يمحــــــو spotlight يلقي الضوء علي

lawyer محامـــــــى illiteracy الأميــــــــــــــة period فتـــــــــــــرة

plane طائرة pilot طيار flight attendant مضيفه جوية

lawyer's مكتب المحاماة lawyer محامى client موكل - عميل

lie - lay - lain ينـام ـ يرقـد - I lay on my bed for an hour.

lay - laid - laid تضـع البيـض يليهـا مفعـول بدون حـرف جـر - Hens lay eggs.

enclose يحيط بـ /يرفق بـ display يَعْـــــــــرِض measure يقيـــــس

leader قائـــــــــــــــــد vital role دور حيـــــوي in terms of بمـــــــــدي

launch (n) - sending a spacecraft into space. اطلاق- يطلق- يطرح بالاسواق

leak (n) - a small hole that liquid or gas gets out through. تسرب / فتحة للتسرب

book shop مكتبه لبيع الكتب salesperson بائـــــع customer زبــــــون

library مكتبة librarian اميــن مكتبـــة student / visitor طالب / زائر

lie to يكـذب علـى شخص - She lied to us about her job.

lie about يكـذب بخصوص شـئ - He lies about doing his homework.

drought a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water الجفاف

lightning (n) a bright flash of electrical light in the sky during a storm البرق

energize ينشــــــــــط energy طاقة energetic نشيط / مليء بالطاقة

liquefy يُحول لسائل liquid السائل liquid في شكل سائل

hydroelectric (adj.) using the force of water to create electricity. كهرومائي

liquid (n.) (adj) a substance that is not solid and that can be poured easily. سائل

land on the moon يهبط علي القمر replace ............ with يستبدل .. بـ

live in space يعيش في الفضاء horror : terror رعب

made of صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها مازالت موجـودة) - The bag is made of leather

made from صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها لم تعد موجـودة ) - The cake is made from flour.

made into turned into تحول الي - Sand is made into glass.

made of ( صنـع مـن(المادة المصنـوع منها لم تتغير طبيعتها - The bag is made of leather.

assure يؤكد mental عقلي

make sure يتأكد psychological نفسي

nursery school حضانـــــة baby sitter جليسة اطفال parent أحد الوالدين

market ســـــــــوق salesman بائع customer زبون

massive (adj.)ضخم - A massive block of rock fell down yhe mountain.

masses (n.) جماهير - He failed to win the support of the masses.

leaves أوراق شجر local x global محلى x عالمي protect...from يحمى

materials مواد خــام forest clearance إزالة الغابات queue طابور

massive هائل tiny ضئيل الحجم

maximum أقصي / الحد الأقصي minimum أدني / الحد الأدني

work shop ورشة عمل

mechanic ميكانيكى apprentice صبي - متدرب

- Molten rocks rushed out of the well.

melted ( ice - snow - chocolate) منصهر في حرارة عادية (يذوب) مثل الشيكولاته والثلج مثلا

20- lose يخسـر ـ يفقـد شـئ - Our national team lost the last match.

miss يفتقـد شخـص ـ يفـوته مواصـلات - I missed my uncle very much.

lengthen يُطَوِل / يطيل lengthالطول longطويل

mixيخلط mixtureخليط mixedمختلط

commuter مسافر منتظم illuminate ينيــــــــــر rising sun شمس مشرقة

modern حديــــــــث illumination إنـــــــارة the way to الطريق إلى

dissolve يذوب ـ يذيب ( فى سائل ) - Dissolve these pills in water.

molten ( glass - lava - rocks - metals ) منصهر في حرارة عالية جدا مثل الصخور والمعادن

excavation - digging up the ground to find things from the past. excavate (v.) تنقيب عن الاثار

mousetrap - equipment for catching or killing mice. مصيدة

4- murder جريمة قتل - She was charged with attempted murder.

murder(v.) يقتل - She was accused / convicted of murdering her husband.

ساكن- صاحب عقار

museum المتحف tourist guide مرشد سياحى tourist سائــــــح

approve (of) يوافق علي / يستحسن disapprove (of) لا يوافق علي

natural طبيعي artificial صناعي

crowd جمهور crew (طاقم (طائرة/سفينة couple زوجان committee لجنة

navy البحرية group جماعة gang عصابة family عائلة

cyber attendant عامل السيبر customer

net user زبـــــــــون

molten (adj.) being liquid because of extreme heat. منصهر

nuclear (adj.) relating to the energy released when atoms are divided. نووي

generate يولـَّـــــــــــــد non-renewable غير متجدد waste نفايات / فضلات

nuclear نـــــــــووي straight مستقيم / معتدل solar panels الواح شمسية

northern in or from the north part of a country or area شمالي

occur to happen, especially without being planned first يحدث

midday - twelve o'clock in the middle of the day. منتصف النهار

old-fashioned - not modern and not fashionable any more قديم/عفا عليه الزمن

6- الصفة المركبة تتكون عادة من كلمتين وتصف الاسم بعدها:

old-fashioned densely - populated kind-hearted

simple بسيط complicated معقد

old-fashioned قديم / غير مساير للموضة modern / fashionable حديث / مساير للموضة

well - known for مشهور بـ at the same time في نفس الوقت

on the night before في الليلة التي تسبق an expert in خبير في

turn around يدور - يلف look after : take care of يعتني بـ

organization : association منظمـــة - مؤسسة agree with an opinion يتفق مع رأي

- I think I'd like to stay at home this evening rather than go out.

otherwise : وإلا - You'll have to go now, otherwise you'll miss your bus.

Place Speaker A Speakers B

park حديقة - منتزة visitor زائـــــر attendant عامل

diplomatic mission مهمة دبلوماسية sidewalk : pavement رصيف

pay attention to ينتبه إلي - يهتم بـ space invasion (conquering) غزو الفضاء

attack يهاجم defend يدافع

peace السلام war الحرب

knock (v) hit a door with your hand in order to attract someone's attention يطرق الباب

permanently for all future time, or for a very long time للأبد / بشكل دائم

Insist that + جملة يصر علي - Have you insisted that you are innocent?

persist in + v-ingيصر علي - He persisted in studying alone.

toy shop محل لعب salesperson بائــــــــــــع customer زبـــــــون

pet shop محل (لبيع الطيور و

- this matter is very urgent. I And you will meet this evening.

7 - عمل الوعود والتهديدات I'll buy you a computer when you pass the final exam. -

far-sighted long - lasting mouth-watering

7- Wander يتجول - He wandered around the mall for half an hour.

- he was dressed In a black suit. - he was wearing a black suit.

7- go + Adj. become + Adj. - go dark / mad / blind / deaf / dumb....etc.

resign يستقيـل من العمـل- - The manager resigned as a result of the accident.

7- politician رجل سياسة- -Yesterday's interview was a debate between two politicians.

champion بطل ( رياضي ) - Al-Ahly is the champion of the African club championship.

7- twins توأم - He and his sister are different twins.

- have you ever met anyone famous?

7- نستخدم (has /have been to) بمعنى ذهب لمكان وعاد أما (has /have gone to) ذهب لمكان ومازال هناك (لم يعد)

I go to school in my car. - She goes to school in a taxi.

8 - لاحظ استخدام المقطع en في بداية أو نهاية بعض الكلمات لتكوين الفعل:

7- Don't hurry. There's plenty of time وقت . - He went to London three times. مرات

8- Don't go out in the cold without a coat. البرد عموما - I've got a bad cold. نزلة برد

diplomat دبلوماسي ( في سفارة أو في وزارة الخارجية - Ahmed works as a diplomat in a Foreign country.

8- On board ( على متن ( سفينة ـ طائرة - I climbed on board of the ship.

7- do/carry out/ conduct research into/ on يجري بحثاعلي / في - He is doing research into cancer .

8- cure (v.) (n.) يعالج - علاج recuperate يتسشفي- يستجم

- If anything goes wrong, just call me.

8- listen / see / watch / hear + inf. / V+ing

- There was no evidence that the man was connected with the crime.

8- turn on / switch on the lights - turn off / switch off the lights

- quit يترك / يغادر / يتوقف عن - She's going to quit her job.

9- root (n.) جذر نبات / اسنان - اصل - Money is the root of all evils.

- turn into converted into يتحول الي - Energy from the flowing water is turned into electricity.

9- solar-powered vehicles مركبات تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية

- Giant pieces of ice have been seen falling from the sky. - I watched him go, then went home.

9- لاحظ استخدام الفعل المساعد do قبل فعل الجملة للتأكيد علي حدوث الفعل ويستخدم في المضارع البسيط والماضي البسيط فقط

- my car is much faster than yours. -This flat is slightly more expensive than our new flat.

9- لاحظ ما يلي

- First I switched on the light, And then he entered the room.

: After I had switched on the light, he entered the room.

- it was only When I had switched on the light that he entered the room.

: It wasn't until I had switched on the light that he entered the room.

- When + ماضي تام + ماضي بسيط - When I had arrived at the station, the train left.

: The moment + ماضي تام + ماضي بسيط - The moment I had arrived at the station, the train left.

A tube of toothpaste انبوبة معجون اسنان A bag of flour كيس دقيق

A box of matches علبة كبريت A grain of sand حبة رمل

A packet of cigarettes علبة سجائر A spoonful of sugar ملئ ملعقة شاي

A glass of lemonade كوب ليموناده A bottle of milk زجاجة حليب

A sheet of paper فرخ ورق A slice of meat شريحة لحم

A loaf of bread رغيف خبز A drop of water قطرة ماء

- He gave me a nice camera. (I / A nice camera) -I was given anicecamera.

A nice camera was given to me.

Be going to سوف

Active Passive

Past continuous الماضى المستمر

Active Passive

Past perfect الماضى التام

Active Passive

Present continuousالمضارع المستمر

Active Passive

will / would / shall / should /can / could / may / might / has to / have to / had to / will have to / be to / needn't / must / ought to / used to / going to

Active Passive

- Before stopping a taxi to take her home,she Did the shopping.

After / As soon as / The moment / When / Before / By the time +ماضي تام +, +ماضي بسيط

- يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع ظروف التكرار الآتية وتأتي قبل الفعل الأساسي او بعد verb to be )) و احيانا تاتي في بداية او نهاية الجملة

Always - sometimes - usually - often - occasionally - rarely - scarcely - seldom - regularly - frequently - generally - monthly - weekly -never......etc

3- similar to مشابـه لـ ( اختـلاف ) - The two books are similar but this one is new.

the same as نفس الشئ بـدون اختـلاف - He wears the same suit every day.

now then tonight that night

this that today that day

space shuttle مكوك فضاء sectarian sedition فتنة طائفية

too : also : as well أيضا ( إثبات ) immune system جهاز المناعة

take control يسيطر/ يتحكم transmit يبـــث beforehand مقدما / سلفا

tragedy مـأســـــــاة transmitter جهاز إرسال / بث plot مؤامرة - يتآمر

Place Speaker A Speakers B

travel agency وكاله سفريات travel agent وكيل سفريات tourist سائــــــــــح

- الاشياء التي تتكون من نصفين مثل

trousers / glasses / gloves / shorts / spectacles / pyjamas

toothpaste substance used for cleaning your teeth - معجون اسنان

tube a pipe that liquids or gases go through.- أنبوبــــــــــــة

consider يَعْتَبِــــــــــر perish يهلــــــــك engine محرك ـ موتور

tunnel نفق/ يحفر نفق statue تمثــــــــال original أصلــــــــــي

increase زيادة / يزداد decrease نقص / ينقص

turn up يعلى - يزود turn down يخفض ( صــــوت )


two seconds / three minutes

school / class مدرسة / فصل teacher مدرس student طالب

university جامعـــة professor أستاذ جامعي student طالب

punishment عقاب reward ثواب / مكافأة

upwards متجه لأعلي downwards متجه لأسفل

rubber مطاط / استيكة photosynthesis البناء الضوئي broom مقشة - مكنسة

valuable شئ ذو قيمة play the piano يعزف البيانو tyre إطار مطاطى

negative سلبي positive ايجابي

valuable قيم valueless بلا قيمة


verb noun adj.

heavy rain مطر غزير in a northerly direction في اتجاه الشمال

violent storm عاصفة عنيفة in a southerly direction في اتجاه الجنوب

improve يحسن / يتحسن in favour of لصالح / مؤيد لـ dizziness دوخـــــــــة

waste of time مضيعة للوقت walk round يتجول حول nausea غثيـان - ميل للقيء

shoe shop محل أحذية shoemaker صانع احذيه customer زبـــــــــــون

watchmaker's محل ساعاتى watch maker ساعاتى customer زبـــــــــــون

Place Speaker A Speakers B

wedding reception حفل زفاف bride groom العريس bride العروسة

leak يتسرب leak / leakage تسرب leaky به تسريب

weigh يزن weight الوزن weighty

freshly- cut مقطوع حديثا sports equipment أجهزة رياضية

well - educated ذو تعليم جيد matchless: second - to- none ليس له مثيل

the right to - you are morally or lawfully allowed to do something. له الحق

well-educated - having had a good education. ذو تعليم جيد

Active Passive

will / shall + inf.

present simple , will/may/ can/ must/should/ might+inf......

will/may/ can/ must/should/ might+inf...... present simple

waste (n.) things that are not wanted, especially what remains after you have used something. نفايـــــــــة

wind turbine a machine with long parts at the top that are turned by the wind, used to make electricity. توربين رياح

building site موقع بناء related to مرتبط بـ

with a diameter of بقطر يبلغ remove obstacles يزيل العقبات

cut off يـوقـف إمداد cut up يمـزق


work against يعمل ضد work on (someone)يحاول أن يقنـع الشخـص

work for يعمـل لحسـاب work on (something) يصنـع أو يصلـح أو يحسـن الشـئ

work ( himself ) up يتضـايق أو يغضـب مـن شـئ work outيحل - يحسـب - يتدرب بانتظـام

work upيحسـن أو يطـور أو ينمـى work in someone's favourيعمـل لصالحـه - يفيـد

ســــر- سري launch يطلق / إطلاق (صاروخ / قمر صناعي) space walk سير في الفضاء

zero gravity انعدام الجاذبية make use of يستفيد من space station محطة فضاء

- be made + to + مصدر - he was made to do the exercise again


كنت حزيناً جداً عندما سمعت عن ......... - I know, it's terrible/awful, isn't it?

أعرف، إنه شئ فظيع، أليس كذلك؟

airport مطار check in clerk موظف فحص أوراق passanger مسافر

plane طائرة captain assistant مساعد كابتن air hostess مضيفه جوية

classical كلاسيكي forever للأبــــد factors عوامــــل

poet شاعــــــــر sort :kind : type نــــوع novel روايــــــة

murder (n) - the crime of intentionally killing someone جريمة قتل

poison (n) - a substance that may kill or harm you if you eat/drink it سم

poisonous /poisoning (adj.) سام - Ten people died of poisonous gas yesterday.

poisoned (adj.) مسمم - He looks as if he is poisoned.

- أسماء أخري

police / people / youth / clothes / wages / goods سلع / troops قوات / arms أسلحة / remains بقايا / cattle الماشية / contents محتويات ... etc.

court محكمـــــة judge قاضـــــــي bailiff حاجب المحكمة

police station قسم الشرطة policeman رجل شرطة a thief-criminal لص - مجرم

renewable non-renewable verbal non-verbal

polluting non-polluting fictional non-fictional

pay for يسدد ثمــــــن at the coronation في حفل التتويج

popular with محبوب أو شائع لدي break into يقتحم (بعدها مفعول)

monument - a large structure that is built to remind people of an important event or famous person أثـــــــــــــــــــر

position - put something or someone in a place موقع ـ يقع

pipe a long tube which liquid or gas can move through. ماسورة

power station/plant a place where electricity is produced. محطة طاقة

- My father gives us chocolate as a reward when we do well.

present gift هدية بدون مقابل - He gave me a present on my birthday party.

Zero Conditional

present simple , present simple present simple present simple

spread ينشر ـ ينتشر -Terrorism spreads panic among all classes of society.

prevail يسود ـ يعم - Justice will prevail over tyranny.

intend ينوي intentionنية intentional مقصود / متعمد

prevent يمنع prevention منع / وقاية preventive وقائي

properly بطريقة صحيحة nervous system الجهاز العصبي

probably من المحتمل sect طائفة

instrument - something such as a piano used for producing musical sounds أداة / جهاز

products things that are made or grown to be sold - منتجات

personality someone's character, especially the way they behave towards other people شخصية

profession a job that needs special education and training حرفة

career الحياة العملية للفـرد - He started his career five years ago.

profession مهنـه ( تحتـاج إلى مؤهـلات وتـدريـب) -Teaching is a profession.

-يمكن استخدام الأفعال الآتية بدلا من( said to )عند نقل الجملة إلى غير المباشر ويأتي بعدها ((to + inf.:

promised / offered / advised / agreed / threatened هدد / reminded/decided / Refused

excavation حفــــر ـ تنقيب travel agent مندوب السفر wounded soldier جندى مصاب

prove يثبت plan for يخطط لــــ patriotism الوطنية

cruel : violent : harsh عنيف water crisis أزمة المياه

public library مكتبة عامة make.... sb. .......a lot of money يدر علية مالا كثيرا

occasion - an important event or ceremony مناسبه

publication - when a book is printed and available to buy. طبع، نشر

pioneer - one of the first people to do something that other people will continue to develop رائد

publisher - person or company that produces books, magazines, etc., and makes them available for people to buy ناشر

occupy يحتل ( مكان أو بلد ) - The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.

raid يشن ( غارة) - Villages along the border are regularly raided.

phenomenon something that happens or exists, especially something that is unusual or difficult to understand ظاهرة

rainfall the amount of rain that falls on an area in a particular period of time سقوط الامطار

merits مزايا demerits عيوب

raise يرفع lower يخفض

16- other than : except ما عدا The form cannot be signed by anyone other than you.

rather than : in preference to / instead of بدلا من ـ مفضلا شيء علي آخر

raise - to move or lift something to a higher position يرفــــــــــع

rays - narrow beams of light or energy from the sun أشعــــــــــة

achieve يحقق - He achieved most of his ambitions.

reach ( goal - aim - target ) يصل إلى -يحقق - He reached his goal after long hours of hard work.

backbone عمــــود فقـــري immense هائل - ضخم discussion مناقشـــــــــــــــة

realism الواقعيـــــــة occasion مناسبـــــــــــــة lawyer محامــــــــى

ensure يضمن - يكفـــــل in the course of time بمرور الوقت

reassure يطمئن therefore : thereupon وبناء على ذلك

Place Speaker A Speakers B

reception الاستقبال receptionist موظف الاستقبال resident -guest نزيل الفندق

heal ( up) ( v.) يلتئم للجروح والكسور recover from يشفي من

recovery شفاء

developing country دول نامية nuclear power طاقة نووية reclamation استصلاح

reduce يُقلــــــــل nuclear reactor مفاعل نووي vegetable oil وقود حيـــــوي

below the earth's surface تحت سطح الأرض make use of يستفيد من / يستغل

rely on : depend on يعتمد علي sail ships يُوجِّه أو يُسيِّر السفن

spare parts قطـــع غيــار job opportunity فرصة عمل speed bump مطب لتخفيف السرعة

remains بقايا / آثــــار traditional تقليدي split ينشطــــــر

remove يُزيل removerمزيل

removalإزالة removableيمكن إزالته

pressure the force that a gas or liquid has when it is inside a container ضغط

renewable (adj.) can be produced as quickly as it is used. متجدد

Words & antonyms

renewable متجدد non-renewable غير متجدد

illuminateيضيء illuminationإضاءة illuminatingمضيء

repeatيكرر repetitionتكرار repetitiveمتكرر

remain يبقـــــــي publication طبع / نشر print يطبـــــــــع

replace يحل محل / يستبدل ready for مستعد لـ tropical استوائي

drill يثقب / يحفر steam بخــــــــار take turns يأخذ دوره

replace يستبــــــــدل outer space فضاء خارجي queue up يصطف

qualifyيؤهل / يتأهل qualification مؤهل qualified متأهل

require يتطلب/ يحتاج requirementمطلب required مطلوب

recuperate to spend time getting better after an illness, injury, etc. يشفي

respectable behaving in a way that people think is socially acceptable or morally right محترم

respectable profession مهنة جديرة بالاحترام live on the island يعيش علي الجزيرة

respected scientist عالم متميــــــــــــــــز look your best تبدو علي أفضل صورة

adjust to يتكيف - يتأقلم مع give / cause...sb... a headache يسبب صداع

respected متميز - مثير للإعجاب natural disasters كوارث طبيعية

crisis of conscience أزمة ضمير suggest : make a suggestion يقترح

respectful behaviour سلوك متسم بالاحترام have a suggestion لديه اقتراح

11- disabled ذو إعاقـة جسـدية - We take disabled children on trips at the weekends.

retarded ذو إعاقـة عقليـة -Retarded children go to special school where they get special care.

2- award ( يمنـح ـ منحـة ـ جائـزة ( مقابـل عمـل شـئ بإجادة - He won the school award last year.

rewardيكافـئ ـ مكـافـأة ( مقابـل سلـوك حسـن أو عمـل جيـد ) أو تقديـم خدمـة للمجتمع

danger خطر endanger يعرض للخطر ripe ناضج ripen ينضج

rich ثري ـ غني enrich يثري strong قوى strengthen يقوى

20- route طريق (من مكان الى اخر) خط سيركما تستخدم معنويا

road طريق (سطح صلب طويل ممهد تسير عليه سائل النقل)

ring an object in the shape of a circle - حلقة

roots the parts of trees that grow under the ground and find water. - جذور

1- run out ينفذ - ينقرض- يبنتهي (لا ياتي بعدها مفعول) - Fossil fuels are going to run out in a few years.

run out of finish use up ينفذ من ـ ينتهى ـ يستهلك ( يأتى بعدها مفعول )

rubber a substance used for making tyres, boots, etc. - مطاط

sap - the liquid that carries food through plants and trees عصـــــــــارة

- بعض الاسماء المنتهية ب ( ings ) مثل

savings مدخرات / lodgings حجرة للايجار / surroundings الأشياء المحيطة

leak يتسرب / تسريب gymnastics جمبـــاز side effects أثار جانبية


mission (n) - an important job that someone has been asked to do. مهمة

secret (adj) - known about by only a few people. ســـــــــــــر

launch a campaign / drive يشن حملة keep track of يساير : يواكب

send ... into space يرسل .... الى الفضاء take turns يتبادل الأدوار

college كليــــــــــة professor أستاذ جامعي student طالب

service center مركز صيانــــــــــة technician فني customer زبون

empathic مشارك للآخرين مشاعرهم entice : tempt يغــــــــرى

set off / out ينطلق - يبدأ رحلة provide a model for يقدم نموذج أو قدوة لـ

will ............... would

shall ............... would

widenيُوسع widthعرض / اتساع wideواسع

sharpen يسن / يحد sharpness حدة sharpحاد

geyser a hole in the earth from which hot water and steam can rise عين مياة ساخنة

sight (n) the ability to see البصر

four hours / five days

six nights / seven weeks

book fair معرض الكتاب not in the least : not the least مطلقا - على الإطلاق

slimming machines أدوات تخسيس not at all مطلقا - على الإطلاق

clean energy طاقة نظيفة lift مصعد - يرفـــع conference مؤتمر

smart car سيارة ذكية convenient ملائِـــــــم share حصة - نصيب

- The sun melts the snow and ice.

smelt يصهــر/ يستخرج المعدن من الخام - Iron ore is smelted in Helwan factory.

degree centigrade درجة مئوية solar eclipse كسوف الشمس go up : rise يرتفع

soak up يمتـــــــــص lunar eclipse خسوف القمر heat waves

scientific revolution ثورة علمية cause addiction يسبب الإدمان

social phenomenon ظاهرة اجتماعية extinct volcano بركان خامد

do without : dispense with يستغني عن estuary : mouth مصب النهر

solar powered car سيارة تدور بطاقة شمسية vegetable fuel : bio fuel وقود حيوي

muscles عضـــــــلات space shuttle مكوك فضاء temperature درجة حرارة

space holidays رحلات الفضاء password كلمة السر transport نقل / مواصلات

forbid يمنع allow يسمح

specific محدد general عام

18- spell -spelled/ Spelt يتهـجـى - Spell your name, please.

spill - spelled / spilt يسكــب - Never cry over spilt milk.

side effects - an unexpected result of an activity, situation or event. آثار جانبية

spin (v) - to turn around and around very quickly. يلف / يدور

secret agent - someone who tries to find out secret information about another country. عميل سري

spy - someone who secretly tries to discover information about a person , country , etc. . جاسوس

playground : pitch ملعـــــــــــب referee الحكم player لاعب

stadium إستــــــــاد trainer مدرب player لاعب

failure الفشل success النجاح

strange غريب ordinary / familiar عادي / مألوف

foreign أجنبـى (صفة لوصف البلاد / البضائع / اللغات) - Learning foreign languages is very important.

stranger غريـب (شخـص لا أعرفـه) - I'm a stranger here; I don't know where the post office is.

routine (n) - the usual way in which you do things روتين

style - a way of doing or making something that is typical of a particular person, group or period نمط / اسلوب

pessimism التشاؤم optimism التفاؤل

sufficient كاف insufficient غير كاف

experienced ذو خبرة inexperienced بلا خبرة

support يؤيد oppose يعارض

hospital / clinic مستشفى / عيادة doctor / nurse طبيب / ممرضة patient / visitor مريض / زائر

surgery room حجرة االعمليات surgeon جراح nurse ممرضــــة

includeيشمل inclusionاشتمال / ضم Inclusiveشامل

suspectيشك في / يشتبه في suspicionشك suspiciousمرتاب / متشكك

education تعليـــــــم novelist روائــــي leader قائـــــــــد

suspense تشويق imprison يَسْجِــــــــن local محلــــــــي

spoke (n) - one of the thin metal bars which connect the ring around the outside of a wheel to the centre. أسلاك

system - anorganized way of doing something. نظام

distance مسافــــــــــــة keep fit يبقي لائقا بدنيا distance learning التعلم عن بعـــد

system نظــــــــــــــام lift يرفع - مصعد reveal a secret يُفشي سر

calculate يحسب keep ...... away يبعــــــــد set regulations يضع اللوائح

take in يمتص / يفهم / يخدع bridge كوبرى/ جسر set rules يضع القواعد واللوائح

موجة حارة

take in يمتــــــــص natural طبيعـــــي temperature درجة حرارة

talk about يتحدث عن (شيء أو شخص) protect from / against يحمــي من

talk to / with يتحدث إلي (شخص) ready for مستعد أو جاهز لـ

upholsterer 's محل منجد upholsterer منجد client عميل

telephone switch السنترال operator عامل التليفون caller متصـــــل

weigh يـــــــــــــزن complete يكمــــــــــــل rescue ينقذ - انقاذ

temple معبــــــــــــد concrete base قاعدة خرسانية rescue operation عملية إنقاذ

apparent واضح unclear غير واضح

temporary مؤقت permanent دائم

زوج - زوجة son - daughter guest

tenant- landlord ابن - ابنـــــــة الضيف

- Over the ages / over the years.... - The earth has become more crowded over the ages.

اعتاد أن Used to + inf .

Active Passive

التصريف الثانى للفعل

- He used to smoke. He doesn't smoke any more.

الماضي البسيطThe past simple tense

- لاحظ عدم استخدام ( ( beفي الماضي المستمر: - While I was at school, I felt a headache.

الماضي التامThe past perfect tense

- last week, I went to Alexandria. - two months ago, We flew to London.

الماضي المستمرThe Past Continuous Tense

husband - wife الأب - الأم



تحــــــــــت follow يتبـــــــــــع protective واقــــــــــــي

4- everyday (adj.)

تستخدم ككلمة واحدة بمعني )يومي( - The details of his everyday life show that he is careful.

26-The + صفة / ظرف درجة ثانية + جملة كاملة , the صفة / ظرف درجة ثانية + جملة كاملة كلما ........ كلما

تستخدم هذه الصيغة في التغير في النسب بين الاشياء

تستخـدم مـع الألعـاب المنتهيـة بــ ing do ( karate, high jump, judo... )

تستخـدم مـع الألعـاب الأخـرى.

3- play ( football, basketball, tennis, squash ... )

تستخـدم مـع الألعـاب المتصلـة بالكـرة . go ( fishing, sailing, swimming, running ...)

explanation تفسير / شرح port مينــــــاء wind blow

تهب ( الرياح )

- I gained a lot of information during the discussion.

كما تشير إلى زيادة فى الوزن ـ السرعة ـ الكمية - People usually gain weight during holidays.

geothermal energy

حرارة باطن الأرض expert

جملة ماضي بسيطI arrived ages

ذلك الحين yesterday /Then a long time

اقتصاد tornado


2 - يأتي بعد since نقطة زمنية تحدد بداية الحدث أما for يأتي بعدها مدة هذا الحدث.

ساعة12 o'clock a moment

Since تاريخ 7thAugust For eight months/ one season

سنة2000 nine years

- another - I will buy another book . - She ordered another sandwich .

صفـة يتبعهـا اسـم مفـرد ( آخر بمعنى مختلف أو اضافى )

13 - other - I like helping other people . - He didn't ask for other information.

صفـة يتبعهـا جمـع ) و أحيانا اسم لا يعد( ( آخر بمعنى المتبقي )

- others - Some people are rich; others are poor. -Some writers are greater than othersالآخرين .

ضمير فاعل أو مفعول ( آخر بمعنى المتبقي ) و لا يأتي بعدها اسم

- Farmers grow plants. - Plants are grown by farmers.

عند عطف فعل مبني للمجهول علي آخر لا يتكرر استخدام الفعل المساعد الا في حالة تكرار المفعول:-

permanently بطريقة دائمة weather الطقــــــــس violent


- I haven't seen him for ages. - It's ages since I last saw him.

غالبا في الاثبات و السؤال (just) - تستخدم

- Without (but for) hurrying, you will be late.- it is difficult to breathe If you climb Mount Everest.

في الحالة الاولي(If) حذف أداة الشرط


فيضان / يغمر بالماء powerful قــــــــوى perish يَهْلَــــــــــــــك

- I ,as well as Ali, am clever.

لاحظ : مع ( and / both ..... and ... ) الفعل دائما جمع - Both mum and dad like fish.

- he told me that they had already paid the bill. - he said that he believed that Ali had moved to luxor

ملاحظات عامة علي الماضي التام

Ali is in the habit of eating fruit for dessert. : Ali is used to eating fruit for dessert.

ملاحظــــــــــــــات عامـــــة

- more oil may be found.


/ since / for / up till now


- Someone else / Everyone else.

و تستخدم بعد أدوات الاستفهام (( what / who / why / where

- Hala said ; " I've passed my exams"

و لكن هذا الكلام له اكثر من معني و يتسم بالغموض و لذلك الافضل منه هو الكلام الغير مباشر

drought الجفــــــــــاف landscape

منظر طبيعي sunglasses نظارة شمس

weightless ثقيل / هام

منعدم الوزن

المستقبل المستمر 5-The Future Continuous

يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكون مستمرا في وقت معين في المستقبل

22- publish ينشر (كتاب أو صحيفة مثلا) )- advertise يعلن عن (سلع أو خدمات

يستغرق مصدر + to + مدة زمنية+ اسم أو ضمير مفعول 23 - It takes / took /has taken/ will take.... +


يطفــــــــــــــو power قـــــــــوة precarious غير مستقر

Making deductionsالاستنتـــــاج

يمكن استخدام بعض الأفعال الناقصة لعمل استنتاج سواء فى المضارع أو الماضى

شهر October

يوم Friday

• I know I shouldn't.أعرف أنه لا يجب أن أفعل ذلك. • I'll think about it.سأفكر فى هذا.

• I'll make up my mind about it. سأفكر فى هذا • I'll see. سأفكر فى هذا.

Accepting advice قبول النصيحة

• Yes, I know I should.نعم، أعلم أنه واجب. • Yes, I'll do it now / soon.نعم، سأفعل ذلك.

3.You meet someone for the first time / you're introduced to someone.

**Invitation توجيه الدعوة

Reply: Thank you. It's very kind of you .شكراً، هذا عطف منك.

**Liking and disliking التعبير عن الحب وعدمه تجاه شيئاً ما

- What do you think of........? What's your opinion of..........?ما رأيك....؟

**Liking التعبير عن حب شيئ ما

- It's nice to see you again. - Where have you been? How are things?

**Making Recommendations: تقديم توصيات بعمل شيء

2. Your friend visits you in hospital, he asks how you are.

**Offers العروض

- Good Heavens! يا لسماء ! - What a lovely surprise! يا لها من مفاجئة سارة!

1. You have just heard that a plane crashed and all the passengers died.

Reply: Nice to meet you. تشرفنا بلقائك

1. You introduce your friend Youssef to your father.

How can I + inf. ..................................? First, ................ After that, ...............

Can you show me how to + inf. ............? It is a good idea to ..........

- I wish I could, but I have to go to the dentist at 5. أتمنى لو كنت أستطيع لكننى مضطر الى الذهاب الى الطبيب

1. You invite your friend to have some tea with you.

I'm fine, thanks. بخير شكراً. I'm very well. Thank you. أنا بصحة جيدة.

1. You visit your sick uncle in hospital.

- I hope you get well soon. أتمنى ان تتحسن بسرعة - I hope you find your handbag.

1. Your friend is so ill. You are visiting him at hospital.

Reply: I'm sorry. I'll be careful next time.أنا آسف، سوف أحترس فى المرة القادمة.

1. Your friend parked his car in a no parking area, so he was fined.

- I'm rather worried about... - I'm a bit concerned about... أنا قلق لحد ما على .....

1. Your little brother is so late outside at night. You are worried about him.

-Thanks! I'm very pleased. شكراً، أنا سعيد جداً. -Yes, I can't believe it myself.

1. Your sister has got the full mark in the English exam.

- Don't mention it.لا شكر على واجب.

1. Your uncle gives you a present on your birthday party.

- good for مفيد ـ صالح لـ - taking exercises is good for you.

10- relation علاقة رسمية - Relations between the two countries have improved recently.

-What has he just said ? -She has just turned on the computer.

10- عند استخدام ago بدلا من since / for نحول المضارع التام المثبت الى began / started + to + inf.

9-This table is made of iron. الحديد (لا يعد) - She bought an iron yesterday. مكواة

10-The sun gives us light الضوء / لا تُعد - We need two lights in this room. مصباح كهربي

- يستخدم الماضي المستمر غالبا مع كلمات مثل) (While / when / As / Just as للتعبير عن حدثين كانا مستمرين في نفس الوقت في الماضي:

(While / when / As / Just as) + past con. , past con.

- We do have a lot of information about the sun. - He did ask me for money.

10-لاحظ استخدام on earth بعد بعض أدوات الاستفهام لتعبر عادة عن الدهشة أو الغضب

How can I get to...?كيف يمكننى أن أصل الى...؟ Where's .......?أين ...............؟

Reply: - Yes, go ahead then turn left. أتجه للأمام ثم لف شمال.

- يستخدم الماضي المستمر مع كلمات مثل)(While / when / As / Just as للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا في الماضي قطعه حدث آخر

(While / when / As / Just as) + past con. , past simple

I couldn't agree more. I don't think so.

(Yes), you are (quite ) right. I'm not (so) sure.

- It ( be ) + adj. + of + someone +(not) to do something

(nice / kind / stupid / silly / clever / polite / careless)

You must مصدر or ....يجب أن .... وإلا..... You mustn't + لا يجب أن ..... مصدر

Reply:Thank you. I would take care. شكراً لك، سوف أنتبه لذلك.

- تستخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن نية أو عمل مخطط له قبل لحظة الحديث ويدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل

Intend / intention / plan / have ... in mind / be about to + inf

- Hello. How are you? كيف حالك? Fine. And you?بخير, وماذا عنك أنت?

Saying goodbyeالوداع Reply الرد على الوداع

complaint شكـــــــوى secret ســـــــــــرى civilized متحضر - حضاري

Island: isle جزيــــــــرة knock on / at يطــــــرق denial إنكـــــــــــــار

Keep back يعـوق keep down يسيطـر علـى

keep in يحبـس keep up with يسـايـر ـ يـواكـب

- people believe that she stole the documents. (It...) (She..)

It is believed that she stole the documents. She is believedto have stolen the documents

- the police believe that the terrorists escaped. (It...) (the prisoner...)

It is believed that the terrorists escaped. The terrorists are believed to have escaped.

2- People expect that prices willgo down. (It / Prices)

It is expected that prices will go down.Prices are expected to go down.

- People say that the Wall of China is the greatest building on Earth. .

It is said that the Wall of China is the greatest building on Earth.

3- The police think that he killed the woman. (It / He)

It is thought that he killed (had killed / has killed) the woman.

- I think he was making a plan. (It...) (He...)

It is thought that he was making a plan. - He is thought to be making/ to have been making a plan

- the newspaper reported that the team lost the game.

It was reported that the team lost the game. The team was reported to have lost the game.

- It was only when + ماضي تام + ( that ) + ماضي بسيط ........ .

It wasn't until + ماضي تام ( that ) + ماضي بسيط ........ .

afford to + inf. لديه ما يكفي من المال لـ something goes wrong with خطأ أو عطل يحدث في

It's no use + v.ing لا فائـــــدة من generate electricity يُولد الكهرباء

14- لاحظ عدم جمع الكلمات الآتية إذا جاء قبلها عدد وبعدها اسم لأنها صفة مركبة

Iusually have a ten-minute break for coffee at midday.

- يستخدم المضارع التام مع الكلمات الآتية:

Just / already / yet / so farحتي الآن / ever / never / lately / recently

Places & Speakers

Place Speaker A Speakers B

about : roughly تقريبا / حوالي exactly بالضبط

Places & Speakers

develop awareness ينمي الوعي stand firmly against يقف بحزم ضد

Places & Speakers

permanently بصفة دائمة temporarily بصفة مؤقتة

Places & Speakers

- هناك كلمات معينة تتغير في غير المباشر كما يلـي ( هــــــــــــــام للغايـــــــــة )

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

2- تتحول الضمائر حسب المتكلم و المخاطب كما يلي: 2 - تتغير الأزمنة كما يلي:

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

puzzling مُحَير clear واضح

Places & Speakers

save يوفر waste يبدد

Places & Speakers

-that sounds Fine. هذا يبدو رائعاً.

Disagreeing with suggestionsرفض

Agreeing: - No, I don't. / No problem. / No, not at all. لا على الاطلاق.

Disagreeing: - Yes, I do.

1- Do you like chicken? (chicken meat (لحم الفراخ

Do you like chickens? (the animals (الفراخ

- I wonder if you could help me with............ أتساءل إن كان بإمكانك أن تساعدنى فى ................


How are you?كيف حالك؟ How are you feeling now?كيف تشعرالآن؟


2 - التنبؤ بما قد يحدث مستقبلا في حالة عدم وجود دليل غالبا مع:

I expect .../I'm sure .../ I think.../I believe.. / Perhaps/I wonder... / probably / I suppose.....

Do you know how...? I'll try and explain.

I'd like to know how...? Here's what happens.

2- I'd like some writing paper. (ورق الكتابة - لا يعد)

I'm going to buy a paper. ( a newspaper)

- تحـــل ( V. ing /n.+( If it hadn't been for محـــل ( But for - without ) فى الحالـة الثالثـة:

If it hadn't been for + v.ing/n... subj.+ Would + inf.

- Without (but for) his help, I Would have failed.

If it hadn't been for his help, I would have failed.

weightless - having no weight, especially when traveling عديم الوزن

Important Vocabulary

- يمكن استخدام الكلمات الآتية بدلا من If ) ) ويليها n. / v.ing ) ) :

In case of فيحالة/ Withبـ/ Byبـ + noun/ v. ing.............

** Greetings and saying goodbye التحية والوداع

(When you meet someone for the first time:) عندما تقابل شخص لأول مرة

Asking for an explanation Giving an explanation

Can you explain why...? Let me explain.

- you must be Fahmy. I met you at a language conference In Cairo years ago.

(I'm sure you are Fahmy.)

- You must speak good Arabic if you've lived here for 10 years.

(I'm sure you speak good Arabic.)

- If I find a good flat, it is easy to get married. - it is difficult to breathe If you climb Mount Everest.

(If) بدائـــــــــــــل أداة الشـــــــــــــــــــــرط

- If I were a car , I'd like to be a Mercedes.- If she were a boy, she wouldn't be more brave.

(If) بدائل أداة الشرط

(Formal) Goodbye. Goodbye. It was nice to meet you.

(Informal) Bye bye. / Bye. / See you. Bye bye. / Bye. / See you.

8- يمكن تأكيد صفة المقارنة بين اثنين باضافة.

(Much - slightly - a bit- a lot - greatly - a little ...)

- I'm not interested in.... - I'm not surprised.

** Asking people for help طلب المساعدة

2. Your brother tells you that our national team won the final match.

** Expressing hope التعبير عن الأمل

2. Your classmate congratulates you on your high marks.

** Making Suggestions تقديم إقتراحات

3. You are telephoning your friend Samy, but you aren't sure if he was there.

** Requests & Orders الطلبات و الأوامر

I usually go / travel by bus. / I usually walk.

** Sympathy التعاطف / المواساة

news - information - oil- advice -water - money - music - bread - luggage - baggage - cloth....

** تشمل الاسماء التي لا تعد الآتي :

2. Habib thanks you for helping him with his heavy bag.

**Apologizing الإعتذار

2. Someone asks you about the way to the museum.

**Asking about someone's health السؤال عن صحة شخص

Replies: Yes, please. (Agreeing) No, thanks. (Disagreeing)

**Blaming اللوم

Can you tell me ................................?

**Expressing surprise التعبير عن الدهشة

2. Your classmate has lost his bag. Express hope.

**Expressing worry التعبير عن القلق

نستخدم المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن مستقبل عندما نتحدث عن ترتيبات لوقت معين في المستقبل ولابد من وجود تعبير زمني يدل علي المستقبل:

1- يستخدام المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن المستقبل في حالة وجود ترتيبات مسبقة

في الحالة الثانية (If) حذف أداة الشرط

1- يمكن ان تحذف (if) و تبدأ الجملة بـ (were ) و يأتي بعدها : (to + inf.)

**** ملحوظـة هامة : يمكـن تحــويــل الأسمـاء التي لا تـعـد إلى أسمـاء تـعـد كالآتي

1-استخـدام ألفاظ تجـزئـة تشيـر إلى كميـات محددة مثـل :

- Sorry, I don't know. آسف لا أعرف.

1. You are in a foreign country; you want to go to the railway station.

8 - Sports الرياضات football - volleyball 9 - Gases الغازات oxygen - hydrogen

10 - Natural phenomena الظواهر الطبيعية lightning - heat - snow - thunder - light - rain

- something has fallen to the ground. it made a loud voice.

10 - orbit يدور حول شئ - The moon orbits the earth.

The first line opened in 1982 the first line was opened in 1982.

10- lose (v) يفقد / يضيع / يخسر - loss فقدان/ خسارة- - loose غير محكم / غير مثبت جيدا / مفكوك

graduate with a degree in يتخـرج بشهـادة فـى - He graduated with a degree in history.

10- publish يعلن ـ ينشر ( كتاب) - He works for a company that publishes reference books.

**Warning التحذير

Be careful or you will + مصدر احترس والا.. Mind you don't + احذر ألا تفعل كذا مصدر

cut into rock يحفر في الصخر divide......... into يُقسم إلي


forward للأمام / يُرسل instead of بدلا من


good luck with.. حظ سعيد في.. be well trained to مدرب جيدا لكي..


human rights حقوق الإنسان commit / do a crime يرتكب جريمة


respectable محترم - مهذب it's been customary جرت العـــــــادة


strong ties روابط قوية maximum income اعلي دخل




acceptance قَبــــــــــول average متوسط - معدل flexibility مرونـــــــة


achievements انجازات convenience مُلاءَمَـــــــــــة legal شرعي - قانوني


expert خبيــــــــــــر ecology علم البيئة drugs عقـاقير - أدوية


look straight ينظر مباشرة storm chasers متتبعوا العواصف desertification تصحـــــــــر


make medicine يصنع دواء criticize ينتقــــد role model مثل أعلي


- Heba said to Mr. Ahmed, "please explain chapter three again."

Heba prayed Mr. Ahmed to explain chapter three again.

**Meeting a Visitor at the Airport مقابلة زائر فى المطار

Hello, welcome to Egypt. مرحباً بك فى مصر Hi. It's good to see you.من الجيد أنى رأيتك

**Giving something to someone

Here you are. / Here it is تفضل خذ - Help yourselfتفضل ( للطعام و الشراب )

Would you show me ...........................? First .... / Then..../ Next..../ Finally....

How does + subj. + inf.........................? First, ..............., then ...............

18- هذه الكلمات إذا جاء قبلها عدد محدد تكون مفردا أما إذا لم يسبقها عدد محدد وتشير لكميات كبيرة تكون جمعا.

Hundred - thousand - million - billion - trillion- His salary is 500 hundred pounds a month.

Agreeing with an opinion Disagreeing with an opinion.

I (completely) agree. That's (just) not true.

- If I had a million dollars, I Would buy a big house.

I Would buy a big house If I had a million dollars.

4- Would you like an orange? (the fruit(برتقالة

I don't like orange. I prefer red. (the colour (اللون البرتقالى

2. Your brother has broken your pen, you are angry.

Past Tenses

- my car is being mended.

Past simple الماضى البسيط

wealthy - having a lot of money. ثرى


-the dishes were being washed When I arrived.

Present perfect المضارع التام

- they were arrested at the airport. (only police officers can arrest people.)

Present simpleالمضارع البسيط

- Great news! هذا خبر عظيم! - Well done! أحسنت!


- Is it Ok if I ...................................?


- I Would be grateful ممتناً If you could / Would give me back my money.

Replies: O.K. / All right / Sure. (agreeing) / Sorry. I can't. (disagreeing)

Responsible Irresponsible Regular Irregular Resistible Irresistible

Sub Lower than Submarine/ subzero Pre Before Prehistory

ولكننا نقول:

The trip took three days. The meeting lasted for five hours.

6- I've got a hair in my mouth. (a single hair (شعرة

There's hair on the floor. (a lot of hair (شعر

Somebody painted this room yesterday. was/ were + pp

This room was painted yesterday.

- You won't get your prize if you come late.

To sum up : We use " will " for decisions taken now

Bi Two Bilingual / bicycle Anti Against Antibiotic / antibodies

Tri Three Triangle - triple Under Below Underground

محــــــاور Critic

interviewee الناقد

studio الاستديو TV reporter

interviewer مذيع

ex. he claims to be innocent of the crime. (innocence) بـــــــــــــريء

invasion - when an army enters a country by force to take control of it. غزو - هجوم

engineering - the work of designing the way roads, bridges, machines, etc. are built الهندسة

investment - something that you buy because it will be valuable or useful later استثمـــــــــــــار

12- work عمـل ـ مكـان العمـل ( اسم لا يعـد ) - I have got a lot of work to do.

job (وظيفة ـ مهنـه ( اسم يعـد - He has got a job as a teacher. I have got a lot of jobs to do.

1- trip رحلـة قصيـرة - He is in a business trip in London.

journey رحلـة طويلـة - How long is the journey to the coast ?

escapism الهروب من الواقع realism الواقعية

justice العدل injustice الظلم

keep يحافظ علي / يربي / يظل keep off لا تقتـرب/ يبعد

keep away from يبعتـد عـن keep pace with يسـايـر ـ يـواكـب

أستطيع أن أرشح لك هذا الكتاب. - It's so easy to read.

إنه سهل جداً عند القراءة.

أنا متأكد انك سوف تستمتع / تحب هذا الكتاب. - It's a very exciting / interesting (story).

إنها قصة رائعة / شيقة جداً.

give يعطى / offer يقدم / pass يمرر / write يكتب / sell يبيع / bring يحضر / show يبين / lend يسلف / read يقرأ / hand يسلم / deliver يوصل / tell يخبر / owe يدين / pay يدفع

الأفعال التى تأخذ حرف الجر for هى:

عندم نبدأ بالمفعول الثانى نستخدم حرف الجر to أو for

الأفعال التى تأخذ حرف الجر to هى:

The Passive Voice

الأفعال فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول: الماضى و المضارعpassive constructions

Expressing Interest & Surprise

التعبير عن الاهتمام Expressing surprise

That's hardly surprising. - It leaves me cold. هذا الامر لا يعنيني

التعبير عن عدم الاهتمام Lack of interest

- Are you? - Is he? Are they?

التعبير عن عدم الدهشةLack of surprise

- well, never mind.

حسناً، لا عليك.

club نــــــــــادي coach مدرب trainee متدرب



زلــــــــــزال economy

- has Messi scored goals lately / recently?

في النفي و السؤال ( lately )في الاثبات و ( recently ) - يفضل استخدام

- shall We meet you at the corner?

في تقديم عرض ( shall ) 3- يمكن استخدام

- I didn't use to play computer games, but now I do.

في حالة السؤال نستخدم: مصدر use to + فاعل did +

- He used to smoke, but now he doesn't.

في حالة النفى نستخدم: مصدر didn't use +

- This building is thought to withstand earthquakes.

لاحظ انه في كلا الطريقتين يتم تحويل الأفعال السابقة إلى المبنى للمجهول:

- They didn't start the game until my arrival.

لاحظ انه مع الروابط الزمنية السابقة يأتي الحدث الذي وقع اولا (ماضي تام) والحدث الذي وقع بعده يكون (ماضي بسيط ) -

: He didn't enter the room until/ till I had switched on the light.

لاحظ ايضا استخدام الماضي التام و الماضي البسيط في التعبيرات التالية:

- she had scarcely left When her friends arrived.

لاحظ عندما تاتي هذه الروابط في اول الجملة فيجب أن يأتي بعدها فعــل مســــــــــــــــــاعد:-

Uses of : Shall

للتعبير عن المستقبل البسيط( I /We ) مع( will ) بدلا من( shall ) 1 - نادرا ما نستخدام

- You'd better get me another one.

من الأفضل أن تأتى لى بواحد آخر.

(It doesn't matter who built the roads.)

نستخدم المبنى للمجهول عندما يكون واضحا من قام بالحدث:

- It is said that... or "It is believed that...

هذا التركيب يعني بصفة عامة أن الناس تقول أو تعتقد شيئا ما

يغـــــــــــرق period فتـــــــــرة erupt

يثور / ينفجر

-You really should (read this book).

يجب عليك حقاً أن تقرأ هذا الكتاب. -The characters are so real.

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