C programming vocabulary
a class of variable; holds its value between calls of a function, and defined once and once only
a command language in an operating system that can be part of a user interface
header file
a file included at the beginning of a source program that links the program to a given library
a statement that allows a function to produce some usable output
a statement that tells the type and name of a variable in the program
file extension for a final program
file extension for a source program
file extension for an object
leaving out the details from the actual code you write; the compiler must convert it into the machine code or assembly language
control characters
non-printable characters; denoted by backslash
print-format: prints out a string of text, and can also include variables
second phase of compilation: appends standard library code to object file so object can stand alone
terminates a program at any point, and closes any open files
to pass control to a given function
values that pass outside information to a function
local or automatic variables
variables that are defined in, and only work within, their braces
global variables
variables that are defined outside of all functions
word placed in front of variable declaration for a variable that was defined in another file
reserved words
words that have special meaning in the context of C or in the context of a library
a function which must be included in every C program; the program starts where main() is
a phase which occurs before compilation of a program; allows external files to be included and allows macros to be defined
a program that converts source programs into machine code
a remark ignored by the compiler, made for humans to read; delimited by /**/
a sequence of program code with a name, or identifier
a special type of variable which holds the address or location of another variable
an operator which signifies, essentially, "the address of..."
an operator which signifies, essentially, "the contents of the location pointed to by..."
syntax error
code is not written correctly; this is caught at first stage of compilation
collections of code appended to programs that provide frequently used functionality
control character; backslash
control character; backspace
control character; carriage return, bringing cursor to start of line
control character; character ddd where ddd is an ASCII code given in hexidecimal or base 16
control character; character ddd where ddd is an ASCII code given in octal or base 8
control character; double quotes
control character; form feed
control character; horizontal tab
control character; new line
control character; single quote
control character; vertical tab
cast operator
converts one type of variable to another; format is variablename = (newtype) originalvariable
conveys to the compiler what sort of data is stored in the variable
declaring a variable and assigning a value to it simultaneously
defined in the pre-processor stage, these are words which can be defined to stand for something complicated
detailed instructions that tell a computer exactly what to do, almost literally
first phase of compilation: scans code and converts it to simplified form; makes separate object file for each separate source file
groups of char
object/executable file
machine code translation of the source text
value parameter
one-way communication carrying information into a function from somewhere outside
actual parameters
original values that are handed over to a function
placed in front of variable type, meaning that only positive or zero values can be used
operating system
program that controls a computer, consisting of a user interface and filing system
the basic building block of a C program
formal parameters
the copies that work inside the function that was called
the file from which C normally gets its input; it's typically the keyboard
the file from which C normally sends its output; it's typically the monitor
command language
the instruction we give to the system itself, in order to run programs, etc.
the mark used to denote the end of a statement
the mathematics library header file
the most commonly used header file; belongs to a subset of the standard C library which deals with file handling
user interface
the part of the program that is the route to all input and output
intention error
the program "works," but it does not do what you intended it to do
comments, preprocessor commands, function, declarations, variables, and statements
the six basic elements of a C program
the standard C library, which is linked to every program
source program
the text files containing the written code of the program
variable parameter
two-way communication, into and out of a function
type of variable; a floating point or real number (short)
type of variable; a long floating point number
long float
type of variable; a long floating point number
type of variable; a long integer
long int
type of variable; a long integer (usually 64-bits)
short int
type of variable; a short integer
type of variable; a short integer, (usually 16-bits)
type of variable; a single ASCII character from values -128 to 127
type of variable; a standard integer (usually 32-bits)