Byzantine Empire

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What was the official state religion of the Byzantine Empire?

Byzantine church and state were united under CHRISTIANITY.

What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?

CONSTANTINOPLE was the capital of the Byzantine Empire.

On a geographic map, Constantinople sits where in relation to Rome?

Constantinople is EAST of Rome.

Geographically, Constantinople is located at the crossroads of which two continents?

Constantinople is at the crossroads of EUROPE and ASIA.

Between which two large bodies of water does Constantinople lie geographically?

Constantinople sits between the BLACK Sea and the MEDITERRANEAN Sea.

Riots in 532 forced which emperor to rebuild Constantinople?

Emperor JUSTINIAN rebuilt Constantinople.

This popular Romance language, derived from Latin, played a role in the etymology of English.

FRENCH derived from Latin, and played a role in the etymology of English.

Icons, often painted on wood in the Byzantine Empire, featured what kinds of pictures.

Icons usually featured pictures of JESUS, JESUS' MOTHER MARY, AND THE SAINTS OF THE CHURCH.

Why did Emperor Justinian want the Hagia Sophia to have the biggest, highest dome in the empire?

Justinian thought the dome of his huge church represented HEAVEN.

Why did Byzantine emperor Leo III establish the policy of iconoclasm?

Leo III THOUGHT PEOPLE WERE WORSHIPING PICTURES OF GOD, RATHER THAN GOD, so he established iconoclasm that destroyed many icons.

What does natural law do for individual citizens?

Natural law gives RIGHTS to everyone.

Which legacy of awesome Roman engineering stretched into the Byzantine empire?

ROMAN AQUADUCTS are a legacy of Roman engineering.

By viewing their emperor as the head of the government and the living representative of Jesus, what did Byzantines do?

The Byzantine Empire UNITED CHURCH AND STATE by giving their emperor power over government and the church.

What was the name of the church in the eastern Roman empire?

The EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH was based in Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Who was the most powerful figure in the Byzantine Empire when it came to religious matters?

The EMPEROR had power over the patriarch in religious matters of the Byzantine Empire.

After what major event did the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church separate?

The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church separated after the GREAT SCHISM of 1054.

A systematic body of law in the Byzantine Empire went by what name?

The JUSTINIAN CODE organized laws to bring justice to the Byzantine Empire.

What was the name of the church in the western Roman empire?

The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH was based in Rome, the capital of the Western Roman Empire.

Before the Roman Empire fell, the capital was moved to what city?

The Roman capital moved to BYZANTIUM (renamed CONSTANTINOPLE) before the Roman Empire fell.

For what did the poor citizens of Constantinople work?

The poor in Constantinople worked for BREAD.

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