C EP 524 Final

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Because clients may have emergencies between counseling sessions, it is usually wise for counselors to a. instruct clients to call a 24-hour mental health hotline number or report to a hospital emergency room. b. give clients their home phone number. c. supply clients with a pager number by which the counselor may be reached. d. avoid accepting clients for counseling who may have between session emergencies. e. explain to clients that any situation they are dealing with can be resolved at the next regularly scheduled counseling session.


Counselors engage in many activities that could result in ethical complaints against them. They must report a. cases of suspected child abuse. b. clients who commit minor crimes. c. child custody evaluators who are biased. d. breaches of confidentiality by counseling group members. e. directives from a supervisor that seem ill-advised.


Distressed counselors or counselors suffering from burnout are terms used to refer to a. incompetent counselors. b. counselors who have committed malpractice. c. counselors who have had their licenses revoked. d. impaired counselors. e. counselors who have recently been fired from their jobs.


If a counselor were to purposefully make false oral statements that damaged the reputation of another mental health professional, the counselor could be sued for a. slander. b. libel. c. malicious harm. d. absolute privilege. e. insubordination.


Keeping good records can benefit both counselors and clients in the following ways, EXCEPT: a. proving that the counselor is not impaired or suffering for burnout b. providing continuity of care if a client is transferred to another provider c. measuring progress in treatment d. creating an accurate history of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery e. offering self-protection for counselors


As a professional counselor, you are required by law in all states to report a. a client's threat to commit a burglary. b. suspected child abuse or neglect. c. unethical behavior of a colleague. d. knowledge that a client has tested positive for HIV. e. all of the above.


When a counselor uses a networked or shared computer for the storage of confidential information on clients, the counselor should a. never let anyone else know or be able to access the password. b. Store confidential records on a portable storage device rather than on the computer's hard drive. c. only use computers that are kept behind locked doors. d. have a manual lock placed on the computer that requires a key. e. never print out confidential information because it might be read by others.


When documenting for self-protection, counselors should not include a. exact times and dates b. counselors' thoughts, diagnoses, and conclusions c. direct quotations and statements d. a great deal of detail e. factual information


Storing clients' records electronically a. provides a higher level of security than paper records. b. is not cost effective. c. is the preferred method for storing client records. d. ensures confidentiality. e. prevents unauthorized individuals from viewing records.


When counseling clients who have been sexually exploited by a previous mental health professional, counselors should a. report the offending professional to the appropriate state licensing board. b. report the offending professional to the ACA Ethics Committee. c. encourage the client to file a lawsuit against the offending professional. d. respect the client's decision to take action or not to take action against the offending professional. e. advocate for the client by filing an ethics complaint on the client's behalf.


When attempting to make an ethical decision, it is recommended that counselors take all of the following steps EXCEPT a. tune into their feelings. b. involve the client in the decision-making process. c. consider the moral principles. d. consult with an attorney. e. identify desired outcomes.


A counselor who is dealing with an angry client who is threatening to sue the counselor should a. respond directly to the person making the threat, if possible. b. calm the person down, if possible, and listen to the concerns. c. be careful and not admit to wrongdoing. d. not say anything you would not want repeated or would not want to repeat yourself under oath at a later time. e. all of the above.


A new and notable development in the 21st century has been a. a growing awareness of multicultural differences. b. the development of multicultural competences for the counseling profession. c. attention to cultural differences in counselors' codes of ethics d. a focus on cultural bias in assessment e. an emphasis on social justice and advocacy


All of the following are steps toward professionalization EXCEPT a. getting state laws passed that regulate the practice of the profession. b. changing names to reduce identification with other professions c. developing a code of ethics. d. requiring members of the profession to possess specialized knowledge and skills. e. offering services that are identical to services offered by other similar professions.


The most important resource for counselors to use in learning about different racial, cultural, or ethnic groups is a. their clients. b. their colleagues who are from racial, cultural, or ethnic groups different from their own. c. professional associations that focus on multicultural counseling issues. d. books on multicultural counseling. e. professional journal articles on multicultural counseling.


Counselors may view a client's social media profile a. never. b. when the client has given the counselor consent to view the information. c. if the counselor has concerns about a client's safety. d. to determine whether the client shares acquaintances with the counselor. e. to verify a client's identity.


Professionalism in counseling includes all of the following EXCEPT a. being intrinsically motivated to achieve best practices in counseling. b. taking pride in one's profession. c. holding a doctorate in counseling or a related area. d. understanding the history and philosophy of the profession. e. representing the profession to the public in a positive and vigorous manner.


A core belief that members of the counseling profession hold concerning helping others with their mental health concerns is a. it is important to identify the illness presented by the person asking for assistance. b. the goal is to help the individual return to the level of functioning enjoyed before the illness occurred. c. remediation is the most appropriate means in dealing with emotional and personal problems. d. prevention and early intervention are the most appropriate means to deal with emotional and personal problems. e. giving support often is all that is necessary for people to resolve their personal crises.


According to McIntosh, examples of White privilege include all of the following EXCEPT a. being able to watch television and see people of the White race widely represented. b. seeing on television White people positively represented. c. knowing that if legal or medical help is needed, race will not work against the White person. d. growing up in a White middle or upper class family environment. e. not needing to teach White children about systemic racism for their own daily protection.


All of the following statements are true, EXCEPT a. counselors should consult with colleagues when they are uncertain about an exception to confidentiality. b. confidentiality and privilege belong to the client, not the counselor. c. confidentiality and privilege are not absolute. d. counselors should consult with colleagues when they are uncertain about an exception to privileged communication. e. both confidentiality and privileged communication are based on the client's right to privacy.


If you believe your supervisor at your work setting is forcing you to act in what you consider to be an unethical manner, you should a. report your supervisor to the state licensing board. b. report your supervisor to the American Counseling Association Ethics Committee. c. resign your position immediately to avoid being held in violation of your professional code of ethics. d. hire an attorney who will attempt to force your employer to allow you to practice in an ethical manner. e. try to work with your supervisor to resolve the problem.


Laws a. always support professional values and behaviors. b. dictate maximum standards of behavior for professionals in a position of trust who provide services to the public. c. are similar to ethics in that they represent ideal standards. d. often conflict with an ethical standard related to a similar issue. e. are agreed upon rules that are set forth by principles allowing people to live together in a society.


Multicultural considerations were not given extensive attention in the ACA Code of Ethics until a. the first version adopted in 1961. b. the second version adopted in 1974. c. the third version adopted in 1981. d. the fourth version adopted in 1988. e. the fifth version adopted in 1995.


As advocates, counselors are aware that a. clients' mental health is affected by their experiences of discrimination and marginalization b. race transcends other cultural dimensions such as class and gender c. a working-class bias is prevalent in counselor training d. because most master's level counselors are female, they are able to counsel other females more effectively than are male counselors e. gay and lesbian clients are less likely to seek counseling than are heterosexual clients


In the process of explaining informed consent in family counseling, counselors should a. describe possible changes in family relationships that could occur as a result of family counseling. b. explain that one family member will be designated as the "identified patient" for insurance reimbursement purposes. c. assure family members that any changes made in family functioning as a result of counseling will be acceptable to all family members. d. counsel separately, on an individual basis, any family member who expresses reluctance to participate in family counseling. e. require each family member to sign a confidentiality pledge and agree not to discuss topics raised in session during the intervals between sessions.


It would be ethically permissible for you to consider entering into a bartering arrangement with a prospective client if a. bartering is an acceptable practice among other professionals in your community. b. you cannot afford to provide pro bono service. c. you suggest bartering and the client agrees to this arrangement. d. the client does not have mental health insurance. e. you are designing and plan to build a new house and the client is an architect whose skills you can use.


Key points with respect to diagnosis include all of the following EXCEPT a. clients should not be told the diagnosis that has been assigned to them. b. counselors must be alert to sources of bias against women and minority group members in the diagnostic process. c. counselors should cooperate with physicians when clients may have a physical condition that is contributing to their mental or emotional problems or when they could benefit from taking medications for their condition. d. multicultural considerations are of paramount importance in diagnosis because all mental disorders occur in and are defined by a cultural context. e. counselors are guilty of insurance fraud when they do not diagnosis honestly and accurately and they can be subject to both civil and criminal liability.


Law and ethics differ in that a. laws dictate minimum standards of behavior that society will tolerate, whereas ethics represent the ideal standards expected by the profession. b. ethics dictate minimum standards of behavior that society will tolerate, whereas laws represent the ideal standards expected by the profession. c. ethics and laws have the same standards. d. laws require that counselors always follow the profession's ethical standards. e. ethics and laws are often in conflict because they are so different from one another.


Malpractice is a type of civil lawsuit that can be filed against counseling professionals for practicing in a manner that leads to a. injury to a recipient of their services. b. dissatisfaction with the result of the counseling experience. c. divorce, when a married couple has sought counseling. d. the development of new behaviors that are counterproductive to clients, but not injurious. injury to other counselors


Minor clients have a. an ethical right to privacy and confidentiality, but no legal right in most states. b. an ethical and a legal right to privacy and confidentiality in most states. c. a legal right to determine when parents should become involved in the counseling process. d. no ethical or legal rights. e. a legal right to remain in counseling over their parents' objections.


The ACA Code of Ethics requires counselors to explain to clients, before testing takes place, all of the following EXCEPT a. that clients may ask questions while they are taking the test if any items are confusing to them. b. the nature and purposes of the tests. c. whether test results will be used as a screening tool for membership in a counseling group. d. what conditions produce the best test results. e. that they will receive feedback about the test results.


The Supreme Court ruling in Jaffe v. Redmond indicated that a. a societal stigma is still associated with seeking counseling b. counselors can assert privilege on behalf of a client even when the client has waived the privilege c. psychiatrists are more likely to be granted privileged communication on a case-by-case basis than are counselors d. counselors have aduty to warn intended victims of clients who threaten those who are endangered e. communications between ministers and their congregants are usually not privileged


When a client accuses a counselor of wrongdoing through a complaint with the counselor's licensure board or through a malpractice law suit filed in court, a. the client automatically waives his or her privacy rights and the counselor can reveal private information related to providing counseling services to the client. b. the client's written permission must be obtained before the counselor can reveal private information related to providing counseling services to the client. c. counselors are barred from revealing any information about the client when defending themselves. d. counselors may reveal only information the client agreed may be revealed when defending themselves. e. counselors can use no information from the counseling relationship with the client in defending themselves.


When counseling victims of domestic violence, counselors should a. avoid encouraging the victim to leave the relationship until safety can be assured b. report the abuser to the police c. try to persuade the victim to leave the abuser d. remember that the abuser is probably himself or herself a victim of abuse e. never see the members of the couple separately, to avoid deceit


When married couples divorce, a. almost all states allow joint custody and in a few state courts, joint custody is the preferred arrangement; while in some other state courts, joint custody is avoided if possible. b. all states prefer joint custody. c. joint custody is preferred by judges in all state courts except for Montana. d. although almost all states allow joint custody, only one state court favors joint custody as the preferred arrangement. e. judges in almost all states prefer joint custody.


With respect to a counselor's legal liability when a client commits suicide a. very few lawsuits are filed against counselors due to client suicide. b. when lawsuits have been brought against counselors due to client suicide, the counselors usually have been found negligent. c. the case of Eisel v. Board of Education established that school counselors cannot be held responsible for a student's suicide. d. counselors are held to the legal standard that they must correctly assess suicide risk e. counselors should not document consultations regarding suicidal clients, because the documentation could later be used against them in a lawsuit.


Because counselors have a fiduciary relationship with their clients, counselors must a. ensure their client's finances are being handled properly. b. protect the best interests of their clients and not benefit inappropriately from the counselor-client relationship. c. ensure that clients do what is best for themselves. d. act as the client's guardian if the client cannot care for himself or herself. e. make arrangements for clients to be taken care of by family members or close friends if their clients can no longer care for themselves.


Boundaries serve to protect the welfare of clients because a. counselors are vulnerable in counseling relationships. b. clients are vulnerable in counseling relationships. c. counselors and clients would often become friends if boundaries did not exist. d. counselors and clients naturally are attracted to each other. clients might use counselors to get their personal needs met if there were no boundaries


Counselors who work with female clients should have an understanding of the high-prevalence problems and issues experienced by women, including each of the following EXCEPT a. domestic violence. b. tendency to be passive-aggressive. c. sexual assault and harassment. d. body image and objectification. e. conflicts between work and family responsibilities.


Generally, counselors create clinical case notes a. to protect themselves in the event they are later sued. b. for their own use, so that they may be effective counselors. c. for insurance companies who reimburse clients for the cost of mental health services. d. to keep up with whether the client attended sessions on particular days and whether the client paid for the sessions that were rendered. e. so that they may reflect upon their counseling sessions and improve their skills.


If you believe another counselor is behaving in an unethical manner, the first thing you should do is a. report the matter to the counselor's administrative supervisor. b. discuss the matter with the counselor and attempt to get him or her to change the behavior. c. file a complaint with the state licensure board. d. file a complaint with the American Counseling Association Ethics Committee. e. attempt to get another counselor to go with you to the counselor to confront him or her regarding the issue.


Privileged communication statutes a. ensure that counselors will never have to repeat information clients tell them in a counseling session. b. protect clients from having confidential communications with their counselors disclosed in a court of law without their permission. c. protect the privacy of counselors. d. make it a crime for counselors to reveal confidential communications with their clients unless their clients give them written permission to disclose the information. e. state that counselors will lose their licenses if they reveal confidential information clients tell them in counseling sessions.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which is sometimes referred to as the "Buckley Amendment," affects all a. community mental health centers in the United States. b. public educational institutions. c. private or parochial educational institutions. d. public hospitals. e. private hospitals.


The only dual relationships that are prohibited by the ACA Code of Ethics are those a. involving loans from the client to the counselor. b. involving a sexual relationship between the client and the counselor. c. that a reasonable person would object to. d. in which the counselor and client both knew before the dual relationship began knew that it might be problematic, but went ahead and entered into it anyway. e. involving business relationships between the counselor and the client .


The term "culturally encapsulated counselor" refers to a counselor who a. counsels in a setting where the clients are not diverse. b. defines reality according to one set of cultural assumptions and fails to evaluate other viewpoints, which renders the counselor insensitive to cultural variations. c. understands that all counseling is cross cultural. d. considers evidence that challenges his or her assumptions. e. has internalized some of society's biases.


To avoid accusations of unethical or illegal behavior, the authors suggested the following regarding counselor self-disclosure: a. Counselors should avoid self-disclosure as it crosses professional boundaries. b. Counselors may engage in self-disclosure as long as the disclosure benefits the client and not the counselor's personal needs. c. Counselors should only self-disclose personal information that clients can find on the Internet. d. Counselors should document all self-disclosures in clinical case notes. e. Counselors should consult with supervisors and attorneys before making self-disclosures in sessions.


Virtue ethicists believe that a. to determine whether a counselor is ethical, each decision the counselor makes must be carefully weighed b. people exist in connection to and in relationship with one another c. actions speak louder than words d. there are no universal moral principles e. counselors should always be truthful


When a counselor determines that a client may be at risk for harming self or others, the counselor always must a. call the police. b. take the steps necessary to prevent harm. c. call an ambulance to take the client to the hospital emergency room. d. notify individuals with whom the client lives. e. notify the parents of the client.


When a counselor determines that a gay or lesbian client may have been illegally discriminated against, the counselor should a. insist that the client seek immediate legal advice. b. help the client determine whether or not to seek legal advice. c. tell the client that he or she has been discriminated against and that the client should seek to have the situation rectified. d. offer to find out the legal ramifications of the situation and report them back to the client. e. inform the client that he or she should seek legal advice from an attorney who advocates for gay rights


When counseling a client from a racial, ethnic, or cultural group different from the counselor's, it is important for the counselor to remember that a. basically, all people are alike although they may look different. b. although certain groups share similar traits or beliefs, each individual is unique and may not be like most others from his or her group. c. since certain groups share similar traits or beliefs, the counselor should begin by assuming that this particular person is like most others. d. stereotyping is often useful in understanding differences. e. the counselor should demonstrate that she or he understands the client by using words or phrases associated with the client's racial, ethnic, or cultural group.


When the client is deceased and there is no statutory language dealing with privilege and the death of the holder, the individual who usually is allowed to assert the privilege is a. the client's last counselor. b. the client's legal representative. c. the client's spouse or next of kin. d. the judge hearing the case. e. a guardian ad litem appointed by a judge for that particular purpose.


Which of the following statements is most appropriate regarding clinical case notes? a. counselors should not take clinical case notes if they are worried about the notes being subpoenaed or later being seen by the client or anyone else. b. counselors should take the clinical notes they need in order to function effectively as professionals. c. it is reasonable to assume that clinical case notes will not be read by anyone other than the counselor who wrote them. d. writing illegible case notes is a protection against being called upon to reveal sensitive information pursuant to a subpoena. e. if clinical case notes are kept at the home of the counselor, they cannot be subpoenaed.


All of the following are challenges associated with distance counseling, EXCEPT: a. loss of body language, inflection, and other cues to communication. b. licensing concerns relative to practicing across state and international boundaries. c. limited effectiveness of counseling services that are not delivered face-to-face. d. reimbursement by insurance providers. e. need to continuously update ethical codes to address distance counseling.


Because most counselors come from a middle class background, they a. tend to be aware of their class biases. b. realize that some clients do not speak English well because of limited education or immigrant status. c. find it difficult to hear class conditioning when listening to some clients' stories. d. should emphasize the importance of education when counseling clients from low socio-economic backgrounds. e. should focus on personal relationships and rapport building when counseling low SES clients.


Counselors do NOT have an ethical obligation to uphold the confidentiality of information revealed to them when a. a family member of an adult client asks for information the client has revealed in an individual counseling session b. a client reveals that he committed a burglary two years ago and was never caught c. they encounter a client in the grocery store and the client reveals information about an event that occurred in the client's life between sessions d. a client has refused to sign a release of information giving the counselor permission to communicate with the client's former counselor e. an adult client discloses that she was sexually abused ten years ago by her father who is now deceased


Cultural competencies in working with LGBTQIQ clients include a. realizing that sexual orientation is likely to be the focus of counseling b. understanding that some clients will need to be referred for conversion therapy c. having a comfort and familiarity with LGBTQIQ sexuality and how it is expressed d. understanding the dichotomous nature of sexuality e. understanding that LGBTQIQ individuals no longer experience a significant degree of societal stigmatization


Friendships with former clients a. are prohibited by the ACA Code of Ethics. b. specifically are allowed, under specified conditions, by the ACA Code of Ethics. c. generally should be avoided because they create a potential for problems d. occur infrequently because most counselors disapprove of them in all circumstances. e. have been entered into by about 95% of all counselors.


In two recent court cases, students in counseling master's degree programs were dismissed from their training programs because they failed to a. demonstrate basic listening skills b.change their religious beliefs c. learn to counsel LGBTQIQ clients effectively d.complete the required number of direct contact hours working with clients during practicum e. refer clients whose diagnoses were so severe that they lacked competence to counsel these clients


It is TRUE that a. the majority of the complaints filed with state licensing boards against counselors involve claims of breach of confidentiality. b. research clearly demonstrates that counselor assurances of confidentiality encourage client disclosures of personal and intimate information. c. when counselors share confidential client information with other professionals involved in a client's care, the counselors should first obtain client permission to share the information. d. counselors should make the same guarantees of confidentiality in group counseling that they make when counseling individuals. e. due to concerns about confidentiality, counselors should never use a family member as an interpreter when counseling a client who does not speak the same language as the counselor.


It is vital for counselors to become aware of their own personal needs and values so that they a. know which of their values they can encourage clients to adopt. b. can avoid accepting clients who hold values that are different from their own values. c. can avoid getting their own personal needs met through their counseling relationships. d. can give clients advice that is congruent with the counselor's value system. e. can choose a counseling specialty that allows them to get their personal needs met while providing counseling services to others.


Parents who object to their child's participation in counseling a. have no legal rights. b. have limited legal rights if there is a statute in the state that addresses the issue. c. may have the right to demand that services be discontinued. d. should be reported for suspected child abuse. e. can win a law suit if they sue based on violation of their first amendment rights.


Regarding dual relationships between counselors and clients a. counselors are in agreement that such relationships are always wrong. b. experts all agree that such relationships are always harmful to clients. c. there is no consensus among professionals as to which dual relationships are acceptable and which are not. d. most counselors agree that dual relationships invite greater authenticity and congruence from counselors and can improve their professional judgments. e. experts agree that if clients assent to dual relationships, the dual relationships are acceptable to the profession.


Regarding the law of privileged communication in relation to family and group counseling, a. most privilege laws cover all family members and group members who are being counseled at one time. b. privilege among group or family members in counseling is the same as it is between the counselor and individual clients. c. generally, privilege is waived if there is a third party present during counseling. d. privilege never exists during family or group counseling in any state. e. privilege always exists during family or group counseling in all states.


The best statement about the nature of professional ethics in counseling is that a. if counselors study ethical codes and keep current with the professional literature, they can be assured of practicing in an ethical manner. b. in order to practice in an ethical manner, counselors must always be in compliance with federal and state laws. c. because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical practice questions, consultation with counseling colleagues is very important when making ethical decisions. d. because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical practice questions, consultation with lawyers is very important when making ethical decisions. e. the ethical standards have changed very little in the last 50 years, so if counselors learn the rules, they will be able to practice in an ethical manner.


The most structured form of collaboration between counselors and other health professionals is a. coordination of services b. consultation c. teamwork. d. medication monitoring e. conferring


The personal values of counselors a. have no place in the counseling session b. should be completely altruistic c. are influenced by their families of origin and their cultures, among other factors d. are rooted in universal moral principles e. should prevail over ethics when there is a conflict between the counselor's values and the client's behavior


The practice of providing counseling services over the Internet a. has been determined to be unethical by the American Counseling Association Ethics Committee. b. is never as effective as providing counseling services face-to-face. c. is controversial. d. is rare. e. is risky because no guidelines have yet been developed by professional associations.


The primary difference between counselors and other mental health professionals is: a. only counselors provide mental health counseling services. b. only counselors use the term "counseling" to describe the service that they provide to clients. c. counseling is the primary professional service that counselors provide. d. counselors do not diagnose and treat mental illnesses. e. the primary service that counselors provide to clients is to connect them with resources in their communities that can help the clients achieve greater wellness.


When clients seek counseling related to issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, interracial marriage, premarital sex, or sexual identity, counselors a. must accept such clients for counseling services even if these issues distress counselors on a personal level. b. must be able to rise above any personal feelings they have about such issues and have an obligation to assist all clients who come to them for services. c. must examine their own values regarding these issues to ensure they can provide counseling services without allowing their own beliefs to interfere. d. should immediately refer such clients to other counselors who specialize in counseling persons with those particular concerns. e. should accept such clients for counseling only if the counselor has experienced such issues in his or her personal life and has successfully resolved them.


According to Ridley, examples of unintentional racism included all of the following EXCEPT a. avoiding the issue of cultural differences by claiming to be color blind and treating all people as if they were alike. b. assuming that a client's problems are due to the client's cultural background. c. interpreting a lack of trust in the counselor to the fact that the counselor is of a different race than the client d. facilitating co-dependency relationships with ethnic clients out of a need to be accepted e. misinterpreting a client's culturally learned patterns of communicating or behaving.


Counselors who practice from a developmental perspective a. focus on the physical development of their clients because physical development has a significant impact on the emotional well-being of clients. b. focus on the intellectual development of their clients because clients must be taught to understand themselves and function more effectively. c. see personal development as a difficult goal to attain that requires the help of counselors who understand the human condition. d. view most problems people encounter as natural and normal because all developmental stages of life bring challenges. e. believe that all stages of life traumatize clients and the counselor's role is to treat the trauma their clients have experienced.


Counselors with a strong professional identity are able to do all of the following EXCEPT a. describe the services their profession renders to the public. b. articulate the similarities and differences between their profession and other similar groups. c. show pride in belonging to the counseling profession. d. demonstrate that they hold a master's degree from a CACREP-accredited program. explain the philosophy that underlies the activities of counselors


Family counselors often view the family system as their client and treat the family as one entity, as opposed to treating individual family members, and our laws a. favor the rights of families as a whole over the rights of individual family members. b. support family counselors by also viewing the family system as one entity. c. create a "fiction" that a family is a person under the law. d. view family members as having separate and distinct rights and responsibilities that are individual in nature. e. do not recognize that families exist in our society.


Graduate degree programs in counseling attempt to ensure their graduates are competent counselors by doing all of the following EXCEPT a. selecting and admitting individuals who are likely to succeed at developing the skills, knowledge, and characteristics needed to become effective counselors. b. using personal interviews, written essays, or other subjective criteria in selecting candidates for admission. c. providing a curriculum for master's students that prepares students to be effective counselors. d. eliminating from graduate programs any students who have their own emotional issues. e. requiring successful supervised experience as a part of the graduate program.


If a Southeast Asian client refuses to seek police assistance when he or she has been the victim of a crime, the counselor should a. become an advocate and contact the police for the client. b. insist that the client seek police assistance despite his or her reluctance. c. explain to the client that police help people in the United States. d. understand that the client may have negative feelings toward police because of police oppression in his or her native country. e. contact a family member and tell the family member that it is very important that the police are notified of the crime so that others can be protected.


If a counselor wants a person other than a biological parent (such as a step-parent or grandparent) to have confidential information regarding a child client, a simple solution is to a. tell the step-parent or grandparent to go to court and get a court order giving them access to the information. b. get a signed statement from the step-parent or grandparent that they will not reveal the information to anyone else once it is given to them. c. get a signed statement from the child allowing the counselor to disclose information to the step-parent or grandparent. d. get a signed statement from one of the biological parents allowing the counselor to disclose information to the step-parent or grandparent. e. ask the step-parent or grandparent to prove the child is living with them and then it is acceptable to give them access to confidential information regarding the child.


In compliance with the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1972, federally funded substance abuse programs can disclose client records under the following circumstances: a. when the client gives written consent b. in the event of a medical emergency c. for an audit or evaluation d. to avert substantial risk of death or serious bodily harm if a court order is secured e. all of the above


In the event a counselor has a client with a large bill for services that is several months late, the counselor should a. sue the client. b. threaten the client with a law suit if payment is not made. c. report the client to the state licensure board. d. forget the bill and take steps in the future to prevent these bills from developing. e. pay a bill collector to collect the money due.


Once counselors have disclosed their legal questions to their immediate supervisors and have received a response either from the supervisor or from an attorney who is advising them as to the proper course of action, a. it is essential for counselors to seek a second opinion. b. it is essential for counselors to choose and act on their own choice. c. it is essential for counselors to follow legal advice given to them, even if they do not agree with it. d. it is essential for counselors to follow legal advice given to them, but only if they agree with it. e. it is essential for counselors to ask the ACA Ethics Committee for an opinion.


The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics advises counselors to a. uphold the confidentiality rights of their minor clients even when parents object. b. avoid legal liability by including parents in counseling sessions with their children. c. avoid legal liability by disclosing to parents any risky behavior of a minor client, such as experimenting with drugs or alcohol. d. establish collaborative relationships with parents. e. obtain minor clients' legal informed consent for counseling services.


To avoid being sued by a client for abandonment, counselors are advised to a. terminate a counseling relationship if the client becomes angry with the counselor. b. refer the client if the client gets into a life-threatening crisis situation. c. give notice of termination orally, but put nothing in writing. d. give the client adequate notice that the counselor is terminating the counseling relationship. e. continue to see the client if the client refuses a referral to another counselor.


To be effective when counseling clients with physical disabilities, counselors should a. focus on the clients' adjustment to disability. b. take a more directive, behavioral approach in working with the clients. c. refer these clients to a rehabilitation counselor. d. focus on the clients' abilities rather than limitations. e. assume that the clients' presenting problems are related to their disability.


When a counselor communicates with a client using e-mail a. the counselor should never include anything that is confidential because it is unethical to do so. b. the client's business e-mail address should never be used because employers often read the e-mail messages of their employees. c. the client should be told to avoid using e-mail to set or change appointment times because it is impossible to tell whether the counselor received the message that was sent. d. the client should be advised that e-mail messages can always be retrieved and that e-mail systems are not as secure as other means of communication. e. the counselor should never print out the e-mail messages because the client's confidentiality would be compromised by the existence of paper copies.


When a counselor must render a DSM-5 diagnosis before a client may be reimbursed for mental health care services, the counselor a. should avoid rendering a diagnosis that might stigmatize the client. b. should always choose a diagnosis that is reimbursable by the health care organization. c. must render a diagnosis that is consistent with the diagnoses that have been rendered previously by other health care providers. d. must render the proper diagnosis, whether or not the client will be reimbursed. e. may choose one of the diagnoses that is reimbursable by the health care organization if necessary.


When uncertain about the privileged status of information requested for disclosure through a subpoena, a counselor should consult with a. the client whose information is being requested. b. other mental health professionals. c. another licensed counselor. d. an attorney who represents the counselor or his or her employer. e. the attorney who sent the subpoena.


Which of the following behaviors would constitute insubordination? a. refusing to carry out a directive of a psychiatrist who works for a different company. b. refusing to carry out a directive of a police officer who is investigating a crime at your place of work.. c. refusing to carry out a directive of your co-worker who has seniority. d. refusing to carry out a directive of your immediate supervisor when that directive does not violate any laws or company policies. e. refusing to carry out a directive of a state inspector who is visiting your work site to perform a legally required inspection.


With respect to confidentiality and privileged communication a. confidentiality and privileged communication are both primarily ethical issues. b. confidentiality and privileged communication are both primarily legal issues. c. confidentiality is primarily a legal issue, and privileged communication is primarily an ethical issue. d. confidentiality is primarily an ethical issue, and privileged communication is primarily a legal issue. e. it depends on the context as to whether confidentiality and privileged communication are ethical or legal issues.


Within the counseling profession the primary national voluntary certification agency is a. American Mental Health Counselors Association b. American Counseling Association. c. American Association for Counseling and Development. d. National Board for Certified Counselors. e. National Registry of Certified Counselors.


Because race, ethnicity, gender, and social class are salient cultural variables for all people, a. individuals who are members of racial minority groups experience oppression related to all of their cultural variables. b. privilege is experienced only by White males. c. social class is the primary variable that determines whether individuals experience privilege or oppression. d. race is the primary variable that determines whether individuals experience privilege or oppression. e. individuals simultaneously experience both privilege and oppression.


Breaches of client confidentiality by counselors a. are the most common basis of malpractice cases against counselors. b. are the foundation for most complaints against counselors to their licensure boards. c. occur rarely, and when they do occur are the result of counselors intentionally informing others of what a client said in a counseling session. d. occur rarely, and when they do occur are required by state statutes. e. occur rarely, and when they do occur usually are inadvertent.


Counselor competency can be assured if a. a counselor is licensed by his or her state licensure board. b. a counselor has graduated from a CACREP-accredited master's degree program. c. a counselor is a National Certified Counselor (NCC). d. a counselor has earned a master's degree in counseling from a regionally accredited university. e. there is no way to assure counselor competency.


Disclosure of confidential information is acceptable under all of the following conditions EXCEPT a. the counselor suspects abuse or neglect of a child. b. a client poses a danger to self or others. c. a counselor is in clinical supervision with another counselor. d. a client has a fatal, communicable disease and the client's behavior is putting others at risk. e. an attorney sends a counselor a subpoena.


Each of the following groups might be considered to be vulnerable adults who are protected from abuse in some states by statute EXCEPT a. developmentally disabled adults. b. severely mentally ill adults. c. elderly adults. d. physically disabled adults. e. emotionally distressed adults.


HIPAA rules state that if clients are first informed and given an opportunity to orally object a. psychotherapy notes created by the counselor may be transferred to insurance companies. b. insurance companies may pay counselors directly for the services they render to clients. c. their records may be transferred to another mental health professional. d. their records may be destroyed at the end of the counseling relationship. e. counselors may give health care information to family members or others assisting in The client's care.


The primary difference between a boundary crossing and a boundary violation is a. everyone agrees when a boundary has been violated, whereas it is hard to reach agreement as to whether a boundary has been crossed. b. a violation involves a sexual relationship. c. a crossing occurs in almost every counseling session, while violations are less frequent. d. in a crossing, a boundary is shifted to meet the needs of the counselor, making sure the client is not harmed in the process. e. a violation involves a serious breach of the code of ethics that results in a client being harmed.


When communicating with clients over the phone, counselors should a. inform the client that he or she must speak to the counselor face-to-face because phone communication of confidential issues is unethical. b. assume that the conversation cannot be intercepted due to encryption software on cell phones. c. acknowledge that the client is receiving services to unknown callers reporting that they know the client. d. state information off the record and informally if the client and counselor have good rapport. e. attempt to verify the client's identity, and demonstrate caution and professionalism when discussing confidential information.


When counseling clients who are terminally ill and wish to explore end-of-life decisions, counselors should always do all of the following EXCEPT a. help the clients clarify their thoughts and feelings about end-of-life choices. b. assist the clients to deal with grief and loss issues. c. examine their own values and beliefs about death and dying before agreeing to counsel terminally ill clients. d. ensure that they have the competencies needed to work with terminally ill clients. e. inform the terminally ill client's family that the client is considering various end of life options, and involve the family in the decision making process.


When counselor trainees make audiotapes or videotapes of counseling sessions for supervision purposes a. trainees must retrieve the tapes after the supervisors have reviewed them, and then erase the tapes. b. supervisors must handle the tapes appropriately during the time the tapes are in the supervisors' possession. c. supervisors should return tapes to trainees after the tapes have been reviewed. d. the tapes should be labeled simply, in a manner that does not bring attention to the fact that the tapes are confidential records. all of the above


When involuntary clients are required to sign documents waiving their privacy before beginning counseling sessions, a. counselors should refuse to counsel these clients who have been forced into counseling. b. the client in these situations is the agency forcing the client into counseling, not the client himself or herself. c. counselors then have no responsibility to maintain the client's privacy. d. counselors should warn clients that they should never say anything in counseling sessions that may put them in a difficult situation with the person or agency that has mandated their counseling sessions. e. counselors should carefully explain to clients the limits of their privacy within the counseling relationship.


When one spouse in a married couple demands that a counselor testify in court as to what occurred in counseling sessions, and the other spouse insists that the counselor not testify, the best course of action is for the counselor a. to agree to testify because one spouse is demanding that. b. refuse to testify because one spouse is insisting that the counselor not testify. c. call the state licensure board for advice. d. contact the ACA Ethics Committee and request an opinion. e. consult with an attorney and follow his or her advice.


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