C XVI L. 1 v. 17-27

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Brindisi (Southeastern Italian port city on the Adriatic Sea)


Pozzuoli (Southwestern Italian port city on the Gulf of Naples)


Rimini (Northeastern Italian port city on the Adriatic Sea)

verbum compostum

compound verb

finis terrae

end of the land

ex omnibus terrīs

from all lands


from where

unde mare incipit

from where the sea begins


go up to, approach

merx, mercis f.

goods, merchandise

portus portūs m (noun 4th decl)

harbor, port

portus est locus

a port/harbor is a place

haec omnia

all these things

haec omnia oppida

all these towns


always (adverb)

ac, atque

and also, and even, and



sita sunt

are situated, are located

sed etiam hominēs

but also people

sed etiam hominēs vehuntur

but also people are carried

in portibus (in + ablative pl)

in the harbors

in aliās terrās

into other lands

in portūs (in + accusative pl)

into the harbors

plēnus est hominum

is full of people

est plēnus hominum quī volunt

is full of people who want

a sea "gulf"

it is a large, deep bay of a sea jutting inland

magnōs portūs

large ports/harbors

multī portūs

many ports/harbors

mercēs sunt rēs

merchandise are things

mercator, mercatoris, m. (noun 3rd decl)

merchant, trader

nōn modo mercēs vehuntur

not only are goods carried

nōn modo mercēs

not only goods/merchandise

nōn modo ... sed etiam

not only... but also

in orā maritimā

on the sea coast

alia oppida

other towns



homo, hominis, m. (noun, 3rd decl)

person, human being

oppida maritima

seaside towns

nāvis, nāvis f. (noun, 3rd decl)

ship, boat



naves possunt

ships are able

nāvēs veniunt

ships come

verbum simplex

simple verb

Portus Ostiensis

the Ostian Port (the port at Ostia)

ora Italiae

the coast of Italy

ora maritima

the sea coast (or seacoast)


Genoa (Northwestern Italian port city on the Ligurian sea)

rēs quās mercātōrēs emunt

the things which merchants buy

rēs quās mercātōrēs vēndunt

the things which merchants sell

rēs quās emunt

the things which they buy

rēs quās vēndunt

the things which they sell

rēs, reī (f) (noun, 5th decl)

thing, matter, situation, stuff

in aliās terrās navigāre volunt

want to sail into other lands


where (ie the place which)

quae mercātōrēs vehunt

which carry the merchants

quae vehunt

which carry/convey

quae mercēs vehunt

which convey merchandise

quae habent

which have

quī volunt

who want

quī navigāre volunt

who want to sail

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